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Forensic Medicine-Medicolegal


Laboratorium Keterampilan Klinik Ilmu Forensik dan Medikolegal Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar 2010

Forensic Medicine-Medicolegal

KATA PENGANTAR Handout Keterampilan Klinik ini ditujukan untuk mahasiswa kedokteran yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal. Tujuan utama manual ini adalah agar mahasiswa dapat menguasai keterampilan utama yang diperlukan dalam manajemen penanganan pasien yang sejalan dengan Good Medical Practice, antara lain: 1. Empat prinsip dasar moral dokter 2. Rekam Medis yang benar 3. Informed Consent yang benar 4. Konfidensialitas pasien Kami ingin berterimakasih terhadap semua pihak yang telah memberikan kontribusi dalam penyusunan Manual Keterampilan Klinik ini

Makassar, 1 October 2010 Koordinator Laboratorium Keterampilan Klinik Ilmu Kedodkteran Forensik dan Medikolegal

Forensic Medicine-Medicolegal

Medikolegal dalam Penanganan Pasien Indikasi medis merupakan fakta, opini dan interpretasi mengenai kondisi fisik dan/atau psikologi pasien yang memberikan dasar yang logis untuk diagnosis dan terapi yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan tujuan kedokteran secara menyeluruh: pencegahan, penyembuhan dan perawatan penyakit dan luka.

Setiap dis Every discussion of an medicolegal problem in clinical medicine should begin with a statement of medical indications. Therefore, medical indications are those facts about the patient's physiological or psychological condition that indicate which forms of diagnostic, therapeutic, or educational interventions are appropriate. Medical Indications describe the day-to-day work of clinical care for patientsdiagnosing their condition and providing helpful treatments. The medicolegal principles that should govern these activities are the 4 moral principles of physician, that is respect patients autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice. The most ancient moral maxim of medicine, stated in the Hippocratic oath, is "I will use treatment to benefit the sick according to my ability and judgment but never with a view to injury and wrongdoing." Another Hippocratic imperative to physicians states, "be of benefit and do no harm" . Therefore, in medicolegal, beneficence primarily means do the best for the sake of patient, the duty to try to bring about those improvements in physical or psychological health that medicine can achieve. These objective effects of diagnostic and therapeutic actions as well as rehabilitation. Nonmaleficence means going about these activities in ways that prevent further injury or reduce its risk. In this skill training session, the attitude of doctor in patient management will be learnt. This will incorporate some major topics: 1. Four basic moral principle of physician 2. Taking Good Medical Record 3. Establishing a proper Informed Consent 4. Exercising respect for Patient Confidentiality In addition, doctors are professional whose main objective is caring for patients health; there are ten professional responsibilities that should be noted:

Forensic Medicine-Medicolegal

1. Commitment to professional competence. 2. Commitment to honesty with patients, emphasizing both informed consent, and prompt reporting and analysis of medical error. 3. Commitment to patient confidentiality. 4. Commitment to maintaining appropriate relations with patients such as the avoidance of patient exploitation for sexual advantage, financial gain, or other private purpose. 5. Commitment to improving quality of care. 6. Commitment to improving access to care. 7. Commitment to just distribution of finite resources. 8. Commitment to scientific knowledge. 9. Commitment to maintain trust by managing conflicts of interest. 10. Commitment to professional responsibilities emphasizing the individual and collective obligations to participate in processes to improve patient care Learning Objective

General Objective After conducting the skill training, students are expected to be able to conduct taking proper medical record, informed consent and exercise to respect patients confidentiality. Above all, the four basic moral principle of physician should always be the basis in our patient care management. Spesific Objective After finishing the skills training in this manual, students are expected to be able to apply : 1. Four basic moral principle of physician 2. Good Medical Record 3. Proper Informed Consent 4. Patient Confidentiality

Instruments and Tools : Manual book of CSL for wound Standart measurement / Ruler Surgical Tapes Patient status, ballpoint Audio-visual/ Camera

Forensic Medicine-Medicolegal

Learning Method : 1. Demonstration due to manual book 2. Lecture 3. Discusssion 4. Active participation (simulation) 5. Evaluation using check list

References Beauchamp TL, Childress JF. Chapter. In: Beauchamp TL, Childress JF, eds. Principles of Biomedical Ethics. 6th ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2009:140186; 197239. Brennan T, Blank L, Cohen J, et al. Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter. Ann Int Med 2002; 136:243246.

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