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Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Water Management 160 December 2007 Issue WM4 Pages 203206 doi:

10.1680/wama.2007.160.4.203 Paper 14245 Received 19/03/2007 Accepted 06/04/2007 Keywords: dams, barrages & reservoirs/models (physical) Arun Goel Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India

Experiments on stilling basins for dam outlets

A. Goel
BTech, MTech, PhD vertex angle 1508 having cut-back on the sides at 908 were used as the splitter blocks in this study (Fig. 2). 3. EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT Stilling basins are generally designed on the basis of inow Froude number Fr Q2 =gd5 1=2 where Q is the discharge, d is the diameter of outlet and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The experiments were performed in an 8 m long, 0.6 m wide and 0.4 m deep rectangular xed bed ume in the Hydraulics Laboratory of the National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India. A masonry tank of height 140 cm was constructed upstream of the ume to supply discharge through the outlet. A pipe model of d 10.5 cm and 45 cm length (for ow development) was xed in the tank whose downstream face was ush with the vertical wall. A smooth entry for the outlet was provided to avoid friction and entry losses. The width of the basin was kept equal to 5.72d. A wooden board was used to facilitate xing of stilling basin appurtenances. A 30 cm thick erodible sand bed of particle size passing a 4.75 mm IS sieve and retained on a 2.36 mm IS sieve was used to study scour (specic gravity 2.68, d50 3.6 mm). A tailgate was used to control the downstream water level. The running time was 1 h for each model with a normal depth of ow over the end sill. 4. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE A stilling basin model was xed downstream of the outlet. The sand bed surface downstream of the stilling basin model was levelled up to the top of the end sill. A centrifugal pump of maximum ow capacity 0.03 m3/s was switched on and a small amount of water was allowed to ow so that disturbances on the sand bed were kept to a minimum. The ume was lled nearly equal to the desired downstream depth while keeping the tailgate closed. The ow to the ume was increased up to the required Froude number while manometer readings of a precalibrated orice meter installed in the pipeline were recorded. The tailgate was gradually opened to achieve the desired steady ow conditions. After 1 h, the motor was switched off and the tailgate was closed again. The water in the ume was allowed to drain out slowly without disturbing the scour pattern. The maximum depth of scour (dm) and its location after the end sill (ds) were noted, as shown in Fig. 3. 5. DESIGN AND TESTING OF STILLING BASIN MODELS A stilling basin model as suggested by Garde6 was designed for Fr 3.44. The model has a curved splitter block placed at 1d, a Goel 203

A series of experiments was performed with the aim of developing shorter and more efcient stilling basins for dam outlets (in comparison with Gardes stilling basin), keeping the oor of the basin at the invert level (lowest level of outlet) of the outlet. The experiments were conducted for a pipe outlet diameter d 58 mm, inow Froude number Fr 3.44 and basin lengths of 12d, 10d, 8d and 7d. New models were developed by conducting systematic experimentation on stilling basin models using different types of appurtenances such as wedge-shaped blocks, a grid, an intermediate sill and an end step. It was found that the newly developed stilling basin models are not only shorter in length but also show superior performance in terms of maximum depth of scour and its location when compared to Gardes model. 1. INTRODUCTION Stilling basins are constructed downstream of spillways, chutes, sluices, dam outlets, etc. to dissipate kinetic energy of the ow. Recommended stilling basin designs for outlets include the USBR impact type VI stilling basin,1 the manifold stilling basin,2 contra costa energy dissipater,3 USU energy dissipater,4 counter current energy dissipater,5 Gardes energy dissipater,6 Smiths energy dissipater7 and systems developed by Goel and Verma.811 This study suggests improvements in the performance of Gardes stilling basin,6 which has a basin length equal to 12d, where d is the diameter of the outlet, for a Froude number Fr 3.44. 2. DEVELOPMENT OF WEDGE-SHAPED BLOCKS A rectangular bafe block offers maximum drag but its analysis does not take into consideration non-uniform, turbulent and 3D ow around the block. Furthermore, reattachment of ow on the sides of the rectangular block, which reduces the wake area and therefore the drag (Fig. 1), presents a problem. Experiments conducted by Pillai and Unny12 showed that a wedge-shaped bafe block of vertex angle 1208 cut back at 908 at the downstream offered more drag owing to an increase in the wake area as mentioned by Goel and Verma.9 A strong roller with vertical axis is formed on either side of the block in the cut-back portion, thus causing the jet to diverge away from the block. The chances of cavitation of the blocks are minimised because the development of very low pressure in the xed eddies is avoided in this shape.13 A wedge-shaped block of vertex angle 1508 has been adopted in the past for the development of stilling basins for spillways having Fr Wedge-shaped blocks811 with Water Management 160 Issue WM4

