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The Tlaxcala State Secretariat of Public Education (SEPE) said on Tuesday that if Popocatpetl volcanos intense activity makes evacuations necessary, teachers in the municipal schools to be used as shelters would register the victims. Popocatpetl, an active volcano in the nearby state of Puebla, has been giving off plumes of smoke and small eruptions of ash and rock in recent months. More than 30 million people could be affected if the volcano sees a major eruption, primarily in the states of Puebla, Morelos and Tlaxcala. The volcano alert for Popocatpetl was raised this month to yellow phase three, the third highest level in Mexicos warning system. The Popocatpetl Plan, established to deal with a volcanic event, outlines where shelters will be set up in the 18 municipalities of Tlaxcala. Of the 118 shelters that the state will set up, 34 are public schools that will be used as backups. In the event of an evacuation, teachers would open registration tables in the temporary shelters and strictly control the comings and goings of the people staying in the temporary shelters, said the SEPE. The teachers would also be in charge of organizing recreational activities, while trained professionals will provide psychological support to those who need it.


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