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*reatest #!armac$ % Eitc!en >aximum c!emical researc! done t!ere "ndia t!e 'reatest researc! done in t!e Eitc!en "n ot!er countries no food4all food variations of onl$ #av rotti, double rotti F onions55 t!en 8!at about researc! G

2001 census - ealt! statistics of "ndia o 112 cr #o#ulation o ealt!$ #eo#le % 25 to 30 cr o &n!ealt!$

=roctor and *amble4&/5 H 20,000 @ #rofit in "ndia b$ sellin' t!e allo#at!ic dru's Eli 2ill$4&/5 H 35,000@ #rofit in "ndia sellin' t!e allo#at!ic dru's o >ost of t!e allo#at!ic doctors are Iru' manufactures commission a'ents o 0!e$ #rescribe medicines more t!an ve'etables o ">C and "ndian 'ovt failed to #ut bra3es o 7at! ta3en b$ Ioctors t!ro8n to 8ind ere, out of (000 sutras s!ortlisted 50 sutras as t!e most essential Sutra No 1 Foo! coo"e! a#! eate# $%i&e t%ere i' 'u#'%i#e a#! touc% o( air i' a)rut% a#! #ot )ere (oo!* o "f food is coo3ed 8it!out t!is it is slo8 #oison o .void use of #ressure coo3er as it #revents bot! t!e above o >icro oven and +efri'erator % :o sun s!ine or touc! of .ir Jindin's of Centre for Iru' +esearc! "nstitute, 2uc3no8 o .luminum vessels t!e most ill suited for coo3in' or 3ee#in' t!e food o =ressure coo3er 99@ of aluminum

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5 cr diabetes -12 to 13 cr lun' #roblems -15-1( cr bone #roblems 9 to 10 cr stomac! #roblem 20 -22 cr e$e #roblems )ud'et for Central *ovt +s.90,000 cr-. /tate and Centre to'et!er 1,25,0000 cr-. 0otal re'istered doctors 21 2a3!s4.llo#at!ic, omeo#at!$, .$urveda5 .not!er 23 la3!s unre'istered medical #ractioners 0otal 50 la3!s doctors %61 cr un!ealt!$ #eo#le

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7ne doctor can examine max. 50 #atients maximum #er da$ 4no8 ratio 19 1145 :one can be !ealt!$ b$ 2014; *ovt s#ent so far10 la3!s cr for doctor<s education ardi3er, =une, >odern C!ara3 ?200 $ears bac3 onl$ 6@ "ndian 8ere un!ealt!$A 2et ever$ one be !is o8n doctor 250 $ears of allo#at!ic 8or3 !as been to fi'!t a'ainst #ain ealt! issues o 15@ onl$ need s#ecialist care o 65@ can ta3e care of b$ self ealt! for all 9 let ever$ one be t!e doctors. B.*.) .0, 135 $ears, san$asi- disci#le of C!ara3 but 8!o 8or3ed more t!an C!ara3 o Ba'b!at sim#lified C!ara3 sutras into common man<s lan'ua'e o 2 boo3s b$ Ba'b!at %.stan'a !r$da$am, .stan'a sam'ra!amto'et!er (000 sutras "f $ou 8ant to be !ealt!$ o 3no8 $our bod$4#!$siolo'$ and anatom$5 C $our food o 0!e second more im#ortant o 0!e one 8!o 3no8s-understand t!e food reDuires no doctor o Eno8 food % 3no8 $our 3itc!en


125 $ears bac3 aluminum vessels introduced b$ E"C for Kail inmates o .ll freedom fi'!ters in Kails durin' t!ose da$s o "ntention 8as to 3ill t!em b$ slo8 #oison o :o8 t!e #oor are usin' it more o .nd ric! are usin' =ressure coo3ers made out of it o lo'ic used it saves times LuestionG M!at $ou do 8it! saved time "f falls sic3 t!e time s#ent in !os#ital sDuares t!e saved time o8 =ressure coo3er coo3s fastG o Extra #ressure on food 8it! 8ater .$urveda #rinci#le -t!e food item t!at reDuire more time to mature in t!e field need to be 'iven more time to coo3 o =ressure coo3er does just o##osite to it

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16 $ears of researc! 9 aluminum vessels cause Iiabetes, bronc!itis, art!ritis, 0) 46 diseases #urel$ out of #ressure coo3er "mmunit$ comes do8n-+esearc! in Kails

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.r!ar d!al- matures in t!e field in ( to 6 mont!s. ence it need to be coo3ed more time to be absorbed into t!e bod$. =ressure coo3er soa3s or brea3s d!al 4mista3en as coo3in'5 in 5 to ( minutes Coo3in' and soa3in' is 2 different t!in's

=uri Ka'anant! 0em#le =rasad coo3ed in eart!en vessels o Eart! is a bad conductor o ence it ta3es more time to coo3 o "t 'ives more time for d!al to be coo3ed in an eart!en vessel. o Eart! contains micro nutrients o )od$ !as t!e element of eart! o Ka'anat! =uri =rasad does not 'et s#oilt even after 3( !ours o C/"+,Iel!i researc! s!o8s micronutrient remain intact in t!e =rasad even after 3( !ours o =ressure coo3er coo3ed d!al H onl$ 13@ micronutrient remains o "f $ou 8ant to ma3e use of t!e micronutrient of d!al, it need to be coo3ed and not soa3ed or bro3en; o =otters t!e 'reatest scientists

CJCs !el#s to 3ee# t!e tem#erature belo8 t!e room tem#eratures inside t!e refri'erator o CJCs- 12 t$#es of 'ases -C!lorine, Jluorine, C72 etc., o C!lorine in dictionar$ meanin' % #oison o Jluorine in dictionar$ meanin' % ver$ #oisonous o C72 is also #oisonous o )od$ mec!anism ta3es out C72 o "f 3e#t inside deat! is certain o 0!in' 3e#t inside refri'erator affected b$ 'ases even 8!en 3e#t closed-*as can #enetrate an$ t!in' o +eason for +efri'erator invention%to counter 8ide variation in tem#erature in Euro#ean tem#erature o 2nd reason % to #reserve allo#at!ic medicine o &sed extensivel$ for .rm$ o :o need for !ouse!olds in "ndia o8 to overcome t!e refri'eratorG Sutra No + o