Experiments on stilling basins for dam outlets


90 Flow Less wake area 150 90 Enlarged wake area



Fig. 1. Comparison of wake areas: (a) rectangular block; (b) wedge-shaped block basin B, maximum depth of scour dm and its location ds. A stilling basin model resulting in a smaller depth of scour at larger distance is considered to have superior performance. The scour Froude number Fdm based on mean velocity of ow in the channel Vc and depth of maximum scour dm can be expressed as 1
5 Fdm V c =gdm 0 5 Q=Bhg0 5 d 0 m : : :

Downstream slope (1V:4H)

Flow 150



Elevation 90 150 90 08d Plan 075d

If the scour pattern is assumed to be parabolic (Fig. 3), the value of tan is the slope of the tangent drawn to the base parabola of the maximum scour downstream of the end sill 2 tan 2dm =ds

075d Isometric view

wb = 10d

The performance number is 3 PN Fdm = tan Fdm ds =2dm

Fig. 2. Wedge-shaped splitter and bafe block grid A (used by Goel and Verma8) placed at 3d, an intermediate sill at 8d and a rounded step at 12d; this model was called Garde model G-A (Fig. 4). New stilling basin geometries (Table 1) were designed with basin lengths of 12d, 10d, 8d and 7d by using different combinations of appurtenances and subsequently tested. 6. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION The performance of a stilling basin is a function of Froude number Fr, outlet diameter d, tail water depth of ow h, width of stilling
tan = 2dm/ds Parabolic scour profile (assumed) ds
Actual scour profile

Fr V =gd0 5 4Q=d2 g0 5 d0 5


 : d d=dm 1 5 45:76h s

A higher PN indicates better performance of the stilling basin model (Table 1). 7. ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Inspection of the results in Table 1 indicates that all the stilling basin models studied perform quite well compared with Gardes base model G-A (Fig. 4). By adopting newly designed grids B and D (as used by Goel and Verma8), the performance of models G-B (PN 0.74) and G-D (PN 1.31) also improved signicantly over model G-A (PN 0.43) for the same length of basin 12d. Keeping the performance of model G-A in mind, the new models were tested. The results were as follows. (a) In the stilling basin model of length 12d, all the new models used grid D. The performance of all models G-E to G-K was better than model G-A. When a wedge-shaped splitter block was used instead of a curved splitter block (models G-I (PN 1.88), G-J (PN 2.49) and G-K (PN 2.50)), the performance was far superior to that of model G-A (PN 0.43). Goel

End step Rigid apron


Erodible sand bed

Fig. 3. Scour prole


Water Management 160 Issue WM4

Experiments on stilling basins for dam outlets

075d R = d/2 Erodible bed 2d d/8 d/16 d 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 d/4 d/4 087d 11 12d End step

Curved splitter block

Grid A

Intermediate sill

Fig. 4. Stilling basin model G-A

(b) For a 10d length, models G-L (PN 1.31), G-M (PN 1.37), G-N (PN 2.56) and G-O (PN 6.06) perform better due to the introduction of a wedge-shaped splitter block and grid D. Model G-O incorporated a wedge-shaped splitter block of downstream slope and gave the highest PN (6.06). (c) For 8d length, model G-P shows better performance

(PN 1.38) than model G-A due to the use of a wedge-shaped splitter block and grid D. (d) In the stilling basin model of length 7d, the PN of model G-Q reduced to 0.81 due to the smaller basin length. However, in model G-R (Fig. 5) the PN increased to 1.46 due to the addition of another row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks.

