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~s. T .... R.T\LL ._. T6JrtNp!k


O,WttfeJt l?rewvI



The Best of the Best

Mid~ICounty • 727.,31 96 amerioan reslestate I. ,CQim

00 starters

iinside eptember

J,'3flr.rjiwf) Dtrector emil Cf}niri&uuw Pr"!iiJe.

00 vip shelter

15 vip style

115 porr Fashio»,

20 heatth&beauty

Z.OSDC'JJ/. S~X .& SWwolkm. :24Se.;u(.>nuIA fferb';8S.

2"7 eating&tirinki;ng

:21' Tc:rHg(lting '!rIM, ~(I !·'!r<·r.m .~fjr.,rflC:i, 32: Happy B8=.

'M MictJhJ.· Mmll~/~I~.

~~ ,¥UA


85 totally social

:15· C~kbm(i'lg 1M b~r4 Wr.!JWi. M'h~1 ww' .Ihere (IlJd ""1'<"1' flwy 101'e= we.l/riJJg:.

58 vlpguide

SIlI,o(j~1 Mall'e..<;·

,6[) Fa" Festiva! GII.'de.

42 vip worthy

41l Revi.I'/i.J'g Ike.

46, l!x!:1~"I()'fJj",.rarr Ik.e ri>,iufHiy.eJ';'l.. ·!lO flab), Booi».

!I~ Fil1(liJ~g }J.illfr~ fJU A.r'f.

!i4 Y/P""'.MIJafityMiiJhad ffol.."B ..

JI2: Glwrl Date« in Se-pWI1Del'; pi(~' a Lew},: POnl'{nt!' (If Next MafJ!lj.

62 calendar

As September rollsaround, we remember' the dU:iTupt!on and! d!eY<l.\StatlO!I that Hnrncane [ke olll:,:area~ In tlhie past year; nmn:y of 001: ae:ighibor.s 'have slJJflTer·ed harUsil,li.!M bOOll:JJlIt OJ,~lby the storm, .Ou.r 'Ibret~ren .un BrIdge C:i.tyalldthGS-e lUv.ung onthe Fldh·,w Peninsula!)<l!Ve Sb6WI.~ gre;lrt: sr.reng~h in rn.ov.ung fmward f1t'JJrehU!iLdl1~l}

'Ihis montlr V]P cdebrates some of the good thi:ngHhat C,H:Me from H!l!Iu.ucane Ike; indivIditlalswho stepped updlJ!r.illg and! <l!fte;r the unmedlate crisis andthe ereerion of posmve energy - frombabies to art! ] woald

like to ex,telld a Hl;;1ink Y0!l!l to <l!H hIllrdc<l!l'Ie vokLlIteern, .i.nd!lldiing those who came to, wQrk:~nd weiTtllome'" One of those \'olumee!rs was ]?fe~ident. Geo.rge H,W" Rush, w~o sb<l!red.i'lLd:iL~dihearted leadie'!.s:hip and co~~cemw.ith!!ls,.

Also j.nsldietthjil1ntl'mlhi'~ issue Y(jU'U findlots of ldeasto ensure ti1at your fu~! season is festive, ~e[ng frornl the East Coa:.'lt, I miss thefall ~eave~ -- the crushand rustle under YOIlr fee~ and the v~lbr.mtt colors of the hardwboGs_ Th'!.1ugh we Hl'lf get few <lIJJtnmn leaves j n. SOIutne;/lst Texas, we do Itow,e 'plenty of \!lfeotk:endi ·fe.,~tlli'ah to cde:brnre, the season,

One hstoolte: m like-to give <], shour-oetto the bo'f"S aHne 'B:ridge City Little League,w'}to made us all proud dilll:rlng the.i.~ \,'(.m(kriIJI se;lcS(jn" 'These young boys l~ymb:Oll:zed to.all of us th<!-~bHltJi' to overCQI1le <l!ol~.r.f>ilIy and go 01) to good. til:ill:flS"

Ch€!"y1 Rooo

COrltrilmting Edi~:Qr

E.,1'ecLU·fv~ ('te'atfw Dil'ea", ALlSlHA NOVK:H

Editorial CWH'I'ib~lting Eailor fr Wdta CHERYL IAOS!E




ViI' '(;~~:r.M~ A1't!:;;t SUSAN LEE

.New Tedmolo8Y D~si@l 'DAUJ>;S OODGE


nmtn'b-u~ill.g H!Omzn~p'l~fS FEU:CIA. JETEIR





Vtp AJ~l!7·t'id~W M.:ln.:l,&'I!T WC-lin~A lANGiHAM ,j{@.888_2868

letters &Bmaills

h~s:tpk!.:.ed ~tpnl.e Jll:~Y ~;s:meo.fVIPtheothe[ (lay .:md W!'!tll);ld liOt:h~nk.:101;I :indu,diii$1<'1 plctnrjaJ ofi~e nOon1.~:n, .. 'Ul Film ~flJd Music FesttvaL Being 11 small neweve'nt wee call use-as much. pujl:d[dty as- we can get, and lit'S very

nmen. ~pil;ecJ.a~ed.

Cttrh:~()ph~.r 1),,;!;m~rQ$ky

Best ViP ever,.K;eep up the good! work. My Best A~.ways, Muchae:~

Mkh~dl. l.JmA~y

M.ywiife and I loveymm~lag:dcz,jne. Keep urtthe great wo.rk.~t .is tnlly. a

iPro.fessi.ornl~·CiJnl1li:tynKigm!j:ne! .

Philip n •. i.'Cmg; AI.A.

COVER. IM.AGE PRQ'II]DED n YALEX.ANDER~S FINE PORTRAIT [)JE-S1GN Lf!thn to' tb~ ed~tor iJw~dd ~'.5~rlf to: VIP.Erlifor; do V1.l? Mag;llz))w, 3SQ Main Sl.~!, llf'{~~lr,mmt, IX /(/'04 (Info'! em!lil hl~1plrew~lh~l'ipm<IE:41,rlr .. Pl~;;>~ jrldHJ,(t ~~~r ccmta,ru IJif(.} andtJr,~ d,t)! j'J.J whl~J ym~ Uvc, L~Uj)r,s !~~a}'b~

edj,tf'djUf ~pr:raJ., .

CGIiI1a¢1 Us

VIP o!SrJ\ Texa~ lklaguzillC cQ/U(la Iriform@lioll; TO SUle'SQRII3<E

CA!.J. >IW-~ QR $l..IBSCFIBe ONWNE f\T W\fo'.v,TI'I8,.1Ft!l!IG.CQM'

TO DiSpLAY ilHE M.AGAZI HE AT"lO..:fI ~Lo::::A'ItO',I, A...~&ff 9N-l- (~.83B,2!329 :SUE!MISSIO~

TO aBMrT m EV1:NT, ffiJANlZATICN 00 PEFSCN ~ ~'SIDEPAilCN ~;ON lPOCMNG ISSUE, Stl8IVfTONU.\!"ATWWW.THE~lOR u::~ ~tr..L~ }80 MOJN ~IE',IifI~r, fX if roo

A IO!vMon o1H~arst Nlewf,;~~eJis, P.trMhi\er


B'~JNl~·t o; S{)~tlleau T(!X';;\~n! fu;'Gyde- this jna;g<1"ine

rntrodlucing alisha novich

As; ,ijlCilCW :Executive, (:;reaUvc ])i!itCcT,or ofVlf what is YOllf lfi:Htrn.ilQVe? J love VfPas j~ ~s, We wH! keep things consistent and Waduaily YiPd~I{-e as we go. There isno .ne~l to cli~nu an.ythdng ~h.iI;l:.i~ run~2in.g rn: it is, Ken}' did <11. gre<1l1 job,

¥t,'ilIat bmu,gbtYllolll."lO vlp.~ I moved here a.bout tkree-molIlhs ag>v; receh''ed ~ pIron>\:! callfrom a fr.iendi.Jertlng !.nek!tow~bcm[dli.e 'O~Ll!g <li!d nb'L'!{ h~ Lam,

Whm d~d! roo 1lt(fY'¢ fl'~mf LA, ~1.A~s JnLas AngeJe..~>NQt 10'[Iisjm1~~ But I m~ or]~jnaUyfroil:'lrrkj}; iitCa.

What dId YOI1d!o iii. LA.~ w'hat~cljdn't r do dTll:::re?[ 'worrllisd in f]:nlphk design;

no }'iJu li~i!lS'l~"A.? Uml'[t,.,.,.c:;an I slIY the H warm: i!]~hj1l Iuagaziner No, OK,. Wd.~ then H~!;;.k,JM'.!1h!

Why did~Q.lci!.vC L.A:~Mrf.lm.ny is here. W~~y(lo!!!c~rm Mi,;'<Iltitq~~kd YG(;,] t~i!lk there were arotaJof four or five while

. [ was ~h~te_ lts a, w!'ry ,<:.H'i1Hg'f! f~cUIig-

Dicl!y\!>us-ee an}'Q~;]e rnmolJlswbHe Y(Jl;!W'i)'U d!t~t{l? I cilid. C.I1rblinl1i S!M~r, \li!'iJ~e Viul:ghn, S;andJer, Hullarr Duff, and ]'In)' sure it\Q)'e, bLlt 1 d{1J~>t rec a ill aU encounters .. Ll kh:l(lofbe.OOme5 no Wg deO'l.i,

W~~tparl of l.A. did you: live in? Right off .HoU'Jf'i\1Oom H!w:Lwher<!aJl the ,~tars <lI'eJ'.!n

the' ~i)d..ewalk

Nowl!!l1~t l'OCIJ! ilg;e bad::i1!Jil.ti!:a,'I!lrn:!'il..(lnItW~31l are yme dJ~jng~Wen, Vf:P now. 'I haie been \I,'orkillgcm. VIPfior two months Itcwnmdi

I bv"", ~rr mitmJ'~(Jrit.lhisis ~ great rJH'IS'1l!line'and whenyen see jt)'m[H~illk n1J12t['(l.l'Qtitnt\; fin ~~IlYGll'c!:tC'{I'tJo he

.~. :p'il![~of! it,

DO.y~lIh.a'i,;e al1ty lil<ubh']lI/'s;l I -enjoy ruaning, ~(;t:[Iallly, I read afit:en "'rid I'l,fy passion ism}' ~[L roo. also 'f 'W'Ork-i1i-hoJic 5(1 you c .. m ~j~~~yfind me i:.etdnd the cornpuser,

Are yOIJ! m;;ur.ried? Kids? No~md No. [ do nal'!!e a Jog that loomldel: my b.'lb'Y bt~t no,

I ~m Gcrt:<lin~y ]'![01)~ titd down so to. Sp~lik. Mayibe om dar .

S011"h:.a.t kind oOfdog <il':o, yOI\:Jl hmr.e! J a,;;:tllOlIIY lla"i[!~Gr12>1!t Dune nemed Mi-"W As I saud, she:'s my baby, She just had her

ejgh~~ bJ.rthday. . .

So I hearyou:a:re a.vegetar'ian?No, I[!Iln ~'i'h\i~ is (! p¢sca1atia:n, I ~b~~:ain of :!I I] meilt other- than fisl1i .. '

10 S<:pum'in.r.iiilO.:;l I n-:lEVIIPl>MG,C{lI.1

The Spind is truly a:;,e~ql.1.usik as ~.t:; appellation imptiJ;:li. One 'Of its mootl,mi{]IiiEi el.~mmt\Si::; the llght:ly-cuIIJI'<Xllnap1s and cherr~' woodfi.n]shes, a departure from the! typical dark t~ak:s employed in t~!t 1Ive:r:;l~ yathl. The relillJtlng'ov.tde!i the interlor w.~fhan airy,· open "t:m.osphsrl;),

A mrg!1;(, ~p~,dOoll~ salocn, 9.1' ,~iying area, ,i~ il ~mmpbLlom, room which inv,i~ss its QCGlJp;'Irrts to e:>cape ~ntot:he re.~l'; dQ1(,>,,].fiHeci sofa{llJJd lounge c.haurs, NeWly uP.ffiI,Q.rS'te'Ierli tlU1Jtlgj.lOut, Rill! A~Mey utilized rich, jewel-tonedfebrics which WRLTllI the }'liIxht's Interior, The saloon comes equipped with 11 fl!lll.l entertainment sy:s~em, complete 'with a SJlilrp hqu,>os 37"jI]illt screen tele""u:;;~Q,n, a chh11l cabinet and 1\ llquor c<libil.let,

Di[lillg npc:n the 5rinelis a five-star experience, The large gaHey of the Spll.tetis

net unlike the moil.enl1citcilensrolJnd ~n.hame decor m3lg.~:z:unes., W]tll r,eatures likedarkgranite couatertops and stainless steel ('IJppHl'Il,]ces unduclinga,lhe.tTIi3ldaF,rnnge and.

r$frn;ge:rllitO[.[resz£. wmbimltion. iii f[igjd~dre micro~vaw oven, a Miele fuU-slZie ..;lhih \'!ffi:liI:H'![, a trash oof:fl[laclto[ ~nd matl)" other amenities, it's -sat}' to furget th'af y(m'r.e in a'sgaRey.

Three la,'/isiu staterooms, or bedrooms, areluchidedon the SpiJl~!. The master 3t~terol)m, ~ccenhlated :by rare A:;ian antiqwi'S, cernes wHh ~ Ina5ter!J~UmJOIn. decked Ol.llt with.~ f~jl1·s.i~blil:thrtllb~ud shower, and a set~ee. 'Ihe V[P Guest St~tlsroUIl1hO.lig(:!g a huge queen-sizedbed, tmHt ». ill :reaclingllibrnry,. and it lilirge cedar-lined tacker. The stateroom, !,Qc~ted at the bow of tfui.e ship, csn sleep

two occupants wi,tiI over-and-under berths and a~oo has a small offi.ce and settee,

Otiler,extrn~. such as ilkl~nclrr roors, endesed pul.ot house 3IJJdflybrid;ge,.offi.;;el st!lldyaltclsi.mded w.itlii.!it<linle:ss steefgr.m, ice makerand wet 00[, llTIal>:e the Spinel a i:miltng bevy ar opulence,

~Ifs hke.havingyolJJ: own if\land!~ Richard ~kl, «Oil the'\"ffi)' ~o,dj;[er~l1td.e,s,thl<lti.on:s, yotJ.fLlS~ havean over""'!lhe~ln~l1g sense a[ seM'-sllIfl'idency.'"

The styhsh ' is b0th '-'ttmGth<e

and fl1ncttronaL Q uite hteraU'y, -ril,e boercan go :;:mywhere~ last wInter; the A:sMe.y famdy ¥<J:GMlmled. in the llah'lln1llS, par~~C:lJibr~.y enjoying Pamdise Fsta:I.'!d and the city

of Nassau,

«'V.i'ttl the. boat, we sneer some of the mos:~ i.n.terestiugpeople, people we never- would. Biett too me-err if we were just vacatimling oon:lewillel,\e,~ Richard d!esCJ'llbedi. "Doeklifejs truly a wflol,e other war:klL There !j;salways sD'Illeth!Hg to see 1I11d. smneth[ng going on. We"b18 ~e<l!rni:ng;iioout the culnrreof'eacls

new destination,"

A '. .b \\.'n. i~ .. ~' h.: .. e .. g1 .. 11dh .. ~'.l. helds · .

a yard t1bgel:ffiI.~r. K~pi:Fltl it

. .' loojj:nggood;hlli~ as rmrn as ym~ In~~' think. [jy paying :M~lm!;uon to 'wO']g;, fsrtilleing, mowi~:u.g :;ulid b(IHJingthe w~l unde:rmlO'llt~ fho;: grass, )lOt! can a1fQ~.d m~]y oommOn\!,i~, insectand du~e:.l.!j~ problems. Th,at means more tumli' pilly.un:g bell, b;'li~beO:;;(liI!lg1'l,]];d enterl!3!ni:tlig on }\o·ur 1.00W[l.

Ye-adyadditrom oforgaoit IIfl:aU~r spread! as a top.d!re!3"ing (~'ppH~ 0.11 top oftheJmm), is. trn.e best 1i'f<Iiy tolbni!d the sell, CQ.mpOSt~5 the best' organic matter to useon lawns.

£Vel"y~rlng.:;md fal], usea lawn sp[earler to broadcast a li -tn 2·.uncl:t·tihkik ~a~' of OOFllpmt on fonr .Iavm. ltwlll naturally work its warinto the top few inches Qhoi~. and provide nourishment,

.EailTIi ~rdlli& rate. up tlile dead .[l;t<IIli5 so ll,dead lay'e(, known as tlTIiOllkrn, aml:s:rft develop, Also loosenup compected soil by asratit1gYCHI[ lawn, Yml-{:IHl rent a[l ae.ratin..g "l.t~acbiill!e or 1I;S~ shoes

that punch hcles .~11 the ;grass as YO't!. W'" .... lk These ,h,Qks ~IIO"I'I' wal~l"; air and li!ul:r.uents to free[y ftO'w :iin"Lo the ~~J.~I.

A:t~JJ~h~ !jvay to add organic m~He[

'is to hlil'~ the grass clipp]i1ig£, on the bWn, G[~S~ dipping;; are Iligh in .lliitrog>elJJ, a[l,d) jf!;hopped . .Iindy w.uth a nm~tl:til:lS m,O\ ... er; ~he:t will. ,dll>to!ll.pOS~ quiGkly w'hilg .f-eedillig y{)ur g~$ plants,

Even with a ho;:altllydo~e ~fcomrOl,st: each re:;tr;fi~wllS stlll m~y medKome fl!.rtmu[. NiJtrogen fertilizer i1> p@rt.imlarly ~ssTI!~ia" For lush, green growfh" However, d!on't be seduced by qJuid".fix chemical rer~.uiize[s.

QlJl,<;;k"l"el~$e :Iawn re[tilher:li are ~Q Mghly~:lulh1e-lhat much 'Oftl1e- nitrogen leachj'!~ thrcmgl:t to the soil ,,,,lJthout t,lfl.e gr~5 ev~r l:ta.vil1:g a chance to- me it. The)' ~!;Iy a'oo GI!IU;,e problle-m:li by leaching jl]O:J groundw;'li~r and uearbystrsams and .., It's use a ti~,aW'·.reJea:se [e.rmiz.edhat (eei:l~ the grass o .... er tiL''Ile

as needed.

]f YOll see a fe~~weEsd;s .h.ere and there, d!on't,plflrIUC. If:5, better to relax }"OUT

standards gomewhat~nai[j to immed~at.e.liy reachfor th.e herbicides. Preventweeds frolufi.!:"lf.eadling. by mo~~iBg reg!Jiarl'land. hand.;,]g tenacious we-eds, such as dmdelIO([ls.l.e-ave perfection to,the' greens-keepers and tllDe:u[ pwtting g;rcee:ns,

Iryon havea .Iilealthy,\ve.ll.

In:aiJ.lta~nedlawn, insects. and diseases w.illllilltlllalDy toe discm.llag.edL Same insects that c<ln C<Ji!Jse pmb~.enl.lS. are sodwebworms. grubs and chl.n,c~ bugs. Sod webwonn dal.lm<Jige shows up in Iate sr.L'i:ng as small dead patches iuan otherwise hei'lIthy lawl]. Check i'lit l1light fo[a~ught brown C<I!~e:L'pmaraboo!JJt an inch, Badlills tih:!J[Ingi.eL~sis,. an insecticide, is a fillf.e renledy-.

GmlI}s are ~<lrva:e ofbeeHe5;,W.h.en they have; done theirdemage, )'Uili can roll entire: patches of lawn ib;ad hl\iea carpet, One sign of grubs in a laiWl] .~s the p rer.e nee of a lot of 1-. inch holes wllDerebhids, skunb 01' :m(lco--onsn.m'e been d~ggillg fOT ~ [neal of grubs, Milky spore, a na;tu:ml insec~ucide, ~s a

safe r-.emedy.,

Chil]eih bligs <Ire fond.of:St Augll.sti:t'J,e gnllss j- 'but: wIn .~jtti'ick bluegress and bentgrasses, roo, D1l!mage shows up as-ll:lrge., distinct patches, Insecticidal S01l!P Is 11

safe r..emedly,

'Ihere is an efJecti"'"e,~fe control product available £0[' 1:l~I]1Jm't ,e'very h.WIl pest These products I.Milll\:f' sense not only from an poim of view, but frema personal one as \1I<:i11. r!Jfi~ the :nlllmber eftlmes kids fall :rncedbwn in the grass d!Jring an acti.VE! g~lne of volleyball OJ' football,

or' ;~~st how close tookll"ers <lind! pem are to the lawn as t~ley mfgl lImm]~ and

the dm~ce otpest remedies becomes clear cut,

Co,r~,tfj:Sy[)'f&miJy F~tlt~rre.~




IM.t ItlCIriS homKom'll!s! GE-I'~oor ooder iru e;arl'y Itf-

lleal!~I~ t~ IlCiWeM ~'1IhII Wlg;nnim:s, Flow- 8,rs'lrli,lhi l,1WB cam

maid! ~n!p' oolG(. orad~ ~ aCC8rm 'rm a U1'li~~l~ch,

FIowi!I'BWiilh 11II1Ie. 1645; .Dmflffl ~rx,'i'7?oi 40!MM2l!8/.1

S!rewbeny Aeld$~m'I!H'& GlftI,~"&8i)N, r~Vr., Gie.104,~11; 'lX 7m;] 4f){l8f(J,4(5M

Joot ln tilill'" forfall, W'li .... ~ got ia.llulllllJl; SlllGm~3 'kif 'ICiur t~l4I~ 'W~Iifi;et. FMwrlfig haflcl·~ouredl M'I' melt~ I~ dootidU~ fll'-3gtBOOOO such as Hot ApjllB Pill, "IlElii~kim O)J~~~e~al\;~,ant;! Spicy Gin9!3r!l~a:dI,roLJ'~ ~I!I~ tQ, iifll:l da'o'Ori~ or tiro I

'IiIIe Nlilil'!Hl.ldi~,. ,jM7§5,343.'l

me Gift~op. 4YJ1VM.4~'

Retailers we l,oiVea.M .their merchandise we love to have!