Ma"e u'e o( (oo! $it%i# ,- .a&' /i# Sa#'"rit0 or i# 12 )i#ute' o( coo"i#3 o M!$ 46 minutesG .n$ food be$ond t!at is43no8n as )!asi in indi5 not even fit for animal consum#tion o 7ut of 3(0 da$s in a $ear onl$ one da$ b!asi is allo8ed to be consumed t!at is on )!asi festival -0!at da$ t!e 3 'unas in t!e bod$ 'ets 8orse. )od$ needs #rotein t!at da$- 0o 'ive it , Ba'b!at su''est )!asi food usa'e. o Kain eDual t!e not usa'e of food after 46 minutes to .!imsa Mestern and Eastern #eo#le I:. is different "ndians ta3e values associated 8it! reli'ious belief *lobal 8armin' anot!er reason for not use of +efri'erator >icro Mave 7ven-7nl$ #art of t!e food is !eated >a3in' of !ot rotti 3no8n onl$ in "ndia. Mestern #eo#le do not 3no8 !o8 to ma3e it

0!e$ are t!e 'reatest doctors b$ su##l$in' t!e eart!en vessels t!at !el# $ou #reserve micronutrients of food o Eart! contains H 16 micronutrients H calcium, silicon, iron, sul#!ur, etc., 8!ic! are essentials for bod$. )od$ need all t!ese 16 micro nutrients for 8ell balanced 'ro8t!. Jood coo3ed in eart!en #ots contains all t!ese 16 micronutrients .lternative vessels made of metals o E!asa 4Co##er5 H 91 @ micro nutrient remains o =eetal H 93@ micro nutrient remains Lecture No +

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Ba'b!at a 'reat mat!ematician also

0B/ 'rou# famil$ members coo3 food in eart!en vessels o Iirub!ai .mbani H Eo3ila )!en H roti in eart!en t!ava "f 20 cr families 4112 cr #o#ulation5 start usin' eart!en vessels it 'ives em#lo$ment to 16@ =otter #o#ulation in t!e countr$, 8!o are no8 un-em#lo$ed )ra!min #o#ulation is also 16@ /im#le 8a$ to be in touc! 8it! t!e soil % use eart!en vessels in 3itc!en +efri'erator

0!e$ eat bread made 3 mont!s bac3 Sutra 4 Ra$ )ateria&' o( (oo! #ot to 5e o( 6 !ay' o&! 7o$!ere! $%eat to 5e co#'u)e! $it%i# 1, !ay' o 7t!er cereals #o8der 8it!in 1 da$s o +ural c!a33i runnin' ladies in villa'es !ealt!$ H no cesarean or art!ritis o +easonG #ressure on t!e stomac!-&terus

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Bata more in ot climate #eo#le. 0o reduce it slo8 exercises, slo8 dancesb!aratnat$am etc., o "n 8estern countries vata is lo8 to increase it fast exercises, dances etc.,ballet, disco etc., o 0ec!nolo'$ in t!e 3itc!en !as brou'!t control on diseases o "n t!e name of develo#ment 8e !ave brou'!t diseases inside t!e !ouses o >ac!ines !ave turned bod$ into mac!ines. o .ll t!ese !ave reduced t!e 8or3 of t!e bod$. Sutra 1 Do #ot re!uce t%e .%y'ica& $or" ti&& 8year' 16 to (0 bod$ need to 8or3 C!ildren #!$sical 8or3 in t!e form of 'ames :o8 all !ave been mec!aniNed "t !as made t!e life mec!aniNed "t removed t!e jo$ of life

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>ore t!e elasticit$ for uterus and t!e muscles around t!e better for t!e !ealt! of t!e 8omen :o cesarean in olden da$s .$urveda- till 1t! mont! of #re'nanc$ mot!er can exert 4runnin' t!e c!a33i5 M!en >eno#ause sto#s 445F a'e5 man$ #roblems -sudden c!an'es in t!e bod$H s!iver, !ot, flas!es, de#ression, etc., .llo#at!$ su''ests !ormone re#lacement Mei'!t increases is t!e out#ut :o #ermanent cure for #roblems out of meno#ause. )ut it can be controlled 8it! 3itc!en eDui#ments-7ne is C!a33i and ot!er >asala #o8derin' eDui#ment *$m can not reduce t!e stomac!

Jood !abits-=eo#le from +ajast!an livin' in C!ennai to consume rice and not 8!eat Lecture No 4 Ba'b!at H >o3s!a conce#t H0!e #erson 8!o is free of sorro8 and tr$ to remove ot!ers un!a##iness 'ets mo3s!a -3 t$#es of un!a##iness 7ne 8!o !as removed !is sorro8 but do not tr$ to remove ot!ers sorro8, is not entitled to mo3s!a /adus tr$ to remove onl$ t!eir o8n sorro8 ouse!olders alone tr$ to remove ot!ers sorro8

"n olden da$s t!ere 8as jo$ in 8or3 and life "t 8as ex#ressed t!ru son's "n olden da$s #eo#le used to 8or3 8it! son's H different occasions son's varies - 8eddin', so8in', !arvestin', festival, :o8 no bod$ 3no8s t!e son's

