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Hyperion Essbase Interview Questions and Answers

Friday, April 29, 2011 22:48

Hyperion Essbase Interview Questions and Answers

Can we create more than 2 dimensions using only one build rule file. Ans: es, we !an do t"at but it is re!o##ended to use seperate rule $ile $or ea!" di#ension% hat is !"A# user defined attributes$. How are they different than Aliases. Ans: &'A represents t"e !lass o$ t"e #e#bers% Aliases are (ust anot"er na#es o$ t"e #e#bers% bot" are di$$erent and "as di$$erent usa)e% hat is the E%tension of Cal &cripts' (atch files' outline' and )ule *ile+ Ans: *ule $ile is %rul +al! ,!ript is - %!s! .at!" $iles - %bat outline - %otl hy are *ilters used+ Ans: I$ you want to )rant a!!ess to all di#ensions t"en you wouldn/t use a $ilter% 0ust )rant read a!!ess $or t"e database to t"e user and1or )roup% 2"e only reason you would use a $ilter is i$ you wanted to restri!t a!!ess% hat are "ense and &parse "imensions+ Ans: 'ense: A di#ension w"i!" "as t"e "i)" probability t"at data e3ists $or every !o#bination o$ di#ension #e#bers ,parse: A di#ension w"i!" "as low probability t"at data e3ists $or every !o#bination o$ di#ension #e#bers Can we ,uery a member for its !"A in a calculation script. Ans: es% ou !an 4uery a #e#ber $or its &'A in a !al!ulation s!ript% How does !"A-s impact database si.e+ Ans: Absolutely no i#pa!t as &'A/s do not re4uire additional stora)e spa!e% How does Essbase recover from a database crash+ Ans: A$ter a database !ras" or server interruption, Essbase auto#ati!ally re!overs a database a$ter rollin) ba!5 t"e transa!tions t"at were a!tive at t"at ti#e% Can we build dimensions directly from data sources without using rule files. Ans: 6o% hen do we generally use build rules files+ Ans: 2o auto#ate t"e pro!ess o$ !reatin) di#ensions wit" t"ousands o$ #e#bers%

hat are the three primary build methods for building dimensions+ Ans: 1% 7eneration re$eren!es 2% level re$eren!es 8% 9arent-+"ild re$eren!es% hat is the difference between A&/ 0 (&/+ Ans: i% :e !annot !reate #ore t"an 1 database in A,;, but we !an !reate #ore t"an 1 db per appli!ation% I$ we "ave #ore di#ensions <)enerally #ore t"an 10= t"en we will )o $or A,; ii% we !annot write ba!5 in A,;, but we !an write ba!5 in .,;% iii% >ost o$ t"e di#ensions are sparse in A,; w"ereas in .,; #ost o$ t"e# are dense% How can we bac1up an aggregate storage database+ Ans: 2o ba!5 up an a))re)ate stora)e database, !opy t"e appli!ation dire!tory A*.;*9A2H1app1appna#e% How can you ma1e a 2a% 3 script run at a specified time+ Ans: >a3? s!ripts !an be !alled $ro# a .A2 $ile w"i!" is used $or s!"edulin)% I have created an application with one database in Essbase at test environment and now needs to copy the entire application with all security permissions to the production server which is not connected to the test server. How can I do that+ Ans: ou !an a!"eive t"is usin) #i)ration wi@ard to #i)rate an appli!ation to a te3t $ile w"i!" you !an ta5e p"ysi!ally to t"e produ!tion server% 2o 5now "ow you !an do t"at, ta5e a loo5 at t"is post Essbase Appli!ation >i)ration% In what case we can define generation 4 to a feild in generation build method. Ans: :e !annot de$ine t"at as 7eneration 1 is not valid% hat is Incremental "imensional (uilt and one time "imension (uilt+ Ans: In!re#ental 'i#ensional .uild: .uilds and reads $ro# di$$erent data sour!es $or di#ension builds and delay restru!turin) until all data sour!es "ave been pro!essed%

Hyperion 9lannin) Interview Questions Answers

Friday, April 29, 2011 22:A8

Hyperion 5lanning Interview Questions Answers

hat are the different types of 3/6 *iles+ Ans: ,o #any lo) $iles are t"ere in essbase, but t"e i#portant lo) $iles are

1% 2% 8% 4% A%

Appli!ation lo) Essbase%lo) +on$i)tool%lo) easBinstall%lo) essbaseserver-install%lo)

