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March 16, 2014 Dearest Franky, Happy dawn. Would you kindly try to ask Ms Patricia ori !

or an e"ook #ersion o! her "ooks$ %a&e purpose' ( ha#e the& &ore accessi"le to !riend as e"ook, e.)., send to their e&ails as well as !or &y writin) purposes, *#ery easy to +uote i! it is already typewritten, and also ( &ake it now &y task to post at Face"ook e-cerpts !ro& this kind o! "ooks, then, at the end, ( place the na&e and location o! the source !or their !urther readin). .he political condition here in the Philippines is &ore seethin) as &ore hu)e corruptions at on)ress are e-posed "ut appear to "e /railroaded0 *that is, the attorneys o! the accused are &aneu#erin) to &ake their clients ac+uitted, and this &akes the people an)ry. 1lon) with this is the continued increase o! ta-es that do not return to the people in ter&s o! increased )o#ern&ent ser#ices. .he hu)e corruptions that are now e-posed ha#e &ade it clear to the people that our ta-es are "ein) stolen "y corrupt o!!icials. %o the people are not only unwillin) to pay the increased ta-es2 they are an)ry. 1 !riend o! &ine told &e yesterday that i! there is no solution to paci!y the people3s seethin) e&otions, these would turn "ad !or the )o#ern&ent. 4e#olt or re#olution is the word. %o the )o#ern&ent has to clean up its na&e or clean up on)ress and restore the people3s trust a)ain. 5r else, it won3t "e lon) when the people will protest as a )roup. For the &o&ent, only the Manila &ass who are pro!essionals and ha#e access to the national &edia are e-pressin) their discontent. .he pro#inces are still silent. 6ut this lon)7standin) dissatis!action a&on) the people all o#er the country is only waitin) !or so&eone who can unite the& a)ainst the )o#ern&ent a"uses. Most o! the ordinary &en ( con#ersed with, know only o! one end7scenario as !ar as cleanin) the )o#ern&ent e!!ecti#ely' re#olution8 and they &ean "loody. .hey do not trust that patience can do the trick. ( &ean' 9ust allow the old do)s to lea#e the world in a natural way, and then, let there "e "etter youn)er ones to replace the&. %o, it &eans educatin) the youn)er ones !or a "etter )o#ernance8 to put their will under the Will o! the 1l&i)hty. .his &eans that 5:4 P;5P<; M:%. 5M; .5 =>5W .H; ;?(%.;> ; 5F @5D3% .4:; M;%%1@;% 1>D .4:; .;1 H(>@% which show us all the way in e#ery aspect o! li!e and society, e.)., &arria)e, !a&ily, work, "usiness, )o#ern&ent, education, etc.

( ha#e told the& that !orcin) out a chan)e, e.)., "loody re#olution, &ay re&o#e the "ad apples e-ternally, "ut the )er& *"ad attitude, would pro"a"ly creep into the new youn)er successors i! the true Messa)es and .eachin)s o! the <ord would not "e &ade known. For so !ar, the Filipinos ha#e the 6i"le as our )uide, "ut sadly, they still do not know that the 4o&an atholic and Protestant churches and translators ha#e already introduced so&e 2A0,000 errors to it, 2A0 o! which are deadly ones, to suit the a)enda o! %pain7Batican, our !irst !orei)n oppressor and now to suit the a)enda o! 1&erica, our current suppressor. .hey do not know the W(<< 5F @5D, H(% .;1 H(>@%, H(% M;%%1@;%, H(% W1C%. .hey need to "e in!or&ed "ecause the 6i"le has "eco&e a dull two7ed)ed sword, which can no lon)er cut asunder the hidden cra!tiness o! the decei#ers and it can no lon)er de!ine /sins0 or /wron) "eha#ior0 correctly. 1s a &aDor e-a&ple which ( keep on repeatin) so as to &ake the people aware, the land was ne#er intended "y @od who )a#e it !ree to our ancestors to "e co&&ercialiEed, that is, sold and "ou)ht, or leased and rented, it has no co&&ercial #alue accordin) to @od, and its purpose alone is to "e e+ually di#idedFdistri"uted a&on) all !a&ilies so that no !a&ily would "e landless and "eco&e poor, and !orced to )et scattered, or !or one o! its &e&"ers to "e !orced to )o !ar away &issin) !a&ily Dust to !ind the inco&e they need. Cou cannot !eel it Franky, .hierry, how a pain!ul /curse0 is what the )o#ern&ent calls a "lessin) !or the Philippine econo&y, na&ely' 5FWis& G the pheno&enon called 5#erseas Filipino Workers. (t is an undesired dispersion o! the Filipino !a&ily due to e-tre&e po#erty at ho&e. .here is Do". .here is not land to till. Hu)e tract o! plain !ertile lands are in the hands o! the hacienderos. Cou &ake a round tour around >e)ros, and you will see #ast plains o! su)ar cane !ields owned only "y a #ery !ew rich !a&ily. H0I o! the >e)ros people are tenants, landless people workin) in these haciendas at #ery &ea)er wa)es and no real houses, only s&all huts and no !uture e-cept the cycle o! sla#ery, i)norance and po#erty. (n 6ohol, there is less hacienda, and the land are so&ewhat &ore di#ided a&on) the !a&ilies "ut this is so "ecause o! the un!ertile condition o! the land, no one is puttin) his eyes on 6ohol land2 they pre!er >e)ros and the &ore !ertile land in Mindanao. .here is now an increased interest o! the central plains in 6ohol thanks to the irri)ation, and so, the rich &en here spearheaded "y 1lturas ha#e started to )ra" the poor !a&ilies3 lands throu)h #arious &eans, such as educational loans to !a&ilies, !ertiliEer loans to !ar&ers, etc. leadin) to the point where the "orrower has to )i#e up his s&all !ield used as collateral. Whether the people and o!!icials here reco)niEe this trend or deny it, it is what is happenin). %&all lots, still !ertile as rice !ields especially, are "e)innin) to )et &er)ed "y "i) land "uyers like 1lturas and no sooner than you think, 6ohol will turn into a pro#ince o! !ew owners and "i) haciendas, like >e)ros, like <uEon. What is their &oral7spiritual ri)ht to do that$

