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The Gulf War did not take place

Jean Baudrillard

Translated and with an introduction by

Paul Patton



En)lish translation and introduction * '++,- Power Institute and Paul Patton
The Gulf War did not take place was ori)inally (ublished in .rench as La Guerre du Golfe n'a pas eu lieu.

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'++'- Editions #alilee All ri)hts reser/ed No (art o0 this boo1 2ay be re(roduced or utili3ed in any 0or2 or by any 2eans- electronic or 2echanical- includin) (hotoco(yin) and recordin)- or by any in0or2ation stora)e and retrie/al syste2- without (er2ission in writin) 0ro2 the (ublisher4 The Association o0 A2erican Uni/ersity Presses5 Resolutions on Per2issions constitutes the only e6ce(tion to this (rohibition4 The (a(er used in this (ublication 2eets the 2ini2u2 re7uire2ents o0 A2erican National Standard 0or In0or2ation Sciences8Per2anence o0 Pa(er 0or Printed ibrary "aterials- ANSI 9:+4;<='+<;4 "anu0actured in the United States o0 A2erica


Introduction Paul Patton ' The #ul0 ?ar will not ta1e (lace The #ul0 ?ar@ is it really ta1in) (laceA 29
Library of >on)ress Cataloging in Publication Data


Baudrillard- Jean4 B#uerre du #ol0e n5a (as eu lieu4 En)lishC The #ul0 ?ar did not ta1e (lace D Jean Baudrillard E translated and with an introduction by Paul Patton4 (4 c24 Includes biblio)ra(hical re0erences F(4 G4 ISBN *=H,:=:H+;I=+ Fal14 (a(erG4 8 ISBN *=H,:=H'**:=< F(b14 @ al14 (a(erG 1 Per!ian Gulf War" 1991 $i!cellanea 2 Persian #ul0 ?ar- '++'8Press co/era)e8"iscellanea4 I4 Title4 DS&+4&H4B:<': '++, +,I4&*;;5H8dcH* +,='+,&;

' H : % & '' 99 9( 9) +I +,

The #ul0 ?ar did not ta1e (lace *1


Jean Baudrillard5s article- JThe #ul0 ?ar will not ta1e (lace-J was (ublished in Liberation on ; January '++'- a little o/er one 2onth a0ter the UN Security >ouncil had /oted to authorise the use o0 0orce i0 Ira7 had not be)un to re2o/e its troo(s 0ro2 Kuwait by January ',- and a little under two wee1s be0ore the A2erican and British air attac1 on Ba)hdad and Ira7i (ositions in Kuwait4 .ar 0ro2 bein) deterred by the un0oldin) situation- he wrote two 2ore (ieces alon) si2ilar lines@ JThe #ul0 ?ar@ is it really ta1in) (laceAJ which re0erred to the e/ents durin) .ebruary '++'- and JThe #ul0 ?ar did not ta1e (lace-J which was written a0ter the end o0 hostilities on H< .ebruary4 Part o0 the second article a((eared in Liberation on I .ebruary while a 0ra)2ent o0 the third article a((eared in Liberation on H+ "arch '++'4 All three (ieces 0irst a((eared in e6tended 0or2 in the boo1 (ublished in "ay '++'4 ' The central thesis o0 Baudrillard5s essays a((ears to be directly contradicted by the 0acts4 ?hat too1 (lace durin) January and .ebruary '++' was a 2assi/e aerial bo2bard2ent o0 Ira75s 2ilitary and ci/il in0rastructure4 Accordin) to so2e accounts- the a2ount o0 hi)h e6(losi/e unleashed in the 0irst 2onth o0 the con0lict e6ceeded that o0 the entire allied air o00ensi/e durin)

The #ul0 ?ar


?? ''4H This was 0ollowed by a syste2atic air and land assault on the Ira7i 0orces le0t in Kuwait- which cul2inated in the in0a 2ous Jtur1ey shootJ carried out on the troo(s and others 0leein) alon) the road to Basra4 !00icial esti2ates o0 li/es lost as direct casualties o0 these attac1s are in the order o0 '**-*** - but these do not ta1e into account the subse7uent loss o0 li0e due to hun)er and disease4 !n the 0ace o0 it- Baudrillard could not ha/e been 2ore wron)4 So why did he (ursue this line o0 ar)u2ent which a((ears to deny the reality o0 the #ul0 ?arA

At the ti2e- the TV #ul0 ?ar 2ust ha/e see2ed to 2any /iew= ers a (er0ect Baudrillardian si2ulacru2- a hy(erreal scenario in which e/ents lose their identity and Si)ni0iers 0ade into one another4 .ascination and horror at the reality whichsense see2ed to L = un0old be0ore our /ery eyes 2in)led with a (er/asi/e o0 unreality as we reco)nised the ele2ents o0 Mollywood scri(t which had (receded the real Fthe John ?ayne lan)ua)e and bearin) o0 the 2ilitary s(o1es2enG- and as the si)ni0iers o0 (ast e/ents 0aded into those o0 the (resent Fthe oil=soa1ed sea bird recycled 0ro2 the Exxon Valdez to warn o0 i2(endin) eco= disaster in the #ul0G4 !ccasionally- the absurdity o0 the 2edia5s sel0=re(resentation as (ur/eyor o0 reality and i22ediacy bro1e throu)h- in 2o2ents such as those when the >NN ca2eras crossed li/e to a )rou( o0 re(orters asse2bled so2ewhere in the #ul0- only to ha/e the2 con0ess that they were also sittin) around watchin) >NN in order to 0ind out what was ha((en in)4 Tele/ision news co/era)e a((eared to ha/e 0inally cau)ht u( with the lo)ic o0 si2ulation4 It was not the 0irst ti2e that i2a)es o0 war had a((eared on L TV screens- but it was the 0irst ti2e that they were relayed Jli/eJ 0ro2 the battle0ront4 It was not the 0irst occasion on which the 2ilitary censored what could be re(orted- but it did in/ol/e a new le/el o0 2ilitary control o0 re(orta)e and i2a)es4 "ilitary (lanners had clearly learnt a )reat deal since Vietna2@ (rocedures 0or controllin) the 2edia were de/elo(ed and tested in the .al1lands- #renada and Pana2a4 As a result- what we saw was 0or the 2ost (art a JcleanJ war- with lots o0 (ictures o0 wea(onry- includin) the a2a3in) 0oota)e 0ro2 the nose=ca2eras o0 Js2art bo2bs-J and relati/ely 0ew i2a)es o0 hu2an casualties- none 0ro2 the Allied 0orces4 In the words o0 one co22entator- 0or the 0irst ti2e- Jthe (ower to create a crisis 2er)es with the (ower to direct the 2o/ie about it 444 Desert Stor2 was the 0irst 2aNor )lobal 2edia crisis orchestration that 2ade instant history4J : The #ul0 ?ar 2o/ie was instant history in the sense that the selected i2a)es which were broadcast worldwide (ro/o1ed i22ediate res(onses and then beca2e 0ro3en into the acce(ted story o0 the war@ hi)h=tech wea(ons- ecolo)ical disaster- the liberation o0 Kuwait4 In case anyone 2issed the 0irst release- >NN (roduced its own edited docu2entary- J>NN@ ?ar in the #ul0J which was shown on TV around the world4 ?ithin wee1s o0 the end o0 hostilities- Ti2e ?arner (roduced a >D=R!" dis1 on Desert Stor2 which included (ub lished te6t- unedited corres(ondents5 re(orts- (hotos and 2a(s in the 0or2 o0 a sin)le hy(erte6t docu2ent4 In their (ublicity- they described this interacti/e 2ulti2edia dis1 as a J0irst dra0t o0 history4J In JThe Precession o0 Si2ulacraJ Baudrillard too1 as an

The Gulf War


alle)ory o0 si2ulation the Bor)es story in which the carto)ra (hers o0 an e2(ire draw u( a 2a( so detailed that it e6actly co/ers the territory4 ; Than1s to the )eo)ra(hical data collected by the US De0ense "a((in) A)ency- re2ote corners o0 the A2erican E2(ire such as Kuwait already e6ist on hard dis14 Just as it 2ar1ed a new le/el o0 2ilitary control o/er the (ublic re(resentation o0 co2bat o(erations- so the #ul0 ?ar dis(layed a new le/el o0 2ilitary de(loy2ent o0 si2ulation technolo)y4 Technolo)ical si2ulacra neither dis(lace nor deter the /iolent reality o0 war- they ha/e beco2e an inte)ral (art o0 its o(era tional (rocedures4 Virtual en/iron2ents are now incor(orated into o(erational war(lanes- 0ilterin) the real scene and (resentin) aircrew with a 2ore readable world4 , The de/elo(2ent o0 0li)ht si2ulators (ro/ided an early e6a2(le o0 the co2(uter technolo)y which allowed the boundaries between si2ulation and reality to beco2e blurred@ the i2a)es and in0or2ation which 0urnish the 2aterial 0or e6ercises and war )a2es beco2e indistin)uishable 0ro2 what would be encountered in a real con0lict4 The sa2e technolo)y now allows the creation o0 si2ulated en/iron2ents in which to train tan1 crews- and e/en the (ossibility o0 connected si2ulators in which /irtual tan1 battles can be 0ou)ht out4 An article in the 0irst issue o0 Wired recounts de/elo(2ents in the use o0 networ1ed si2ulation 2achines as trainin) de/ices4 >urrent research ai2s to achie/e what is called Jsea2less 2ani(ulationJ in which Jthe sea2s between reality and /irtuality will be deliberately blurredJ and Jreal tan1s can en)a)e si2ulator crews on real terrain which is si2ultaneously /irtual4J ?ithin 2onths o0 the end o0 the war- ar2y historians and si2ulation 2odelers had (roduced their own 2ulti2edia- 0ully interacti/e- networ1 ca(able di)ital si2ulation o0 one o0 the tan1 battles 0ro2 the closin) sta)es o0 the con0lict@ Jar2chair strate)ists can now 0ly o/er the /irtual bat= tle0ield in the 5stealth /ehicle-5 the so=called %SI"NET 0lyin) car(et-5 /iewin) the :=D /irtual landsca(e 0ro2 any an)le dur in) any 2o2ent o0 the battle4 They can e/en chan)e the (ara2eters 8 )i/e the Ira7is in0rared tar)etin) sco(es- 0or instance- which they lac1ed at the ti2e 444 this is /irtual reality as a new way o0 1nowled)e@ a new and terrible 1ind o0 transcendent 2ilitary (ower4J I Baudrillard at ti2es (ortrays the #ul0 con0lict as one between a relentless and (re=(ro)ra22ed 2ilitary 2achine and a hysterical tric1ster- a ru) sales2an whose essential wea(ons include the ruse and the decoy4 FI,=IG Ouite a(art 0ro2 the orientalist o/ertones o0 this i2a)e- it underesti2ates the role (layed by dissi2ulation and dece(tion o(erations within Allied 2ilitary strate)y4 Electronic war0are in/ol/es new 0or2s o0 dece(tion by 2eans o0 electronic inter0erence and 0alsi0ied si)nals4 In the #ul0such technolo)ical dissi2ulation was co2bined with old=0ashioned tactical dece(tion 2anoeu/res on the )round- with a((arent success4 A2erican a)ents e/en succeeded in introducin) a co2(uter /irus into Ira75s air de0ence co22and and control syste24 & Seen in this li)ht- the use o0 the 2edia to (ass disin0or2ation to the other side is si2(ly another di2ension o0 a consistent strate)ic e2brace o0 the lo)ic o0 si2ulation4 The #ul0 ?ar thus witnessed the birth o0 a new 1ind o0 2ilitary a((aratus which incor(orates the (ower to control the (roduction and circulation o0 i2a)es as well as the (ower to direct the actions o0 bodies and 2achines4 It

The Gulf War Introduction 7

in/ol/ed a new 1ind o0 e/ent and a new 1ind o0 (ower which is at once both real and si2ulacral4

Baudrillard5s essays (ursue a hi)h=ris1 writin) strate)y- court in) e7ually the dan)ers o0 contradiction by the 0acts and sel0=re0utation4 They occasionally 0orce the 0acts to 0it their own rhetorical o((ositions@ 0or e6a2(le- in clai2in) that Jno acci dents occurred in this war- e/erythin) un0oldin) accordin) to (ro)ra22atic order4J F&:G They rail a)ainst the (roli0eration o0 useless co22entaries- yet do not hesitate to o00er co22entary o0 their own@ 0or e6a2(le- su))estin) that there are 2ore tric1s to the wily Arab o((onent than the Penta)on strate)ists sus(ect4 F<'G This is Baudrillard as ar2chair strate)ist and e6(ert in the strata)e2s o0 sy2bolic e6chan)e4 They denounce the e2(tiness o0 the 2edia e/ent but also see1 to endow it with the status o0 bein) an e6e2(lary non=e/ent4 But these are not scholarly analyses o0 the e/ents the2sel/es- nor e/en o0 their 2edia re(resentation4 Baudrillard is reluctant to clai2 the status o0 (hiloso(hy- sociolo)y or (olitical analysis 0or his writin)- but e7ually resistant to its dis2issal as literature or (oetry4 In ti2e and with a little i2a)ination- he has since su))ested- it will be (ossible to read The Gulf War did not take place as i0 it were a science 0iction no/e'4< These are occasional essays by a writer who belie/es that writin) should be less a re(resentation o0 reality than its trans0i)uration and that it should (ursue a J0atal strate)yJ o0 (ushin) thin)s to e6tre2es4 They are also i22ediate res(onses to instant history TV and its 0irst dra0t /ersions in the (rint 2edia4 As such- they belon) in the series o0 his essays which includes a discussion o0 the sta)ed 2assacre at Ti2isoara- and the e7ually (ro/ocati/ely titled res(onse to a tele/ision lin1=u( with SaraNe/o- JNo Pity 0or SaraNe/o4J+ The ti2in) o0 their co2(osition is i2(ortant4 JThe #ul0 ?ar will not ta1e (laceJ was written in Dece2ber '++* and January '++'- when the 0inal act o0 the #ul0 crisis was still to be (layed out4 At one le/el- the res(onse e6(ressed in this article is a 1ind o0 fuite en avant, a sardonic challen)e to the 2edia hy(e surroundin) the #ul0 crisis4 The (oint bein) 2ade is that the e/ents which were un0oldin) did not and would not corres(ond to what Baudrillard called the Jarchaic i2a)inary o0 2edia hysteria4JF,IG This i2a)inary obNect o0 2edia s(eculation was total war in the '+;*s sense- includin) the use o0 che2ical and (erha(s e/en nuclear wea(ons4 ?ar in that sense did not ta1e (lace- e/en thou)h 2assi/e da2a)e was in0licted by 2eans o0 con/entional wea(ons4 Baudrillard5s res(onse to the subse7uent e/ents (ursues the sy2bolic challen)e to the 2anner in which these were (ortrayed4 It is not irony so 2uch as the 1ind o0 blac1 hu2our which see1s to sub/ert what is bein) said by (ursuin) its i2(licit lo)ic to e6tre2es@ so you want us to belie/e that this was a clean- 2ini 2alist war- with little collateral da2a)e and 0ew Allied casual= I ties4 ?hy sto( there@ warA what warA Rhetoric aside- Baudrillard5s 0irst essay is also a res(onse to the 7uestion which re2ained o(en at the ti2e@ will there or will there not be warA Mis answer (oints to an irony in e/ents the2sel/es which deri/es 0ro2 the 0act that war itsel0 has beco2e /irtual4 The hy(othesis o0 JThe #ul0 ?ar will not ta1e (laceJ is that the deterrence o0 war in the traditional sense has been

The Gulf War


internalised and turned bac1 u(on the ?estern (owers- (roducin) a 0or2 o0 sel0=deterrence which renders the2 inca(able o0 realisin) their own (ower in the 0or2 o0 relations o0 0orce4 Under (resent conditions- Baudrillard ar)ues- the /irtual has o/erta1en the actual- it 0unctions to deter the real e/ent and lea/es only the si2ulacru2 o0 war which will ne/er ad/ance to the use o0 0orce@ Jwe are no lon)er in a lo)ic o0 the (assa)e 0ro2 /irtual to actual but in a hy(errealist lo)ic o0 the deterrence o0 the real by the /irtual4JFH &G The underlyin) ar)u2ent o0 this initial essay is that the lo)ic o0 deterrence has trans0or2ed the nature o0 war4 Deterrence is a 2atter o0 the /irtual e6ercise o0 (oweraction u(on the action o0 the other by i22aterial 2eans4 It is a 2eans o0 wa)in) war- but one in which the ai2 is (recisely non= en)a)e2ent or the a/oidance o0 direct encounter between the (arties in/ol/ed4 The >old ?ar was indeed a war- one that has been 0ou)ht and won- but increasin)ly by econo2ic- in0or2ational and electronic 2eans4 It was a war 0ou)ht on the (rinci(le o0 deterrence- on the basis o0 an econo2ic- R$D and in0or2ational e00ort to deter any use o0 2aterial 0orce by the other side4 It was won when the So/iet econo2ic and (olitical syste2 could no lon)er 2aintain the e00ort4 In the (rocess- Baudrillard su))ests- war e/ol/ed in a 2anner (arallel to the e/olution o0 ca(ital@ JNust as wealth is no lon)er 2easured by the ostentation o0 wealth but by the secret circulation o0 s(eculati/e ca(ital- so war is not 2easured by bein) unleashed but by its s(eculati/e un0oldin) in an abstract- electronic and i n0or2 at i onal s(a ce- the sa2 e one i n whi ch ca(i t al 2o/es4JF,IG This does not 2ean that it is unreal in the sense o0 not ha/in) real e00ects- any 2ore than a ca(ital crisis is unreal because it ta1es (lace in the electronic and in0or2ational s(ace o0 di)italised and networ1ed 0inancial 2ar1ets4 Ratherit 2eans that state=o0=the=art 2ilitary (ower is now /irtual in the sense that it is de(loyed in an abstract- electronic and in0or2a tional s(ace- and in the sense that its (ri2ary 2echanis2 is no lon)er the use o0 0orce4 Virtual war is there0ore not si2(ly the i2a)e or i2a)inary re(resentation o0 real war- but a 7ualitati/ely di00erent 1ind o0 war- the e00ects o0 which include the su((ression o0 war in the old sense44;

Shortly a0ter the (ublication o0 JThe #ul0 ?ar will not ta1e (laceJ the bo2bin) be)an in earnest4 At the end o0 that essay- Baudrillard o00ers a reason 0or underta1in) what he calls the Jstu(id )a2bleJ o0 atte2(tin) to de2onstrate the i2(ossibility o0 war in the #ul0 Nust at the 2o2ent when all the si)ns were (ointin) in the direction o0 its occurrence- na2ely the stu(idity o0 not doin) so4FH<G The stu(idity in 7uestion is that o0 those critics who uncritically (artici(ate in the su((osed realis2 o0 the in0or2ation industry- or the stu(idity o0 ta1in) a (osition 0or or a)ainst the war without 0irst interro)atin) the nature and ty(e o0 reality (ro(er to e/ents such as those which un0olded in the #ul0 and on our TV screens4 .or Baudrillard- in these essays- Jit is not a 7uestion o0 bein) 0or or a)ainst the war4 It is a 7uestion o0 bein) 0or or a)ainst the realit of the !ar. Analysis 2ust not be sacri0iced to the e6(ression o0 an)er4 It 2ust be entirely directed a)ainst reality- a)ainst the e/idenceE here- a)ainst the e/idence o0 this war4J'P



