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EXT. DESERT. CAIRO. DAY Miles and miles of sand is all that can be seen. The ambient wind blows the weightless particles of sand across the land of Egypt. Pyramids start to show in the distance. The capital of Egypt, Cairo starts to appear as the sand is blown away. CUT TO: EXT. STREETS OF CAIRO MARKET. DAY Busy market streets start to spread along the capital, with shop keepers forcing themselves onto tourists, persuading them to buy their 'precious' ornaments and statues. With no space between each stall it makes it hard for any person to walk from one end of the street to the other. The atmosphere of the market sellers is disturbed by two young men who stumble out a side door of a pub, as if they are in a rush. The first young man is revealed. MARK a male aged 40, white and has a strong muscular exterior about him, giving him a leader presence. Wearing brown urban clothing down to his black boots, MARK LAMBURK fits well into the urban environment of Cairo. The dark green tank top shows off his arm muscle. MARK'S face structure is ridged with no hair on his head but hair on his face. However under his strong exterior MARK is scared and concerned about his brother's safety and is evident in his urgency to run away from ever he is running from. The next to fall out of the door is SAM LAMBURK, MARK'S brother who appears younger to his fellow sibling. SAM is 25 and also has a strong, muscle exterior but doesn't portray the sense of leadership. SAM is dressed in a short sleeve brown top with green urban trousers. SAM'S short sweaty brown hair portrays the feeling of struggle and exhaustion. Under the exterior of SAM, he feels no fear for what is chasing him and smiles as he falls out of the pub door. As the both fall out onto the streets, MARK helps SAM they both sprint down the street, pushing anyone that in their way. Screams of the locals fill the street's as the sounds of Arabic start to be heard behind MARK up as stands ambient and SAM.

They both start to speed up casually looking behind them as they continue to sprint down through the streets and alleys of Cario. MARK stops suddenly and quickly glances around, SAM catches up out of breathe, slightly bending over. MARK There! MARK points, to reveal a rusty old truck. They both run towards it and climb inside with great urgency. CUT TO: INT. RUSTY OLD TRUCK. DAY

They both slam the doors, MARK grabs his keys and attempts the to start the car. SAM looks around to see if they have caught up. MARK Come on, start! MARK tries again and succeeds, starts to put the vehicle in first gear. CUT TO: EXT. STREETS OF CAIRO MARKET. DAY The vehicle wheel spins before it makes it way out of the busy streets and onto the main roads. CUT TO: INT. RUSTY OLD TRUCK. DAY SAM looks over his seat, with MARK following but instead, looking through the front view mirror. SAM swings back over. MARK interrupts SAM before he can speak. MARK (with anger) What the hell was that SAM? SAM (aggressive) I've been meaning to tell you MARK... MARK interrupts before he can get another word in. MARK (sarcastically) Tell me what?...that you're a drug dealer? Shit, I told you to stay away from them didn't I? Now we're defiantly in the shit. SAM How is this your problem? I just wanted to make a bit of money myself, instead of you doing it. The tension builds as the two brother's voice start to raise higher. MARK keeping his eye on the road continues to argue with SAM. They both continue to look behind them to make sure there are not being followed. MARK Look SAM... Before MARK can continue to speak SAM points in the road at some road works. MARK attempts to break but doesn't seem to be slowing down. The car swerves as the vehicle hits a stone road barrier.

CUT TO: EXT. CAIRO HIGHWAY. DAY The vehicle has been crumpled at the bonnet. Smoke rises from the engine. CUT TO: INT. RUSTY OLD TRUCK. DAY MARK raises his head from the steering wheel before returning consciousness. He lightly places his hand on his head revealing blood on his palm, showing that he has cut his forehead. MARK looks to his right, he is shock to what he sees. MARK SAM... SAM!... wake up! MARK pulls SAM away from the windscreen and holds him in his arms. MARK Wake up! Tears start to from on his eyes as he drops his head on SAM'S shoulder. Sirens are heard from the distance as they start to get louder and louder. MARK (sobbing) I'm sorry... CUT TO: EXT. CAIRO HIGHWAY. DAY The highway now is surrounded with emergency service vehicles. A scream can be heard. MARK SAM! CUT TO BLACK: EXT. DESERT. CAIRO. 3 MONTHS LATER Again we see the capital of Egypt with the pyramids in the background. Sand starts to blow, but a lot more aggressively as Cairo starts to become more clear in the distance. CUT TO: EXT. CAIRO HIGHWAY. DAY The market begins to flood with shop owners and fascinated tourists. Despite their fascination, they still refuse to purchase. Lack of room leaves the streets, again, hard to move around.

