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Mata Pelajaran Har /Tan!!al "a#t$ % BAHASA INGGRIS % &&&&&&&'' % &&&&&&&'' Na(a Kela) SDN/S % &&&&&&&&&&' % *+L (a, % &&&&&&&&&&''

P9T:;&:< : 1. !erdoalah sebelu% %enger=akan soal 1 2. Tulis na%a%u di sudu$ kanan a$as 1 3. >unakan Pulpen a$au !allpoin$ dengan $in$ahi$a% 1 ). Tidak boleh %enggunakan Tip69? 1 .. Tulisan harus =elas@ rapih dan %udah dibaca 1 3. &ika $erdapa$ $ulisan yang kurang =elas a$au $idak $erbaca@ $anyakan kepada penga"as dengan $erlebih dahulu %angangka$ $angan. 8. <er=akan dahulu soal6soal yang ka%u anggap lebih %udah 1 A. Periksa ke%bali sebelu% hasil peker=aan%u diserahkan kepada penga"as 1 I' Ber la- tan.a ) lan! +/, 0a.a -$r$1 a2 32 4 ata$ . . .e0an ja5a3an 6an! #a($ an!!a0 3enar 7

1. the blackboard , pleace !

a. Turn off b. Clean 2. Miss.Ria: your book page 31 a. Open b. Close 3. #ha$ %on$h af$er &une a. May b. (ugus$ ). *aki :+$ is a. ( ,uar$er $o se-en b. ( ,uar$er $o eigh$ .. c. half pas$ se-en d. half pas$ eigh$ c. 'ep$e%ber d. &uly (ndri : #ha$ $i%e is i$ c. Take d. !orro" c. Push d. Open

/0ook a$ $he pic$ure 1 2 Turn on $he a. book b. la%p c. "indo" d. cupboard

3. (rrange $he "ords 1 4 $oday 5 "ha$ 6 5 day 5 is :.. a. Today is "ha$ day b. 7ay "ha$ is $oday 8. Tania : "ha$ is i$ c. #ha$ is day $oday d. "ha$ day is $oday

'ul$on : i$ is a . a. book b. la%p A. #e are "a$ching $- "i$h our. a. eyes b. ears B. JUMAT 27 JULI #ha$ day i$ is a. Thursday b. Criday c. 'a$urday d. 'unday c. nose d. cheek c. "indo" d. cupboard

1D. Our kar$ini day is on .

a. &anuary 21 s$ b. Cebruary 21 s$

c. March 21 s$ d. (pril 21 s$

11. The s$uden$ go $o 9-ery day a. Mos,ue b. Marke$ c. 'chool d. Res$auran$

12. Rah%a and Eori "a$ching %o-ie in $he . a. Cine%a b. !ookshop 13. Our %o$her day is on .
a. 7ece%ber 1B s$

c. !ank d. Can$een

c. 7ece%ber 21 s$ d. 7ece%ber 22 s$

b. 7ece%ber 2D s$

1). *iko like 7a-id -ery %uch. Fis hobby is . a. Playing $ennis b. Playing foo$ball 1.. c. playing bad%in$on d. playing baske$ball

My fa%ily al"ays has a dinner a$ . +n $he e-ening a. D3.3D c. D8.D.

b. D8.DD a. &anuary b. Cebruary

d. D8.1D c. 7ece%ber d. (ugus$

13. On 2. s$ of Chris$%as is celebra$ed

Read the passage

Helo , I am Jimmy. I am at the cinema now. I am going to see a movie. There is an interesting film to night. Action film is my favourite film.

18. #here does &i%%y righ$ no" a. cine%a b. school 1A. #ha$ is &i%%y fa-ori$e fil% a . Car$oon b. (c$ion c.Co%edy d. 7ra%a d. res$auran$

1B. 4 s$udied 5 $he 5 9nglish 5 '$uden$ 4 (rrenge $his "ord in$o a correc$ sen$ences a. '$uden$s s$udied $he 9nglish b. The 9nglish s$udied '$uden$ c. 9nglish s$udied $he '$uden$s d. The '$uden$s s$udied 9nglish 2D. Today is 'unday is Monday. a. Ges$erday b. Today 21. a. ca%ping b. chess c. bo?ing d. reading c. To%orro" d. The day before $oday #ha$ is $heir hobby

22. 0 5 O 5 G 5 + 5 F 5 ( 5 7 @ $he correc$ "ords ie . a. 'a$urday b. Criday a. CauHiah does help her %o$her b. CauHiah does no$ help her %o$her c. CauHiah does help no$ her %o$her d. CauHiah help does no$ her %o$her 2). 0ips 5 are 5 $"o 5 for 5 s%iling 5 The 1 2 3 ) . 3 The correc$ ans"er is a. 3 5 1 5 2 5 . 5 ) 5 3 b. 3 5 3 5 2 5 . 5 1 5 ) c. ) 5 . 5 2 5 3 5 3 5 1 d. 3 5 3 5 1 5 2 5 ) 5 . c. Foliday d. Oc$ober

23. CauHiah helps her %o$her in nega$i-e sen$ences is .


Mr. (h%ad is si$$ing on $he .

a. $able b. sofa

c. chair d. cupboard

23. 4 Can "e play ki$e "i$hou$ "ind I ;o@ "e . a. can no$ b. do no$ 28. 4 #akes 5 he 5 up 5 si? 5 a$ 5 oJclockI (rrange $his "ord in$o a good sen$ences . a. Fe a$ si? oJclock "akes up b. Fe "akes up a$ si? oJclock 2A. + :sually ha-e in $he %orning. a. luch b. dinner 2B. $he laas$ %on$h of $he year is . a. May b. (pril 3D. a. $all b. fa$ c. &anuary d. 7ece%ber (ldo is bu$ >erald is shor$. c. $hein d. sli% c. drink d. breakfas$ c. Fe si? oJclock a$ "akes up d. Fe a$ "akes up si? oJclock c. are no$ d. does no$

II' URAIAN 31. My fa$her is a doc$or @ he "orks in $he .... 32. Rosa : May + ... / Me%in=a% 2 Gour book Ra$u : of cours @ $hanks 33. #ha$ is $his This is a ...

3). The %eaning of 4 Tea4-er 4 is . 3.. 7ude : is i$ a oJclock (li : yes @ .

33. ;ani and Ti$i no$ go $o school e-ery .


#ha$ is $his This is a

3A. #e s%ell so%e$hing by using our . 3B. (rya : "ha$ $i%e i$ is !i%a : i$ is .

)D. #e go $o school fro% Monday un$il . )1. !efore you go $o bed @ brush / ) #at 2 your . )2. To%orro" is #ednesday @ $oday is . )3. Mira is a s$uden$. 9-ery day she goes $o . )). DB.1. +$ is . ).. (f$er &une is . )3. (rrange These #ords +n$o (Correc$ 'en$ences 0as$ 5 Mr.koko 5 $o 5 "en$ 5 !ali 5 Monday &a"ab : . )3 Transla$e +n$o 9nglish 4 'aya Pergi ke 'ekolah Pukul D3.3D &a"ab : . )8. Men$ion $he na%e of day in a "eek &a"ab : . )B. '$uden$ : 4... i go $o $he $oile$ @ sir 4 Teacher : 4 yes @ you %ay 4 &a"ab : . .D. #ha$ are $hey doing

&a"ab : .

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