( ha#e read the 6i"le countless o! ti&es, and there is not i&plicit co&&and&ent to authoriEe the poor to sell his lot, or to authoriEe others to "uy lands. (! they would use the #erses in 4o&ans 1J as &eans to tell the people that they are to include a"uses o! )o#ern&ent as well as sins a)ainst @od3s will and co&&and&ents as part o! the respect and o"edience Paul wanted the& to )i#e to the authorities, "oth the people and leaders &ust re#iew their understandin).

Kni#L;#eryone &ust su"&it hi&sel! to the )o#ernin) authorities, !or there is no authority e-cept that which @od has esta"lished. .he authorities that e-ist ha#e "een 4o& 1J'1 esta"lished "y @od. KkD#L<et e#ery soul "e su"Dect unto the hi)her powers. For there is no power "ut o! @od' the powers that "e are ordained o! @od. Kni#L onse+uently, he who re"els a)ainst the authority is re"ellin) a)ainst what @od has instituted, and those who do so will "rin) Dud)&ent on the&sel#es. 4o& 1J'2 KkD#LWhosoe#er there!ore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance o! @od' and they that resist shall recei#e to the&sel#es da&nation. Kni#LFor rulers hold no terror !or those who do ri)ht, "ut !or those who do wron). Do you want to "e !ree !ro& !ear o! the one in authority$ .hen do what is ri)ht and he will 4o& 1J'J co&&end you. KkD#LFor rulers are not a terror to )ood works, "ut to the e#il. Wilt thou then not "e a!raid o! the power$ do that which is )ood, and thou shalt ha#e praise o! the sa&e' Kni#LFor he is @odMs ser#ant to do you )ood. 6ut i! you do wron), "e a!raid, !or he does not "ear the sword !or nothin). He is @odMs ser#ant, an a)ent o! wrath to "rin) punish&ent on the wron)doer. 4o& 1J'4 KkD#LFor he is the &inister o! @od to thee !or )ood. 6ut i! thou do that which is e#il, "e a!raid2 !or he "eareth not the sword in #ain' !or he is the &inister o! @od, a re#en)er to e-ecute wrath upon hi& that doeth e#il.!ore, it is necessary to su"&it to the authorities, not only "ecause o! possi"le punish&ent "ut also "ecause o! conscience. 4o& 1J'A KkD#LWhere!ore ye &ust needs "e su"Dect, not only !or wrath, "ut also !or conscience sake. Kni#L.his is also why you pay ta-es, !or the authorities are @odMs ser#ants, who )i#e their !ull ti&e to )o#ernin). 4o& 1J'6 KkD#LFor !or this cause pay ye tri"ute also' !or they are @odMs &inisters, attendin) continually upon this #ery thin). Kni#L@i#e e#eryone what you owe hi&' (! you owe ta-es, pay ta-es2 i! re#enue, then re#enue2 i! respect, then respect2 i! honor, then honor. *<o#e, !or the Day is >ear , 4o& 1J'N KkD#L4ender there!ore to all their dues' tri"ute to who& tri"ute is due2 custo& to who& custo&2 !ear to who& !ear2 honour to who& honour.

