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Drawing Objects
b David !atson

This tutorial is designed to show ou how all o" the AutoCAD Draw commands work# $" ou %ust need in"ormation &uickl ' use the (uickFind toolbar below to go straight to the command ou want or select a topic "rom the contents list above# )ot all o" the Draw commands that appear on the Draw toolbar are covered in this tutorial# *locks' Hatch and Te+t "or e+ample are all tutorial topics in their own right,

The Draw commands can be used to create new ob%ects such as lines and circles# Most AutoCAD drawings are composed purel and simpl "rom these basic components# A

good understanding o" the Draw commands is "undamental to the e""icient use o"

AutoCAD# The sections below cover the most "re&uentl used Draw commands such as Line' -ol line and Circle as well as the more advanced commands like Multiline and Multiline St le# As a newcomer to AutoCAD' ou ma wish to skip the more advanced commands in order to properl master the basics# .ou can alwa s return to this tutorial in the "uture when ou are more con"ident# $n common with most AutoCAD commands' the Draw commands can be started in a number o" wa s# Command names or short/cuts can be entered at the ke board' commands can be started "rom the Draw pull/down menu' shown on the right or "rom the Draw toolbar# The method ou use is dependent upon the t pe o" work ou are doing and how e+perienced a user ou are# Don0t worr too much about this' %ust use whatever method "eels easiest or most convenient at the time# .our drawing techni&ue will improve over time and with e+perience so don0t e+pect to be working ver &uickl at "irst# $" ou are working with the pull/down menus' it is worth considering the visual s nta+ that is common to all pull/downs used in the !indows operating s stem# For e+ample' a small arrow like so 1 1 ne+t to a menu item means that the item leads to a sub/menu that ma contain other commands or command options# An ellipsis' 121 a"ter a menu item means that the item displa s a dialogue bo+# These little visual clues will help ou to

work more e""ectivel with menus because the tell ou what to e+pect and help to avoid surprises "or the newcomer# Top o" page

Lines are probabl the most simple o" AutoCAD ob%ects# 3sing the Line command' a line can be drawn between an two points picked within the drawing area# Lines are usuall the "irst ob%ects ou will want to draw when starting a new drawing because the can be used as 1construction lines1 upon which the rest o" our drawing will be based# )ever "orget that creating drawings with AutoCAD is not so dissimilar "rom creating drawings on a drawing board# Man o" the basic drawing methods are the same# An one "amiliar with mathematics will know that lines drawn between points are o"ten called vectors# This terminolog is used to describe the t pe o" drawings that AutoCAD creates# AutoCAD drawings are genericall re"erred to as 1vector drawings1# 4ector drawings are e+tremel use"ul where precision is the most important criterion because the retain their accurac irrespective o" scale# Top o" page

The Line Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw Line 5e board L$)6 short/cut L

!ith the Line command ou can draw a simple line "rom one point to another# !hen ou pick the "irst point and move the cross-hairs to the location o" the second point ou will see a rubber band line which shows ou where the line will be drawn when the second point is picked# Line objects have two ends 7the "irst point and the last point8# .ou can continue picking points and AutoCAD will draw a straight line between each picked point and the previous point# 6ach line segment drawn is a separate object and can be moved or erased as re&uired# To end this command' %ust hit the ke on the ke board#

Command Sequence
Command: L$)6 Specify first point: 7pick -98 Specify next point or [Undo]: Specify next point or [Undo]:

7pick -:8 7to end8

.ou can also draw lines b entering the co/ordinates o" their end points at the command prompt rather than picking their position "rom the screen# This enables ou to draw lines that are o"" screen' should ou want to# 7See 3sing Co/ordinates "or more details8# .ou can also draw lines using something called direct distance entr # See the Direct Distance 6ntr tutorial "or details# Top o" page

