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The Precious Metals Equity Restoration Act of 2014 Legislative Proposal for Silver Users Association

Presented January 2014 by Charles Savoie

A presidential commission has yet to start preparing plans for an eventual end to the Treasurys policy of silver sales to hold down the priceto end the price controlling operation. --Wall Street Journal, May 19, 1967, page 2. The same article noted that COMEX had a 5 cent upside limit at least as of May 18, on the futures price for silver delivery a year out! An official of Hecla Mining Company stated--Were talking about two silver shortages, domestic and worldwide. Ever since the closing days of the Civil War, silver has been a whipping boy for politicians ---Eve
Adams, legislative assistant to Nevada silver Senator Patrick McCarran (1940-1954), quoted in New York Times, March 14, 1965, section 3, page 1. In fact, it traces back to colonial and Revolutionary War times, this matter of silver being a whipping boy for politicians. The story, continued on page 14, revealed that 55 tons of silver coins from Ecuador were sent to New Jersey for smelting---sponsored by Rockefellers Chase Manhattan Bank!

THE CFTC HAS ALLOWED ILLEGAL MARKET ACTIVITIES TO GO ON UNPOLICED. CFTC COMMISSIONERS AND STAFFERS REJECT THE NOTION THAT THEIR CHIEF ROLE IS TO PROTECT INVESTORS. IT WAS HARD TO GET ANYONE DECENT ONTO THE COMMISSION; ITS POOR RECORD IN PROTECTING THE PUBLIC FROM BLATANT SWINDLES. ---Financial World Magazine, June 1, 1979, page 24. THE GOVERNMENTS CONCERN OVER SILVER HAS A LONG AND COLORFUL HISTORY ---U.S. News & World Report, December 11, 1961, page 106 The October 26, 1979 Wall Street Journal, page 48, called the Silver Users Association, Industrialists who see their companies profits endangered as silvers price rises. Can we say it again? Too low silver prices endanger silver miners, and with a rising price, all silver users need do is price in silver cost increases to the consumer, who is already accustomed to seeing price increases! Are SUA members missing some necessary lobe of the brain that they cant understand a dead dairy herd can no longer produce milk? Silver users rave about rising silver prices causing them to lay off employees; this is at all times a lie; they laid employees off in order to move plants offshore! They were caught doing this ten years ago Economists lying for bankers and silver users have stressed that silver mining jobs are no more important than a dead roach crushed flat in the street--As to the number of men to whom the silver industry gives employment, it is of no consequence. ---Economics professor Neil Caruthers, North American Review, January 1932, pp 14-15. But jobs of silver users? Now we have

transited from manure importance to gem diamond importance, in the eyes of these born out of wedlock hacks! And were the 91 miners who died in the Sunshine Silver Mine disaster of May 2, 1972, also of no consequence, because they werent store managers for Tiffany & Company, (SUA members)? It has been internationally acknowledged literally for generations that the UK/USA bankers and governments have staged a completely lowballed silver market! Edward Suarez, Mexican Finance Minister, was quoted in The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, July 27, 1944, page 411, (five days after the Bretton Woods Conference intentionally ignored silver, due to Pilgrims Society member Cordell Hull sending Dean Acheson to superintend it; Hull was the same bastard who authored the Federal income tax and inheritance tax laws and was a Democratic National Committee chairman and Father of the United Nations; Acheson was another Pilgrims Society member known as the Father of NATO) --They claim that silver has no place in the monetary structure of the worldthe only way of course will be for her to sell her silver stocks INTO A FORCED MARKET, AT WHATEVER PRICE THE BUYERS WANT TO PAY FOR THEM.

As one of two voices on the long side of silver to have ever been mentioned by the Silver Users Association in their Washington Report, January 2006 --

-I feel qualified to self-invite to present the SUA (a hog call for those with a unique metallic appetite) with a legislative suggestion for the 2014 Congressional sessions. It would strike the SUA as grotesque folly that it would do anything that would boost silver longs, but read it through. Not that I can conceive of anything the SUA hasnt already thought of! Yet, some ideas are more quickly trashed than others, and maybe should be retrieved while time allows. Let me help you retrieve an idea I feel sure you trashed; first lets examine the idea I feel you most prefer! The worst idea the SUA can have about silver is to ask the President to issue a nationalization order along the lines of Franklin Roosevelts executive order 6814 dated August 9, 1934, using the Silver Purchase Act of June 1934 as his excuse; today the excuse would be we have no strategic stockpile; yet that is no excuse, as the government fed most of that silver to users for price suppression! By the SPA of 1934, silver was supposed to be stockpiled in the Treasury to the extent of up to 33.33% of the value of the gold held as a backing for the dollar. That was a laugh, since Roosevelt already made it illegal for Americans to own gold over a year before! A currency is not backed (or as George Washington said, funded) by removing the backing from public hands! The SPA and EO 6814 were part of the global pingpong game the U.S. was playing with the British, who started the too sinister for words game in the first place, they always remaining the senior partners in fighting silver prices and fighting silver as money. But someone whines, the SPA and EO 6814 raised silver prices, yeah, just enough so cannon fodder and desperate Western states miners could be tricked from noticing the plan, which was to concentrate an immense quantity of silver in the U.S. Treasury so the Anglo-American bankers in The Pilgrims Society could have a stockpile for global price suppression that would last several generations! Let me not digress farther in this vein; I have addressed it at great length

before. Of course, after FDR, with his tyrannical, Fascist order, paid Americans the meager pittance of 50.01 cents per ounce for their silver, raking in 113,031,000 ounces by February 1937---the world price increased at least 40% so; it was first a nationalization, then it became a confiscation. From March 1933 into February 1937 as the public was being looted of gold and silver, FDRs mentor, Pilgrims Society member Vincent Astor was smirking in the shadows; the great-great grandson of gold and silver stealer John Jacob Astor who cheated Americans of specie conversion of notes issued by the second United States Bank! Holding gold overseas might be suitable for some; however, so obsessive is the impulse to control all Americans on the part of the DC government, that if gold is seized here, steps will certainly accompany that to block access overseas unless the individual moves residence beforehand. Consider that before outsmarting yourself! No access and no repatriation = no ownership! I am also concerned as to the motives of persons advocating you hold gold overseas---in some cases it could be a ploy to separate you from your wealth and remember what they say the road to hell is paved with! Ted Butler remains the only other silver long the SUA has ever cited; he was to my knowledge, the first long to mention the SUA; then I went on to ferret out more details about them than anyone else, see The Silver Raiders and following exposes. This is no competition between Ted and myself; we each have a niche, he of course being more widely read as people have less tolerance for lengthier documentaries---and are less acclimated to charges of an organized, international conspiracy (not cabal, that is evasive and opaque in most vocabularies) in silver. Ted and others deal with nuts and bolts of COMEX; there is a need for this; this is not my role. But before proceeding, may I inquire of the SUA, for the enlightenment of interested readers---and