The Gulf War

Accordin)ly- a (ri2ary concern o0 the second essay- JThe #ul0 ?ar@ is it really ta1in) (laceAJ- is to interro)ate the nature o0 the #ul0 ?ar as a 2edia e/ent4 This is not a war but a si2u= lacru2 o0 war- a /irtual e/ent which is less the re(resentation o0 real war than a s(ectacle which ser/es a /ariety o0 (olitical and strate)ic (ur(oses on all sides4 Mere- the sense in which Baudrillard s(ea1s o0 e/ents as /irtual is related to the idea that real e/ents lose their identity when they attain the /elocity o0 real ti2e in0or2ation- or to e2(loy another 2eta(hor- when they beco2e encrusted with the in0or2ation which re(resents the24 In this sense- while tele/isual in0or2ation clai2s to (ro /ide i22ediate access to real e/ents- in 0act what it does is (roduce in0or2ational e/ents which stand in 0or the real- and which Jin0or2J (ublic o(inion which in turn a00ects the course o0 subse7uent e/ents- both real and in0or2ational4 As consu2ers o0 2ass 2edia- we ne/er e6(erience the bare 2aterial e/ent but only the in0or2ational coatin) which renders it L Jstic1y and unintelli)ibleJ li1e the oil=soa1ed sea bird4F:HG ?here was this i2a)e ca(tured and what oil s(ill caused itA ?ho caused the oil s(ill to be)in withA To the e6tent that real e/ents are 2ediated and (ortrayed by such selected i2a)es- they beco2e conta2inated by what Baudrillard calls Jthe structural unreality o0 i2a)es4 JF;I=&G The result is a new 1ind o0 entity- 7ualitati/ely di00erent to JrealJ or Ji2a)inaryJ e/ents as these were understood (rior to the ad/ent o0 2odern co2 2unications technolo)y@ /irtual 2edia e/ents4 These are in0or2ational entities and one o0 their de0inin) characteristics is to be always o(en to inter(retation4 In0or2ational e/ents are thus the obNects o0 endless s(eculation@ because a ran)e o0 inter(re=
Introduction 11

tations is always (ossible- the identity o0 such e/ents beco2es /a)ue or undecidable4 Baudrillard5s #ul0 ?ar essays (ro/ide 2any e6a2(les o0 such a(oria@ 0or e6a2(le- throu)hout 2uch o0 its duration- the war is both a non=e/ent- an e2(ty war in the sense that there is a lac1 o0 real en)a)e2ent between the co2batants- and an e6cessi/e- su(erabundant war in ter2s o0 the 7uantity o0 (ersonnel and 2aterial in/ol/ed4F::=;G !n the one hand- the A2erican decision=2a1ers are unable to (er cei/e the !ther in any ter2s but their own- and as a result they 2isreco)nise the strate)ic ai2s o0 Sadda2 Mussein@ on the other- Mussein is entirely a 2ercenary beholden to outside 0orces and it is the ?est which is in con0lict with itsel0 in Ira74F:&=<G .inally- the Ira7i in/asion o0 Kuwait 2ay be re(resented as the outco2e o0 the 2e)alo2aniac a2bitions o0 a local dictator- or as the result o0 a deliberate (loy on the (art o0 the A2erican ad2inistration in order to le)iti2ise its (roNection o0 0orce into the re)ion4F&'=HG The i2a)es o0 war nonetheless ha/e real e00ects and beco2e en2eshed in the ensuin) 2aterial and social reality4 In this sense- Baudrillard ar)ues- we li/e in a hy(erreality which results 0ro2 the 0usion o0 the /irtual and the real into a third order o0 reality4 "uch has been written since the #ul0 crisis about the role o0 the 2edia in (ro2otin) the 2ilitary o(tion- and about the (ractice o0 2isin0or2ation- lies and (ro(a)anda on both sides4 There is no doubt that such thin)s occurred4 !ne o0 the 2ore e00ecti/e (ro(a)anda stories about Ira7i atrocities in Kuwait was the eye=witness account- be0ore a >on)ressional Mu2an Ri)hts >aucus- o0 Ira7i soldiers re2o/in) babies 0ro2 incubators and lea/in) the2 to die4 It later e2er)ed that the


The Gulf War



witness was the dau)hter o0 the Kuwaiti a2bassador to the US- and that she had been coached by a (ublic relations 0ir2 hired by the Kuwaiti #o/ern2ent4J !n the other side- tele/ision 0oota)e o0 an outra)ed wo2an a2id the rubble o0 an Ira7i nei)hbourhood was later shown to ha/e 0eatured an Assistant De(uty .orei)n "inister and 0or2er a2bassador to the US4 'H .or so2e critics- such 2ani(ulation constitutes an abuse o0 the de2ocratic ri)ht to in0or2ation4 Mowe/er- the dan)er o0 a criti cal res(onse which is con0ined to the denunciation o0 such abuses is that this also sustains what Baudrillard calls a Jhy(o critical /ision o0 tele/ision and in0or2ation4JF;IG It Nud)es the 2edia by re0erence to a 2oral ideal- na2ely that o0 a )ood or truth0ul use o0 i2a)es and si)ns4 In 0act- there is nothin) inherently )ood about i2a)es or si)ns- and they can Nust as readily be e2(loyed to decei/e as to tell the truth4 As Baudrillard ar)ues in his article on Ti2isoara- the indi)nant atte2(t to 2aintain a 2oral de0ence a)ainst the (rinci(le o0 si2ulation which )o/erns all 0or2s o0 re(resentation 2isses the (oint@ Jthe i2a)e and in0or2ation are subNect to no (rinci(le o0 truth or reality4J

In this sense- it is cynics

such as Sadda2 Mussein and the US 2ilitary co22anders who are less nai/e and hy(o critical in their willin)ness to control in0or2ation and i2a)es in whate/er ways best ser/e their strate)ic ends@ J?e belie/e that they i22orally (er/ert i2a)es4 Not so4 They alone are conscious o0 the (ro0ound i22orality o0 i2a)es444JF;&G; In0or2ational e/ents such as the #ul0 crisis are ende2ic to (ost2odern (ublic li0e4 Since they are by de0inition always o(en to inter(retation- they 2ay be 2ade to ser/e a /ariety o0 (olitical ends4 They are an i2(ortant /ector o0 (ower4 ?hat 2atters is to control the (roduction and 2eanin) o0 in0or2ation in a )i/en conte6t4 In e00ect- at least two strate)ies are in (lay with re)ard to the control o0 in0or2ation in conte2(orary (ublic li0e4 Durin) the Jli/eJ (hase o0 a si)ni0icant e/ent such as the #ul0 con0lict or an election ca2(ai)n- the strictest control o0 in0or2ation is necessary in order to in0luence 0uture de/elo(2ents4 ?here/er (ublic o(inion can 0eed bac1 into a (olitical (rocess which includes the e/ent in 7uestion- i2a)e and inter (retation or Js(inJ u(on current de/elo(2ents is /ital4 That is why the #ul0 ?ar 2o/ie was also an in0luential (art o0 history e/en as it un0olded4 Re(orts be0ore and durin) the con0lict (hase directly in0luenced (ublic o(inion in su((ort o0 the war4 .il2 co/era)e o0 the bo2bin) o0 retreatin) Ira7i 0orces was 0unda2ental to the decision to end the war- since it was 0eared that such i2a)es would ad/ersely a00ect (ublic senti2ent4 The i2a)es o0 destruction and death alon) the road to Basra did not 0it the scri(t o0 the world5s 0irst hi)h=tech clean war4 ?here ene2y 0orces are reliant u(on TV news 0or in0or2ation- as it is ar)ued the Ira7is were durin) the #ul0 con0lict- it beco2es (os sible to e2(loy the 2edia directly as a conduit 0or disin0or2ation4 Durin) the (re(arations 0or the land o00ensi/e- 2edia re(orts o0 US "arines alon) the Saudi border with Kuwait and on a2(hibious shi(s o00 the coast were (art o0 a calculated and success0ul strate)y to decei/e Ira7i co22anders about the li1ely direction o0 the assault4 '; Re(orts o0 such deliberate dece(tion i2(ly that the use o0 2edia re(orts as (art o0 the Allied 2ilitary5s o(erational conduct o0 the war was 2ore e6tensi/e than e/en Baudrillard su))ests4 Mowe/er- once the li/e (hase o0 the e/ent is (assed- another


The Gulf War



strate)y ta1es o/er4 The (roli0eration o0 archi/al in0or2ation includin) ta(ed audio=/isual records allows the e/ent to beco2e utterly dis(ersed into a 2orass o0 con0lictin) inter(retations and hy(otheses about what really ha((ened4 Did Sadda2 Mussein underta1e the in/asion o0 Kuwait a)ainst all indications or was he lured into a tra( by US (olicy 2a1ersA ?ho was really res(onsible 0or the assassination o0 J.KA And who 1illed aura Pal2erA It is this latter e00ect o0 the (roli0eration o0 in0or2ation which sets li2its to the e00ecti/eness o0 the 1ind o0 critical 2edia analysis which see1s to disco/er the truth o0 e/ents4 The author o0 The "ersian Gulf TV War, Dou)las Kellner- recounts his herculean e00orts to obtain and cross chec1 in0or2ation about the #ul0 ?ar4 Des(ite this- his boo1 o(ens with an ad2ission o0 0ailure@ he cannot decide conclusi/ely 0or or a)ainst the cons(iracy theory accordin) to which the US enticed Ira7 to in/ade Kuwait since Jother accounts are also (lausible4J ', It is the desire to a/oid this 1ind o0 in0or2ational a(oria which lies behind Baudrillard5s inNunction@ JResist the (robability o0 any i2a)e or in0or2ation whate/er4 Be 2ore /irtual than the e/ents the2sel/es- do not see1 to re=establish the truth- we do not ha/e the 2eans- but do not be du(ed- and to that end re=i22erse the war and all in0or2ation in the /irtuality 0ro2 whence they ca2e 444 Be 2eteorolo)ically sensiti/e to stu(idity4 JFII=&G Not only does the real /anish into the /irtual throu)h an e6cess o0 in0or2ation- it lea/es an archi/al de(osit such that J)enerations o0 /ideo=3o2bies 444 will ne/er cease reconstitutin) the e/ent4JF;&G And e/en i0 we did (ossess the 2eans to establish the truth- what di00erence would this 2a1eA .or e/ery boo1 e6(osin) the lies and inhu2anity o0 US (olicy in the #ul0 there are two 2ore which cha2(ion it as the de0ence o0 de2ocracy and the New ?orld !rder4

r>hristo(her Norris re)ards Baudrillard5s #ul0 ?ar essays as a de0initi/e e6(osure o0 the intellectual and (olitical ban1ru(tcy o0 (ost2odern thou)ht and a de2onstration o0 Jthe de(th o0 ideolo)ical co#plicit that e6ists between such 0or2s o0 e6tre2e anti=realist or irrationalist doctrine and the crisis o0 2oral and (olitical ner/eJ which a00licts ?estern intellectuals4 Accordin) to Norris- Baudrillard5s Jabsurd thesesJ about the war readily accord with Ja 5(ost2odern5 2ood o0 wides(read cynical ac7uiescenceJ and re(resent a 0or2 o0 JtheoryJ which is Jill=e7ui((ed to 2ount any 1ind o0 e00ecti/e critical resistance4J 'I >lai2s o0 ideolo)ical co2(licity are notoriously di00icult to (ro/e or dis(ro/e- but there is little in Baudrillard5s essays to su))est ac7uiescence in either the (olitical and 2ilitary o(erations carried out in the #ul0 or their (ortrayal by the 2edia4 Indeed- the tone and ar)u2ent o0 Baudrillard5s essays is entire ly directed a)ainst the co2(licity which results 0ro2 the 0ailure to 7uestion the reality and the nature o0 these e/ents4 Norris5 own rhetorical stance is one which su))ests that alternati/e theoretical a((roaches o00er the (ros(ect o0 Je00ecti/e critical resistance4J Yet Baudrillard at least (ublished (ole2ical (ieces which addressed the (olitical and 2edia reality at the ti2e4 Norris sei3ed the occasion to renew his ca2(ai)n a)ainst the whole J(ost2odern tendencyJ in conte2(orary theory; Mis ar)u2ent lar)ely re(eats that o0 his earlier article on

The #ul0 ?ar Introduction '& '& Baudrillard and the (olitics o0 (ost2odernis24 !n the one hand- he concedes the descri(ti/e /alue o0 Baudrillard5s account- allowin) that Jthis is indeed in so2e sense a 5(ost2odern5 war- an e6ercise in 2ass=2ani(ulati/e rhetoric and 5hy(erreal5 suasi/e techni7ues- which does undoubtedly con0ir2 so2e o0 Baudrillard5s 2ore canny dia)nostic obser/ations4J'< !n the other- he reNects the e(iste2olo)ical sce(ticis2 which he ta1es to lie behind this (ost2odern tendency- and 7uestions the su((osed connection between the dia)nosis o0 the (ost2odern condition and this (hiloso(hical conclusion4 The 0law which runs throu)h all (ost2odernist thin1in) is a con0used e(iste2olo)ical ar)u2ent which be)ins by denyin) that we ha/e any 2eans o0 access to Jwhat ha((ensJ other than what is (ro/ided by the 2edia- and ends by concludin) on this basis that there is no Jo(erati/e di00erence between truth and 0alsehood- /eridical 1nowled)e and its se2blance4J'+ rUnderstood in this 2anner- the thesis that the #ul0 ?ar did not ta1e (lace would indeed be ludicrous- and would hardly Nusti0y the e00ort o0 a len)thy essay in re(ly4 But e(iste2olo)ical sce(ticis2 0ounded u(on the lo)ic o0 re(resentation is not (art o0 Baudrillard5s ar)u2ent@ not only does he 2a1e truth=clai2s about what ha((ened- his interro)ation o0 the reality o0 the 2edia #ul0 ?ar (resu((oses that this is a di00erent 1ind o0 e/ent 0ro2 those which occurred in the desert- a si2ulacru2 rather than a distorted or 2isleadin) re(resentation4 These essays ad/ance no uni/ersal clai2s about the colla(se o0 the real into its 0or2s o0 re(resentation- but rather 2a1e s(eci0ic ontolo)ical clai2s about as(ects o0 (resent social reality- such as the /irtual war which results 0ro2 the strate)y o0 deterrence and the /irtual in0or2ational war which we e6(erience throu)h the 2edia4 At one (oint- it is true- Baudrillard re2inds us that the direct trans2ission by >NN o0 in0or2ation in real ti2e does not (ro/e that war is ta1in) (lace4FI'G Mowe/er- his clai2 that the #ul0 ?ar did not ta1e (lace does not de(end u(on the (ossibili ty o0 such technolo)ical 0raud4 Rather- it relies u(on the two distinct notions o0 /irtual war in/ol/ed in deterrence and 2edia si2ulation- and u(on 7uestionin) whether the 2ilitary o(erations underta1en by the Allies really constituted a war in the traditional sense4 Use0ul criticis2 would en)a)e with these notions rather than- as Norris doesattac1 a so0t tar)et o0 the critic5s own in/ention- N


Does the re0usal o0 the critical strate)y which see1s to re=establish the truth o0 what ha((ened co22it Baudrillard to the irrationalist denial that any 2ilitary en)a)e2ent too1 (laceA Alternati/ely- does the 0act o0 2ilitary con0lict constitute a re0utation o0 the hy(othesis that there was no #ul0 ?arA It does only i0 we acce(t that what did ta1e (lace out there in the desert beyond the reach o0 the TV ca2eras was in 0act a war4 Baudrillard5s ar)u2ent in JThe #ul0 ?ar did not ta1e (laceJ is not that nothin) too1 (lace- but rather that what too1 (lace was not a war4 In the (ast- war has always in/ol/ed an anta)o nistic and destructi/e con0rontation between ad/ersaries- a dual relation between warrin) (arties4 In se/eral res(ects- this was not the case in the #ul0 con0lict4 The di!parity between US and Ira7i 0orces with re)ard to 2ethod and 2ilitary technolo)y was so )reat that direct en)a)e2ent rarely too1 (lace- and