The Construction Line Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw Construction Line 5e board ;L$)6 short/cut ;L The Construction Line command creates a line o" in"inite length which passes through two picked points# Construction lines are ver use"ul "or creating construction "rameworks or grids within which to design# Construction lines are not normall used as ob%ects in "inished drawings' it is usual' there"ore' to draw all our construction lines on a separate layer which will be turned o"" or "ro<en prior to printing# See the =b%ect -roperties tutorial to "ind out how to create new la ers# *ecause o" their nature' the >oom 6+tents command option ignores construction lines# Command Sequence
Command: ;L$)6 Specify a point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset]: 7pick Specify through point: 7pick a second point8 Specify through point: 7to end or pick another point8

a point8

.ou ma notice that there are a number o" options with this command# For e+ample' the 1Hor1 and 14er1 options can be used to draw construction lines that are trul hori<ontal or vertical# $n both these cases' onl a single pick point is re&uired because the direction o" the line is predetermined# To use a command option' simpl enter the capitalised part o" the option name at the command prompt# Follow the command se&uence below to see how ou would draw a construction line using the Hori<ontal option# Command Sequence
Command: ;L$)6 Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset/ !rom point": H #hrough point: 7pick a point to position the line8 #hrough point: 7to end or pick a point "or another

hori<ontal line8

Top o" page

The Ray Command

Toolbar custom -ull/down Draw ?a 5e board ?A. The ?a command creates a line similar to a construction line e+cept that it e+tends in"initel in onl one direction "rom the "irst pick point# The direction o" the ?a is determined b the position o" the second pick point# Command Sequence
Command: ?A. Specify start point: 7pick the start point8 Specify through point: 7pick a second point to determine Specify through point: 7to end or pick another point8


Top o" page

The Polyline Family

-ol lines di""er "rom lines in that the are more comple+ ob%ects# A single pol line can be composed o" a number o" straight/line or arc segments# -ol lines can also be given line widths to make them appear solid# The illustration below shows a number o" pol lines to give ou an idea o" the "le+ibilit o" this t pe o" line#

.ou ma be wondering' i" -ol lines are so use"ul' wh bother using ordinar lines at all@ There are a number o" answers to this &uestion# The most "re&uentl given answer is that because o" their comple+it ' pol lines use up more disk space than the e&uivalent line# As it is desirable to keep "ile si<es as small as possible' it is a good idea to use lines rather than pol lines unless ou have a particular re&uirement# .ou will also "ind' as ou work with AutoCAD that lines and pol lines are operationall di""erent# Sometimes it is easier to work with pol lines "or certain tasks and at other times lines are best# .ou will &uickl learn the pros and cons o" these two sorts o" line when ou begin drawing with AutoCAD# Top o" page

The Polyline Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw -ol line 5e board -L$)6 short/cut -L The -ol line or -line command is similar to the line command e+cept that the resulting ob%ect ma be composed o" a number o" segments which "orm a single object# $n addition to the two ends a pol line is said to have vertices 7singular vertex8 where intermediate line segments %oin# $n practice the -ol line command works in the same wa as the Line command allowing ou to pick as man points as ou like# Again' %ust hit to end# As with the Line command' ou also have the option to automaticall close a pol line end to end# To do this' t pe C to use the close option instead o" hitting # Follow the command se&uence below to see how this works# Command Sequence
Command: -L$)6 Specify start point: 7pick -98 Current $ine%&idth is '('''' Specify next point or [Arc/Ha$f&idth/)ength/Undo/*idth]: 7pick -:8 Specify next point or [Arc/C$ose/Ha$f&idth/)ength/Undo/*idth]: 7pick Specify next point or [Arc/C$ose/Ha$f&idth/)ength/Undo/*idth]: 7pick Specify next point or [Arc/C$ose/Ha$f&idth/)ength/Undo/*idth]: 7pick

-A8 -B8 -C8

Specify next point or [Arc/C$ose/Ha$f&idth/)ength/Undo/*idth]:

7or C to


$n the illustration on the right' the "igure on the le"t was created b hitting the ke a"ter the "i"th point was picked# The "igure on the right demonstrates the e""ect o" using the Close option# $t is worth while taking some time to "amiliarise oursel" with the -ol line command as it is an e+tremel use"ul command to know# Tr e+perimenting with options such as Arc and !idth and see i" ou can create pol lines like the ones in the illustration above# The 3ndo option is particularl use"ul# This allows ou to unpick pol line vertices' one at a time so that ou can easil correct mistakes# -ol lines can be edited a"ter the are created to' "or e+ample' change their width# .ou can do this using the -6D$T command' Modi" =b%ect -ol line "rom the pull/down menu# Top o" page

The Rectangle Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw ?ectangle 5e board ?6CTA)DL6 short/cuts ?6C' ?6CTA)D

The ?ectangle command is used to draw a rectangle whose sides are vertical and hori<ontal# The position and si<e o" the rectangle

are de"ined b picking two diagonal corners# The rectangle isn0t reall an AutoCAD ob%ect at all# $t is' in "act' %ust a closed pol line which is automaticall drawn "or ou# Command Sequence
Command: ?6CTA)D Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/+$e,ation/!i$$et/#hic-ness/*idth]: Specify other corner point or [.imensions]:

7pick -98 7pick -:8

The ?ectangle command also has a number o" options# !idth works in the same wa as "or the -ol line command# The Cham"er and Fillet options have the same e""ect as the Cham"er and Fillet commands' see the Modi" ing =b%ects tutorial "or details# 6levation and Thickness are AD options# )otice that' instead o" picking a second point to draw the rectangle' ou have the option o" entering dimensions# Sa ou wanted to draw a rectangle :E drawing units long and 9E drawing units wide# The command se&uence would look like thisF Command Sequence
Command: ?6CTA)D Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/+$e,ation/!i$$et/#hic-ness/*idth]: Specify other corner point or [.imensions]: Specify $ength for rectang$es '(''''": :E Specify &idth for rectang$es '(''''": 9E Specify other corner point or [.imensions]:

7pick a point8 D 7pick a point to "i+ the orientation8

This method provides a good alternative to using relative cartesian co/ordinates "or determining length and width# See the 3sing Co/ordinates tutorial "or more details# Top o" page

The Polygon Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw -ol gon 5e board -=L.D=) short/cut -=L The -ol gon command can be used to draw an regular pol gon "rom A sides up to 9E:B sides# This command re&uires "our inputs "rom the user' the number o" sides' a pick point "or the centre o" the pol gon' whether ou want the pol gon inscribed or circumscribed and then a pick point which determines both the radius o" this imaginar circle and the

orientation o" the pol gon# The pol gon command creates a closed pol line in the shape o" the re&uired pol gon# This command also allows ou to de"ine the pol gon b entering the length o" a side using the 6dge option# .ou can also control the si<e o" the pol gon b entering an e+act radius "or the circle# Follow the command se&uence below to see how this command works# Command Sequence
Command: -=L.D=) +nter num/er of sides 0": C Specify center of po$ygon or [+dge]: 7pick -9 or t pe 6 to de"ine b edge length8 +nter an option [1nscri/ed in circ$e/Circumscri/ed a/out circ$e] 1":

7to accept the inscribed de"ault or t pe C "or circumscribed8 Specify radius of circ$e: 7pick -: or enter e+act radius8

$n the illustration above' the pol gon on the le"t is inscribed 7inside the circle with the pol gon verte+es touching it8' the one in the middle is circumscribed 7outside the circle with the pol line edges tangential to it8 and the one on the right is de"ined b the length o" an edge# Top o" page

The Donut Command

Toolbar custom -ull/down Draw Donut 5e board D=)3T short/cut D= This command draws a solid donut shape' actuall it0s %ust a closed pol line consisting o" two arc segments which have been given a width# AutoCAD asks ou to de"ine the inside diameter i#e# the diameter o" the hole and then the outside diameter o" the donut#

The donut is then drawn in outline and ou are asked to pick the centre point in order to position the donut# .ou can continue picking centre points to draw more donuts or ou can hit to end the command# Surprisingl ' donuts are constructed "rom single closed pol lines composed o" two arc segments which have been given a width# Fortunatel AutoCAD works all this out "or ou' so all ou see is a donut# Command Sequence
Command: D=)3T Specify inside diameter of donut


7pick an two points to de"ine a 7pick an two points to de"ine a

diameter or enter the e+act length8

Specify outside diameter of donut 3(''''":

diameter or enter the e+act length8

Specify center of donut or Specify center of donut or exit": exit":

7pick -98 7to end or continue to pick "or more

doughnuts8 As an alternative to picking two points or entering a value "or the diameters' ou could %ust hit to accept the default value# Most AutoCAD commands that re&uire user input have de"ault values# The alwa s appear in triangular brackets like this defau$t ,a$ue"# Curiousl enough AutoCAD doesn0t seem to mind i" ou make the inside diameter o" a donut larger than the outside diameter' tr it and see# Top o" page

The Re cloud Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw ?evision Cloud 5e board ?64CL=3D The ?evcloud command is used to draw a 1"reehand1 revision cloud or to convert an closed shape into a revision cloud#

Command Sequence
Command: ?64CL=3D 4inimum arc $ength: 55(5677 4aximum arc $ength: 335(5328 Specify start point or [Arc $ength/O/9ect] O/9ect": 7-ick :uide crosshairs a$ong c$oud path(((