perhaps, interested legislators---what happened with you sniping blackguards? After the January 2009 Washington Report, I notice no subsequent monthly reports! Is it that the WR has gone underground? Are they embarrassed over Tiffanys silver mark-up? Are they embarrassed over carting off most of the former national silver reserve? Are they ashamed of Union Carbide causing some 16,000 deaths in Bhopal, India? No! The SUA is good and anyone opposing them is bad. Lending some credence to this notion of heightened secrecy on the part of the SUA is the festering matter of its ominously suggestive anti-free market meeting with Homeland Security officials on November 6 and 7 of 2007 at the Army-Navy Club in D.C. The meeting was described at A boy I knew in my earlier days always used to say Were going to have a beating---were going to have a beating when what he meant to say was Were going to have a meeting. When I pressed him about using correct words, he explained that beating sounds more impactful than meeting and besides---the words rhyme! So we may safely say, with no concern of contradiction, the fall 2007 SUA meeting with Homeland Security was surely also a beating in a definite sense---or the intention of a beating---administered to physical silver investors! PUNKS! You best look out---such intentions may easily backfire! I have warned you on several occasions if we are nationalized, we will devise crippling consumer boycotts of all SUA companies including their operations in other countries! Once the boycotts are seen as effective, independent interests will short the living hell out of your equities! The internet is a concern, huh? Too many uncensored voices! You cant continue accessing silver at

theft rates by government intervention, nor by banks tossing phantom silver into a mirage of supply! The greatest use for silver is as money! The groundswell is unstoppable---silver will return! Its happening in various States and as the dollar skids and pensions are repudiated, people will insist on universal money of substance that stands on its own, not needing any tragicomical government guarantee nor any asinine legal tender laws to compel acceptance! Over the years since the SUA was founded in 1947 it has been wildly successful at accessing (carting off) government silver (taxpayer and miner subsidized silver) at Brog rates. Brog was a racketeer in Alan Ladds 1957 film The Big Land who squeezed out all competitors at cattle auctions and made a farce of the auctions being free market, stealing cattle for $1.50 per head. I guess a man can bid whatever he wants Brog retorted as the free market was dead! Note that the SUA existed before 1947 as the Silver Users Emergency Committee (September 17, 1942, Commercial & Financial Chronicle, page 994) and they brazenly demanded that the price of silver be fixed at 71 cents an ounce for all time for imports and silver held by the treasury (New York Times, April 20, 1946, page 2). The 71 cent figure was set by the OPA, Office of Price Administration, another of Franklin Roosevelts Fascist agencies! Dumb bastards--why should silver mined elsewhere be attracted to a stuffed in the hole price in America, when it could get higher rates elsewhere? The USA is not the entire world market for anything! Utah Senator Abe Murdock---a Democrat---said silver couldnt be profitably mined at that price (1946). Where is Nevada Senator Reid on silver today? He gets Goldman Sachs money and money from the same law firm as does the extraordinarily dangerous Senator Durbin (see near close)! The news item noted that in anticipation of a $1.29 per ounce price sought by the Silver Bloc,

Peru, Bolivia and Canada were holding back silver exports, while Mexico was holding back up to 50MOZ! The Mexican situation was due to objections in its Congress, not because of the treacherous Mexican central bank, fountainhead of silver subversion/contagion across Mexico to this day! Of course that SUA 71 cent sandcastle got washed away eventually, but after the second World War, Treasury silver leasing to SUA enterprises ramped up in the Truman and Eisenhower years---at a meager 91 cents per ounce! Coronet Magazine, April 1955, page 108, said one Dow Chemical plant was loaned or leased $18,000,000 worth of silver ingots---about 19,780,000 ounces--from the United States Treasury, at 91 cents per ounce! This was an activity the regular media had a singular disinterest in mentioning, as if someone told them a rattlesnake was in the room and they said, Im reading the comics and youre so rude to interrupt! The 1,000 ounce bars of silver bullion the Treasury sells to industrial users ---WSJ, March 25, 1964, page 11. The SUA attitude towards silver miners and investors was stated in the 1986 Stallone movie Cobra ---I WANT YOUR EYES, PIG! I WANT THEM! Over the years when miners protested they needed enough of a rate for silver to scrape by (even a peanut butter sandwich, rather than a steak and baked potato rate), silver users carried on like the miners were demanding lampshades made of human skin from Hollywood celebrities! Meantime, silver jewelry concerns in the SUA like Reed & Barton, Tiffany & Company and Christian company James Avery Craftsmen price silver like they were the only ones on earth with any silver! Can any of you guess how riotously profitable silver mining would be if the miners got Tiffany prices for a portion of their silver? In February 2004 I advocated silver miners do just that

Industrial users, feeding off silver miners for years, See whats coming, the worst of your fears! Well make our own items for the end user, Looks like you end up the big loser! The SUA long enjoyed supremacy in House of Representatives affairs, when the population balance was East of the Mississippi--silver using states like Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania had their way. The old Farm Bloc, of states like Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas, which used to vote with the Silver Bloc of Western silver mining states, largely ceased existence with the domination exerted by large agribusiness cartels who placed Congressmen and Senators in their vest pockets; agribusiness giants being run by Wall Streeters who hate silver! The candy store has been raided so many times the shelves are empty! The SUA must adjust to paying free market rates for silver! Well crush a cupful of aspirin and hold it on your taste buds for an hour! Just damn! In 1964 the U.S Treasury supplied 43% (forty-three percent) of world silver demand, battling to retard price advances! This did not include the 203MOZ silver ounces used in U.S. coinage dated 1964--- NY Times, March 14, 1965, section 3, page 1. God how it must have irked the megabankers about the huge issue of 90% silver Kennedy half dollars! I think they must have mused, We should have impeached JFK or paid psychiatrists to declare him mentally ill, because the assassination caused historic demand for a commemorative silver coin! The WSJ, March 26, 1964, page 6 article was, Kennedy Half Dollars Are Grabbed Quickly. Its a wonder he lasted as long as he did, with second generation Pilgrims Society member Douglas Dillon fighting silver as Treasury Secretary and the Secret Service being a Treasury Department operation! By staging the hit on JFK well away from Washington and the ever-suspicious East coast, they correctly

concluded accusations against DC and NYC insiders would be softened. Silver producers received the news yesterday that President Kennedy had halted sales of nonmonetary silver to industry with undisguised glee. Silver users received it with shocked surprise. ---Wall Street Journal, November 29, 1961, page 16.