The Gulf War


when it did the outco2e was entirely (redictable4 ?hereas Ira7 was dis(osed to 0i)ht in the 2anner o0 its (re/ious war with Iran- and (re(ared to tolerate the 2assi/e casualties which would result 0ro2 a )round=based war o0 attrition- the US and its allies sou)ht a ra(id con0lict based u(on air(ower- hi)h= technolo)y intelli)ence and wea(ons syste2s- and the e6tensi/e use o0 electronic war0are4 The al2ost co2(lete absence o0 any en)a)e2ent by Ira7i (lanes- and the 0ate o0 their techno lo)ically in0erior tan1s- testi0y to the one=sided nature o0 the con0lict@ Jit is as thou)h the Ira7is were electrocuted- loboto 2ised- runnin) towards the tele/ision Nournalists in order to surrender or i22obilised beside their tan1s 444 can this be called a warAJ FI&=<G rIn his de0ence o0 the rationalist outloo1 which reNects the (ost2odern reduction o0 truth to consensus belie0- Norris (oints to the 0i)ure o0 >ho2s1y as so2eone who is both a de0ender o0 Enli)hten2ent ideals in 2orality and the (hiloso(hy o0 lan)ua)e- and a staunch critic o0 US 0orei)n (olicy- a 2odel o0 the liberal and critical intellectual4 Yet >ho2s1y has also 7uestioned whether what too1 (lace in the #ul0 in '++*=' was a war4 Me writes@ JAs I understand the conce(t 5war5- it in/ol/es two sides in co2bat- say- shootin) at each other4 That did not ha((en in the Gul04JHP Me )oes on to describe the successi/e (hases o0 the con0lict as in/ol/in) /arieties o0 state terroris2 (ractised on both sides- and a 0or2 o0 slau)hter (rac tised by US and UK air and )round 0orces u(on Ira7i soldiers and ci/ilians4 !ther co22entators ha/e ar)ued that the dis(arity between the ai2s- 2ethods and 2ilitary technolo)y o0 the two sides was so )reat that what occurred cannot be con= sidered an ad/ersarial encounter4 The i2balance o0 2ilitary 2eans was such that this was not a con0lict in which the sur/i/al o0 both sides was in (lay- but an entirely asy22etrical o(eration- an e6ercise in do2ination rather than an act o0 warN rThe clai2 that war itsel0 has beco2e /irtual does not 2ean that 2ilitary con0licts do not occur@ they do and with increas in) 0re7uency and sa/a)ery in the New ?orld !rder4 But these are secondary (heno2ena- li1e the (ersistence o0 sweatsho(s alon)side 0ully auto2ated (roduction 0acilities4 They are the conse7uences o0 a law o0 une/en de/elo(2ent- located 0or the 2ost (art in a (olitical and 2ilitary third world4 ?here they do in/ol/e 0irst world (owers such as the US or UK- it is because they are in con0lict with third world 0orces who do not reco)nise that the rules o0 the )a2e ha/e chan)ed- or who- li1e Sadda2 Mussein- o(erate accordin) to di00erent rules4 They are (olice o(erations rather than wars4 In these cases- deterrence brea1s down 0or lac1 o0 any co22on )round- and it is this 0ailure o0 co22unication which leads to the use o0 0orce4 Mowe/er- the use o0 0orce re2ains care0ully circu2scribed- a le/er o0 last resort e2(loyed only to the e6tent that is necessary to brin) the recalcitrant (arty into line4 The crucial sta1e in the #ul0 a00air- Baudrillard ar)ues- was the subordination o0 Isla2 to the )lobal order@ J!ur wars thus ha/e less to do with the con0rontation o0 warriors than with the do2estication o0 the re0ractory 0orces on the (lanet 444 All that is sin)ular and irreducible 2ust be reduced and absorbed4 This is the law o0 de2ocracy and the New ?orld !rder4J F<IG4' This is not war- and e/en i0 it were- in the case o0 the #ul0 con0lict- it is as thou)h it ne/er ha((ened4 The 0inal irony o0 the

whole e(isode is that- a(art 0ro2 the 2assi/e da2a)e and su00erin) in0licted u(on Ira7- and the short=li/ed (olitical and econo2ic bene0its at ho2e- /ery little chan)ed as a result o0 the 2ilitary con0lict4 The Ira7i re)i2e was allowed to re2ain intact- and its ar2y (er2itted to crush the Kurdish and Shiite rebellions4 The ri)hts o0 Kuwait 2ay ha/e been restored- but in e6chan)e 0or the ri)hts o0 2inorities in Ira74 The i2a)e o0 a Nust war 0ou)ht between the 0orces o0 0reedo2 and those o0 tyranny dissol/ed in the 2oral a2bi)uities o0 the (ost=con0lict (eriod4 The sa2e A2ericans who had syste2atically destroyed Ira75s (ower )rid and trans(ort in0rastructure now re0used to en0orce the law o0 de2ocracy and the New ?orld !rder where this would entail inter/enin) in the internal a00airs o0 a so/erei)n state4 .ro2 a (olitical (oint o0 /iew- it was no lon)er clear what had been )ained by the sacri0ice o0 so 2any li/es4 A (er0ect se2blance o0 /ictory 0or the A2ericans was e6chan)ed 0or the (er0ect se2blance o0 de0eat 0or Ira74F&'G In short- the #ul0 ?ar did not ta1e (lace4


The Gulf War



Se/eral (eo(le answered 2y 7ueries- discussed the te6t and read dra0ts o0 this translation4 In addition to Jean Baudrillard- I would li1e to than1 Re6 Butler- Alan >holoden1o- "ichael "cKinley and arbi Sadi1i 0or their /aluable assistance4 I a2 es(ecially )rate0ul to Julian Pe0anis and Jose Bor)hino 0or their care0ul chec1in) and editin) o0 the translation4
Notes ' Jean Baudrillard- a Guerre du Golfe n'a pas eu lieu. Paris@ Editions #alilee- '++'4 All subse7uent re0erences to this te6t in the Introduction re0er to the translation which 0ollows4 H #eor)e #erbner- JPersian #ul0 ?ar4 the "o/ieJ in Triu#ph of the $#a%e& The 'edia's War in the "ersian Gulf( ) Global "erspective, edited by M4 "owlana- #4 #erbner and M4I4 Schiller- Boulder and !60ord@ ?est/iew Press- '++H- (4H,H4 : #erbner- ((4H;;- H;&4 ; Baudrillard- *elected Writin%s, ed "ar1 Poster- >a2brid)e@ Polity Press- '+<<- (4'II4 , "ichael Mei2- The 'etaph sics of Virtual +ealit , New Yor1- !60ord@ !60ord Uni/ersity Press- '++:- (4'':4 I Bruce Sterlin)4 J?ar is Virtual MellJ- Wired F'G- '++:- ((4+,=I4 & ieutenant=>olonel Je00rey D4 "c>ausland- )delphi "aper 2,2, ondon@ The International Institute 0or Strate)ic Studies4 '++:- (4H+4 < -audrillard Live& *elected $ntervie!s, ed "i1e #ane4 ondon and New Yor14 Routled)e- ((4'<*='4 H*:4 + J es charniers de Ti2isoaraJ- in J4 Baudrillard- L'$llusion de la fizz ou la %reve des evene#ents, Paris@ Editions #alilee- '++:@ JPas de (itie (our SaraNe/oJ- Liberation, & January '++;4 '* Baudrillard- L'illusion de la fin, (4+,4 '' Dou)las Kellner- The "ersian Gulf TV War, Boulder@ ?est/iew Press- '++H4 ((4I&=<4 'H "c>ausland4 )delplzi "aper 2,2, (4:H4 ': Baudrillard- L'illusiotz de la fin, (4+*4 '; ?illia2C4 Taylor Jr and Ja2es Blac1well- JThe #round ?ar in the #ul0J- *urvival. vol. QQQIII- no4:4 "ayDJune '++'- (4H:;4 ', Kellner- The "ersian Gulf TV ?ar- ((4&- ':4 'I >hristo(her Norris- .ncritical Theor & "ost#odernis#, $ntellectuals and the Gulf War, ondon@ awrence and ?ishart- '++H- ((4H&- H+4 '& Norris4 J ost in the .unhouse@ Baudrillard and the (olitics o0 (ost2odernis2J- in What's Wron% With "ost#odernis#, Me2el Me2(stead@ Mar/ester ?heatshea0- '++*- ((4'I;=+:4 '< Norris- .ncritical Theor ((4H,=I4 '+ Norris- .ncritical Theor (4'H4 H* Noa2 >ho2s1y4 JThe "edia and the ?ar@ ?hat ?arAJ- in Triu#ph of the $#a%e& The 'edia's War in the "ersian Gulf( ) Global "erspective, edited by M4 "owlana- #4 #erbner and M4I4 Schiller- (4,'4

The Gulf War ,ill not take place

.ro2 the be)innin)- we 1new that this war would ne/er ha( (en4 A0ter the hot war Fthe /iolence o0 con0lictG- a0ter the cold war Fthe balance o0 terrorG- here co2es the dead war 8 the un0ro3en cold war 8 which lea/es us to )ra((le with the cor(se o0 war and the necessity o0 dealin) with this deco2(osin) cor(se which nobody 0ro2 the #ul0 has 2ana)ed to re/i/e4 A2erica- Sadda2 Mussein and the #ul0 (owers are 0i)htin) o/er the cor(se o0 war4 ?ar has entered into a de0initi/e crisis4 It is too late 0or the FhotG ?? III@ this has already ta1en (lace- distilled down the years into the >old ?ar4 There will be no other4 It 2i)ht ha/e been su((osed that the de0ection o0 the Eastern Bloc would ha/e o(ened u( new s(aces o0 0reedo2 0or war by unloc1in) deterrence4 Nothin) o0 the sort- since deterrence has not co2e to an end- on the contrary4 In the (ast it 0unctioned as reci(ro cal deterrence between the two blocs on the basis o0 a /irtual e6cess o0 the 2eans o0 destruction4 Today it 0unctions all the


The Gulf War

will not take place


2ore e00ecti/ely as sel0=deterrence- total sel0=deterrence u( to and includin) the sel0=dissolution o0 the Eastern Bloc- the (ro 0ound sel0=deterrence o0 A2erican (ower and o0 ?estern (ower in )eneral- (aralysed by its own stren)th and inca(able o0 assu2in) it in the 0or2 o0 relations o0 0orce4 This is why the #ul0 ?ar will not ta1e (lace4 It is neither reassurin) nor co20ortin) that it has beco2e bo))ed in inter 2inable sus(ense4 In this sense- the )ra/ity o0 the non=e/ent in the #ul0 is e/en )reater than the e/ent o0 war@ it corres(onds to the hi)hly to6ic (eriod which a00ects a rottin) cor(se and which can cause nausea and (owerless stu(or4 Mere a)ain- our sy2bolic de0ences are wea1@ the 2astery o0 the end o0 war esca(es us and we li/e all this in a uni0or2 sha2e0ul indi00erence- Nust li1e the hosta)es4 Non=war is characterised by that de)enerate 0or2 o0 war which includes hosta)e 2ani(ulation and ne)otiation4 Mosta)es and blac12ail are the (urest (roducts o0 deterrence4 The hosta)e has ta1en the (lace o0 the warrior4 Me has beco2e the (rinci(al actor- the si2ulacral (rota)onist- or rather- in his (ure inaction- the (rota)oniser o0 non=war4 The warriors bury the2sel/es in the desert lea/in) only hosta)es to occu(y the sta)e- includin) all o0 us as in0or2ation hosta)es on the world 2edia sta)e4 The hosta)e is the (hanto2 actor- the e6tra who occu(ies the (owerless sta)e o0 war4 Today- it is the hosta)e at the strate)ic site- to2orrow the hosta)e as >hrist2as (resent- as e6chan)e /alue and li7uidity4 .antastic de)radation o0 that which was the /ery 0i)ure o0 i2(ossible e6chan)e4 ?ith Sadda2 Mussein- e/en that stron) /alue has wea1ened and beco2e the sy2bol o0 wea1 war4 Sadda2 has 2ade hi2sel0 the ca(italist o0 hosta)e /alueE a0ter the 2ar1et in sla/es and (roletarians- the /ul)ar 2erchant o0 the hosta)e 2ar1et4 Ta1in) the (lace o0 the warrior5s challen)e- hosta)e /alue has beco2e synony2ous with the debility o0 war4 ?e are all hosta)es o0 2edia into6ication- induced to belie/e in the war Nust as we were once led to belie/e in the re/olution in Ro2ania- and con0ined to the si2ulacru2 o0 war as thou)h con0ined to 7uarters4 ?e are already all strate)ic hosta)es in situ/ our site is the screen on which we are /irtually bo2barded day by day- e/en while ser/in) as e6chan)e /alue4 In this sense- the )rotes7ue /aude/ille (layed by Sadda2 Mussein is a di/ersion- at once a di/ersion o0 both war and international terroris24 Mis so0t terroris2 will at least ha/e (ut an end to the hard terroris2 o0 Palestinians and others- thereby showin) hi2 to be in this as in 2any other res(ects the (er0ect acco2(lice o0 the ?est4 This i2(ossibility o0 (roceedin) to the act- this absence o0 strate)y- i2(lies the triu2(h o0 blac12ail as strate)y Fin the case o0 Iran- there was still a challen)eE with Sadda2 there is only blac12ailG4 Sadda2 Mussein5s abNection lies in his ha/in) /ul)arised e/erythin)@ reli)ious challen)e has beco2e 0a1e holy war- the sacri0icial hosta)e a co22ercial hosta)e- the /iolent re0usal o0 the ?est a nationalistic sca2 and war an i2(os sible co2edy4 But we ha/e hel(ed hi2 to do this4 By allowin) hi2 to belie/e that he had won the war a)ainst Iran- we dro/e hi2 towards the 2ira)e o0 a /ictory a)ainst the ?est this 2ercenary5s re/olt is indeed the only ironic and

(leasin) trait o0 this whole story4


The Gulf War

will not take place


?e are in neither a lo)ic o0 war nor a lo)ic o0 (eace but in a lo)ic o0 deterrence which has wound its way ine6orably throu)h 0orty years o0 cold war to a denoue2ent in our current e/entsE a lo)ic o0 wea1 e/ents- to which belon) those in Eastern Euro(e as well as the #ul0 ?ar4 Peri(eteias o0 an anore6ic history or an anore6ic war which can no lon)er de/our the ene2y because it is inca(able o0 concei/in) the ene2y as worthy o0 bein) challen)ed or annihilated 8 and #od 1nows Sadda2 Mussein is worthy o0 neither challen)e nor annihilation 8 and thus de/ours itsel04 It is the de= intensi0ied state o0 war- that o0 the ri)ht to war under the )reen li)ht o0 the UN and with an abundance o0 (recautions and conces sions4 It is the bellicose e7ui/alent o0 sa0e se6@ 2a1e war li1e lo/e with a condo2R !n the Richter scale- the #ul0 ?ar would not e/en reach two or three4 The build=u( is unreal- as thou)h the 0iction o0 an earth7ua1e were created by 2ani(ulatin) the 2easurin) instru2ents4 It is neither the stron) 0or2 nor the de)ree 3ero o0 war- but the wea1 or (hthisical de)ree- the asy2(totic 0or2 which allows a brush with war but no encounter- the trans(arent de)ree which allows war to be seen 0ro2 the de(ths o0 the dar1roo24 r?e should ha/e been sus(icious about the disa((earance o0 the declaration o0 war- the disa((earance o0 the sy2bolic (assa)e to the act- which already (resa)ed the disa((earance o0 the end o0 hostilities- then o0 the distinction between win ners and losers Fthe winner readily beco2es the hosta)e o0 the loser@ the Stoc1hol2 syndro2eG- then o0 o(erations the2 sel/es4 Since it ne/er be)an- this war is there0ore inter2inable4 By dint o0 drea2in) o0 (ure war- o0 an orbital war (ur)ed o0 all local and (olitical (eri(eteias- we ha/e 0allen into so0t war- into the /irtual i2(ossibility o0 war which translates into the (altry 0antasia where ad/ersaries co2(ete in de=escalation- as thou)h the irru(tion or the e/ent o0 war had beco2e obscene and insu((ortable- no lon)er sustainable- li1e e/ery real e/ent 2oreo/er4 E/erythin) is there0ore trans(osed into the /irtual- and we are con0ronted with a /irtual a(ocaly(se- a he)e2ony ulti2ately 2uch 2ore dan)erous than real a(ocaly(se4 The 2ost wides(read belie0 is in a lo)ical (ro)ression 0ro2 /irtual to actual- accordin) to which no a/ailable wea(on will not one day be used and such a concentration o0 0orce cannot but lead to con0lict4 Mowe/er- this is an Aristotelian lo)ic which is no lon)er our own4 !ur /irtual has de0initi/ely o/erta1en the actual and we 2ust be content with this e6tre2e /irtuality which- unli1e the Aristotelian- deters any (assa)e to action4 ?e are no lon)er in a lo)ic o0 the (assa)e 0ro2 /irtual to actual but in a hy(errealist lo)ic o0 the deterrence o0 the real by the /irtual- N In this (rocess- the hosta)es are once a)ain re/ealin)4 E6tracted li1e 2olecules in an e6(eri2ental (rocess- then distilled one by one in the e6chan)e- it is their /irtual death that is at issue- not their real death4 "oreo/er- they ne/er die@ at best they disa((ear4 There will ne/er be a 2onu2ent to the un1nown hosta)e- e/eryone is too asha2ed o0 hi2@ the collecti/e sha2e which attaches to the hosta)e re0lects the absolute de)radation o0 real hostility FwarG into /irtual hos(itality FSadda2 Mussein5s J)uestsJG4 The (assa)e to action su00ers wides(read in0a2y@ it su((osedly corres(onds to a brutal li0tin) o0 re(ression- thus to a (sy=


The Gulf War

chotic (rocess4 It see2s that this obsession with the (assa)e to action today )o/erns all our beha/iour@ obsession with e/ery real- with e/ery real e/ent- with e/ery real /iolence- with e/ery (leasure which is too real4 A)ainst this obsession with the real we ha/e created a )i)antic a((aratus o0 si2ulation which allows us to (ass to the act Jin /itroJ Fthis is true e/en o0 (rocreationG4 ?e (re0er the e6ile o0 the /irtual- o0 which tele/ision is the uni/ersal 2irror- to the catastro(he o0 the real4 ?ar has not esca(ed this /irtualisation which is li1e a sur)ical o(eration- the ai2 o0 which is to (resent a 0ace=li0ted war- the cos2etically treated s(ectre o0 its death- and its e/en 2ore dece(ti/e tele/isual subter0u)e Fas we saw at Ti2isoaraG4 E/en the 2ilitary has lost the (ri/ile)e o0 use /alue- the (ri/ile)e o0 real war4 Deterrence has (assed by that way and it s(ares no=one4 No 2ore than the (oliticians- the 2ilitary (ersonnel do not 1now what to 2a1e o0 their real 0unction- their 0unction o0 death and destruction4 They are (led)ed to the decoy o0 war as the others are to the decoy o0 (ower4

PS To de2onstrate the i2(ossibility o0 war Nust at the 2o2ent when it 2ust ta1e (lace- when the si)ns o0 its occurrence are accu2ulatin)- is a stu(id )a2ble4 But it would ha/e been e/en 2ore stu(id not to sei3e the o((ortunity4

The Gulf Wari! it really taking place.