Move the mouse to "orm a closed shapeG the command automaticall ends when a closed shape is "ormed#
;e,ision c$oud finished(

.ou can use the 1Arc length1 option to control the scale o" the revision cloud# This is achieved b speci" ing the minimum and ma+imum arc length# The 1=b%ect1 option is used to trans"orm an closed shape' such as a pol line' spline or circle into a revision cloud# Top o" page

The !D Polyline Command

Toolbar custom -ull/down Draw AD -ol line 5e board AD-=L. The AD -ol line command works in e+actl the same wa as the -ol line command# The main di""erence between a normal pol line and a AD pol line is that each verte+ 7pick point8 o" a AD pol line can have a di""erent value "or > 7height8# $n normal 7:D8 pol lines' all verte+es must have the same > value# AD pol line ob%ects are not as comple+ as their :D cousins# For e+ample' the cannot contain arc segments and the cannot be given widths# However' the can be ver use"ul "or AD modeling# Command Sequence
Command: AD-=L. Specify start point Specify endpoint of Specify endpoint of Specify endpoint of of po$y$ine: 7pick a point8 $ine or [Undo]: 7pick another point8 $ine or [Undo]: 7pick a third point8 $ine or [C$ose/Undo]: 7to end' C

to close or continue

picking points8

)otice that ou are not prompted "or a > value each time ou pick a point# .ou must either use one o" the =b%ect Snaps to pick a point with the re&uired > value or use the 1#;.1 "ilter to "orce AutoCAD to prompt "or a > value# Top o" page

Circles" #rcs etc$

Along with Line and -ol line' the Circle command is probabl one o" the most "re&uentl used# Fortunatel it is also one o" the simplest# However' in common with the other commands in this section there are a number o" options that can help ou construct %ust the circle ou need# Most o" these options are sel" e+planator but in some cases it can be &uite con"using# The Circle command' "or e+ample' o""ers H wa s to create a circle' while the Arc command o""ers 9E di""erent methods "or drawing an arc# The sections below concentrate mainl on the default options but "eel "ree to e+periment# Top o" page

The Circle Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw Circle Center' ?adius 5e board C$?CL6 short/cut C The Circle command is used to draw circles# There are a number o" wa s ou can de"ine the circle# The de"ault method is to pick the centre point and then to either pick a second point on the circum"erence o" the circle or enter the circle radius at the ke board# Command Sequence
Command: C$?CL6 Specify center point for circ$e or [6</=</#tr >tan tan radius?]: 7pick -98 Specify radius of circ$e or [.iameter] 2'('382": 7pick -: or enter the e+act


As ou can see "rom the command prompt above the de"ault options are alwa s indicated in triangular brackets like so .efau$t" and command options appear within s&uare brackets like so [Option]# 6ach option is separated b a "orward slash like this /# .ou can choose to use the alternative options b t ping them at the prompt# For e+ample' the circle command gives ou three e+tra options to de"ine a circle# A- which uses an three points on the circum"erence' :- which uses two points on the circum"erence to "orm a diameter and Ttr which stands "or Tangent Tangent ?adius# =bviousl to use this last option ou need to have drawn two lines which ou can use as tangents to the circle# Tr these options out to see how the work# )ote that to invoke a command option' ou need onl t pe the upper/case part o" the option name# For e+ample' i" ou want to use the Ttr option' ou need onl enter 1T1# There are two more circle options on the pull/down menu that enable ou to draw a circle b de"ining the center and diameter or b using A tangents# Top o" page

The #rc Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw Arc A -oints 5e board A?C short/cut A

The Arc command allows ou to draw an arc o" a circle# There are numerous wa s to de"ine an arc' the de"ault method uses three pick points' a start point' a second point and an end point# 3sing this method' the drawn arc will start at the "irst pick point' pass through the second point and end at the third point# =nce ou have mastered the de"ault method tr some o" the others# .ou ma ' "or e+ample need to draw an arc with a speci"ic radius# All o" the Arc command options are available "rom the pull/down menu# Command Sequence

Command: A?C Specify start point of arc or [Center]: 7pick -98 Specify second point of arc or [Center/+nd]: 7pick Specify end point of arc: 7pick -A8


$t is also possible to create an arc b trimming a circle ob%ect# $n practice' man arcs are actuall created this wa # See the Trim command on the Modi" ing =b%ects tutorial "or details# Top o" page

The S%line Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw Spline 5e board S-L$)6 short/cut S-L

