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Good afternoon from Aci Global , as per your proforma invoice we have just received, concerning Mr.

TOR O !"#TRO $s hospitali%ation, we confirm our guarantee of payment for the amount of #uro &.'((,)' *one thousand and seventy+seven,)'- e.uivalent at " R &(.)//.0''. !lease notice that the ma1imum amount form medical e1penses covered by the policy of Mr. Todaro is of #uro /.''','' *fivethousand- . 2or the invoice you should follow the following instructions3

Please make out the invoice to: A4" Global 5.p.A 6ia 5tanislao 4anni%%aro, 70,a ''&/8 Roma And send it to3 A4" Global 5.p.A To the attention of Mrs. 4hiara Attucci 6iale 5arca, 008 9'&98 Milano

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