?e 2ay well as14 !n the a/ailable e/idence Fabsence o0 i2a)es and (ro0usion o0 co22entaryG- we could su((ose an i22ense (ro2otional e6ercise li1e that one which once ad/ertised a brand=na2e F#ARAPG whose (roduct ne/er beca2e 1nown4 Pure (ro2otion which enNoyed an i22ense success because it belon)ed to (ure s(eculation4 The war is also (ure and s(eculati/e- to the e6tent that we do not see the real e/ent that it could be or that it would si)ni0y4 It re2inds us o0 that recent sus(ense ad/ertise2ent@ today I ta1e o00 the to(- to2orrow I ta1e o00 the botto2E today I unleash /irtual war- to2orrow I unleash real war4 In the bac1)round- a third ad/ertise2ent in which an a/aricious and lubricious ban1er says@ your 2oney a((eals to 2e4 This sadly celebrated ad/ertise2ent is reincarnated by Sadda2 Mussein sayin) to the ?est@ your (ower a((eals to 2e Fas they rushed to (al2 o00 a )ood share o0 it to hi2GE then to the Arabs- with the sa2e hy(ocrisy@ your reli)ious war a((eals to 2e Fas they rushed to


The Gulf War:

i it reall! takin" place#


(ut all their 2oney on hi2G4 In this 2anner- the war 2a1es its way by (ro2otion and s(eculation- includin) the use o0 hosta)es trans0or2ed into 2ar1etin) (loys- and in the absence o0 any clari0ication o0 (lans- balance sheets- losses or o(erations4 No enter(rise would sur/i/e such uncertainty- e6ce(t (recisely s(eculati/e ris1 2ana)e2ent- otherwise 1nown as the strate)y o0 turnin) a (ro0it 0ro2 the worst- in other words- war FS Mi)hly Pro0itable Senseless ProNect or MPSPG4 ?ar itsel0 has ta1en this s(eculati/e turn@ it is hi)hly (ro0itable but uncertain4 It can colla(se 0ro2 one day to the ne6t4 Ne/ertheless- 0ro2 this (oint onwards the (ro2otional ad/anta)es are 0abulous4 De0eated or not- Sadda2 is assured o0 an un0or)ettable and charis2atic label4 Victorious or not- A2erican ar2a2ents will ha/e ac7uired an une7ualled technolo)ical label4 And the su2(tuary e6(enditure in 2aterial is already e7ui/alent to that o0 a real war- e/en i0 it has not ta1en (lace4 ?e ha/e still not le0t the /irtual war- in other words a so(histicated althou)h o0ten lau)hable build=u( a)ainst the bac1dro( o0 a )lobal indeter2inacy o0 will to 2a1e war- e/en in Sadda25s case4 Mence the absence o0 i2a)es 8 which is neither accidental nor due to censorshi( but to the i2(ossibility o0 illustratin) this indeter2inacy o0 the war4 Pro2otional- s(eculati/e- /irtual@ this war no lon)er corres(onds to >lausewit35s 0or2ula o0 (olitics (ursued by other 2eans- it rather a2ounts to the absence of politics pursued b other #eans. Non=war is a terrible test o0 the status and the uncertainty o0 (olitics- Nust as a stoc1 2ar1et crash Fthe s(ecu lati/e uni/erseG is a crucial test o0 the econo2y and o0 the uncertainty o0 econo2ic ai2s- Nust as any e/ent whate/er is a terrible test o0 the uncertainty and the ai2s o0 in0or2ation4 Thus Jreal ti2eJ in0or2ation loses itsel0 in a co2(letely unreal s(ace- 0inally 0urnishin) the i2a)es o0 (ureuseless- instantaneous tele/ision where its (ri2ordial 0unction irru(ts- na2ely that o0 0illin) a /acuu2- bloc1in) u( the screen hole throu)h which esca(es the substance o0 e/ents4 Nor is (ro2otion the (ursuit o0 the econo2y by other 2eans4 !n the contrary- it is the (ure (roduct o0 uncertainty with re)ard to the rational ai2s o0 (roduction4 This is why it has beco2e a relentless 0unction- the e2(tiness o0 which 0ills our screens to the e6tent o0 the absence o0 any econo2ic 0inality or rationality4 This is why it co2(etes /ictoriously with the war on our screens- both alternatin) in the sa2e /irtual credit o0 the i2a)e4 The 2edia (ro2ote the war- the war (ro2otes the 2edia- and ad/ertisin) co2(etes with the war4 Pro2otion is the 2ost thic1=s1inned (arasite in our culture4 It would undoubtedly sur/i/e a nuclear con0lict4 It is our the world into a consu2able substance4 So- war or (ro2otionA The war- alon) with the 0a1e and (resu2(ti/e warriors- )enerals- e6(erts and tele/ision (resenters we see s(eculatin) about it all throu)h the daywatches itsel0 in a 2irror@ a2 I (retty enou)h- a2 I o(erational enou)h- a2 I s(ectacular ast Jud)e2ent4 But it is also li1e a biolo)ical 0unction@ it de/ours our substance- but it also allows us to 2etabolise what we absorb- li1e a (arasitic (lant or intestinal 0lora- it allows us to turn the world and the /iolence o0


The Gulf War: i it reall! takin" place#


enou)h- a2 I so(histicated enou)h to 2a1e an entry onto the historical sta)eA !0 course- this an6ious interro)ation increases the uncertainty with res(ect to its (ossible irru(tion4 And this uncertainty in/ades our screens li1e a real oil slic1- in the i2a)e o0 that blind sea bird stranded on a beach in the #ul0- which will re2ain the sy2bol=i2a)e o0 what we all are in 0ront o0 our screens- in 0ront o0 that stic1y and unintelli)ible e/ent4

Unli1e earlier wars- in which there were (olitical ai2s either o0 con7uest or do2ination- what is at sta1e in this one is war itsel0@ its status- its 2eanin)its 0uture4 It is beholden not to ha/e an obNecti/e but to (ro/e its /ery e6istence Fthis crisis o0 identity a00ects the e6istence o0 us allG4 In e00ect- it has lost 2uch o0 its credibility4 ?ho- a(art 0ro2 the Arab 2asses- is still ca(a ble o0 belie/in) in it and beco2in) in0la2ed by itA Ne/ertheless- the s(ectacular dri/e o0 war re2ains intact4 In the absence o0 the F)reatly di2inishedG will to (ower- and the F(roble2aticG will to 1nowled)e- there re2ains today the wides(read will to s(ectacle- and with it the obstinate desire to (reser/e its s(ectre or 0iction Fthis is the 0ate o0 reli)ions@ they are no lon)er belie/edbut the disincarnate (ractice re2ainsG4 >an war still be sa/edA

>ertainly- Iran and Ira7 did as 2uch as they could to sa/e the 0iction o0 2urderous- 0ratricidal- sacri0icial and inter2inable F'+'; styleG war4 But they were sa/a)es and that war 0ro2 another (eriod (ro/ed nothin) with re)ard to the status and the (ossibility o0 a 2odern war4 ?? III did not ta1e (lace and yet we are already beyond it- as thou)h in the uto(ian s(ace o0 a (ost=war=which=did= not=ta1e=(lace- and it is in the sus(ense created by this non=(lace that the (resent con0rontations un0old and the 7uestion is (osed@ can a war still ta1e (laceA This one is (erha(s only a test- a des(erate atte2(t to see whether war is still (ossible4

E2(ty war@ it brin)s to 2ind those )a2es in ?orld >u( 0ootball which o0ten had to be decided by (enalties Fsorry s(ectacleG- because o0 the i2(ossibility o0 0orcin) a decision4 As thou)h the (layers (unished the2sel/es by 2eans o0 J(enaltiesJ 0or not ha/in) been able to (lay and ta1e the 2atch in 0ull battle4 ?e 2i)ht as well ha/e be)un with the (enalties and dis(ensed with the )a2e and its sterile stand=o004 So with the war@ it could ha/e be)un at the end and s(ared us the 0orced s(ectacle o0 this unreal war where nothin) is e6tre2e and which- whate/er the outco2e- will lea/e behind the s2ell o0 undi)ested (ro)ra22in)- and the entire world irritated as thou)h a0ter an unsuccess0ul co(ulation4

It is a war o0 e6cesses Fo0 2eans- o0 2aterial- etc4G- a war o0 sheddin) or (ur)in) stoc1s- o0 e6(eri2ental de(loy2ent- o0 li7uidation and 0iresale- alon) with the dis(lay o0 0uture ran)es o0 wea(onry4 A war between e6cessi/e- su(erabundant and o/er=e7ui((ed societies FIra7 includedG- co22itted both to waste Fincludin) hu2an wasteG and the necessity o0 )ettin) rid o0 it4


The Gulf War: i it reall! takin" place#


Just as the waste o0 ti2e nourishes the hell o0 leisure- so technolo)ical wastes nourish the hell o0 war4 ?astes which incarnate the secret /iolence o0 this society- uncoerced and non=de)radable de0ecation4 The renowned A2erican stoc1s o0 ?? II sur(lus- which a((eared to us as lu6ury- ha/e beco2e a su00ocatin) )lobal burden- and war 0unctions well within its (ossibilities in this role o0 (ur)ati/e and e6(enditure4

I0 the critical intellectual is in the (rocess o0 disa((earin)- it see2s by contrast that his (hobia o0 the real and o0 action has been distilled throu)hout the san)uineous and cerebral networ1 o0 our institutions4 In this sense- the entire world includin) the 2ilitary is cau)ht u( in a (rocess o0 intellectualisation4 See the2 beco2e con0used in e6(lanations- outdo the2sel/es in Nusti0ications and lose the2sel/es in technical details Fwar dri0ts slowly into technolo)ical 2anneris2G or in the deontolo)y o0 a (ure electronic war without hitches@ these are aesthetes s(ea1in)- (ost(onin) settle2ent dates into the inter2inable and decisions into the undecidable4 Their war= (rocessors- their radars- their lasers and their screens render the (assa)e to war as 0utile and i2(ossible as the use o0 a word=(rocessor renders 0utile and i2(ossible the (assa)e to the act o0 writin)- because it re2o/es 0ro2 it in ad/ance any dra2atic uncertainty4 The )enerals also e6haust their arti0icial intelli)ence in correctin) their scenario- (olishin) their war scri(t so 2uch that they so2eti2es 2a1e errors o0 2ani(ulation and lose the (lot4 The 0a2ous (hiloso(hical e(och$ has beco2e uni/ersal- on the screens as 2uch as on the 0ield o0 battle4 Should we a((laud the 0act that all these techni7ues o0 war=(rocessin) cul2inate in the elision o0 the duration and the /iolence o0 warA !nly e/entually0or the inde0inite delay o0 the war is itsel0 hea/y with deadly conse7uences in all do2ains4

By /irtue o0 ha/in) been antici(ated in all its details and e6hausted by all the scenarios- this war ends u( rese2blin) the hero o0 $talien des +oses FRichard Bohrin)er in the 0il2 by >harles "attonG- who hesitates to di/e 0ro2 the to( o0 a buildin) 0or an hour and a hal0- be0ore a crowd at 0irst han)in) on his 2o/e2ents- then disa((ointed and o/erco2e by the sus(ense- e6actly as we are today by the 2edia blac12ail and the illusion o0 war4 It is as thou)h it had ta1en (lace ten ti2es already@ why would we want it to ta1e (lace a)ainA It is the sa2e in $talien des +oses & we 1now that his i2a)inary credit is e6hausted and that he will not Nu2(- and in the end nobody )i/es a da2n whether he Nu2(s or not because the real e/ent is already le0t behind4 This is the (roble2 with antici(ation4 Is there still a chance that so2ethin) which has been 2eticulously (ro)ra22ed will occurA Does a truth which has been 2eticulously de2onstrated still ha/e a chance o0 bein) trueA ?hen too 2any thin)s (oint in the sa2e direction- when the obNecti/e reasons (ile u(- the e00ect is re/ersed4 Thus e/erythin) which (oints to war is a2bi)uous@ the build=u( o0 0orce- the (lay o0 tension- the concentration o0 wea(onse/en the )reen li)ht 0ro2 the UN4 .ar 0ro2 rein0orcin) the (robability o0 the con0lict- these 0unction

The Gulf War!

is it reall" takin# place$


as a (re/entati/e accu2ulation- as a substitution 0or and di/ersion 0ro2 the transition to war4

Virtual 0or 0i/e 2onths- the war will shortly enter its ter2inal (hase- accordin) to the rule which says that what ne/er be)an ends without ha/in) ta1en (lace4 The (ro0ound indeter2inacy o0 this war ste2s 0ro2 the 0act o0 its bein) both ter2inated in ad/ance and inter2inable4 The /irtual succeeds itsel0 8 accidents aside- which could only be the irru(tion o0 the other in the 0ield4 But no=one wants to hear tal1 o0 the other4 Ulti2ately- the undecidability o0 the war is )rounded in the disa((earance o0 alterity- o0 (ri2iti/e hostility- and o0 the ene2y4 ?ar has beco2e a celibate 2achine4

Than1s to this war- the e6traordinary con0usion in the Arab world is in the (rocess o0 in0ectin) the ?est 8 Nust re/en)e4 In return- we try des(erately to uni0y and stabilise the2 in order to e6ercise better control4 It is an historic ar2=wrestle@ who will stabilise the other be0ore bein) destabilised the2sel/esA >on0ronted by the /irulent and un)ras(able instability o0 the Arabs and o0 Isla2- whose de0ence is that o0 the hysteric in all his /ersatilitythe ?est is in the (rocess o0 de2onstratin) that its /alues can no lon)er lay clai2 to any uni/ersality than that Fe6tre2ely 0ra)ileG o0 the UN4 .aced with the ?estern lo)ic o0 under=co2(ensation Fthe ?est tends towards the eu(he2isation and e/en the inhibition o0 its (owerG- the !riental lo)ic o0 Sadda2 res(onds with o/er=

co2(ensation4 Althou)h 0ar 0ro2 ha/in) (ro/ed hi2sel0 a)ainst Iran- he attac1s the ?est4 Me o(erates beyond the reach o0 his own 0orces- there where only #od can hel( hi24 Me underta1es an act o0 2a)ical (ro/ocation and it is le0t to #od- or so2e other (redestined connection- to do the rest Fthis was in (rinci(le the role allotted to the Arab 2assesG4 By contrast- throu)h a 1ind o0 e)ocentric )enerosity or stu(idity- the A2ericans can only i2a)ine and co2bat an ene2y in their own i2a)e4 They are at once both 2issionaries and con/erts o0 their own way o0 li0e- which they triu2(hally (ro Nect onto the world4 They cannot i2a)ine the !ther- nor there = 0ore (ersonally 2a1e war u(on it4 ?hat they 2a1e war u(on is the alterity o0 the other- and what they want is to reduce that alterity- to con/ert it or 0ailin) that to annihilate it i0 it (ro/es irreducible Fthe IndiansG4 They cannot i2a)ine that con/ersion and re(entance- borne by their own )ood will- should ha/e no echo in the other- and they are literally disturbed when they see Sadda2 (layin) with the2 and re0usin) to accede to their reasons4 This is (erha(s why they ha/e decided to annihilate hi2- not out o0 hatred or calculation- but 0or the cri2e o0 0elony- treachery- 2ale/olent will and tric1ery Fe6actly as with the IndiansG4 .or their (art- the Israelis ha/e no such tenderness4 They see the !ther in all its bare ad/ersity without illusions or scru (les4 The !ther- the Arab- is uncon/ertible- his alterity is without a((ealE it 2ust not be chan)ed- it 2ust be beaten down and subNu)ated4 In doin) so- howe/er- while they 2ay not understand they at least reco)nise it4 The A2ericans- 0or their (art- understand nothin) and do not e/en reco)nise this 0act4



The #ul0 ?ar@

It is not an i2(ortant 2atch which is bein) (layed out in the #ul0- between ?estern he)e2ony and the challen)e 0ro2 the rest o0 the world4 It is the ?est in con0lict with itsel0- by 2eans o0 an inter(osed 2ercenary- a0ter ha/in) been in con0lict with Isla2 FIranG- also by 2eans o0 an inter(osed Sadda24 Sadda2 re2ains the 0a1e ene2y4 At 0irst the cha2(ion o0 the ?est a)ainst Isla2- then the cha2(ion o0 Isla2 a)ainst the ?est4 In both cases he is a traitor to his own cause since- e/en 2ore than the 0ew thousand incidental ?esterners- it is the Arab 2asses that he holds hosta)e- ca(tures 0or his own (ro0it and i22obilises in their suicidal enthusias24 It is 2oreo/er towards >hrist2as- at the /ery 2o2ent when he 0rees the hosta)es Fthereby s1il0ully stro1in) the ?esterners with the sa2e de2a)o)y that he stro1es the children in 0ront o0 the TVG- that he launches his call to the Arab (eo(le on the holy war4 It is thus a 2ista1e to thin1 that he would contribute to the uni0ication o0 the Arab world and to honour hi2 0or that4 In 0act- he only did it to hoodwin1 the2- to 2a1e the2 wor1 0or hi2- to decei/e the2 once a)ain and to render the2 (owerless4 Peo(le li1e hi2 are necessary 0ro2 ti2e to ti2e in order to channel irru(ti/e 0orces4 They ser/e as a (oultice or an arti0ical (ur)ati/e4 It is a 0or2 o0 deterrence- certainly a ?estern strate)y- but one o0 which Sadda2- in his (ride and his stu(idity- is a (er0ect e6ecutant4 Me who lo/es decoys so 2uch is hi2sel0 no 2ore than a decoy and his eli2ination can only de2ysti0y this war by (uttin) an end to that obNecti/e co2(licity which itsel0 is no decoy4 But- 0or this /ery reason- is the ?est deter2ined to eli2inate hi2A
is it reall" takin# place$ 39

The e6hibition o0 A2erican (risoners on Ira7i TV4 !nce 2ore the (olitics o0 blac12ail- o0 hosta)es- the hu2iliation o0 the USA by the s(ectacle o0 those Jre(entantsJ 0orced to a/ow sy2bolically A2erican dishonour4 !ur own as well- we who2 the screens sub2it to the sa2e /iolence- that o0 the battered- 2ani(ulated and (owerless (risonerthat o0 0orced /oyeuris2 in res(onse to the 0orced e6hibitionis2 o0 the i2a)es4 Alon) with the s(ectacle o0 these (risoners or these hosta)es- the screens o00er us the s(ectacle o0 our (owerlessness4 In a case such as this- in0or2ation e6actly 0ul0ills its role which is to con/ince us o0 our own abNection by the obscenity o0 what is seen4 The 0orced (er/ersion o0 the loo1 a2ounts to the a/owal o0 our own dishonour- and 2a1es re(entants o0 us as well4 That the A2ericans should ha/e allowed the2sel/es to be ridiculed without de(artin) 0ro2 their own (ro)ra2 and war indicates a wea1ness in their sy2bolic detonator4 Mu2iliation re2ains the worst 1ind o0 test- arro)ance FSadda25sG the worst 1ind o0 conduct- blac12ail the worst 1ind o0 relationshi( and the acce(tance o0 blac12ail the worst 1ind o0 dishonour4 The 0act that this sy2bolic /iolence- worse than any se6ual /iolence- should 0inally ha/e been withstood without 0linchin) testi0ies to the de(th or the unconscious character o0 ?estern 2asochis24 This is the rule o0 the A2erican way o0 li0e@ nothin% personal0 And they 2a1e war in the sa2e 2anner@ (ra)2atically and not sy2bolically4 They thereby e6(ose the2sel/es to deadly situations which they are unable to con0ront4 But (erha(s they acce(t this in e6(iation o0 their (ower- in an e7ui/alence which is a0ter all sy2bolicA


The Gulf War!

is it reall" takin# place$


Two intense i2a)es- two or (erha(s three scenes which all concern dis0i)ured 0or2s or costu2es which corres(ond to the 2as7uerade o0 this war@ the >NN Nournalists with their )as 2as1s in the Jerusale2 studiosE the dru))ed and beaten (risoners re(entin) on the screen o0 Ira7i TVE and (erha(s that sea= bird co/ered in oil and (ointin) its blind eyes towards the #ul0 s1y4 It is a 2as7uerade o0 in0or2ation@ branded 0aces deli/ered o/er to the (rostitution o0 the i2a)e- the i2a)e o0 an unintelli)ible distress4 No i2a)es o0 the 0ield o0 battle- but i2a)es o0 2as1s- o0 blind or de0eated 0aces- i2a)es o0 0alsi0ication4 It is not war ta1in) (lace o/er there but the dis0i)uration o0 the world4