D!lIiL~'5 Uiji.lti:~ l).iiillli'leet;I1I ,oj yoot riM~ wiM 11et>ir~! MilIj' 'i'ffl !i~ggGat a. rich alldl~r~iI1 bland ~I!IDllI,1I'6 Millih:alll 1Iav!~1 PoI!titeIPetil~, or peM1<!ps (!!tl.III-H~ be~ Ri!I~ 'lly Gr.!li~ RoU!.a~? 'f'Oll'rB O:;I!IJ~ ~D 1D'f~ our EIlElh::, '(:>l!loame'l ~1!'!Il"gt!II!'I willl ~ \'iil'd ;hEjrr,i~~ ~t ll;<;l$ljl oal end tlJlglnt jui'cy 11I.Ilnlfl:!), O'l for~lt~ di~C!rymiI111;1ing olnnmssc!!Jt, II)' aur ~s:bllIl'lliu[lci' ~,k Ci':!il'clomitir,a ~~eii!ull~ l'idll all>!! ~ !iIID: oi ~eaPJlIa,cnilm,a b:rul~, ~a,p~, '.lrnl 'I'<lnill!! ~i;j~tiNl,

1TIa!llillip M'd Room r!fliU1lI~

i'm1l'1ldUGl3;B a,mew

je\!lelry !rle' by FI.tI (If Gr=,M !.i'I1~ilJe pi coo l'cErl~ alIDijl!l3 fJ1d1'!'~M~~h, lm~!!if &mlpMn ~r~irn.

ITfI"i~n~d ilTlo Ihip arud 1Jcem!y cle$[gm, 100.. to ~if a.g~, ori{iiifl, a.n.i limftro ,q,iBi~~t:;. oflflB 1!1".adBI~, 110 m~ piaeaa are e:«)cU~ lite S1:une! &duslrdj ,N,fhg,I'tag;;DipMsil,fIoom

Pebb~ !!i~Ji'd.Ml!lIOIIiM l!~er!I ~Pil¢P.J1~'d,. Be.'UWIOt.{ T&.M 771(J6 4(J9-&i(j..T3f)f

fllI;l!i'hip Mail Itoll:tn.

~ M8SWllf1~JY/ffi, 4(joHQH~o1J POO~ JiOOlik'i jBS, 4fM.724·()4t'4

The moot critical component ofthe full. wardrobe Is the perfect pair ofjeans, and also the ham est to findl Butch Hoffer's offers a wide assortment of brands, fits and] washes to suit all. body types 50 Jon ClUI feel confident and look. gre-at finally rn mfing the perfectfit, Some brands they ~r.ry mclude Sevens, True Religkm., Hndson, Rich and Skin:ny; MEK, Twisted S.e~'1Im and WilIi.311ll Rast, Pric.:es lange from

s ]54· to i$2.62.,lbut once yOUi lind a filawlessfit, it doesn't matter w1:tat tbeprlce

tag sa}'s~

G~ve your summer tl1p,-t]op!1 the 'boot il!nd ,~tep out

iil the perfect blad~ boors. \Vi': love these U(;GbOClts with the! i wedge beet side buckle <lind ?oippel" detail. These are pexfect In wear with ,eaH'S, ,~jirlffi or dresses, $2:75. Av'l.i.I,u1Ae at Dlllardi'S. 409.899:9300

1lrii!; fabulous: fiill m'J.l:>t~~~ol 'Norks gr~;;I~tasa la~ tank n~:ldi~1.~n set by

. • and.Jaloux, $90, paired with classic

Q\'al.Jessio:.a Simpson sunglasses, $55, . I ~ muLtoi-chain turquolse necklace wit ~We!Is&;~e~ charm made my Gaudie C$l1;llulrii;J;p1"lvate label. $60. Grea1 \vit.n Box bouts wi~1il amber

w~ low !:~b !:rwndy trlilld'l ,COtJ!t iJ]'iitd~ by Mil1~i[dI Fillmora, $fN, '~)rJ.l(l'i",~[' a ,d,assk white btmon-liiip 8hkl~ $,iLf!.'6,. rulJd topped off wtth 3~$Sy plaid scarf: $[9, AVl'!1ilibk

~t i3t!toh HQfi'\>['s, 409,399,9.800

Scent of Attraction

Phercmores Prornse Instant

G rat fication: Fact or Fict~on? text hy Astwy Green


An it takes Is 11 U";10e of 11 dtstinct smell to tick~e YO!JI: nose and s~Lbru[isci.Otl;Sly, you conjurethe memorj' yonrp:;;y<:he hasmatebed irr to, Aoool'ding to psycho.J.ogis~ Il~th Wibou of Beaumont Psy(ho~.ogist Services, d~ere's an lIruJ1t.iJnliCll conneenon behind the stmng Mood~~tiO:[i;S scents :hri:ng to [IS, "Ihe areas afonr hl'~jn Wll].ch !'ec-er'!!~ infmn~atuon al!JOlIlt SmeHs,81.llKlitIous and: ]I1:emOTie$.:~I'e all. connected," vVilsOIl said ..

Provo,cative P'lersp~ration7

What ,~ tj.10~\gM" 'Ihesmellof i!.lIldro:>renQ!le. a co:mpommt oJ male ;l;WE'!;'\t',US: claimed toelkit fwil:lJ¥iof atlmdiuiIl, sexual dssure ~I!ld arousal, However, iII An~.eii,ca:s modern lIygj-snic lI.Qdsty, mmt of O1lr n1l!t~rnl scent Is ~".ash!l:d, aw,ay.

Pheromone Phenomenon :::

Falsity or Real O,eall?

[Phe:rolll(!\L~,es ·~r~ odorless ';:~em:nicals. produced by living orgam[;sJ.];!);s to tmuSlITul mesrmges to. other Inemlbers o:hhe Sl'llne species, Secr~~.ed UmYLlgh swea~ ;IDndha:ur. pheromones ad as for alarm, defense', ter.ritOl'Y"ll[larking, social recognttion andsexual <JI1itl'a.ctiOll.

"Plserernoneshave beenfound !H mml}' <lnilll<I~S,:' Wi~sou s<!IJid. "Ho''l'i'evel', lI>'hetller OJ nliJ~ these d~eTJ.1icals affed:, or even exts.1ull humans is 8J debatable stdYJect in the scienrific o!JJ.nnnmit~"':'

A broadspectnnn of'manufacnrrers produce bottled "pheromones," willrn.e dl.aims pmrnise .im~1mt sexual attrncti,on,tm::rea\S'ed forep~ar, freqaent .ill~e[murse, and more, Sound too, good

[0 be true? Considering thai these chemic .. alsare odorless, the idea ·0.[ a po~el] rompanion .smelhng

pheremones ,011 yon .[s futile, However; some scientists believe phereraenes ar:e sensed. h}f' a recently discovered o!'gan (VaLlleOOll:ls:al) in the oUfuc1ory sys!ten'L Other researchers believe pheL10mQ[f.i]!. communtcation exists tlTrcmgll 11 suxfh Sel1M. > >


I'~" ~!'~" ~'Il'I. ~'I'II. ~'I". ,"II",. ~'I", ~ I' I. ~ I'll '" .,n,.", ,,,.,, I',". ~ II~. "''," .,"' ,".,"' .'. ~~" ~ P'I" ~ I',". "'I '". "'" ~ ,"'I"' ~ ",'I,. .,',"'," ~ 1"1 '"., I",. P "",." I',". ~'I'~. P'I',". PlI" ~

IDoes Fragrance Have Perk

Appeall or 'Seal! the Deal?

An u..nvrtHi:iblr;: ;Op1~romoilc~dfG;l' ooe:sn't dispel the (<'let scent il"s,"1f IS aEar!trnc!Mt Ft:;1gtMce ~roi;l~S th¢ S~"I'i$~S, ;illJ.ti.Oi~g (Ith~r thinss-, UlDoI'Uln ffi.rvr~.!'cl. a S~m!~ (l,1'4'¢i~Ii$' fbr G~v~nchy fn'l$l< DllhI.rdi:~ ,I1lI lk~!!lmotiJ't, dl.~i.c: are~jiQit~ O!l:rl"ll!i!lJ p~tf~Jl:l~$ nno colognes

tha:tiiliOff,iast a~t[iicfiOiiJJ, ~T!h"t'$ the biggdt piJrp(!lS¢ bchirtd fr.':\s[anc~' $he s~id.

"Women ~re nl1\-'<Lrys wrumg tll.cit tc(!nt top]eMe tl1~[njigTilifi~lJitot'hL!:r, otto sn:~g·~ ,,"±gnLj]'~J;lt ol'h.:r!'

H<fi,~ooummQd! no!l't t.oi'~scllltlt$ as GiV'~fi:I.~i:s VG1Y Ir!(1si$lLb~.~ rOt \\i'(lm.~"ll,·~[Id IT (symbol ]Ji) for men.


A~I the Rage in Fragrance

'There are many j)opllbi .per:furm:!~ -:ami cologne:;: that inCr'e¥e ;Urrrach(m; ,~aid Courtney J:ackll.o.n,!granc,e sales repres.ent; at Macy<~ in Be-aIill:mol1!" 'Iheirtop sellers a~e;'

Fa:r W(T'J1r\(f1;;

• Viva La JWL'j by It:l!h:rC(l~li[r~ d¢il!fl. &W~t. fruit ~d flJow~r··$c~l'l~

• Th.eOml"by [1(11(£ 8.; Gilibbiil:l'!iiI <I. ~orl1i~ijcat~, ftl;lit ilnd H(lwrwfr~rru1O;;-'¢

• LigliJ.DJ1W ~rJJO:k~ &G·abba..lta lisbt, fftsh citrt!s sindl

F(F'r we»:

• Way hyGivc,!lliLhy

fwnw! by Ji!lstln Tjn~t~cd~J<e. a l:riast;l;lliDi~, yC18W"C¢t scent

• D.!l!'$Il[ by Dic's1!l

a. VGl'Y cl~w>ir;, rnasculine .$r;¢I.\~

• Euph'l)'na l~:fi~~ by Cii.lvLIt Kki~ Mji.'ii~:effi'i¢·i y;~t 8\"e~t m~~'~nc f~:1i!ffifiC~-

De.slJ-t b t:/te 6'fJ1:tie, rtiU IN r{rt/t..;f ~"i /tirL

Whi~e these products}, not contain bona fide phel'QIJ.lOnes, theym11iY still accomphsh their advertised acl1ie>,el~,lems hyfDoollting yo.u!' oonJiid!ence level,jng you~he edge needed to .anrnc,t the o!ppoMite sex. 011 your ovm. The better ¥OTI feel3ibout your:sel(,. th.e mm~

atlr4!(t~ye yon _""",,0=--

appear to



The Alliergy' Seas,on

It's a i~~ounherew .• · •.. hen It com.:es., to all~'rgens" L~rJ1; Iuwv IT J~vi-vtf

The Basics allef,g~e:!l'tn the ,~lIJtheil21rr!l!giQt") offhe· CCll,li~rrryare '~~.ostJiydll!e to weed 1)(J.llel) frDtn ragw;eed, chel:)opod~~ld dock welI!ds.wW'lIXlI.1l rl<l!tiQ,l end1ng n~ late "O;·.:t'l'lbe,"

"W~ed poll.en ~s the p!l',edOinj:i~ailX .anergy C"1,I1j.Yrit ~Il tl\~s ;jJ1"{'.a,~ said D~- t{anjU. Singh, an Ane~gy, ft,st!l!'l:l.:l •. and Irni:(lu~)oIogy .spcc.hl~!S~·ilt the f\~_le(~.&' As~OJ'l"la ClJoic·,~n$e<lUmonL "~lo:li:1 pro~le!'i)i' \'!I.m OHUr t()\\·.ard~· the end of fall as well, wiler:! thelt<l'i[e,~ begln wilting_~

wmmon AI~6rgy Types


Eye tnflaramatlon, with \'I', itch.ine:;:s,mlll ~~d distress,

Na£a~. stnffiIJe-ss. with deal" dLsdlarge, sn:e.e:dilg; itch ille£ll. of nose, month <t:ndjor ears,

Ai[~J::gy-i!l{h,1ee(l, partial ain"'~y olYStflillcll~OlO_ Co,ligli:iJlg, whee~irtg, s:lort!~e$~(lf b~e~tf"l, futi.gM.e, ch~s:t lightn¢!i:J: and pfun,

Phanmacy or IPhy8~c~an?

Aiie:rgies,.ron.g~ frum N-:ca~i()T.Ia.11 ty.liIliptoms, which c1Ill! be treaWd Wul:h'u,,'el-th~-wlmtef ~QTC) med:icM:ioll(l, ~iO 'yeart-Oilig c.o.mpli.cati.orJ!i ~nat rn].~i~ m.~i(:~J IJ",

i'jf ~YIll~tQ];ll!iI~J;! l¢.S$~h~ll 10 ~hy3,. and :;!;L~ ~ll(iyia~,ed bylakiL'lg ~Om'fi!tMllg less tl1~n ~:\\'ic~ a we.ek,. then OTC .m~dio;a~'uons w.ill \vo.rkline;~ SirJ@h silid, H{h'l'~V~~ peo!p1e who have ;mH.~tip.I~'{;~::l:>(JJl allergi'6~ or yl.;)~rkH],g sympl.Qm:> need lU 8~ ~ phy~iQi~n or aUeirgf~l, Jl!J~ said, «O."r;et-·I:hl; [I1«licat!Q]"] m.ay'hcl!p a littl~, bu1: Ine),-'l1 hav'i psr~iskn:l11;;";1HI~tlel; and (Umina.g\l:, CX.Jn::;t3nl: ttmgestLon, djffi.~~~hybre~tiuil1g ~l nught, ::.nil aftMrejghthotn:~ of sleep, they WOn\ fu .. d;$~,ed.'-'

Protectton: 'OTCr M.D. and Natura~ Remedes-

Thm Alexander, a. pharmaelsr for CVS in Beaumollt,.s~j,d. the mOISt common

'. o .... '"e[·-th,e"(";OunJter .rl:ledkM.fon.~ flOr a~le.rgjesal'e Zy.rtec~mJ GarihL~" "We

, see ;'lrl infrlI.>( ofa!~e.rgies just hefore Sep~.emb-el'," she said, '«]f;'l person has

.. ;'l,l.'ntHly:nrue and Hdl}", watery eyes:, I know ui':;: ,atle.rgy-rebt¢lr

In <j:dd!ition to Zyrtec arid Clariti n, , Slugh remt:nme'f~d!edJ Jeoonges,tanitS

Hke811Kilmed! to help dear the nose .. ~All

, ine'''Pellsive sohUion. is 'L1~ig:lg uasal saline , srray'in. the Ulo'r,n Lng to,~dpdear the

-i sinus cavity <lind pre'\llejl~clQgghlg,» he

sf).til "Nasal deccrH@est.<l;!lt sJ)ror.~, such ,1S Afr~11, are good for tei~por.aryreHe~ but yO'LL can become addseredto the1'n~

, You. end up using more, for Ie;!l~ I'dicoJ" I : dori't .r.eOf)nH~endJ lISillg a nasal spray

.a decongestam tor ~mQn:IIbt:'l throe days , pe:r, w!tek~


Prevention; Attack Back!

Ailierglies are Ancestral

"Qne parent h;lillIn,g aU.¢tgk~ makes a dtikl t~"'i~ ii$ sus,¢p~hk 'to "h~ f(;!"w,~ and both. P~[iWJ"$ ha .. 'it'il;g~[[crW~s increases fbalt risk by fO'l,lt li:m~$,~ Sit1ighs~kt

S~t1gh ;lJllvises pea,plc: with ouedoor uUC'xgks '~ use a prevei~bJl!l pla:tl- ~[f}'m.!,~uve {l1l~Jr:l()r aJJ!erg~~!; a .. d. you:re g!);illgro work g.1!U~ide, viiea~ey:egla'~$e~. wear <I ~1;ask~ ~.ldlrakc <!jl arlti M~mitl¢'ot yo!;!!" m~i~?Lti.zy~, ;lit le~~~ two~(lI,Ir.,~,beJQr¢}'Q1l g{) 0l!1t in th¢ Wrd- tll!$ w:m heIp lessen Y0U:!: sYlnrto;m~-~

OtJl~r. prevei1t~!ive mc~su:r¢f.; Locli!lde' di.a~1<~~jj;~ dothe.o;~j)d MClwe:dng U):1Jm6dii!ldy iOllm~itl.$ a (lay otltd000'~ (l~ e;:qx"s.ure to all~rS~!ls,

O ne,.in, 8\,. ,fe, ty, '~",re,,' ",pea,', ',P,I,6 8U,ffe,lS,f,J, om aller9, i,61, 8 8, .e,G,' ',ord, lng to

I the Asthma and A~lergy Foufldation of.AmericB. (AAFA).

That's 50 million people Vtiho feel next-to-miserab3e mom 19lan1 50 days a year,

First Aid:

Cold or AI~erg!y Attack?

GoM and aHergY'i:l}'IIilrtO:JllS cm1; bel

50: similar th~t ,they become diffi0Ui!: ro diffe:re11i!iare betwE!\,![I, Singh s~ijt;l the lli!y' di'ffl;!rencss are w~,~!he[ 0[ no~: 'reM ha~ fever and boody ilich~ 01 uK:hin,g, "[tolling

is sUgnifilAmt to allergies, whule feverand oodyach~ ilire~jg).linc~llt to Coidl:i,"he~a:~d.

'Qua~ity of Life'

~Peorlie want. tJl;t·i.r;;'tCl;lte: sympt(!i)~S taken care (If; but Inany o<ve'.d00k thei,rlo:o~- term q1..l!~.Hty oflife; S[ltgh .sau~:l ~Po(llr. !>I~ep'

.:rl.ld eonstant :;!~tezij1[g fire qnali~y ofUfe issue'So If someone has '~''i'!'l1~tn~1.~ on <lJ daily b<L~j~, tl\ey need to see a phy:;jdan,"

Allergists and ENTs

An allergi;st orear; Howe snd throat: speciakst cal] dlete:m~i!1,e (l persons specific allergies, tell them whatto il'\loid, and recommend 1ilHergy tiherapy:

'"Treah:nenu;. mayumludenasal s~ero:~ds1 nasal antihistamines or allerg,yshots, whi,ch winboo,s~ a per.sans immune systeu,u!1nd help them, feeabettf'1'with ~es81Ql1~.~en!Jl medication,' Sh1g/:L siliid,

Natural Remedtes

The AAJ:~\ .report:> that i'!llUjlJ ])("{ip'k use a.Jwrnative medici:w:,' to ~JkvWiI!C their ;allergy wmptom~. N~ti,1rol!:t¢f1Mn~l1l~ appro:;u;llC-S may rncludc, bu~ aren't limilcd! to:

~ A(i!lip~Ilct!U~ ~ M:;lts~g'G

~ R~.xati.on ~~cltrnqi;!~8

~ .Exctci~c, YO$~, "lid Jif¢s~yl.c dUlng()'S : ~ Diet (be'rri¢$~ plums, cltras·~ peppers, spinach broccoli,

(:~y¢lmc pepper)

~ HiI)Jh~l mooi,dm:anci v~,tamun ,:>i,J!Pl~lcml;nt~ {Vit(!l~ C, qU,Ct{)MiI), nr~nl,.., ;)O$'cli~, ll"0'ri.r;.;;;)

Let the" Sun Shine In.

. ~ .~ _. - ... - -

he begin n:i.r.g of fall seems 00 scholarly, so se~iQI1£J' '''h~twirrh the begij\nh~g orthe schoolyear, But fall also ibD'i ilgll f00~haU seasonand with thar -lu:~~gating p;.1!rties!

H()w do YOLI ,etl,cSlIlreyt1l1l, tailgating parttes <Ire the be1it? A theme ~8 :always- a fun ... '!tym get~ny 1;1'<l;rtygo~ng. ['Or e;:;,:amp~e" a CajLlit ta(lg;:tte wIth ,ambalaya, ,~~\ruiJ:l.r q{!9Je~ gamho, I)~acken;ed catfi~h ;jJnd! ooii'i~breadj,

(if a sejjfood roi!gln:e,. '''lth erabdlp, fihd mp()H theei~gli~e<lj~d shrhll.pI;m-I;lOh.~.

Of course, an -. part {)fhavi~g <l gre-<!t tal i.g2!li!1S pu:rty


tea byTara Smltll

usto make.{lu~eYOOI1 haV':e" great grilL .A few extras to' consider are ,~eMs,eoo~ers, Ilmbooll~~, tablesand U~i1ei'8. Someseats C<ll) be hu[~t :ifllnYOlllr t:<lJilg;lJte alo11g with dl!'!df(lod! holders, Whe11 dlU;IDSil1g " cooler, keep ln mind the ,~d-ze YOILI. rhin.k 'rULI need, (And u{ ytll1 a~'e a. hule- wJld er perhap,.~I~.zy,you carl. 1111lo.'<l;}'s iblLlY a ga'~nt elec~rlc-pm',i'el'ed cooler that rlouhles asa ~oter.) Tn order rro prot~ct yt1tLr:;;df and. -ym!Ir'p;.1!rtyfmrll tile QC'ca'~vomJ j nclement weather, a large umbPell,a, q.r (l'ther type of .~31);!de is a ~d bet, ('.A:lrt>Mdex'1!g~i~g a taiMe. B()!)]e tahj.e..'l' can even be .:lJtmched to bjt:ches.l..a.~t~y,~h]uk aho.u~ getrUj~g iI tt:iijl~;'LtI(lgtl'aik~. T~aHeT.,~ CaO, he ph'l:l!)o!r. 1':111'00 up - Shl~ beer t~p, ,q.te.r~o, barh,ecp:le, aO,d ~ce d\Jem ~wr~g:e il~duded.

H~Mle with, c~rt;

N(r me w.q:YttJ tTJJft·t:r~ine nr rke f'.q~tf·tef

'. lvbke sure )'QLI.have a meaus to keep yom [hot food [hot <lna.QQld food cold. •. :B:rlng along a meat tbermometer so there is 1]0 ,gl!Jess work.

.. Pe'l'lSh<lhle items should not be, out over two hcurs,

.. Rringtots ofjce,

.. Aiw .. ~ bl:Ing p!i'lstk: rotiler!ill.al1 glass ool.Hcainers.

