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Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 3:58 AM

Tainted nightmare

Dr. Sarah Stone, Pharm-D

Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist

Russ Clarke, Editor

H1N1 vaccination program, when put into the same frame as the engineered vir
th it, appears to be a clear effort to divide humanity into two groups; those who
heir intellect, health and sexuality via a tainted vaccination, and those who hav
and are therefore superior."

e story about the swine flu with great skepticism; it played like a story line in a B movie - Students go abr
reak. Students get the virus. Students bring it home. Worldwide pandemic starts. The story line was unbe
new from day one that there was either no virus at all, and that it was just a "wag the dog", or that a manuf
outbreak was intentionally released and underway.

nately the latter was true, and now we have an entirely new bug on our hands. It has never been seen bef
sts have been quoted saying "where the hell it got all these genes from we don't know." Extensive analys
as revealed genes from the original 1918 flu, the avian flu, and two new H3N2 viruses from Eurasia. All ev
points to the fact that the swine flu is indeed a genetically engineered virus.

article is the result of a team effort intended to explore what the motive for releasing it may be, to warn yo
advance of things to come.

The first attempt

eb 2009, Baxter, a major manufacturer of vaccines, sent the seasonal flu shot to 18 different countries with
nuated H5N1 bird flu. When the Czech company Biotest was assigned to test the vaccine on live animals
government, they realized something was wrong when the test animals died. The alarm went out to all oth
eceived it, fortunately before it was administered. Upon follow up examination of the vaccine the live viru
, had no one caught Baxter's tainted batch, we would now be in the midst of a pandemic with massive nu

er was not prosecuted or punished in any way for this, even though their operational BSL3 (bio safety lev
ol would have stopped such contamination from being possible. The safety protocol, combined with the p
ume of the virus in the shots clearly shows that the contamination was intentional, and that indeed an att
millions was stopped simply because ONE country paid attention to what it was getting. The protocol mad
hnically impossible for the virus to make the leap from the research department to the vaccine manufactu
department, which could never have had H5N1 show up there due to any reason other than willful intent.

ould think that Baxter would have been put out of business for making such an "error" but the opposite i
h begs many questions, such as how did the live bird flu end up in millions of doses of vaccine? Why wer
ents of the vaccine formulated to allow the virus to survive fully potent en route? Why was Baxter not pro
nished in any way? Instead of rightfully blackballing the company, the World Health Organization has rew
with a contract to make a large portion of the "Swine flu" vaccinations set to be distributed world wide th
How on earth could that be?

The main focus

switch to another aspect of vaccines, the real focus of this article, which is the plan to destroy our intellec
nd our sexuality via a mass world wide vaccination campaign. With the use of special additives called ad
acturers are able to increase the number of possible doses that can be made on time for the fall flu seaso
h there are many safe adjuvants which can be added, they are adding one - squalene, which has been sho
e prolonged systemic immune response against the squalene itself, which results in reduced fertility, red
intellect and reduced life span.

ne is an important molecule in the body. It is a precursor to many different oils and hormones, and is nee
r brain function, fertility and also plays an important role in protecting cells from aging and mutation. Any
which affects your natural squalene can have a major negative impact on your health.

e the squalene will be injected in the presence of a pathogen during the H1N1 vaccination, it will cause an
e against not only the pathogen, but to the squalene itself. Squalene is a precursor molecule which is ess
duction of many hormones including all of the male and female sexual hormones. Squalene is also a prec
of the neurochemical receptors prevalent in the nervous system and when the immune system is program
qualene, it causes irreversible neuronal and neuromuscular damage which can range from a loss of intel
to more serious disorders such as Lou Gehrig's disease and systemic autoimmune diseases and possib

endent studies where squalene laced vaccines were injected into guinea pigs, the resultant autoimmune d
killed 14 out of 15. A later test, to verify the results had the same outcome.

first injected via the anthrax vaccine in Gulf War 1, it permanently disabled many of the soldiers who rece
o the effects now known as the Gulf War Syndrome. 95 percent of the soldiers who recieved the anthrax va
een found to have antibodies to squalene. Few of the soldiers who recieved the vaccine remained healthy
e the antibodies whether or not they were deployed. None of the soldiers who did not receive the vaccine
dies, even those who fought in Iraq. Squalene antibody related deaths total 6.5 percent of the vaccinated

es approximately a year for the effects to fully manifest themselves because that much time passes befor
system and brain deplete the reserves of Squalene that are out of the reach of the immune system and o
rves are gone will cell injury begin. This takes the pressure off vaccine manufacturers who deny any wro
response so delayed. And with Congress passing legislation granting immunity to any corporations who
damage with their vaccines, the outlook is evermore dark.

amining the components of the H1N1 flu vaccine we can only conclude that it is not intended to treat the
quite differently, it is intended to:

1. Reduce intelligence
2. Reduce life span
3. Reduce fertility
4. Cause numerous deaths

was intended for any other purpose, Squalene and other adjuvants beyond the scope of this article would
Furthermore, the scope of this article only covers squalene, and we believe that because there are so ma
duce autoimmune responses equally devastating via other injectable formulations coupled with the obvio
nal shipment of a pandemic by Baxter that the credibility of vaccines is forever tainted and the trust in the
cal community may have been irreparably broken. Baxter should be out of business, the fact that they are

The trust is broken

h a manufactured pandemic and damaging vaccine the world health organization along with major manufa
harmaceutical industry have demonstrated clear intent to damage all of mankind. For what purpose is dif
ne, but it would be safe to assume that there will be those who have been told and know better than to tak
inted vaccines, and as a result they will be of superior intelligence and health when put in perspective wi
eive them. The H1N1 vaccination program, when put into the same frame as the obviously engineered vir
t, appears to be a clear effort to divide humanity into two groups, those who have lost their intellect, healt
y via a tainted vaccination, and those who have not and are therefore superior. It can now be reasoned tha
longer safe to take ANY vaccination for any reason; please, do not let them get your children.

u ever see a video of major figures getting theirs, keep in mind that not all shots will be cre


t valuable reference for this article by far was Dr. Sarah Stone, Pharm-D. Thank you so much, you helped
from fiction and made this article possible "Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu" "Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine's Dirty Little Secret Exposed" "Vaccines May Be Linked to Gulf War Syndrome"

The Unify Coalition "Experimental Vaccines / Adjuvants / Squalene:"

Health Freedom Alliance Read this to item 122, it returns to English half a page down!


