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Lesson Plan Year 1 Mathematics

Subject Year Topic Duration Learning Objecti es

: Mathematics :1 : Addition Within 10 : 30 minutes : !nderstand addition as combining t"o groups o# objects$

Learning Outcomes

: %& the end o# the 'esson( pupi's shou'd be ab'e to: )ind the tota' o# t"o numbers$ Write number sentences #or addition

Acti ities

: As*ing +uestion( p'a&ing ,D ,ourse"are( sho"ing #'ashcards( distributing counting addition and "or*sheets(

Mora' a'ues Thin*ing s*i''s Teaching Aids

: ,aring and respect$ : ,omparing and reasoning : %a''oons( teaching course"are( #ami'& pictures( #'ashcards( "or*sheets$

Phase Set induction (3 minutes)

Content As*ing +uestions

Teaching and Learning Activities 1$ Teacher ho'ds - &e''o" ba''oons in 'e#t hand and 1 green ba''oon in right hand$ -$ Teacher as*s pupi's to count the &e''o" ba''oons together$ T: Lets count the ello! "alloons# 1# $% There are $ ello! "alloons% 3$ Teacher as*s pupi's to count green ba''oon together$ T: Lets count the green "alloon% There is onl 1 green "alloon% .$ Teacher ho'ds a'' the ba''oons and as*s pupi's to count$ T: &o!# lets count all the "alloons# 1# $#3% So# ho! man "alloons are there altogether' /upi's respond$ T: There are 3 "alloons altogether% 0$ Teacher te''s pupi's the topic "i'' be teaching on that da&$ T: (e are going to learn addition toda % 1$ Teacher sho"s ,D ,ourse"are$ T: Alright# class* Can + have our attention# )lease' + !ill )la to learn toda % ou all the sho! a"out the to)ic !e are going T: Thats all the sho! ,or toda % 1. Teacher distributes a picture to each o# the pupi's$ -$ Teacher ta'*s about the picture$ T: Lets ta.e a loo. at the )icture% (hat can ou see' /upi's respond$ T: (e should love our ,amilies% Caring each other and res)ect to each other#o.a '

Ste) 1 (1$ minutes)

1ntroducing addition concept

Ste) $ (- minutes)

,ounting ma'es and #ema'es in picture

3$ Teacher as*s them to count ho" man& ma'es and #ema'es in the picture$ T: /o! man males are there in our )icture' /upi's respond$ T: /o! man ,emales are there in our )icture' /upi's respond$ T: Lets count them% T: There are ,ive )eo)le in the )icture altogether% .$ Teacher e2p'ains and sho"s #'ashcards$ T: $ and 3 ma.e -% T: $ )lus 3 e0uals -% T: (e !rite the num"ers in $ 1 3 2 T: (e read the num"er sentence as Ste) 3 (- minutes) Assessment t!o )lus three e0uals ,ive% 1$ Teacher distributes the "or*sheets and as*s the pupi's to ans"er a'' the +uestions$ T: 3.a # class* Ans!er all the 0uestions in our !or.sheet in minutes% Closure (- minutes) Sho"ing #'ashcards T: +ll discuss !ith ou all a,ter this% 1$ Teacher sho"s #'ashcards and as*s pupi's #ind the ans"ers$ T: Loo. at these 0uestions% Ans!er these 0uestions individuall as soon as )ossi"le% -$ Teacher discusses the ans"ers$ 3$ Teacher as*s one pupi' to gi e the ans"er #or each +uestion$ .$ Teacher reads the number sentences and as*s pupi's to #o''o"$