.. I'm not leave 11 hot grillllnatteltdled, .. nd a['!\rays dispose ofymu' hotcoals prope'rly.

t!\roJ1~~ rB'~r ~.f'tknJ~Vl.t£ jun.t~ Crt~ft .~' w~£icAec;jdiJf' forJfJW' j'!4fykeJ. riYtyb ~.4f~ tut"wi~R,. by &'VUe frJ4rkLr ~ .)"m-t. frff?i. ~rt!~ wlft 1%' ~ whtn.. ... ~' re MM, req,4y for tie tte:(t,-,~~:r

SANDWICHES ARt: ALSO GREAT FOiR TAILGAT[NG PARTIES. They~re em;yto make andre de;1lll1 up. Think cold sandwiches (slllcn as 111l!m and cheese, tlLlrkey and cheese, chkken salad) for hot days, and 11m 8<lllciw.i,ches for later III the season as PhiIly cheese steaks, brisket or pulled pork,






$tUff'ed.apdr:Q(ts ~\I'~p~i'id \!\I'iJtll ~OO!'l Ihlco~cwrapfl>@d clhkk~!l bllle"~

Mini cral,;Jc:;l&:"5i

Mimi qLlj,ehe.'>

S~u:ff'ed Inl:tllhrooms

~S'Wf!t?t p(i>'tlI~ ''i\edg~~

\\fRAT WOULD A Fl\R1'Y BE W.ITHOm DESSERT? &:tl1:!;;\,.r[tlr things that are e,asy to hantl1~ lik~ hOOwnis~ •. ~6l:tiG~,

n, ~.emo·J.] sll!;IatE\S,

<lke bItes ;ll!s~ to l1'!lne ,,:fell>';

MAKE SURE TO BR)t-{G :tOTS OF NON- ALCOHOUC DR-INKS; s,.od!gt,watel; iQ3d,te,2l:J!ruI i~Jn.nL'!i;;ad¢{lt hot ihQc(J~~. oolID~~ and n0it ddel'f,,"ir cool d1fY5,:

Orlstlne Monteaux of Two Magno~las Ga~e>ring provided these lmportant tips &. menu ldeastor fans headed out to r a serious aft,erlliOonoi fun ..

What to put in the pi!c;iklll P A paCking list of things to bring; .' EmQgrill

.' Chal"COa]

• L~gh~er I1l,.1id

• M<rtdw~

• ]c,e .c;h.~ts

• .illaIik¢tt

• Cha]~

• fuJdin:.g tuM~s

.' D.ispo®abk pl,i!t¢!i, cups &cutkry

• Napkirl$, paper towels, wet wjp~s;

• 'frash bags

• 'Ihermos (jO'r hotdrlnks or $(l~p)

• i!.ottl~arld c:fIn open~n

• Sa!~ arid 15¢?J);(!r

• lots office

Traditional Tailgate Fare MEAT'S






Fresh fish

Hot wings

APPEI'IZER.S AND SJ[[)!ES ClITiips and silli:i<ll

Cajnn peanuts


Stuffed j<Ji~.(itpe:l1oo

Deviled eggs

CoI.elilaw [btato salad

Ilnjo" ci~ellP l.r1e!d 'enltree's.fIDr less, 'I~an, Irulc,ery :s101'el Pllilc,es!1

Yes,'we: 1[101 PfOOUPEli Idel idm.m efUliees,from ~fes!lll im:gredienlsfor [ess: 1han grooel} store IPMces! If you're 1001 ern~!nJJ oor toM, ~DUle prolla~1y spooltllng more mooey on~ooding ymJr :~aml~ U1an you maDy neOOl roo SO si~f1IL1,p [D[lay arnd .stru'it enioyiJl@1 au] h€!8!I:Ii~ d'etioiousfOOd for l)assllan goooervsIDr€' prioos.


$'20 off 1.2 e,nl~ees ... free desllerl

ORnER r[)DAY~ BOOK ONLINE OR CA!ll www.yol!mllnaiin mI ~sh .. IGomJ 40~1-8lli'i~i:2·46

less IIJalJ'fJre gRille" 819m'?

Her'~s whalflME. m:agalille says aool!t o~ts:Ogre1Itg

":;';;~~~-I Mmlll[lOolting,

"71m fllherfiw ~ I~ ~{lfiW. r ~~ irtJai!}mI Coilll dJJ ss motlJt liOO;OOllS l1':'l}'OO W3J1t lN1iIf(i~ca!'l ~~!!'f.l mo1~' a' dtJilf!t(,i; ch~mY .as IIl\l'SI? ~ t$1~,·


DJ.'s w.i~!Jr hOIlW$Q!\llt ~'!fJ'PIl(:r oflwu4ain (mdmedr:essillg.

WoK Jw it «l ~Iy ,(IN.l!

(Jj your kwal g~ry Skms.,

Pecan Paradise Tasty times await at the

41 st Annual! Texas Pecan Festival,

text by Haley :strahan

K.idk off tlle faU festival. season :;d Groves' 41st AnnuOiil 1,:.eJoms, .Pe>eOiiJ.,l .• ~, .:.eM.S .. t~v:a,l. Fr, O~l TIm.' 1:00. ,~.!' se. p.:.' t, ember 11 ~.luQ!Ugh-Sl]nday, 8e-pl.enlo-er 20t~, Lions Park

will host Texass ofiidal Wecalll'es[iV<ln, wit.h rllmily-fr.iendlfy ev.ents I~ke 1Jj parade, a pt:e-eatil,lg cou~esr, a ]pet shrnv, 3. treasure 11: hoeseshoe toumru.n.em. and the Cooking 'ill'j~h Pecans ·COH~est. The 2;009, 'Iexas Pecan Queen wHlbe nal.noo.~t the}J!lI!geal1t to IDe hEl'M. Saturday, SeiPJiemlber 1 ith, .. atPort Nech·es·Groves

H1gh ScilJooL The carnival mid \WIY and

fuaa vemlbrswuU .open at 5 .p.:l1l. 'Th:!Jrsd!ay

the 12th. and eoutinue tffiJ rough. the wee . kend,

Q,{d. rrp..t~ P~f1, B'r:£t1J p.~

1 Prench or tOMt &lightly Xi t~p~i;nm~g

1 8!:ick hu~t$t

3 tsp Vj'J!tiiUa QfOtand I'vbum~r, :2 Cup!;;$!i!~r

1 t$rsesili.mL\!"s.t1~dS 3 ~ggs

1 cup CIJtttnts or Hlisilll> 1 pint heavy,cwililtl

1 !.i CilllJSofcliopp¢d p~C\'Jirn % I;s,p .cinn~m(ln.

Toppil"1t ingmHtnl5 MoW'

Sooik bread in. milk 'or w~ltet~ the b~J a!nd place in~arg·e

howl> set aside, In separatebowlmix an i:ngred~eBts ·except pecans ,and mifiill<s" Stlr Or put .in aJ h~el1deJt and ponr over squeezed br-ead .. MixiJy ham.'!! i1JI~d add pe'GaIlS amI! rais.ins. :Srri.t'ik~e sesame weds Olll:Ciip and bake i~t JWd.egrees fm45 Olim.!tes oruutil bubbljng,


¥i stick b utter 1 CLIp SI!1¥l'

Ih cup evaporated milk

2 Tills Grund Ma:m[e.r orvanllla

Me~t :sugar:. Add ,liqlWr" pour In rni~k and let it run:ken to a goMe'J1 .cell.or'<'Indpom"on tap of bl)ead! <l!ft~'.r .~t isbaked. Cut in squar~1L

Fell' more infcrmation on the 41st Annual Texas Pecan Festival, visit lex.a,;pec,:m/l?s(iLltl'/.c.(I'm or call [he Groves Chamber of Commerce ail 409.962363] .

1 .

fiI!iI~~llWIilII! ~\l'i'irf'lll'lllo"11ord, ,_



iIii~~IiIMaI'ff'~ II! lI.f.l,fQ!"Ilfc.;j~J CiI' I!iinol!lllN,;(J.",!!1.

Iilinq,w.u, M!<IiIlJigI, liM pn!rutiiI_1i.

F>lir:l!!Ii'lir ~~!)f~rIi!lIJaJiMi~'lI!l!IliMIB1ftwo ~,...m '!glW!l!ll'''''P'I~'!''~),ilSWd§h'I~RQoItm/U!'l,U>~2pi'llP!~~ ,1IIli:! ~1i:l~~~tllll'!t.:;I~poI~~,

We pMWdI: fllll'MlIf!lih:iIlIC~ ~il)lll.~I5(llctilllflll'fll!:~.:il!IiCI 6f;.~f!I!'.!!!I!t~

L~1!l)' lb~ 1a.W-e!i of IImI ~1Ill1u1.ilurILIJlU wad! ~Iu: !frn!:b 'TUil!mJl Tom.~to' SnhW. ~n~ ,gll' &\<tIlrui Clrid.en. thu.~.

Til} ~he.m l'IJ!hy. d\.CI.c dli"hu will J'M,t ollir 1M l'nJlill; U; ~Umi!l'lm",

U's tu~I:Hrallil"Dcl'cI.

Ei ns J Zwei JI Zuffa!

what E~ujoi.<ti~ Nou'('e-<lli ~~lQ wine" \Vh<1t:

U~ ~fret;h h'Op'p!l,g?~ 'l)p~cally;hrew:er.~me hop pe~~etll or olrjedbn~ wh~:r!lbo/.\'!lin;g Jm'~ne[r ease ofstl)rage arid: preservetton. However, now a select ~1LLml;e,.{)fbrewer,~ ·h.:w,e the-resourcesto bring.til h{)p.~'i\<:i:thh!l hOllu of(heJ.ii" p,Id:ing and jJiitcn thelill it'! the brew kettle, re.S!lIlHt!lg [0, iI. tn(lte 'I ntense fresh hnf fl,avDt and! a~t:l);~ Il~. t.he

t1m~shed I~fe".

S~ptembeT t9rh marks thelllf.~t day

of Qkrli)bede$~ In MLmic.h,Gert!ll,~)lY: .,.\,meif'ic,aIK~wHI ro[Ltt:erthl:s f:'!~IMay tm

~le ejKI of Ckt.ober.; <11$ mQ~t~~j ill{ Oktf)bed~~t jJ) a. tlWi\tll-lOi:tg eve,llJ_ M<lilynl:a::;;s pti'OdLiced Oktr.lbet(~;~:fbee~ .a~e, wi,rai];l!Me ye;lf~-roU!l.d. ,KI you ean ,Qe!eb~tie anytime 'l''(l,U I?bl\~,e .. A,CblliJ?

yearti <lJg{). my wiIe~~d .~nj)~too a f.01brth of Fnley part}',and c()nunetnoraied wl~n 'hraH" f~es~l¥ made p;r.etzd~, .t1Jil!dHpie Ge:nnat!l .~j,de.~ and of course Ba'i'''r.illn~Vr±J,r:ze)~ble.,

A. fr~et'!ld ofmjne was ooncea;ned that his grwl1dfu~ner,who fought )!) 'iN!'N'I~p rur.Oi:og in hisgii'm'e:PHOST!


tban toastjng: tothe marrhge between CroWll Prjnc.e Lud""ig mld Therese -of R~v;!irb~ 'Ti'..aditi·Oj1aUy; 0.I1tllil111 brews !Ire re.serveci for ma~ty Okloherfr'st(

Elr.fJ:idoll EaSi Mi:irzeJl ilInd

tJ,"llmp!i;:ifl $tyles_ With tne~ds~ of 'I~e",,' IWI?_ fu~m;!)· :UI\ the U~ft~d SItaJi;l}s. mjJ!lll:m.e!'~ €aJl ll(lwl:!!)1brace a. new fill H;d~n~qLie and cekb,i'<lJt~ the J1ete ~~L!)'irl'!lerti2'<l!dly- all~L1inn I)< :Ill, t]w fo~nl of fre&iJ.>Il1.di 'WoQ'tll(ips! Fresh fiophee~ are

1- SPA'RiN n:KTOiBERFESIBIDI: URi.MARZEN! "'"--_., .... ".

'I Spate<n-Fra~ziSkaneHBra,u ' Mundle~. Ge<rmar.y spa:t'enbr,aeUl,de '

; HIllP

GrLeal Di'!iid'e Brewing Den1l8f, Co 9realdivide,c(lm

8Un1l'O.f\l:l1gEl wi~l1a pillowy ~Ia;b:aster Ctl9iNil'Of f:oam CQllapws.loo>A~g aNer:a~ l;)cir19 at'OilIn(l ~e glass. Anama IS ric;ill of toooed! m(';lt ('ini\i some s!range, l(l!i!'ll, ~'~elal ~o.tes:of" b~I;J.SSel8 spm!Jts 'fr-orn lIle weak tlOpsMalt ~18).1\O~S range :from rresh10asted -g rail'! k~ crusty. b~0(Wj toiles wiH1 caramel and ,emwgh hQPs to b31- t'\rlce..G:oes: 'dry t(j1f(tl~ds the end, i(l,lilh a sofH\I'~rkj!Fg curblmation, The !"lie'e' bllla nee and ,~:eplh of U1~ ,lageris worb(lercflll, but ilot quit~lhe be n(:hrn~rkrod~s st~re_

T ra.nspareJlrl. bright cowediquid with an atlilple arllO~lInt of MCk!l eeu fOOfl1l ~ila;l hvgs the pint. Nose 1$ hyper~rnes~ 'hOP'S" sc{@~~ng i nma Ccr€!scendo or ~it)rai1ll fior-al.,piIl8, g~.oo a.~nd citrus rnotes. B:itJght ho;pIJa'llOrs' of piI'!El,,8!Ptk:ot, pin!eiC~1e and !!!(lpefnuit rimel, a'ttac.ks the tl)f1yu 8, 'but. a swift, sill'~et i1f!3Itin~balan~Ers out th.te ale, Hnus()~s i\1f!1y (ify wttholiit ~eing (!Il.n8rly SW€Mor fun Or! the lla.l8te- 11)(9 et you r lWIalt"J]oml) or illil:ripkill aile Uiis [J~lsoos()n; rojo:ice if! In is f~esl1 luplll~ilrl(l1Jlerest

Appe:arafl,cf'iI U

8ITIilelR,: :2:5

fast!;;. ~"

M(li!!IhI~~I; Drii'il~ri'lilllt~i


UIINUI: "1 ann-4fim li.dults$7.35 (1\IId~m $5.35,

F-Dr spedal eveiiIt5, reserve one ,01 our meeliilg roo~ns seating .up to 1 '!30peD~e,

!tQW Open ~.S.aICiICE :wHIEII.

Chin't:~ Gitt Shop • E!es>.fi.!.iarlBmret·IBe:;\Eiii1eo,

T ~~~~ ~I\i~ !lVJ .(~. ~o V:!1f!!l'$.1 Be<ii!n!wt, IX • {4Q~) S<);s-333S


Life's Littlest Miracles .

,/lrougfit to you by Bapt,rst B'ea'~f1U;"'1f ,Hospita,f

. '.

,M ill! !1lillrse ~S![l$I'~nt i A Ot!!rI1paltie!1~ SUl'g&ry at !~aplJist l~€!au. m,on~: liol$pila!ll, J~;a.'l1Ieef1l Lail'ld!or 1$ w,ellaware Qf~heclhQ:$pite:I's P,laIrjne:l's lii'i' C~in, philosophy ILhat promo'l~s 00 e!l1Vi!'iOlfl~M~Jlt o-ftfliJJ$,tl app~~!.!!'l!:uly" tJE!aJm!!jv,oilik a.fiI(j ,eneoluag:e.ment. Last 'yearr;J'eaJneer'H, tii'lie CaJl'\egILver" wim€$$I€id '~he llill'n'iillOS'llphllfirst h!1lF!d,,,a;s, .E! Pa'~rent

IFour months j,nto her p:r,eg,!1ancy, high blood' preSl1l!I!Jlre plJi'Q.tde{lllIt$ HlS!l.!ited il'l1 se'v-e,r,aJi O\!'lilH!iglh~ st~ {'OJ' Je:alfl€!lE!11: itlll Bll,lbtiSil: Hos~itiilil's INew Beg:~nll1illilgISi Bii1fh: Ge:liltet;~ «lin Ju liy 31, 20061" dootms deli~red JeIlJi'iI:e:efi''S son ••• two' 1il'lIOg:Thlihs. ,eafilY. Batiy Qu;icnio:l'ill. wl'iJIOI wlighe.d i~1il a:t

:2 POl!;lf'ldls 7' DUlJ'1l0eS, Sjpe1r:ilil: allll(l<!;t ~1'II~ee' ImOli"!lli!ils :ini B.aPJtiSiI: B,~allrnOJni('~ Nl8ci[lma~ ~fitensiveCare U!'lIut

"'IFrolilir llba.b~tJi' aJnJdl OeH~JiY ,~~,the, NeQ~~ta!II~li':Iit at liap'~st l~eau!'ili!Qnt:

H:osp'~II, you ,ca:~ ~e.allylell the, nUl r-se,s ,a:nd diOe~ors low their jobs .a:J1~ '~h~t 't'h~y do. Th~t!le al'l!l,l'~ acsld!'ii:£j what:~lhey ~a~ ee t.o help, ''I(<OlIIi loo~, bWm' pl'ny~~II;Y and eID)lo1iton,a;tI~. n.ey'l'<!ll a!liii'iJul~br~e a.i'<OlInclUie C!ij:;u;;kto ~n~WIe:rr ql;ll.l~t$Ir,~IIiIl!$i1libQu~ YQ![Jr b~b:y'$ CQnd.iH~rnl or 1tlvhen Y~~i'l;Jist

BaR!!~!tBDSnl~~ ..... ::~:d:,:~~:l"

- . - '-~:-;- ------,~ -~'- clli-'---._-- _OJ .... '_'""ou ........ m ... 1:liiIU;

M~!d MU~O.RIAI. :~Ii:W""MN" ~""",,,,,,,,_o:<.g;;. ""'"", ~

Hinrication Holidays

'--. hen life ha'L1i1S you lemons, make ],elllonadf', This is tile. :t'JtilJ!cl:se1:~hat OUT eldees have jt!isf:~ned Inus for when badsttnanons head.our w""Y'; t:he:r~s always a 8nve.r~ining·th11t 'call be fmmJ.

Who would have~t..Q'(Jght that this atm!Jde applicable to oIlr ~H1rr'ic;i]Jne seMon? As Soatheast Tex.M,h:Jos become an incr-e~sungl}' [popJJ!klir latnd:fuH sitefor G'L1'ifhtm'.i;;:31l~.s, ther-e's no reason residents sllill)!JMdt try tn maketbe bes~ out ofa :situation that iSG!J]t or am control iii

tBle f<6XM ora burucation. Instead of letttrug tile tmpical depression ge<t ,}'O!l.dmli'n, tum YOUI' eeaeuation into"l !uinl.,Jl.oli.daY!

WilI.ule.ther-e are' defiJ:t1trdy ~on.1Efvery sel'.uous negati.Ws that eome with all. natural disasters, thef<.1!~opr.'O'f.ud.elSOl'ne key elemenes for a'i.r",catIoll holid,ay:, Once a major IILI!ITU(1JJne Hl@ke-s .H!rSwdY into the' Gulfof Mexico, soon t.llenlafif4' :schoQ~s a:nQ. :workplaces are canceled andboarded ll,p, fo!~owea by <.1. ma:ndatory order to~earve town .. ']Jhere's oomething to he said fur ~m}' r-er.uodoftilne }'P'll:ire'<lhholle obligatrons, "Iherears endless .oPl!Gn:s of sQrm! great near1by get,,-\\.ra}r:l to ease Iimrr1cmte

fui.e,adaches, seek <'I. ca·~nl before the storm, and help make tfle best out of ;l WOl'St-£<!ISf' ,s.cellaria Texas offer,~ plenty of safe-have'.n~ that.are runnfgL\eat.s:hopping <lind tislhil~g 'P' fl]lli:;:e the-perfect ~1l1s-flnJ-he'r-rie;J~~01;1.u

PliliIm:ingyour' 'Imm.ri,c<iJtio:nw.uth!O'led ones ib.e,aJ oftilne: wHi. he~l:nlllevj;;lte f!Vil.cuatlon stress f~mnrrne Category. 4 t~<1t's ~~"rti.rhng around the (}uJhmd poos..~!ib~\}' he.;IId.edl. YOIl~ w<1Iy: HI:Ii'~roleatj(ioil811hollld

he planned in advanee j list like any other' vacation. Declde whaJt~itegoryhu~riea(IO,t1l YOLl.'re for; A.reyoulookLt:lg

torelax <l!t a lake, take i~] SQ:t1Il.f uigdty exeitement, or etljQy .~{ime ,guiet re.~OIrt t~,)}e? It's ~mrortant to .~.{pend til i~ time

with those YOlllcareal;tnu.tin a. c..ornfo!rtahj,e Slet~rO,:g to 0If~e~ the stress u!lJ :am~lelrJ 'tflat can Levery as hur:r'j.c~n8s near mIl' area,

Once a stm:rl1,' ~ri~\)ls ioto, tl)e 'Gu~f;

thj~ ~~dhe time-to i:tegdn p', as g'etdl1ga.ful~ tanko{·gw;,llilliU,,;tug d!~~ti~atp~Q d~cj~~:i:OEl;"~, arlld1r.ackil)g JOWl'! ~(Joards a.O.d .~':Iildb;ll&S. DOi!1't \'lllJ!t Lu~trJ the. maf!d~t(H'Y e'il<lJ(:I1<l.tj6Jl OIr.det 1£ h~£licd to makt !e£~r\mtioo>~ and gas up c:;lit$~ 'Ihat is the best ''''<l!}' to get: .~ti1ITk ]lJ a' ~ea. ofhig~n"ny mttfk: and hJndier yoUii'·n fLln_ B~~t-mse sce.nar.itl if; every@l1e !ii;ets h quick 'i"ocatioo hO!kl!ay frril]1 wor!k a.ndi SChfiQ] f'nrr, :a.hW"j:'i~a:tle no-~how, J~kl:;! the hU[.ilcatiQ~ we ,e~~J:o~ed from GtI~m" la."t year:.

$()!)jIC m@.y d~oOf!e to 1"1ae ()U~ th~ '~ltQ,!,!l:'!

Ol[id haVE tl:wir hU!'ItIr:atiOIPt i~(>m~-lhis is ~I;/ n high power genernto:r,.cooIcr,~

<Iud a h:altd-b.eJd ca!~ ('p.e'1)er beeorae 'fcrY' neCe8$<i1ry 'Ihereare ~ttic:t: lirniMiO[lS: ~S'l'rdiirl.g opeOOlge~ile rdrii@erar.of d{lo:r, r~.etl!iil bi,LtJtI~r ~~ndwid~s<lre ,sw4tierliy y()~[' b~.~tfilend, ~ild tile on~ o'lmooc'!O<tl$ noise &(i~i the S'¢fieraltm is some:how hdJjilgf(lli

no cl.(~p, . .

