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Principios cristianos para nios / Christian Principles for Kids

Poco antes de ser crucicado Jess prometi a Sus discpulos que les enviara un Consolador, el Espritu Santo, para fortalecerlos, imbuirlos de poder, conducirlos y guiarlos.

Shortly before His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus promised His disciples that He would send them a Comforter or Helper, the Holy Spirit, to strengthen, empower, lead, and guide them.

Todo el que est salvado posee cierta medida del Espritu. Pero si se comparara la salvacin con un poquito de agua en el fondo de un vaso, el bautismo del Espritu Santo sera como llenar ese vaso hasta rebosar.

Everybody who is saved has a measure of the Holy Spirit, like having a little bit of water in the bottom of a glass, but being filled with the Holy Spirit is like filling the glass to running over.

Dios es el Espritu mismo del amor, de modo que cuando l nos llena de Su Espritu Santo, Su amor brota a raudales de nuestro corazn hacia l y hacia los dems.

God is the very Spirit of love itself , so when He fills you with His Holy Spirit, your heart overflows with lovelove for Him and love for others.

No nos llenamos del Espritu Santo una sola vez; cada da nos volvemos a llenar cuando leemos la Palabra y le pedimos a Dios ms amor. Cuanto ms amor recibamos de l, ms rebosar nuestro corazn y menos capaces seremos de contenerlo. Luego, a medida que lo derramemos sobre los dems, ellos tambin se empaparn de l. Were not just filled with the Holy Spirit once, but were refilled every day as we read the Word and ask Him for more love. The more of His love we receive from Him, the more our hearts are filled to running over, till we arent able to contain it. Then as we overflow on others, they also are filled with His love

Te has llenado del poder del Espritu de Dios? Si no, puedes hacerlo ahora mismo. No tienes ms que pedirlo y recibirlo haciendo una sencilla oracin como la que presentamos a continuacin: Jess, soy consciente de que necesito una mayor porcin de Tu amor y de Tu poder. Te ruego, pues, que me llenes de Tu Espritu Santo en este momento. Amn.

Have you received the full power of Gods Spirit? If not, you can right now. You just have to ask for and receive it by praying a simple prayer like the following: Dear Jesus, I know that I need more of Your love and power in my life, so please fill me with Your Holy Spirit right now. Amen.

Historias bilinges para nios

Text Aurora Productions. Inside art TFI; cover art courtesy of

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