The Spline command creates a t pe o" spline known as a nonuni"orm rational */spline' )3?*S "or short# A spline is a smooth curve that is "itted along a number o" control points# The Fit Tolerance option can be used to control how closel the spline con"orms to the control points# A low tolerance value

causes the spline to "orm close to the control points# A tolerance o" E 7<ero8 "orces the spline to pass through the control points# The illustration on the right shows the e""ect o" di""erent tolerance values on a spline that is de"ined using the same "our control points' -9' -:' -A and -B# Splines can be edited a"ter the have been created using the S-L$)6D$T command' Modi" =b%ect Spline "rom the pull/down menu# 3sing this command' ou can change the tolerance' add more control points move control points and close splines' amongst other things# However' i" ou %ust want to move spline control points' it is best to use grips# See the Stretching with Drips section o" the Modi" ing =b%ects tutorial "or details# Command Sequence
Command: S-L$)6 Specify first point or [O/9ect]: 7-ick -98 Specify next point: 7-ick -:8 Specify next point or [C$ose/!it to$erance] Specify next point or [C$ose/!it to$erance] Specify next point or [C$ose/!it to$erance] Specify start tangent: 7pick a point8 Specify end tangent: 7pick a point8

start tangent": start tangent": start tangent":

7-ick -A8 7-ick -B8

.ou can create linear appro+imations to splines b smoothing pol lines with the -6D$T command' Modi" -ol line "rom the pull/down menu# However' ou can also turn pol lines into true splines using the =b%ect option o" the Spline command# Top o" page

The &lli%se Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw 6llipse A+is' 6nd 5e board 6LL$-S6 short/cut 6L

The 6llipse command gives ou a number o" di""erent creation options# The de"ault option is to pick the two end points o" an a+is and then a third point to de"ine the eccentricit o" the ellipse# A"ter ou have mastered the de"ault option' tr out the others#

Command Sequence
Command: 6LL$-S6 Specify axis endpoint of e$$ipse or [Arc/Center]: 7pick Specify other endpoint of axis: 7pick -:8 Specify distance to other axis or [;otation]: 7pick -A8


The ellipse command can also be used to draw isometric circles# See the worked e+ample in the Drawing Aids tutorial to "ind out how to do this and how to draw in isometric pro%ection with AutoCAD# Top o" page

The &lli%se #rc Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw 6llipse Arc 5e board 6LL$-S6 A short/cut 6L

The 6llipse Arc command is ver similar to the 6llipse command' described above# The onl di""erence is that' in addition to speci" ing the two a+is end points and the 1distance to other a+is1 point' ou are prompted "or a start and end angle "or the arc# .ou ma speci" angles b picking points or b entering values at the command prompt# ?emember that angles are measured in an anti/clockwise direction' starting at the A o0clock position# $n truth' the 6llipse Arc command is not a new or separate commandG it is %ust an option o" the 6llipse command and it there"ore has no uni&ue command line name# $t is curious

wh Autodesk considered this option important enough to give it it0s own button on the Draw toolbar# Still' there it is# Command Sequence
Command: 6LL$-S6 Specify axis endpoint of e$$ipse or [Arc/Center]: A Specify axis endpoint of e$$iptica$ arc or [Center]: 7pick Specify other endpoint of axis: 7pick -:8 Specify distance to other axis or [;otation]: 7pick -A8 Specify start ang$e or [<arameter]: :IE Specify end ang$e or [<arameter/1nc$uded ang$e]: JE


Top o" page

The Region Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw ?egion 5e board ?6D$=) short/cut ?6D A region is a sur"ace created "rom ob%ects that "orm a closed shape' known as a loop# The ?egion command is used to trans"orm ob%ects into regions rather than actuall drawing them 7i#e# ou will need to draw the closed shape or loop "irst8# =nce a region is created' there ma be little visual di""erence to the drawing# However' i" ou set the shade mode to 1Flat Shaded1' 4iew Shade Flat Shaded' ou will see that the region is' in "act' a sur"ace and not simpl an outline# ?egions are particularl use"ul in AD modeling

because the can be e+truded# *e"ore starting the ?egion command' draw a closed shape such as a rectangle' circle or an closed pol line or spline# Command Sequence

Command: ?6D$=) Se$ect o/9ects: 7-ick Se$ect o/9ects: 3 $oop extracted( 3 ;egion created(


.ou can use the boolean commands' 3nion' Subtract and $ntersect to create comple+ regions# Top o" page