Ihcultim<lJe £,'(!ial of e"acl!la~.ion. is ~,Cr21dng shelter and :;oa;fety foOf wC'.ryooe, A &uo:::oc%fl:!l huniCll!t:iorJi results inlindiIl$ ~<ifcty and shdt¢r intl'le ¢'~cu.~,tion procc·:lS, ii!t!i~ m~ng sure lov¢~·(:in¢~ sreourot b.rm\ waYil$ well No matmr the ~ll().tm. or storms, this S~a$OIi «1<t7' brit.l$, these who· eell :S0l1diC~i!SrT~:aw home ... rill illways I~vc .~. I,laice to WJllC hoqle to, und no sterm i:s ~ ~i!liQ<1,1Sh to t"k;e d~l!

-. --

__ _ l¢l~lIv·$t!d{,j!___ _

Leadership Beaumont [Boots 'n Bandanas

'1-Brya!'! aind Aror~ lleniSf.). 2-l\aretlTh~mla..$. .a;F!;t1 MQII~ Vllia:f'l'Bat 3'"[)~Jl!,!(lJ .and "Craig li\ilel~:. 4·Kathry Catal<1JnCl Sind Shelly ViitarlM, .$,P'eoroe l1Iarritl!gltO'll., Aill1eer Slott (lJtl,(j

G,ates tlaJrdn®r, 0- ~ii$h®i Sel~ .. wid J(lJm~ Jo'hnSQi'n. 7 -I)eed~a \Mifoon, Brandi Mmler, JatQi..i~tla'W:alker

and Anile 81ratllf)~ ~



Women of 'Vision

Stark"s 1,fIDazzling Flrearms' Reception

, -Georgine Guillory. ConniE! BElmy, Mor'line Gl!lrllory, 2·Mayor :Becky AImElS: 1IlFld :8a.ll'ye ~el!h. 3·Alesha WoI3li's aFld Councilman . AlddwJn Sam~1. 4·:Sal~E!' Keilh, IIl\[!Irr)I lHarrloon, Tislul Armstead,,;i!linne H.uff" \J1,rglnia IBoon.

~ ;

r. 11-Sarnhl_ Boehme, lDi~edor of G1e stark MI.I.®~~m of M. 2-lLaJny DaNid, Wa.lter R;led~1. and Jack Smith. ~

~ 3·frariCiS carnley ·and Mary DiC:kel'Si!)l'I. 4·RiCMitI R~semldale and Ihie CBrCerano_ 5-K:im Me-aileels. ~

g 6··EltJIJ Moone:, Kim Moore, S~s~e ~Jiedel and Lanli&E! ClaylJ8iF. "1 -,Kathy Arceneaux, Vera Parkei!' and ~

§ AmeliaWijJgimt a-Alice 8ndW:aYil1Pil McCra,;, ~

~ ill

BeItLlmom. Beau~ifll'1 A~iar; Garger; Home 11'1 Sl:Immei"1!lOOd. !Mesquite, har·d~ &: tlE~ 1loors" Mast€r dO\l'iIlll. I'mge faJn~ty reem, fi'·eno:;~ ~~, t)~~iiOI\Y on SR"s l\pstai~. ¥am is im tile rs·oOOS$ of ~rug .re·t<amlsc8ped. fiOO/OOO

Susan ,Simmons 8f}':]-l)li!J6 Ame'lica'!'ll'ea/$.5/ai\e-cam

Homes ojdist.'inction and q:u;aUty to host your lifestyle!

'~a~n~, Sp'ec~O!,c;u!,lir I3;1rr11ngtora home elliOom-Da6se1; bMJ.IW, ~pdlilte8 gal®:re and Ihuge ,add on ,ailiCOOditiOnedl, I!:ndllll>OOl pa!l~ fills iati!:JlouE oorne !l~ a . .:3r,.lit lIo(lrp~, tl'i~e.(Nl~r g:arrage and is ewer 31000 square' frefl O~her reaJrures oi this pra~11:Y iliu:l'lIde am,alr 'iPj, a nil.e·kilo:;h~n, tirWikfust FtJ(jll;l, dlningl Jooll!, ooge, ~ern 9JilljI rrn~S<1ar :~B-ClFO()fIil wJilii l'fiIasrove walk-lin his il.liId :lfierdlos-fNs. uouse ls 1.I'llCa!1TI~: llrud 1ifIO\!"e-ln readr! (:Qrl!.~~t J~ni~r Ha!l.f!1'in 1.;ri'I'ul'1ltl~r. d(}o tlils. $MS"oOO

.IIflnnll!!r 1iI'>"I'IeI'i'n 4(J9'--8fj()-2!J'f~ ,tlQ[J"-lm "403' .Jerm.iler@ti'meriCtl~e$

__ 10loily $vci~J I


West Brook HS Class of 1 989 IReunion

,·M<lindy <lind R&Mrt Rllhirtl. 2·1[01:11] alfitl na~\!IiI S8rr1:erti~. "'-,' ." ........ ,'" 4· Thm!ililyood DiiWid Barnin

Thomas Jefferson HS Class of 1 984

1-~nthia Wllli:ams, I) Kiln Wagenh<illS8if; 2·J1imiM <liIi.d Jill Vi?.azey. 3-SMII¥ P'ars~ey and I!)oniila: McPherson. ;t~..A.l' W~IJ~e,Keilii Ross, rJina mi'!f~er aru:llamara Flores,

Jlohn Jay French Museum Day Csrnp

BoaF,d of Realtors Fundraiser



i4_ ...... _~

~. 1 "JWI!a!r1 H:~J1$(ln rnnd Harrl:s McGr,8d1H. 2-FemafldillA!!;'lIra(io .. :J.()aJg!] ~rk0rru1d,Ben iBer'ln:et i:! 4-8et1lany [)oc~ens, Lo~r:aJ~l)a Bart'l'll ami Gililiarl Lairnl

Beaumont Chi~d:rensMuseuml Stulfee Party


~ ,·Clflristy Haldt 'K:r~5tle Yoong, 2-.A.sliille~I.JaGlk®o:.n, Shawn Jac:k.son, Stuff!:)e:, JessiCflJ \l'aPii H1uJs1tod tr; Cllanliliah Wmllia~s. $-Sar'ah.AAJam.s, Janis Matth:e~w. 4·Sandm com~. 5-Eli;;;aJbettJ Schilk-and

~ Ti'mmy SC!hrek

1-[liiane Ueailing, cleametlB HollJllE!s .. 2-0<lIil<'lo JD~ilS'On, Dharleme Mo1J.:Iew, KeVi n fwmey. Cheryll3'ar>E!n~EhF@, .ETn{iy ChertEi!I, V.9m.

* R(ldri.glJ~illl n~rDa:AfjJhil:!ialtl. ~Grat~ ",PaznJ il:ll1, M~Gl{i Gaijlen~er; 4·Pilimp

:ffi SlIiflarin.g.en,. Arm' GaiIJavel .


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fobrnBt BB~ tolH'm ;f,W'

ri:et'.ado ,de 1'ilI1n~i1 .

~,ep tl SO

ilian~IQ MarllBt \'i'IIriIiHlIjm

'S.1I.ClVES lI-iE·1l

urM EI!i...i'IN"'i ~-NI

M<\1l;.ct Bas!!a i2f1.

MAU!lt~EVIu.E r~3-'*e1 ~Kc142

NEDERLAji\jJ, h~lk~'~

~I~~ ~il.$liCH2 ~Iand Qui!$; Slnll ~illiB"~'.!I1

~~pBr$l~p iQ[lolJOow.n

ORANilEi I){(l:3r~

.H-~-B Malt.eii!ai;kl!l:~~

POFIT ~l'I'FI'I'1lIA iH-{l


MalikBt Basket ~ ,~

PIlQ1! NECHES Mam£illlilllk.(:t 1'7

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175, N Mail! SlrM!:

Bush Cinton Coasts R'8,covery Fu nd

Turning the Tide

I-e:xt b}'Ch8r}~ Ft:se

A fier Hurricane Ike ~urged ashore .~a8t

sSP ... te!1l1b,e. L, fQ[JillS.I pres. i.d. s:mJts. 'G.emg .. e H. . ~il. Bush ilnd William J. Clinton wen:.iIII

SUllth.ea3~ Te .. as to wHnetlSnr.:;t"·i:u!Jld U1e bettered remains left behind,

"President Clintou, lim Baker and ] toure>d~:heIBQIiWJ:r Peninsala by a;ur m~d saw the unimagiueble dev[1strlli.oI1,:" BliIsffii. «4] "remembered, '"'Ltffiimt~o S~ so ll'lIIKili pain and. sadness, wh:ucl:i! hi why we wallJtsd to try and help in the recovery process:'

President Clintonwas abo 1]!i1!J';'~Jcl by the desolation viewed (mm the aerial tour, "Hurrkane [~.eW;'!i.S t~.e third oostlie!it lnmiGa[ledh<liStel' in l1~stmy:' C!il]tQl'l pointed ()U~."n.~ 1"O\1Q to L'e-oov€ry win be a lcngone for many' petl'iPldiv~ng in the affeded communities"

Joe Worley and David: Deslatte

The Ties That Bind ~~~~~

(f~--I I

___ I

]]a"'B~ Deslilt~e . qui.¢

t(Jigi'l'l:. God Q"(ldit {orth~jd"ea ef l(J.rg~l.llzillgMikMJounty Kindness, The ooJ:wmnnJly !FD"'P cum{pr~£€d·(Jf.the middle ci.ties of Jeffe;r~(:}I1 Com;!:y hellpad 6:£ dev'JlgtoJired Bridge Gi~y ~1Ji Comlio/ p-salJi t]P after flooding from Bunh:ane

]1;:"". '''GOO! uses o:rdimlrY people to do e.Ktracm:.llml.1ry th:~ngs~·ne·.~id.

Afte:r~he;5~l"Ill, ~~~ttli' wanted to he~p.

He,. {muily members andeome fr~ell<ls went to BridgdJuly10 do what theywILid bllJt

~O'. s~port W;1l; needed tode"'!l1 themasslee mess, Ihe.n.&u~tho1Jght ofl:!is .do~6·knit wmmurJity ofPbf~:Nsches. GW\i'es ;;IlJ];dth.ef[ielldlyhi~h sch.QQ~ fDoHmH ri.'i:a1Iyre~deruts had w.Hih ncighborung Nederland call.eil Mid.CoIi.mty.Madm::.s.

He ~pp.roodled Joe Wdidey,h'is P:5lst"Dr at.fir~t .~3ptu~ Church -, ,,,,,itfu the idea of nulying h[ls:mid.wnl"Jty neigboors to c-e:t.eiJrnte the.mIDi"ness as usual ona Satu:rday nighil:in Ocrober butshow their kindness by rohm~eering aL~' .s;nllda~y;\oVorley 1i:newit wacs. :a. g:@ds.e.m:I .. '{lt helped 1I~ to nm:l}ers~nd that ifwe~llIl togf~he.r kxafiy- permer W.tfJ.lthe oonm.ttlnity and other Iocal chmche.s - a lot can gd dom~,~he said.

'Ihe pastor eT.lI~ste-d Chli.llICh 10J1em~r LoB'S to hamlle ttiJie web,si~e when"':' VIO!tm~eers ffildcis.igL~ l!I!P':i[.] teams .. "He was ",e'1' .i[]1jpartil!llf .~ogisti.ciiLlIY: " .. hrler said, They spread the word! throegh the ia.c<"tll media. aL~iI asked Bddge Ciityresiden,ts w,mtting assistance to put sigrn:x,eading ".Need He~'P" il~. their yards so Ile.~ers would

kIlO'IV wher.e. to go.

On Stm.d!1l}' Oct. 5, abolltS.,OOQ \!IQ!m1j~ers jl~ 200' te<Jilll.lS traveled to Bridge City nelghborhoods allicbvel'e wdGouued into homes to hsul 01J~ wddenlD,dOL8gjng:s, shovel out I.rJ1Ld~nHooroom.s. cn~ out soaked ;::i[ywa.H aiI.tiighoeoui aloto[l\:indneSll tcthe over-wlhicim.ed :tiJimruc:,me victims,

Ues!atte and Wor~ey i!1t,eIW lr.o c01~frinl1e the Ihey are looJki:ng form.ore ways t~fe gmupca.n he lte~.!Jf~d"ltd l~ave rn~J:\jed wlth area lllaym1l andjeaders oJ .L!ldi.v.idul'II consmunttles, Of COIlII::se-, tile}, tll1t:ewl talberceady if another hun~iQJ![l.e

l:: s;trJ.kes.. "P,eorledevelo]Jed. r;e~llJtiOl.t.Ship:s wi~ll ~.

Q1i.II1' neighbors thatwill strengthell1 the t[es,of 'g QIi.II1' 00lr.LL1I"ml]~'Wm~eysaid .. «Mud-Connty Q is cOTllJing lI!ga~n.~ 1

vi worf!I'


The two former pt¢'!lidcl'its had $i,JCGe~fuU}r tC>l!.lllied! (ngc-chltt in the· \\~klt (If several other naWr'il[ disasters to rajs·c fun&; and awareness.In 20QI1; at the: rC(.iACSf (lfPrcsiCkllt Georgc W. Bash, the elder DiiJsh and C1mwn n~d~ ~ PQliiO'ci:'ftil combination to assht the victlres (lfth~ South Asia 'ts!JJj:IDrnlll1:roug~. di~ir ~dvoc~y alid!. fiiJl', CM1iclils. esrimate ~t more ':~fJJl1 a billion dolbl,rs WasdOOilitoo wodd-

~ .. ide to the ts,unami relief cause,

lust a year ~~~¢r, the Pflir tealitwcl agaiIl

fO respond to Hurrlcaaes Katrina. :;in~~ Rita. 'i;Vh~n Ik!: SWI?f''t I:hw!J:gh, .it Wi!'!l fliltural fOil I.hem to st.(!pfofward Fe~ a,Si!ID,

"Ive been pro~d 10 join Ptcsid~"tI1 G~rse H.W. B!Jsh'LO hdr r,awcm,ol1ty and

.aw .. reness" CliliJttoo $aiid. "But I know mt's I:~.c spirttaudperseverauce Qfl~€xiilnl> tl1i.a.t 'i'o'il~ help them buiM back their livf.'S and ccmmunltles b~tter than they Were befiQn ,:~~ storm,"


Per the Bush famil}', 'thli! ,w;;'ellt hurricanes 'iV,ere feh d~eplly, occurring as

they dtd on fl~ei.i" back dOD:r:,~'te!p and. i~] thelr beloved home stare,

"Barbara and T love our s~te [OJ: 80' mall}' reasons.but it: ij.t"rts "."illl the decent, resilieet and hard-working people who can Texas home; Bl!Ish said, "]/1 that sense, we hated 100 see our 'fello,,' Texans of all itges facn ng such Ita;dsll ips -lost homes and crops, (heir I 1\1leljhom±s da!))[\g~d. orgone"

Rusin met wirh iTi£LfiY dti~ens ;i I) the alt.ernlarh ofthe ~trJitln_"So mallyod.i.!ferent gr:riLlipS dkl so much to h.e~p their. fe~I.o\\'m.;lIl. hefore.a)~d fitter theM(.Irm; h~ said, "] particularly recall meeting some of the e~' iy\em b~rs of'the Alt N ,)tiOD)al GLliard based ar l.6lhogtonAI r Porce Base who ri,siked their i)wtllli,re,s to rescue Thxan,$

011 .Bolivar as the storm surge starred to' o'Vel'lake the entire peninsula, Who

s:a,% tilere aren't heroes Eln}, more?"


J\Jtcr the 'C9Jtasl['{Jphlc eve.i~t~.I' the two former presidents set i!!ip the Hush

CllinlOfl ("'(!<lSli;l.l R,-oovery Pund, wi~~l fQrm~t S¢cretilJry O'fStatc aoo liOI,L~tl)l~iaft James A. R.aket, m servtng as chairmeu, Iher $oo(lunced th·e :fuJldtai-"LoS eampai.~n

f bwN -rhe ere« is s-riU kt~rc;tt tikt' ~ls(r

ViA ~ttd wit-It rbuthJ if ltrc~l resideY1:t"J vvtw ere ;ia(r~ltritv ~~ ~f1cL ,-heir resilient" stirit" st-iU wpires me.

to Si.i[)port ~¢ GDJllfCOa~l OOJillm!,irutiC$ diru.lWg~dhy Ike ~t Pr~'1)idfi!ll~ Clin~:on'$ Glohal ]nitlflitive meeting in New York. 111c}, tcertl~t,"(j !i blue-ribbon committee oi1'l;xas leaders 'to help support the effort, from corporate entities sueh a~ HEBand

tandiry\ III sports t~~m!) ilildudins the Af;~.ros and Rockets., as .... 'ell as ~ocallt.adcre R~SiiM ltog¢Is and ]oJan N~wh{lU::;¢ II. i?!.tbIUhc[ offh¢ Fl,~~umont I;n~~rP.the,

The p!Jr.po~¢of'lhe (!lind W'0413 ql:!Ic.lJy dittii'l!}yUhed <lIS ru.\I'irl:S ~ ~O<I!l of :> kJn8:-term illfJI1.IStructliJr¢ ]j\\!li¢h~thet than im~ilijU:e, crisis response. Once insurance claims and s.o;-~ernm.;:nt funding w«e established, l:he fund would al.tempt to Il\i!i[fOW the gup in ,,'i'h0l~ Je11l.~jned" "llie fund h~d a sp$Cii!.ID~,d te<'Lm th:iLt researched the needs alld met with elected (llikials aiid citiun gwups. 00 dl,l'tt.r1.Iiiiii.e where the sssistance 'ir'rou.ld·do t:h~ ltIostgood. Allocarlon ,li£cisi.o.ns 'w~re thenapproved by both presidents, The grantees in HQu$~mi. Galveston, louisiana and SOlJjthea5~ 'feXas We[4;l illiJnoll!n~ed.lasl: montb .. S(JUJtheast Ti~,,~a$ erganizatlons wm reQ;!iv¢ $U million in allocati.ons through I:h.e G[4;later HQuston fOlllnciation, The grants ill our i:IIre>a bJeiilvil.y S'L.WO[t local"'QluIlwer fire department!;, but also fund pl<1.}I'g;ro~nd ~wpment.fu.r B"ri.dge Gitt~ new school to replace HaUoiIJJ Blementary School, whidil. was ~:rr,epandJ1Y' damageti ~,. HurrlcaneIkes !:.ti,thrlat.ed r3.S-Joot s~:orm surge iII! Orange C:OuliJ.ty.


Last spring, Bush and Baker returned to the Bolivar Peninsula, 011 April 25, thetwo statesmen v]srb,!d the beach to support the

bi-amsual Texas Adopt-A-Beach volunteer effort spo.01iaredby the Texacs Genler~l btul Olfice and COll1im:ussim~er Jerry P~ftersou. Bush hoped that hls p<n1idpalionwoul.d shine SOUle tres~llig!ht on [he devastation and l'e·blliMlllgetf.Q[~lnlhe·area,

"Jim ,aJndi I rehm.le>di to Bclivarfn April. to help kick-off a terrific beach dean-up pmgram managed by the Gelleral bud Ofti(le,~ Bush said, "I know the.area is still harting, but I also Viigj,ted with dozens ofloGliI. resldents who are determined to bounce back. Their r.esilient spi[it sml. inspires me"

I?;~Hh addressed the ... oltmteel' crowd that mOl'l.1ing,. «]n Texm, we maybe dow-non

H,e luat .• hut wire never O~lfr toOl: tile oonnt," he saud, ~Bohv~wil1 be bacl\;. Gal.vestl:m

and other oOltllnllnitif'S witl beback, 1\!fu[k 1l1I}'w-ordJ!l;.it w.m be better than ever before ~nanks to yuu. and many others, The wa><es and the wInd's IUlve come and gone. bU'~ as anyan'e who corsesheee C<lin: see fo[ tbemselves, om Mlow'Tt'_"(3ns~dl.H need our help. In true 'Texas spirit" no-one Ivetalked to has asked! :rol' a. hand out; jl!lst a hand up-to gE!!t ~.eik on thel!: feet. lJlat's €.:'illctly what this state isall abouC

Vol!Jl.]~ee!:~ spresd out { the; beach and W~ilerW<l:ys, ,coUecrlng not just the usual ~r<lSl.1 of bottles and GlI1S', butwood, &hj;ng~,es" and tire debris that li-';'<lS Q;l1oe,peeJp]e'snnn.t<es and ~lIsil.lessesc

"rlt was a gre{l!t event, cme oHne br:g<!stt crowds we've e,,.'e~: had alt :In event; said 1\.lark Loeffler, oon~mnniC;;l!rjolJ'bs direclo'J: fortfuJe 'IexasGeneral Land Office. ~n.oh'l'<l!r i~ri.'t e.1S}, ~o;get to, so ~lhie size ohhe crowd

showed theammmt of resp.ect people fee~. forPresi.dent .I$~sh and for our Texas 'COOIllt Having the president.step in made for <Ii dean-up:'


WHh. fun in Southeast Texas ecmes the possilbulity of another hUFl'.icaI.Hi threat. Bash had this ITIessa:ge tor fellow Qulf Coast residents: ~Moot of all', listen to ]'0'11[[

rq;~' fi .~ flf' m. ;~ ~~v~crA

S,ep.1;emberJli~ '9 a.m, t'O nom} T;;l~ ]'fJIlJ!r ~id.s,!t'{lll'ndJ!l¥'lf!lt'Ul'mlllr1i1l mlfJJlDG'r'* aril,~f.tWic,gIDW!PS Q[' jU!~.l'.I'l{iIDe ~~i:S'<l!nd head! dJ.0wm to ti1i;e b~ch for

~ rl~~~Lnrw~1k 'b'ytlre w:,tt¢r·~.nd hclp

. keep, ·@'~II;l:!ea.clieMI.ealu,t th.e sam,e time., Thel"e actl!!thelbr!le dea:n-,u.p'!litB ~!J'c:l!iti~l1Sj)n Q.~r awa. H:u Ina~ ~]st~il'li;, v1si:~ >il.{'"","$~d'{lpt~~bea.ILo''K or GaJlll,:B77"n::.oOAST (S92,,6l2RS)

local <::Ind! st<tJH~'offiGi[!l18if.anJ when thetlme comes to evacuate;' he arged.

