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Project Manager Job Description for [Project Name]

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Document Approvals
Role Project Sponsor Project Review Group Project Manager ualit! Manager (i$ a%%&ica'&e) Procurement Manager (i$ a%%&ica'&e) "ommunications Manager (i$ a%%&ica'&e) Project O##ice Manager (i$ a%%&ica'&e) Name



!able of Contents
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Template Guide
What is a Job Description? ( )o' Descri%tion is a document w*ic* out&ines a %articu&ar ro&e and set o$ res%onsi'i&ities on a %ro+ect. *e %ur%ose o$ a +o' descri%tion is to c&ari$y t*e sco%e o$ wor, t*at a %articu&ar ro&e is res%onsi'&e $or underta,ing and t*e s,i&&s, e!%erience and -ua&i$ications necessary to ensure t*at t*e ro&e is underta,en e$$ecti#e&y. .t inc&udes/ (n o#er#iew o$ t*e res%ecti#e ro&e ( &ist o$ t*e s%eci$ic res%onsi'i&ities associated wit* t*e ro&e 0&ari$ication o$ w*ere t*e ro&e $its wit*in t*e %ro+ect organi1ation structure ( &ist o$ t*e s,i&&s, e!%erience and -ua&i$ications re-uired Measura'&e %er$ormance criteria ( statement descri'ing t*e wor, en#ironment *e sa&ary %ac,age on o$$er.

( )o' Descri%tion may a&so 'e re$erred to as a 2Position Descri%tion3. When do I use a Job Description? )o' Descri%tions s*ou&d 'e documented w*ene#er it is necessary to $orma&&y c&ari$y t*e ro&es and res%onsi'i&ities wit*in a %ro+ect. 4!am%&es o$ ty%es o$ %ro+ect ro&es w*ic* ty%ica&&y re-uire )o' Descri%tions inc&ude/ Pro+ect S%onsor, Pro+ect Director, Pro+ect "e#iew 5rou%, Pro+ect Manager Pro+ect 6ua&ity Manager, Procurement Manager, 0ommunications Manager Pro+ect O$$ice Manager, eam 7eader Pro+ect Mem'er (4ngineer, De#e&o%er, 8ui&der, (dministrator, (ccountant, P&anner, (na&yst, Designer, ester).

9o&&owing t*e com%&etion o$ a )o' Descri%tion, a suita'&e candidate is a%%ointed to t*e ro&e and managed according to t*e %er$ormance targets c&ear&y &aid out 'y t*e )o' Descri%tion document. Note/ .t is usua& $or t*e Pro+ect S%onsor to document t*e )o' Descri%tion $or t*e Pro+ect Manager and $or t*e Pro+ect Manager to document a )o' Descri%tion $or eac* ro&e re%orting direct&y to *im : *er. How to use this template *is document %ro#ides a guide on t*e to%ics usua&&y inc&uded in a )o' Descri%tion document. Sections may 'e added, remo#ed or rede$ined at your &eisure to meet your %articu&ar 'usiness circumstance. 4!am%&e ta'&es, diagrams and c*arts *a#e 'een added (w*ere suita'&e) to %ro#ide $urt*er guidance on *ow to com%&ete eac* re&e#ant section.

1 Overview
Summari%e t&e project and role '! outlining t&e( Primar! o'jectives and scope o# t&e project )ac*ground surrounding t&e #ormation o# t&is role Purpose and *e! responsi'ilities o# t&e role Reporting relations&ips wit&in t&e project Primar! s*ills+ e,perience and -uali#ications re-uired.

2 Purpose
Descri'e t&e purpose o# t&e Project Manager/s role wit&in t&e project. For e,ample( 01&e purpose o# t&e Project Manager/s role is to underta*e t&e p&ases+ activities and tas*s wit&in speci#ied time+ cost and -ualit! constraints to deliver t&e re-uired project outcome and ac&ieve customer satis#action.2


List t&e *e! responsi'ilities o# t&e role. For instance+ t&e Project Manager is responsi'le #or( Project Initiation Documenting t&e 'ene#its+ costs and availa'le options wit&in a 'usiness case 3nderta*ing a Feasi'ilit! Stud! to ensure t&at all options are ac&ieva'le "reating a 1erms o# Re#erence w&ic& identi#ies t&e o'jectives and scope o# t&e project Recruiting suita'l! s*illed and -uali#ied project team mem'ers 4sta'lis&ing standards and guidelines #or t&e project.

Project Planning "reating a sc&edule outlining t&e se-uence o# activities and tas*s on t&e project De#ining all -ualit! targets+ standards+ assurance and control procedures Sc&eduling la'or+ e-uipment and material resources wit&in t&e project )udgeting #inancial e,penditure t&roug&out t&e project Producing a ris* management plan to identi#! and mitigate li*el! project ris*s Documenting t&e customer acceptance criteria #or eac& project delivera'le 4sta'lis&ing a clear communications plan #or t&e project Outlining a strateg! #or t&e procurement o# goods and services.

Project 4,ecution Maintaining t&e project plan to *eep t&ose involved in#ormed o# progress against t&e sc&edule "ontrolling e,penditure to ensure deliver! wit&in t&e approved project 'udget 4nsuring t&at ade-uate -ualit! assurance and control tec&ni-ues are underta*en to meet t&e -ualit! targets speci#ied in t&e ualit! Plan Managing t&e approval o# all project c&ange re-uests Raising project ris*s and recommended mitigation plans #or approval Resolving all project issues currentl! a##ecting t&e project Procuring goods and services in accordance wit& t&e Procurement Plan Managing t&e con#iguration o# all project delivera'les Gaining customer acceptance o# eac& delivera'le produced '! t&e project 3nderta*ing communication processes as speci#ied in t&e "ommunications Plan.

