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Kharis Subkhan 4401410010

No students are ignorant, prejudiced teachers that all students should have a maximum value.(Munif Chatib) Teachers say that students should not be that stupid, because it means that teachers have bad prejudiced against students. Teachers should provide opportunities for students looking for the right answer.(Munif Chatib)
Students have prior knowledge and have multiple different intelligence.(Munif Chatib)

For efective study process ,I choice U Model.In my opinion can provide me maximum socialitation with student.

We still must keep our charismatic,but we dont became pieces from class room. We need be united with student. We must always give spirit for student,we teaching must familyar. Dont ever give student a bad name. Proses manajemen ruang kelas itu dianalogikan memegang seekor merpati,jangan terlalu keras nanti dia akan mati,dan jangan terlalu longgar nanti akan lepas.

SERVE sendiri merupakan singkatan dari lima kata kunci yaitu: S- See the Future (Melihat Masa Depan) E- Engage and Develop Others (Libatkan dan Kembangkan Orang Lain) R- Reinvent Continuously (Temukan Kembali Terus Menerus) V- Value Results and Relationship (Hargai Hasil dan Hubungan) E- Embody The Values (Mewujudkan Nilai)

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