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Korosi dan Degradasi Material

17 Oktober 2013

What Is Corrosion?
Corrosion is the degradation of material, usually a metal, by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment.
Corrosion ONLY occurs within the corrosion cell consisting of four parts:
Anode -- Oxidation Cathode -- Reduction Electrolyte Electronic/Metallic Path

Corrosion Cell
Single Corrosion Cell consiting of a single anode and single cathode existing on the same metallic surface in water Different Metals Corrosion There are two different metals, electrolyte, and metallic path

Anodic and Cathodic Reaction

Anode (oxidation)
M M+ + e-

Cathode (reduction)
Neutral and Acidic Solution O2 + 2H2O + 4e 4OH and O2 + 4H+ + 4e- 2H2O

In the absence of all other reactions, water will be reduced by 2H2O + 2e- H2 + 2OH-

Overall reactions: 4Fe + 2H2O + 3O2 = 2Fe2O3 -H2O

Dry and Wet Corrosion

Dry Corrosion Corrosion reactions which do not involve water or aqueous solutions:
4Fe + 3O2 = 2Fe2O3

Wet Corrosion involves water or aqueous solutions

4Fe + 2H2O + 3O2 = 2Fe2O3 -H2O

Basic Theory of Corrosion

Electrochemical Aspect Thermodynamics Aspect Kinetics Aspect

Electrochemical Aspect
Electrochemical reduction and oxidation The process involve transfer of electronic charge All of corrosion process assumed as electrochemical reaction.

Electrical Double Layer

Lapisan-lapisan yang ada di electric double layer antara lain: Inner Helmholtz Plane (IHP) merupakan tempat terjadinya adsorbsi elektron dari logam ke elektrolit. Pada lapisan ini terjadi penurunan potensial secara linear. Outer Helmholtz Plane (OHP) merupakan batas antara Stern layer dengan diffusion layer. Diffusion layer merupakan tempat terjadinya penurunan potensial secara eksponensial.

Thermodynamics Aspect
Thermodynamics Corrosion is likely/unlikely to occur. Nerst Equation

Pourbaix Diagram (E-pH Diagram)

Gambarkan diagram Pourbaix Fe dan prediksikan apa yang terjadi jika Fe berada di lingkungan HCl pH=2. Potentialnya bernilai +0,3 vs. SHE. Tuliskan persamaan reaksi yang terjadi.

Standard Electrode
Name Mercury-Mercurous Sulfate (Hg/HgSO4) Copper-Copper Sulfate (Cu/CuSO4) Saturated Calomel (SCE-Hg/Hg2Cl2) Potential (V) vs SHE +0,615 +0,318 +0,241

Sliver-Silver Chloride (Ag/AgCl)



Kinetics Aspect
Kinetics How fast our metal/structure corrode and how long our metal/structure last during the service. Corrosion Rate expressions : untuk mengetahui secara kuantitatif kecepatan korosi pada material.

Corrosion Rate
Weight Loss Method mpy = 534 W / DAT Polarization Method mpy = 0.0129 icorr BE / d . n 1 mpy (mils/yr) = 0.0254 mm/yr 0.129 (mpy) 0.00327 (mm/yr) or 3.27 m/yr 1 mpy = 0.0254 mm/yr = 25.4 m/yr = 2.90 mm/hr = 0.805 pm/sec

Polarisasi terjadi jika ada perubahan nilai potensial : E = E2-E1 overpotential () Polarisasi aktivasi : proses elektrokimia dikontrol oleh tahapan reaksi pada permukaan logamelektrolit Polarisasi konsentrasi : proses elektrokimia dikontrol oleh difusi pada elektrolit dipengaruhi konsentrasi Polarisasi tahanan proses elektrokimia dipengaruhi oleh adanya tahanan/pelindung permukaan logam sehingga potensialnya menurun.

Tafel/Evans Diagram

Mixed Potential Theory

Misalnya logam Fe di dalam HCl dengan data sebagai berikut:
Fe i0 =10-7 A/m2 E = -0,44 V H2 i0 = 10-10 A/m2 E = 0 V Gambarkan diagram mix potential theory, tuliskan persamaan reaksi, dan tentukan icorr dan Ecorr.

Pasivasi : pembentukan lapisan pasif untuk melindungi logam dari korosi. Cirinya lapisan pasif harus protektif terhadap lingkungan sekitar.

Forms of Corrosion
Uniform Attack
Oxidation & reduction occur uniformly over surface.

Break down of passivating layer by erosion (pipe elbows).

Selective Leaching
Preferred corrosion of one element/constituent (e.g., Zn from brass (Cu-Zn)).

Downward propagation of small pits & holes.
Fig. 17.8, Callister 6e. (Fig. 17.8 from M.G. Fontana, Corrosion Engineering, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986.)

Corrosion along grain boundaries, often where special phases exist.

Dissimilar metals are physically joined. The more anodic one corrodes.(see Table 17.2) Zn & Mg very anodic.

Crevice Between two

pieces of the same metal.
Rivet holes

Fig. 17.9, Callister 6e.

Fig. 17.6, Callister 6e. (Fig. 17.6 is courtesy LaQue Center for Corrosion Technology, Inc.)

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