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Letter read as Masses Feb. 15-16 2014 Dear Parishioners of St Francis of Assisi parish, !ish "o# to $no!

that on %an#ar" &1st, the 'on(re(ation for the ')er(" in the *atican, in response to Father +ad)off,s appea), iss#ed a decree #pho)din( -" decision of .ctober 1st, 201&, to pro/ide ne! pastora) )eadership for the parish. 0he 'on(re(ation has a)so #phe)d -" deter-ination not to -a$e p#b)ic the reasons for this decision in order to protect the ri(ht to pri/ac" of a)) in/o)/ed parties. At present no decisions ha/e been -ade re(ardin( Father +ad)off,s ne1t assi(n-ent to priest)" -inistr". 0his is a -atter that !i)) be addressin( !ith Father +ad)off in the near f#t#re. !ish to reiterate -" (ratit#de for the si(nificant contrib#tions Father +ad)off -ade to St. Francis as pastor. a)so reiterate -" re(ret for the sorro! his depart#re has ca#sed -an" of "o# to #nder(o. than$ Father %#)ian and Father %oseph for #nderta$in( the !or$ of hea)in( and reconci)iation in the na-e of the Lord !ho -a$es #s one. n 'hrist %es#s, 2ishop Lia- 'ar"

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