From Boca Oricll to !3eaunwllt, ab6ilit 9,OQO volunteers turn mI~iI'iIl'iClf, 11 year' to de<i!n~he·:statlsbe~dles. 1Jle Ti::xa£ AdoptA.-~e.lCh',prograJin begantn 19.8:6, <lndi :is rl\lnby th"e rex:a,~Gei1,e~al ]...2IJ'lf.m·OITI:Ge. tn it,~.23-yffi~his~ry, tbe pJ;'Ogrom.Il~~l!Iti~iz.ed 3:!l2,0I)[)!1!,ersam:toollett:ed 7,3:.00 ton~ 9'f tm~h, a :coom[i1g tt), f{e.n,ee: Tuggle, dle Mate pootXI:i~atnr fOrllhe proJeiCt.

"lrsa mm't!y-[riendly evel)t for all age~~ from the ve~YYOllltg to dlt- elJeiJy," 1ug:gl~ ~i& "r<o~k$cQ1~(l out iI!~d. C'IeaE) froj'lf~

'~a.!U_ to '!2.!)"m1(, andthe!l flm.rc [sa [JOl~j)]jm~!)t~1'li' hot.doglW'ldhiMTIlOOt oftb,e $,~r4's .. ]~ a .. g:ooil.rjI)).e to,do 8o\tne~hh~$ for the ~J\'irOi1i~lilut and e.~joy w~!I;::l!lg; ;along: the

ThiS year tin Sep~., 216 the program wm moiliifizl': thousands of VCi!l1nteers and r~(W[d.e lhe,m with tf'<lcSJ\ bags, data. d1rilll <lnd! g!ov.e.~~ WhHebil!B@ng dellir~~, w.ilunteers ;;lr~' {l."1ked·w Ileoot'd! the type o('If~~as~ ,~eyfind,

''We can~de,nMyt~e'tldR @.:nd I:l'M~r~si.El ~ll>f! debrj!1tt01'lt we're se,e~rt:g,~ 1)iggl.e said,

"Ba-c[k111 the 19&'Il,~, H was all ff(l1l) oceilJ!) 1J.~!;;e' - ~tems d~mpedfrom 'i'i8h I!'IS and t,ru~se !1Mp;;. 14mii'; 70. perce:nt o:fthe trash M? pl,~k I!Ip h~'frol$l sf;'l,m.'H!l;f! tl'ash - wha~ r~gpl.~!e.n'e il!lite, eoJoy.ui\g a day at t,.~e beach;: .wda.t:Il:~S, P1~tic~1)d g'1<IJS1i bdiUl1:!!l, fasr food 'pao~gij'l{l, groce.ry baWHu1d t:ign~trr~b\ln:s for ex~n~le;"

MGFfoiIDDiW BEACH (IFiJfeJ'Smnw.£iiA~ty) Qcck-iii'i~J\1:cFw~n B~ch ¢,nfri![Jj~

1, '9 mi.le's liIO'es~of Sea Rim. i5tate

l;\l!rl;; !o:dbf~t 87

~rk Guzmi{~ - 4'09,,891S,55{)S xq5 T11a~kgtum1l1~@:I1eX~rl!0.p1aIb'ea(lh"Q~g

QI-1AMBffiS .oDiJNf1

Ched,:::"in; 1I'1li.~e east o:Hll'f mlters:e,ctilOfi ~f . ~}'81:;H~d 87 atdlc~~~h

1>'11 - 4OO,261,2~44dor 4D~"2.%.g25'1l iatla,yawn@IiieXaS~doiP'rilbeliloli.(JJ;g

Pam!. Kah.~. "~~,.MY,I:J'10 ar 409-.2t17,2,(iS{!

OOUIi'AIR PEN[N8!J1..:A. (GaiWSf(m1 Cller;:k-iiiJ= Q¢i1$h;:iw 19!~~.f:Y, 41g Fh~lf ft7, aQo:n:tr 7 m:~lWi 'fl0m ~Ile Jerry .Iarntlil]g

Contact;; I)'~f1l$~ F'(\i&Qrn; -(.09,']9$.10'46 ,de[JiiSo,e,pi1l!I:ll0n~lexa8adorbkro:::h.OL';g

vi worth'

He reeogut • .ed d13t many peop!Je are sWI reoc.,t'el'.ing [1'O.n:1 the damage left

by Ik.e'. ~Tf ~IJI: house or property has been da;m;~geJ. he'lr can never COln.e fMlt emnL:gn,;' he saud, "Do wnatTex~rn have always done. Keep the fillith,ibe. resiHel]iI, get IlIHvery day and do yclm: l:oest;.~11d ilfJnowthat better days he-ahead,~

He was proadof'the m;;ulygrussooots effo:rts and! up-by-the-beotstreps alrtitude.s of fellow Texansand Gulf C.oast residents ",,3Klnilve qtlietlygone :ahaut the, b:us:it),ess of l'eib'll!ild!ng ,~ives arndJ lending a hand to others, He respected the vO:~l1.Illteer spi.ri~ of'so many .ind!i.'jdl1.~Js In ollr connannily wna. stepped up not just durmg the il.alnediatecris[s bti'~ in the lQl1g-ter.m. rerovery:

"Thanlos 'fa.r no~ onlyc~rlng, I:nd caring enotlgh to dOSCi\rJlethil1g abont the sutLmtiol1,» he said, ~1J]~111al fCl'f do:lng, the lcmi\ '!r'i()rk h;ere on. Earth and f>hQwillg ~n<lit the Points QfLi:gnt splr:[t lS stm <l~~v:e and strong d!ee.pJI1 the heart ofTexas"

To contribute to' U1f, ,Gause fJJ HUITicIilne lkf, l'et;;o~!ygil;Prl's, r!'isit b!j$bdin!,'til(.:~S~4'lfl,!nd,M'g


l!:l·().Il:l"<Ve<r, ~ll.~ f0n()Wj~g ~~~ti~t;!s .~c~iv~4·gjt'''i1''s ]'gt).ll). t!ie ~i1I~!i C~!lir.Q!1 {iri~J:f CQ;;;lSl &./!loovm:y Rum:!= .

JIEFR:RS(JN COUNT!( Ia.ll:leJI:e "fil'llll]~t Vbllm!~1f.

8u~ fi&par,lmlel'lt

vhim. Vo!.unt"eS.r F'tr"e Depillll7t'mem

Chw.k \hy.hmi~li!i.' fljrt .lJe,pr.llr.tl11el]~

~ r ~.Arthl:J1r

rRPJ1fl:i~ to IO!Wl'-:iilirom~ h(J'Wil!:lg)

I've hen- fnrvtrl tfrJ~irv PrtJuie'n;t GefJQle' H, IN .. f?M-sh·tv N~ MiJe fri.uW:!frld I!Wr!rfftlIJ1 !Jut- ~ tt j tIte

stint (fM fer-sCII£rllhkt rtf TeYtrhJ tMt' wUi N~ t'NWv 6uiU #~k-- rkeu: lilies n;M· tM~r~£s !eJ:"t{'.r 'rM~ tlve; werr; ~cfort dte strrtYh·"

- PfyJuUi'1.t di~


S1M,O{J(! sr 4;~,Q(l(I

F~iU0:ff tAeJ1~fs for wmi Fire ftrvit1;s

Voltl['l~lZr Plre Chii~fCm.rl(;:s SM~it.l' V''a\'l. Jll:rilled 'With the newsthst frh.e Vilbe~leFa'lIneU Hl'e·.S.ervrce had! been ilWliird:ed! a $200,O~(I gwnl'. ''We apphecil far everythl~]g We could appIy fur," he ~;Jiud, "'Wel'e" itJ,C'P!rlg' /:o·ns.e. the mOJ~y t@ f'mim01;lf ~·$~tioo.~ Ih~ ~:revjalJs loc"atim.l waS ool.npletel.y dl;i$h·Q}.'$i1. by lmrri.C'" .. me th)Qd~'Wi:tgts, 1he i),e\'I/ s~2Itio;n, whid1 ~s n~ai!':in;g (lOl.l!IrJetio.n ... has a iftmilillg g.~·~nat

t11~ n¢wgrant will hdp it) fill, 1b~ 35-li'Hember"'o~mlt:eer tearnt is responsible far 23:3, :sqIl.are miles ofs~t~¢·G.

In d\i.e CHy of Orange" Df'pi1tyl3i:re c:lJ:iefJe.l":ryZ:i.n.e1":!i~id the M.oj),.oM {l[llJnt~hey r~cdVt";.d is e~[:.itl.a:rk~d :l'o:r th.e l'Bpl.a0eL~Hll.l~ ohhe Central Fi[-e St· Bum "in. 1946, the !i,t~M(!In flQ{)d~d w.ith 20 to 2-'1 inches m'wlltf!':, Due to d-~.e type of wmtmcti.o.n. it "ould nor .Qa$i1V.k ~p!!ir~d. zm~r expMi:t:loo .tnll.t another ~vemm~.llt ,grruit will {o",er theac~lI(li w.rntmc~oo of the hyj]]dilli,g" but w]ll not fund ;lil1}'th~llg .not .M.ti!l.chW. to the bu.ildu]~g. Z~.HeT ~~.a there ilInl; mllny tnn;;;tional an'oj !:l¢"O!5$a-ty jl@ruas; thialt" dWl't~fttfu~ re;str.ucti:Ol1, and theyoLl.lte.ndl to US'e the' B~~h. Clin~m C:.()~st;;ll R..$C(!.~ry gmillt W fund. these needs, '«1J\is <lJ tragedy; th.atour Cen,tral'e St1\tian that has, ·se!,v,ed thiA<:ily lMeU f~t ,00 klili,g.i.~ goni!, h1.I~ theres a si.h'er hning because the: infr.:tf!tmct~te$.g~loo \);;1<lly wequahfyflij" ~~tt:iUi1 gfITnt~w~l:hQ1:I.t dlpping;inID m.ll:r generalfIlIlQ;"


Ceotral Pure-Slati:an. Orange $-4!ruo,~OO

BridS'e Ci~"y . School Bfstrict . ~200,Ol".JlJl

(l'it~W.rQ/.,in'-;d t~~l,m,;tntJoto ;flillW ghaup


Ne'w.flrs st::ijiQ.mlJ I'Lt GrJl:.'i)hclB~ch :$'900.,.00.0

Plan Nowforyour

Thanksgiving & Christmas Parties Weddings .... Bulls Concerts ~ M'eetings Seminars & Reunions ~.840j,,4f.ET {G3:3S~

fI!I:)l: 400.MIIt4SJe

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]iC'fug~ve'ty ~p[-a ,a.t I .. ny"~s Hon~,e' D~or 3008 CO:lleg@ Sf.. SteA or fur Customized Art e-ulfzlil iOywOole~AffL00m

A P.i2t,~Ji'6' is u,;ur;t~ uil::'J~¢:1l~;V iifir yoa~1.l

Business Meetings & Conferences.

Receptions & Luncheons State-of-the Art Communications Flexible Room. Arrangemems Exqu isite Decor

177"' CaM Ell' Ave .• Be 40',,832.

www, br-oussard

~J[i:tn>\:?Cl1irOOi$'Q~';:M'i h0~. II'l@iJ QfK':im P,avW~ ~cl61iig~g!l'were~t(:ie:'£irJgtill Hmrbne Ik.e'S:.mocky, bhckl1()o~t \'hIi1:ln"&. Not 0:1]1), 'Was herBr.~dg'€ qty' home ~a;turl'l~sd !;i.y tfui,e~f~m[.fuot :St!Orm W,,1etl;, bu~ .a~~ her p~ace.ofe.mpi01'.mel1t, Bri~Gilty.BIJi~k.

'''It w~ OJ! s~ire\llll1Pll1-t:i"rtJt~' d6!i,Q:.ihed Carol V<lirsler, F<l.lniDy,AdruOlite.MlIrnl\ger rorOn!!a1p CQunty Dis~J!;te.[ ~~ew~ryIJ1ni:.tet! Methlfdist Chr~r-ch, a program of

~h€ Ullutoo~!hodil;t Commi[~e ~l)Rellief. or n~1c.OR. "f.'4r:5omeoneinKim's,tQiIJJ. as fim1.i:liar ~ith this 50rt ar dijs~,~'; tQ;be uHlhaJt s]luation herself .. ut fu,ugfuittli!i th",( wir~.,l]l v~]'

Aia fanl!l}" in!!al¢ ati¥Gcateto:r Dj,liwJer· I\.e:roYei}' ro.liowing Hurrtcene Ritll; Davis ~w firi~·h.aLlrl the devaM(iI!til,ltg afterm~th, or oa. poweP{uIlmrrif".;'lne:Lt WIiI!l D~'i'ii:li~;,wk b.:I OOJom~acqu.aill~. ~i[n~l1e needs Io.f Upnulies' sffil tr:yi!lg to pic}; !.liP the pie~es and ~l:ieii. ~lsllre th~t thQ~ ile!e{fig~...e["", addres:seci by' :mS1lS~ furovsry, a:ews,

Aft,er Hmri6ute)ke;,. tJ'Ie l"i.eOO.(or" Dl.t<ilsr:er .~}' became direr, 'Thlp'lIgiu,Da"']fj now qj~;:I~ilj,e'clful" help lie:rself, :me'rl.e-'I--er stoWed,ee'l'.ing.

"'1lL,ere \va:5 so.:nIlidl wo~k to do ,t~atl ,ji:d!lo~thave ti:lne to be J;le"i'l1S~re.dI," Jij:a'iris, feGililled, "You ;~st,yqu JIM wrk:'

M~d;iog Q~~I]:.e," O'i'/Jl horne, tiJ~less!y 'llfO(k.tng1:ocresrot-e H.rii:dige City B<UQk,'<llld .dllillee!rilligfo:r lDjsaS!erRe~'I'; Da\>iiis or,Vl.llms r,]e~er:a[e(;t,ed l:Lenmful~rh~g d1erlkatkm to.~lle 'OC!flll.MUlQ];t-y:

"I jm!'l wru~red people to. k!lO'W,thaH:ffiJe:re. wru; help ~M:!Je{' .iDa'i'.wi;xplait~:ed:~We h.~ theJ'leQpl.e.. Wkhay.e th;!J[~ We JtM>I100 tukn~wwi:t.o. Yon~l,€,~

Today, lDi:s<Qter R.eomreJ.')ico:ntil~e8 to ffiJ.eJ.p tOlHlI~li£retmi'~d, A'~reGi<l11 emphasis has beenpIao::ed On the 1,I;eeris'af{)[<lnge,CGunty; Da.v.its, as se:nior'Vi.(le -]h-e.siidert:t of"B~idge Cit'(, Rallll;:, wm be tf-etl5<1]~fu!r, Hlenew Orang.e CoI.mty li:mg~ Tet'[ll. RecoMeryD:muntttee.

Despite her seir\'uce'~ ,Drori; is l'e!~.c~:~mt ro fu~any>Gl'etj.u~':,;iitilng Qtller;'l11i'llo she believes dkb~oi"~~ Ho~'ie.ver;

Pars~eY d!iS~g~-e.s.

"'Kf,m is a very special person;' PariUe~ ,e),m:iUe.oL' "She ·Was. ada~lal~t about help~l'lg and dld!rJ'frGiU'e. wf"lart: she wa.cs,go:il'lg throniJ~. K[m. tr:!1Jly QJ!fesaoollt:ofl:rers, andfhat alII be 'nm,d to fil~d:'"

THEVIPMWS;(,CM I ~Flbcr 200' 47

If}'!ifl;i\,,r~dl¢d, in Jinesto r~ceivc food ~ld BlJppl~.eliroHow:illg t1]e,clev~mt<Jitron of Hun.ican~ I~, then you Jlikcly r:~ci~vt<i l;lss~{am::e from the Southea~t Texas Food :B:;\nk M~tiyurJ0lrnU!il:i.6tIs;, .. lik~~h~ Agm:riean Red. (:ro~, depended Oil tile .I<o(ldBanf;';!;-~tores ~[::miP'p~ies. to redttstriblllie wbugboul CHIi!' oqm~unilY,

~A lot oJ people needed help;' descelbed ThYnali;l Stagg. ~ fu,&1:-[G:zyml-d~[ and D]~K\r of Opernt:iOjK~' for the :Solj,ti:Least TeseasFood . El,ank. "A I~~ (If p.eQrl.~ that rnig~.tnQt h~v-e e'i!fH' needed tILe Pood Bank had a need, Wuth. <til the l:ltares dosed. it wacti !liP to the ["Dod Bank ttl sU!P'P~Y the com:ttJ.I!I11~lty."

Dedk~teca a:}ld t.el.]e'i'oIent, Stagg ca.m;poo..oMtat th~ Food Jl.a~~k\"'dr~hO'I:I~ ,ooJ.ung Hurri©fie[ke. Yet for him, Wi,hl.essillig tlil~ spirit of our wmnnmut.y re.et1eJgi.:liS~{

48 S cpr".mbw,r .3009 I ilHEVlPMI\0,GOM

Ms o?'frOrts.

"Uoved tile wa'Y .peopJe~tu'kl:ogethe:r,~ S! ~cl'li~l«l. "1. think fha!l:'$·why we gel: e'l'eryfhin;g up and [llIlHlin'g so qllkkly. We t-'.:Ik~ ca['\: or e~.;,&..otiher.~

'Thougn if'S: been a year ShlC!e HU!;r]cune Ikemade blldfuU. ~it<\gg ~till sees a realneed, li<lrtictl1.~ly tn OX~ID®)2' CoMnty. [(l[ t~~ serv.uces, of tile Southeast Texas fuod Bank, OESa;nil:l~Jtioru that diiSUib:u~ f~o(1 and fI!Jpplies yearomm.]d Hke,:the IPooiLBank Qfle'!l:wlTl~inue '!';\Orking lC\ll&:afie:r unu:a.ediate .reluefg1'Oups have,.Mi: the ~I"ea.

Amter seT'i!~ng in the-relief efl"orts oftwp .j'II~jQr' .n.lIr.rical1e,~ as well. 118 serVil1JJ: with the:· Vdl:lJl.]~ee[''Orgl'ill~Zr1ticl'lls Activeil]; or VOAr), $fr:agg has <1.&;8(1'.0 jmJght i~~icQ hur:roicalle preparedness.

"Donald has a gr~ti[l~gl;rt 01Jl the Ike vi!?

ruta rc~.r0.~S£", ~~M lessons h(!lve been lsamed, and." ... here OlW preparedness e:H'arts are tooat'''<S.~ikl E:!ihdic ,II'i.-'lln,g. ~J2ctl.ti\!'e Dlre<::~or of the SO'LI!the~s~ 'Iexas Peed Benk,

"With [.J-OIilald on st~jl theBcod B~nki~ r!2<lidy to help ~S~l!Itheil."t 1~za:os with b·oth immed~)~te and .Iong.terlll!,.re.;;o'i'ery from di:~r"j.'·

With the eDJllQmy depressed, oonatrom. to the .fuod. Il<!ink .rw'i'r;t d'Wiri.dled, wlticil'esen~ a problem inrhe event of another di5at>~r .

~I we 11!repre!p~['ed," St;;\gg

~(aud. "But we do rely on the (; d!Q:nate:t~eir time, mle-J1Iis, mom:Y~lld food. W.ili.en dlsas~r cloesl1.~t come, it's e-a~-ybget

Gtlmpla~oJt, Ilmt CQ~~~~!l:L1e:d tY<lining <l!lil R

preparedness tiS' .important:' ~


The Humane Society of S,outh,e,ast Texas

Ail Creatures Great and Smal~ t~~fhyoatriloonCo!e

In.nafural di:S11."lIIe,rs;, ,~j~ ceeatures sl.lffer~ not yuS!: !h~,ljn'd.~(llt Irmd nl!!J.'IDtiilS fmitf! lhe'll\ulDune ,)ocieo/ OO' 'Je.~s rl;1S(;.wea Inmdirw5 of s-ufllie.::i:ng iUlimah L~fI: benmd:inr 1';1y.Fd,a11l~ Ike's "1i' •.

Se",ern~ employees s~¥ooa~ theshelter' <h,tiirnW.'lli~ Ih~urieane, Wlt .. ti the storm. passed, the society membersknewthey ouufd Gont~mJetarmgfuI the dJogS, and rut~, alr,cady in t(lelr ch,arge. Br[Lt~~l,i1t 'Of f~e n-e~i1)1 drowned, iEljured l'IJ.1d :1tar:ving anim~lHo com¢'?

Ondy- Meye(S, .: a volunteelr and farill~eJ:'

boa[dpa>Si~t.,~t.t(tMI1 R£ytlokls, a

0:: volnoteer and I'i:m:ner board '11j,Qe pr~s[i(i.ent" ~ coordinated tm~rio:;me"re1ief eiIForts. Ui.e

~ sheiterbeeame the st.agil1.g g~oun.d f.o:r ",U

u... pets i:f:I,t11eregiOlu~eediI'l5 crue';tllft,er tlile

storm, 'We became the-temporary home for' d(l<gs,cats, ier[(;!ts:, p~rrots> pillt r,aI1:$, g.u:in~a l:>JgS. b~rs.e.[1 and eye;tUWiO f;\\'lliJ;lS rescued fr,u:nl&il::iillfe PaSli,"'Mqers sakl,.][,o mak-e room lot the harrlcane 'oIicfur!.>5, the ;resid~()jts ~",e,['e' tr:al~spo-r~oo to another sn.el.ter-"Meyers «J.11I1'a:C~~P~Smdirtthari'lit5;~n<~ soon art 1~~wltee~er an.i.voo.wiHi tagh~g and pet food, VOOlmltset vd~,!i M€.rd& Go. cemefor seloile!'~1 "aysa,~v.'0i[tlS of ttre~dYCl<;:<licygrQUP Ull~ted.AJl'jl1fii;tll~ Natlons,

AliIiCr tl'I,,"oQ,l(!-of-wwn hclp¢ft Idt the em(Yloyees ;tIIndvo.~l!IIlli:eers st:ayedon tOCa£€ f:ot'lhs gro'w.iligm~rnb~ of r,ssc.Uoo i:l!iliffilds, Meyers commends St:1i!1t member 'filll}'1l. Wrrli.ioo.nli t.or her d.educatkm. The adoption ooo.rtiimutor\lffi'rkedller' sMiit,mlJ then staye.d asa ro~L1llte~.r, even bri.Bgil1tga£rmal~d

g~ore.rj,es tofeed others.

