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Sixth House [Rina Bhaava or Roga Bhaava]:

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This is known as the house of sickness. It indicates disease and sickness, the real state of the disease, recovery from it and whether it is of a long or short duration. The sixth house is concerned with disease; the 12th (6th to the 6th is concerned with hos!itali"ation and the 11th (12th to the 12th with discharge from the hos!ital. This is a very im!ortant house for !eo!le who deal with !atients and sick !eo!le. This house also governs food and dietary ha#its of the native. The sixth house is also connected with the work and service rendered #y the native to others (working for an em!loyer and the exhaustion caused due to it. It also denotes ones$ servants, su#ordinates and em!loyees working under oneself. The condition and faithfulness of the su#ordinates is to #e ascertained from the sixth house. It also denotes loss to the o!!onent and gain to the native. This house also governs all !et animals and cattle. It also governs tenants (agricultural or house tenants , enemies and foes. It has domain over dress and hygiene, sanitation, dietics, her#s, food and clothing and the shad rasas (six tastes . %ince it is a u!achaya house, it indicates favora#le result in com!etitions. The sixth is also the house of !henomenal magic and su!erstition, as also all matters that are likely to #ring worry and annoyance. It indicates the loans taken #y an individual and how much one will #e in de#t in his life.

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