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Is Your Young Students Gifted?

1. Does your students learn things quickly and remember them easily?

Yes. No. 2. 2. Does your students seem mature for his age and ahead of his age group?

Yes. No. 3. Does your students show an unusual interest in words (already reads independently and uses a large vocabulary)?

Yes. No. 4. . Does your students experiment to solve problems?

Yes. No. 5. Does your students prefer compete with other students in class? Yes. No. 6. Does your students seem very sensitive, both in her own emotions and to people and events around her?

Yes. No. 7. Does your students show strong determination and goal-oriented curiosity?

Yes. No.

8. Does your students show compassion for people or animals?

Yes. No. 9. Does your students question authority?

Yes. No. 10. Does your students seem to get bored easily?

Yes. No. 11. Does your students enjoy puzzles, mazes, and numbers?

Yes. No. 12. Does your students have a high energy level?

Yes. No. 13. Does your students show exceptional talent in music, art, dance, or drama?

Yes. No. 14. Does your students have an advanced sense of humor?

Yes. No.

15. Does your students love to collect and especially to organize rocks, bugs, and other things?

Yes. No.

16. Does your students have an extraordinary memory?

Yes. No. 17. Does your students react intensely to noise, pain, or frustration?

Yes. No. 18. Did your students need less sleep in infancy?

Yes. No. 19. Does your students try to do things "perfectly"?

Yes. No. 20. Does your students have a vivid imagination (has imaginary companions, for example)?

Yes. No.

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