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1. Keep Hand Phone on SILENT mode at all times while working 2.

NO Smoking while at work and in the Toilet 3.NO hewing !"m# at terminals. $.%E &'E()L when eating and drinking at terminals# wipe spillage immediatel*. lean &s +o" !o ,.-O NOT .hange sitting terminal witho"t permission o/ O// on -"t* 0.-O NOT H&N!E e1"ipment 2 parts at terminals witho"t permission o/ O// on -"t* 3.-O NOT LE&4E the all entre witho"t getting permission /rom O// on -"t*# *o"r sa/et* is o"r .on.ern 5. ome to work dressed S6&'T# no shorts 2 slippers 7.(ind 'EPL& E6ENT i/ "na8le to .ome to work 19. S)%6IT work s.hed"le /or /ollowing week 8*

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