The 'i%eout Command

Toolbar custom -ull/down Draw !ipeout 5e board !$-6=3T

A !ipeout is an image t pe ob%ect# Most commonl it is used to 1mask1 part o" a drawing "or clarit # For e+ample' ou ma want to add te+t to a complicated part o" a drawing# A !ipeout could be used to mask an area behind some te+t so that the te+t can easil be read' as in the e+ample shown on the right# The !ipeout command can be used "or A di""erent operations# $t can be used to draw a wipeout ob%ect' as ou might e+pect' but it can also be used to convert an e+isting closed pol line into a wipeout and it can be used to control the visibilit o" wipeout "rames# Command Sequence
Command: !$-6=3T Specify first point or [!rames/<o$y$ine]


7-ick -98

Specify next point: 7-ick Specify next point or [Undo]: 7-ick -A8


Specify next point or [C$ose/Undo]: Specify next point or [C$ose/Undo]:

7-ick -B8

.ou can use as man points as ou wish in order to create the shape ou need# !hen ou have picked the last point' use right/click and 6nter 7or hit the 6nter ke on the ke board8 to complete the command and create the wipeout#

.ou ma "ind that it is easier to draw a pol line "irst and then convert that pol line into a wipeout# To do this' start the !ipeout command and then 6nter to select the de"ault 1-ol line1 option# Select the pol line when prompted to do so# ?emember' pol lines must be closed be"ore the can be converted to wipeouts# $n most cases' ou will probabl want to turn o"" the wipeout "rame# Command Sequence
Specify first point or [!rames/<o$y$ine] +nter mode [O@/O!!] O@": =FF <o$y$ine":

F 7the Frames option8

;egenerating mode$(

The Frames option is used to turn "rames o"" 7or on8 "or all wipeouts in the current drawing# .ou cannot control the visibilit o" wipeout "rames individuall # .ou should also be aware that when "rames are turned o""' wipeouts cannot be selected# $" ou need to move or modi" a wipeout' ou need to have "rames turned on# $t is o"ten more convenient to draw the wipeout a"ter the te+t so that ou can see how much space ou need# $n such a case' ou ma need to use the D?A!=?D6? command 7Tools Displa =rder Option8 to "orce the te+t to appear above the wipeout# Ti%( $" ou have the 6+press Tools loaded' ou can use the ver use"ul T6;TMAS5 command' which automaticall creates a wipeout below an selected te+t# Find it on our pull/down at 6+press Te+t Te+t Mask

Top o" page

Points and Point Styles

-oints are ver simple ob%ects and the process o" creating them is also ver simple# -oints are rarel used as drawing components although there is no reason wh the could not be# The are normall used %ust as drawing aids in a similar wa that Construction Lines and ?a s are used# For e+ample' points are automaticall created when ou use the Measure and Divide commands to set out distances along a line# !hen adding points to a drawing it is usuall desirable to set the point st le "irst because the de"ault st le can be di""icult to see# Top o" page

The Point Command

Toolbar Draw -ull/down Draw -oint Single -oint 5e board -=$)T short/cut -= The point command will insert a point marker in our drawing at a position which ou pick in the drawing window or at an co/ordinate location which ou enter at the ke board# The de"ault point st le is a simple dot' which is o"ten di""icult to see but ou can change the point st le to something more easil visible or elaborate using the point st le dialogue bo+# -oints can be used "or 1setting out1 a drawing in addition to construction lines# .ou can Snap to points using the )ode ob%ect snap# See the =b%ect Snap tutorial "or details# Command Sequence
Command: -=$)T Current point modes: <.4O.+A' <.S1B+A'('''' Specify a point: 7pick an point8

Strangel ' in Multiple -oint mode 7the de"ault "or the -oint button on the Draw toolbar8 ou will need to use the escape ke 76sc8 on our ke board to end the command# The usual right/click or enter doesn0t work# Top o" page

The Point Style Command

Toolbar none -ull/down Format -oint St le2 5e board DD-T.-6 .ou can start the point st le command "rom the ke board b t ping DD-T.-6 or ou can start it "rom the pull/down menu at Format -oint St le2 The command starts b displa ing a dialogue box o""ering a number o" options# To change the point st le' %ust pick the picture o" the st le ou want and then click the 1=51 button# .ou will need to use the ?egen command' ?6D6) at the ke board or 4iew ?egen "rom the pull/down to "orce an e+isting points in our drawing to displa in the new st le# An new points created a"ter the st le has been set will automaticall displa in the new st le# =ne interesting aspect o" points is that their si<e can be set to an absolute value or relative to the screen si<e' e+pressed as a percentage# The de"ault is "or points to displa relative to the screen si<e' which is ver use"ul because it means that points will remain the same si<e' irrespective o" <oom "actor# This is particularl convenient when drawings become comple+ and the drawing process re&uires a lot o" <ooming in and out# Top o" page