We cannot answer an industrial silver shortage by a Presidential executive order seizing silver from the public, concentrating it in Treasury vaults, then doling it out to Silver Users Association members! There is the persistent temptation to make exactly that move as long as Paul Volcker is still Obamas top economic adviser. I have stressed repeatedly this major league gold and silver suppressor is a vice president of The Pilgrims Society in Manhattan---that the shadow group of world financiers and king makers exists to seize the wealth necessary (Review of Reviews, May 1902, pp557-558) and has a documented history of doing exactly that---and cannot get any coverage from many leading sites. Then also some sites have featured these presentations only when they felt I wasnt probing too deeply, it appears; I cannot be a wimpy timid compromiser and do not understand why they feel there is a level of controversy too hot for them to handle! Controversy is no reason for denial of coverage, especially when no one has made any challenge of fact to the presentations! I again ask readers of such sites to ask of them why they deem this matter of Volcker with Obama not significant and the organization Volcker represents. And that the President is an honorary member of this astonishingly low profile, starved-for-publicity organization which does not WANT any publicity! Volcker stole 60+ MOZ silver from the Hunts, consummated in 1986! While the silver bull was charging, Volcker put fetters on gold and silver speculators (Wall Street Journal October 10, 1979, page 1 also November 29, 1979, page 6).

SUA---heres my proposal for legislation you may introduce through your kept Senators and Congressmen from Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts (to name the most obvious only) ---suppose you devise a bill removing all capital gains and collectible taxation from silver mining shares and all hard silver---numismatic and common date coins, and bullion silver; of course, it would be unfair to not also cast this free market net over corresponding gold investments as well! This will have the impact of allowing the MAXIMUM amount of silver come in from mining, and will encourage disinvestment on the part of hard assets investors! It is already patently immoral to tax Americans for transferring from bastardized, unconstitutional Federal Reserve currency, into LAWFUL currency---precious metals! The Democrat Party as it exists today is NOT the party of Andrew Jackson, and the Rockefeller Republican Party of neocons also must be scrapped! As moral compensation for long generations of attacks against silver and silver miners, this proposed legislation would initiate a counterbalancing of those awful injustices! We have to join the trend in place in other major nations of recognizing precious

metals as the true underpinnings of global trade, a free market in all sectors, and the best money anyone can use. Bitcoin? It strikes me as another megabanker conspiracy to distract from precious metals; however, some will use it as long as it is acceptable. My orientation is to resort to what the Almighty intended for use as money, rather than any man-created currency! Another of SUA instances of influence over government policy is seen in the lifting of the ban on melting of silver coins! The Wall Street Journal, May 19, 1967, page 2, Treasury Takes Steps to Protect Silver Stockpile subtitled Sales Limited to Legitimate Domestic Users; Export and Melting of Coin Banned reported (excerpt, emphasis added) --The U.S. Treasury halted sales of its silver for export and limited sales of the metal to LEGITIMATE DOMESTIC CONCERNS WHICH USE SILVER IN THEIR BUSINESSES. The Treasury also banned the MELTING, TREATMENT AND EXPORT OF SILVER COINS, effective immediately. The story for public consumption was about the developing coin shortage, because many members of the public were quite understandably hoarding silver coin in response to issuance of the drastically cheapened cupronickel issues---business, especially the vending machine industry, was hollering about being unable to transact business due to coin shortages. There was such a valid concern. However as always the real story was deeper--the Money Power was moving against silver as money, and against silver commodity prices. The story noted the Johnson administration has asked Congress for power to write off enough of these (silver certificate notes) to free an additional 116 million ounces. The bill would end the redemptions altogether one year after enactment. In fact, the Johnson administration, ever eager

to please the Money Power, saw LBJ---Lousy Bastard Jerk---sign a bill to let Treasury free $200 million of silver from silver cert redemption so it instead could get carted off by the Treasury building burglars abetted by the house-sitters, I mean to say--the industrial silver users (WSJ, June 26, 1967, page 18). LBJ ran down the monetary workhorse 90% lawful silver coins in an address to Congress on June 3, 1965. From the leaked list for 1969 of The Pilgrims, New York, which corresponds with the London branch of top global precious metals antagonists since 1902---

For more details on the apex precious metals suppressors whose names appear on that obscure document, refer to The SUA noted Jeffrey Christians address to them about conspiracies in silver, with him covering for his old boss during the 1980s at Goldman Sachs, Pilgrims Society member John C. Whitehead John W. Gardner of the Carnegie interests asked in his 1961 book Excellence (rear cover) --CAN WE BE EQUAL AND EXCELLENT TOO? By way of precision, which is always necessary---this New York group, together with its correspondent branch in London, which has plenty of European representation---IS The One Bank, a matter which the uninitiated Swiss researchers are clueless about. Give them another cup of hot cocoa before their

Matterhorn experience has them forgetting about the height of Everest. Galatians 5:7 asks who hindered you? The Pilgrims were the one and only group conceived by diamond cartel organizer Cecil Rhodes, who had both Rothschild and Crown backing--- set up to gradually absorb the wealth of the world (Review of Reviews, May 1902 pp556-558!)

The One Bank is not an actual organization and harping on this adds up to zero pressure to make this demonstrably real Pilgrims group release a roster! They were founded on July 11, 1902 in London---two months after the little read article came out---it can be referencing no other group; William Stead, the articles author,

later surfaced as a member! We need to know who the members are instead of a few of them! This is the jacked-up situation we need to focus on! We need confirmation that people like Jamie Dimon, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soros, Timothy Mellon, David Rockefeller Jr. et al are members so we can show theyre all working in concert for this 200 year timetable and how they use government power to seize wealth, like having the President order gold and silver nationalized! The Pilgrims Society name was chosen by the Royal family and if you pause you can see why; the original Pilgrims left the Old World for the New World. These modern Pilgrims are leaving the old world order and are transiting towards a New World Order, with vastly scaled down world population by war and other means and no freedom for the masses. Had I chosen their name it would be, Transcontinental League of Overlords or some such. On November 13, 2013, Eric Sprott in an interview, mentioned machinations in precious metals, which is like scheming and plotting---all words compatible with conspiracy. I CONTINUE TO ACCUSE THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY TODAY OF CONSPIRING TO USE THE PRESIDENT, CONGRESS OR THE COURTS TO ONCE AGAIN STEAL GOLD AND SILVER FROM THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. The Pilgrims Society has been using the COMEX and CFTC to steal income from gold and silver miners (COMEX since June 12, 1963 in silver and December 31, 1974 in gold) and the CFTC since 1975 respectively! Heres an excerpt of ten names from page 19 of the leaked list of The Pilgrims, New York, for 1980. No leaked list has surfaced now in more than one-third of a century!

Rockefellers Memoirs 2002 mentions his membership in other groups but NOT THIS ONE! Robinson of American Express, Bristol Myers Squibb and other entities, was associated with the anti-silver Brookings Institution and the anti-silver Economic Club of New York; David Rockefeller is a major gold antagonist from way back and supported the London Gold Pool, and was the main founder of Bilderberg and Trilateral and appeared in the leaked 1949 list of The Pilgrims; Rocky is also the one who led the way to open up United States China trade!

