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Questions April 11 2010 Article ID: 13280 Title: NUMBNESS AFTER SURGERY Name: Curtis Thomas Section: Topics

A-Z Cate or!: Neuropath! "uestion: #i $oc% & ha' sur er! on m! an(le a)out ** months a o an' & still ha+e an anno!in strip o, num)ness ma!)e *-. inch /i'e )! 0-1 inches lon on the outsi'e o, one cal,2 & sa! anno!in )ecause sometimes it itches li(e /hen !ou3re 4ust lea+in a 'entist3s o,,ice2 5hat & /oul' li(e to (no/ is /hat test6s7 can a Neurolo ist 'o to 'etermin /hat an' /here m! )a' ner+e con'uction is% an' /hat 6i, an!thin 7 can )e 'one to )rin the ,eelin )ac(8 Than( !ou +er! much ,or !our a'+ice9 A e: :0-;< !ears Gen'er: Male Current Me'ication% =no/n Aller ies an' Me'ical #istor! /ere le,t )lan(2 Numbness post-surgery in the ankle Most li(el! one o, the terminal )ranches o, the peroneal ner+e /as touche' 'urin the sur er!% an' that mi ht )e the cause o, the num)ness% the re eneration process o, the ner+es is lon an' the healin time is 'i,,erent ,or each patient in particular 'epen'in on the se+erit! o, the in4ure' at the )e innin 2 There is a /a! to 'etermine the con'uction throu h the ner+es% motor an' sensiti+e> ma!)e i, a,ter a /hile !ou (eep ,eelin the same num)ness an' no impro+ement% the EMG an' ner+e con'uction stu'! o, the a,,ecte' le mi ht )e per,orme' to 'etermine the outcome o, !our case2 Article ID: 13283 Title: =nee ?ain 5hen runnin Name: @osh Roc( Section: $iet A Fitness Cate or!: Runnin "uestion: #ere is a ,ull stor! to hope,ull! ma(e thin s *BBC clear so it /ill )e not onl! eas! ,or !ou )ut ,or me too :72 & stoppe' )ein ph!sicall! acti+e aroun' *0 sophmore !ear2 & am *D no/ an' & am *BBC 'e'icate' to et )ac( on m! ,eet an' 4oin the Unite' States Air,orce2 & ha+e )een runnin aroun' *-: miles ;-0 'a!s a /ee( an' ha+e )een usin an elliptical at m! local !m2 & ha+e )een reall! /or(in har' to et m!sel, )ac( in shape & ha+e )een /or(in out ,or the past : /ee(s or so2 So it has )een aroun' : !ears & /oul' sa! that & ha+e not )een acti+e2 & /ent ,rom *:Bl)s to .BBl)s in : !ears2 & am losin /ei ht ,rom )ein acti+e an' eatin )etter2 The ,irst /ee( & coul' run an' et tire' )! usin the trea'mill an' runnin aroun' m! nei h)orhoo'2 A,ter a)out a /ee( o, runnin on trea'mill an' aroun' nei h)orhoo' m! (nees 6ri ht (nee /as ,irst7 starte' to ha+e pain at the 4oints un'er the (nee cap an' & )elie+e all aroun' m! (nee so li(e the /hole 4oint2 No/ the! are )oth that /a! )ut the! 'on3t hurt i, & /al( onl! i, & run2 &, & continue to run the pain /ill 'iminish )ut /hen & stop the pai9 n returns an' oes a/a! a,ter :Bmins- * hour o, restin 2 The pain ,rom a scale o, *-*B & /oul' sa! a ;-<2 &t isn3t enou h pain to stop me )ut it is enou h to re'uce m! runnin spee'2 & /as curious i, there /as a /a! to treat it or i, & am /or(in too har' too ,ast ,rom sprin in )ac( ,rom : !ears o, nothin 2 Coul' it )e that m! (nees are not use' to carr!in 0B more l)s o,

