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Middleton Hospital Case

Introduction and Case background: The case has to be summarized giving a brief background of some situational issues faced by the management. Management Decision Problem: Alfred Robson, superintendent of Middleton Hospital, in order to maintain its reputation as one of citys best hospital anted to kno patients perception of its services compared to that of its competitors. Marketing research problem: !erception" satisfaction survey of patients on hospital characteristics and #uality of services provided by Middleton Hospital. Subproblem/research questions: Sub-problem 1: To determine image of Middleton Hospital on #uality of services and hospital characteristics. esearch question 1: $hat are the various hospital characteristics, areas of patient care that may be a cause of patients dissatisfaction.

Sub-problem !: To make a competitive analysis ith other city hospitals. esearch "uestion !: $here does the Middleton hospital stands in comparison to other city hospitals on the various hospital characteristics and service parameters. esearch Methodolog#: Part 1: Sources o$ Data% Secondar# source: %& 'olumbus study report on the purchase behavior of (%( adult males to ards hair spray. (& Market reports of the product Primar# Data source: %& )or e*ploratory phase, inputs employees of the +or ell company, some shopkeepers and fe intervie s of the hair,spray consumers to identify the characteristics of the users and the attributes hich go into building up the image or perception of the brand in the minds of the consumers. (& )or descriptive phase, survey of consumers using either +or ell hair spray or competitors product to identify their characteristics and the image of the brand in their minds.

Part !: esearch Design% -t is proposed to have a t o,phase research process. Phase 1: .*ploratory research/ -nitial research to be to completely identify the follo ing/ 0ist of characteristics of the users hich influence of the purchase of the product 1eg. Age. -ncome, occupation, marital status, family size, education, social class etc.& 0ist of variables"attributes hich build up the consumer perception 1eg. Masculinity, e*pensiveness, oiliness, stickiness etc.& 0ist of key ords hich are associated ith the hair spray products

&he data collection/research methods used in e*ploratory phase can be in depth intervie s or focus group intervie s ith the company employees, shopkeepers and a fe consumers. Phase !: 2escriptive research/ The second phase is a of mi* #uantitative and #ualitative, and is proposed to be descriptive research phase here the structured #uestionnaire is prepared to/ "uantitati'e/ 2etermine user characteristics, Measure the factors of brand image on appropriate scale and measure the e*posure of various media channels "ualitati'e: 2etermine association of identified key ords ith the product Data collection method should include survey from consumers at drugstores and by making personal calls across various metropolitan areas. The respondents ill be asked to determine their demographics, to rate the variables of brand image as per their perceptions as ell as the importance they attach to each of these variables and the rate the level of e*posure of the media channel on an appropriate scale. The final scores hich are calculated can be used for data analysis. They Part (: Sampling Design% )or *+plorator# Phase Target population/ 'ompany employees, shopkeepers and a local hair,spray consumers 3ampling frame ork 3ampling method/ +on,probability method 14udgement 3ampling& (

3ample 3ize/ 3mall sample

)or Descripti'e Phase Target population/ 5sers of +or ell hair,spray 1%66 each& or competitor product 1%66 each&, across %6,%7 metropolitan areas 3ampling )rame ork/ 2atabase of users obtained from drugstores across the cities 3ampling method/ 'luster sampling 3ample 3ize/ 0arge sample

Part ,: Data -nal#sis% $hen the conceptual frame ork is ready follo ing the e*ploratory phase of research and the construct of service #uality is ready ith all identifiable variables, the follo ing hypothesis can be formulated as per the research 8uestions, hich can be further tested through data collected via descriptive phase of the research. Hypothesis for brand image Ha%/ +or ell hair spray has a positive brand image

H6/ 9 : ; Ha%/ 9 < ; Ha(/ +or ell hair spray has a better perception than competitor products

H6/ 2 = 6 Ha%/ 2 : 6 $here products ; is the mean difference in the rating of +or ell hair spray ith other competitor

Ha;/ There e*ists an e#ual e*posure of various media channels H6/ 9%= 9(= 9; Ha%/ 9%>=9( >= 9; 5se Anova test to determine hich media channel has ma*imum influence

Part .: esults and $indings% The results of hypotheses tested can be inferred and used as the basis of recommendation to Mr. Robson.

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