Rockhill was one of Rockys top lieutenants; Roesler was an international banker for more than three decades and headed Standard Bank of Amsterdam, and died at Roosevelt Hospital (July 2, 1983 N.Y. Times); Roosa of 59 Wall Street was undersecretary of the Treasury who helped remove silver coinage from circulation and wrote Monetary Reform for the World Economy (1965) and The Dollar and World Liquidity (1967); Roosa was a Rockefeller Foundation trustee, director of The Pilgrims subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations; member of the anti-silver Royal Economic Society; the anti-silver American Economic Association; the anti-silver American Finance

Association (president for 1967); and the anti-silver Economic Club of New York (president, 1970-1971); director of Prudential Insurance (once listed as a Silver Users Association member); John A. Roosevelt was Franklin Roosevelts son! The thief who stole gold and silver from the American public! John was also part of Bache & Company who helped sabotage the 1980 Hunt silver play! All these and many, many more top tier gold and silver suppressors on both sides of the Atlantic---members of an organization almost no one has heard of---and its a severe challenge to get coverage in the metals community, besides several sites who arent into this cult of personalities blowing kisses at each other and favoritism! GATA did NOT disclose this organization to you nor ever assist since I did so starting in December 2004! Please corner these people and their pals at conferences and insist they explain why the information is not relevant. This is about our property rights---this is the source of the potential nationalization threat! Please enter silver nationalization and no silver nationalization at Google, and click on images. How many images are there due to Charlie Savoies work? My noncompensated work on your behalf which many sites have blacked out? Why is it they havent joined the effort to shield our property rights? I am only one person, I dont have an army of supporters---please help. Coverage---not money---is the need. We cant wait hoping nationalization wont happen again. We have to oppose it now. The Pilgrims Society---not the Federal government---is the nationalization threat---hiding behind the government! Exposing The Pilgrims organization may be the difference between protecting our ownership rights in gold and silver---or having those precious rights trampled on! Ignoring this group will not make them go away! Julian Kean Roosevelt, another financier, shows the Roosevelt relation to Tom Kean, former New

Jersey Governor and director of the near trillion dollar Franklin Templeton Funds, who happens to be the Pilgrims Society member who chaired the 9/11 Commission and as expected, covered up everything pointing to The Society! Douglas S. Luke Jr., son in law of John A. Roosevelt, was managing director of Rothschild Ventures during 1987-1990 Just exactly what does it take to have leaders of the gold and silver long community see this Pilgrims Society is something their followers need to know about? Lukes uncle David surfaced in the leaked list of The Pilgrims for 1969! The 1980 leaked list also shows Frank Vanderlip Jr on page 22; son of one of the 1910 Jekyll Island, Georgia, Federal Reserve Act planners! Vanderlip Senior was a charter 1903 Pilgrims member! Some people are so mule stubborn, even if The Pilgrims Society publicly admitted to being the top precious metals suppressors, it still would not be believed. But truth will out, though many negligently refuse assistance!

The rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes. ---Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) To LBJ in relation to displacing silver coins with cupronickel elcheapos, we can quote the android from Star Trek episode What Are Little Girls Made Of, 10/20/1966--You brought the disease among us! You brought the inferior ones!

Again I state what I consider a valid complaint---why are major metals sites refusing coverage to this matter of the President--who can order gold and silver nationalization---being under the covers with the central committee of global gold and silver antagonists? Presidents in a group nearly no outsiders have heard of, with the son of the Senator who crafted the Federal Reserve Act and son of another Federal Reserve System planner; three Ambassadors to England, world home base of central banking; several Americans including a Treasury Secretary who supported the London Gold Pool fighting gold rising past $35; nine powerful Americans holding decorations from the British government; the grandson of the original J.P. Morgan; top military Generals, a Central Intelligence Agency chief, a naval Admiral, Ambassadors to Canada, France, Switzerland; United Nations founders, Air Force Secretaries, Secretaries of State; Wall Street megabankers and directors of the biggest corporations; people running better known globalist groups; and they deem this is not an item for metals investors! No attempt at refutation, and no coverage; silence only! This is a slap in the face of all precious metals longs to obstinately continue blacklisting this information! At left, Pilgrims Society member James Baker III, who as Treasury Secretary, February 1985 to August 1988, supervised the gold suppressing Exchange Stabilization Fund and most likely also had a big hand in the global silver leasing transactions, has an Obama White House calling card reading Any Time! Sour face Biden had Senate funding from a law firm working for the Du Ponts (Pilgrims Society/SUA) ---

The users and their megabanker Pilgrims sponsors were also worried over the outflow of Treasury held silver to suppress world rates---on the peak day of May 12, 1967--- 5,767,000 silver ounces were fulfilled for foreign destinations! The 5/19/1967 item also noted (emphasis added) --The Treasury said that even pending orders for its silver WILL BE FILLED ONLY UPON COMPLETION OF END USE CERTIFICATES ATTESTING THAT THE METAL WILL BE USED FOR NORMAL BUSINESS OPERATIONS.

The Money Power wanted silver to flow to industry and jewelry--not used for monetary insurance hoards! The ban on melting silver coins did not apply to Uncle Sam! The October 25, 1967 WSJ, page 23, Treasury Set to Begin Melting Silver Coins After Christmas mentioned the crooks at Treasury intended to achieve up to 425MOZ silver bullion from the coin melts, enough to supply industry for three to four years. Huh? Since when is it the role of any part of the Federal government to supply industry with any commodity whatsoever? Commodity producers are supposed to do that! In addition to a zero capital gains tax status for gold and silver mining shares and hard metal, we must have a prohibition in the proposed legislation against any government agency acquiring silver or gold by any means whatsoever, and then act as a dispensing agent to industry or banks for these metals; we must additionally have a prohibition against any government price fixing or capping of gold and silver; a ban against Federal and State governments seizing mineral deposits, and a royalty scale back to zero, where royalties are extant, so producers can receive maximum incentive to ramp up output! Creating more dollars will cause more inflation; increasing precious metals supply will enhance prosperity by adding sound currency. It should also be illegal for anyone to give any Federal

Reserve System employee higher up than a janitor, the mere time of day. This story admitted--All the old dimes and quarters are being withdrawn from circulation when they return in the normal course of business to the Federal Reserve banks and branches. Yeah! Bet on it! This was going on well before 1967! See WSJ, March 27, 1964, page 10, about big buyers of silver through Federal Reserve Banks. We have therefore a solid admission that were it not for the actions of so-called hoarders and coin speculators, none of us today would have any significant amount of these Constitutionally lawful silver coins! They would all have been extincted for silver price suppression! Nor were these strategies being employed only in these United States! The WSJ, August 16, 1968, page 28, Treasury Advises Refiners Not to Melt Canadian Coins had this--It is definitely against Treasury policy to condone the breaking of another countrys laws. In Ottawa, officials of Canadas Finance Department have asked Canadian silver refiners not to melt down U.S. coins for their silver content. A spot check of silver refiners in the New York City metropolitan area showed most major refiners either had ceased melting Canadian silver coins after hearing from the Treasury or had never done so in the first place. Many people viewed the loophole of melting U.S. silver coins in Canada, and that of melting Canadian silver coins here as an opportunity, and took advantage, until a damper was placed on it. The Money Power wanted all bullion yielded from coin melts to be under its direct control!