&uppose we have assigned 6eneration 2 and 6eneration 7 as of now and thin1 of adding generation 8 later some time. Can we build the dimension. Ans: 6o% I$ )en 2 and )en 4 e3ists, we #ust assi)n )en 8% hat are attributes+ Ans: A !lassi$i!ation o$ a #e#ber in a di#ension% ou !an sele!t and )roup #e#bers based on t"eir asso!iated attributes% ou !an also spe!i$y an attribute w"en you per$or# !al!ulations and use !al!ulation $un!tions% E): 2"e database in ,a#ple .asi! w"i!" "as produ!t di#ension "as so#e attributes li5e si@e, pa!5a)e type, and $lavor% :e !an add t"ese attributes to t"e di#ensions w"ere we !an retrieve t"e data li5e $or e3a#ple to retrieve C!o5e wit" 8 ;@ wit" bottlesD, t"is is use$ul $or )eneratin) reports% hy do ob9ects gets loc1ed and when does this happens+ Ans: ;b(e!ts )ets lo!5ed to prevent users to #a5e si#ultaneous and !on$li!tin) !"an)es to Essbase database ob(e!ts% .y de$ault w"enever an ob(e!t is a!!essed t"rou)" A#inistrative servi!es !onsole or E3!el spreads"eet add-in, it )ets lo!5ed% hat is the difference between !"A-s and Attribute dimensions+ Ans : Attribute di#ensions provides #ore $le3ibility t"an &'A/s% Attribute !al!ulations di#ensions w"i!" in!lude $ive #e#bers wit" t"e de$ault na#es su#, !ount, #in, #a3 and av) are auto#ati!ally !reated $or t"e attribute di#ensions and are !al!ulate dyna#i!ally% How does Attribute dimensions and !"A-s impact batch calculation performance+ Ans: &'A/s- 6o I#pa!t as t"ey do not per$or# any in"erent !al!ulations% Attribute di#- 6o I#pa!t as t"ey per$or# only dyna#i! !al!ulations% hat are different types of attributes+ Ans: Essbase supports two di$$erent types o$ attributes% 1% &ser-'e$ined attributes 2% ,i#ple attributes &ser-'e$ined attributes: 2"e attributes t"at are de$ined by t"e user% ,i#ple attributes: Essbase supports so#e attributes, t"ey are: .oolean, date, nu#ber, and strin)% hat are filters+ Ans: A #et"od o$ !ontrollin) a!!ess to database !ells in essbase% A $ilter is t"e #ost detailed level o$ se!urity, allowin) you to de$ine varyin) a!!ess levels di$$erent users !an "ave to individual database values% hat is :( *irst and :( 3ast+

Ans: :( *irst: in t"e ,a#ple%.asi! database, t"e a!!ounts #e#ber ;penin) Inventory is ta))ed as 2. First% ;penin) Inventory !onsolidates t"e value o$ t"e $irst #ont" in ea!" 4uarter and uses t"at value $or t"at #ont"Es parent% For e3a#ple, t"e value $or Qtr1 is t"e sa#e as t"e value $or 0an% :( 3ast: in t"e ,a#ple%.asi! database, t"e a!!ounts #e#ber Endin) Inventory is ta))ed as 2. ?ast% Endin) Inventory !onsolidates t"e value $or t"e last #ont" in ea!" 4uarter and uses t"at value $or t"at #ont"Es parent% For e3a#ple, t"e value $or Qtr1 is t"e sa#e as t"e value $or >ar% How can we display !"A-s in reports+ How do they impact report report performance. Ans: &'A/s values are never displayed in t"e reports and "en!e do not i#pa!t report per$or#an!e% How does Attribute dim impact report performance+ Ans: 2"ey "i)"ly i#pa!t t"e report per$or#an!e as t"e attributes are !al!ulated dyna#i!ally w"en re$eren!ed in t"e report% For very lar)e nu#ber o$ att di# displayed in t"e report, t"e per$or#an!e !ould drasti!ally redu!e% hile loading the data' you have applied both the selection criteria as well as re9ection criteria to a same record. hat will be the outcome. Ans: 2"e re!ord will be re(e!ted% How is data stored in the Essbase database+ Ans: Essbase is an $ile based database w"ere t"e data is stored in 9A7 $iles o$ 2 7. ea!" and )rows se4uentially%