Anothe.r Q~1:$!t~ndrn~ll1U1u:rti]:eer l.V"dii bUa:(cd .m{!m~~l' Rlw:ndaM;!,!):Oing., ~.SJ.:!rI!spenl: &eil'¥ T!!'l'Iki11g hear at ~he she.l!t:er,~ :M.e)'erS :Sa~d. "mod, ",(lmc&lic~~!ll hourst" Manning, whO£ta~4 nome ilMh~g the h~J[.rka!lle with.liler, husband and 15 J~. W~'1lt s:traight!/(l· filii! ShthLNa:.fl.:tr the storm, SheroecaLLs. 3 kUt)ten dubbed Br:'idge Cit~' KuI)\;y~ ens ofdltir first Iestll~. ~Ws bst him.;~ she ~ai{t if!d'i'.as ~'QO &ik.rooLlljtired.~~ Then t~.en:-\Il'lIS tile st'OO,'vin,g wlt·~ 'idlm~e[ ri.~l:ip thai: rg'~tt.d a-ndl ~"'~ ]at~[ SidQ]YI:ed, She remembers the l'eSGllOO.3ll1ilnais livsd, "Tll~iI1il t~Iv.~d o~~!>s oft!r;~! s.he said, or'\/i{e worked as 11 team, We'' the.e fur{he aJJlj][Lll~s:"

vi wor/liy

Oh Baby!

Nine months after Hurricane lilke, lts booming babies in Southeast 'Texas

text by Haley Strahan

RJ.~won".:SGn..ofgta .. ti:al,ld D~Rid~

ur.r-icaneln:l!e\!ltrq't •. lh~danlag-e, wl'~-C~~. and! rum, One thil~g' hllf(ic,<lhd are not ulSmJ.~~y c.redited! with is producHcm" bn~e~: of wlIrse, -youl:e~Ik:[ng ro--p.roilii',i!i~1:I,. Nowthat is'a'Jift'e:re'Hl story, When the~jg:lHls·<1Ire.olltllndfhe phllr!I!aC'ies are.boardedshut; yO'll ci1In ll<e-$lIl:,e,tl:u1Jt.<} ~hy ibD(m~ .i~ hl.lhe making"

'RothM'e.rllQrlkl Herm~11'=)I{GLChcr:istm:_ Sf Eliia5,e~h lioipitali!l reported! anear 2-0'% 1.IlC~i1IH: jill tirths for the we::ebJn 'fUll~,ai1id July that fell-abollt. il~neriHlHth8 ;]!ftel:'Hul'l:'kal:l,eIkeHeretlrit~ ~Ine. enhe a :t'ea's carest hLlrr,iC'iline,<and proof'thar S{j!Inet:ll'Jres the'1\'Or~tdrcIlmSI1'iUH:e~ :yidcl t~le very best outcomes .of~ll.

vi worth'

Creaior fro,m IO"8structlio,nl

Artist D.J.Kava. finds inspiration in the debris textbyTarafbmiih

For artists and! fr!efJdl~ ID.J. Kava and Margo Holst, cl'eatil'J:g~l't

·.P1'<C''''ided ,tile .1',el.ease d'le,J mecl.e.0. fur dealullgwutBl~ne d!evilsJahon

, ofHlJ!rf'Ue~i;ne ]kf.

~Vd and Holst were readyh1g themselves for an ~r..I: snow at the' tloliViiil:

Pellllls!ml;a Culturnlfou[u:imton, when K:av~, " .re1tred.-employee.of the Naft~Gln1l1 Weatl1ier :S.el:'vuce. decJ.dedjhat - wl'rietherU:e-·hit or not -the hurrjeane was gQung to. ruin

their .s:how:.

'l!lJ,e .n~~day, Kfj,'i} and. Helst ev.a.clJ!ated Bohv::1~. ~k~ we were, drIv.ung O1.U abO'LIE (WO b'd.odk,., tne:' water was :!It<tr~inE lo' slosh. up O~l thenugh.way; Kava te:memb.ered, ~I ,~ai.m to m.}'8e~f, 'Smart gay~ rm ge:rrting out of here!"

KlJ,\'di aud Ho]:lt wer.e some o[tne firnt poop],!'! to return to ll'rie peni f.Jsllla.a.tte:r tire .~'trtld~." FrQll~ his expe~1f:me writing heal nur',rica:ne;, ~va bad iii!1 idea 6:[' wh<l!~ tp~xrect:, btlt\"'d$.~tt~l.dtocked atthe eX~f)tof the'~o()djng ;]od the d!2I:l1lage,.

P~w0J the ,~~~ .qvv1Y ,.

ln 'I,e~ponsew ~rl the d!evast1l!t,lQ!]', Kava

Inad!e several art pleces.sorne oftlIem &iatmtil.1ig. EU!i...-a spoke SQ~eJ:lII!'300ut 11m ... everyone de.1~s-.;!;'~th paia.and.devestanon indtvid.I.HiiIly. 'F'Olhim, tile oe5t therapy W<Ii5, to O1pail.l~, ~t out of his system,," His acrytk: paillf[Lng:s, ilIppro(priatdy titi.ed "Ghost," are rep.resenhl.tiO:L~S'Qi the lostend d1amaged'hoH5€S on [Boliv:ar"

Mvt t.w ~M 'Fk ~t itMJfCS Nvt mnb! thJ~ ~ ,&:tJ~l wVfaH. Orw t~r 14 dwM;, j4fl&:eV~ ('it it w£r .~ JtrJr~, "

"I Ilillve tctake themental tm <'Iud

make Ahem into phystcml.obj;ec KaYasaid.

"OIJJGe that is done, I believe I'll be over the. storn,l.~

Ka"llill, thon:g'n. apl'O~jfi!c'. expeelenced <lil!ld we.U.':1I::ii1Own aIM <Jirtfut, was a~ first hesitant

'topa~:lIlJt or U";!8JteallY all·t .afte:r·ii:t"le stonn .. He credits And.y COll:gh.l!a1JJ.1Iinofrhe:r~n'!.;lartist, the-extrapush heneeded @.l

to GL'eatje. In addIi.tlolJ.toh;[s·p;Untin~lile ~

jCfeaied sculptures, found-object ar~ and! ~

photographs about &us Ike ffl(p~iellCe. One ~.

sc,t!Ip1u~ofhis, ~Gho(itD()S .of Goat Jt>bjld),'" i~ Iilli~ Qiw]r¢,·boli~ :imd·""'ood wi,th t\'lQ .~~~ m..adtfr:om :m1~il ~mr;lTal<lri,

+iKfY\(rr ~ttd, Pfl.t/urs·

[)espjte: all HH~' :i~hostlYlnlagJ's~ ·Kava:hillls IH1l!t11l!gea. to .infect oomei.tLlIIIO:r-.iHW hls tmrr"~(mt1e,. of thl)ee~JC:~raJh

ma1~~b; nwunl~dOin woo'H~n(lt.omlr hu,mp.;r(ms butJ'las ;t !)ttans~ .JQ~bl~,h.urti9iil!i:~ h+~t()1"y.Dw:mS:Huriican~ Rit:il, i'!1.:f':;~ ~iln on 'K",,'V;:is SUV" From tha,t tre~, IUrVa mack ~~Ih~inaiiMt!)" dle"kind. 01(1 C~j~ •. n'f~ili~s use1;l Heh.mllich;ed tl1e-]oUqwirug note t!(l'.a ~\'clo~i1IM~roil.llid ~1(:(n;g 1I\I:lt:n tmt~e'mJb

nb~llet~i "Th,e Go.lf itdllg\'le had!Mlt were oonle' ,cr~b- 1"i"I;:In~Jrs" ']h~l,l saJne danfn a~t!~t

St"Ol"<1lhe·~~.'» -

KavidL~r.llyed t~lenl.~Hets ill tile Beatll:ri·ont A:rt Leagl1e :show-in Wo!fi .. Afuer fhe- i11"OW, .he'lnovr::·di them "to HQ'h~;t'~ beach bouse on Ji,QI:iV'l ..... "It is JKlw·;cov:er.ed ~I[h .11:::·e n:lu.d <:1:0 it ,'jIoored <limund d1]rii~.g .the stonn sL!rge" ru urldpu.bteJly sh.ff'i~ ubgah~ at ll1Y-'3.o1l88,trett\t.')sp,er:;tiYe at 1]l;e\A:rt Sttrdi;q, Inc, ih No\re:~lbe .. :"

G h!fVL/i tho.--n.~if

fuiva, HoM.m1~ ether-area artists, while .Io<s~ng so much (Ill the di&$tn.diolJ!. dud g.ain a 5;.e:a.:s"eaf,.;::anl.amdede,~[Id an il;V'E!llae m wl:iUcl:i:tQ ~.n'llli~ 1J:e~".;Jle3liutgad,

"Most oftil~~ .;J)rti;S.tii·~m:t ev~["¥tM[I]g tliey QW[I]ej,':' I:ful:st sakL,She deCi,J.ed.·the·besJ ~hlHg~ihe w1JIld do wastoimite "th·~~ocat 'lbea;;:h bum ~rtilit~"Q .... ar 1£1 Prlhlt.~ 'That diillY, at Hol~~il;al!l.te, the artists did, theirhest to the hurricrll:!e:<outof. themselves.

~~ ~<'tugihed,c.d~1'i114,e Emdo:f~h:e a'ay, .1ow.ed. atoiu SlI~rl" ~Oue ladylla"tp<ilirntj;sd whzt lo~d -like

PS6pl~.i .... t11e1r)lili)s \~Ii in tli~ aif, Sh.e 5<liid H \1fa'l1"a 'Hallelrtjall! ] 1:J:a..-e a FEMA Inii~:er. painting, Omotil""di!ldywas;i[l lIef iTi!Olffle JIIr.!r.1!g·t"lIe s;t'O[m.

:s:hows heron heir .~mI~p[aying~

The da'f.j~DlJgb. fiUe.d wih.·oo IfiIl;Jch JqSs, WllS uiti;ml.:ate:lynrJlftj~1ig,. "W,j lIiU dumped 9ur~eIl1Joti.oay; tlila~dali in th,ri&e plywbodi pOlJillrf.t~.1gs;' Holst-sardL, ~rke'1i:()Ok QJlr homes, our (WIillts, bllt·'notour lore 'Or patnting;'"

vi worth'

. n a I I t 11

MicMe{ Hcrk.e

T e8ching NatureJs Way .texlbyCatl1leenCde

khadBobdo~s[]tt ! What led you to bscorns-a

Illi¥e an ~Vtta.g~, ~ sceotst and an eo uc-ator7

gll[d~-V:ar]~'ty jiOll'. -

I I ,. .' ,_= I,rom ~n ~rly <lgl: I lo'!!'~d ~d~n~c;, ·(}$'~ffiill'"

- f?'~ IliW!11~i!mg [' )

di[$Cl'Or;o<fShng;ri : Il>1!l1;ir .. l S!;:i~c~_ Every i;l$pcci:(lhciCJlC~

Lil.B~t'iutical G.u'dc;1i~ ~ l"'a!l jjI1Wt~tii.'i,g ~o.n:)I¢a:riCl. marb$h¢CaUL~

Md Nlnburt Qlll:(tt:iin O~~ a UI'iIiq;u,1l- ~ t~ .. clIhl$.iis on~{lfth¢ fC\'i! rJ:'O{{is:si()j[l~ that

wGtland 1:tlinctl;!$..ry for .pli:u]r~ and animsls : .. lli1oJt) yOi,J 'to exp]Q't¢ ~ a~s ()irsci~i'I~, I

::lild 11 Jtr;tnqd. z~rdm p~di:;~ :foyluuruanr;, i dlOOC ~h<l~ V(lC~liM, 11{l1'i'~¢t, my al.w~,Lliitc H'l'!l.di~g bachelors and·Inj'\::(~{i in ~ ~Xpl:i1iliatiofi is probaihly belt$!'. ] !Z'.n,joy~ bido<. £;'1 from Lamar'l:V wt~h f'cl,.d~ ; l~.;Icl'Ii:l1$: 5Q~iI~, llliid seme Si,J¢{;CS:Se:> in

. I: totr.4" . " '. .. ~,:~, h

grndi;!at~ sti!.1J.y in science ¢~l~~~itioll, nt h ;,;~ - i:!'l8, science, SO ~~iitiJS m~y av¢

,:,]J.;ckn~i~t and an ",dUic~tor,ex,dmsd to. te~c;h ~ d.oo¢n m.~.rJ~g l~.n me ehocslng

;na!:ure's \~v: ; t~.;hrn~l WGi alwa~ tMd to chooo~ ro do

He mQ\vs riI~t~'~ frtn.<)Ii.!i1ity G!n~1 ~ ~htn!p tll~~ can do ~"e[l,

i1i1~:l!Ire'1 fury.fintlland, ]n 2005" 1 The best part of my job is. , .

OOll$~l'uctiQI!i. 00 t:n,~ S~l'i[kFQund!atiQn ; Ob~e['\l'.ing the ~IlS"HJh .. onder ln th.e

~~je,c~tnMJ,yut_t 1J(;!~W1 w~m Hurriicane Rililtl ~ eyes of our when they e.KperiooC1;l

hnLIt Was iI ,~gtback tmt th~, t~:,][Ilp~~:ili!N] On ~ Shilrlgri. b. .

and Sh~nrgn La ~(;!:brilt~d~tt ;gmnd QP-enilJlg : ,

il]j March ,200iS, Then Mother Nilih.ue stlnloK ~ What IS your management sty1e? ;;]i:!1!;un In S~km~~r \vith Hnukrlil.e5 GU<'!tav ~ 1it parilUe:];sInY al:Htlu:lie' fuwardspwplce"

and ]ke. demtatin~ the 252-aae pwe:lfve:, ~ Moot people vli'.iU respond famIably.if·

.Bli.llt. ~he. Stark F9u;nd~t~on: made ~ wmmit- ~ they are tre1llred. wItI] respect and ment to I:liie. r~~.e oft'hb;r49QiIJi to MJ,I1elop ~ ghr-en inltellectu~illy h'!JI:1ie.~1; poslnve

a lVQirld-d,a~~ !botanical gerden and. t1at~H ~re[nf01'.ce~nent Wh~1 th.ey do .~.

center, Hokee;>;:p1ail1~. «After Ike, many ~ good.j-ob.

:fu~nd~tioolS or or~r1ii~tiQmw(ml!tl hil'l& I . '

·w~ked away,"he ~i!:rd, "How€"e~, the St:;J;rk ~Favonte flower? F[ag~!lm

Fu~tild.ilt~iQn did not \JAtU1{~[ in b commit- ; lady's, Tresses - a m[";'Qrohidin

ment andumrn.ediat~iy star~ed tJhepru~$ ! £:hangri. La.

te. rebuildaud iFep~llili. We had bee~ ope:ur ~ Favorite tree? The Sas~fros..

fl'l'e'][lo[J!tps ~nd ~e'ffl.n daYl:i .pr1:o.r ro lks ;

and had receleed a tremendous amount ! f8'vorite bird? Thl1' r~t)r:honot""XY

oifpooiJti ..... ewmmeil1!t':s.o1l! Snangr.L l.a from ~ Watl~le"_

~~.e p~blk;' With tlii.ek past S~«:~~~

Ih.e Sih;~ll!gd La team looked fonvard to ! Whom do' you admire

reoperl:ul1g ani! aUoOftJl.e Stark Ntrncifl,ti,{!(n ~ (living or deceased}?

.sbaff'lll;orlicsd tog~hel" to ge,t the deflmlp ~ Rachel Carson, Slfe .d!ared!. to suggest t~.t1il!!

srnrted, States~oke.. "As Wa~lt,er Ri;fldeL ~ dmnping dllel)]iCf<lls fI]I:ml@lQtrnhe woddl's

CEO o(th-s St~[k: Fouudatkm, llkss .~ 8,,1'; ~ ec:cmysreH.lcsowo!!\llsle [nu.n~S!1raMe

"Ihere were formd<ll~oll! boots Olll the pound ~ darn;;tg~! (,silen:t Spl~.ung). Sihedhdthi:s,;iis

soon after the s~:c\r,m,' " ~ ;1 woman, rl!!lJl'iBS:~· 'hme \vnen women

Luo;;kily, nat~r€ rebounds ('Illil. tllilUJiks ~ ~ .... el)e not.allewed tcdlll'ife opil1io:m'. 'Riell,

ii:ohelp fI"Qn~. !Hoke 3inrlffilbleam,. Shangd ~to'ilila~ds the end Olf her hfe', sillecWl'ote a

La re:9IP~l!led in ~rc61. The oasis is bloom- ~ book: calledSense ofWondie(t';" has:

i>i:bg again, o:iferung an.or~t;dloor experience : De,.oQlJUe the bible for those in~~!)fsrred In

lJ.e~und the imaginatio[l, ch.uklre'B about nature.

What three words describe you best? A dedi,at¢d.ttach~-

Dream vacation? (hHI.Ot.l1din ~ Me::U(:aIi .. [i\~[ .near:the gjQI;I& fur·e:)t'~"

What do you do to re lax?

M.y best:\vay torelaxjs bY'.unt:e.rR:cthlg with Katy Rese <100. Ci1ircilUlle iE.~~;se, .ray two

If you vveren't a human. \Nhat animal \!'JOuld you be?

WJ~.OOI!~l1g c:r a ne -O:[leofthe r nost protected anirll<lls j~ ll~.e wod\:!- Tt .:j:pe:~d.~ ,~Um~ller il~ rhe fail' !~ortb aad wjtlte~'Ilal the b?.aoh; ~~11<l1 il J uf¢, (},r a:b~t- .~J.e€!l?~?lH d;;ry, fl.~~ all g~ig~lt

Favorite rno.vie? "" -th¢ 19\):6 mm :>illJ;J!mg, Rodk Hooson ~n~E1i~beth

Til:ylor, .


book? ~A. Sand CCiIJI1t:y .Ali'J~an?l.€'

by AIOO LeopoU .. l..eoi!?okl L~ tile f'tIJth;e, o{wiJ.d[Jfe ecology.

Favorite song?

"Amc[.i~i:lJ Pi~" by DoOn M'L~a:mt

VVh8!t do you want everyone to know about our wartd and hON to treat it? E'l~ythin.g dl>iin\l'~ ~sk.J?l2oplc to do to prot'Cct, preserve und 'IlOllu;lJltc me bioo[).nCtt ar~ lhq that we should (10. 8j;m:plyb~usc i~ ii the ]'jjghl thillg It) do ror ~~tdtild.:l''''I1an4 granddilld[¢tl-

For what do you want to be. remembered? Thmug~,. r .nqpe that 1: havel1lad!e·1;)11 impa.ct on my students that gQe..~Otl1 tO~:Mak:e fillem goodie

'&te'W<t:r·o\l;·.df the Earth, i



"IJ'BlilM. gDI E'II~'f! Airpmt rr:a~~ ~BIi1~'f isc~IEb:r~li",!! i1B :i:~-~r anniye1i?!lr\f ~.~ giYin~ Il.~~ (l :S·11~tl~' trtilff'l ,,~ucher. Juste'il'Im~ 'Goodda~I4t'l'4,tt run~ ttll U~ ill·an ~.y of ~o \'OOrd'!!iOr less \Mh\f ),Ol!l rl\cStli'l't ~f,r·cil' 'Ifqi. 'Ili~~r \'rill' b~ ~mJ1~oo~d in Seph(!1b~r en t=,D~ 4,

iMert>!liliUyh:at'rIQilS frn1:f1o\'fbe,tQn:rot~d.ilnil_I~! ilJllfjl,1lm2g8 En~~gntatoffnlroj1JIl3~'OOJtDlow lBNIllIIMI" IIlllr 1iI!enpy ID ~erie~ flil~r, thid~er hai arJ.~ if! "~"~ ~ei,nw h:lir Qlilll!lli! C:2lIILWaj' ~'l\U'm:IRljj lIiIlI~!

.&p.ortTrll,~i!!J'. (J(JIJ(J1lirifl'1ffDt;#rm,.~J}[ 4(fJ.722,SAA'} af:J~~~

f:mBILB Enhnc!!mel!lbi .. 2-35(" E.!I$x FnI8~J; S'"g.LI, ~1.II!1!%1r 4fJ!I,Sfl; 1300, 40M:'l5,$890 Wil'W.$c.,jl~ti!lier.tpt:C'OJI) ,- !'i!-flCW,~1t~r!Y~UolJ~J

A new~ea~Qn 1!I1e<i1lll il'~ ~iI'Ilef~r ~ ~ew :b\lglaJlld IGio Sal",", ;ilil.d 8<iltJtiqwe hilill jllJSt wrnal. you mood .. COliM !Se~ tliie. fllD8lzinllll ;;IE;ledion \J,f harudbaQ~ arud 1I!!:1l>e.s~[lMi6~ ill ille llo1.1.est ~fjl! 'Go!ore; $I.:! ~!e$, Salon SlBl'I'; are ;fll'oo OII'<lJila'lile.

GI~ 5111'0111 iDDd Il!000000uil. fM22.fYJf:Yafl8ivd., ~(:WI; rn .Q,r)!!.86IHJ6(j·

Eetailer:s w,e love {tnd their men:J1QfUiis€ we love to hatf.e!

lra~el wiilidhe kjd5' i~ ~~i'f ~5 ca~ aJP,osln B~'b1! Ol!!flWN inveiltow or bilY~ b~' JMel~ar~el ~pe J!.i!S1:tile 11~in(J you ~eie~ ID Mid R~IIh!iM lb~k.wallbu~~ to~s_ flEr.S~nlll'ilm 'l'Dur.s 'i\1i~~ "l~ ~Qr~!jJe.llJg~~~~ l~g', Andl d'1)~'~ fDrgi~t, ~ ir~"'el pill'QW a~ ~Ioo~t are perfeGI lor m\w~in the' (;ar,

'Wh· tlull ERt!I.i'lr~1 ~ DO~~ $34.99.

(reg. :2lbct1IB~J Fea~ur~altwstl':l!lilm :win~

Jliillil1D Cluho filMlay!