/ei ht a''e' on ,or runnin 8 5hat eEercises /oul' !ou recommen' & tr! ,or treatment or shoul' & 4ust ta(e )rea(s8 Usin the elliptical & et no (nee pains since there is no impact an' & can o as lon as & can2 & am tr!in to hope,ull! not ha+e to see a 'octor since & 'on3t /ant the ME?S ,or the Air,orce to $isFuali,! me ,or oin ,or a (nee pain chec(up2 Than( !ou ,or rea'in this lon concern & reall! appreciate the ,ree response2 Than( !ou +er! much an' hope to hear ,rom !ou soon :72 @osh A e: *D-.< !ears Gen'er: Male Current Me'ication: None =no/n Aller ies: None & (no/ o,2 Me'ical #istor!: #a' Chil'hoo' asthma lon time a o2 nee pain !hen e"ercising a#ter 3 years o# inacti$ity &t is a +er! /ell (no/n ,act that the sustaine' o+er/ei ht an' lac( o, eEercise can cause pro)lems in the /ei ht )earin 4oints li(e #ips% =nees% An(les an' also Gum)ar Spine% this seems to )e !our case% no/ that !ou starte' an eEercise routine a,ter some !ears o, inacti+it!%also shoul' )e consi'ere' that t!picall! the pain )ehin' the (nee /ith ,leEion 6)en' (nee7 is the most common presentation o, the ?atello,emoral S!n'rome% /hich is pro'uce' )! an impairment a,,ectin the patella an' ,emur 4oint% cause' )! an un)alance' muscle pull that pro'uce' eEcessi+e pressure or le+era e ,orces on the patello,emoral 4oint sur,aces2 The su este' strate ! shoul' )e: stren thenin an' stretchin the main muscle o, the thi h: Fua'riceps% to restore the muscle )alance aroun' the (nee 4oint% ,or this is in'icate' ph!sical therap! ,or 0 to 1 /ee(s% usin ice pac(s at the en' o, the eEercise routine to 'ecrease pain an' s/ellin 2 The use o, so,t (nee )races helps to control patella position an' restrict ,ull (nee ,leEion /hich is oo' to ease the pain2 Also% an' +er! important% the acti+ities or sports that reFuire ,reFuent sFuattin must )e a+oi'e' until the pain is un'er control2 &, there is a limite' response to the treatment an' loc(in or insta)ilit! o, the a,,ecte' (nee is notice'% then an orthope'ic sur eon e+aluation must )e consi'ere'2 Article ID: 12%&' Title: #i+ an' hep c li,e span outsi'e the )o'! Name: Can'! Renas Section: Topics A-Z Cate or!: #epatitis "uestion: & ha+e )een tr!in to e'ucate m!sel, on li,e span o, hep c an' )ecause o, close encounters & eEperience' /hen & /or(e' at a 'rop in center 'ealin /ith mental health clients /ho ha' these 'iseases2 Hnline all sites 6eEcept *7 claim that hep c can li+e ,or Fuite a /hile outsi'e the )o'!% )ut m! 'au hter /as sho/n a +i'eo at school sa!in that hep c an' hi+ )oth 'ie once the! reach air2 Hne site sai' that hep c can3t li+e /ithout it3s host2 one nurse sai' that /hen )loo' lea+es the )o'! it 'ies% ta(in the +irus /ith it2 )ut the seEual health clinic here 'oesn3t9 a ree2 i ha' one 'octor e+en tell me hi+ can )e transmitte' throu h tears9 & am so con,use' as to /hat to )elie+e9 also% m! 'au hter3s 'a' thin(s he has hi+ an' /on3t et teste'2 h!potheicall! spea(in % /hat i, the )o!,rien' uses the raIor% a /hile a,ter his 'a'% /hat are the ris(s ,or hep c - hence the li,espan Fuestion2 A e: .0-:< !ears Gen'er: Female