.he translation o! 4o&ans 1J'17N &ust "e so&ewhat a&on) the 2A0,000 errors in the 6i"le, &entioned "y the "ishop in 4o&e. .ake note specially 4o&ans 1J'2'

Kni#L onse+uently, he who re"els a)ainst the authority is re"ellin) a)ainst what @od has instituted, and those who do so will "rin) Dud)&ent on the&sel#es. 4o& 1J'2 KkD#LWhosoe#er there!ore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance o! @od' and they that resist shall recei#e to the&sel#es da&nation. 1nd co&pare that to 1cts A'2H Kni#LPWe )a#e you strict orders not to teach in this na&e,P he said. PCet you ha#e !illed 9erusale& with your teachin) and are deter&ined to &ake us )uilty o! this &anMs "lood.P KkD#L%ayin), Did not we straitly co&&and you that ye should not teach in this na&e$ and, "ehold, ye ha#e !illed 9erusale& with your doctrine, and intend to "rin) this &anMs "lood upon us.


Kni#LPeter and the other apostles replied' PWe &ust o"ey @od rather than &enQ 1ct A'2H KkD#L.hen Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ou)ht to o"ey @od rather than &en. 5"edience to hu&an rulers or authorities is not a"solute. 5! courseQ Who said so$ ;#en /o"edience0 towards an e+ual !ellow&an o! no rank is not also in!inite. 4ead this' Kni#L1nd i! so&eone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let hi& ha#e your cloak as well. Mat A'40 KkD#L1nd i! any &an will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let hi& ha#e thy cloak also. Mat A'41 Kni#L(! so&eone !orces you to )o one &ile, )o with hi& two &iles. KkD#L1nd whosoe#er shall co&pel thee to )o a &ile, )o with hi& twain.

.here is a li&it to &ercy, tolerance or o"edience, whate#er you call such type o! su"&issi#eness, support and cooperation, as !ar as !ellow hu&an "ein)s are concerned G read' when it reached the le#el o! /a"use0. .he li&it is /one cloak0 and /second &ile0 whate#er that &eans. 6ut when it co&es to sincerity, 9esus spoke o! unli&ited &ercy and leniency when He told us, thus'

Kni#L.hen Peter ca&e to 9esus and asked, P<ord, how &any ti&es shall ( !or)i#e &y "rother when he sins a)ainst &e$ :p to se#en ti&es$P Mat 1O'21 KkD#L.hen ca&e Peter to hi&, and said, <ord, how o!t shall &y "rother sin a)ainst &e, and ( !or)i#e hi&$ till se#en ti&es$ Kni#L9esus answered, P( tell you, not se#en ti&es, "ut se#enty7se#en ti&es. Mat 1O'22 KkD#L9esus saith unto hi&, ( say not unto thee, :ntil se#en ti&es' "ut, :ntil se#enty ti&es se#en. %incerity o! the person or the )enuineness o! his needs is the &easure or "asis "y which we )i#e our lo#e, patience, !or)i#eness or support. .o the cra!ty decei#ers, a"usi#e rulers, ( )uess that we use this %cripture that 9esus )a#e us to apply thus' Kni#L( a& sendin) you out like sheep a&on) wol#es. .here!ore "e as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as do#es. Mat 10'16 KkD#L6ehold, ( send you !orth as sheep in the &idst o! wol#es' "e ye there!ore wise as serpents, and har&less as do#es. RRRR 6ecause H0I o! the Filipino people are hristians and 6i"le "elie#ers, they &ust also co&e to the point when they &ust "e at least H0I 6i"le doer. >ot Dust in theory, "ut in practice. ( ha#e now consciously &ade a ha"it o! askin) any !riend that co&plains a)ainst the )o#ern&ent or co&plains a"out our se#ere po#erty, ( would ask hi& thus' W; D; 4C F54 (>9:%.( ;%, :>F1(4>;%%, 16:%;%, P5B;4.C, 1>D W; <1(M F54 6<;%%(>@%, 6:. H5W 1> @5D 6<;%% :% (F W; 1<< 64;1= H(% M1954 <1W% 1>D W(<< %: H 1% .H1. H(% <1>D %H5:<D >5. 6; 5MM;4 (1<(S;DQ .he &aDor underlyin) causes o! our po#erty and scatterin) is the #iolation "y the entire nation o! @od3s "asic law and will, na&ely' .H1. H(% <1>D @(B;> F4;; .5 5:4 1> ;%.54% 6; >5. 5MM;4 (1<(S;D G .H1. (% H1% >5 5MM;4 (1< B1<:; G .H1. (.% B1<:; 54 :%; 5><C (% .5 6; D(%.4(6:.;D 54 D(B(D;D ;T:1<<C .5 :%, .H; D;% ;>D1>.%. .he curse started the day when we adopted %pain3s and 1&erica3s syste& o! )o#ern&ent *&onarchy, then de&ocracy, and econo&y *!eudalis&, then, capitalis&, where .H; 61%( P41 .( ; 1>D H:M1> <1W (% .H(%' <1>D 1> 6; @4166;D <;@1<<C 1>D 1> 6; 5MM;4 (1<(S;D. .hat3s how si&ple it is. .hat is how si&ple is the pro"le&. .hat is how si&ple is the underlyin) cause o! our pro"le&s. 6y a)reein) to allow the use o! &oney as part o! our econo&ic syste&, "y a)reein) the capitalist to ha#e their syste& replace our