Wiflcsi~les.hJi. win~ bojtfuBgl~, ..... BBkl!l win,e ~~jR~ f1.1t. ~s<lnd BJi~Bl;3miie3, Ffl',~Bte e·~-en!s aodlcla~s~,

Wiii1ll~l1l~. J~aS ~wJoo Rd., 8e.;;'Ul'l!W!, rx. 41)90$47,/ ,NO '1Ii~"iW. ~1lL1's.r.r"aB..Ii'L1'!it\!)"'!If.I1(1Jl,r 'T-....; ..... O'S>::~

NlCItIIl'iIB'& ~1i9- 45~ WC2.,ditisi Dl;~, rx eWfi.&4f1&J51.m: 1. ~I~COJIIJ

!;;;o;i;I~$i!lel)' at !fIo\!!e!~ f~M~~ :fQ'lJ~ 'oIIi1l Iii!lo 1il~ tabulous Tommy H;lil!a:mili CoUii!:!i)l:lion from !:.e·lIilll!glt~n F!!fl[1I~!!~e. This lfbre be~l)~ wi~1il fl1alll~elld trim hi,:II Ill1L1M fu:r al'l)\o~ wl~~ a 'I11·ld ~Id~'j n!ij~I!,).lmu~llliJl(lre ID t~i~ GO!!~-OO!"! Nl<tt YlJ"!!' !i1'!lI~t !l!OO' ~mcl \!'O!J'i~ ~iild· ~t ~:t i\lc;ij,\~il F~rnil!lli'!ll.

W!lM.t2ftJ TWin lAlyHwy.. ~rx "11827

4mt}<='iJ;SHOP .

SUtYiIIg.glr·t·ilmhUlity 5111.1:11·181:8 'ffi~) ~IBgan~ to .t:a5l:!i!.1 (l.iI3frj!\O!Jlf,[(\!1i! ;;I!"!1i!1 1:0 :!~rge ~~~~as. Wa.dI~irngs, SDCia:I, CillFiloratc, cai~filng ~n(l rlIDrll.,. O)JIf <l!1~rm· iiioo to d~tall ma' yo~re',<em rnI"e!llil{)i".3ble. Call @r spc-clalist at 400_a~liv9051 1])[1_ 1_

~(Wj' orkitlllg JlIlG:o,r;"~~~-~rJ:l~h f!.~!~U~lbn.s ~~~ S!m.pJ~ 1P\ii'r!!!T~ ~~~a1! pe~m$;. 1I!1~9.Qne'li!'!!;l·1'1I% Off DonmrdlOi [l\]lalli~M hair cxreJ'IslolIS·. talll S~e'l:le 1)~..eiO'f debils ~09.7:29' .. SHQP.

!!~I!I Fcm",lwre, ~J'i;Naf!1'&I: .• C'tIffl.IlTrl:IIi'l. 7X '1t!!Ufl2.2544 .. .-. _. - .. , .

Rtrfjdpoll~d ?mdleJ • F&o/!&.~~rI7·lty tk"}3n:JClJ •. Htm,U1mu:r1 i!JifJp O'Id-Pa!I:ku»J<;:d emely • Pi;dut; ~lbJ.:f'· OmmJN:lIfs .aNd !!ito]~

Autumn Leaves

Esoape to Lost Maples State N!atura~ Area

te::r:i by Haley Stri:Jhan

~ eN qt~rrhtq:t r UJ1£n;

Tile pa:r.kj,s Ihl.:med (or ~bWvalde b.l:grrooth m<iple-.~ rh<tt soar over the .\1ji)d~i.l~ lrai[s andr['j~t<i] ~1~,iil~'DlS .. SOl'lletin)es >l)I!,i'C1' forty feel tuli, the unusual sp&ies of illll!ple ~..:.rive mfhhsregio!~, V£'s:it:ort flock from around the COl.l~1tty to see these ];lIaje.stic ~$, pa!:tiCl.Ilarlyi!l al,l~I).!J:Im,wheJjll~ei! leaves ram '1;):) uVil.l<taill e.,,>;plo-siOn (:iff ~$ andg;o1dk

lbou:g~ changing ka .. 'c~ is ~wt 11 pheJ:~o~lCnO[~ tl)at oceurs re~Lllad}' across mucl'i OrIkXlliS, the fall"t· of 105t Maple..".!:;; the mo£tt d![ll!martically vlvi4 in the state. fur ~hJ:J; resson, those hopmgrro ~it ~IH(i: nateral al"¢'il during moe ptak months ofQ~tOO~t MdNovemb~r4t·~~4v1sed to m.ake m;Cjwti(m.l5.~a~ty.

~ f5'nck.. tv

,. LostM"nks; isameecu [Of bird ... ~tchcts

~ and boooits~an]' rote sp~c.i¢'S~hat can. be i seen from PO:lIM$ along tile v>'iIlding hiking ci: ~ih;, 'Ih~r¢ ~w over 11 miles of ~raH$ at I Lost lvwpl'~$, fh.Q~Sh '111~ M<!pl¢ Tr-<1U j}

~ th~ p<lth ltlil!t oifC'ts a,ccss ~ ~~ ell ~m.t tli~ pfLk .h~s to .olfll:t ll'ro1i&.iog

~ \jfihitc t<1n1 d~C't;~nIDlinrg armadilles ~l'Id

S lizards are ~Jmmpl¢s of some of the w.iMlil't § ttnarr can be seen fromthe trails, and you


dion't: have to be a l.llatlJl'~st to enjoy the 1l1;a~estic sights af [001 Ma.I1],es.

A n::haeolloguc<ll evideuce dtscovered if] the area 8ugg.ests.

~hlltprehistair!.c peoplesltved <lnd buneed in the area, mllki:ng 'lost M~r],es a historical maevel as wdl as a beautfful exampleof phys.iQ}! geology and natural .fonn.atiQm:, LatEH.' explorations by the Span:isll resulted ill nearby areosbelug settled. Apacheand Comanche raids Y'fel! into the 1 OOI}s . kept tile area oilly sp<1lrsely settled, to th:[:sd.rt,~he park remains only negligiMy developed, and itisbecause of this lack ofhuman incm8kmth<l~ toot tltfuplles .is SI!K:h. <'is~ulleexalnp~e of uaturetminterrupted,

Thepark has over 30 campsites bmvjsilt,ol',~~le encouraged to .rnalhe reservations as ear!y 1l!S .. poss~IMe because.

tbe. sites go. quickly,~l:r.i0nlarly .in peak fdbge Se<}SoD!1, O'i"er1:l1gh~ access tD a camps-ute andJro alHi:he l~atmw~ wO~ldel:s the .park bas to o:ffer' costs a mere $3. Sing1e-dar access variel'l FI'm:n $5 to $6, depe!nd!ing on tille. se<Jimn.,

[fooClkpackillg and bird.walcffil ing are

too. id!le' for yourtastes, gr<lb a tube and jlmrp illto the clltll.y waters o.hhe Frj.oRIve •. ''F~O<;1Irrung the .riveri<' Is a genuine Hill Country tradition and. i~ o.ffers the mor·e adh,l'e!]tmatls vacaticmet d1.:e chanc~ to u:F:Iw:in.d whi.1er:eclt.ruui.

C ~H'\P Ovtt (ur r fl)

If sliepillg outdeors i:->n.'. your ~.d!e<Ji of .a relaxing. vacanon, 'Ih.of Lodges at Lost

Maples OIil'EU:.s anindoor experience to Ii .... a] <JIg]}, resort. Withfamny fri.endly bun.g'1lbws. or sr:na~[e,I' c:JIiJ.fns fur a rom~ntic retreat, The Lodges me versatile andunique- the perfect place to e;scape,.IFresh juk:€, f[llj~ and mfE'eear-e delivered to yon dai~y; <I~O]]g with <In assoruneneof gourmet pastries. Persenahze your gt'[y hs-t and th,e srolf "....m stock: Y-0lU"&itiliel.l prLor to your <JIrr.i'l'al., Celebrating a sl"eci<l! occasion? Wi.tll advanced notice, the smfFisd.digjhreol to lil,e~p y:O!Ji create yonr dream vacat!.on,

This popular cebin-style resort offers

an iJlr.rayof activities thatt includes guided riverillud ~.<lkf fly"fishing, spinm:[~fishil.]g, h.orseD< rr.'.udil.lg and bi!:ihL1g<'llbd oo~ f.Hght lImn's;, m.cyding and mota' are wl~lQo big draws dLII.e t,ottnelnteresting.ter.rain,

In tilis eOOIlOIl1}':. al1;11ffur·dab~.e. tim '!mforgeltab~e''i!~c:arrlon Us the gool of 111<lny ffilmiUes, loot State Natuml Area is theperfect fora rela:\:LnglfIsi~ to. <.lI.~m~y pktllLre.sql!le setting,

for man: inj;arm.atior-l .on Lost" MapJe'S StaJe

NI'l:tural Ar®tl!,!'isitwwK': tx..~1$


H .. ns te'~l. u. '~.dl~t. t~le. wnr.d "Tex. ~s." comes fro." .' nl an Indjan word (or frlendsl~lp, When you live In a state famoesfor

being friendly; paittylng goes with theterrttory Festival season in 'Iexas is year-round and.It waits fn'f no man ..

Gt~b your forks andkooztes and go forth because a wide varIety of celebratton a,wait.~ YUill a'll over the state .. Travel to the state capital for

a I'leer sammft a~ AUMin Dry Limits f'esttvnl, then join the fest of Southeast 'l'exas at Gator Fest for an airboat ride and a c~ of gumbo, Whereverynl1 go. there wm be 1),0 shortage of people to call. frtend,


K.f;rrvute 1(\./ (,n£ &. MvtSLt: FtJt&Vtlti

September 4·6 www,J,;~rr",i1k-ml/

Over 1 00 sillger-songwrIters will gather In this Hill Coantry hideaway to ply YOIJ, w,~th th,e,j[ music and good wine. RV s ere w'elcome .. BYOCo.rksaew!{CJt

September 11·13 Anah\l:;t~, 'Uckets.' S.S- $.10

MIWU', teX(l'sgI1to.rje.stcom

A lo'Cal.favorlte, Gatorfust houma, rhe :;~I~' green beast, ea-ch )'eaf ~\'itlil. tbre~ <'na:Y$ of Jliv{: m!ilsjo; ~lid moJ'ii.' southern f.l'i~-d C~jun dl?!iCii.;l¢$ than yon cat) ifUi!lg!ne_ Th.e Randy Rogen:: naf1daod·Way.),e Toups are Itlio;'O oftJ)e featured perf'OI'tl)£.'1'S amotlg jnatly,other~ ..

,l3ri A~t GriIfdnr:-

September 17-20 .


Adlmbsion free onThursdey and Frida}' (varies il/fie[) !-1lwlII.grapev.i/.lfJt'exas-u,sa • .r:om

Non-stop entertafnmem on SIX stages induding legendary acts ii.l<:;e Hilly Toe Shaver, Gary P. Nunn and Le Freak us just onereason tlml Gfapotfest:b a c:(!~ ahove .Qt~~r fesl.h<als, A dr.1ft beer plivillion, ~ ;:;haml?agne terrace, a grape stomp, w.iJle lia3lingl) a!ll)a tennls ;:;I:;us$lc ;Il'C(I.fc;"W of the;no,

HOtAfn-n fin- r lIHU FestivftL

Selfl:ember 19-20 Staltord Centre

rwl~'HI .. ljo~~ronhor$~!JaI' .. com

Wiletl'terYt)u csn name every p~l}pt:r' ,alphabehc::a.lly or yOi,l. jusrhke ItO watchpeople cry, this [lSi one excitIng fe, .. tivall (Ihe bottledwarer providers are going to make a killing!) This .is the hot spot ifyQU ii~e your dinner spicy and yom: beverages :mild.


Septc'tl)be.f 26-27

lIte Wooohnds I\fww.oktQb[':'fe.sttJ1~Il'

Celebrste beer the Germ:r!:n \va'y wttJlI. thousands of YOllr fen~w Texansl E[1J~O'y :[I.olka lTI1J5i.i(; and ~.ed.e:rhosen, S 1111 er kraut and brats,

rUIl1I f<..u:.e F{JtiVr1t

September 30-0oewoeJl 4 WII1I'1:ie

Admi.s!>uon:; Adults $7, Students $5. [Kids 5 & under, Seniors-free) wWI~,lealsria/e5.1iMI,.QIR

In U.s '10th vear, the Iexas Ri.(C rl;':Illiv·al is back and bctb;t than ever, Troubador'leu"}' Jeff Walker and the electric Roger Creager are-just two. of tile ex,c.iting muskalacts to hereatured, and the .Iist offood providers assures us that visitors 'will he In hog heaven.

AvtJfin- CtfY L~tJ FeJtT4!f11

O;;;ooher 2-4,

I'ick(!:t In'kf<~ vary d.cpe.rldlilW on the l?aek~t:.e WWW.l1ciji.Sf..ivar .. com

See and be seen at the states hippest festival. As the Texas answerto Lollapallooza, t~rn. and aging hippies alike AOc;lk to Zilker Park for ~hn.~e days of sun-drenched •. ev.eling 10 music b;v bands that HInge [rombluegr.ass to electronic, This yea:r's, include Pearl Jam, and Kings of Leon. Dcm't forget the sunscreen 01: the cameral


October 2-4 Fredl'ic:kshlJrg

Ailmi.s:>.iol1:; Adult:;. $6, Kid'S 6·12, $1 (Kid.5. under 6,·Fr'ee} www.r)ko1l.1~J.festinfljg·com

'lOti don't need mueh ·of an exCi,lse to spend a weekend Ln ch.<lirminS Predricksburg.but if you're looki ng' for one. the annual. Okroberfest Dl;.~ great reasonto make the trek. Celebrate dark b~r.1i.pky 5ausage.,u;clJknt sttudeli1,:.!lid po~ka 't11~ night :ltWay ~oth,,-, sounds of "Ol~.m-p.a" b<l.nds Ukl! The TulhaMdslli'tS and 'Ibe SC"~1l Di,I~difll',




", I


,S"i _

Wf.WE.~PR@NT &.


AVA11.A.BI:i.E,' .

vi . !;fide

Journey \2JfokJ Beaumont with Sp,ecial Guest: Night Ranger

Sf'pl;~mb.s, 2'7

~ollmey .:::cm,tlBues to be one ofthe 1U000,t successful rock bands of an time, .New lead singer Ar.nd Pineda joins the baud, 'a~ongwtrh special guest, Night R~nge[, Tickets $3:5·,$35,

400,95 ] . .ii4!O~dQrdpark.(Qm

great dates september

SETX W,edding Preview

S£p.t~mlter ;w

All oppammilty to hook, browse :and! shop for r:mr caterer, f1or~1, photographer, venue and more, I.ptn to <l!p.tlL MCM T::.legat:lite, RealH'JlO.~t. &(t,r,tt1Jeas'ltexas~·lled.aiJ1g;', rom

Texas P'lecan FesUva~1

Se.ptemb'l!t 17-2'0 Ih~tGwiU. b~ fUliHl(:~ivjliG:s.for th¢ whQ!~ f}!mily tnr(l~gh()\llt thG-'I'l,g·dt~nd. with cllmivru rides i~nd! gilim.;l$,. Talented perfcrmers from lO~1I!i. dance a!lid gymnastic i/.AOupsw.m prlfvjg,e il'i'"¢ ~IilJt~rtairJm¢'ITl, The bes·t h~:lmg c·ui$.in~ from .~(l(:t11 vendors w:iU be ~dil~· nvatlible with:,). v~doil'W of fl~:VOrSfronl barbecue !:Q C~ju,n $lyle fouds; MId, of OOl!ir/,;l~, ths b~t pec~iJ"I <ks~rt"SiilJ th.~ s!i~tel Btirug~h& whole fittl.ily fUlfa gw.:.t time and a tasl:~ofT¢:;.;:a~ ~h"'t ~r.'il! bdng you beck f'Or more!

SEPTEMBE:R4' 'B~imniQnM~i)n1lmU'~'I~,V'IP;la~~ ~1h1fJiMeiw.e~""

.' ' I. . ~

J;lCF ope~Sfh~jr~s;e~orrwJl1ha


~}. .;

7S0~~'I1I.'e'i'fJriing~, 2pt:n:m.a)inee'll thro:ujltrtl.ep,t: 1.9. 4!09..8J3r,4664


IR~~~~~m' iExhibiUoMJa!le:r:y Opening

.. 7~19'prn.E.ihihitt'!JirnS~q~t. 5'~:2.6, .

Ue A{~Stm:Uo,· '[ID!!;;:, 409.,g58.5393-, ~irfst~1.d1V,.[Org

Dil)k; DQwling· Da,ys . <

$abjin.e :!\I$8. CO:tlt a d t,>fi.c.h<l!f!1

M~Gree1i'y,. 4!OIl),S66(l655

81::~m:::tABfFf9 Ci~l'lIrilY"'Da1e Al!I:Gtt:G:1iI

Dod:on '~hii 66ld~JiI.1'.rrnl:ligl,f$mQf>~ .d~gibl~ Ba.chdofi amtd;l~&b$.lo.~~~, indll,d~ a ~iI('!t1t au~tiQn, !II F'l;O~e@ils.,b~iI'I~·fit t):b-i<C:iki~a& 'CllHd:r&rrs H&ai~hM~:~~d't'f"

~,rri1' Mad:~n's>Wl qQwle"il;i


gal!il~e: ~o tli1e: R~I·.Am~~iOOimJ;HerMS F~ndraise.t:J'7'X,SGI:t08ga-rsh:lp'S: ilit. LaIl1i./lr .Fllst:rb]~e.~f1;ec,lIna~Gg*,.~lf!]lJ;. W-e~Le-Xlinit,e.a Mi:ltjhQ(lisl tlni:l'd~ .. All 1J~!~9['llred~I'H~f!,ce WfiqeTS;. ffi)j'\~:~glltel!S, 'emergf;[!, i~.ctive :iniluru,l)""anii th~" ~]~lL'Sle.S ,1l:e'<lJmjUed' free, 409JIS9,.-2:9S::;':

S~PTEhA8ER 1 T-12 Grlllilln' iflIG'~~e'8"

£~dh ~ul!:)!"-Illl state cill<'Li.Mr101J!sIiip b,~rb,eqj[le -coohl,flf:b:Oll'S .hrk,.JJiroves. 4Q9,,%2,.6~6~'.

8t:PTEMBfR~ 1 2 805rILhwnJce: Parity Galaa

,""""11"6""1" - l'~ ,.~ '~i''''~'1 .. '".. ,,,,,. t1,.i,"1l~ ;~¢ ·~\.l[:tl"':>"h,~ ,:;,~.Ja"'l'lllll",rs~-"f

witj:t::'!. "l"hdlld',Q{a;n ewnrng..Cac&t!;al At~~.rnl.~~ .~ ffi~OU!Ili;!~~J .'to 4O.lI~liir

)< .r- .... ~,

f@odt~ ·&Us:a:tti~.prl~~~ wil1·b~

al~hl.~d for .t~i~ mQ-$t ""like" 1)'()~liy"(iUr,flit,QuJfrt. ThJi~l;ty 'i\liU,a: btl'lt'e~l (lliitlie:r;"aiJ. \:~¢n bar; >a&i1W1~·a\!~t.iQn~(jt.n"80s l'etro

utMosphctC". I"lQ,~t(l"n band! MolW an.d the ]{jl'i$~"'illds wj~U perform.

General ad!n'i~~ir)iI'l'i~ ;$] OO/pitroon:. reserved .s;e~~rng is $200tp~r6~),n..

Art M~~¢l,!m O[ S~)~th~~~ TI?x.~" 409.8:320343-2 or f!m8M.{lrgPro~1;!00s I,i.Ciidt~ AMSn~'cli.ib±liijn.s ~liJd editlCationai progran1S,

Frallill< Gerl1iettsGalle'J:V Openil'lg Reoeptio.n

'7~9j)ln Beaumont Arfleague, 409J:33:..41/9 bM!.Itflt.mtiuNe'.Qgtje,.org

SEPTEMBER 13 PlayholJlse, D~:sney Uve!

·Celebrate with your JibrhQulse D:~S<tley p~kin this braed new li\i'lt~how fe~tll~ingMicke}' Mon .. se, Th,e Little Eim:te[r:t~ Pooh &'.f\igger, flandly ,\If;]nny~r1d mp.r.e;ll.cket.~ rang~.fmm $l61G $40.1 ,3[i;pm .. BeaUl'l1lo.ntCi"vlc Center, 408.8383435 xl,

SEPTEMBER 1 j -.20 lexBls Pecan Fes1!iva~

There will b~ ftl:n..~.d.ivili&sf:Qr t&i~ w'hol~ f~l1tily t!J.rotlgilttJu~ the ii'!i~e.k~nd, Moth camfvsl [id~g ami gl'un&s. IlJ'x"'$J)f(;(J!.Uim"v!d.vrg


Fi~miture Ba:sics

Gigr GiHJmet~:a.from Ek:rrut F~mitu:re:

Rtl;t"or,~tiO:I!l w,m conduct a lecture

on the basics offlJrnih.II·e le:-starntion,. 9:30am to ] ]anll, J(JIm jay French M.lISielUn, Fee: .};15,.OO for Be.<'llllll!lont Herit~,y.MeruiJ>ers, ·t17~OO. 410$1,89'3,,0:348

Lamar 1~:IfI~versiW DiS1l1ll.guisn,et:i Alumni .Awards D~nl1i€r

TIle annual Dis~~l1g}Jti;shed Alumrrl Awa!l'ds Dinner \Viii. IDIonor the W(J1i) recipients of LnmrUI~i\i'e['.~;.:i:ty's Dist~nglJi.:shed Altll'TJm~ Awar-d.:s .. 'Ihe evellilng will begln w.uth:.a Iece.lPtion

af 6:30pm, .M{I{pelliori. Mary & jrimlll Gray Ubrary (ath~(lcir). 400,880.892]

or Uoo.,2~8.48,N

SEPTEMBER 20 ,s!ETX WeddingP~eiew

FJe popped the question and

i#"l:W}"QU are, p;hU1:(1i.l):g a w~ddi:ogl 1 p~'Il

to, MC~i. BI~.rt6 .

