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By Walter Curonisy

Stranger to the fruits of the earth his heart like a part of the sea like a downfall like fire coming from elsewhere he put within the limestone under the moon within the limestone.


Towns in whose torch the horsefly burns obsessed at the year of the songs of the breeze sprinkled with rum in dreams worn out under the weight of the sun towns sunk in events in necklaces where a goddess reigns by the sea loved towns towns hated under the late light towns of sand for the absent for his voice if we talk of beaches of visions sent to us by the night and of the inhabitants of these visions dressed with stones and sand.


Close to the city he watched us confused stirred up by what happened there in our eyes wanting to know and the sun erasing the walls ur story was brief to tell the lies of the golden rooms where the idiot!s hand reached the beard that turned us into slaves and someone" always someone" dying in the outhouse so they could be saved.


We were blind until he came to our table cut by the same knife of visions I had barely loved $achel written on her neck the first lines the war was an e%cuse to whistle the smoke had no use for me yet back then I kept shut the hatred for my parents reading #alle&o in the streetcar maybe that!s why I didn!t saw his heart his sweet yellow hand dirty from marihuana that!s why I went back to paradise and there were mom and grandma

lost between the moths eating the house that fool is a man mom' he!s not like the others he!s not coming to fi% a price he!s not selling anything he!s not buying he doesn!t e%propriate he doesn!t care for his coin he shouts out to the sea to finish it

let!s love him'

I remember that I didn!t copy the poems five meters of poetry that evening and maybe that!s why he loved me he took me to his room ()otel Comercio* to watch the clock of the station high on ether the dwarfs in the train came singing and we in madness

pieces of $achel over the dome +anitor" something is going on' +anitor" the world wasn!t like this' tell the lawyers' We are not willing to resist one more minute in this place of chimeras'

,nd then we went to the -olgotha (in the outskirts of .ima* we saw the pigs fattening and the gangs fighting over a piece of glass and the solemn parade of the police over a pond and that day we also saw ,bat /ierre

and his eminency the Cardinal talking and the television was there and the sponsors of trash were there and we all were there with our eyes wide open with our dead eyes for the flowers locked in forever like flies in the shop window watching our hair grow our nails our silence and /atterson and Brooklyn still smelling like new that labyrinth of faces crickets at dusk caves where girls talked about chewing gum and the angel sadly staring at the window and the soldiers leaving forever in the station where mothers go to say goodbye in behalf of peace and the radios announce0 1The eagles are forming chains in 2orth ,frica3 1In the ,sian night nobody whistles 2obody whistles in the ,sian nights3 ,nd Brooklyn and /atterson smelling like new upon the leaves upon the grass where you sleep definitely your angry young men will stare at the sky and you!ll be no more they will ask for you to be included in the brutal history of the dead

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