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Media Studies Steph


Bradford media museum trip

At the Bradford film festival trip we went to a TV Studio workshop. This

included making our own TV show, with just 9 of us.

We had to make a show called “Universally Challenged”, which had 2

teams called Scumbag and Brat Furt. Each team had 2 people on; I was
on a team with Oliver, while Lucie and Robyn were on another team.

We had a manager, Rachel who was directing and telling us what to do,
she was being told what to do and what to say by the director. Mary
worked Camera 1, with someone else on camera 2 and someone else on
camera 3. They each had specific people to film and had to zoom in and
do a lot of different types of shot. Grace presented the show, and had to
ask the questions. Lucy did the autocue, and had to make it scroll down at
a reasonable rate to read.

The people in our team were mainly all from a school in Manchester, but
Oliver was from Inverness in Scotland. The workshop was really
interesting and we found out a lot about how programmes were made.

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