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Ghostriders In The Sky


2.1 The 1st Rider - Conquest Here is all the information the Bible provides us with about the 1 st rider:

White Horse evelation !:1"# $%I&' I wat(hed as the )amb opened the first of the seven seals* Then I heard one of the four livin+ (reatures say in a voi(e like thunder, -.ome and see/- I looked, and there before me was a white horse/ Its rider held a bow, and he was +iven a (rown, and he rode out as a (on0ueror bent on (on0uest* Bible, %ew International &ersion

This rider is ni(knamed .on0uest be(ause of the des(ription about him* He is also referred to as 1hite Horse or ider on the 1hite Horse be(ause of the (olor of his horse*

This rider2s hints: He held a bow. It (omes with the 3ob* The bow is already in his possession* He was given a crown. So when he starts his ride he is +iven this (rown* It was not in his possession before* There is a 4odia( Si+n (alled ARCHER whi(h (orrespondents with e5a(tly these features* He already has a bow 6 be(ause it (omes with the 3ob of bein+ an ar(her and he is literally +iven a crown by a star (onstellation (alled .orona 7ustralis* This star (onstellation is also known as -The Southern .rown-* The 4odia( Si+n of the ARCHER is always depi(ted as a bein+ holdin+ a bow and a crown somewhere at his side* He is mostly depi(ted as (entaur 6 a man/horse mi5ture* The 4odia( Si+n is a real star (onstellation (alled SA !TTAR!"S $latin for -ar(her-'* This is the symbol of the 4odia( Si+n:

So we (an +ive the 1st Horseman of the 7po(alypse the name SA !TTAR!"S* He (an ride in the time between %ovember #8rd and 9e(ember #1st* This timeframe is asso(iated with the 4odia( Si+n ARCHER* It is the 9h 4odia( Si+n*


)et2s build a +rowin+ table of findin+s:

Horse#an Sa+ittarius

Color 1hite

!te# 1 Has a bow

!te# 2 Given a (rown

$urther Hints "

)et2s take a look at some depi(tin+s of SA !TTAR!"S or ARCHER*

%icture& The 1st Horseman as depi(ted in the 11th (entury manus(ript Bamber+ 7po(alypse

In this 11th (entury drawin+ the 1st Horseman is depi(ted ridin+ from left to ride* :rom his ri+ht side is a (reature in form of a brown horse with a (ross halo around it2s head +ivin+ him a crown* .orona 7ustralis is on the ri+ht side of Sa+ittarius as you (an see on the starmap on the pi(ture on the followin+ pa+e* But that is not a nusual depi(tion* The crown is also displayed between the front le+s of the (entaur or even on his left side*


%icture& SA !TTAR!"S and .orona 7ustralis on a starmap

%icture& .orona 7ustralia depi(ted left of SA !TTAR!"S


%icture& 7nother depi(tion of S7GITT7 I<S 6 +ain with the crown to his feet

:inally I like to show one depi(tion taken out of a +reater paintin+ that displays all ; Horsemen of the 7po(alypse* It is the paintin+ :our Horseman of the 7pokalypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov that I used as title ima+e of this book*

%icture& :our Horseman of the 7pokalypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov


Here the rider is already wearin+ the crown on his head but take a (loser look at the white horse*

%icture& 9etail of white horse from :our Horseman of the 7pokalypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov

It is the animal that is depi(ted at the front of the s(enario and his left front le+ forms a bow* It is lookin+ dire(tly at the observer and does neither appear fri+htened or an+ry but neutral or in the know wants to say -I know somethin+*-* It swin+s it2s head down so that it2s mane flys up and forms symboli(al sunbeams or the partial (orona of a sun* 7m I sayin+ &i(tor &anetsov was -in the know-@ Aou have to de(ide that for yourself*


2.2 The 2nd Rider - War

Here is all the information the Bible provides us with about the # st rider:

Red Horse evelation !:8"; 1hen the )amb opened the se(ond seal, I heard the se(ond livin+ (reature say, -.ome and see/- Then another horse (ame out, a fiery red one* Its rider was +iven power to take pea(e from the earth and to make men slay ea(h other* To him was +iven a lar+e sword*
Bible, %ew International &ersion

