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Health Benefits of Pomegranate/ Pomegranate Juice: The Top Ten 1.

Antioxidants These help to wrangle the hoards of free radicals in our s stem. !ree radicals ha"e an une"en num#er of electrons and li$e to #alance themsel"es out # stealing from other molecules and cells in our #od . These cells are oftentimes "er important ones dealing with our %&A' and when the are destro ed' disease steps in. Pomegranate (uice is an excellent source of antioxidants that wor$ to help ou sta disease)free. *. Blood Thinner Pomegranate (uice helps our #lood circulation' ma$ing it easier for #lood to tra"el to our heart' #rain' and the rest of our #od . +. ,ancer !ighter Pomegranate has #een $nown to reduce and prohi#it the growth of cancer cells and tumors in our #od . -. %igestion Aide Pomegranate (uice is a natural remed for diarrhea' d senter ' and great num#er of other digesti"e pro#lems. .. Anemia /elief 0ith a high content of iron' pomegranate (uice is a great home cure for anemia #ecause it promotes higher le"els of hemoglo#in. 1. Anti)2nflammator Pomegranate (uice has properties that help treat sufferers of arthritis. 2t can also help cure a cough or sore throat. 3. &eonatal ,are 2t has #een pro"en that pomegranate (uice ingested # pregnant women can help protect the neonatal #rain. 4. Arter Protection 2t helps $eep pla5ue from #uilding up in our arteries. 6. ,artilage Protection 2t wor$s to pre"ent the deterioration of cartilage in our #od . 17. ,holesterol /educer Pomegranate (uice is capa#le of lowering #lood pressure # as much as 18 in dail drin$ers.

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