:o8 boredom !as come Sutra No , Live a&o#3 $it% t%e 3eo3ra.%ica& co#!itio#' "ndia a #lace of !ot climate- more vata #roblems 10 to 65 @ #roblems out of t!is 10 @ - 15@ =itta related diseases 5@ Ea#!a related diseases Io not do an$t!in' t!at increases Bata e' runnin' -+unnin' in "ndia is 8ron'

o8 to remove bod$ sorro8- t!e most im#ortant as#ect stomatc!-90@ #roblems 4nearl$ 150 t$#es of diseases5 stomac! related-10@ related to ot!er #arts o8 to safe 'uard from t!e stomac! related #roblemsG o8 $ou eat is more im#ortant-eat 8it! mastication Sutra No 8 Dri#"i#3 $ater a(ter eati#3 (oo! i' e9ua& to !ri#"i#3 .oi'o# o Katara in stomac! 4amas!a$a5 HJire is #roduced. o Jood eaten 'oes to .mas!a$ao "f 8ater consumed after eatin' food it douses t!e jatara and t!e food 'ets decom#osed instead of di'estion-+esultG *as #roduction- and nearl$ 103 t$#es of diseases H acidit$, !$#er acidit$-ulcer, #e#tic ulcer, cancer, "ncrease of c!olesterol-fat o =ro#er di'estion of food 8ill not create c!olesterol o Irin3 8ater after 1 O !ours of foodre'ion 8ise t!is differs H &ttaranc!al it 8ould be 2 O !ours o Irin3in' 8ater before eatin' food can be 40 to 50 minutes before eatin' food o Irin3in' 8ater in bet8een food H if 2 t$#es of food H rice and rotti H drin3 8ater in bet8een t!e t8o- o8 muc! G 2 to 3 mout!ful onl$. o .fter food drin3 )utter mil3 or mil3 or seasonal fruit juice o Jruit juice after brea3 fast- 8!$ t!e enN$mes needed to di'est t!at is #roduced onl$ in t!e mornin' o )utter mil3 onl$ after afternoon food8!$ t!e enN$mes #roduced onl$ in t!e mornin' o >il3 after su##er o o8 to drin3 8ater after 1 O !ours foodG o Mater does not !ave an$ Dualities H it acDuire Dualit$ into 8!ic! it is mixed. 0!erefore even t!ou'! butter mil3-fruit juice etc., major #ortion is 8ater, it acDuires t!e Dualit$ of butter or juice 8!en 'ets mixed.

Irin3 8ater 8it! lota not 'lass 3ee#in' ver$ near to bod$ o M!$G /urface tension issues. "t creates stress on 8ater o 2ota is round- !as minimum surface area- minimum surface tension o *lass !as more surface !ence t!e 8ater 3e#t in it !as surface tension o Mell is round and !as minimum surface tension o Mater Dualit$ is cleanin'. "t reduces t!e surface tension of t!e intestine and t!e un8anted t!in's is t!ro8n out o Mater 8it! !i'! surface tension 8or3s o##osite and !old bac3 un8anted t!in's. o Cold 8ater surface is !i'! and it 8ill !old bac3 t!e items Dri#" $ater 5y 'i..i#3 >out! #roduces saliva 4al3aline5 and jatara #roduces acids. )ot! mixed to'et!er neutraliNes M!en 8ater is drun3 b$ si##in', it ta3es t!e al3aline saliva and t!en mixes t!e acidic enN$mes and neutraliNes bot!- # level %1 "n 8!ose stomac! t!e acid and al3aline is similar to 8ater 8ill live 100 $ears. 7besit$ reduced onl$ b$ c!an'in' t!e 8ater drin3in' !abits Never !ri#" co&! $ater Irin3 8ater tem#erature of 8!ic! is eDual to bod$ tem#erature- never above t!e bod$ tem#erature. Cold 8ater 'oes into stomac! and cools t!e stomac!-bod$ 'ets cold-all or'ans also 'et cold. "f t!e stomac! is functional, it tries to convert t!e cold 8ater into bod$ tem#erature- more ener'$ and blood needed for it 8!ic! is ta3en from ot!er #arts- first from !ead- slo8l$ it creates a #roblem for t!at or'ans H brain !emorr!a'e Mestern countries H#eo#le drin3 c!illed 8ater H consti#ation H 2 !ours in toilets Io not ta3e ice cream, cold drin3s etc., it creates consti#ation /aliva #roduced in t!e mout! ver$ #otent and s!ould not be 8asted. .nimals lic3 t!e 8ounds to !eal /utra-Irin3 8ater as soon as $ou 8a3e u# 4before brus!in'5 M!$G /aliva #roduction active even durin' t!e slee# time. )ra!mamurt saliva ver$ #otent H do not 8aste it-1 to 1 P liter for 'ro8n u#43 'lasses5 150 'rams for belo8 t!at 42 'lass5 o Iiabetes #atients H 8ounds H !ealed out of saliva. *an'rene #atients also cured

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E$e #roblem H fat s#ec3s H b$ a##l$in' mornin' saliva to e$e li3e 3ajal Conjunctivitis- a##l$ saliva )lac3 e$es- blac3 circles around t!e sun H a##l$ saliva M!at is t!e content of /aliva H same c!emicals as in t!e soil H 16 micro nutrients EcNema, =soriases H saliva can cure Eatin' #an 8it! c!una 41 'ram 8it!out su#ari and tobacoo5 is recommended

Lecture No 1 Have a re3u&ar (oo! ti)i#3

0a3e food 8!en t!e jatara is extreme Katara time #ea3s till 2 O !ours from t!e sun rise. .nimals follo8s t!is rule Eac! bod$ or'ans !ave its o8n times for #ea3 8or3 E' !eart H durin' bra!mamurt- most of t!e !eart attac3s durin' t!at time 0a3e t!e maximum food durin' t!at time. .n$t!in' t!at $ou li3e most ta3e in t!e first food 0a3e lunc! before 9.30 am and not brea3-fast )rea3-fast is 8estern conce#t- t!e$ ta3e little brea3-fast and lunc! more and su##er maximum. +easonG :o sun s!ine in 8estern countries in t!e mornin'. *ood mornin' conce#t H because of t!at- t!e$ 8is! t!e sun s!ine in t!e mornin' Eee# reducin' t!e food inta3e subseDuent to t!at E'. ( rottis in t!e first food, ma3e it 4 at afternoon and 2 at ni'!t

