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Precinct Blast Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................1 Credentials...................................................................................................................................................1 Accessing Your Account...............................................................................................................................1 Phone Banking.............................................................................................................................................4 Precinct Walk...............................................................................................................................................5 You're Ready to Start Your Precinct Walk.....................................................................................................

!he Wyllie "or #o$ernor ca%&aign has a ne' tool that 'ill su&ercharge the grassroots across this state. It is called the Precinct Blast. !his is an online data(ase o" the $oters in your &recinct. It 'ill ena(le you to "ind the &eo&le o&en to $oting "or Adrian) 'hat issues are i%&ortant to the%) and 'ill hel& our ca%&aign get in"or%ation directly to the $oter.

Please send an e%ail to stacey*'yllie"orgo$ in order to recei$e your log in credentials. She 'ill need the in"or%ation on the "or% on the le"t. A"ter your account has (een con"igured) you 'ill recei$e your login and &ass'ord. Proceed to the site and "ollo' the instructions (elo'.

Accessing Your Account

+ere is ho' it 'orks. When the Precinct Ca&tain logs into the account they 'ill ha$e access to all the $oters in his,her o'n &recinct. #o to '''.su&er( and &ress the -.e%(er /ogin0 (utton.


Precinct Blast Guide

!he login &age 'ill dis&lay on your screen.

2I" you click the ne' %e%(er link) you 'ill ha$e to &ay. I" you get your in"or%ation "ro% Stacey) the Wyllie Ca%&aign has already &aid "or it.3


Precinct Blast Guide

!his 'ill (e the "irst screen you see 'hen you login to the &recinct (last syste%. You can choose to %ail your &recinct the Wyllie "or #o$ernor Su&er(rocure (y hitting -.ail Precincts0 and "ollo'ing the directions on the screen. +o'e$er) our "ocus "or this docu%ent is to guide our &recinct ca&tains to use the syste% "or targeted $oter outreach. At the Welco%e screen) select -Ad$anced 5oter Search0. 2Clicking on -Walking /ist0 or -Calling /ist0 'ill only dis&lay a list o" su&er $oters. 3

Select a de%ogra&hic and &ress the -Search 5oters0 (utton.


Precinct Blast Guide

Phone Banking
!he $oter data "or your &recinct 'ill dis&lay on the &age. Select the -Sho' Callsheet0 (utton.

!o %a7i%i8e e""ort) 'e reco%%ent that you call your $oters (e"ore $isiting the%. !hese &hone sur$eys 'ill gi$e you a (etter idea o" 'hat issues are i%&ortant to each &articular &erson so you can target your %essage to that issue. You 'ill also kno' 'ho is not rece&ti$e to our %essage. !here 'ill (e no need to $isit those $oters. !his 'ay you can use your ti%e %ore e""iciently. !hese &hone calls 'ill gi$e you the in"or%ation you need and gi$e you a 'ay to gauge the a""ect you are ha$ing in your area. At this screen dial the nu%(er and hit call.


Precinct Blast Guide

A call scri&t 'ill dis&lay 'ith 9uestions to ask the $oter. Co%&lete the "or% and hit 'Su(%it'.

Congratulations: You'$e ;ust %ade your "irst success"ul call:

Precinct Walk
A"ter your &recinct has (een called it is ti%e to 'alk the neigh(orhood. !o access your 'alksheet) select a de%ogra&hic) -Search 5oters0) then &ress -Sho' Walksheet0.


Precinct Blast Guide

!he 'alksheet dis&lays<

You're Ready to Start Your Precinct Walk

!he Wyllie ca%&aign greatly a&&reciates your o""er o" su&&ort and looks "or'ard to 'orking 'ith you in this historical o&&ortunity to elect a /i(ertarian as #o$ernor o" =lorida. =eel "ree to call %e anyti%e 'ith 9uestions or suggestions. +ere is %y contact in"or%ation< We(site< htt&<,,'''.'yllie"orgo$ =ace(ook< htt&<,,'''."ace(,'yllie"orgo$ernor 1 1