Multilines are comple+ lines that consist o" between 9 and 9H parallel lines' known as elements# The de"ault multiline st le has %ust two elements but ou can create additional st les o" an almost endless variet # The Multiline St le command enables ou to create

new multiline st les b adding line elements' changing the colour and linet pe o" elements' adding end caps and the option o" displa ing as a solid colour# Top o" page

The )ultiline Command

Toolbar custom -ull/down Draw Multiline 5e board ML$)6 short/cut ML The Multiline command is used to draw multilines# This process o" drawing is prett much the same as drawing pol lines' additional line segments are added to the multiline as points are picked# As with pol lines' points can be unpicked with the 3ndo option and multilines can be closed# !hen ou start the Multiline command ou also have the option to speci" the Kusti"ication' Scale and St le o" the multiline# The Kusti"ication option allows ou to set the %usti"ication to 1Top1' the de"ault' 1>ero1 or 1*ottom1# !hen %usti"ication is set to top' the top o" the multiline is drawn through the pick points' as in the illustration below# >ero %usti"ication draws the centreline o" the multiline through the pick points and *ottom draws the bottom line through the pick points# Kusti"ication allows ou to control how the multiline is drawn relative to our setting out in"ormation# For e+ample' i" ou are drawing a new road with re"erence to its centre line' then >ero %usti"ication would be appropriate#

The Scale option allows ou to set a scale "actor' which e""ectivel changes the width o" the multiline# The de"ault scale "actor is set to 9#E so to hal" the width o" the multiline' a value o" E#C would be entered# A value o" :#E would double the width# The St le option enables ou to set the current multiline st le# The de"ault st le is called 1Standard1# This is the onl st le available unless ou have previousl created a new st le with the Multiline St le command# Follow the command se&uence below to see how the Multiline command works and then tr changing the Kusti"ication and Scale options#

Command Sequence
Command: ML$)6 Current settings: Custification A #opD Sca$e A ='(''D Sty$e A S#A@.A;. Specify start point or [Custification/Sca$e/S#y$e]: 7-ick -98 Specify next point: 7-ick -:8 Specify next point or [Undo]: 7-ick -A8 Specify next point or [C$ose/Undo]: 7to end or continue picking or C to close8

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The )ultiline Style Command

Toolbar none -ull/down Format Multiline St le2 5e board MLST.L6 The Multiline st le command is used to create new multiline st les' which can then be used with the Multiline command# !hen ou start the command "or the "irst time' ou will see the Multiline St les dialogue bo+ indicating that the Standard st le is 1Current1# To create a new st le' enter a new st le name in the 1)ame1 edit bo+ b overwriting 1STA)DA?D1 and enter an optional description in the 1Description1 edit bo+# The dialogue bo+ should now look something like the one on the right# !hen ou are happ with the new name and description' simpl click on the 1Add1 button# .our new st le will now appear in the 1Current1 bo+# The new st le ou have created is simpl a cop o"

the Standard st le' so the ne+t step is to change the st le to suit our own purposes# Click on the 16lement -roperties21 button to proceed#

.ou will now see the 6lement -roperties dialogue bo+ appear# This dialogue bo+ allows ou to add new line elements or delete e+isting ones and to control the element o""set' colour and linet pe# Click the 1Add1 button to add a new element# A new line element now appears with an o""set o" E#E' in other words' this is a centre line# Highlight the top element in the 16lements1 list and change the o""set to 9#E b entering this value in the 1=""set1 edit bo+# )ow do the same with the bottom element remembering to enter a value o" /9#E because this is a negative o""set# .ou now have a multiline that is : drawing units wide with a centre line# Let0s now change the colour and linet pe o" the centre line# Highlight the E#E o""set element b clicking it in the 16lements1 list# To change the colour' simpl click on the Colour2 button and select an appropriate colour "rom the palette# !hen a colour has been selected' click the 1=51 button on the palette to return to the 6lement -roperties dialogue bo+# Changing the linet pe is a little more complicated because we will need to load the re&uired linet pe "irst# However' click on the 1Linet pe21 button to proceed#