Jood to fill t!e stomac! and mind also. 0a3e food t!at $ou ma3e $ou !a##$ to 5e ta"e# 1- )i#ute' 5e(ore 'u# 'et Do #ot ta"e i# co).ata5&e ite)' to3et%er 1-4 ite)' E' o 7nion and mil3 H if ta3en to'et!er #soriasis, ecNema 8ill be out#ut o >il3 and Kac3 fruit o >il3 and Citric items fruits 4oran'e,lemon etc.,5 o .mla alone can be ta3en alon' 8it! >il3 o *!ee and one$ o &rad d!al and Curd H blood #ressure increases 4d!a!i vada taboo5 Eat (oo! '9uatti#3 o# (&oor

Katara intensit$ maintained in sittin' #osture, standin' #osition it is reduced, sittin' on t!e c!air it is moderatel$ reduced. M!$G 0!e s!ad c!a3ra be!ind t!e !i# joints H it !as influence on t!e jatara . "n sittin' #osture its intensit$ on jatara is increased =late can be sli'!tl$ !i'!er t!an t!e floor

=avanamu3tasan or Ea'asan su''ested 8!ile eatin' for t!ose doin' #!$sical 8or3 Iinin' table for 8estern #eo#le because of cold 8eat!er t!e joints are inflexible. A(ter t%e (ir't (oo! /5rea"(a't or a(ter#oo# (oo!0 No $or" ta"e re't (or +- )i#ute'

/i'n of #ure oil /mell 4)!ass- #resence of #rotein, and t!e sli##er$ 4fatt$ acid5 "f t!e$ are removed oil !as not!in'. >aximum diseases in t!e 8orld onl$ out of Bata H !eart, bone #roblems, joint #roblems onl$. +efined oil introduced in "ndia onl$ a fe8 $ears bac3 Com#anies used Ioctors to canvass for +efined oil 7il #rovides % I2 !i'! densit$ li#o #rotein "t is #roduced in 2iver out of t!e oil consumed I2 alone can control vata 0ill 50 $ears bac3, '!ee and oil consumed maximum in our countr$ eart attac3s onl$ 15 to 20 $ears old. .ll t!ese out of refined-double refined oil 7il t!at contains maximum b!ass and sli##er$ is t!e best "ndian festival different t$#es of oil for different s8eets, dis!es 0!ree dos!as in-eDualit$ durin' different seasons eDualiNed t!ru different t$#es of dis!es Cold da$s % #itta less and Bata increases and Ea#!a increased maximum Ea#!a influences jatara and reduces it. Iurin' t!at time food t!at di'ests slo8 onl$ !as to be ta3en. Cold da$s consume 'round nut, c!ana, ja''er$, til, '!ee t!at di'est slo8. .ll t!ese items #roduced maximum durin' t!at time. /ummer da$s % Katara increased- eat t!in's t!at di'est fast

2ie do8n 8it! left side do8n it o#ens t!e sur$a nadi 8!ic! is associated 8it! Bam 3u3s!i H Bis!nu s!e! na' #osture HKatara is intensified.

/!ort na# is also recommended Io not forcibl$ #revent certain bod$<s natural functions H slee# is one suc! A(ter eve#i#3 (oo! !o #ot '&ee. (or #ext + %our' +easonsG :o sun s!ine in t!e evenin' :( u#a5&e to ta"e #a. 'it i# ;ajra'a#a a(ter (ir't a#! +#! (oo! <%i&e eati#3 c%it a#! )i#! to 5e at .eace

o8 to do itG Mit! =ra$er, bajans etc., <%i&e '&ee.i#3 "ee. i# )i#! t%e !irectio#' Hea! i# t%e !irectio# o( Ea't a#! &e3' to$ar!' <e't* :( u#a5&e %ea! i# 'out% !irectio# Hea! #ever to$ar!' Nort% = :t i' .o'itio# o( !eat%

+eason G East is neutral in 'ravitation force *ravitation force 8or3 bet8een bod$ and eart! Eart! H :ort! and /out! #oles )od$ H ead is nort! #ole and le's /out! #ole "f sle#t 8it! ead to8ards :ort! and le's sout!Jorce of re#ulsion 8or3s - li3e #oles re#ulses+esultG )lood #ressure etc., increase, insomnia "f t!e !ead to8ards /out! and le' to8ards :ort! H un li3e #oles attract H bod$ stretc!es H brin's relaxation. .ntidote for all mental #roblems

M!o can slee# 8!ic! sideG )ra!mac!aris -/adus to slee# 8it! !ead to8ards East *ra!astis % !ead to8ards /out! Mater inta3e as #er bod$ 8ei'!t "f (0 3' divide it b$10 minus 2 % 4 litre 8ater in 24 !ours. Lecture No , 15@ diseases t!at need s#ecialist care li3e cancer, diabetes etc., Eac! one can be one s#ecialist, 8!o minutel$ observe !is bod$ Certain t!in's available in t!e 8orld t!at can eDualiNe all t!ree vat, #itt, 3!a#!a

+ain$ da$s % Katara is eDual H li'!t food onl$ consumed =itta can eDualiNed b$ consumin' :ative co8<s *!ee Ea#!a can be eDualiNed b$ consumin' *ud- one$

o8 *ud !el#s to eDualiNe Ea#! Iecrease of =!os#!orous reason for Ea#!a Iecrease of .rsenic4in small Duantit$5 anot!er reason for E!a#a *ud contains =!os#!orous maximum and .rsenic in small Duantit$ /u'ar juice also contains =!os#!orous in small Duantit$ /u'ar !as no #!os#!orous and finall$ di'ested is turned into acid *ud finall$ di'ested is turned al3aline eatin' of su'ar juice increased #!os#!orous *ud can be 'iven to one da$ old c!ild also 0aral *ud % before 'ud is #roduced. "t !as maximum =!os#!orus .void 8!ite 'ud M!ite 'ud made b$ use of Mas!in' =o8der-:irma, .riel