CUT TO: INT. MARK'S ROOM. DAY The room is dark, blinds closed, with only the shadow of the light filling the room. It is quiet with only the sound of the moving fan that lies, hanging from the ceiling. The room is smokey from the used cigarette that lies in its ash tray. A bottle of Vodka sits unpleasantly, tipped-over on the bed side table, next to a photo of two men, they seem happy with one of their arms rapped round each others shoulder. Sitting slumped, with is head down is MARK. Unlike before he is now grown more facial hair, unclean and unshaven. Wearing the same type of clothing, tank top with urban trousers, MARK is drowning in sweat, with drops continuously falling down his forehead. Compared to the previous scene, MARK is now scruffy and dirty. He has lost all happiness. MARK continues to look down, the sun that slips through the blinds falls on his back whilst his face sits in shadows. He looks down, sweat still continuously falling down his head. MARK is thinking about something, and really thinking hard about it. He rubs his face a takes a breather, keeping his hand on his mouth. He looks up, then to the right. At the photo of the two men, it's him and his brother SAM. He grabs the frame, looking deeply into it. He pinches the top of his nose and clenches his face, trying to avoid a kind of pain, within him. Tears start to fall from his eyes before he starts to sob in short bursts. MARK takes a sniff, his face starts to turn to anger. He throws the photo frame against the wall, and goes to grab the bottle of Vodka, realizing it is empty. Along with the photo frame, he throws the bottle as it smashes to the floor in pieces. His sobbing turns to full out crying as he slowly stumbles to the floor, leaning his back against the bed. CUT TO BLACK: INT. PUB. NIGHT. An empty shot glass slams on the table, it reveals MARK. From this point he is drunk, dark bags under his eyes as he casually gazes around the room, hoping to see some one he knows. He looks forward and gestures the bar tender to serve him. MARK Another one. The shot glass is taken away, almost immediately replaced with another shot of pure Vodka. MARK raises his hand to gesture the bar tender. MARK Leave the bottle. Bar tender steps back and serves another punter. MARK starts to drop his head, closes his eyes, as the sound

around him becomes dubbed. His intense breathing can be heard. Sounds of a skidding car starts to to MARK. He clenches his face harder as he looks noticing that everyone else is going about their the sounds of screaming ring in his ears.

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As he tries to shake his head to numb the irritating noise, he slams his fist on the bar,clenched and shaking. MARK (shouting) Enough! The sound in his ears cuts, the sound of punters mumbling starts to grow. Everyone looks over at MARK. The bar tender looks over and tries to ensure MARK to see if he is ok. BAR TENDER MR. LAMBURK...are you ok? Before he can ask again, MARK raises from his feet and leaves the pub, grabbing the bottle of Vodka as he leaves. CUT TO: EXT. STREETS OF CAIRO MARKET. NIGHT Empty stalls and streets create a creepy and cold atmosphere. MARK is seen slamming the door open as he leaves the pub. He stops looks around, still enraged, he goes to take a swig of Vodka straight from the bottle. He stops, look at the transparent object and chucks it as far as he could with all his anger and rage. The bottle smashes onto a car, breaking the front windscreen. Two men appear around from the corner, smartly dressed, tie done right up to the neck, wearing a badge on their chest. They are two police officers. MARK recognizes this and tries to run away. As he does he stumbles of a set of metal bins and remains on the floor. MARK is raised from the ground, hands behind his back and placed into the smashed up police car, and driven away. CUT TO BLACK: INT. OUTSIDE JAIL CELL. NIGHT MARK at this point looks more relaxed but still upset. His face is down, hands behind his back, still scruffy. The two police men open up the jail cell door, unlock his cuffs and allow him to walk him. MARK looks up at one of them before entering. The door slams shut. CUT TO: INT. JAIL CELL. NIGHT As MARK enters he inspects the room. It is groggy, water leaking from the ceiling, moss along the walls. The lighting

is low key, beams of light slip through the metal bars that place themselves along the windows, lighting one spot of the cell, leaving the rest in darkness. The light is the from the moon which gives the atmosphere a cold feel about it. MARK looks at the spot and goes to set himself down. When he gets there he stumbles to floor, back against the wall. He begins to sob, tears form in his eyes as he recognizes he has hit rock bottom, imprisoned like a rat. Compared to before his sobs are not quiet, they are loud, MARK screams to the top of his lungs. He stops and continues to look down at the floor at which he sits. He closes his eyes and begins to breathe. CUT TO BLACK: INT. JAIL CELL. DAWN MARK has his eyes close as the beams of the sunrise slip through the bars and onto MARK'S face. His eyes open with the sound of the dripping water falling into a puddle of murky water. MARK sits up, placing his hand on his head, waking up to the pain of tripping over the bins and the excessive drinking. The pain stops, he looks up at the beam of light and then back down. MARK Oh...God. Before MARK can do anything else he hears something that draws his attention to the cell door. It is a sound of a man. MAN Hey, you... in the cell next door. MARK acknowledges where this noise is coming from and looks back at the floor ignoring the man. MAN You were pretty fucked up last night huh?...hey, can you hear me? MARK continues to ignore the man. MAN What you in for?... MARK finally replies to the man. MARK Being an asshole...a drunken asshole... He grabs his head once again. The headache is back. MAN Ah...been there done that... names prisoner 225, but you can call me JOAH. MARK is puzzled by this name and attempts to question it.

