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October 15, 2009

To: Members of the California State Legislature

Fr: East Bay Municipal Utilities District

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Northern California Water Association
City of Sacramento
Contra Costa County
Sacramento County
San Joaquin County
Solano County
North Delta Water Agency
South Delta Water Agency
Central Delta Water Agency
Yolo County
Sacramento Suburban Water District
Yuba County Water Agency
Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
Regional Water Authority
Sacramento Suburban Water District

We are writing to inform you that while we support the objective of fixing the Delta and increasing the
reliability of water supplies for all of California, the current Delta package needs further work to ensure all
regions of California are treated fairly. Put simply, in its current form, this legislation would harm
Northern California.

We ask that the Legislature withhold and oppose any vote on a water package until, in addition to
addressing the need for a reliable water supply for the entire state, it assures that there are no redirected
impacts to the Delta and Northern California and sufficient protections are in place to protect Northern
California’s and the Delta's water supplies.

The Delta water package must fairly address the needs of Northern California, the economic viability and
health of the Delta while assuring a reliable water supply for the entire State.

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