Precinct Blast Guide

!'itter< *Wyllie=or#o$ Phone< 2@4@3 4441A56B Be"ore knocking on doors you 'ill 'ant to %ake sure that you ha$e and %aintain a &ositi$e %ental attitude. Al'ays s%ile to each $oter and re%e%(er that you are %ore than likely the "irst and %ost i%&ortant direct contact that the Wyllie ca%&aign 'ill ha$e. It should also (e noted that Adrian does not need the $ote o" e$eryone on the list to 'in. I" so%eone does not su&&ort Adrian there is no need to argue 'ith hi%,her. !hank the% "or their ti%e and %o$e on to the ne7t $oter. !he ca%&aign goal is to ha$e 4 out o" 1B $oters o&en to $oting "or a /i(ertarian and 4 out o" 1B &eo&le say that they are goig to $ote "or Adrian. 24 out o" 1B is a Wyllie Win and elects Adrian as our ne7t go$ernor:3. !he reasoning "or the nu%(ers is si%&le. In the u&co%ing 4B14 election) the esti%ated $oter turnout 'ill (e less than 5BC. !his %eans that 4 out o" 1B $oters 'ould e9ual 4BC in the totals and 'ould secure a 'in. 2In a 6 'ay race you 'ill only need to get $ote totals in the high 6Bs &ercentile.3 !he reason you are looking "or 4 out o" 1B $oters o&en to $oting "or a /i(ertarian is that 'e 'ant to hel& you identi"y the &ool o" &ossi(le $oters 'ho %ight $ote "or a /i(ertarian. Dot e$eryone 'ho is o&en to $oting "or a /i(ertarian 'ill $ote /i(ertarian (ut this 'ill hel& %anage your ti%e %ore e""ecti$ely in Se&te%(er and Do$e%(er. Re%e%(er that these &eo&le do not kno' you are co%ing to their ho%e. Be res&ect"ul o" their ti%e and o" their &ro&erty. >1.ail< ?anielle*'yllie"orgo$

Wyllie Door

nocking Scri!t

A"ter ringing the door(ell or knocking on the door) take 4 or 6 ste&s (ack. !his 'ill gi$e the $oter the roo% to e7it the ho%e to s&eak to you. You 'ill 'ant to %ake the scri&t your o'n (ut use the "ollo'ing as a te%&late< Start o"" 'ith... Hello, my name is __________________ and I am here on behalf of Adrian Wyllie, The Libertarian candidate for Governor. The reason for my visit with you today is to dro off some information to you about Adrian Wyllie and his cam ai!n. Have you heard about Adrian Wyllie"# 1@1

Precinct Blast Guide

I" the Ans'er is 'yes' then you can say... That is !reat. The cam ai!n has been wor$in! hard to !et the word out about his cam ai!n in the media.# I" the ans'er is 'no' then you can say... It is understandable. Ty ically !rassroots candidates do not !et the media attention that establishment candidates receive. This is why the Wyllie cam ai!n is committed to ta$e the information directly to you and to by ass the mainstream media blac$out so that, you, the voter, can have all the information you need to ma$e an informed decision on %lection &ay. When the olls do include Adrian Wyllie, he has olled as hi!h as the '() vs *ic$ +cott and ,harlie ,rist. -ee in mind that ./) is all that is needed to win in a three way race. We do not want the candidate who can !et the most s ecial interest money to decide this election. We want you, the voter, to ma$e this decision. De7t you could ask... Are you o en to votin! for a Libertarian in the race for !overnor of 0lorida"# I" they say 'no') then you can re&ly... Than$ you for your time. If you have any 1uestions feel free to contact the cam ai!n via their website wylliefor! I" they say 'yes') then you can res&ond 'ith... That is !reat. Would you li$e to si!n a etition to hel !et Adrian on the ballot"# Er... Than$ you for havin! an o en mind about this election. Are there any 1uestions that I mi!ht be able to answer for you"# At this &oint you 'ill need to kno' AdrianFs &osition on the issues. ***PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE NOT THERE TO GIVE YOUR OPINION. You are t ere to let t e !oter "no# # ere A$rian stan$s on t e issues. *** /ook o$er the guide to see the %ain talking &oints "or Adrian's ca%&aign. What you can %ention is 'hy you su&&ort hi% and 'hy you are $olunteering "or the ca%&aign. Personal testi%ony is one o" the greatest things you can co%%uicate to the $oter.


Precinct Blast Guide

I" so%eone asks a 9uestion to 'hich you do not ha$e the ans'er) say this... I do not $now where Adrian s ecifically stands on that issue but I would be more than ha y to have someone from the cam ai!n contact you directly to answer that for you. What is the best way to reach you"# !ake do'n their contact in"or%ation and let the% kno' that so%eone "ro% the ca%&aign 'ill (e in contact soon. R>.>.B>R to kee& it 'short and sweet' (ut engage in a con$ersation 'ith a $oter that is o&en to $oting "or a /i(ertarian as long as the $oter 'ould like to s&eak 'ith you. !he longer you are talking to the $oter the %ore likely that $oter 'ill choose Adrian. !his 'ill res&ect the $oterFs ti%e and 'ill ena(le you to get to as %any $oters as &ossi(le. #ood /uck:::::: Call us 'ith 9uestions or concerns and let us kno' your "eed(ack.


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