Teachers Scri)ting

Set +nduction: Teacher: 3ood morning( c'ass4 5o"( 'oo* at me$ What is in m& hands6 /upi's respond$ Teacher: Let7s count the &e''o" ba''oons( 1( -$ There are - &e''o" ba''oons$ Teacher: Let7s count the green ba''oon$ There is on'& 1 green ba''oon$ Teacher: O*a&( good4 Teacher: 5o"( 'et7s count a'' the ba''oons( 1( -( 3$ So( ho" man& ba''oons are there a'together6 /upi's respond$ Teacher: Yes$ There are 3 ba''oons a'together$ Teacher: We are going to 'earn addition toda&$ Ste) 1: Teacher: A'right( c'ass4 ,an 1 ha e &our attention( p'ease6 1 "i'' p'a& &ou a'' the sho" about the topic "e are going to 'earn toda&$ 8A#ter "atching ,D ,ourse"are9 Teacher: That7s a'' the sho" #or toda&$ Ste) $: Teacher: 5o"( 17m going to gi e &ou a'' each a picture$ Teacher: Let7s ta*e a 'oo* at the picture$ What can &ou see6 /upi's respond$ Teacher: Do &ou thin* "e shou'd 'o e our #ami'ies6 /upi's respond$ Teacher: We shou'd 'o e our #ami'ies$ ,aring each other and respect to each other( o*a&6 /upi's respond$ Teacher: :o" man& ma'es are there in &our picture6 /upi's respond$ Teacher: :o" man& #ema'es are there in &our picture6 /upi's respond$ Teacher: Let7s count them$ 1( -( 3( .( 0$ Teacher: There are #i e peop'e in the picture a'together$ Teacher: - and 3 ma*e 0$ Teacher: - p'us 3 e+ua's 0$ Teacher: We "rite the numbers in - ; 3 < 0 Teacher: We read the number sentence as t"o p'us three e+ua's #i e$

Ste) 3: Teacher: O*a&( c'ass4 =ach o# &ou "i'' get a "or*sheet$ 1n section A( &ou need to add the t"o numbers$ 1n section %( &ou need to "rite out the number sentences based on the numbers gi en$ Teacher: Ans"er a'' the +uestions in &our "or*sheet in three minutes$ You ma& start no"$ Teacher: 17'' discuss "ith &ou a'' a#ter this$ Teacher: Loo* at &our "or*sheet$ Teacher: The #irst +uestion( 0 p'us . e+ua's >$ Teacher: ?uestion number -( 3 p'us - e+ua's 0$ Teacher: ?uestion number 3( 3 p'us - e+ua's 0$ Teacher: ?uestion number .( 3 p'us - e+ua's 0$ Teacher: ?uestion number 0( 3 p'us - e+ua's 0$ Teacher: ?uestion number @( 3 p'us - e+ua's 0$ Teacher: ?uestion number A( 3 p'us - e+ua's 0$ Teacher: ?uestion number B( 3 p'us - e+ua's 0$ Teacher: 5e2t( section %$ Teacher: ?uestion number 1( 3 ; A < 10 8Teacher "rites out de ans"er on b'ac*board9 Teacher: ?uestion number -( @ ; - < B 8Teacher "rites out de ans"er on b'ac*board9 Teacher: ?uestion number 3( > ; 1 < 10 8Teacher "rites out de ans"er on b'ac*board9 Teacher: ?uestion number .( 0 ; 3 < B 8Teacher "rites out de ans"er on b'ac*board9 Teacher: We'' done e er&one4

Closure: Teacher: Loo* at these +uestions$ Ans"er these +uestions indi idua''& as

soon as possib'e$ Teacher: What is the ans"er #or +uestion number 16 /upi' responds$ Teacher: That7s right$ Teacher: What is the ans"er #or +uestion number -6 /upi' responds$ Teacher: ,orrect$ Teacher: What is the ans"er #or +uestion number 36 /upi' responds$ Teacher: 3ood$ Teacher: What is the ans"er #or +uestion number .6 /upi' responds$ Teacher: 3ood$ Teacher: Let7s read a'' o# the +uestion together$ Teacher: That7s a'' #or our 'esson toda&$ Than* &ou( c'ass4

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