The WSJ, December 5, 1968, page 29, Two Men Are Seized, Charged With Illegal Melting of Coins reported from Brooklyn, New York--Two men were arraigned in Federal court here accused of trying to capitalize on the high price of silver by melting down U.S. coins. Secret Service investigators said they moved in Tuesday night to close a coin smelting factory run by Nathaniel Robinson, an investment adviser, and Arthur T. O Leary, an insurance consultant. Assistant U.S. Attorney Dennis Dillon said the men melted more than $100,000 in American coins. He said the men extracted the high silver content from pre-1965 dimes and quarters, intending to double their money---though metals experts expressed doubt the men could have gotten so high a return. Dennis Dillon? The name is eerily suggestive of anti-silver activist, Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon (1961-1965) was on The Pilgrims executive committee for a long stretch starting in the 1970s! More--Dillon said the men were melting old coins in crucibles mounted over gas flames. He said investigators found partially melted dimes in the bottom of a steel sink where the men would pour molten silver into ingot forms. They also found about 50,000 troy ounces of silver ingots in the mens cars. A metals expert said the silver from the melted coins was 88.2% pure and would be worth about $1.82 per troy ounce at current prices. Sounds like enough silver to flatten the tires and cause other damage! The below 90% content could have to do with uneven separation of the copper, and/or with part of the crucible being melted, a guess, as this is out of my expertise. More---

The Secret Service claimed the two men bought $100,000 worth of old silver coins from a Brooklyn dealer. They were said to have paid a premium of $100 on each $1,000 worth of coins. The scheme began to go awry several months ago, the Secret Service said, when the men sold an initial load of ingots to officials of Englehard Minerals & Chemicals in Newark, saying they had melted down sterling silver GATHERED BY SIFTING THROUGH RUBBISH. Englehard, long time SUA members, would be only too happy to pull the drain plug on anyone outside the charmed circle having the effrontery to attempt to profit from being long silver! And what a story those dummies made up---how many lifetimes would it take to be sifting through rubbish to find enough sterling objects to equate to around 71,500 ounces of silver? More like theyd be considered leaders of a very large burglary ring or fences! Those guys were dumb, but other dummies are around! I asked a question of a university economics faculty member, Why is it that the old 90% silver coins have largely ceased accumulating wear? and unbelievably, he was stuck for an answer. I helped the paper money educator to grasp saying, Because people the government calls hoarders are holding them inactive locked up in safes! His expression of dismay suggested he was thinking Ill discuss this with the psychology staff to see if they think coin hoarding is a mental illness. (YES, if the bankers on the university board of trustees slip them that suggestion!) Continued-Alert workers at Englehard noticed that the silver content in the ingots was below that of sterling, and when the men came back at the end of September with 135 more troy ounces, Englehard officials called in the Secret Service. After investigation, the Secret Service obtained a search warrant and waited for the right

time to make their move. Investigators said this was perhaps the biggest case of illegal coin melting ever uncovered in the U.S. I cant see it was just coincidence the government imposed a ban on melting silver coins, together with the SUAs notion that all silver should flow just to them! However, when it became more in the SUAs interest that the ban on silver coins be lifted---like some great sleight of hand trick---it was lifted! The April 10, 1969, Camden New Jersey Courier & Post, reported a larger coin melting operation The WSJ, May 27, 1969, page 8, Coin Speculators Toss Silver Melting Drive For Temporary Loss subtitled Premium of 15% 16% Is Being Rejected in the Aftermath of Lifting of Federal Ban --New York---Coin speculators are passing up substantial markups and are holding on to their accumulated hoards of silver dimes, quarters and halves. They evidently think the coins are going to be worth much more than the 15% to 16% premium over face value that dealers are offering now. The hesitancy means frustration so far for the Federal Governments effort to free more silver metal for industrial users by making available the 90% silver content of dimes and larger denomination coins minted before 1965. The Government moved to open up that supple two weeks ago when it removed its two year ban on the melting of coins for the silver they contain. Frustration? More like the quote from The Octagon (1980) with Chuck Norris---I still say he looks like the constipated type!

According to industry estimates, about 1.7 billion ounces of silver are locked up in U.S. currency still in circulation. Of the total, about 900 million ounces are in coins that are old enough or rare enough to be worth more to the numismatist than to the silver refiner. That leaves 800 million ounces that could be obtainable if the price were right.

After the run up to January 1980, huge amounts of the still surviving 90% coin were factored out of existence into bullion--never to be seen again. I suggest to the geniuses of the SUA this sentence contains a formula they could work today if they can get over this mania they have of getting silver while miners are suffering--800 MILLION OUNCES COULD BE OBTAINABLE IF THE PRICE WERE RIGHT. Yes, hundreds of millions of silver ounces can be freed up for use--if the price becomes right. Otherwise, SUA companies are at risk of closed industrial plants! There is no price increase, effectively, but to end user consumers! No SUA company I know of has silver as the only raw material it depends on! If you want

maximum silver availability, seek sponsors for new legislation which will include--(1) Elimination of any and all capital gains taxes on precious metals collectibles or numismatics; (2) Elimination of any and all capital gains taxes on gold and silver mining companies subject to U.S. jurisdiction and trading in their shares; (bank stock was once exempted from gains tax in New York State!) (3) Elimination of any and all Federal royalties on gold and silver mining in any State of the United States; (4) Incorporation of the provisions of Competing Currencies described by Ron Paul so as to harmonize America with sound money trends apparent in major nations such as China, Russia and India; (5) Provisions mandating that any and all industrial users be able to bid for silver in a 100% free market; that no particular organization of industrial users of silver (including an alleged nonprofit) receive any preferential treatment over any nonaligned silver users in securing silver; no Legitimate End User Certificates for any industrial users of silver to be issued by any Federal nor any State agency. Silver user legitimacy to be determined only by high bidder. (6) A permanent ban against any State government and against the Federal government seizing any precious metals mining capital equipment, mining premises, buildings, concentrate, dore and stockpiled ore and any other company assets including demand deposits and shares held by the public, by eminent domain under color of national emergency, be it monetary or military. Electric power, water and mining supplies and materials will not be withheld from miners, nor will these suffer tax levies.

