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Off the (Electronic) Shelf: Patricia Olney Reviews Martin Edwin Andersens Peoples of the Earth

Peoples of the Earth: Ethnonationalism, Democracy, and the Indigenous Challenge in "Latin" America By Martin Edwin Andersen Lanha ! Maryland: Le"in#ton Boo$s! %&'& %() pp* +,&*&& -SB.: (,/0&0,1('021('0(

Revie ed !y 3R* PA4R-5-A OL.E6 Peoples of the Earth is pro7a7ly the ost honest and co prehensive e"a ination and analysis availa7le of the do8ens of indi#eno9s social ove ents that have er9pted in the :estern ;e isphere since the end of the 5old :ar* -n this vol9 e! Andersen esta7lishes 7oth the threat and the opport9nities that indi#eno9s o7ili8ations represent* ;e ar#9es that acco odatin# their de ands for soverei#nty over their territories and lives! and their pleas for a ore <9st distri79tion of reso9rces! is not only i perative fro a oral and de ocratic perspective! 79t is also de anded fro a strate#ic one* ;is ar#9 ents ay 7e seen as sy pathetic toward indi#eno9s peoples! 79t he shows how their interests and those of the co9ntries in the re#ion are ostly co ple entary and represent a positive s9 #a e* Meanwhile! the costs of not acco odatin# their de ands co9ld incl9de the spread of anti=A erican pop9list re#i es! alliances 7etween indi#eno9s and radical leftist and>or -sla ic #ro9ps! and the er9ption of violence* Andersen s9##ests that left 9nheeded! indi#eno9s ove ents co9ld represent an e"istential threat to individ9al states and to the re#ion at lar#e* ;e therefore reco ends a$in# the strate#ic allies and 7rin#in#

indi#eno9s peoples into the de ocratic fold! incl9sive*

a$in# each co9ntrys de ocracy


Andersen starts 7y fra in# the rise of indi#eno9s ove ents as a res9lt of a ?#lo7al decoloni8ation? process tri##ered in the wa$e of post05old :ar de ocrati8ation* 4he co 7ination of the e er#ence of a powerf9l international h9 an ri#hts lo77y and a transnational #lo7al networ$ facilitatin# indi#eno9s or#ani8in# helped create opport9nities for indi#eno9s peoples to e"press their de ands* One of the ain reasons Andersen 7elieves Latin A erican #overn ents have resisted acco odatin# indi#eno9s de ands is 7eca9se they is9nderstand 7oth the nat9re of the ove ents and the realities they represent! partly d9e to lon#standin# practices of paternalis and racis * 5onflatin# leftist ove ents and indi#eno9s ones! for e"a ple! can lead the to 7e seen as 5old :ar0style co 9nist threats! when in fact their de ands are @9ite distinct fro those of the leftist ove ents latchin# onto the * Andersen notes! for e"a ple! that indi#eno9s peoples do not oppose #lo7ali8ation or free ar$ets as do radical leftists! 79t in fact they only challen#e free trade a#ree ents affectin# reso9rces sit9ated on their territories* 4hey <oin forces with leaders li$e Aene89elaBs ;9#o 5hCve8 and BoliviaBs Evo Morales 7eca9se of the e"cl9sionary policies of ore li7eral national elites* 4he a9thor also 7elieves that a widely held fearDthat #rantin# indi#eno9s peoples a9tono y over their territories represents a threat to national soverei#ntyDis a is9nderstandin#* ;e s9##ests that once their de ands are acco odated! indi#eno9s peoples will wor$ with the state in ways that will act9ally enhance national soverei#nty* -n s9 ! he ar#9es that! at least in so e cases! acco odatin# indi#eno9s peoples de ands ay 7e the 7est safe#9ard a#ainst the threats he identifies! and that it co9ld 7oth reinforce soverei#nty and deepen de ocracy* -n 7oth the concept=oriented chapters of Part - and the si" case st9dies in Part --! Andersen provides any e"a ples of potential sec9rity threats that co9ld arise as a res9lt of the contin9ed e"cl9sion of indi#eno9s peoples* Perhaps the #reatest threat e anates fro the overlap 7etween indi#eno9s peoples! nat9ral reso9rces! and wea$ or failin# states* Andersen never pretends to have all of the answers! 79t he s9##ests that statesB ref9sal to acco odate indi#eno9s peoplesB de ands ris$s their radicali8ation and event9al alliance with anti=A erican #ro9ps! incl9din# radical -sla ic #ro9ps* ;e provides several facts to s9pport this clai * Eirst! there are ideolo#ical si ilarities that ay e"plain why -sla is spreadin# rapidly thro9#ho9t the re#ion* Second! he points to -sraeli intelli#ence reports of ;i87allahs intention of wor$in# thro9#h indi#eno9s peoples to esta7lish a foothold in the :estern ;e isphere* 4here is also the conversion to -sla of the Aene89elan :ay99 tri7e led 7y 4eodoro 3arnott! who clai s to head ?;i87allah Latin A erica*? Andersen ri#htly points o9t that indi#eno9s peoples have 7een loc$ed o9t 7y e"cl9sionary elites* ;e disc9sses e"ternal actors involved in ove ents that co9ld threaten states and! fro a strate#ic standpoint! appears to p9rposef9lly leave the reader with 9nanswered @9estions* Eor e"a ple! #iven the levels of cri e and isery

he reveals on reservations in developed co9ntries! and the e"a ple of a secessionist ove ent in .icara#9a! why is a9tono y a 7etter strate#y than assi ilation for pro otin# the welfare of indi#eno9s peoples and the sec9rity of the co9ntryF Also! does e powerin# wea$ and 9nassi ilated actors in wea$ states necessarily enhance sec9rityF 4his 7oo$ helps the caref9l reader to consider! if not address! s9ch challen#in# @9estions* Peoples of the Earth is a well=written! encyclopedic acco9nt of the indi#eno9s awa$enin# in the :estern ;e isphere* 4he 7oo$ is 9ni@9e in that it represents the hi#hest @9ality in social science! yet still provides all of the infor ation needed 7y analysts to see the wide ran#e of sec9rity threats posed 7y indi#eno9s activis and state responses in the :estern ;e isphere* -t is well worth readin# and co9ld lead to the for 9lation of proactive sec9rity strate#ies that ne9trali8e the e"plosive potential of this post05old :ar pheno enon* 3r* Patricia Olney is an Associate Professor of Political Science at So9thern 5onnectic9t State Gniversity and speciali8es in Latin A erican sec9rity iss9es*

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