2.355 J 10 South .• gea!.!i}!(Il1t. TX


I~X$ CeJilteJl'lmlal;I~f#.:lI.eo1.ed NQ Mort!:! ~1xInT~~ati.on Tb~n Sar:ah Rev~le¥ s:hm:es how.the'IO<!I:clstde~ranit:e lTI<.wk"eJ.\sCwlittl tbe 'bro~7~·TeJi::as,~fc g-Uidoo ~f!t1o.J~~[n$· 1936:

J~~~~l[Iiitl ~e!ebl;<lili~ll.F.r:e\i' 6:l(jlp.m.1Ii1.:cVaJda;n- W<fi;d. icklln,olt. 4(i:9.:83?\,!9l;l(5

SEPTEMElER 2~/ Ghosts·ofl'exas.P.ast

tstmlW ~c[llaliij~g. Stm'if8

~~~a[()H.tS .l~g"'fi·~~s:·an4 t~~$ -f'tom 1.I!j;as·a:[]lI1)'r«l.r"C9<~rnty's ~lprfu1 hj;srtfTY! 7PIU • ~p~, Heti~g'e. V.~l;ig~ I\1~Cl;lJn, 1:1-\'0'. l~O W\,$t, w()o;ahr~l[c 4p9,;lB3.2212

$4,J\.chdts, $2:Ghlklr:e!l under 121


/JI)~fr.iiley .

Jia[ltO.ey"OO~ijX1tl@~Jto'b~ Ql'!e off-he, tlj.9S~·$ue.Qe~~~m;M1;le,l"j£an "'>t;k:Ratlci.ll; CJh~j t'Jil..J,e.,40!M!<5:1.S((lO

~~ische:rn:~rg'~rnl~bitJtfii]lr dl~~or"\E¥en~

S¥le,dl1l'gll!e5t S!lIl~J.l Dllvidoo~,l!.

e~rM"O;l." fo.r·the' Gtlgw:'nhe>J:m.· MI1.~eUlnl. ~pm" MIUSiem:n. of tl\ie'9uif COast <~Slil,2" ?(lOO

SEP1EM8ER'2,g [:e;;f(le'iShip Bf,aWlIflll;OGllit ,GoH·l.oumaIn'llent

cA[l11,~~liw,isJ!r<I!isel;!b:r ~~~hfp

n1) 2-noon·!l.litdV HJlpm

Rd .. yl'wil:.:l.' G fGll1b·:.ioo,B:3S.5,s.3i

{ OdDberJ OQTC8ER1

;20~~'&(i)!~th€'as,t T'BXa'S Sernllo:r QeleJb;latiQfhS; iGr)jra$l!Iinwrj~~po

. :~ft':e ~:;:;po everlt-fealUi!',~ brioth (l.,xMb~t0w:~, -g:;l"m~, JI~aLth &r;:"r~"¢'Li:"l(o.g, d()~r Rdz..:esa:t1~""It]I:.i;ablc In:ffO:rmab~ob.!)., .. 8dOii:ol' JI) lhJllp'a)r.lleaw:tlO;!jir.clvic ceJ{rdp4J09,3'J5$9;;\ ~tf t rl1


1 ~th Ann~aU3p('JIrtJITIi{l1 C~ys: OJiIlSSOO EC:~o'M~l1ml~!l-(e, Tr:ipl!cuS~ ]hdlJs~:d:al, Val ere> and Go:CI.~ i~"'I,te ~'<;)!U;to ~rHcip(}te iB·S'L~Prq[ti~g Ju~ l)ior ,Adlicev.em,ent. Iwo.#figl:!t,~im.~.,,l1imts, pd::!i~s iil~ gqotUie-

,. <=:. ,~

b.<ljgS .. R)S€l·wJ'Ott. I[>$'!tl.ep!lb~~.m.


Da~,a IQO:~!lliUmj ~~$j:j'eotlq!~"C Opi.filng

The Ad·8hldfo, {1!1c.4Q9':Sj;S."~l91

arist!:olitici, Q~ , y

'l-10pm RtlIib.ilt'Iu.:rhi O.;:;t; ;3,-$ t

2.QOR Ca\lOmLoadet Cx!roJi]mTon Jvle1~mja~ tEiJJJi $,i:.3.n:lOL. Collm0l Pe;'!llIlro,sclaki.4~:9ru, lU090[ 1I!OO:~$3.40~4


H~~u!~Lll.t;:illf4c.~lrl''i. 4($,S:JI~,~'4S5".


~ed,f;lil'Land I.C~!8liTi1bew lOf;Comm~roe "'Tourist e!ll~tt~~ 1 iJtlTJi :lTl"ua~1 ;Golf TOi!llmameJlt

fO;3'Oarn [l.lgitlta1.'i4/r, J2'11omi. t:~li;ti,m'!i~" BWe~Q.~ks,.G~lfGd'1lI)~., <jQ:'i.·Y22;,Q21~.

OOTOBF:R to 2D09,C,ClvO~llGadel Para.d£l

bo\ ... i.u~'i'i'nPu{tArthtLr,.4aQ,.983':· H]~9 or'409,9S$,4(13o;1r 200~;t:aJVfI:llloa.d.e·io:u:1h·Ffslilng. lOUirnament

l?l~slJ~~ ·isl~.d. ~1.(I.9.983'.l009

OF 4{fQ,.9&M,93~ .

.Pan~1l~e~8. Ptwen~i.(lt'i JO:!m, 'he·IPIa.~a ,& 'IFla!rnIlil'l ~lof'Ccar Silow

Ban~~ brealrif~lt '~ ... illi ;'tIl the

t~im:m:if,l,gii ivf I~g.m::td th~

Elamin! H. ~~ilI:l~ke ~1.a~·

w.~~;O tiuph1es h~:n&awa.r£f~lillJi t):le' f'9IJ1Q\$'U~,:elt;:C~.a:s.sie t£P+ y~e:;it:i')., Musde,€ous (J,;9V4,J976},.

. Anliq:!:Ie"l (pr~ lW:s). Ant::iqlW 2, (poist iQ48)"Trc' 1x4;(;,:ShO''j/o;' (;ar,s; StreeUlod,' SPPIts."CarS, Eme·r:genty. V>sliicl~~,:C:ltsiom,'~~bil:~, . pr.e.e.TIgj~.e:eI',ed~r:il!;;.e cm:s).&:m~iJje. WndQrs &: foo.d·jj(JQ~hs a~ ~aulil;bls;; Th~~.{'l'ili ~[s:Q lis ~IMi:ert~jllimefjlJti~>

g.ames fQi[ ·tlkJti~! .

8fun .' Spm. 469.880~;:9'2'7

OCT08~R. fo

S.O,U.LB. i~s~·P~rmlor'm~i C(inveil1i,1ii1:r:nIC'On~erll!iI11Ge

TMs ¢,~@l will j1'~~NlvJie"w ifqm, the n~~~ .retLot",l'I Pi;).1'il!J1'*:nl<' r H}i'.s,'twOOMd ;i<lt:vivoJ:!;: s: ,t~,glilYr(> ~d' w~[l1t,f~.w~onWt" ~gi;: Qffo~:r~eilt-. F1'6rn the rnos.r,stgpJtjG~p';th.e 'ill,;;):¥. MaS'Oi1!i!d:(~IiO&~ I·ltrN!'rE1L;th~'{f: ,i'ifill

be sQlm~thingfur' .everyom~ $SO))Oand up l!J[1I!:M-lla:l:ll 409,,350,746.50'1' 400A54,3~n3

Ohque Drealtli1s ml:lminatiol'l',zting costumes, ~crob;,lt:ic stunts, .~i.vd,,· IiI111Sk and a wsdnatil'lrg st:ory cr~a!ie an ,wll::l:dr:ug ii~ M.O\:lI,

7prn. Be;];I;JITImt Civk CeJ1t~r;. l.SDa-.782.YOBl


Sabine A~oo R~staWlnmt AsSOGijiati(l~ "Chef's; ])eHgln"

.lloUJay rtrl~ Hotel &' Suites H~~~mQn~ Pt~

OCTOBER 16-1'7

211s~ Anlillil!al Hawe:St f'estiva~

A~l East 'Iexas FoIMire Fest:iY.a~! PiOllee'r d.etlI0~,~'t!e~lion, mustc (Duk~mwI; Bh.!,~gros.:s,fuiLk. GO<SiPil:I), danoe (N',IJtive .AIner.ic1lL1, PQry.n.esj;~n. RiJ~~<\!l'. food, ~rH.,~!w, Civjl Wi,rr Conied,emre un'll' audmuch more] $6 ArliJlts, $3 ajll£b:~n 5-!2"

Fru Children lUiider 5. H~rjtac.g~ ViII<\ge Mnsenm, 911m " Srm, 400.,~3..2272


,Fall Family' Day8rt Ihe Star\!( IMUlseMmr o~' AI'lI

Eiamily toms oH~.e 'St~i[k Musenl'Jl.Q[Art, a .. Sli:'.iIVenger fuill!nrt,. art. achvil>i:es,. prizes. t!l:fr~shtliL¢III,t:> Mci morel I Q.i:J1IU - .2pID. Stark: M~sel1ln dArt

409,886.2787 {ARTS), FNe .

OCTOBER 18 DO!;! damr(l9,

The Black Cm\'reS, Sevendnst and Saving Ahel p~rfbrn:l ~l ['rlrdi i'nvHio,O, T'iJ:k;e:ts $2.;LSQ.·M2,S{I. 4 pm,

jo.rtipal'kcffm Ql' 4{19.9.5L 5400


SYillphony of S0l1itheast. Texas .AII Oroilies1ra 'OonlOe!rt

Ju1i~ RQs~s'Th.catre, B~ll:rtl(:\i1!t. Tk.~ts r/\'i1iilal:ile oti line or at the box ~ffifce ooDite~t ,nJ.ght_ 409$91 .. 2257'~.r)$!-m;g'

The !Madonna aSM'lilliS9!:

The' Pai~ting5 of Rene Avara[lJo E:xhihltthwlJgh Jail 3. Art MI1I:;;e:tfm of SETX 405UB2.3432

OJo:s ~ra J{:drar, l' Eye's to Fly'WIiIilI:


~" -;,« ,

ExlIubif,t~IQ1JiffilJ~Ili. ;tAr(Pvlu:s,er:ml'

of ~E~ -. l:fQ9~~?':f::r4~2 N~CP"2)1Ih.AnnuaLF're€do·m~',Aw~r~.Bal'lq.~~

11l~ ~!l)~Uie;tfis, tbc :~rnnC]':r(iTiID;iiir'w f.mdr:a~ff·;:Iinj~plro~e~l\slb.enf;i(lit .sd\,~}l1mshiipfimd),Ill~ OOJt~l.'l,et,:;}ISoP. ~U'iisari 0PMrtM1J1.y fQ;~c~zl ill:dli .. iditi.als.:btlsfll!e'~es..m~d ffJrg!l~t!911S'tJ~ar111<i~!l~ade' inl~~hlaJbO]eoc;U:lItl;lbut1orntt.o

HIe OOj,'I'!l~,tllTity, ReWII!Oltl C~v.iG· ,Ce:~~t. 4.Qf).841-O$lft4

OCTOBBR 21·2,£

ni JUlil~'ROIEl,rS ;pi1ft6f UU! Protlram A ~r~r lJiOil1er'[or C;:'a,iWW

Si!l;r .. ~¥6(arttht-:[on9W]lln J3e~1;fn]bJll :Pia2:::l.' \"nlr~S<t ~e~k!ir l~tll¢ M{:Cl,a~ll~l.rtj.l'I)ni di.¢ (;01~ll blr1s~ OrrOct!:):be[:2.j;,~f:tC)' l[:lite1t'Ogcr,,5 'Gil't:o{;tUiFoogifa:m ~....rJ:lhQill"BJG 'httu1: 6t~: till/Pink ~~ith: R);!~ 1Y,1tE:W~~lt '~i>5' %~tWj~ «pC,Jl. .t(l'r:ptlhlic a,o.<I:w.tlll'b~ h~@ '~Wfrl~ ~NqJidaY}IDIlr:i]oJi!'Yl,


rfOO-st V;aluatle Piayer

n~ trltlmlP~uu_li;t ~klr.y <3f'Ja,dde Roib,jl!'lsm" the iil'stt,Afli.€;;Ul·A~l!)el'ij~ftn ~o' '~J:.:l'y PlQfe5;Sion.a~. ntajar .Ieag~ q~~e,~}; G~e~4ml;dti.P

:~::il<o'am. ~. UJ'~<l!Jp .. ]~~o.O~2K583,5

OCTOBERi3- 25 BeaUlt;}o:n~'lEh~Ys IJash ~pre'sent~d by Tr'ac-y IB1Iird, Mark Ct\.e'Sl:lll!llH: 8:

Zona, .!I'c!I:les

A~~i",jt1t:s "Ved!l.1esd:aiy,.S~.mda}'t Be.~AlI'I10jJl~~1§;;ys BaiS!l~o(-Be-a!1l'i.~.ont; 1'X ;61 ~.4(}5$152 ,!{irl·i;:Tw!i:ruf:t..!:rQ.


~l,n~l'!t .. Btc!V$ Ba~h¥Ci:awll~~tB~iI 3!ird eamll\l~lllM R1V~Jlfo01(P:3Jk. '~.JJtij{Iit:~atydi)' l%~ 0i! the G4~fT~'(~ai~rfo[iikj!'.- -Bjk:¥'Tfasil.

·cOT.0:85W24 TH

naey.:'Byt.t's, Big):I,3SS. '[~~nialJleli)f atLaltie 'sam ,RaybWrlil"

UmpJl ie;Y.f.:i!lni~¥P.4~illq~

Be~.:umolllt !Boys: B.ash §!K RIlIIII I 2K Walk

affth,e GUJlfTerrocethke-

Bike Trail .. Be!ll!!,II.Monfl?;oy:s B~sh. K:lds Hshi.r:ig T~t11'mmlent.

Hasted by, Je:~iI:~ I1~H m:;tne

A~ice Ne:ifl1 SwjmrJ'ui.ngJ'oo!

OCTOOER 251l:-i

Z!lna Jeiilfs,Go.n T,olilitn.ufn:e.m,

at ~tl Din GQ~f Club

Be:nifitUufJ GnatUies - Chiildtr::n's Mir:acl~ N~!wl)rk. t~.e. G;tr'lh H(l~s~,and dt~ HW!:mart~ S.o~i~lY ha.w

been oonlh:m¢cl50 fm'- CItiUOOJ:'s Mil'adIl'N~t'WQtk wl[ll.!~e the Froc~".¢ds to ·~lmu.~ ]'W:mGJdi~.

~hG mOl ~~CHru:Sru'S Hoop]l!'.d - ::it. Elizalbe1h. M.cFa .. lcl:in Ward

OCTOOER.24 Hiarves~ HQedQ.wl1i

Fte~ an.~;l;uI50 I:h~ pl!blic"

Good oIe' fa&hi~fi f~n.! Bll;!~ra~~ IDlL'SiC, h~rw·tgam~, campfire, C!<J!f!; d~mQrutrattons". IhH &" D:ri:ruksfoH:i!.k. C(Jm·~ in'9)S:t1J,utle! ~Fm-8p1n

M.:;F-addiE W~rd.O!lnkl:ge H~UiS~ 40'.;1jttn 906


tyl~ L.ov·eft.S: His blrg~ Band Titkeg $4i:M;S, viariet;. un.

h4~t.h}11. 7:30!p..En, W:[\;;he-r 1he~L~·. l8DO$28.5S35

OCTOOER.3D I:'I:aMrm1:edltlfallow.eEOli TOlllrs onh~ ~Jlol1n Jarv F1~l!l1cm a:lild C~amril{)rs Hoos~ ldU8eflmS

Jlu:lm JayFI:e.ndii. MuseulIJJl I Cb~TIlbeTS ·f.!mI3e :M.:usellm

lQ25 fre:n~~. RQad l l24f1 Cjl/I.d!er Aw~ 4(19,,898.~}~48

Parsolts D,am!e; litemE:!m1ber Mia

A .. e:ne.rgy~nlx,of OOt'litf:lnp:orary .Am,erk~n :dance"Qj):era, 2Il1m oorzt J:1l,uL:'I.k_ .Ao;rre hour Jaythlilc, pedi.'t!'ij;'l0.11ce {I (bin) will dw be ll'dd fe<lrtL.l!l'kJ}g,th~~ &.dl(i<lintooj:llp:;:!~'l}'" Gracief> 3' abm up, W0:l:ll & '),:]O<pm

$'l;.O -' $i55Nil~ie.'; onlocanon

~~L.I!~:chN lht.a~c!;, 7W Mj]Ji!) , Orollg;t, TX :~ _800_3235535


"Eat a Bu;gl" FamUy ArtSi Day

Art Museum of s.:ETX. 409.8323432 l~i:llos;aur D~y

l'it~s. EniITg-y MUMtl!rn., 409. 333.l).lOO ~.lglh,trnalre, on f.irodJ;!eU SU'eet 40S'.:!lE2944

Hlalloweerm: liT1rick·or-Treating Parli;dal~ Mall. 409.898.2222


!Mamie IMcFa.ddin Ward's Birt~dlay T,ea at ~he: McF,addin Wmd Hense

Res(i'Iv1ltiQ1]5 are ;i!, must" aJIId tours start at: i am, i i C'1m". i :30prn., C'1nd 2:30pm Mcf<lddi:n·WaHI HO\!5:e Vbiw..r C~[]ter .f 906 CaMe.r Av:e.n:me a!1; Third St:r~t Bet'lium(Ynt, T)(,409-832-1906

Free. &O(l""fi to Uii.~ p~lbI'k, In honor of .MalllUe- McF>i!.ddinV\\'ard~ hirthday, Olill tours oJ the house for this diLY are free; Tea and [dreslul1ents, based on 6un~ly r,, wm be served, Lamar Institute o.fTechl1.du8Y~~ lRestmu'ant an'.1 food .M8.l~ageIlIlel.b~ ClaSl'€:S wm.preJn're ~nd serve therefreshnsents. Mcl'-adJi]l fumil.y members wm host the~e:;l.


Stega Nona: n.t! .Musiical

Based on tile childre!~t~ banks by1bt1Jl~e deFadll, thi.:; IS the mL!sic;a~.

takof the ilfrien.-dly n1;1ll3~cal

wutch - wH~ a f!!fl~ny naJl,);f: - ~ii'ho !llri'!le~ to cure the ills of her tiPy

rl1a!'i:;!lJ~ t:av,;~1_ Gr~Je~ px~K-·4-

LUJtch"er '[heater"

!:HO,t:tn &: [l:30tiii:l~,1_1300J~2~t5535

NrOVBv1BER13 IP-eiter .antl the Wol~

1Il!e Juck, the bird. and the cat join Peter a~dh:i.~~ gt<l!I,Jfather to outsmarta wHy wolf joH\;uSf:al~:iHaro::w[lliQmuy tale, set to i)Hh~l.c bodl. cl:;J,:'i~jc~ and O(jj]t'.emp(irar.y;. Grades K-4" Lutcher Theater" $):30. am & 11 :30 <lim, I "1300_8185535


AmrllwM Harves~of Hope Ga!~

l)eJ'lefitlng Catholic Char:itJ:es of SOl.lltheaSl TeKd:.~· w:i II be held Saturday; Nffii't!,mbt::r 14, a t 7:00 p"ltI_, at the .MCM

,Bleg<li!lte H(1tci talllrQJl.itl~ Me:!; Brollilsart:!, JaID~s;n.rO'l;l!s...~fi~d, Jim Bro!Ul%lrdarrd Tom [~roijss~rd ,f;1m 'h¢ h(tiJwrMfor ~e,i[ truJ!1tY yea~ of !!t'tvit~w ~GroWl wo~m1.lJ1i.ty (1]·[aili1'~Jti'Qllli).

$·ioo ¢il!ch. Gil aathoJjcCbia.titie.'Htt 410-9-924-4421 foJ:mQt~ lJrllntrul!tiM er vhi~ ~1hoJlc,h{jf;tk~b.l.nt, org

NOVi8VlBJ~R 15-22 ChrnS'~lIIiIra$ Caq:.d PhotorOp

S'.ru-ip.yoi;.l:i, m.itlily8 Chfist:.iil:~s l~lm~ OritTIt JlO,itli1'8 $t~~. Brrn:~ your O\1/n Ol!mC:T~- ..:1l>rrWi~u[ only. 1hri house .is 0l?~n ffOtt1i.¢8~ pndtm; ()nc~:a:year-

Sl:iIiQ.a.y,s:, N~mb~r 1;; & J2 Mef~4m-V\~.oo Ho~:s¢'

1 :oo-:::;?-'O pm, 4Q9"!3:r~.19!lJ6

NOV:EN:1BER .~O-.22 River 11Lk!i1i1~.e

~A Phrnpm.¢fiQ.n oif[-li:SI!O.ric(;pt;)' ra~s l1l(\ W4.sMn@t:QfJ. p{l$~, W1~:rh~r Hs your t1~t 'tIltilil' ibt ybu;r .u:fth.. yuu won~t '\,~nt t.t) raiss thrz~s.~ Farewell perfQ.rmance"8 01 RilferdM(:c! $40- w.:Svatie$ {Ji!li l(lO'l!~DdtrI. ~rd~m~ r::oQpm &2:00 pm Lut'Chc.r 'Th~.a~e[


NO\i1EMEl~R 21'-JANlJA.RY 30 IIHwrmiruated Ma!liIl,1scr~p~s amId Ti<tpecs1rles'

EI:][wir:fOO a.i:~S tll8.c.Ages higUlhglns i11J'i vm:cie~y and riClif[' of iIhlStra@bn~ !lllhelWoJ\{ (If Homs

1JJn~ InCludes .images. 0fthe

CJlf,ist.m;as star'y:

N0\!EMBER .28

IMc:F!addin War,d Hause ~uhio:r ~'I1~erp.rel~rGui(le Day

Open to the, public, Nevdy-m[flt~ and jIs from the MciFaddi:tll-Ward Hom.e's~,eenedllcat[QmLl pmgra.'LT.i. w.m tourvis:iror:s tlwough all.rh.ree.£loQrs ofthe house, ''[he (:wl".rjagf:I:!OlIlSe \liHl aLs;;) be ol),f:n.ed al~ <11. bo.n,u®, .W;1lln~3pl'l'l, McF'addil1- Wmrl HOI1l~~J Fl'ee 4!Q9J~32J906



,S;.A;;TUR:DAY, ,5 EPTEIM8Ef.i!1: 19~ 200.9 4,:OQipMI

F@i~ ~~ !.MF~~~'~na.J"l ~u,.. ~~~~'P;IPVe:T~~.IIi~s !:ii'~'t'~F,l; 40'3"504-3551';1' :~R,~~·"'-,;.4B".03~.



,5 r,Al,S ,IN A Ro,'w


'ro:111 Pme ~eelerv,atJiOI:1lS,: ,[11,~842:..a6016

,. IrCldlew~nds laverrrni

i. H,eim'~11119Iway!r$ R,e,sl'alUra!ln~'

• 'GehlWOIY OlDY Spill

,. Starb1uc:b® IK~o!si,k

• 'C.o,ne,i,erg'B Fllloor

i. EJglh'h!elnM,'e,eitinlg '&, BCllnqlueft R,oo,ms

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