No government imposed smelting or refinery surcharges to be added to dore and concentrate, which would come out of the miners hides! (7) A permanent ban against any Federal, State municipal or county agencies seizing silver and gold from the public, and nullification of any Presidential executive orders disrespecting private property rights of American citizens to own gold and silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, nor other collectibles such as diamonds and colored stones. The ban against seizure to apply to any public depositories or similar private vault operations including common safety deposit boxes at banks, which investors should not trust unless we see this protection. (8) No interference on the part of the Postal Service, Transportation Security Agency, state police or any Federal agency and shippers including FedEx and UPS with moving precious metals and gemstones across state lines or within states across county lines. (8) A provision exempting items mentioned in (7) from any and all civil asset forfeiture laws by means of abolition of the you have to prove you acquired it lawfully doctrine. (9) A ban on State, county and municipal governments enacting any so called compensating tax related to holding items mentioned in (7) inside their jurisdictions. The compensating tax was mentioned as a 5% levy on the Hunt physical silver holdings as described on March 19, 1980, front page of Wall Street Journal. Additionally, a prohibition to get around the prohibition by using any other terminology, such as annual inventory tax. Governments at all levels must adjust to sharply reduced spending so the private sector can begin to recover in earnest. No imposition of any such ownership taxation by calling it inventory tax or any other jargon.

(10) A provision banning any capital controls obstructing or hindering movement, expatriation or repatriation of precious metals, diamonds and colored stones across state and national borders, by sea or by air and regardless of shipping method. Customs Service, Postal Inspectors and Transportation Security Agency personnel are barred from seizing, impounding or delaying any such items unless they can demonstrate proof of criminal or treasonous activity. (11) No VAT, value added taxes imposed on precious metals and gemstones by the Federal or by state, county or city governments, whether on domestic purchases, imports or exports. (12) A provision that the Defense Department begin creating a replenished national strategic silver stockpile or reserve, by bidding for silver in free, open market environment, without being accorded precedence over other bidders. More to the point---the Silver Users Association, who carted off most of the one-time 165 million ounce reserve, should be compelled to replace it at their expense, jointly with living members of Congress, whether still in Congress or out, and all Federal officials up to and including Defense Secretaries and Presidents, who facilitated the looting, and their estates, should be compelled to make robust contributions to the stockpile restoration. The American public is not the new stockpile; we werent the silver carpetbaggers; and we have a moral right to hold silver against government caused inflation! The Times of London, June 16, 1981, page 15, Silver Price Falls reported the COMEX response to the House of Representatives committee vote to authorize the sale of 105.2 million ounces over the next three years from the American government stockpile. Gold fell in sympathy with silvers decline.

(13) Elimination of any Federal or state estate tax or transfer tax on everything described in (7) (14) No requirement that mining companies deliver any of their output to any Federal or State, county or municipal government. (15) No Federal mining czar or any such equivalent agency or agency chief. No tyrannical powers over the mining industry vested in the Interior, Commerce, Defense or Treasury Departments. (16) Criminalization of short sales of gold and silver unless the short seller can first document ownership of a corresponding quantity of refined bullion, or proof of actual locked in hedges. Imprisonment and asset forfeiture for attempted naked short sales of any traded commodity. (17) Similar to (16), investigation into possible naked short sales of shares of precious metals miners; the SEC and DTCC required to cooperate! (18) Prohibition of Wall Streeters being tapped to staff the CFTC and a ban on ex-CFTC commissioners and staffers being hired by Wall Street connected firms; dismissal from the CFTC of anyone ex-of Goldman Sachs or any similar entity. (19) Investigation of intentional collusion of all CFTC personnel with naked precious metals shorts. (20) Investigation of possible collusion between SEC regulators and any naked short selling of gold and silver mining equities. 21) Investigation to determine if any persuasion has been applied to mining managements to say nothing in the face of extreme price suppression, due to entities such as State Street in Boston, Barclays and others holding large share blocks.

(22) All provisions of the Patriot Act and other acts with monetary control or surveillance aspects contradicting any of these provisions to be rescinded and nullified. (23) No tampering with IRA gold and silver accounts. (24) No requirement that any public businesses buying gold and silver from the public be required to remit these metals to the Treasury Department, nor to any State, county or municipal government; they may however send representatives to bid on their lawful acquisition. (25) No banning of cash purchases of gold, silver, platinum group metals and gemstones by dealers from the public; reasonable precautions taken by dealers against buying stolen merchandise; no fingerprinting nor photographing of persons tendering these goods for sale without their freely given consent; no onerous record keeping requirements for dealers. Persons buying major appliances for cash arent treated as criminals, suspects or terrorists---back off treating persons with precious metals as undesirables. The Founding Fathers believed in gold and silver money, let us not allow any philosophical desecration of their graves! (26) No investigation by any entity of government at any level of clients of safe or vault sellers. Privacy rights must be restored in all areas of our lives. (27) A public apology issued by the U.S. Treasury Secretary broadcast to the world for acting in concert with Great Britain for generations, intentionally depressing silver and gold prices and acting against their use as money. (28) Reinstatement of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver for persons and business organizations bringing these money metals to reopened areas of United States Mint offices in

Philadelphia, Denver, San Francisco and West Point, New York, with nominal seigniorage for the mints. Reinstatement of former Mint production services to foreign governments in minting silver and gold coins for circulation in their countries. (29) Complete, unhindered audit of the Federal Reserve System including all Federal Reserve branch bank vaults and the vaults of megabanks these branch banks share interlocking directors with; and multiple independent audits of Fort Knox. I realize that having all these provisions passed in a bill is like expecting the dead to rise; however, they are all just provisions and we must strive for them. I am not forwarding this to the SUA as clearly they have simpering toadies monitoring everything discussed in the silver investing community. These proposals for a Congressional bill, possibly to be called the Precious Metals Equity Restoration Act, though less appealing to the Silver Users Association than stink bug cologne, will nevertheless do much more to assure a continued, and an enlarged, supply of silver for industry, than any Fascist, Socialist, or Wall Street Pilgrims Society scheme of extended repression and monetary tyranny! If the country doesnt get such legislation in the next several years, the coming depression will be several times worse. This Act does seem impossible at present, considering that we are menaced by such Stalinist Senators as the Hell 666 Richard Durbin, Illinois Democrat, who is conniving to remove vitamins, minerals and herbs from direct public access by cartelizing these for Big Pharma by Rx only; naturally prices will be jacked up 800% or more so The Pilgrims Society can continue seizing wealth from the public, eventually impoverishing everyone! Durbin is also a persistent Internet censor bin-supplement-bill.aspx and a gun ownership opponent!

