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Treatment - 'Amongst the Pyramids'

By Oliver Hosier

Treatment - 'Amongst the Pyramids' 2013

The Set-up
Cairo Egypt. The present. Mark Lamburk is 40, American and is living in Egypt with his brother Sam aged 25. Both brothers are very close to one another and enjoy each other's company. With no other family to their name the Lamburk brothers fend for their own as technicians for motor vehicles. With business good this gives the brothers time to socialize and relax by going out to pubs and clubs drinking. Mark is the responsible one making sure that his and Sam's work and personal life is running smoothly. This involves them not committing any crimes or getting involved in any crimes like drugs, theft, violence etc. However Sam is a little less carless and attempts to mingle in business that he can't handle. Wanting to make a little more money, Sam enjoys mingling in the drug business. Mark is unaware that this occurs in Sam's life.

Plot Point One

One evening, Mark and Sam are escaping from a club as Sam has got himself into a bit of a problem with a drug gang and are after Sam to kill him. Mark succeeds into finding his vehicle and drives off. Due to a sabotaged vehicle (later found out in the story), the car swerves off the road and crashes, killing Sam and leaving Mark with minor injuries. Mark then has to bury his own brother, the last of his family and the has to live on his own.

The death of his brother makes Mark feel alone and most importantly responsible for his brother's death as he wasn't able to protect him. Mark is developing with post-dramatic disorder (PDSD) and drinks to ease the pain, and drinks a lot. Mark drinks so much he is arrested for being drunk and disorderly. Being locked up, Mark feels like he has hit rock bottom.

Plot Point Two

A mysterious man that cannot be seen starts to converse with Mark in the cell next to him. Mark doesn't make much conversation but starts to explain to the man about his brother's death and how it is affecting him. The mysterious man then hints to Mark about how his brother actually died, leaving Mark to search more into the death.

Mark is then released from his charges and goes to investigate the scene of the death. He finds out that the car's brake system were tampered with whilst they were in the club, by one of the drug gang members. This makes Mark feel more relaxed as he knows he wasn't the main cause of the death, and is happy that Sam has been removed from the situation that he was in. Mark now feels like he can move on from the pain and attempts to give up drinking. Mark goes to thank the mysterious man in the cell for the help and is told that the man in that cell never existed. It was a figure of Mark's imagination due to his PDSD. Mark is shocked and gets psychological help.

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