There is a (ro0ound scorn in the 1ind o0 JcleanJ war which renders the other (owerless without destroyin) its 0lesh- which 2a1es it a (oint o0 honour to disar2 and neutralise but not to 1ill4 In a sense- it is worse than the other 1ind o0 war because it s(ares li0e4 It is li1e hu2iliation@ by ta1in) less than li0e it is worse than ta1in) li0e4 There is undoubtedly a (olitical error here- in so 0ar as it is acce(table to be de0eated but not to be (ut out o0 action4 In this 2annerthe A2ericans in0lict a (articular insult by not 2a1in) war on the other but si2(ly eli2inatin) hi2- the sa2e as one would by not bar)ainin) o/er the (rice o0 an obNect and thereby re0usin) any (ersonal relationshi( with the /endor4 The one whose (rice you acce(t without discussion des(ises you4 The one who2 you disar2 without seein) is insulted and 2ust be a/en)ed4 There is (erha(s so2ethin) o0 this in the (resentation o0 those hu2iliated ca(ti/es on tele/ision4 It is in a sense to say to A2erica@ you who do not wish to see us- we will show you what you are li1e4

Just as the (sychical or the screen o0 the (syche trans0or2s e/ery illness into a sy2(to2 Fthere is no or)anic illness which does not 0ind its 2eanin) elsewhere- in an inter(retation o0 the ail2ent on another le/el@ all the sy2(to2s (ass throu)h a sort o0 blac1 bo6 in which the (sychic i2a)es are Nu2bled and in/erted- the illness beco2es re/ersible- un)ras(able- esca(in) any 0or2 o0 realistic 2edicineG- so war- when it has been turned into in0or2ation- ceases to be a realistic war and beco2es a /irtual war- in so2e way sy2(to2atic4 And Nust as e/erythin) (sychical beco2es the obNect o0 inter2inable s(eculation- so e/erythin) which is turned into in0or2ation beco2es the obNect o0 endless s(eculation- the site o0 total uncertainty4 ?e are le0t with the sy2(to2atic readin) on our screens o0 the e00ects o0 the war- or the e00ects o0 discourse about the war- or co2(letely s(eculati/e strate)ic e/aluations which are analo)ous to those e/aluations o0 o(inion (ro/ided by (olls4 In this 2anner- we ha/e )one in a wee1 0ro2 H*T to ,*T and then to :*T destruction o0 Ira7i 2ilitary (otential4 The 0i)ure 0luctuates e6actly li1e the 0ortunes o0 the stoc1 2ar1et4 JThe land o00ensi/e is antici(ated todayto2orrow- in a 0ew hours- in any case so2eti2e this wee1 444 the cli2atic conditions are ideal 0or a con0rontation- etc4J ?ho2 to belie/eA There is nothin) to belie/e4 ?e 2ust learn to read sy2(to2s as sy2(to2s- and tele/ision as the hysterical sy2(to2 o0 a war which has noth in) to do with its critical 2ass4 "oreo/er- it does not see2 to ha/e to reach its critical 2ass but re2ains in its inertial (hase-

;H The #ul0 ?ar@ is it really ta1in) (laceA ;: while the i2(losion o0 the a((aratus o0 in0or2ation alon) with the acco2(anyin) tendency o0 the rate o0 in0or2ation to 0all see2s to rein0orce the i2(losion o0 war itsel0- with its acco2(anyin) tendency o0 the rate o0 con0rontation to 0all4 industry and 0or)ery a 0lourishin) branch o0 the art industry 8 not to 2ention the 0act that in0or2ation has beco2e a (ri/ile)ed branch o0 industry as such 8 all o0 this is a si)n that we ha/e entered a dece(ti/e world in which an entire culture labours assiduously at its counter0eit4 This also 2eans that it no lon)er harbours any illusion about itsel04 In0or2ation is li1e an unintelli)ent 2issile which ne/er 0inds its tar)et Fnor- un0ortunately- its anti=2issileRG- and there0ore crashes anywhere or )ets lost in s(ace on an un(redictable orbit in which it eternally re/ol/es as Nun14 In0or2ation is only e/er an erratic 2issile with a 0u33y destination which see1s its tar)et but is drawn to e/ery decoy it is itsel0 a decoy- in 0act it scatters

all o/er the en/irons and the result is 2ostly nil4 The uto(ia o0 a tar)etted (ro2otion or tar )etted in0or2ation is the sa2e as that o0 the tar)etted 2issile@ it 1nows not where it lands and (erha(s its 2ission is not to land but- li1e the 2issile- essentially to ha/e been launched Fas its na2e indicatesG4 In 0act- the only i2(ressi/e i2a)es o0 2issiles- roc1ets or satellites are those o0 the launch4 It is the sa2e with (ro2otions or 0i/e year (lans@ the ca2(ai)n launch is what counts- the i2(act or the end results are so uncertain that one 0re7uently hears no 2ore about the24 The entire e00ect is in the (ro)ra22in)- the success is that o0 the /irtual 2odel4 >onsider the Scuds@ their strate)ic e00ecti/eness is nil and their only F(sycholo)icalG e00ect lies in the 0act that Sadda2 succeeded in launchin) the24 The 0act that the (roduction o0 decoys has beco2e an i2(ortant branch o0 the war industry- Nust as the (roduction o0 (lacebos has beco2e an i2(ortant branch o0 the 2edical

It all be)an with the leit2oti0 o0 (recision- o0 sur)ical- 2athe2atical and (unctual e00icacy- which is another way o0 not reco)nisin) the ene2y as suchNust as loboto2y is a way o0 not reco)nisin) 2adness as such4 And then all that technical /irtuosity 0inished u( in the 2ost ridiculous uncertainty4 The isola= tion o0 the ene2y by all 1inds o0 electronic inter0erence creates a sort o0 barricade behind which he beco2es in/isible4 Me also beco2es Jstealthy-J and his ca(acity 0or resistance beco2es indeter2inable4 In annihilatin) hi2 at a distance and as it were by trans(arency- it beco2es i2(ossible to discern whether or not he is dead4 The idea o0 a clean war- li1e that o0 a clean bo2b or an intelli )ent 2issile- this whole war concei/ed as a technolo)ical e6tra(olation o0 the brain is a sure si)n o0 2adness4 It is li1e those characters in Mierony2us Bosch with a )lass bell or a soa( bubble around their head as a si)n o0 their 2ental debility4 A war enclosed in a )lass co00in- li1e Snow ?hite- (ur)ed o0 any carnal conta2ination or warrior5s (assion4 A clean war which ends u( in an oil slic14


The #ul0 ?ar@

site- to see whether these decoys wouldn5t in 0act attract a real bo2b on their heads4

>on/ersely- the A2ericans5 innocence in ad2ittin) their 2ista1e Fdeclarin) 0i/e 2onths later that the Ira7i 0orces are al2ost intact while they the2sel/es are not ready to attac1G and all that counter=(ro(a)anda which adds to the con0usion would be 2o/in) i0 it did not testi0y to the sa2e strate)ic idiocy as the triu2(hal declarations at the outset- and did not 0urther

%6 The Gulf War:

i it reall! takin" place#


ta1e us 0or co2(licit witnesses o0 this sus(icious sincerity o0 the 1ind which says@ you see- we tell you e/erythin)4 ?e can always )i/e credit to the A2ericans 0or 1nowin) how to e6(loit their 0ailures by 2eans o0 a sort o0 tro#pe l'oeil candour4

A UN bedti2e story@ the UN awo1e For was awa1enedG 0ro2 its )lass co00in Fthe buildin) in New Yor1G4 As the co00in 0ell and was shattered Fat the sa2e ti2e as the Eastern BlocG- she s(at out the a((le and re/i/ed- as 0resh as a rose- only to 0ind at once the waitin) Prince >har2in)@ the #ul0 ?ar- also 0resh 0ro2 the ar2s o0 the cold war a0ter a lon) (eriod o0 2ournin)4 No doubt to)ether they will )i/e birth to a New ?orld !rderor else end u( li1e two )hosts loc1ed in /a2(iric e2brace4

Seein) how Sadda2 uses his ca2eras on the hosta)es- the caressed children- the F0a1eG strate)ic tar)ets- on his own s2il= in) 0ace- on the ruins o0 the 2il1 0actory- one cannot hel( thin1in) that in the ?est we still ha/e a hy(ocritical /ision o0 tele/ision and in0or2ation- to the e6tent that- des(ite all the e/idence- we ho(e 0or their (ro(er use4 Sadda2- 0or his (art1nows what the 2edia and in0or2ation are@ he 2a1es a radi = cal- unconditional- (er0ectly cynical and there0ore (er0ectly instru2ental use o0 the24 The Ro2anians too were able to 2a1e a (er0ectly i22oral and 2ysti0icatory use o0 the2 F0ro2 our (oint o0 /iewG4 ?e 2ay re)ret this- but )i/en the Nciale L o0 si2ulation which )o/erns all in0or2atione/en the 2ost (ious and obNecti/e- and )i/en the structural unreality o0 i2a)es and their (roud indi00erence to the truth- these cynics

roi i e are ri)ht about in0or2ation when they e2(loy it as an unconditional si2ulacru24 ?e belie/e that they i22orally

(er/ert i2a)es4 Not so4 They alone are conscious o0 the (ro 0ound i22orality o0 i2a)es- Nust as the Bo1assas and A2in Dadas re/eal- throu)h the (arodic and Ubues7ue use they 2a1e o0 the2- the obscene truth o0 the ?estern (olitical and de2ocratic structures they borrowed4 The secret o0 the underde/elo(ed is to (arody their 2odel and render it ridiculous by e6a))eration4 ?e alone retain the illusion o0 in0or2ation and o0 a ri)ht to in0or2ation4 They are not so nai/e4

Ne/er any actin) out- or (assa)e to action- but si2(ly actin)@ roll ca2erasR But there is too 2uch 0il2- or none at all- or it was desensitised by re2ainin) too lon) in the hu2idity o0 the cold war4 In short- there is 7uite si2(ly nothin) to see4 ater- there will be so2ethin) to see 0or the /iewers o0 archi/al cassettes and the )enerations o0 /ideo=3o2bies who will ne/er cease reconstitutin) the e/ent- ne/er ha/in) had the intuition o0 the non=e/ent o0 this war4 The archi/e also belon)s to /irtual ti2eE it is the co2(le2ent o0 the e/ent Jin real ti2e-J o0 that instantaneity o0 the e/ent and its di00usion4 "oreo/er- rather than the Jre/olutionJ o0 real ti2e o0 which Virilio s(ea1s- we should s(ea1 o0 an in/olution in real ti2eE o0 an in/olution o0 the e/ent in the instantaneity o0 e/erythin) at once- and o0 its /anishin) in in0or2ation itsel04 I0 we ta1e note o0 the s(eed o0 li)ht and the te2(oral short=circuit o0 (ure war Fthe nanosecondG- we see that this


The Gulf War!

is it reall" takin# place$


in/olution (reci(itates us (recisely into the /irtuality o0 war and not into its reality- it (reci(itates us into the absence o0 war4 "ust we denounce the s(eed o0 li)htA

Uto(ia o0 real ti2e which renders the e/ent si2ultaneous at all (oints on the )lobe4 In 0act- what we li/e in real ti2e is not the e/ent- but rather in lar)er than li0e Fin other words- in the /irtual si3e o0 the i2a)eG the s(ectacle o0 the de)radation o0 the e/ent and its s(ectral e/ocation Fthe Js(iritualis2 o0 in0or2a tionJ@ e/ent- are you thereA #ul0 ?ar- are you thereAG in the co22entary- )loss- and /erbose #ise en scene o0 tal1in) heads which only underlines the i2(ossibility o0 the i2a)e and the correlati/e unreality o0 the war4 It is the sa2e a(oria as that o0 cine#a verite which see1s to short=circuit the unreality o0 the i2a)e in order to (resent us the truth o0 the obNect4 In this 2an ner- >NN see1s to be a stethosco(e attached to the hy(othetical heart o0 the war- and to (resent us with its hy(othetical (ulse4 But this auscultation only (ro/ides a con0used ultrasound- undecidable sy2(to2s- and an assort2ent o0 /a)ue and contradictory dia)noses4 All that we can ho(e 0or is to see the2 die li/e F2eta(horically o0 courseG- in other words that so2e e/ent or other should o/erwhel2 the in0or2ation instead o0 the in0or2ation in/entin) the e/ent and co22entin) arti0icially u(on it4 The only real in0or2ation re/olution would be this one- but it is not li1ely to occur in the near 0uture@ it would (resu((ose a re/ersal o0 the idea we ha/e o0 in0or2ation4 In the 2eanti2ewe will continue with the in/olution and encrustation o0 the e/ent in and by in0or2ation- and the closer we a((roach the li/e and real ti2e- the 0urther we will )o in this direction4 The sa2e illusion o0 (ro)ress occurred with the a((earance o0 s(eech and then colour on screen@ at each sta)e o0 this (ro)ress we 2o/ed 0urther away 0ro2 the i2a)inary intensity o0 the i2a)e4 The closer we su((osedly a((roach the real or the truth- the 0urther we draw away 0ro2 the2 both- since neither one nor the other e6ists4 The closer we a((roach the real ti2e o0 the e/ent- the 2ore we 0all into the illusion o0 the /irtual4 #od sa/e us 0ro2 the illusion o0 war4

At a certain s(eed- the s(eed o0 li)ht- you lose e/en your shadow4 At a certain s(eed- the s(eed o0 in0or2ation- thin)s lose their sense4 There is a )reat ris1 o0 announcin) For denouncin)G the A(ocaly(se o0 real ti2e- when it is (recisely at this (oint that the e/ent /olatilises and beco2es a blac1 hole 0ro2 which li)ht no lon)er esca(es4 ?ar i2(lodes in real ti2e- history i2(lodes in real ti2e- all co22unication and all si)ni0ication i2(lode in real ti2e4 The A(ocaly(se itsel0- understood as the arri/al o0 catastro(he- is unli1ely4 It 0alls (rey to the (ro(hetic illusion4 The world is not su00iciently coherent to lead to the A(ocaly(se4 Ne/ertheless- in con0rontin) our o(inions on the war with the dia2etrically o((osed o(inions o0 Paul Virilio- one o0 us bettin) on a(ocaly(tic escalation and the other on deterrence and the inde0inite /irtuality o0 war- we concluded that this decidedly stran)e war went in both directions at once4 The war5s (ro)ra22ed escalation is relentless and its non=occurrence no less ine/itable@ the war (roceeds at once towards the two e6tre2es o0 intensi0ication and deterrence4 The war and the non=war


The Gulf War!

is it reall" takin# place$


ta1e (lace at the sa2e ti2e- with the sa2e (eriod o0 de(loy2ent and sus(ense and the sa2e (ossibilities o0 de=escalation or 2a6i2al increase4 ?hat is 2ost e6traordinary is that the two hy(otheses- the a(ocaly(se o0 real ti2e and (ure war alon) with the triu2(h o0 the /irtual o/er the real- are realised at the sa2e ti2e- in the sa2e s(ace=ti2e- each in i2(lacable (ursuit o0 the other4 It is a si)n that the s(ace o0 the e/ent has beco2e a hy(ers(ace with 2ulti(le re0racti/ity- and that

the space of !ar has beco#e definitivel non1Euclidean. And that there will undoubtedly be no resolution o0 this situation@ we will re2ain in the undecidability o0 war- which is
the undecidability created by the unleashin) o0 the two o((osed (rinci(les4 So0t war and (ure war )o boatin)4 There is a de)ree o0 (o(ular )ood will in the 2icro=(anic distilled by the airwa/es4 The (ublic ulti2ately consents to be 0ri)htened- and to be )ently terrorised by the bacteriolo)ical scenarios- on the basis o0 a 1ind o0 a00ecti/e (atriotis2- e/en while it (reser/es a 0airly (ro0ound indi00erence to the war4 But it censors this indi00erenceon the )rounds that we 2ust not cut oursel/es o00 0ro2 the world scene- that we 2ust be 2obilised at least as e6tras in order to rescue war@ we ha/e no other (assion with which to re(lace it4 It is the sa2e with (oliti cal (artici(ation under nor2al circu2stances@ this is lar)ely second hand- ta1in) (lace a)ainst a bac1dro( o0 s(ontaneous indi00erence4 It is the sa2e with #od@ e/en when we no lon)er belie/e- we continue to belie/e that we belie/e4 In this hysteri= cal re(lace2ent 0unction- we identi0y at once those who are su(er0luous and they are 2any4 By contrast- the 0ew who ad/ance the hy(othesis o0 this (ro0ound indi00erence will be recei/ed as traitors4

By the 0orce o0 the 2edia- this war liberates an e6(onential 2ass o0 stu(idity- not the (articular stu(idity o0 war- which is considerable- but the (ro0essional and 0unctional stu(idity o0 those who (onti0icate in (er(etual co22entary on the e/ent@ all the Bou/ards and Pecuchets 0or hire- the would=be raiders o0 the lost i2a)e- the >NN ty(es and all the 2aster sin)ers o0 strate)y and in0or2ation who 2a1e us e6(erience the e2(ti ness o0 tele/ision as ne/er be0ore4 This war- it 2ust be said- constitutes a 2erciless test4 .ortunately- no one will hold this e6(ert or )eneral or that intellectual 0or hire to account 0or the idiocies or absurdities (ro00ered the day be0ore- since these will be erased by those o0 the 0ollowin) day4 In this 2anner- e/ery one is a2nestied by the ultra=ra(id succession o0 (hony e/ents and (hony discourses4 The launderin) o0 stu(idity by the escalation o0 stu(idity which reconstitutes a sort o0 total innocence- na2ely the innocence o0 washed and bleached brains- stu(e0ied not by the /iolence but by the sinister insi)ni0icance o0 the i2a)es4

>he/ene2ent in the desert@ 'orituri te salutant0 Ridiculous4 .rance with its old Ja)uars and its (residential sli((ers4 >a(illon on tele/ision@ the bene0it o0 this war will ha/e been

to recycle our 2ilitary leaders on tele/ision4 !ne shudders at the thou)ht that in another ti2e- in a real war- they were o(erational on the battle0ield4


The Gulf War!

is it reall" takin# place$


I2bro)lio@ that (aci0ist de2onstration in Paris- thus indirectly 0or Sadda2 Mussein- who does want war- and a)ainst the .rench #o/ern2ent which does not want itand which 0ro2 the outset )i/es all the si)ns o0 re0usin) to ta1e (art- or o0 doin) so reluctantly4

Deserted sho(s- sus(ended /acations- the slowdown o0 acti/ity- the city turned o/er to the absent 2asses@ it 2ay well be that- behind the alibi o0 (anic- this war should be the drea2ed=0or o((ortunity to so0t=(edal- the o((ortunity to slow down- to ease o00 the (ace4 The cra3ed (articles cal2 down- the war erases the )uerrilla war0are o0 e/eryday li0e4 >atharsisA No@ reno/ation4 !r (erha(s- with e/eryone )lued at ho2e- TV (lays out 0ully its role o0 social control by collecti/e stu(e0action@ turnin) uselessly u(on itsel0 li1e a der/ish- it a00i6es (o(ulations all the better 0or decei/in) the2- as with a bad detecti/e no/el which we cannot belie/e could be so (ointless4

Ira7 is bein) rebuilt e/en be0ore it has been destroyed4 A0ter=sales ser/ice4 Such antici(ation reduces e/en 0urther the credibility o0 the war- which did not need this to discoura)e those who wanted to belie/e in it4 So2eti2es a )li22er o0 blac1 hu2our@ the twel/e thou sand co00ins sent alon) with the ar2s and a22unition4 Mere too- the A2ericans de2onstrate their (resu2(tion@ their (roNections and their losses are without co22on 2easure4 But Sadda2 challen)ed the2 with bein) inca(able o0 sacri0icin) ten thousand 2en in a war@ they re(lied by sendin) twel/e thousand co00ins4 The o/eresti2ation o0 losses is (art o0 the sa2e 2e)alo2aniac li)ht show as the (ublicised de(loy2ent o0 JDesert ShieldJ and the or)y o0 bo2bard2ent4 The (ilots no lon)er e/en ha/e any tar)ets4 The Ira7is no lon)er e/en ha/e enou)h decoys to cater 0or the incessant raids4 The sa2e tar)et 2ust be bo2bed 0i/e ti2es4 "oc1ery4 The British artillery unleashed 0or twenty 0our hours4 on) since there was nothin) le0t to destroy4 ?hy thenA In order Jto co/er the noise o0 the ar2oured colu2ns ad/ancin) towards the 0ront by the noise o0 the bo2bard2ent4J !0 course- the e00ect o0 sur(rise 2ust be 2aintained Fit is .ebruary H'G4 The best (art is that there was no lon)er anyone there- the Ira7is had already le0t4 Absurdity4 Sadda2 is a 2ercenary- the A2ericans are 2issionaries4 But once the 2ercenary is beaten- the 2issionaries beco2e de facto the 2ercenaries o0 the entire world4 But the (rice 0or beco2in) a (er0ect 2ercenary is to be stri((ed o0 all (olitical intelli)ence and all will4 The A2ericans cannot esca(e it@ i0 they want to be the (olice o0 the world and the New ?orld !rder- they 2ust lose all (olitical authority in 0a/our o0 their o(erational ca(acity alone4 They will beco2e (ure e6ecutants and e/eryone else

54 is it reall" takin# place$

The Gulf War!