Durbin has received backing from a Pilgrims Society connected Manhattan law firm whose original office was at 43 Wall Street and whose clients have included the silver suppressing Astor family and the silver stealing, silver using Du Pont family Pilgrims Society vice president John Hay Whitney and his fellow inner circle Pilgrims member David Rockefeller, known since the leaked 1949 list. Does the law firm care to gift the country with a 2014 roster of The Pilgrims Society? More Americans are wanting to know who the current gold and silver antagonists are, the Pharma financiers, and much more. Is the plan to so drain America of gold so as to later announce Hey! National Emergency! Be patriotic, turn in all your gold including jewelry like South Koreans did! Treasury silver is gone. But after that, with the assistance of the big USA/UK bankers and their huge influence web, enormous amounts of silver were tapped by leasing from foreign central banks. That also was/is finite. That business was always under great secrecy. There cannot be any meaningful amount left. The USA amassed the biggest hoard of silver, by far, in history; multiple foreign hoards had to be a smaller tally. Now as the silver price is in the last days of derivative control, so we are informed, the bankers and their con men are trying to get miners to place hedges at these bottom scraping prices. Dear readers, contact your mining managements and tell them not to cooperate. Suppose the SUA got an Executive Order from the President to seize our silver at $5 the ounce (a non-inflationary price). Then 80 million ounces of purloined silver appeared in the Treasury Department. Wed expect it to go to the SUA afterwards for

$2.50 the ounce! Meantime, the mines also would be seized. To get silver for the SUA at $2.50 the ounce, convict labor would be conscripted. After all, if they can make license plates, they can be trained to work the mines. Since domestic mines cant supply enough silver (especially at Brog rates), and since other countries wont sell silver for a cup of goat urine, the SUA should petition for military invasion and occupation of Chile, Argentine, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico et al, so they can continue to get $2.50 silver. We dont expect these scenarios to play out; they are too extreme. It is as if the infamous 1966 Chicago killer, Richard Speck, has just slashed the fifth student nurse to death, but there remain three victims who can be saved by intervention. To borrow words from George C. Scott in The Formula (1980) as he was contending with corporate ripoff giant Adam Steiffel --Son of a bitch---SON OF A BITCH! Richard Fisher of the Dallas FED chaired the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations, 1987-1998 and became a trustee of the antisilver Brookings Institution in 2001 and in 2002 joined the Trilateral Commission (more Pilgrims Society front organizations) ---

The New York Times, January 31, 2012, reported the spooky Richard Fisher, president of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, personally held over $1 million in gold (exact amount not stated---it could be way north of a flat $1 million) very likely acquired at under the $1000 ounce mark. How come these sacks o shit tell us to hold money in dollars, and theyre holding money in gold? (He also holds platinum, uranium and agricultural land---things of actual value!) Above hes at the CFR in New York, direct subsidiary of The Pilgrims Society! Fisher married the daughter of a Texas Congressman. He started at 59 Wall Street at Brown Brothers, Harriman & Company, oldest private bank in the United States, a Pilgrims Society entity also staffed with Rhodes Scholars and Skull & Bones Society members oh and dont forget the Wolfs Head Society is also at BBH; at BBH Fisher was assistant to Pilgrims Society member Robert Roosa, who as undersecretary of the Treasury helped Pilgrims Society

member Douglas Dillon take the country off silver coins and helped feed the London Gold Pool! After being a rep for the anti-middle class North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) Fisher worked for over three years under Rockefeller agent Henry Kissinger, a vice president of The Pilgrims Society! Fisher, a Harvard University overseer, may easily be a Pilgrims member but its not as if the worlds most secret organization desires any public profile! My opinion, Fishers gold should be seized and shipped to GERMANY! FED officials may have accessed German gold for themselves! Since 2002 Fisher has been on the board of the American Council on Germany with Pilgrims Society members Henry Kissinger and Paul Volcker coincidence? Of course, same as everything else that just always happened because no one planned anything! From 1987 to 1993 Fisher chaired the Institute of the Americas which today has a rep from JP Morgan and a Barrick Gold rep IF THE PRESIDENT ISSUES A GOLD NATIONALIZATION ORDER, FED OFFICIALS LIKE FISHER MUST BE THE FIRST IN LINE TO SURRENDER THEIR GOLD IN EXCHANGE FOR THE PROSPERITY COUPONS COMING FROM U.S. CURRENCY PRINTING PLANTS! On November 14, 2007, after a speech in Australia, Fisher stated--I will stop here and, in time-honored central banking fashion, now do my best to avoid answering your questions. I figure he doesnt golf for a hobby. He steals corn from blind chickens.

In 1987 Fisher was named an Admiral in the Texas Navy, an award hed have never received from Sam Houston, Father of Texas, because Houston was a silver money man. Fisher lists himself as a Presbyterian. Someone should inquire of him, Are you not concerned about being sent to hell for monetary subversion? ********************** A spokesman at Handy & Harman said---We are trying to get silver for our daily needs but producers have not yet offered enough at a price we are willing to pay. ---Wall Street Journal, November 30, 1961, page 8. So? Fast forward over a half century, the SUA silver lowballers in 2014 can look back at the $18 COMEX price quotes for silver during 2013 and tell producers and owners---Youre not offering silver to us at a price were willing to pay! So jackass---go mine your own silver! Since you feel cupronickel is as good for the country as silver for coinage, it should be as good for you as silver in industry! Just cupronickel your way through a silver famine! SILVER SUPPLIES MAY GET TIGHTER ---WSJ, May 27, 1969, page 8 Silver Users Association, silver supplies WILL get tighter unless you start lobbying for changes encouraging a free market in silver and more mining production! Price capping is like tightening a tourniquet around your own neck---you are restricting blood supply (silver metal).

Yesterdays silver stockpiles at left; todays at right! SILVER CALLS FOR NO CAPITAL INVESTMENT AND HAS NO COST. ---Economics professor Neil Caruthers in North American Review, January 1932, pp 14-15! This jive comedian was a member of the anti-silver American Economic Association, headquartered at Vanderbilt University (of the same family who helped organize The Pilgrims Society in 1902-1903!) Caruthers was director of the College of Business Administration at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania in the 1930s. There must be some hot-shot like him today in the AEA who can tell silver miners how profitable they should be since they have no cost to build and operate mines and that silver just pops into thin air for free! As the economist wipes the pus from his eyes, We look at him and hes covered with flies! He stands in supreme disgrace, Lying for bankers all over the place!