Project "losure Documenting a project closure report and gaining approval #rom t&e Project Sponsor 3nderta*ing all actions necessar! to close t&e project "ommunicating closure o# t&e project to all project sta*e&olders.

" Or#ani$ation
Depict t&e Organi%ational structure o# t&e project wit&in an Organi%ation "&art. For e,ample(


Descri'e t&e *e! relations&ips 'etween t&e Project Manager and eac& o# t&e appropriate project sta*e&olders. For instance( Project Sponsor 1&e Project Manager reports directl! to t&e Project Sponsor on a da!8to8da! 'asis. 9s suc&+ t&e Project Manager will wor* closel! wit& t&e Project Sponsor to o'tain advice and guidance surrounding t&e operational deliver! o# t&e project. Project Review Group 1&e Project Manager must provide t&e Project Review Group wit& regular project status in#ormation to ena'le t&e group to ma*e in#ormed strategic decisions #or t&e project. 1&e Project Manager must communicate all *e! ris*s+ issues and c&ange re-uests to t&e Project Review Group #or approval.

Project Leaders 1&e Project Leader reports directl! to t&e Project Manager. 1&e Project Manager must support eac& Project Leader in underta*ing t&eir roles '! providing advice+ guidance and mentoring necessar! #or t&em to ac&ieve t&eir respective project o'jectives. Project 1eam Mem'ers 1&e Project Manager must lead+ motivate and inspire t&e project team to ac&ieve t&e o'jectives o# t&e project. 1&is is done '! setting clear o'jectives #or eac& team mem'er and recogni%ing ac&ievement w&en eac& o'jective &as 'een accomplis&ed.

' ()ills
Identi#! t&e s*ills and *e! competencies necessar! to underta*e t&e role. For e,ample( Project Planning 9'ilit! to produce a detailed project plan+ including a :or* )rea*down Structure ;:)S<+ dependencies+ resources and costs Detailed understanding o# project planning control tec&ni-ues. Resource Management 1&oroug& *nowledge o# resource planning met&ods People management s*ills+ wit& particular emp&asis on per#ormance management. 8inancial Management 3nderstanding o# t&e #inancial planning process 9'ilit! to provide accurate and up8to8date #orecasts t&roug&out t&e project. 7ualit< Management 9'ilit! to de#ine appropriate -ualit! targets and standards =nowledge o# -ualit! assurance and control tec&ni-ues to ensure t&at -ualit! targets and standards are met.

Change Management 9wareness o# t&e importance o# c&ange management =nowledge o# e##ective c&ange management processes and procedures.


* +,perience
Outline t&e minimum e,perience re-uired to underta*e t&is role success#ull!. 4,perience ma! 'e de#ined in terms o#( 1&e t!pes o# projects t&e person &as 'een involved wit& 1&e industries wit&in w&ic& t&e projects were underta*en 1&e si%e and level o# comple,it! o# t&e projects managed 1&e num'er o# !ears spent in managing projects 1&e countries wit&in w&ic& t&e projects were underta*en.

- .ualifications
Outline t&e necessar! -uali#ication levels re-uired to underta*e t&is role competentl!. 1!pes o# -uali#ication levels ma! include( ?ig& sc&ool or college -uali#ication 3niversit! degree or diploma Specialist -uali#ication.

Furt&ermore+ identi#! t&e particular discipline wit&in w&ic& t&e -uali#ication must appl!. For instance( 4ngineering In#ormation 1ec&nolog! )usiness Management Mar*eting @ 9ccounting.

/ Personality
9lt&oug& it ma! 'e di##icult+ descri'e t&e interpersonal c&aracteristics re-uired to ensure t&at t&is role is a success. 4,amples o# valua'le interpersonal traits #or a Project Manager ma! include 'eing( Friendl!+ open and consultative in nature Inspirational+ motivational and livel! Driven '! own personal values Determined to succeed Diplomatic 'ut #irm Interested in people Socia'le and outgoing.

10 Performance Criteria
List t&e =e! Per#ormance Indicators w&ic& provide a 'asis upon w&ic& to assess t&e per#ormance o# t&e person in t&is role. For e,ample( Deliver! o# project outcome wit&in time+ cost+ -ualit! and scope constraints Percentage o# ac&ievement o# all project o'jectives Percentage o# reali%ation o# project 'ene#its Level o# customer satis#action Level o# sta## satis#action Num'er o# outstanding issues upon project closure.

11 1or) +nvironment
Descri'e t&e wor* environment to in#orm t&e candidate o# t&e general wor*ing conditions associated wit& t&is role. 4,amples include( P&!sical e,ertion ;amount o# time standing+ sitting+ 'ending or carr!ing loads< P&!sical environment ;wor*ing wit&in open8plan or closed+ con#ined space< 4,ternal environment ;e,cessive noise+ moving mac&iner!+ dust+ #umes+ gases< General environment ;level o# c&allenge+ organi%ational c&ange+ political pressures<.

12 (alary
Speci#! t&e e,pected salar! range and t&e composition o# t&e salar! pac*age+ including commissions and 'ene#its. For e,ample( 01&e remuneration rate #or t&is role is 'ased on an overall pac*age o# B,,,. 1&is comprises( 9n annual salar! 'ase o# B,,,+ paid mont&l! 9 commission o# B,,,+ paid on success#ul completion o# t&e project )ene#its to t&e total o# B,,,+ including allowances #or a motor ve&icle+ gas and mo'ile p&one+ paid mont&l!.2

13 (pecial Conditions
List an! special conditions associated wit& t&is role. For instance( Identi#! an! special licenses+ certi#icates or credentials re-uired Speci#! an! travel involved State an! a#ter8&ours wor* re-uirements.

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