MARK JOAH? JOAH It's what I'm called at the moment, it has meaning. MARK What kind? JOAH If I told you, you would not like it. MARK is exhausted and stops talking. JOAH So...what made you an asshole? I mean you wern't born like it? MARK looks down as he clenches his face and shakes it. Thinking of why he was in jail in the first place. The sounds of cars crashing, screams and dripping water start to ring in MARK'S ears. This time he isn't angry but upset. He starts to sob quietly to himself as tears slowly fall from his eyes. He sniffs and takes a deep breath and replies to JOAH'S question. MARK Drinking... a lot. Almost everyday...a bottle or two...It was the only way to make it go away. JOAH Make what go away? MARK continues to look down tears dripping off his chin from the sobbing and sniffing. MARK The noises, the regrets, the fails, death, watching the one you care about the most, static...lifeless. You see it in the news right? Man killed in crash, you think of the pain of it. It's nothing like what you see. It's not even the worst part. MARK rubs his whole face as he his words studder. MARK It's the how, why, what ifs that get you. What if he didn't get in that car?, what if I looked out for him better?, why was it him not me?, how did I let it get this far? He face turns from upset to angry and is evident as he clenches his jaw.

MARK It was always there wasn't it?... the danger the fear of losing him, day after day, never seeing him again... I guess I saw it coming. The light that beams on him begins to fade from MARK as he quietly sobs to himself. His anger calms and the tears stop. The atmosphere grows quiet until JOAH speaks his last sentence. JOAH The cars around here never work, always breaking down, rotting away. One time I.... JOAH voices fades in background as MARK stops sobbing,and looks up, as if he has remembered something. CUT TO: INT. RUSTY OLD TRUCK. DAY MARK Look SAM... The cars starts to swerve as MARK slams his foot on the breaks, nothing seems to be happening. CUT TO: INT. JAIL CELL. DAWN MARK remembers that day that the car's brake system was faulty in some way. Before he can say anything, the jail cell door swings open. Standing there are the two police officers that arrested MARK last night. OFFICE ONE You're free to go. MARK looks up smiles as he is carried out of the cell and out of the prison, he passes JOAH'S cell. CUT TO: EXT. FLASHBACK OF BROTHERS. DAY MARK and SAM are seen walking down a road. It is peaceful, no crowded streets, no eager shop keepers selling goods. No strong winds, gives the atmosphere a calm feel to it. MARK You know I'll always look out for you right? CUT TO: INT. PRISON LOBBY. DAY

MARK is still seen walking, hand cuffs behind his back, smiling, he is remembering something, he has lost but not forgotten. CUT TO: EXT. FLASHBACK OF BROTHERS. DAY We still see MARK and SAM in the same environment. SAM smiles at MARK'S words of kindness. He wraps one arm around his shoulders, over his head. SAM I know, just so you know, I will always look out for you. They laugh, taking it both as a joke, even though MARK knows he is serious. Brotherly banter. CUT TO: INT. PRISON LOBBY. DAY MARK walks up to the counter and signs release forms. MARK drops the pen with such calmness but stays at the counter. He looks at the receptionist. MARK Prisoner 225, JOAH?...can you let him know I said thank you, and good luck? The receptionist, looks at MARK with confusion. MARK face drops. RECEPTIONIST I'm sorry sir, that cell has been empty for months, no ones been in or our between then. MARK falls to the floor, placing his hand on his head. People within the reception, officers, receptionists go to help MARK off the floor, he remains static. He stops as he starts to think. CUT TO: EXT. FLASHBACK OF BROTHERS. DAY We see SAM placing his arm around MARK over his head. SAM ...I will always look out for you. CUT TO: INT. PRISON LOBBY. DAY MARK remains seated on the floor as he smiles to himself, tears start to form but are signs of happiness, that he knows, he is never alone.


CUT TO: EXT. DESERT. CAIRO. DAY The desert is still, no sand blowing in the wind. The air is calm. The pyramids stand in the background as the sun rises over the triangular giants. FADE TO BLACK:

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