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Chocolate The history of chocolate began in Mesoamerica.

Chocolate, the fermented, roasted, and ground beans of the Theobroma cacao, can be traced to the Mokaya and other pre-Olmec people, with evidence of cocoa beverages dating back to 1 !! "C. Chocolate played a special role in both Mayan and #$tec royal and religious events.%riests presented cocoa beans as offerings to the gods and served cocoa drinks during sacred ceremonies. Chocolate was also used as a medicine. The &uropeans sweetened and lightened the drink by adding refined sugar and milk, ingredients the people in Mesoamerica did not use. "y contrast, &uropeans never integrated it into their general diet, but compartmentali$ed its use for sweets and desserts. 'n the 1 th century, "riton (ohn Cadbury developed an emulsification process to make solid chocolate, creating the modern chocolate bar. Chocolate has recently been discovered to have a number of healthy benefits. )hile eating dark chocolate can lead to health benefits like lowering the blood pressure, improving blood flow and may help prevent the formation of blood clots. rk chocolate increases blood flow to the brain as well as to the heart, so it can help improve cognitive function. *ark chocolate also helps reduce your risk of stroke. 't also contains several chemical compounds that have a positive effect on the mood and cognitive health. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine +%&#,, which encourages the brain to release endorphins, so eating dark chocolate will make people feel happier. #ll in all, chocolate is a magical drink from the ancient times. 't was invented as special beverage for the gods. -ow, people use it and buy it almost every day. 't is very tasty and it has healthy effects although people think it makes them fat. 't has special effects on the health like positive feeling, higher blood flow, lower blood pressure, gives great amount of vitamins and minerals and many other. My recommendation is regularly use of chocolate, especially dark chocolate in small amounts. 't can be bought almost everywhere and its .uality depends of the company it is made. #s a ne/t action, ' will use the dark chocolate at least three times a week and ' will look for the best company of production. This is very important since it gives us the best cocoa and the best ingredients. )e should also look on the variety of products in chocolate. They can be in different flavors, with different additions, but the best chocolate and the most healthy is the dark chocolate.

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