This rider is ni(knamed 1ar be(ause that is what his mission is* He is referred to as $:iery' $:iery' ed Horse be(ause of the (olor of his horse*

ed Horse or

ider on the

This rider2s hints: To hi# was given a large sword. %ote the differen(e to the 1st rider* There we read: -He was +iven a (rown*- The lar+e sword is not +iven to him when he starts his ride* It is already in his possession and as the des(ription implies: The large sword is a part of him* Aou will see that this differen(e is very important* The 8 rd rider is des(ribed as - holdin+ a 'air o( scales in his hand-* It is very (lear that this rider has his tool like the 1 st rider in his hand* The 1st rider -held a bow-* The ;th rider isn2t des(ribed with any tool at all althou+h he is mostly depi(ted with a s(ythe or si(kle $whi(h is a hint/'* So the use of -He was +iven a large sword- and avoidin+ to mention that he held it or had it in his hands must mean somethin+*

There is a 4odia( Si+n (alled SC)R%!) whi(h (orrespondents with e5a(tly these features* The s(orpion is a livin+ war ma(hine* He (arries # massive (laws and his whole body is formed to end up in a hu+e tail havin+ a $sometimes venomous' stin+ at his end* He is a large sword by desi+n with = le+s to walk on* SC)R%!) is (alled SC)R%!"S when referred to as a star (onstellation* This is the symbol of the 4odia( Si+n:

So we (an +ive the #st Horseman of the 7po(alypse the name SC)R%!)* He (an ride in the time between B(tober #;nd and %ovember ##nd* This timeframe is asso(iated with the 4odia( Si+n SC)R%!)* It is the =th 4odia( Si+n*


)et2s add to the +rowin+ table of findin+s:

Horse#an Sa+ittarius S(orpio

Color 1hite ed

!te# 1 Held a bow 1as +iven a sword

!te# 2 Given a (rown

$urther Hints " "

)et2s take a look at some depi(tin+s of SC)R%!) or SC)R%!"S*

%icture& SC)R%!) as depi(ted in the 4odia(*


%icture& Starmap of SC)R%!)"S*

:inally a+ain one detail from the paintin+ :our Horsemen of the 7po(alypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov*

%icture& :our Horseman of the 7pokalypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov


%icture& 9etail of red horse from :our Horseman of the 7pokalypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov

If you (ompare this to the other riders you will noti(e that the rider 1ar is (ompletely naked* Bnly his manhood is (overed with a pie(e of (loth* Symboli(ally this rider is (ompared to the other riders naked C has no armour to put on* His skin is his only prote(tion* His hair mat(hes e5a(tly the (olor of his horse* Symboli(ally it (onne(ts the man with the animal $him bein+ powerful like an animal or even him bein+ an animal'* The s(orpion doesn2t need an armour: His weapon and his armour are part of him* He needs no additional prote(tion* He +oes into battle as he is*


2.* The *rd Rider - $a#ine

Here is all the information the Bible provides us with about the 8 rd rider:

+lac, Horse evelation !:?"! 1hen the )amb opened the third seal, I heard the third livin+ (reature say, -.ome and see/- I looked, and there before me was a bla(k horse/ Its rider was holdin+ a pair of s(ales in his hand* Then I heard what sounded like a voi(e amon+ the four livin+ (reatures, sayin+, -7 0uart of wheat for a day2s wa+es, and three 0uarts of barley for a day2s wa+es, and do not dama+e the oil and the wine/Bible, %ew International &ersion

This rider is ni(knamed :amine be(ause he2s wei+htin+ and offerin+ food for unbelieveable hi+h pri(es that no one (an affort* He is also referred to as Bla(k Horse or ider on the Bla(k Horse be(ause of the (olor of his horse*

This rider2s hints: He was holding a 'air o( scales. It2s the same as with the 1st rider* The pair of s(ales (omes with the 3ob* There is a 4odia( Si+n (alled SCA-ES whi(h (orrespondents with e5a(tly these features* It is mostly depi(ted as a pair of s(ales or a man holdin+ a pair of s(ales* The latin name of SCA-ES is -!+RA* This is it2s symbol in the 4odia( Si+n:

So we (an +ive the 8rd horseman of the 7po(alypse the name -!+RA* He (an ride in the time between September #;th and B(tober #8rd* This timeframe is asso(iated with the 4odia( Si+n -!+RA* It is the >th 4odia( Si+n*


)et2s add to the +rowin+ table of findin+s:

Horse#an Sa+ittarius S(orpio )ibra

Color 1hite ed Bla(k

!te# 1 Held a bow 1as +iven a sword Held a pair of s(ales

!te# 2 Given a (rown

$urther Hints " " "

)et2s take a look at some depi(tin+s of -!+RA or SCA-ES*

%icture& -!+RA as depi(ted in the 4odia(*


%icture& Starmap of -!+RA*

7+ain one detail from the paintin+ :our Horsemen of the 7po(alypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov*

%icture& :our Horseman of the 7pokalypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov


%icture& 9etail of bla(k horse from :our Horseman of the 7pokalypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov

The rider on the bla(k horse is holdin+ a pair of s(ales in his hand* %oti(e how the (olor spe(trum used for displayin+ the pair of s(ales is the same as was used for displayin+ the rider@ 7s the # nd rider 1ar was displayed bein+ symboli(ally (onne(ted to his horse by the (olor of his hair and the horse2s (olor of fur 6 so it is here the rider with his -weapon-*


2.. The .th Rider - /eath

Here is all the information the Bible provides us with about the ; th rider:

reen 0%ale1 Horse evelation !:>"= 1hen the )amb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voi(e of the fourth livin+ (reature say, -.ome and see/I looked and there before me was a pale horse/ Its rider was named 9eath, and Hades was followin+ (lose behind him* They were +iven power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and pla+ue, and by the wild beasts of the earth*
Bible, %ew International &ersion

This rider is named 9eath be(ause he says so* He is also referred to as Eale Horse, Green Horse, ider on the Eale Horse or ider on the Green Horse* The (olor of his horse ir referred to as pale or +reen so both are used*

This rider2s hints: Hades was (ollowing close behind hi#. I know you2re waitin+ to meet 9eath finally *** wanna know where he is@ In the Greek <nderworld* Hades is the <nderworld in Greek Fytholo+y and it2s ruler is the +od Hades* He is also known under the name Eluton whi(h the omans latiniGed into Eluto* There is a 4odia( Si+n (alled &I GB whi(h (orrespondents with e5a(tly these features* &I GB ori+inates from &ir+in and so &I GB is also (alled &I GI% or THH F7I9H%* This is it2s symbol in the 4odia( Si+n:

So we (an +ive the ;th horseman of the 7po(alypse the name 2!R )* He (an ride in the time between 7u+ust #;th and September #8rd* This timeframe is asso(iated with the 4odia( Si+n &I GB* It is the !th 4odia( Si+n*


)et2s finish the table of findin+s:

Horse#an Sa+ittarius S(orpio )ibra &ir+o

Color 1hite ed Bla(k Green

!te# 1 Held a bow 1as +iven a sword Held a pair of s(ales "

!te# 2 Given a (rown

$urther Hints " " "


Hades follows (lose behind

)et2s take a look at some depi(tin+s of 2!R ) or 2!R !3*

%icture& 2!R ) as depi(ted in the 4odia(*


%icture& Starmap of 2!R )*

:or the last time another detail from the paintin+ :our Horsemen of the 7po(alypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov*

%icture& :our Horseman of the 7pokalypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov


%icture& 9etail of +reen horse from :our Horseman of the 7pokalypse $1==>' by &i(tor &anetsov

The plae or +reen rider holds a s(ythe in his hands and holdin+ it down as if he wanted to (ut somethin+ or reap* The whole evelation is often referred to as a harvest of the true believers and punishment of the unbelievers and sinners* %ow let2s +et some more information about 2!R )*


2!R ) is asso(iated in Greek Fytholo+y with the +oddess 9emeter and in oman Fytholo+y with the +oddess .eres*

/e#eter In Greek mytholo+y, 9emeter is the +oddess of the harvest, who presided over +rains, the fertility of the earth, and the seasons $personified by the Hours'* IJK Thou+h 9emeter is often des(ribed simply as the +oddess of the harvest, she presided also over the san(tity of marria+e, the sa(red law, and the (y(le of life and death*


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