+apsi!u# ri!e
2uesday, >ay 1F, 2011 11:2G

+apsi!u# *i!e +apsi!u# ri!e is an aweso#e and "ealt"y re!eipe% It is very easy to prepare% In t"is re!ipes, !arrots are also added, so t"e !o#bination o$ !arrot H !apsi!u# )ive a ni!e !olour to !o#plete dis"% ou !an $ollow t"e sa#e #et"od wit" t"e

!o#bination o$ your !"oi!e o$ ve)etables% It !an be served wit" any !urry or raita% 5reparation :ime: 1A #inutes Coo1ing :ime: 20 #inutes &erves: 2 Ingredients

+apsi!u# *i!e In)redients .oiled ri!e: 1 !up +apsi!u#: 1 !up <!"opped len)t"wise= +arrot: 114 !up <)rated= 7in)er: 1 tsp <!"opped= 7arli!: 1 tsp <!"opped= +u#in seeds: 1 tsp 9epper powder: 1 tsp

+"illi 9owder: 1 tsp<or as re4uired= 2o#ato 5et!"up: 2 tsps +urry leaves: 8-10 +oriander powder: 1 tsp ;il: 2-8 tsps ,alt: to taste% 2ethod 1% In a pan "eat t"e oil, w"en t"e oil is "ot add !u#in seeds, !urry leaves, !"opped )in)er and )arli!% 2% ,aute t"e# $or a w"ile and to it add )rated !arrot and $ry $or a #inute and t"en add !"opped !apsi!u#% 8% ,aute t"e !apsi!u# till it be!o#e little tender%

+apsi!u# *i!e Fryin) 4% 2"en add boiled ri!e and #i3 well% A% 2o t"is add salt, !"illi powder, !oriander powder, pepper powder, 5et!"up and #i3 well%

+oo5in) +apsi!u# *i!e G% 6ow !oo5 $or anot"er 8-4 #inutes, until all t"e raw spi!es are !oo5ed% F% ,erve "ot wit" any !urry or raita%

+apsi!u# *i!e is ready to serve

+apsi!u# >asala or +apsi!u# ,ab(i1,ub@i I Qui!5 and Easy *e!ipes

2uesday, >ay 1F, 2011 18:20 Capsicum Masala or Capsicum Sabji/Subzi

Capsicum Masala or Capsicum Sabji or Sabzi Capsicum Masala or Capsicum Sabji/Sabzi Ingredients: Capsicum / Bell Pepper- 2 Onion 1 Tomatoes 2 Garlic paste 1 tsp Ginger C!illi Po"#er 1 tsp $eera Po"#er 1/2 tsp %itc!en %ing Masala Po"#er- 1/2 tsp Garam Masala Po"#er 1/2 tsp Turmeric Po"#er 1/2 tsp Salt Oil 2 Tbsp Cumin See#s or $eera 1/2 tsp Cream 1 Tbsp Cas!e" &uts '-1( Corian#er lea)es / Cilantro Time to Prepare* +( min How to Prepare Capsicum Sabji/Subzi: 1, C!op t!e Onion- Capsicum an# Tomatoes separatel. into small cube-size# pieces/ 2, Soa0 t!e Cas!e" &uts in "arm "ater 1or 1( min an# grin# it in a mi2er grin#er to prepare a smoot! paste/ +, 3eat Oil in a pan- a## Cumin see#s/$eera/ Once Cumin See#s splutter- a## c!oppe# Onion- Turmeric Po"#er an# Ginger Garlic paste an# saute until t!e Onions loo0 transparent/ &o" a## c!oppe# Tomatoes an# 1r. until Tomatoes turn so1t an# are coo0e#/ T!en a## c!oppe# Capsicum an# coo0 e)er.t!ing toget!er 1or 2 min/

4, T!en a## C!illi Po"#er- $eera Po"#er- %itc!en %ing Masala- Garam Masala- Salt an# !al1 cup o1 "ater an# coo0 1or 4-5 min b. closing t!e li#/ 5, Once t!e Capsicum are coo0e#- a## Cas!e" &uts paste 1rom Step 2 an# 1/6 cup o1 "ater an# coo0 till t!e Sabzi gra). turns t!ic0/ 7inall. a## Cream to Subzi/Sabji mi2ture/ Garnis! "it! Corian#er lea)es/ 8ou can ser)e Capsicum Masala or Subzi/Sabji "it! C!apati or 9oti/

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