Certain t!in's available in t!e 8orld t!at can eDualiNe onl$ one of t!e tridos!as ;ata ca# 5e e9ua&i>e! 5y o#&y co#'u)i#3 #o# re(i#e! .ure oi&4strai'!t from c!a33i-mac!ine-nonrefined5

:ever consume refined-double refined.-saffola, sun#ure, surajmu!3i C!emicals used for refinin'-double refinin' oils made b$ man and all are in or'anic, 8!ic! is #oisonous

&se Co##er coloured *ud *ud to be mixed 8it! Curd *ud can not be mixed 8it! mil3. "t can be eaten se#aratel$ before mil3. Jruits can also be consumed in 'ood

:i'!t >il3 or !ot 8ater% it cleans stomac! 4+ec!a35 +adiation #roblems cured 8it! 0ri#!alas 7besit$ % 3 to 4 amlas or 1 0/= tri#!ala ta3en in t!e mornin' can brin' it do8n .mla can be consumed round t!e $ear 0ri#!ala can be consumed 3 mont! at a stretc! and 'iven a brea3 )rea3 is not to ma3e it !abitual

Iiabetes #atients can also consume 'ood Duantit$ *ud 8it! .mla or tri#!ala /u'ar contains 'lucose 3 t$#es of su'ar % *lucose, /uruclose, Jructose *od<s 'lucose in fruits 4Jructose5 Duantit$ 0il 4bot! 8!ile and blac35 and 'ud bot! al3aline to be consumed to balance 3a#a!a Consume bot! durin' Minter time 7besit$ out come of Ea#a!a ="0. increases durin' summer and rain$ consume co8<s '!ee >asala items % >edicine >asala an .rabic 8ord >o'uls #eriod brou'!t masala 8ord :o mention of >asala in ancient texts

7besit$ means lesser Bit c and Calcium .mla !as lot of Bit C and t!us reduces 7besit$ Lecture No 8 0ri#!ala % .mrut! tatva :ever consume it alone

&se it 8it! 'ud or !one$ >et!i eDualiNes Bat and Ea#!a >et!i increases =itt H acidit$, !$#er acidit$, belc!in', more saliva in t!e mout!, taste of food in t!e mout! !ours after eatin' t!e food >et!i !o8 to use Marm 8ater soa3 met!i overni'!t and mornin' c!e8 it and eat

>ention of ous!adi 8ord Bata H more in t!e mornin' =ita->ore in t!e .fternoon Ea#!a H >ore in t!e evenin' more

)ased on t!is masala items added in food #re#arations in "ndia to control t!em .j8ain added to food #re#arations durin' after noon food to reduce =it-acidit$ )lac3 salt also reduces =it 0o eDualiNe =it % Keera H )lac3 jeera t!e best in' also reduces =it I!ania % dr$ and ra8 % bot! can be consumed to reduce =it 0o reduce Ea#!, one$, *in'er 4dried 'in'er better Dualit$5 =an H'reen betel leaf, sofe, lavang, "n t!e *od<s sc!eme, t!e dar3er t!e colour t!e better

.n$ ac!ar 8it! >et!i is medicine or .c!ar 8it! aj8ain is also medicine it tones do8n t!e effects fruits in t!e ac!ar =eo#le 8!o eat =an 8it! c!una after food 8ill never !ave vat #roblem

+eduction in Calcium in t!e bod$ brin' man$ diseases- muscle #ains, joints #ain, bone #ains, blood related disease, cou'! related #roblems Calcium essential to ma3e use of ot!er micro nutrients in t!e bod$. E' Bit C to 8or3 in t!e bod$ Calcium essential >il3 and its fruits !as t!e maximum calcium 0ill 40 $ears old 8!atever 8e consume 8ill #rovide calcium 7nce 40 $ears is crossed 4menses c$cle is over5 calcium absor#tion is reduced. +easonG t!e !ormone t!at !el#s to di'est Calcium is no more #roduced ence after 40 $ears inta3e of calcium 4c!una5 is essential Eatin' #an 8it! c!una is 'ood I!al C!ini in t!e #o8dered form mix it 8it! 'ud or !one$ is *ood for Bat and Ea#!a "t can remove 50 diseases Co8 one of t!e miracle animals Co8 urine % to eDualiNe Bat, Ea#!a, Co8 urine can reduce =ita if used alon' 8it! some medicine Co8 urine c!emical anal$sis b$ Central Iru' +esearc! "nstitute 2uc3no8

B.0 % &nrefined oil, an$t!in' t!at contains 8ater more is 'ood to eDualiNe vat H e' mil3, curd, butter mil3, all juices 7ne item t!at can eDualiNe all t!e 3 dos!as -.mla, arde, )e!ela 4Emblica 7fficanallis 4amla5 0erminalla C!ebulla 4 arita3i5 0erminalla )ellirica 4Bib!ita3i5

.ll t!ree to'et!er is 0ri#!ala can eDualiNe

Ba'b!at 8rite 120 sutras on tri#!ala onl$ +atio of 0ri#!ala% 19293 4 arde9)e!ela9.mla10092009300 'rams 0ri#!ala in t!e >ornin' and :i'!t

