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Thousands Diversities Stronger in Unity

United we stand. United we stand is one of maxim that illustrate the power of unity. Usually described by stick, one stick is very easy to break, but if there is a bundle of stick its difficult to break. There is one word that can summarize that maxim: synergy. Mathematically, synergy is 1+1=3 or more. Stronger unity gives more synergy effect. With greater synergy effect, any problems will be easy to be resolved. Indonesia is a country that has much tribe, culture, and language diversities, but Indonesia can use those diversities to unite, like Motto of Indonesia Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Indonesia has many tribes that spread over the islands of Indonesia. In Indonesia there are many cultures, from dance, drawing art, traditional music, music instruments, traditional houses, traditional clothes, foods, and literary arts. Regional languages in Indonesia are more than 500 languages. Although, in Indonesia there are many regional languages such as: Javanese, Sundanese, and Betawi language, there is language of unity: Bahasa Indonesia. From Sabang to Merauke there are many tribes, even in each big island, there are more than 3 tribes. Examples, in Java, there are Javanese, Sundanese, Betawi tribe, Madura tribe and many more. Culture, culture is a way of life that developed and owned jointly by a group of people and passed down from generation to generation. Indonesia is one of country that has much culture diversity. Examples, traditional house in Central Java is Rumah Joglo, in West Borneo is Rumah Panjang, and in West Sumatra is Rumah Gadang. But that diversity creates our culture, Culture of Indonesia. All of them, unite in Indonesia

By: Haidar Rusydi

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