ancient ways o! "arter, no &oney in#ol#ed, we had unwittin)ly )i#en the printers o! &oney the unli&ited opportunity to siphoned our lands, our &inerals, our !ruits, our #e)eta"les, our "usinesses, our la"or, etc etc. 9ust realiEe that the owner7printer o! &oney, na&ely' the (llu&inati, the )lo"al elite, the 12 super rich !a&ilies in this world, their 2,000 !a&ily &e&"ers, do not ha#e to work !ro& O a.&. to A p.&. to raise P1,000.00. .he a&ount is ac+uired in Dust one second o! printin). 4ealiEe that in one day o! 24 hours o! non7stop &oney printin), and &ind you, this is what they are doin)Q, the heartless (<<:M(>1.( keeps on printin) these rectan)ular pieces o! paper we call &oney G preparin) the& to "e dispensed all o#er the nations throu)h their "anks and in#estors, to "e loaned to the people, !or e-a&ple, with their lands as collateral. (n the Philippines, it is the )eneral policy o! the "anks and their e-tension loan sharks, to re+uire land and "uildin) as the only accepta"le !or& o! collaterals. %o, centuries !or the %paniards since 1.D. 1A00s and !or their successor the 1&ericans since the last century, the &o#e&ent o! the ownership o! the land is &ore on towards the !ew, na&ely' the (llu&inati *their &ultinational corporations, and their local counterparts, the hacienderos, who utiliEed these lands !or purposes ali)ned or in cooperation with the )lo"al elite, e.)., raise +uality !ruits !or the 1&ericans, not !or the local nati#es. 1nd why are the 1&ericans and ;uropeans stretchin) out their )reedy hands to )et the produce o! other nations$ 1nswer' 6ecause their che&ical destructi#e ways had !irst destroyed their nati#e lands )i#en "y @od. .hey had o#er7used and destroyed the !ertility o! their lands and !ar&s so that these were no lon)er a"le to !eed their children and their children3s children. 4esult' they had to look !or #ir)in !orests and !ertile lands elsewhere and e-ploit the sa&e. :sin) the sa&e )reedy &ethods o! e-haustin) the land without doin) the @od7)i#en responsi"ility to replenish what was taken !ro& the earth thru ecosyste& *@enesis 1'2O,, we, here, in the third world countries, are also su!!erin) this kind o! sel!ish e-ploitation o! the natural resources. ( saw this &ore clearly at a distance when &y "rother7in7law, who is a sea&an *&ariner, workin) in a !orei)n ship transportin) produceFproducts !ro& 1!rica to ;urope and 1&erica, he told &e thus' />on), in 1!rica it is clearer. Hu)e haciendas o! #ast plain plantation o! !ruit trees, co!!ee, etc., are owned "y white &en or their local counterparts, and they are !enced. When it is har#est ti&e, only !ew local "lack people are hired since &ost o! the &ethods now are &echaniEed, "ut you can see those hu)e #an containers "ein) transported to our ship waitin) in the port, passin) "y, the local "lack people, who ori)inally owned the land, watchin) the& )o "y. 1nd you can see the &elancholic !aces o! the people.0 .hen, ( was and a& re&inded o! the haciendas dottin) the Philippines, where#er #ast plains are located. RRR

( think that each nation has to learn personal responsi"ility o#er the land @od )a#e to it8. >ot Dust to keep it !ertile "ut &ake it &ore !ertile !or the ne-t )eneration. (n 1&erica, we can read this report, lon) kept hidden !ro& the eyes o! the nations'

