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Our group chose this case as interesting to us because it is a common disease entity that is usually underestimated as a cause of mortality

and morbidity to patients. We would like to make an outlook of what this case is and gather information that can help us learn how it occurs, manifest, develop and cause a disease. It is our goal to identify the risk factors that affects people making them at risk for the disease. How is the disease being treated? And by learning from the inputs we gather from our patient. We discuss pleural effusion as its definition as the collection of at least 10-20 mL of fluid in the pleural space. Pleural effusion develops because of excessive filtration or defective absorption of accumulated fluid. Pleural effusion may be a primary manifestation or a secondary complication of many disorders. Pleural effusions are usually classified as transudates and exudates. Diseases that affect the filtration of pleural fluid result in transudate formation, such as in congestive heart failure and nephritis. Transudates usually occur bilaterally because of the systemic nature of the causative disorders. Inflammation or injury increases pleural membrane permeability to proteins and various types of cells and leads to the formation of exudative effusion and Infectious effusions are usually unilateral.

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