Model G-A G-B G-D

Description Gardes model with grid A Model with grid B Model with grid D

PN 0.43 0.74 1.31 1.06 1.22 1.70 1.88 2.49 2.50

New models with basin length 12d G-E Curved splitter block at 1d, grid D at 3d, intermediate sill (25 mm 25 mm) at 6d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.33d, wb 0.42d) at 8d, rounded step at 12d G-F Curved splitter block at 1d, grid D at 3d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.33d, wb 0.42d) at 8d, intermediate sill (25 mm 35 mm) at 10d, rounded step at 12d G-H Curved splitter block at 1d, grid D at 3d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 6d, intermediate sill (25 mm 35 mm) at 8d, rounded step at 12d G-I Wedge-shaped splitter block (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 1d, grid D at 3d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 6d, intermediate sill (height 25.4 mm, slope 1V : 2H) at 8d, rounded step at 12d G-J Wedge-shaped splitter block (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 1d, grid D at 3d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 6d, intermediate sill (height 25.4 mm, slope 1V : 1H) at 8d, rounded step at 12d G-K Wedge-shaped splitter block (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 1d, grid D at 3d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 6d, intermediate sill (25 mm 35 mm), rounded step at 12d New models with basin length 10d G-L Wedge-shaped splitter block (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 1d, grid D at 3d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 6d, intermediate sill (25 mm 35 mm) at 8d, rounded step at 10d G-M Wedge-shaped splitter block (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 1d, grid D at 3d with a gap 0.157d, row of wedgeshaped bafe blocks (hb 0.50d, wb 0.42d) at 6d, sloping sill (height 25 mm, slope 1V : 1H) at 8d, step at 10d G-N Wedge-shaped splitter block (upstream slope 4H : 1V, hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 1d, grid D with bottom gap 0.157d at 3d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 6d, intermediate sill (height 25.4 mm, slope 1V : 1H) at 8d, rounded step at 10d G-O Wedge-shaped splitter block (downstream slope 4H : 1V, hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 1d, grid D with gap less than 0.157d at 3d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 6d, intermediate sill (height 25.4 mm, slope 1V : 1H) at 8d, rounded step at 10d New model with basin length 8d G-P Wedge-shaped splitter block (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d, downstream slope 4H : 1V) at 1d, grid D with gap less than 0.157d at 3d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 6d, rounded step at 8d New models with basin length 7d G-Q Wedge-shaped splitter block (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d, downstream slope 4H : 1V) at 1d, grid D with gap less than 0.157d at 3d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 4.5d, rounded step at 7d G-R Wedge-shaped splitter block (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d, downstream slope 4H : 1V) at 1d, grid D* with gap less than 0.314d at 3d, row of wedge-shaped bafe blocks (hb 0.5d, wb 0.42d) at 4.5d and another at 5d, rounded step at 7d Table 1. Scheme of experimentation for d 10.5 cm, Fr 3.44, W 5.72d

1.31 1.37 2.56 6.06


0.81 1.46

Water Management 160 Issue WM4

Experiments on stilling basins for dam outlets




R = d/2 d/2 d 0314d 0 1d 2d 3d 4d 5d 2d 2 rows of baffle blocks 087d 6d 7d End step

Erodible bed

Wedge-shaped splitter block

Grid D*

Fig. 5. Stilling basin model G-R

8. DISCUSSION A sloping wedge-shaped splitter block is able to accomplish energy dissipation in a shorter basin length. This special shape of the splitter block assists in the lateral spreading of 3D jets of water over the whole width of basin. The jets of water also entrain part of the surrounding uid after expansion and in doing so distribute energy throughout a greater mass, causing loss of energy. After passing the splitter block, part of the ow impinges on the grid. Grid hoods prevent splashing and assist in energy dissipation. A large number of openings in the grid allow most of the ow to pass through, which creates sufcient horizontal/vertical shear and ultimately produces energy dissipation by turbulence. A wedge-shaped bafe block offers higher drag and produces a large number of sharp discontinuity layers with small-grained eddies. A second row of staggered wedge-shaped bafe blocks face the spaces between the blocks of the rst row; eddy currents are thus produced by impact action, which absorbs a considerable amount of energy. A rounded end step lifts ow from the bottom of the channel and creates a strong back current in the form of a reverse roller. 9. CONCLUSIONS The experimental study produced encouraging results for the evolution of new designs of stilling basins for dam outlets that are not only more efcient but are also smaller in length. This was achieved through the use of wedge-shaped blocks and new grid congurations. The study suggests that the length of new stilling basins for dam outlets could be reduced by more than 40%, which would lead to signicant savings in construction costs. REFERENCES 1. BRADELY J. N. and PETERKA A. J. Hydraulic design of stilling basins. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering ASCE, 1957, 83, No. 5, 14011406. 2. FIALA J. R. and ALBERTSON M. L. Manifold stilling basin. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering ASCE, 1961, 87, No. 4, 5581.

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Water Management 160 Issue WM4

Experiments on stilling basins for dam outlets


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