(ure e6tras in the consensual and (oliced New ?orld !rder4 ?hoe/er the dictator to be destroyed- any (uniti/e 0orce sure o0 itsel0 is e/en 2ore 0ri)htenin)4 Ma/in) assu2ed the Israeli style- the A2ericans will hence0orth e6(ort it e/erywhere and- Nust as the Israelis did- loc1 the2sel/es into the s(iral o0 unconditional re(ression4

.or the A2ericans- the ene2y does not e6ist as such4 2othin% personal. Your war is o0 no interest to 2e- your resistance is o0 no interest to 2e4 I will destroy you when I a2 ready4 Re0usal to bar)ain- whereas Sadda2 Mussein- 0or his (art- bar)ains his war by o/erbiddin) in order to 0all bac1- atte2(tin) to 0orce the hand by (ressure and blac12ail- li1e a hustler tryin) to sell his )oods4 The A2ericans understand nothin) in this whole (sychodra2a o0 bar)ainin)- they are had e/ery ti2e until- with the wounded (ride o0 the ?esterner- they sti00en and i2(ose their conditions4 They understand nothin) o0 this 0loatin) duel- this (assa)e o0 ar2s in which- 0or a brie0 2o2ent- the honour and dishonour o0 each is in (lay4 They 1now only their /irtue- and they are (roud o0 their /irtue4 I0 the other wants to (lay- to tric1 and to challen)e- they will /irtuously e2(loy their 0orce4 They will o((ose the other5s tra(s with their character ar2our and their ar2oured tan1s4 .or the2- the ti2e o0 e6chan)e does not e6ist4 But the other- e/en i0 he 1nows that he will concede- can = not do so without another 0or2 o0 (rocedure4 Me 2ust be reco)nised as interlocutor@ this is the )oal o0 the e6chan)e4 Me 2ust be reco)nised as an ene2y@ this is the whole ai2 o0 the war4 .or the A2ericans- bar)ainin) is chea( whereas 0or the others it is a 2atter o0 honour- F2utualG (ersonal reco)nition- lin)uistic strate)y Flan)ua)e e6ists- it 2ust be honouredG and res(ect 0or ti2e Faltercation de2ands a rhyth2- it is the (rice o0 there bein) an !therG4 The A2ericans ta1e no account o0 these (ri2iti/e subtleties4 They ha/e 2uch to learn about sy2bolic e6chan)e4 By contrast- they are winners 0ro2 an econo2ic (oint o0 /iew4 No ti2e lost in discussion- no (sycholo)ical ris1 in any duel with the other@ it is a way o0 (ro/in) that ti2e does not e6ist- that the other does not e6ist- and that all that 2atters is the 2odel and 2astery o0 the 2odel4 .ro2 a 2ilitary (oint o0 /iew- to allow this war to endure in the way they ha/e Finstead o0 a((lyin) an Israeli solution and i22ediately e6(loitin) the i2balance o0 0orce while short=circuitin) all retaliatory e00ectsG- is a clu2sy solution lac1in) in )lory and 0ull o0 (er/erse e00ects FSadda25s aura a2on) the Arab 2assesG4 Ne/ertheless- in doin) this- they i2(ose a sus(ense- a te2(oral /acuu2 in which they (resent to the2sel/es and to the entire world the s(ectacle o0 their /irtual (ower4 They will ha/e allowed the war to 4endure as lon) as it ta1es- not to win but to (ersuade the whole world o0 the in0allibility o0 their 2achine4
- /

The /ictory o0 the 2odel is 2ore i2(ortant than /ictory on the )round4 "ilitary success consecrates the triu2(h o0 ar2s- but the (ro)ra22in) success consecrates the de0eat o0 ti2e4 ?ar=(rocessin)- the trans(arency o0 the 2odel in the un0oldin) o0 the war- the strate)y o0 relentless e6ecution o0 a (ro)ra2- the electrocution o0 all reaction and any li/e initiati/e- includin) their own@ these are 2ore i2(ortant 0ro2 the (oint o0 /iew o0 )eneral deterrence Fo0 0riends and 0oes ali1eG than the 0inal

The Gulf War! is it reall" takin# place$ 5%

result on the )round4 >lean war- white war- (ro)ra22ed war@ 2ore lethal than the war which sacri0ices hu2an li/es4

?e are a lon) way 0ro2 annihilation- holocaust and ato2ic a(ocaly(se- the total war which 0unctions as the archaic i2a)i nary o0 2edia hysteria4 !n the contrary- this 1ind o0 (re/entati/e- deterrent and (uniti/e war is a warnin) to e/eryone not to ta1e e6tre2e 2easures and in0lict u(on the2sel/es what they in0lict on others Fthe 2issionary co2(le6G@ the rule o0 the )a2e that says e/eryone 2ust re2ain within the li2its o0 their (ower and not 2a1e war by any 2eans whate/er4 Power 2ust re2ain /irtual and e6e2(lary- in other words- /irtuous4 The decisi/e test is the (lanetary a((renticeshi( in this re)ulation4 Just as wealth is no lon)er 2easured by the ostentation o0 wealth but by the secret circulation o0 s(eculati/e ca(ital- so war is not 2easured by bein) wa)ed but by its s(eculati/e un0oldin) in an abstract- electronic and in0or2ational s(ace- the sa2e s(ace in which ca(ital 2o/es4 ?hile this conNuncture does not e6clude all accident Fdisor der in the /irtualG- it is ne/ertheless true that the (robability o0 the irru(tion o0 those e6tre2e 2easures and 2utual /iolence which we call war is increasin)ly low4

Sadda2 the hysteric4 Inter2inable shit 1ic1er4 The hysteric cannot be crushed@ he is reborn 0ro2 his sy2(to2s as thou)h 0ro2 his ashes4 >on0ronted by a hysteric- the other beco2es L (aranoid- he de(loys a 2assi/e a((aratus o0 (rotection and 2istrust4 Me sus(ects the hysteric o0 bad 0aith- o0 ruse and4 dissi2ulation4 Me wants to constrain hi2 to the truth and to trans(arency4 The hysteric is irreducible4 Mis 2eans are decoys and the o/erturnin) o0 alliances4 >on0ronted with this lubricity- this du(licity--the(aranoidLca(4only- beco2e 2ore ri)id- 2ore obsessional4 The 2ost /iolent re(roach addressed to Sadda2 Mussein by Bush is that o0 bein) a liar- a traitor- a bad (layer- a tric1ster4 L in% sorufabitch0 Sadda2-

li1e a )ood hysteric- has

ne/er )i/en birth to his own war@ 0or hin'-'tLis only a (hanto2 (re)nancy4 By contrast- he has until now succeeded in (re/ent= in) Bush 0ro2 )i/in) succeeded birth to his4 with theu( co2(licity o0 the hysteric L #orbache/he al2ost inAnd0uc1in) hi2 the ass4 But is not suicidal- this is the ad/anta)eous other side to Sadda24 Me is neither 2ad nor suicidal4 (erha(s he should be treated by hy(nosisA 4L

The Ira7is and the A2ericans ha/e at least one thin) in co2 2on- a heinous cri2e which they Fand with the2 the ?estG share4 "any thin)s about this war are e6(lained by this anterior cri2e 0ro2 which both sides sou)ht to (ro0it with i2(unity4 The secret e6(iation o0 this cri2e 0eeds the #ul0 ?ar in its con0usion and its allure o0 the settlin) o0 accounts4 Such is the shared a)ree2ent to 0or)et it that little is s(o1en about this (rior e(isode Fe/en by the IraniansGna2ely the war a)ainst Iran4 Sadda2 2ust a/en)e his 0ailure to win- e/en thou)h he was the a))ressor and sure o0 his i2(unity4 Me 2ust a/en)e hi2sel0 a)ainst the ?est which trained hi2 0or it- while the A2ericans- 0or their (art- 2ust su((ress hi2 as the e2barrass=

The Gulf War did not take place

Since this war was won in ad/ance- we will ne/er 1now what it would ha/e been li1e had it e6isted4 ?e will ne/er 1now what an Ira7i ta1in) (art with a chance o0 0i)htin) would ha/e been li1e4 ?e will ne/er 1now what an A2erican ta1in) (art with a chance o0 bein) beaten would ha/e been li1e4 ?e ha/e seen what an ultra=2odern (rocess o0 electrocution is li1e- a (rocess o0 (aralysis or loboto2y o0 an e6(eri2ental ene2y away 0ro2 the 0ield o0 battle with no (ossibility o0 reaction4 But this is not a war- any 2ore than '*-*** tonnes o0 bo2bs (er day is su00i cient to 2a1e it a war4 Any 2ore than the direct trans2ission by >NN o0 real ti2e in0or2ation is su00icient to authenticate a war4 !ne is re2inded o0 3apricorn 4ne in which the 0li)ht o0 a 2anned roc1et to "ars- which only too1 (lace in a desert studio- was relayed li/e to all the tele/ision stations in the world4 It has been called a sur)ical war- and it is true that there is so2ethin) in co22on between this in vitro destruction and in vitro 0ertilisation 8 the latter also (roduces a li/in) bein) but it

did not take place

The #ul0 ?ar


is not su00icient to (roduce a child4 E6ce(t in the New #enetic !rder- a child issues 0ro2 se6ual anta)onistic- destructi/e but dual relation between two ad/ersaries4 This war is an ase6ual a((ears as a co2(uterised tar)et- Nust as se6ual (artners only a((ear as code=na2es on the screen the #ul0 ?ar can (ass 0or a war4

co(ulation4 E6ce(t in the New ?orld !rder- war is born o0 an sur)ical war- a 2atter o0 war=(rocessin) in which the ene2y only o0 'initel +ose. I0 we can s(ea1 o0 se6 in the latter case then (erha(s

The Ira7is blow u( ci/ilian buildin)s in order to )i/e the i2(ression o0 a dirty war4 The clean war4 E/erythin) in tro#pe l'oeil0 The 0inal Ira7i (loy@ to secretly e/acuate Kuwait and thereby itsel0 was (erha(s only a 2ira)eE in any case- it was e6(loited as such until the end4 All this is no worse in the 0eelin) o0 ha/in) been du(ed4 Ira7i boastin)- A2erican hy(ocrisy4 It is as thou)h it o0 all credibility4 It is (erha(s because the two ad/ersaries did not e/en con0ront each other 0ace in its traditional war lost in ad/ance4 They ne/er saw each other@ when the A2ericans 0inally disa((eared behind their curtain o0 s2o1e 444 The )eneral e00ect is o0 a 0arce which we will not e/en ha/e had ti2e to a((laud4 The only escalation will ha/e been in decoys- o(enin) onto the 0inal era Eastern Euro(e still )a/e the i2(ression o0 a di/ine sur(rise4 No such thin) in the #ul0- where it is retro=/irus o0 history4 This is why we could ad/ance the hy(othesis that this war would not not ta1e (lace4 It was buried 0or too lon)- whether in the concrete and sand Ira7i bun1ers or in the the chatterin) tele/ision screens4 Today e/erythin) tends to )o under)round- includ in) under)round in order to sur/i/e4 In this 0oru2 o0 war which is the #ul0- e/erythin) is hidden@ i2a)es are censored and all in0or2ation is bloc1aded in the desert@ only TV 0unctions as a tele/ision4 i1e an ani2al- the war )oes to )round4 It hides in the sand- it hides in the s1y4 It is li1e the Ira7i which will ne/er co2e4 The A2ericans the2sel/es are the /ectors o0 this catale(sy4 There is no 7uestion that the war that- in their war- the Ira7is went to war4 No 7uestion that the !ther ca2e 0ro2 their co2(uters4 (risoners- which should ha/e (roduced a /iolent

A2ericans dis)uise satellite in0or2ation to )i/e the i2(ression o0 a 2oc1 the )reat o00ensi/e4 ?ith hindsi)ht- the Presidential #uard 2ore than a strata)e2 and the war ended in )eneral boredo2- or there was a /irus in0ectin) this war 0ro2 the be)innin) which e2(tied to 0ace- the one lost in its /irtual war won in ad/ance- the other buried a((eared behind their curtain o0 bo2bs the Ira7is had already

o0 )reat con0rontations which /anish in the 2ist4 The e/ents in as thou)h e/ents were de/oured in ad/ance by the (arasite /irus- the ta1e (lace4 And now that it is o/er- we can realise at last that it did A2ericans5 electronic s1y- or behind that other 0or2 o0 se(ulchrein0or2ation in its in0or2ational bun1ers4 E/en war has )one the (lanes are hidden- the tan1s are buried- Israel (lays dead- the 2ediu2 without a 2essa)e- )i/in) at last the i2a)e o0 (ure (lanes@ it 1nows that it has no chance i0 it sur0aces4 It awaits its hour 444 ca2e 0ro2 their (lan and its (ro)ra22ed un0oldin)4 No 7uestion All reaction- e/en on their (art Fas we saw in the e(isode o0 the

The Gulf War






(ro)ra2- all i2(ro/isation is abolished

Fe/en the Israelis were 2u33ledG4 ?hat is tested here in this 0oreclosure o0 the ene2y- this e6(eri2ental reclu sion o0 war- is the 0uture /alidity 0or the entire (lanet o0 this ty(e o0 su00ocatin) and 2achinic (er0or2ance- /irtual and relentless in its un0oldin)4 In this (ers(ecti/e- war could not ta1e (lace4 There is no 2ore roo2 0or war than 0or any 0or2 o0 li/in) i2(ulse4

?ar stri((ed o0 its (assions- its (hantas2s- its 0inery- its /eils- its /iolence- its i2a)esE war stri((ed bare by its technicians e/en- and then reclothed by the2 with all the arti0ices o0 electronics- as thou)h with a second s1in4 But these too are a 1ind o0 decoy that technolo)y sets u( be0ore itsel04 Sadda2 Mussein5s decoys still ai2 to decei/e the ene2y- whereas the A2erican technolo)ical decoy only ai2s to decei/e itsel04 The 0irst days o0 the li)htnin) attac1- do2inated by this technolo)ical 2ysti0ication- will re2ain one o0 the 0inest blu00s- one o0 the 0inest collec ti/e 2ira)es o0 conte2(orary Mistory Falon) with Ti2isoaraG4 ?e are all acco2(lices in these 0antas2a)oria- it 2ust be said- as we are in any (ublicity ca2(ai)n4 In the (ast- the une2 = (loyed constituted the reser/e ar2y o0 >a(italE today- in our ensla/e2ent to in0or2ation- we constitute the reser/e ar2y o0 all (lanetary 2ysti0ications4

Sadda2 constructed his entire war as a decoy Fwhether deliber= ately or notG- includin) the decoy o0 de0eat which e/en 2ore
did not take place 5

rese2bles a hysterical synco(e o0 the ty(e@ (ee1=a=boo- I a2 no lon)er thereR But the A2ericans also constructed their a00air as a decoy- li1e a (arabolic 2irror o0 their own (ower- ta1in) no account o0 what was be0ore the2- or hallucinatin) those o((osite to be a threat o0 co2(arable si3e to the2sel/es@ otherwise they would not e/en ha/e been able to belie/e in their own /ictory4 Their /ictory itsel0 in the 0or2 o0 a triu2(hal decoy echoes the Ira7i decoy o0 de0eat4 Ulti2ately- both were acco2(lices as thic1 as thie/es- and we were collecti/ely abused4 This is why the war re2ains inde0inable and un)ras(able- all strate)y ha/in) )i/en way to strata)e24 !ne o0 the two ad/ersaries is a ru) sales2an- the other an ar2s sales2an@ they ha/e neither the sa2e lo)ic nor the sa2e strate)y- e/en thou)h they are both croo1s4 There is not enou)h co22unication between the2 to enable the2 to 2a1e war u(on each other4 Sadda2 will ne/er 0i)ht- while the A2ericans will 0i)ht a)ainst a 0icti/e double on screen4 They see Sadda2 as he should be- a 2odernist hero- worth de0eatin) Fthe 0ourth bi))est ar2y in the worldRG4 Sadda2 re2ains a ru) sales2an who ta1es the A2ericans 0or ru) sales2en li1e hi2sel0- stron)er than he but less )i0ted 0or the sca24 Me hears nothin) o0 deterrence4 .or there to be deterrence- there 2ust be co22unication4 It is a )a2e o0 rational strate)y which (resu((oses real ti2e co22unication between the two ad/ersariesE whereas in this war there was ne/er co22unication at any 2o2ent- but always dislocation in ti2eSadda2 e/ol/in) in a lon) ti2e- that o0 blac12ail- o0 (rocrastination- 0alse ad/ance- o0 retreat@ the recurrent ti2e o0 The Thousand and 4ne 2i%hts 8 e6actly the in/erse o0 real ti2e4 Deterrence in 0act (resu((oses

