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Elsewhere, I have set out this quotation/affirmation:

As the droplet is to the ocean,

I am.

As the lick of flame is to the fire,

I am.

As the sunbeam is to sunlight,

I am.

As the Great Spirit is,

I am.

Here is a visualisation to aid understanding:

(NOTE: This is you too, dear reader, so visualise each line carefully)

re. line 1. Visualise a drop of water dropped into a glass of water; it is one with the
water but still exists in its own right.

re. line 2. Visualise a fire and a lick of its flame; the lick is often separate from the fire
but is still part of it. Without the fire it does not exist.

re. line 3. Visualise sunlight and a sunbeam. The sunbeam exists only because
something has blocked out part of the ambient sunlight. Remove the block, and the
sunbeam merges with the ambient sunlight. What appeared to be separate is now all
one - yet the sunbeam still exists as it was.

re. line 4. Visualise, therefore, the relationship of "I am" (you) to the Great Spirit which
is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient - the Creative Force, God.
Hence, "I am" is all these things.

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