>ornin' 8it! *ud and one$ % "t is :utrient 4=os!a35

Mater maximum follo8ed b$ Calcium, sul#!ur, iron F 16 micro nutrients Kerse$ co8 urine !as 3 nutrients /3in #roblems due to reduction of sul#!ur Jres! co8 urine !as sul#!ur in 'ood Duantit$#soriasis, ecNema, can be easil$ cured 8it! it 0) can be cured- ex#eriments in ."">/ 8it! I70 treatment reduces t!e time for com#lete cure to just 2 mont!s Cancer due to absence of cur cumin c!emicals. "t is available in co8 urine in abundance Duantit$ in di'estible form. 46 diseases out of Bata,=ita and Ea#!a can be cured out of co8 urine 0a3e it earl$ mornin' on em#t$ stomac! 100 'rams for critical sta'e 50 ml litres for ot!ers or 1-3rd of a cu# Co8 8!ic! 8al3s, and not tied one s!ed. Kerse$ co8s tied Co8 is >ata -!as 33 cr *ods iside >eanin' of Eoti % Crore 4:umber5 >eanin' of Eoti % =ra3ar 4t$#es5 *omutra resides I!an8atari % in co8 urine 4man$ diseases can be cured *oma$e vasati 2axmi 4in *obar ->anure in t!e field5 and 'as% more income 11 Cr co8s in "ndia 1 co8 % 10 3' 'obar 40 3' dun' in 40 da$s $ields 1 3' 2=* 110 Cr 3ilo co8 dun' #er da$ Mit! availabilit$ co8 assets 50@ of t!e crude oil im#orts and 2=* can be reduced "ndia<s Crude 7il im#orts +s.2,60,000 Cr Iel!i ""0, cars run on com#ressed bio-'as .ll e$e related #roblems H /i'!t #roblems, 'laucoma, cataract, retinal detac!ment, ear disc!ar'e, all are Eafa related. 7ne dro# ever$ da$ co8 urine cleaned t!ru clot! :asal disc!ar'e H co8 '!ee in nose "nsomnia H one dro# co8 '!ee in nose- sound slee# /norin' H one dro# co8 '!ee in nose H in 3 da$s snorin' disa##ears

Qout! starts from 13 or 14 $ears 4not 16 $ears5 %1st sta'e 40 to 14 $ears % Ea#! more #rominent 15 to (0 a'e %2nd sta'e % =itt more #rominent .bove (0 % 3rd sta'e% Bata #rominent Qout! starts 13 to 14 $ears %1st sta'e 4start of $out!5 % Ea#! more #rominent- more slee# Iail$ routine o 1st sta'e % Ea#! more #rominent- more

o o

o o o
o o o

.llo8 more slee#- 10 !ours slee# essential H can be in t8o #arts H 6 !ours at ni'!t 2 !ours afternoon 0 to 14 in to 3 'rou#s 1 to 4 $ears % 1( !ours slee# 4 to 6 $ears % 12 to 14 !ours slee# 6 to 14 $ears% 6 to 9 !ours slee# Ea#!a % >ucus is !eav$ and sli##er$ H an$t!in' !eav$ increases )= /lee# reduces t!e )= C!ildren to 'o to slee# 8it!in 2 !ours of sun set 0o ma3e it !a##en 3ee# t!em a8a$ from 0B "f slee# is less, it increases Ea#!airritation, restless, s!ort tem#ered, disobedience is t!e result )rain is under t!e control of Ea#!a H !ence t!e dis-obedience C!ildren become obedient if t!e slee# is full >ost of t!e criminal are 8it! disturbed Ea#!a "f Ea#!a under control it invo3es love &/ c!ildren most disturbed 0eena'ers in &/ 3 Cr- 7ut of t!is 30 la3!s in Kails +easonG H Ea#!a disturbed -Convention culture % to brin' u# c!ildren in 8estern countries .ll convent culture failed H most of t!e criminals are out of convents 0i'!t time table 8it! lesser slots for slee# created t!at situation >ornin' time Ea#!a time % more slee# comes durin' t!at time Iisturbed 3a#a!a disturbs slee# Ma$ out % sc!ool time for c!ildren onl$ after 11 or 12 o cloc3 /lee# and food is eDuall$ im#ortant .rea of Ea#a!a above !eart to brain<s last #oint .rea of =itta belo8 !eart to naval .rea of Bata belo8 naval .ll diseases of Ea#!a above eart u#to !ead

o o

o o o o o o

o o
o o

&rine related diseases H itc!in', discolor, lo8 urine all can be cured b$ co8 urine Lecture No 6 M!ose 3 dos!as- B=E are sama-eDual 8ill be !ealt!$ in bod$, mind and c!itt

o o o

3 c!a#ters Iina c!ar$a, ritu c!ar$a, .!ar drav$a *$an F 40 ot!er c!a#ters Iail$ routine as #er bod$ condition


o o

o o o o o o o o

>assa'e of bod$ 8it! oil brin' Ea#!a under control 0!ose under Ea#!a disturbance not to do an$ exercises or $o'a or #rana$ama 4Qo'a, =rana$ama, Exercise maximum for =itta t$#e and less for Bata t$#e and not for Ea#!a t$#e5 >assa'e of c!est, !ead, ears, e$es, M!ic! oil % local oil ot area C!ennai for e' % Coconut oil 48!ic! is cold5 )i!ar % >ustard oil, 8!ic! is 8arm ar$ana % 0il 8!ic! is !ot E$es can be massa'ed 8it! '!ee or 3ajal Eajal 4carbon5 also brin's eDualit$ of 3a#!a o8 lon' to massa'e % till t!e bab$ s8eats eit!er in !ead or bod$ Jood of t!ose under Ea#!a influence

Ma3e u# at )ra!mamurt

>out! brus!in' 8it! t!at reduces =itt H :eem is t!e best, >adar, )abool, .rjun, .mrut!, >an'o etc., )ased on seasons t!e material varies o &'adi->a3ar san3ranti from 8!ere summer starts H neem is used H it control #itt o Minter time H .mrut! stic3 o +ain$ season H >an'o, arjun o Iantamanjan materials H local oil, salt, !aldi #o8der mix it 8ell o 0ri#!ala #o8der can be used durin' all t!e seasons Iental =aste H /u'ar in some form H not com#atible 8it! #itt Col'ate out of #i's bones =e#sodent out of co8s bones Jor!ans out of s!ee#s bones Exercise =itta t$#e % to do exercise first and messa'e later M!at t$#e of exercise % runnin' not for "ndianstread mills taboo- slo8 exercise, best sur$anamas3ar, 2adies do not reDuire an$ exercise #rovide t!e$ do 3itc!en 8or3- c!a33i, !and 'rinder, !and 8as!in', slee#in'. "f unable to do, for8ard bendin' t!e best for ladies .bove (0 % Bat #rominent % 3nee #ain Exercise 0aboo- >inimum movement Bat t$#e % to do massa'e first a little exercise Iis!a nirdes!

