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Laerning Objective SKENARIO A: The students will be able to: 1 understand the !echanis! o" ane!

ia # e$%lain the !echanis! o" ane!ia in thallasse!ia & e$%lain the di""erential diagnosis o" nor!oc'tic and he!ol'tic ane!ia ( understand how to diagnose )ana!nesis* %h'sical* laborator' +A,T dan -b Analisa./ 0 understand the !anage!ent o" thallasse!ia 1 trans"usion 1 iron chelating agent 2 3now the %rognosis o" thallasse!ia SKENARIO 4: 1 To e$%lain about the cause o" ane!ia in this case )source o" blood loss/ # To e$%lain about iron !etabolis! & To understand about the %atho%h'siolog' o" h'%ochro!e !icroc'tic ane!ia ( To !a3e the diagnosis and di""erential diagnosis o" iron de"icient ane!ia 0 To understand about the !anage!ent o" iron de"icient ane!ia: a 5anage!ent o" ane!ia b 5ange!ent o" the causes o" ane!ia )anc'losto!iasis and !eno!etrorrhagia/ SKENARIO 6 1 E$%lain the classi"ications o" leu3e!ia )acute* chronic* l'!%hoblastic* !'eloblastic leu3e!ia/ # E$%lain the %ossible cause o" high "ever and bleeding in the %atient & E$%lain the %ossible cause o" night sweating in this %ts ( E$%lain the di""erential diagnosis based on the above data 0 7lan "urther laborator' e$a!ination 2 ,iagnose the disease 8 5anage the %atient SKENARIO , 1 To e$%lain the %athogenesis o" er'throc'tosis* leucoc'tosis* thro!boc'tosis in this case # To e$%lain the cause o" s'!%to!s )abdo!inal disco!"ort* s%leno!egal'* night sweating* headache* vertigo* itching/ in this case & To !a3e diagnosis and di""erential diagnosis o" %ol'c'the!ia vera ( To e$%lain the co!%lications o" %ol'c'te!ia vera SKENARIO E 1 E$%lain the cause o" bleeding and "ailure o" he!ostatic !echanis! in this %atient # ,i""erenciate %ri!ar' "ro! secondar' hae!ostatic disturbance & E$%lain s'!%to!s and signs o" %ri!ar' and secondar' hae!ostatic disturbance ( ,iagnosis and di""erential diagnosis o" %atient 0 7lan additional e$a!ination

2 8

9sing laborator' result )he!ostasis/ in %atient with bleeding 5anage the %atient

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