The Select Linet pe dialogue bo+ appears with %ust a "ew solid linet pes listed' * La er' * *lock and Continuous# Click on the 1Load21 button# The Load or ?eload Linet pes dialogue bo+ now appears# Scroll down the list o" linet pes until ou "ind one called 1Hidden1# Highlight Hidden and then click the 1=51 button# .ou will now see the Hidden linet pe appear in the 1Loaded linet pes1 list in the Select Linet pe dialogue bo+' which should now look similar to the one shown above# Finall ' highlight Hidden and click the 1=51 button# .our 6lement -roperties dialogue bo+ should now look similar to the one in the illustration above# To complete our new st le' we will add some end caps and a solid "ill# Click on the 1Multiline -roperties21 button to proceed#

$n the Multiline -roperties dialogue bo+' click in the 1Line1 check bo+es under 1Start1 and 16nd1# This will have the e""ect o" capping the ends o" the multiline with a JE degree line# As ou can see "rom the dialogue bo+' ou can change this angle i" ou wish to give a cham"ered end# )e+t' click the 1=n1 check bo+ in the 1Fill1 section and then click on the Colour2 button and select the "ill

colour "rom the palette# The Multiline -roperties dialogue bo+ should now look like the one in the illustration on the le"t# Finall ' click the 1=51 button in the Multiline -roperties dialogue bo+ and again in the Multiline St le dialogue bo+# .ou are now read to draw with our new multiline# Start the Multiline command' pick a number o" points and admire our handiwork# $" ou have "ollowed this tutorial closel ' our new multiline should look something like the one in the illustration on the right# )otice the e""ect o" the various changes ou have made compared with the Standard multiline st le#

=ne limitation o" multiline st les is that ou cannot modi" a st le i" there are multilines re"erencing the st le in the current drawing# This is a shame because it means that it is not possible to update multiline st les in the same wa as it is possible to update te+t or dimension st les# .ou also cannot change the st le o" an e+isting multiline# $" ou reall want to modi" a multiline st le' ou will have to erase all multilines that re"erence the st le "irst# $" ou are new to AutoCAD' the whole process o" working with multilines and creating multiline st les ma appear a little bewildering because it touches upon a number o" aspects o" the program with which ou ma not be "amiliar# $" this is the case' it ma be a good idea to return to this tutorial in the "uture# Multilines are use"ul because the can save lots o" time but their use is "airl speci"ic and ou should think care"ull be"ore using them# $t ma ' "or e+ample' be more convenient simpl to draw a pol line and to create o""sets using the =""set command# Top o" page

Ti%s * Tric+s

.ou will have noticed that man o" the draw commands re&uire the ke on the ke board to be pressed to end them# $n AutoCAD' clicking the right mouse ke and selecting 16nter1 "rom the conte+t menu has the same e""ect as using the ke on the ke board# 3sing the right/click conte+t menu is a much more e""icient wa o" working than using the ke board# .ou can also use the ke or right mouse click to repeat the last command used# !hen a command has ended' ou can start it again b right clicking and selecting 1?epeat command1 "rom the conte+t menu rather that entering the command at the ke board or selecting it "rom the pull/down or toolbar# * this method it is possible' "or e+ample' to repeat the line command without speci"icall invoking it# The command se&uence might be something like the one below#

Command Sequence
Command: L$)6 Specify first point: 7pick -98 Specify next point or [Undo]: 7pick -:8 Specify next point or [Undo]: 7right/click and Command: 7right/click and select ?epeat Line8 Specify first point: 7pick -98 Specify next point or [Undo]: 7pick -:8 Specify next point or [Undo]: 7right/click and Command: 7right/click and select ?epeat Line82

select 6nter8

select 6nter8

.ou could continue this c cle as long as ou needed' using onl the mouse "or input#

.ou can change the Linetype o" an o" the ob%ects created in the above tutorial# * de"ault all lines are drawn with a linet pe called 1Continuous1# This displa s as a solid line# However' lines can be displa ed with a dash' dash/dot and a whole range o" variations# See the =b%ect -roperties tutorial "or details#

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$" ou "ound this tutorial use"ul' ou might like to consider making a donation# All content on this site is provided "ree o" charge and we hope to keep it that wa # However' running a site like CADTutor does cost mone and ou can help to improve the service and to guarantee its "uture b donating a small amount# !e guess that ou probabl wouldn0t miss ,-$.. but it would make all the di""erence to us#

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