>il3 most im#ortant, )utter, *!ee,7il, *ud, *round nut, o >aida is taboo o :oodle out of fermented maida 8it! #i'<s meat essence o )at! ->a3e use of t!in's t!at can reduce t!e Ea#a!a. o C!ana atta, c!andan 8ood #o8der, 8!eat atta, mosur atta, mon' d!al atta o 0aboo % /oa#s H Caustic soda 4sodium !$droxide5 o Ea#!a influences ima'ination and develo# t!eir creativit$. o ence t!e craNe for cartoon film or stor$ tellin'- lon'er t!e stor$ t!e better for t!e c!ildren- t!e$ become more creative o M!at t$#e of c!ildren do $ou 8antG H tell t!em stor$ of t!at t$#e- "f $ou 8ant c!ildren to be li3e *od, tell t!at t$#e of stor$ o M!en c!ildren as3s Duestions H it is an indication of t!eir creativit$ -0r$ to be aut!entic about ans8erin' - once t!e$ come to 3no8 t!at $our ans8er is 8ron', $ou are no lon'er res#ected. o arr$ #otter sells because it is ima'inative and c!ildren love it because of ma'ic, talisman, fair$ etc., Iail$ routine of ="0 t$#e o 15 to (0 a'e %2nd sta'e % =itt more #rominent- Ea#!a a litte Bat absolutel$ less o /lee# ver$ less-/lee# 6 !ours can be maximum

Lecture No 2 Certain bod$ s#eeds s!ould not be #revented o 2au'!. "t comes of #roduction of !ormones #roduced in t!e #ineal 'land. "t is #roduced out of ima'ination. o )ut never lau'! b$ force- e' lau'!in' clubs -it creates #ain in t!e stomac! etc., o it is o.3. if out of jo3es or actin' o /neeNin'H do not #revent o Jorced sneeNin' 8ill result 13 to 14 diseases o 0!irst, si# it-Jast 8ater drin3in' results in !ernia, a##endicitis, "f a'e is more !$drol$ses, #rostasis, etc., o )ra!mamurt 8ater can be drun3 even 8!en t!ere is no t!irst o "f t!irst is forcibl$ #revented 16 diseases o Jorced 8ater drin3in' 8ill also result in diseases o /it 8!ile in sittin' #osture o un'erH 103 diseases if #revented 8it! force H startin' acidit$, cancer

&#avas once in 1 da$s o.3. 8it! certain conditions o Irin3 8ater at re'ular intervals H to neutraliNe-dilute !$dro c!loric acid , as t!e bod$ is not under $our control, o 7nce t!e bod$ is under control, acid #roduction is accordin' to food inta3e 7r else it burns $our inner or'ans o Jor ve'etarians lon'er u#avasa is not 'ood o Mater 8it! '!ee, mon' d!al 8ater, o :on-ve'etarians can afford it- animals do it- li3e #$t!on H 12 da$s fast once t!e$ eat #re$ o :o u#avas for #!$sical labour #eo#le o Qa8nin'- 8!en ox$'en is lesso

Iiabetes % >et!i d!ana .nd 0ri#!ala c!oorna 4 1 t#s eac! mix in 8arm 8ater overni'!t and drin3 next da$ mornin' and t!e residue c!e8 it and eat5 0!$roid % I!ania #atta 1 ts# c!utne$ mix 8it! 8ater and drin3 Ie alco!olism and smo3in' H it increases sul#!ur H to reduce it need sul#!ur from out "m#rove 8ill #o8er -*o mutra, dr$ 'in'er 8ater 8it! 'ud, 0onsillitis % aldi 8it! mil3 at ni'!t :i'!t urination H )oil 3ajur 8it! mil3 and 'ive at ni'!t Consti#ation H mil3 8it! '!ee at ni'!t M!ite disc!ar'e H /atavari c!oorna 8it! mil3 at ni'!t



&rine sensation- if #revented, diseases out of blood #roblems because of increase of )= /tool #assin' - t8ice a da$ is normalmore t!an 3 is #roblem si'nal. Beer -EamH onl$ sadus, sant alone can sto# b$ force. 7t!ers it is dan'erous /e#arate din-ritu c!ar$a different for sadus and 'ra!astis Ber$ less '!ee, oil, c!ilies etc., for sadus

?@A )lac3 circle around e$e H a##l$ mout! saliva "nsomnia-/norin'-)ad dreams-no brea3 in dream-lac3 or memor$ H Bat increase H one dro# '!ee sli'!tl$ 8armed in bot! t!e noses and sli'!tl$ #ull it i'! )=H !i'! in acidit$ H inta3e met!i or an$ ve'etable !i'! in al3aline H carrot, lo83$, an$ fruit t!at does not !ave juice H banana, amrut!, a##le4coconut t!ou'! 8it! 8ater is al3aline5 Be'etables #ala3, bain'on, all ve'etables 8it! 'reen leaf are al3aline. =e#al leaf in 8ater overni'!t and drin3 t!e next da$ mornin'. .stamaHBata #roblems % 0a3e I!al C!ini 8it! !one$-*ud F Eutc!a Coconut450 'rams5 .rt!ritis-"ncrease of acidit$-Bata % C!una42 'ram #er da$5 8it! curd, butter mil3,juice, 8ater, met!i, or best is #arijat tree leaves 3 to 4 leaves s!red into #ieces boil in 8ater and drin3 li3e tea 8!en cold.4bot! t$#e of r!eumatic #roblemsosteio #orasis and r!eumatic5 )lac3 til .cidit$ H Io not ta3e acidic food, drin3 8ater b$ si##in', d!al c!ini 3a 3ada, 'round nut and til, aj8ain 8it! blac3 salt, misr$ 7besit$ % )lac3 til, ta3e more .l3aline items more- carrot, a##le,43 mont!s5 amla for next 3 mont!s Exercise slee# H c!una 8it! butter mil3

