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Last 18 February 2012, PPG BM1 Semester 2 had been given a short course wor assignment by !ecturer in "ng!

ish Language Pro#iciency sub$ect% &e had been givensevera! wee s to com'!ete the assignment% (n a re!ative!y short time, we has to read,understand and ana!yse 'oems based on a se!ected theme%)he #irst thing ( did was divide the tas given in time so that the time wi!! not co!!ide #or me to com'!ete another tas % ( had to do that because ( dont want to have troub!e with constraint o# time% )here is some in#ormation about the se!ected theme in my !earningnotes, so it ma e me easy to com'!ete the tas given on time%( have some di##icu!ty to #ind additiona! in#ormation to com'!ete the tas % (t is so hardto #ind the additiona! in#ormation #rom the !ibrary because o# !imited number o# boo s%Meanwhi!e, in the internet, ( managed to get a !ot o# additiona! in#ormation, however ,most o# them are hard #or me to understand the meaning%*uring to com'!ete the tas s given, i# there is 'rob!em, the best method is discussionand re#er to an e+'erienced !ecturer became a use#u! so!ution% ,oo'eration and unity are the 'i!!ars o# the success o# the 'rogram% -s the saying goes .-bi!ity is a round manas consensus .% &e have to unite and a!ways wor to gether in any circumstances%/owever, des'ite having 'rob!ems,( managed to com'!ete the tas given within thetime s'eci#ied% )his is than s to the coo'eration and understanding with a!! 'eo'!earound me% *ecision0ma ing s i!!s have been trained indirect!y% (n #act, manye+'eriences can be gained and be used in teaching to a more cha!!enging arena in the#uture

( #ound the artic!e written by Sonia Bodi was very in#ormative and interesting% -!though many o# the ideas she 'resented ( agreed with, there were a!so a #ew 'oints that (1d !i e to argue against% First ( wou!d !i e to answer the 2uestion that was 'ro'osed in the tit!e o# this artic!e3 /ow do we bridge the ga' between what we 4 'ro#essors5 teach and what they 4 students5 do6 )o #i!! in that ga', both sides need to wor together% Students need to 'ush themse!ves to e+'and their now!edge and he!' themse!ves become more in2uisitive, critica!, and re#!ective% Pro#essors, on the other hand, shou!d 'ush and cha!!enge the students to become better thin ers and he!' them use what s i!!s they now to their advantage% &hen students and 'ro#essors are thin ing on the same 'age, they wi!! start to understand each other1s view'oint, thus ma ing researching a 'a'er more easier% ( agree that students do have a more di##icu!t time to dea! with the 'ressure o# writing a research essay% 7,hoosing a to'ic and its #ocus is 'erha's the most di##icu!t tas in research%7 )his statement is very true% ( sometimes com'!ain when ( have to write an essay #ocusing on a s'eci#ic to'ic that a 'ro#essor has assigned, but in rea!ity, writing an essay on a to'ic you can 'ic yourse!# is even harder% Sometimes ( have so many ideas to write down on 'a'er ( become overwhe!med and stressed8 even though ( am researching a to'ic that ( myse!# have #ree!y chosen% )his is the time where, as stated in the Bodi artic!e, that students 7e+'erience uncertain!y and con#usion%7 )his 2uote was made a#ter studying high schoo! students1 behavior whi!e researching to'ics% ( thought about this statement whi!e ( read the rest o# the artic!e and came to a conc!usion about the truth o# this 2uote% -!though ( understand how to now, ( was never taught how to write a 'ro'er

research 'a'er in high schoo!8 and ( am sure that many 'eo'!e a!so #ee! this way as we!!% )he teachers were very !enient about the way our research essays were 'resented, so it was never a big dea! i# ( #orgot to add a bib!iogra'hy to the 'a'er% )his might be a 'ossib!e answer to some o# Sonia Bodi1s statements about the 2ua!ity o# #irst year students1 'a'ers3 some ear!y year university students might $ust never have been taught 'ro'er!y% -nother 'rob!em that seems to a##ect students, #rom my e+'erience, is the method o# ac2uiring the in#ormation #or the research 'a'er% )he (nternet use to be where ( got most o# my in#ormation, and whi!e ( #ee! it is a va!uab!e source, ( now that !ibraries are even more bene#icia!% ( can understand why students seem to turn away #rom Libraries because a!! that in#ormation can be overwhe!ming and stress#u!% )here#ore, another 'rob!em is 'resented be#ore the actua! research 'rocess has even begun% ( rea!!y en$oyed the 2uote by &i!!iam B!a e3 79ou never now what is enough un!ess you now what is more than enough%7 (t seems to add to the con#usion o# writing a research 'a'er3 /ow much in#ormation shou!d ( 'ut in my 'a'er6 &hat are the most im'ortant to'ics and which to'ics shou!d be !e#t out6 -s mentioned above, there were a #ew 'oints ( disagreed with% :uotes such as 7students search in a ha'ha;ard, un'!anned way, ha''y to #ind whatever7 and 7!ac o# 'atience7 were easy #or me to contradict% -!though ( have never been taught how to write a 'ro'er!y #inished research 'a'er, ( have been taught how to write an out!ine% -nd though ( may sometimes get overwhe!med with a!! the 'ossib!e in#ormation ( cou!d write in my 'a'er, ( don1t search #or that in#ormation ha'ha;ard!y and un'!anned% ( write an out!ine to he!' narrow down the #ie!d o# to'ics ( wish to write in my 'a'er, but even with that, there are sti!! vast amounts o# in#ormation that ( cou!d research on% -nd un!i e most scho!ars, who get 'aid to research and have a!! the time in the wor!d, ( can1t a##ord to shi#t through a!! that in#ormation when ( have a dead!ine% ( don1t #ee! it is #air to com'are students with scho!ars, because it ma es hard wor ing students seem uneducated% *oing research is a way #or scho!ars to ma e a !iving, and #or most students, researching a 'a'er is sim'!y a way to ma e a grade% ( #ee! that ( do try my best whi!e researching a 'a'er, but the 'rob!em is, ( don1t have the time to !oo through a!! that in#ormation that scho!ars do have the time to !oo through% (t is very hard to 'ic a #ocus that can have such vast to'ics% -nd ( #ee! this is the main 'rob!em #or many students, !i e myse!#% ( en$oyed very much reading this artic!e% (t a!!owed me to critica!!y re#!ect u'on the way students carry out their research 'a'ers% Sonia Bodi 'resented many va!uab!e 'oints that wi!! he!' me #ocus on any #uture 'a'ers ( wi!! research%

REFLECTION I feel very grateful to Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful because of HIM, I could complete this assignment. Without the strength provided HIM, of course I despair and cannot performing this task better. I am not really good in English but as a student, I have to take it as a responsible and make sure this course can give me the positive impact in my study. My lecturer En. n. H!. A"man b Mohamad #or al$ays gave me guidance and e%plaination ho$ to do the task and make it easily. I also faced a lot of problem in doing this assignment. he first problem $as in finding the suitable te%t that related $ith the task given. &o to solve it, I $ere surfing internet to get the te%t and other e%tra information. 'rom this task I can refresh my kno$ledges regarding to the grammar, structure of sentences and making (uestions.. )esides that, I also had a problem $ith my time. o make sure it $as not $aste, I need to manage it very $ell. I had changed my daily schedule. My husband al$ays give his supported to me. *astly, I hope my lecturer $ill be satisfied $ith my assignment and I really happy at last I can complete this assignment. +raises be to God.

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