/1 third o! all culti#ated land on earth will turn to wasteland within the ne-t 1A years, accordin) to :>5 e-perts. 4e)ions under threat are thou)ht to include so&e which so !ar had "een considered sa!e, e.)., in the :.%.1. and anada. 9ako" <or"er predicted that de!orestation on a lar)e scale would ha#e #ery serious conse+uences' P. . . you will #ery soon indeed !eel the conse+uences o! this, and they will "e "itter.P whirlwinds will co&pletely destroy whole countries.P *@r B 10H, 1, .hat has really co&e true in the present century. Hu)e de!orestations in the :.%.1. and the introduction o! &onoculture, takin) away protecti#e hed)es, resulted in the de#astation o! #ast areas in the 20th century. (n March 1HJ4, a tornado carried J00 &illion tons o! top soil into the 1tlantic 5cean. 160,000 !ar&ers lost their lar)e !ar&s in Dust one day. .he total siEe o! the area is put at 120 &illion hectares *al&ost J00 &illion acres, "y Pro!essor Cudkin., *P.hese are al&ost J00 &illion acres, co&pared to @. 60 &illion acres., .o +uote one author' P4i)ht at the center o! the :.%.1.Ms richest wheat)rowin) re)ions, an area the siEe o! @er&any and France to)ether, has "een turned into a co&plete desert, with another one o! e+ual siEe threatened with destruction. .wo7thirds o! the area o! the :.%.1. is &an7&ade desert today.0

/1 third o! all culti#ated land on earth will turn to wasteland within the ne-t 1A years, accordin) to :>5 e-perts0 is a shock to hear. 6ut it is &ore shockin) to read the !ollowin) a"out the :% who told us all these years that they are the &odel o! >ature preser#ation and care o! the en#iron&ent' /.wo7thirds o! the area o! the :.%.1. is &an7&ade desert today.0 (t is Dust so un"elie#a"leQ ( thou)ht, we the Filipinos thou)ht that :%1 is a #ast land o! )reen and "eauti!ul landscapes, and #ery !ruit!ul land o! orchards and wheat !ields, etc. .his in!or&ation is #ery di!!icult to accept, Franky. 6ut it e-plains why despite the hu)e siEe o! the land o! the :%1, the 1&erican co&panies are ac+uirin) the !ertile plains and hilly !ar&s o! the Philippines. RRR ( a& happy !or (taly. (t has learned its lesson. 1s !or&er seat o! the 4o&an ;&pire, (taly was known as the land)ra""er o! the world !or 2,000 years, &ore or less.

6ut ( a& happy to hear !ro& &y !riend who li#ed in an (talian town !or a"out 4 years as a Franciscan se&inarian. He descri"ed to &e the co&plete turn7around o! the psyche o! the (talians, na&ely' they3#e stopped seekin) lands outside their own country and turned to or)anic !ar&in) as su!!icient &eans to !eed the&sel#es. >ikkin told &e that in (taly, "eauti!ication has taken a "ack seat. What is seen in e#ery (talian "ackyard is #e)eta"le, not !lower, )arden. .hey ha#e utiliEed e#ery s+uare inch o! their soil to produce !ood, not !lowers. (n 1&erica who still uses the old practice o! i&perialis& *land )ra""in) in third world countries, is happy to ha#e her lawns !ronted with "eauti!ul landscaped &anicured yards, not producin) any !ood or #e)eta"le or !ruit, "ut !lowers. ( a& not sayin) this is wron). ( a& sayin) that there has to "e "alance "etween "eauty and producti#ity, a "lend o! what (taly has "een doin) now and what the 1&ericans are doin) with their lawns or yards. 1nd it should "e e&phasiEed that (. (% (45>( .5 =;;P :%(>@ .H; H;M( 1< %C%.;M .5 5>.(>:; .5 ;?P1>D .H; D;%;4. (> 1M;4( 1, =;;P .H; M1>( :4;D <1W> 1% (%, 1>D 5>.(>:; .5 @416 .H; %.(<< F;4.(<; <1>D% 5F 5.H;4 P;5P<;% (> 5.H;4 P14.% 5F .H; W54<D. ( would like to hear what &y 1&erican !riends can see to this. ( will send a copy o! this to the& as well. an you help copy !urnished &ore 1&erican !riends with this &y letter, which is not all !or you "ut !or &any$

.hanks Franky, 1nd &ay the !ew )ood &en and wo&en in ;urope and 1&erica win in their intention to stop this present onslau)ht and )enocide "y @4;;D7<;D 41W 1P(.1<(%M and succeed replacin) it with <5B;7D4(B;> ;><(@H.;>;D 1P(.1<(%M8 the one tau)ht "y the <ord 9esus hrist. @odspeed &y !riend !or our Father3s hi)her and su"li&e purpose G that all will "e 5ne under His na&e.

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