>ensus #eriod and t!e #roblem li3e itc!in', an'er etc., menorasisa, metrorasia, H Bata increases and sli'!t increase in #ittaH Irin3 !ot 8ater 8it! '!ee t8ice a da$ durin' t!e #eriod )ad smell H stomac! not clear H tri#!ala ---0--Fro) a .%y'icia# o( My'ore Ayurve!a Co&&e3e Bata - et!er and air -#rinci#le of movement H "t 'overns breat!in', blin3in', movements in muscles and tissues, #ulsations in t!e !eart, feelin's, emotions 2ar'e intestine, #elvic cavit$, bones, s3in, ears and t!i'!s are t!e seat "f t!e bod$ develo#s excess of vata, it 8ill accumulate in t!ese areas =itta - fire and 8ater *overns di'estion, absor#tion, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism, bod$ tem#erature, s3in colour, lustre of t!e e$es and also intelli'ence and understandin' =s$c!olo'icall$ it arouses an'er, !ate and jealous$ /mall intestine, stomac!, s8eat 'lands, blood, fat, e$es and s3in are t!e seats Ea#!a - Mater 2ubricates joints, #rovides moisture to t!e s3inR !eals 8ound. *ives stren't!, vi'our and stabilit$, su##orts memor$ retention, ener'$ to t!e !eart and lun's and maintains immunit$ =resent in c!est, t!roat, !ead, sinuses, nose, mout!, stomac!, joints, c$to#lasm, #lasma and liDuid secretions of t!e bod$ suc! as mucus. =s$c!olo'icall$ res#onsible for emotions of attac!ment, 'reed and env$. >ental #lanes, t!e t!ree dos!as corres#ond to t!e t!ree 'unas 1. /attava 2. +ajas 3. 0amas M!at is ealt!G Sama dosha sama agnischa, Sama dhatu, mala kriya, Prasanna atma indriya swatha ithi uchyatey 4/usrut!a5 .ll t!e tridos!as in #erfect eDuilibrium

5 =rinci#les 1. Kivitodes!a-*oal of life 2. Kivitacar$a-+e'ulated mode of life 3. ita!iti$am -Io<s and Ion<ts 4. .!aravivecana - *ood and bad food 5. +o'a#ratirod!o#a$a->et!ods of #revention of disease Dai&y routi#e Ma3e u#- )ra!ma >urt!a 445 minutes before sunrise Irin3 H 6 !andful of 8ater 4460 mm5 Mater 3e#t in co##er vessel for 6 !ours )rus! 8it! fin'er-neem stic3 B$a$am H $o'a, etc., 7il a##lication, massa'e Cold 8ater bat! Iress H local s#ecific, as #er season; .##l$ c!andan, b!asma =ra$er H tem#le visit 8it!out sli##ers Eat 8!en !un'r$ ita, >ita, +ita4seasonal5 food o8G sDuat, calm mind, 8it! famil$ Mater drin3in' "f ta3en before food % t!in "f durin' t!e food % maintain 8ei'!t "f after t!e food % obesit$; Sea'o#a& Foo!' /ummer, #itta #redominates .void !ot, s#ic$ or #un'ent foods .utum, vata #redominates.avoid dr$ fruits, !i'! #rotein foods Minter, 3a#!a #redominates, avoid cold drin3s, ice creams, c!eese and $o'!urt

Bui&! S"i# Hair 7re(erre! c&i)ate A..etite Excita5i&ity 7%y'ica& activity Me)ory S&ee. 7u&'e ?ua&ity Di3e'tio# T%ir't Attitu!e to .ro5&e)' S.eec%

E:7M Q7&+ =+.E+&0 " ;ATA/7ra 7:TTA/(ireA BA7HA/<ater #a0 <ater0 A Eart%0 T%i# Me!iu) 7&u). Dry Oi&y T%ic"C $e&& &u5ricate! Rou3% Fi#e Cur&y <ar) Coo& A&& 5ut #ot %u)i! ;aria5&e Goo! Fi#e Me!iu) %i3% Lo$ Active ;ery active Not active '%ort Li3%t ;aria5&eC (a't Creative :rre3u&ar :rre3u&ar <orryC irrita5&e ;ery (a'tC )i''i#3 $or!' ?uic" S$eetC 'a&t )e!iu) Goo! Stro#3C (u&& Lea!er 7o$er(u& ;ery O(te# A#3erC overa$e! S%ar.C .rovocative Lo#3 Sou#! S&o$C 'tea!y Fo&&o$er Lo$ Se&!o) 7eace(u&C '&o$ 'tea!y S&o$

Move)e#t Nor)a& '&o$ 7re(erre! S$eetC 5itter 7u#3e#t ta'te C!ec3 list :( you %ave tic"e! )ore o( 1C you are .re !o)i#a#t&y ;ATA :( you tic"e! )ore o( +C you are .re!o)i#a#t&y 7:TTA 10 :( you %ave tic"e! 4C you are BA7HA Rare&y a&& 4 $i&& 5e re&ative&y e9ua& :( you tic"e! a'.ect' i# a !o'%a !i((ere#t (ro) your co#'titutio#C it i#!icate' a# i)5a&a#ce i# !o'%a

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