Email: tencentsJDKhotmail2com Current Me'ication% =no/n Aller ies an' Me'ical #istor! /ere le,t )lan(2 (I) an* (epatitis + $irus: can they li$e outsi*e the bo*y, Both +iruses nee' a host% the cells o, the host% to repro'uce themsel+es% ma!)e the! can li+e ,or a +er! short perio' o, time outsi'e /hile the secretions interchan e ta(es place )et/een the in,ecte' person an' the one that is )ein in,ecte'2 ApproEimatel! more than *JB million in'i+i'uals throu hout the /orl' are in,ecte' /ith #epatitis C Lirus 6#CL72 From all o, the ne/ in,ections% occurrin in the Unite' States e+er! !ear% 0BC occur in persons /ho use intra+enous 'ru s> less than .BC are acFuire' throu h seEual eEposure> an' *BC are 'ue to other causes% inclu'in occupational or perinatal eEposure an' hemo'ial!sis2 &n,ection /ith #CL is sel,-limite' in onl! a small minorit! o, in,ecte' persons2 Chronic in,ection can occur in JB-1BC o, patients in,ecte' /ith #CL2 Also another important complication is the 'e+elopment o, Cirrhosis /ithin .B !ears o, 'isease onset in .BC o, persons /ith chronic in,ection2 Aroun' the /orl' approEimatel! ;B million people are currentl! li+in /ith #&L in,ection% an' an estimate' .< million ha+e 'ie' ,rom this 'isease2 &n the Unite' States% rou hl! one-thir' o, ne/ 'ia noses appear to )e relate' to heteroseEual transmission2 Male-tomale seEual contact still accounts ,or nearl! hal, o, ne/ 'ia noses an' intra+enous 'ru use ma(e the remainin o, the cases2 The +irus 'oes not sprea' throu h casual contact such as preparin ,oo'% sharin to/els an' )e''in % or +ia s/immin pools% telephones% or toilet seats2 The +irus is also unli(el! to )e sprea' )! contact /ith sali+a% unless it is contaminate' /ith )loo'2 Article ID: 131-8 Title: ?arnoi' a)out ST$3s Name: R!an Richman Section: SeE A Beaut! Cate or!: ST$Ms "uestion: &m *1 !ears ol' an' & recentl! 4ust ot o+er m! eEperimental sta e /ith u!s 6starte' in no+eme)r .BBD7 an' /ith : o, the u!s 6&+e messe' /ith J7 & ha+e en a e /ith unprotecte' anal seE2 All o, the other u!s /ere onl! oral seE2 The! all sai' the! /ere clean an' ha+e )een teste' an' & am also clean2 & also ma'e sure the /oul' pull out /a! )e,ore the! /oul' e4aculate an' no sperm e+er /hen in m! mouth or anus2 & ma'e sure the! 'i'n3t ha+e an' rashes or an!thin in the pu)ic area-anus area2 Shoul' & /orr! a)out st'3s8 &3m not plannin on ha+in seEual intercourse /ith an! u!s an!mo9 re an' & 'on3t ha+e an! si ns o, st'3s a,ter & researche' on the net2 So & am as(in % shoul' & )e /orrie' cause & reall! 'on3t /ant to )e teste' i, & 'on3t ha+e to2 A e: *:-*1 !ears Gen'er: Male Current Me'ication: Ler! #ealth! =no/n Aller ies: none Me'ical #istor!: none ./Ds 0orries

The ST$ that /orries the most no/a'a!s is the #&L% an' !ou /ere en a e' in +er! ris(! )eha+iors recentl!2 #&L in,ection is sprea' )! ha+in seE /ith an in,ecte' partner an' the +irus can enter the )o'! throu h the linin o, the +a ina% +ul+a% penis% rectum% or mouth 'urin seE2 &n !our particular case% i, !ou are not sure a)out the #&L status o, !our partner or i, !ou are ,eelin +er! stresse' out an' /orrie'% it is stron l! recommen'e' that !ou et teste'2 There is a test that can )e 'one /ithout usin a nee'le2 This test% calle' the Hra"uic( Rapi' #&L Test ,or Hral Flui'% i+es results in .B minutes usin sali+a2 This test can 'etect onl! #&L t!pe * 6#&L-*7 anti)o'ies2 Also% a ne ati+e test result 'oes not mean !ou are immune to #&L% al/a!s (eep in min' that en a in in ris(! )eha+iors 6ha+in unprotecte' seEual intercourse /ith an in,ecte' or un(no/n #&L-ST$s status person can transmit #&L-ST$s2 Article ID: 12%00 Title: St' incu)ation an' transmission Name: Moni Thom Section: Topics A-Z Cate or!: SeE "uestion: & ha' seE /ith a u! an' the neEt 'a! & ha' seE /ith m! )o!,rien' an' & ha+e not ha' seE /ith either men since then % to'a! & ,oun' out that & ha+e trichomonal +a initis an' & /ant to (no/ i, it is possi)le that & ma! ha+e transmitte' the st' to m! )o!,rien'8 A e: .0-:< !ears Gen'er: Female /richomoniasis: transmission Trichomoniasis is one o, the most common seEuall! transmitte' 'iseases in the Unite' States2 Trichomoniasis in /omen ma! )e as!mptomatic or ma! cause +arious s!mptoms% inclu'in a thic( !ello/- reen +a inal secretion an' +ul+ar irritation% in men% trichomoniasis coul' )e as!mptomatic or present /ith itchiness an' re'ness o, the penis2 &t is +er! important to rule out other seEual transmitte' 'iseases% )ecause ,reFuentl! Trichomoniasis coeEist /ith% Chlam!'ia in,ection% onorrhea or s!philis2 An' !es% )oth ha+e to et treatment% )ecause the possi)ilit! o, transmission is +er! hi h2 The stan'ar' treatment ,or Trichomona +a inalis in,ection is Metroni'aIol 6NFla !lO7 /hich has )een +er! e,,ecti+e o+er all these !ears2 $ru resistance is rare% ho/e+er i, it appears the alternati+e is nitroimi'aIole 'ru s6NTini'aIoleO% NHrni'aIoleO72 &, treatment ,ails ma!)e it /ill )e reFuire' a hi her 'ose o, metroni'aIole 6NFla !lO7 or the use o, a 'i,,erent 'ru as the mentione' a)o+e2

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