The Gulf War

did not take place % a /irtual escalation between the two ad/ersaries4 By contrast- Sadda25s entire strate)y rests u(on de=escalation Fone sets a 2a6i2al (rice then descends 0ro2 it in sta)esG4 And their res(ecti/e denoue2ents are not at all the sa2e4 The 0ailure o0 the sales (itch is 2ar1ed by e/asi/e action@ the sales2an rolls u( his ru) and lea/es4 ThusSadda2 disa((ears without 0urther ado4 The 0ailure o0 deterrence is 2ar1ed by 0orce@ this is the case with the A2ericans4 !nce a)ain- there is no relation between the twoeach (lays in his own s(ace and 2isses the other4 ?e cannot e/en say that the A2ericans de0eated Sadda2@ he de0aulted on the2- he de=escalated and they were not able to escalate su00iciently to destroy hi24

.inally- who could ha/e rendered 2ore ser/ice to e/eryone- in such a short ti2e at such little cost- than Sadda2 MusseinA Me rein0orced the security o0 Israel Fre0lu6 o0 the Inti0ada- re/i/al o0 world o(inion 0or IsraelG- assured the )lory o0 A2erican ar2s- )a/e #orbache/ a (olitical chance- o(ened the door to Iran and Shiis2- relaunched the UNetc4- all 0or 0ree since he alone (aid the (rice o0 blood4 >an we concei/e o0 so ad2irable a 2anA And he did not e/en 0allR Me re2ains a hero 0or the Arab 2asses4 It is as thou)h he were an a)ent o0 the >IA dis)uised as Saladin4

Resist the (robability o0 any i2a)e or in0or2ation whate/er4 Be 2ore /irtual than e/ents the2sel/es- do not see1 to re=establish the truth- we do not ha/e the 2eans- but do not be du(ed- and to that end re=i22erse the war and all in0or2ation in the /irtuality 0ro2 whence they co2e4 Turn deterrence bac1 a)ainst itsel04 Be 2eteorolo)ically sensiti/e to stu(idity4 In the case o0 this war- it is a 7uestion o0 the li/in) illustra tion o0 an i2(lacable lo)ic which renders us inca(able o0 en/isa)in) any hy(othesis other than that o0 its real occurrence4 The realist lo)ic which li/es on the illusion o0 the 0inal result4 The denial o0 the 0acts is ne/er one o0 the24 The 0inal resolution o0 an e7uation as co2(le6 as a war is ne/er i22ediately a((arent in the war4 It is a 7uestion o0 sei3in) the lo)ic o0 its un0oldin)- in the absence o0 any (ro(hetic illusion4 To be 0or or a)ainst the war is idiotic i0 the 7uestion o0 the /ery (robability o0 this war- its credibility or de)ree o0 reality has not been raised e/en 0or a 2o2ent4 All (olitical and ideolo)ical s(eculations 0all under 2ental deterrence Fstu(idityG4 By /irtue o0 their i22ediate consensus on the e/idence they 0eed the unreality o0 this war- they rein0orce its blu00 by their unconscious du(ery4 The real war2on)ers are those who li/e on the ideolo)y o0 the /eracity o0 this war- while the war itsel0 wrea1s its ha/oc at another le/el by tric1ery- hy(erreality- si2ulacraand by the entire 2ental strate)y o0 deterrence which is (layed out in the 0acts and in the i2a)es- in the antici(ation o0 the real by the /irtual- o0 the e/ent by /irtual ti2e- and in the ine6orable con0usion o0 the two4 All those who understand nothin) o0 this in/oluntarily rein0orce this halo o0 blu00 which surrounds us4

It is as thou)h the Ira7is were electrocuted- loboto2ised- run= nin) towards the tele/ision Nournalists in order to surrender or i22obilised beside their tan1s- not e/en de2oralised@ de=cere=

The Gulf War

did not take place

bralised- stu(e0ied rather than de0eated 8 can this be called a warA Today we see the shreds o0 this war rot in the desert Nust li1e the shreds o0 the 2a( in Bor)es5 0able rottin) at the 0our corners o0 the territory F2oreo/er- stran)ely- he situates his 0able in the sa2e oriental re)ions o0 the E2(ireG4 .a1e war- dece(ti/e war- not e/en the illusion but the disil= lusion o0 war- lin1ed not only to de0ensi/e calculation- which translates into the 2onstrous (ro(hyla6is o0 this 2ilitary 2achine- but also to the 2ental disillusion o0 the co2batants the2sel/es- and to the )lobal disillusion o0 e/eryone else by 2eans o0 in0or2ation4 .or deterrence is a total 2achine Fit is the true war 2achineG- and it not only o(erates at the heart o0 the e/ent 8 where electronic co/era)e o0 the war de/oured ti2e and s(ace- where /irtuality Fthe decoy(ro)ra22in)- the antici(ation o0 the endG de/oured all the o6y)en o0 war li1e a 0uel=air e6(losi/e bo2b

it also

o(erates in our heads4 In0or2ation has a (ro0ound 0unction o0 dece(tion4 It 2atters little what it Jin0or2sJ us about- its Jco/era)eJ o0 e/ents 2atters little since it is (recisely no 2ore than a co/er@ its (ur(ose is to (roduce consensus by 0lat ence(halo)ra24 The co2(le2ent o0 the unconditional si2ulacru2 in the 0ield is to train e/eryone in the unconditional rece(tion o0 broadcast si2ulacra4 Abolish any intelli)ence o0 the e/ent4 The result is a su00ocatin) at2os(here o0 dece(tion and stu(idity4 And i0 (eo(le are /a)uely aware o0 bein) cau)ht u( in this a((ease2ent and this disillusion by i2a)es- they swallow the dece(tion and re2ain 0ascinated by the e/idence o0 the 2onta)e o0 this war with which we are inoculated e/erywhere@ throu)h the eyes- the senses and in discourse4


The Gulf War

did not take place


late in the /irtual Fo0 destructionG under (enalty o0 de=escalat in) in the real4 This is the (arado6 o0 deterrence4 It is li1e in0or2ation- culture or other 2aterial and s(iritual )oods@ only their (ro0usion renders the2 indi00erent and neutralises their ne)ati/e (er/erse e00ects4 "ulti(ly /ices in order to ensure the collecti/e )ood4

That said- the conse7uences o0 what did not ta1e (lace 2ay be as substantial as those o0 an historical e/ent4 The hy(othesis would be that- in the case o0 the #ul0 ?ar as in the case o0 the e/ents in Eastern Euro(e- we are no lon)er dealin) with Jhistorical e/entsJ but with (laces o0 colla(se4 Eastern Euro(e saw the colla(se o0 co22unis2- the construction o0 which had indeed been an historic e/ent- borne by a /ision o0 the world and a uto(ia4 By contrast- its colla(se is borne by noth in) and bears nothin)- but only o(ens onto a con0used desert le0t /acant by the retreat o0 history and i22ediately in/aded by its re0use4 The #ul0 ?ar is also a (lace o0 colla(se- a /irtual and 2eticulous o(eration which lea/es the sa2e i2(ression o0 a none/ent where the 2ilitary con0rontation 0ell short and where no (olitical (ower (ro/ed itsel04 The colla(se o0 Ira7 and stu(e0action o0 the Arab world are the conse7uences o0 a con0rontation which did not ta1e (lace and which undoubtedly ne/er could ta1e (lace4 But this non=war in the 0or2 o0 a /ictory also consecrates the ?estern (olitical colla(se throu)hout the "iddle East- inca(able e/en o0 eli2inatin) Sadda2 and o0 i2a)inin) or i2(osin) anythin) a(art 0ro2 this new desert and (olice order called world order4 As a conse7uence o0 this non=e/ent and li/in) (roo0 o0 ?estern (olitical wea1ness- Sadda2 is indeed still there- once a)ain what he always was- the 2ercenary o0 the ?est- deser/in) (unish2ent 0or not re2ainin) in his (lace- but also worthy o0 continuin) to )as the Kurds and the Shiites since he had the tact not to e2(loy these wea(ons a)ainst those ?estern do)s- and worthy o0 1ee(in) his Presidential #uard since he had the heart to not sacri0ice the2 in co2bat4 "iraculously Fthey were thou)ht to ha/e been destroyedG- the Presidential #uard reco/ers all its /alour a)ainst the insur)ents4 "oreo/er- it is ty(ical o0 Sadda2 to (ro/e his co2bati/ity and 0erocity only a)ainst his internal ene2ies@ as with e/ery true dictator- the ulti2ate end o0 (olitics- care0ully 2as1ed elsewhere by the e00ects o0 de2ocracy- is to 2aintain control o0 one5s own (eo(le by any 2eans- includin) terror4 This 0unction e2bodied by dictatorshi(s 8 that o0 bein) (olitically re/ealin) and at the sa2e ti2e an alibi 0or de2ocracies 8 no doubt e6(lains the ine6(licable wea1ness o0 the lar)e (owers towards the24 Sadda2 li7uidates the co22unists- "oscow 0lirts e/en 2ore with hi2E he )asses the Kurds- it is not held a)ainst hi2E he eli2inates the reli)ious cadres- the whole o0 Isla2 2a1es (eace with hi24 ?hence this i2(unityA ?hy are we content to in0lict a (er0ect se2blance o0 2ilitary de0eat u(on hi2 in e6chan)e 0or a (er0ect se2blance o0 /ictory 0or the A2ericansA This i)no2inious re2ountin) o0 Sadda2- re(lacin) hi2 in the saddle a0ter his clown act at the head o0 the holy war- clearly shows that on all sides the war is considered not to ha/e ta1en (lace4 E/en the last (hase o0 this ar2ed 2ysti0ication will ha/e chan)ed nothin)- 0or the


The Gulf War

100,000 Ira7i dead will only ha/e been the 0inal decoy that Sadda2 will

ha/e sacri0iced- the blood 2oney (aid in 0or0eit accordin) to a calculated still ser/e as an alibi 0or those who do not want to ha/e been e6cited 0or that this war was indeed a war and not a sha2e0ul and (ointless hoa6F"ar6 once s(o1e o0 this second- 2elodra2atic /ersion o0 a (ri2ary enNoy an e/en 0resher and 2ore Noy0ul credulity4

e7ui/alence- in order to conser/e his (ower4 ?hat is worse is that these dead nothin)- nor to ha/e been had 0or nothin)@ at least the dead would (ro/e a (ro)ra22ed and 2elodra2atic /ersion o0 what was the dra2a o0 war e/entG4 But we can rest assured that the ne6t soa( o(era in this )enre will
did not take place 73

The con7uered ha/e not been con/inced and ha/e withdrawn- lea/in) the can also be a ri/al bid and a new be)innin)- the chain o0 i2(lication ne/er rec1oned in ter2s o0 0reedo24

/ictors only the bitter taste o0 an unreal 2ade=toorder /ictory4 De0eat sto(s4 The e/entual outco2e is un(redictable and certainly will not be

No accidents occurred in this war- e/erythin) un0olded accordin) to (ro)ra22atic order- in the absence o0 (assional disorder4 Nothin) occurred which would ha/e 2eta2or(hosed e/ents into a duel4
' $

?hat a Nob Sadda2 has done 0or the A2ericans- 0ro2 his co2bat with Iran u( to this 0ull scale debacleR Ne/ertheless- e/erythin) is a2bi)uous since this colla(se re2o/es any de2onstrati/e /alue 0ro2 A2erican (ower- alon) with any belie0 in the ?estern ideolo)ies o0 2odernity- de2ocracy- or secularity- o0 which Sadda2 had been 2ade the incarnation in the Arab world4

?e can see that the ?estern (owers drea2t o0 an Isla2ic (erestroi1a- on the newly 0or2ed 2odel o0 Eastern Euro(e@ de2ocracy irresistibly establishin) itsel0 in those countries con7uered by the 0orces o0 #ood4 The Arab countries will be liberated Fthe (eo(les cannot but want to be liberatedG- and the wo2en o0 Saudi Arabia will ha/e the ri)ht to dri/e4 AlasR this is not to be4 E/en the status o0 the deaths 2ay be 7uestioned- on both sides4 The 2ini2al losses o0 the coalition (ose a serious (roble2- which ne/er arose in any earlier war4 The (altry nu2ber o0 deaths 2ay be cause 0or sel0=con)ratulation- but nothin) will (re/ent this 0i)ure bein) (altry4 Stran)ely- a war without /icti2s does not see2 li1e a real war but rather the (re0i)uration o0 an e6(eri2ental- blan1 war- or a war e/en 2ore inhu2an because it is without hu2an losses4 No heroes on the other side either- where death was 2ost o0ten that o0 sacri0iced e6tras- le0t as co/er in the trenches o0 Kuwait- or ci/ilians ser/in) as bait and 2artyrs 0or the dirty war4 Disa((eared- abandoned to their lot- in the thic1 0o) o0 war- held in utter conte2(t by their chie0- without e/en the collecti/e )lory o0 a nu2ber Fwe do not 1now how 2any they areG4 Alon) with the hosta)e or the re(entant- the 0i)ure o0 the

&; The #ul0 ?ar did not take place %5 Jdisa((earedJ has beco2e e2ble2atic in our (olitical uni/erse4 Be0ore- there were the dead and traitors- now there are the dis a((eared and the re(entant@ both blan1s4 E/en the dead are blan1s@ J?e ha/e already buried the2- they can no lon)er be counted-J d i x i t Schwar31o(04 At Ti2isoara- there were too 2any o0 the2- here there are not enou)h- but the e00ect is the sa2e4 The non=will to 1now is (art o0 the non=war4 ies and sha2e a((eared throu)hout this war li1e a se6ually trans2itted disease4

Blan1 out the war4 Just as Kuwait and Ira7 were rebuilt be0ore they were destroyed- so at e/ery (hase o0 this war thin)s un0olded as thou)h they were /irtually co2(leted4 It is not 0or lac1 o0 brandishin) the threat o0 a che2ical war- a bloody war- a world war 8 e/eryone had their say 8 as thou)h it were necessary to )i/e oursel/es a 0ri)ht- to 2aintain e/eryone in a state o0 erection 0or 0ear o0 seein) the 0laccid 2e2ber o0 war 0all down4 This 0utile 2asturbation was the deli)ht o0 all the TVs4 !rdinarily we denounce this 1ind o0 beha/iour as e2(hatic or as e2(ty and theatrical a00ectation@ why not denounce an entire e/ent when it is a00ected by the sa2e hysteriaA In 2any res(ects- this war was a scandal o0 the sa2e ty(e as Ti2isoara4 Not so 2uch the war itsel0 but the 2ani(ulation o0 2inds and blac12ail by the scenario4 The worst scandal bein) the collecti/e de2and 0or into6ication- the co2(licity o0 all in the e00ects o0 war- the e00ects o0 reality and 0alse trans(arency in this war4 ?e could al2ost s(ea1 o0 2edia harass2ent alon) the lines o0 se6ual harass2ent4 AlasR the (roble2 always re2ains the sa2e and it is insoluble@ where does real /iolence be)in- where does consentin) /iolence endA Blu00 and in0or2ation ser/e as a(hrodisiacs 0or war- Nust as the cor(ses at Ti2isoara and their )lobal di00usion ser/ed as a(hrodisiacs 0or the Ro2anian re/olution4 But- ulti2ately- what ha/e you )ot a)ainst a(hrodisiacsA Nothin) so lon) as or)as2 is attained4 The 2edia 2i6 has beco2e the (rere7uisite to any or)as2ic e/ent4 ?e need it (recisely because the e/ent esca(es us- because con/iction esca(es us4 ?e ha/e a (ressin) need o0 si2ulation- e/en that o0 war2uch 2ore than we ha/e o0 2il1- Na2 or liberty- and we ha/e an i22ediate intuition o0 the 2eans necessary to obtain it4 This is indeed the 0unda2ental ad/ance o0 our de2ocracy@ the i2a)e=0unction- the blac12ail=0unction- the in0or2ation=0unction- the s(eculation=0unction4 The obscene a(hrodisiac 0unc= tion 0ul0illed by the decoy o0 the e/ent- by the decoy o0 war4 Dru)=0unction4 ?e ha/e neither need o0 nor the taste 0or real dra2a or real war4 ?hat we re7uire is the a(hrodisiac s(ice o0 the 2ulti(lica tion o0 0a1es and the hallucination o0 /iolence- 0or we ha/e a hallucino)enic (leasure in all thin)s- which- as in the case o0 dru)s- is also the (leasure in our indi00erence and our irres(onsibility and thus in our true liberty4 Mere is the su(re2e 0or2 o0 de2ocracy4 Throu)h it our de0initi/e retreat 0ro2 the world ta1es sha(e@ the (leasure o0 2ental s(eculation in i2a)es e7uallin) that o0 ca(ital in a stoc1 2ar1et run- or that o0 the cor(ses in the charnel house o0 Ti2isoara4 Butulti2ately- what ha/e you )ot a)ainst dru)sA Nothin)4 A(art 0ro2 0act that the collecti/e disillusion is

did not take place


The Gulf War

terrible once the s(ell is bro1enE 0or e6a2(le- when the cor(ses at Ti2isoara were unco/ered- or when awareness o0 the subter0u)e o0 the war ta1es hold4 The scandal today is no lon)er in the assault on 2oral /alues but in the assault on the reality (rinci(le4 The (ro0ound scandal which herea0ter in0ects the whole s(here o0 in0or2ation with a Ti2isoaraco2(le6 lay in the co2(ulsory (artici(ation o0 the cor(ses- the trans0or2ation o0 the cor(ses into e6tras which in the sa2e 2o2ent trans0or2s all those who saw and belie/ed in it into co2(ulsory e6tras- so that they the2sel/es beco2e cor(ses in the charnel house o0 news si)ns4 The odiu2 lies in the 2al/ersation o0 the real- the 0a1in) o0 the e/ent and the 2al/ersation o0 the war4 The charnel houses o0 Ti2isoara are such a (arody- so (altry by contrast with the real slau)hterhouses o0 historyR This #ul0 ?ar is such a sha2- so (altry@ the (oint is not to rehabilitate other wars- but rather that the recourse to the sa2e (athos is all the 2ore odious when there is no lon)er e/en the alibi o0 a war4 The (resu2(tion o0 in0or2ation and the 2edia here doubles the (olitical arro)ance o0 the ?estern e2(ire4 All those Nournalists who set the2sel/es u( as bearers o0 the uni/ersal conscience- all those (resenters who set the2sel/es u( as strate )ists- all the while o/erwhel2in) us with a 0lood o0 useless i2a)es4 E2otional blac12ail by 2assacre- 0raud4 Instead o0 discussin) the threshold o0 social tolerance 0or i22i)ration we would do better to discuss the threshold o0 2ental tolerance 0or in0or2ation4 ?ith re)ard to the latter- we can say that it was deliberately crossed4 The delirious s(ectacle o0 wars which ne/er ha((ened@ the trans(arent )lacier o0 0li)hts which ne/er 0lew4 All these e/ents- 0ro2 Eastern Euro(e or 0ro2 the #u00- which under the colours o0 war and liberation led only to (olitical and historical disillusion2ent Fit see2s that the 0a2ous >hinese >ultural Re/olution was the sa2e@ a whole strate)y o0 2ore or less concerted internal destabilisation which short=circuited (o(ular s(ontaneityG- (ost=synchronisation e/ents where one has the i2(ression o0 ne/er ha/in) seen the ori)inal4 Bad actors- bad doubles- bad stri(tease@ throu)hout these se/en 2onths- the war has un0olded li1e a lon) stri(tease- 0ollowin) the calculated escalation o0 undressin) and a((roachin) the incandescent (oint o0 e6(losion Fli1e that o0 erotic e00usionG but at the sa2e ti2e withdrawin) 0ro2 it and 2aintainin) a dece(ti/e sus(ense Fteasin)Gsuch that when the na1ed body 0inally a((ears- it is no lon)er na1ed- desire no lon)er e6ists and the or)as2 is cut short4 In this 2anner- the escalation was ad2inistered to us by dri(= 0eed- re2o/in) us 0urther and 0urther 0ro2 the (assa)e to action and- in any case- 0ro2 the war4 It is li1e truth accordin) to Niet3sche@ we no lon)er belie/e that the truth is true when all its /eils ha/e been re2o/ed4 Si2ilarly- we do not belie/e that war is war when all uncertainty is su((osedly re2o/ed and it a((ears as a na1ed o(eration4 The nudity o0 war is no less /irtual than that o0 the erotic body in the a((aratus o0 stri(tease4