The prosperity of the mining industry of the West contributes in large measure to the prosperity of the entire nation. The present situation with regard to silver is most unsatisfactory. Those engaged in mining are harassed and constantly deterred from making commitments for continuing operation and development and in planning for employment. We urge Congress and the President to take action immediately, thereby taking thousands of men off our relief rolls and putting them back to work. We urge that the present uncertain condition be remedied by the enactment of laws which will definitely and permanently remonetize silver to its rightful place in our monetary system. We favor a metallic base for United States currency, with the employment of both gold and silver in such base. ---Mining Congress Journal, May 1939, page 56, declaration at close of silver conference at Reno, chaired by Nevada Governor E.P. Carville, attended by the Governors of Utah and Arizona, and various mining men, and Nevada silver Senator Patrick McCarran (below), who went on record complaining of Great Britains war against monetary silver (Mining Congress Journal, February 1946, page 56) ---

Current Nevada Senator Harry Reid would sooner come into Senate chambers naked carrying a severed hogs head in each hand, than do anything to remonetize precious metals! To the SUA we quote Spencer Tracy in Boom Town, 1954 (on behalf of Senator McCarran) --NOW YOU LISTEN TO ME, YOU PASTY-FACED EASTERN TINHORN! Most officials arent of a mind to try to coax specialized silver mining firms into greater activity by pegging the price at some new height. ---WSJ, September 10, 1964, page 10. This adamant intransigence has persisted longer than any of us have been alive! Government officials and silver users both want silver flowing to industry, but it has to be at gutter rates! There are earlier examples, but for one, Utah Senator Wallace

Bennett remarked about this conundrum as far back as September 17, 1964 New York Times, page 59; he said since silver price advances would always be BLOCKED, and world supplies would have to evaporate before prices could rise! The SUA can no longer have it both ways. You can no longer have silver, and have it dirt cheap. The choice is now---no silver; or silver at prices determined without intrusive, overbearing, Fascist government and banker interference in a natural marketplace. As prices are finally forced to rise past the old 1980 peak, a scene from Spiderman 2002 comes to mind. The hero was promised $3000 and was paid $100---sounds like a silver users ripoff of silver miners; the con man sniggered, I missed the part where thats my problem! As the dejected hero left the con man was held up and his loot taken. The hero had a chance to stop the robber but was motivated to decline, considering the con man hadnt inculcated any charitable response. Protesting to the hero about not stopping the robber, the hero had no alternative but to reply--I MISSED THE PART WHERE THATS MY PROBLEM! When you silver users are starved for silver we should tell you we missed the part where thats our problem! Want more silver available? Lobby Congress to lift capital gains collectible tax off silver---no gains tax on silver. Maximize incentive to sell; I know a retired person who took a cheap mall job so as to avoid selling any silver. Others are even more determined to not sell into any forced market. Its more than the COMEX Brog silver rates, were also waiting for confiscatory taxation to be expunged! The punitive 28% gains tax on precious metals was instituted to discourage people owning these metals; scrapping the tax to zero will free up the most metal by rewarding disinvestment; any coercive silver sales mean bad publicity for the SUA! Louisiana and Texas moved to exempt gold and silver from State sales tax!

This is the start of a trend against any taxation in gold and silver! There are gold and silver money movements in multiple States; all negative financial news strengthens their cause. I know some individuals who made physical precious metals in their possession, their pension! Think of precious metals taxation in the same way as the former ban on melting silver coins; the repealing of that ban freed up more silver; ending metals taxes will free up the most silver. Not that you fatherless jackals in the SUA deserve one more gram! The November 22, 1978 (not 1979) WSJ, page 38, had this--One of the players on the other side, a holder of obligations to deliver silver rather than receive it, professes to be bleeding to death.

Smile though our hearts are breaking!

---James Garner as Jim Rockford in The Rockford Files 19741980. I ask interested parties to forward a link to this presentation to your Congressmen and Senators, including at State level, and to No silver for sale with 28% gains tax! Were no longer your punching bag! Youre on K2 with no ice axe! Still trying to fly the pirate flag! You just hit a hopeless snag! Starved for silver but cant let prices rise, SUA sure has a tough nut to crack! CFTC ever ready to spit out more lies! Silver shortage is a heart attack! Somebodys future is pitch black!

The most important statement in this presentation--Exposing The Pilgrims organization as gold and silver antagonists may be the difference between protecting our ownership rights in gold and silver---or having those precious rights trampled on by Executive Order!

The annual meeting of these thieving British Crown collaborators is on the fourth Wednesday in January; Bilderberg discloses its meeting sites and issues attendance rosters---The Pilgrims do not, as they are the inner core of the globalist movement and manage the other globalist organizations! Pilgrims Society vice president Paul Volcker, gold and silver antagonist, bosses Obama---
The April 26, 1912 New York Times reported the merger of Gallatin National Bank of 36 Wall Street (founded 1829) with Hanover Bank (founder 1851). Founder of GNB was Albert Gallatin, U.S. Treasury Secretary, 1801-1814 who argued for

renewal of the charter of the first United States Bank in 1811; later he supported chartering the second United States Bank in 1816 (forerunners of the Federal Reserve!) The name James P. Gallatin appears in the 1980 leaked list of The Pilgrims in New York! Nicholas Biddle was president of the second United States Bank; Angier Biddle Duke was also listed in The Pilgrims 1980 leaked roster! These details are not mere chance---The Pilgrims are the central committee behind the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England---the dynastic families feeding off the central banks! With incomplete information Ive IDd 5 out of 7 of the Jekyll Island conspirators where the Federal Reserve Act was planned as members of The Pilgrims! Please ask gold and silver websites who have allowed no coverage to this organization how they can justify ignoring it! Hanover Bank merged into what is today JPMorgan Chase! Among recent or upcoming additions to The Silver Stealers documentary is the following--Lord Camoys, Pilgrims of Great Britain leaked list dated 1980, is a descendant of King Charles II of England (1660 to 1685) and of the Earls of Camoy, English aristocrats dating back over 850 years and of Baron Henry Bergavenny, a member of Parliament and owner of iron foundries who in 1601 was granted a Royal monopoly on production of military ordnance for England. A member of the House of Lords since 1976, Camoys was a director of luxury goods auctioneer Sothebys, 1993 to 1997. In 1979-1981 he was an official of the European Economic Community. In 1968 Camoys became managing director of National Provincial & Rothschilds Limited, and in 1969 to 1975 held the same post at Rothschild Intercontinental Bank in London; in 1975 he became managing director of AMEX Bank and chairman till 1978. Camoys is a relative of the Drexel family of Pilgrims Society members in the U.S. long associated with J.P. Morgan & Company (Drexels

originally from Austria). He was managing director of Barclays Merchant Bank, 1978 to 1984 and its chairman till 1986. He was a Barclays Bank International director, 1980 to 1994, a major silver suppressor, same as Rothschilds; and is a member of the City of London Fishmongers Company guild. Camoys was a Lord in Waiting to Queen Elizabeth II, 1992-1997, and a Permanent Lord in Waiting since 2000. From 1991 to 2006 he held official standing in Vatican financial management---a Crown agent active in Vatican financial affairs,_7th_Baron_Camoys He held other directorships including Mercantile Credit; National Provident Institution; Invesco Perpetual and of 3i Group, formed in 1945 by the Bank of England and Pilgrims Society run London megabanks; its symbol strongly suggests Illuminati heraldry---

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