!n the slo(es at >ourche/el- the news 0ro2 the #ul0 ?ar is relayed by louds(ea1ers durin) the intensi/e bo2bard2ents4 Did the others o/er there- the Ira7is in the sand bun1ers recei/e the snow re(orts 0ro2 >ourche/elA

did not ta1e (lace

&+ 0ebruary 22 ,a! the day o0 the A(ocaly(se@ the day o0 the unleashin) o0 the land o00ensi/e behind its curtain o0 bo2bs- and in .rance- by a 1ind o0 blac1 hu2our- the day o0 the worst tra00ic Na2 on the autoroutes to the snow4 ?hile the tan1s ad/anced to the assault on Kuwait- the auto2obile hordes ad/anced to the assault on the snow0ields4 "oreo/er- the tan1s went throu)h 2uch 2ore easily than the wa/es o0 leisure=see1ers4 And the dead were 2ore nu2erous on the snow 0ront than on the war 0ront4 Are we so lac1in) in death- e/en in ti2e o0 war- that it 2ust be sou)ht on the (layin) 0ieldsA


The Gulf War

Stuc1 in tra00ic- one can always a2use onesel0 by listenin) to the #ul0 radio re(orts@ the ti2e o0 in0or2ation ne/er sto(s- the slower thin)s are on the roads the 2ore thin)s circulate on the wa/elen)ths4 Another distraction was that o0 the youn) cou(le who switched between watchin) the war on TV and their child to be- 0il2ed and recorded in the 2other5s wo2b and 2ade a/ailable on ultrasound cassette4 ?hen the war sto(s- they watch the 1id4 At the le/el o0 i2a)es it is the sa2e co2bat@ war be0ore it has bro1en out- the child be0ore it has been born4 eisure in the /irtual era4

The li7uidation o0 the Shiites and the Kurds by Sadda2 under the bene/olent eye o0 the A2erican di/isions 2ysteriously sto((ed in their li)htnin) ad/ance Jin order not to hu2iliate an entire (eo(leJ o00ers a bloody analo)y with the crushin) o0 the Paris >o22une in '<&' under the eye o0 the Prussian ar2ies4 And the )ood souls who cried out 0or se/en 2onths- 0or or a)ainst the war but always 0or the )ood cause- those who denounced the aberrations o0 the (ro=Ira7i (olicy ten years a0ter the e/ent when it was no lon)er rele/ant- and all the re(entants o0 the Ri)hts o0 "an- once a)ain do nothin)4 The world acce(ts this as the wa)es o0 de0eat- or rather- on the A2erican side- as the wa)es o0 /ictory4 The sa2e A2ericans who- a0ter ha/in) du2(ed hundreds o0 thousands o0 tonnes o0 bo2bs- today clai2 to abstain 0ro2 Jinter/enin) in the internal a00airs o0 a State4J

It is ne/ertheless ad2irable that we call the Arabs and "osle2s traditionalists with the sa2e re(ulsion that we call so2eone racist- e/en thou)h we li/e in a ty(ically traditionalist society althou)h one si2ultaneously on the way to disinte)ration4 ?e do not (ractise hard 0unda2entalist traditionalis2- we (ractise so0t- subtle and sha2e0ul de2ocratic traditionalis2 by consensus4 Mowe/er- consensual traditionalis2 Fthat o0 the Enli)hten2ent- the Ri)hts o0 "an- the intellectual and senti2ental hu2anis2G is e/ery bit as 0ierce as that o0 any tribal reli)ion or (ri2iti/e society4 It denounces the other as absolute E/il in e6actly the sa2e 2anner Fthese are the words o0 .rancois "itterand a(ro(os the Sal2an Rushdie a00air@ whence does he deri/e such an archaic 0or2 o0 thou)htAG4 The di00erence between the two traditionalis2s Fhard and so0tG lies in the 0act that our own Fthe so0tG holds all the 2eans to destroy the other and does not resile 0ro2 their use4 As thou)h by chance- it is alwa ys the e0t in (ower- the re(entant


The Gulf War

did not take place


Enli)hten2ent 0unda2entalist who o((resses and destroys the other- who can only de0y it sy2bolically4 In order to Nusti0y oursel/es- we )i/e substance to the threat by turnin) the fat!a a)ainst Sal2an Rushdie into a sword o0 Da2ocles han)in) o/er the ?estern world- sustainin) a dis(ro(ortionate terror in co2(lete 2isreco)nition o0 the di00erence between sy2bolic challen)e and technical a))ression4 In the lon) run- the sy2 bolic challen)e is 2ore serious than a /ictorious a))ression4 I0 a si2(le fat!a, a si2(le death sentence can (lun)e the ?est into such de(ression Fthe /aude/ille o0 terror on the (art o0 writers and intellectuals on this occasion could ne/er be (ortrayed cruelly enou)hG- i0 the ?est (re0ers to belie/e in this threat- it is because it is (aralysed by its own (ower- in which it does not belie/e- (recisely because o0 its enor2ity Fthe Isla2ic JneurosisJ would be due to the e6cessi/e tension created by the dis(ro(ortion o0 ends@ the dis(ro(ortion o0 2eans 0ro2 which we su00er creates by contrast a serious de(ression- a neurosis o0 (owerlessnessG4 I0 the ?est belie/ed in its own (ower- it would not )i/e a 2o2ent5s thou)ht to this threat4 The 2ost a2usin) as(ecthowe/er- is that the other does not belie/e in his (owerlessness either- and he who does not belie/e in his (owerlessness is stron)er than he who does not belie/e in his (ower- be this a thousand ti2es )reater4 The Arab -ook of +uses )i/es a thousand e6a2(les o0 this- but the ?est has no intelli)ence o0 such 2atters4 This is how we arri/e at an unreal war in which the o/er= di2ensioned technical (ower in turn o/er=e/aluates the real 0orces o0 an ene2y which it cannot see4 And i0 it is astonished when it so easily triu2(hs this is because it 1nows neither how to belie/e in itsel0 nor how to ruse with itsel04 By contrast- what it does 1now obscurely is that in its (resent 0or2 it can be annihilated by the least ruse4 The A2ericans would do well to be 2ore astonished at their J/ictory-J to be astonished at their 0orce and to 0ind an e7ui/alent 0or it in the intelli)ence Fo0 the otherG- lest their (ower (lay tric1s with the24 Thus- i0 the cunnin) but stu(id Sadda2 had conceded one wee1 earlier- he would ha/e in0licted a consider able (olitical de0eat on the A2ericans4 But did he want toA In any case- he succeeded in his own reinstate2ent- whereas they had sworn to destroy hi24 But did they swear itA Sadda2 (layed the A2ericans5 )a2e at e/ery turn- but e/en de0eated he was the better (layer at ruse and di/ersion4 The -ook of +uses still harbours 2any secrets un1nown to the Penta)on4

Brecht@ JThis beer isn5t a beer- but that is co2(ensated 0or by the 0act that this ci)ar isn5t a ci)ar either4 I0 this beer wasn5t a beer and this ci)ar really was a ci)ar- then there would be a (roble24J In the sa2e 2anner- this war is not a war- but this is co2(ensated 0or by the 0act that in0or2ation is not in0or2ation either4 Thus e/erythin) is in order4 I0 this war had not been a war and the i2a)es had been real i2a)es- there would ha/e been a (roble24 .or in that case the non=war would ha/e a((eared 0or what it is@ a scandal4 Si2ilarly- i0 the war had been a real war and the in0or2ation had not been in0or2ation- this non=in0or2ation would ha/e a((eared 0or what it is@ a scandal4 In both cases- there would ha/e been a (roble24 There is one 0urther (roble2 0or those who belie/e that this

did not ta1e (lace <: war too1 (lace@ how is it that a real war did not )enerate real i2a)esA Sa2e (roble2 0or those who belie/e in the A2ericans5 J/ictoryJ@ how is it that Sadda2 is still there as thou)h nothin) had ha((enedA ?hereas e/erythin) beco2es coherent i0 we su((ose that- )i/en this /ictory was not a /ictory- the de0eat o0 Sadda2 was not a de0eat either4 E/erythin) e/ens out and e/erythin) is in order@ the war- the /ictory and the de0eat are all e7ually unreal- e7ually non=e6istent4 The sa2e coherence in the irreality o0 the ad/ersaries@ the 0act that the A2ericans never sa! the Ira7is is co2(ensated 0or by the 0act that the Ira7is ne/er 0ou)ht the24


The #ul0 ?ar

Brecht a)ain@ JAs 0or the (lace not desired- there is so2ethin) there and that5s disorder4 As 0or the desired (lace- there is noth in) there and that5s order4J The New ?orld !rder is 2ade u( o0 all these co2(ensations and the 0act that there is nothin) rather than so2e thin)- on the )round- on the screens- in our heads@ consensus by deterrence4 At the desired (lace Fthe #ul0G- nothin) too1 (lace- non=war4 At the desired (lace FTV- in0or2ationG- noth in) too1 (lace- no i2a)es- nothin) but 0iller4 Not 2uch too1 (lace in all our heads either- and that too is in order4 The 0act that there was nothin) at this or that desired (lace was har2oniously co2(ensated 0or by the 0act that there was nothin) elsewhere either4 In this 2anner- the )lobal order uni0ies all the (artial orders4 In Eastern Euro(e- )lobal order was re=established in accordance with the sa2e (arado6ical dialectic@ where there was so2ethin) Fco22unis2- but this was (recisely disorder 0ro2 a )lobal (oint o0 /iewG- today there is nothin)- but there is order4 Thin)s are in de2ocratic order- e/en i0 they are in the worst con0usion4 The Arabs@ there where they should not be Fi22i)rantsG- there is disorder4 There where they should be Fin PalestineG but are not- there is order4 The 0act that in the Arab world nothin) is (ossible- not e/en war- and that Arabs are deterred- disa( (ointed- (owerless and neutralised- that is order4 But this is har2oniously co2(ensated 0or by the 0act that at the 2ar1ed (lace o0 (ower FA2ericaG- there is no lon)er anythin) but a total (olitical (owerlessness4 Such is the New ?orld !rder4

A /ariant on >lausewit3@ non1!ar is the absence of politics pursued b other #eans ... It no lon)er (roceeds 0ro2 a (olitical will to do2inate or 0ro2 a /ital i2(ulsion or an anta)onistic /iolence- but 0ro2 the will to i2(ose a )eneral consensus by deterrence4 This consensual /iolence can be as deadly as con0lictual /iolence- but its ai2 is to o/erco2e any he)e2onic ri/alry- e/en when cold and balanced by terror- as it has been o/er the last 0orty years4 It was already at wor1 in all the de2ocracies ta1en one by oneE it o(erates today on a )lobal le/el which is concei/ed as an i22ense de2ocracy )o/erned by a ho2o)eneous order which has as its e2ble2 the UN and the Ri)hts o0 "an4 The #ul0 ?ar is the 0irst consensual war- the 0irst war conducted le)ally and )lobally with a /iew to (uttin) an end to war and li7uidatin) any con0rontation li1ely to threaten the hence=

did not ta1e (lace <, 0orward uni0ied syste2 o0 control4 This was already the ai2 o0 dualistic FEast and ?estG deterrenceE today we (ass to the 2ono(olistic sta)e under the ae)is o0 A2erican (ower4 o)ically- this de2ocratic and consensual 0or2 should be able to dis(ense with war- but it will no doubt continue to ha/e local and e(isodic need o0 it4 The #ul0 ?ar is one o0 these transiti/e e(isodes- hesitatin) 0or this reason between hard and so0t 0or2s@ /irtual war or real warA But the balance is in the (rocess o0 de0initi/ely inclinin) in one direction- and to2orrow there will be nothin) but the /irtual /iolence o0 consensus- the si2ultaneity in real ti2e o0 the )lobal consensus@ this will ha((en to2orrow and it will be the be)innin) o0 a world with no to2orrow4 Electronic war no lon)er has any (olitical obNecti/e strictly L L L s(ea1in)@ it 0unctions as a (re/entati/e electroshoc1 a)ainst any 0utureL con0lict4 Just as in 2odern co22unication there is no lon)er any interlocutor- so in this electronic war there is no lon)er any ene2y- there is only a re0ractory ele2ent which 2ust be neutralised and consensualised4 This is what the A2ericans see1 to do- these 2issionary (eo(le bearin) electroshoc1s which will she(herd e/erybody towards de2ocracy4 It is there0ore (ointless to 7uestion the (olitical ai2s o0 this war@ the only Ftrans(oliticalG ai2 is to ali)n e/erybody with the )lobal lowest co22on deno2inator- the de2ocratic deno2inator Fwhich- in its e6tension- a((roaches e/er closer to the de)ree 3ero o0 (oliticsG4 The lowest co22on 2ulti(lier bein) in0or2ation in all its 0or2s- which- as it e6tends towards in0inity- also a((roaches e/er closer to the de)ree 3ero o0 its content4 In this sense- consensus as the de)ree 3ero o0 de2ocracy and in0or2ation as the de)ree 3ero o0 o(inion are in total a00in ity@ the New ?orld !rder will be both consensual and tele/isual4 That is indeed why the tar)eted bo2bin)s care0ully a/oided the Ira7i tele/ision antennae Fwhich stand out li1e a sore thu2b in the s1y o/er Ba)hdadG4 ?ar is no lon)er what it used to be 444


The #ul0 ?ar

The crucial sta1e- the decisi/e sta1e in this whole a00air is the consensual reduction o0 Isla2 to the )lobal order4 Not to destroy but to do2esticate it- by whate/er 2eans@ 2odernisation- e/en 2ilitary- (oliticisation- nationalis2- de2ocracy- the Ri)hts o0 "an- anythin) at all to electrocute the resistances and the sy2bolic challen)e that Isla2 re(resents 0or the entire ?est4 There is no 2iracle- the con0rontation will last as lon) as this (rocess has not reached its ter2E by contrast- it will sto( as thou)h o0 its own accord the day when this 0or2 o0 radical challen)e has been li7uidated4 This was how it ha((ened in the Vietna2 war@ the day when >hina was neutralised- when the JwildJ Vietna2 with its 0orces o0 liberation and re/olt was re(laced by a truly bureaucratic and 2ilitary or)anisation ca(able o0 ensurin) the continuation o0 !rder- the Vietna2 war sto((ed i22ediately 8 but ten years were necessary 0or this (olitical do2estication to ta1e (lace Fwhether it too1 (lace under co22unis2 or de2ocracy is o0 no i2(ortanceG4 Sa2e thin) with the Al)erian war@ its end- which was belie/ed to be i2(ossible- too1 (lace o0 its own accord- not by /irtue o0 De #aulle5s sa)acity- but 0ro2 the 2o2ent the 2a7uis with their re/olutionary (otential were 0inally li7uidated and an Al)erian

The Gulf War

did not take place


ar2y and a bureaucracy- which had been set u( in Tunisia without e/er en)a)in) in co2bat- were in a (osition to ensure the continuation o0 (ower and the e6ercise o0 order4 !ur wars thus ha/e less to do with the con0rontation o0 warriors than with the do2estication o0 the re0ractory 0orces on the (lanet- those uncontrollable ele2ents as the (olice would say- to which belon) not only Isla2 in its entirety but wild ethnic )rou(s- 2inority lan)ua)es etc4 All that is sin)ular and irreducible 2ust be reduced and absorbed4 This is the law o0 de2ocracy and the New ?orld !rder4 In this sense- the Iran=Ira7 war was a success0ul 0irst (hase@ Ira7 ser/ed to li7uidate the 2ost radical 0or2 o0 the anti=?estern challen)e- e/en thou)h it ne/er de0eated it4 The 0act that this 2ercenary (rowess should )i/e rise to the (resent re/ersal and to the necessity o0 its own destruction is a cruel irony- but (er0ectly Nusti0ied4 ?e will ha/e sha2e0ully 2erited e/erythin) which ha((ens to us4 This does not e6cuse Ira7- which re2ains the obNecti/e acco2(lice o0 the ?est- e/en in the (resent con0rontation- to the e6tent that the challen)e o0 Isla2- with its irreducible and dan)erous alterity and sy2bolic challen)e- has once a)ain been channelled- subtilised and (olitically- 2ilitarily and reli)iously de0lected by Sadda25s underta1in)4 E/en in the war a)ainst the ?est he (layed his role in the do2estication o0 an Isla2 0or which he has no use4 Mis eli2ination- i0 it should ta1e (lace- will only raise a dan)erous 2ort)a)e4 The real sta1e- the challen)e o0 Isla2 and behind it that o0 all the 0or2s o0 culture re0ractory to the occidental world- re2ains intact4 Nobody 1nows who will win4 .or as Molderlin said- Jwhere dan)er threatens- that which sa/es us 0ro2 it also )rows4J As a result- the 2ore the he)e2ony o0 the )lobal consensus is rein0orced- the )reater the ris1- or the chances- o0 its colla(se4

The author-

Jean Baudrillard- 0or2er Pro0essor o0 Sociolo)y at the Uni/ersity o0 Paris FNanterreG- is now as one o0 the 2ost si)ni0icant and contro/ersial conte2(orary thin1ers4 Mis co22entaries on habits and other cultural (heno2ena ha/e sha(ed the way )lobal culture re0lects on itsel04 Mis include The 'irror of "roduction, *eduction, 5atal *trate%ies and * #bolic Exchan%e and 6eath.

widely re)arded e/ents- obNectswor1s in translation

The tran!lator-

Paul Patton lectures in Philoso(hy at the Uni/ersity o0 Sydney4 Me has (re/iously translated essays by Baudrillard and .oucault- and recently translated 6ifference and +epetition by #illes Deleu3e4 Me writes on .rench (hiloso(hy and (olitical theory and recently edited 2ietzsche, 5e#inis# and "olitical Theor .

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