Tainted nightmare - ‫مصل أنفلوانزا الخنازير طلع مضروب و عبارة عن سلح بيولوجى‬
‫‪Tainted nightmare‬‬

‫مصل أنفلوانزا الخنازير طلع مضروب و عبارة عن سلح بيولوجى‬

‫قرأت فى احد المواضيع عن الكلم ده‬

‫و بالمقال و المصادر تأكدت من المر‬
‫المصل الشافى من أنفلونزا الخنازير ما هو إل سلح بيولوجى للقضاء من عدة نواحى على دول العالم التالت‬
‫فالمصل يحتوى على تسريع عمليات الوفاة أو إنهيار الجهاز التناسلى أو إنعدام الذكاء لدى البشر و أخيرا عدد من الوفيات‬

‫لمراجعة المقال بالمصادر‬

‫أتفضلوا الرابط‬

‫و سأنقل ما هو مكتوب هنا‬

‫لن ممكن لتعتيم الحقيقة بيوم‬
‫يلغوا الموقع أو ماكتب‬

‫سلح بيولوجى وأحنا أخر من يعلم‬

‫ال ليسامحكم‬
‫العالم دى بتستهبل‬
‫صحفية نمساوية تتهم أوباما ومنظمات دولية باستخدام‬

‫مصل "إنفلونزا الخنازير" كسلح بيولوجي‬

‫مصل "إنفلونزا الخنازير" كسلح بيولوجي ‪µ‬‬

‫شوفوا ياعمى مايحدث حولنا وأحنا فى السلنكتية‬


‫زى المصيبة السوداء دى‬

‫د‪.‬رشيقة أحمد فتحى الريدى ‪ -‬جهات خارجية تعوق انتاج لقاح البلهارسيا‬
‫بركة السبع‬

‫أولدنا و الفيروس في الفصول‬

‫حمامات المدارس ومزرعة الكوسة ببركة السبع‬

‫هل لدى أى مسئول الجرأة داخل جمهورية مصر العربية فى أن يجيب عن سؤال‬

‫يشغل بال الكثيرين‬

‫هل المصال التى تعطوها ل ولدنا تنفع أو تضر‬

‫هل لدينا مركز أبحاث‬

‫هل التطعيمات واللقاحات تضعف مناعة الجسم‬

‫نحن لنقبل أجابة من مسئول حكومى‬

‫أو صاحب شركة أدوية‬

‫أو صاحب مستشفى نساء وولدة‬

‫وهل تعترفون باضرار ذلك‬

‫لماذا لتحصلوا على موافقة ولى المر قبل التطعيم‬

‫هل تطعيمات ولقاحات أولد كبار المسئوليين‬

‫نفس مايعطى لأولدنا‬

‫هل أولدكم تذهب الى نفس المدارس‬

‫التى يسيطر عليها الدبلومات‬
‫كما هو الواقع‬
‫لماذا أنشأنا كليات التربية‬

‫ومدرسى الرسم‬

‫ومشرفى النشاط‬

‫كلهم من طائفة الدبلومات‬

‫أنما أنتم يعلم ويدرس أولدكم‬

‫ناس متنقية على الفرازة‬

‫أنتم تخدعوننا ونحن ليوجد لدينا منشأت طبية‬

‫للعامة وأنما مالذ وطاب لكم‬

‫هل تعترفون بذلك‬

‫فاكرين الحلق بتاع زمان‬

‫هو دة اللى ينفع معانا‬

‫مش مستشفيات التخسيس والنساء والولدة بتاعتكم‬

‫كان زمان نقطع كسكرة ونتعالج‬

‫شوفوا الن بكام يامحترم‬

‫صباح الخير يأكسلنس‬

‫أنتم عاوزين تفرضوا رأيكم علينا بالعافية‬

‫كلة بالخناق ال الجواز بالتفاق ياعمدة‬


‫يامن لتعرفون ال بالهشتك بشتك‬

‫واحترفتم تكميم الفواة‬

‫هذا نتاج ماتفعلون‬

‫الجابة لم ننقلها لكم لنكم لتستحقون‬

‫وهذه هى النتيجة الطبيعية‬

‫كلة تمام يافندم‬

‫ةةةةةةة ةةةةةة ‪ -‬ةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ‪ -‬ة‪.‬ةةةةة ةةةةةة | ةةةةةة‬

‫ليس لكم فضل وانما هولء العلماء نتاج‬

‫زمان غير زمانكم‬

‫نشكر الستاذة نوارة على الهتمام بنا هنا‬

‫وزارة الصحة واخدة اعلى الحتياطات في بركة السبع‬


‫مدارس المنوفية‪:‬مدارس بركة السبع | الخوجة‬


‫مدارس بركة السبع‬

‫تطعيم انفلونزا الخنازير ‪Swine Flu Vaccines -‬‬

‫علج انفلونزا الخنازير ‪ - H1N1 Cure -‬اعراض انفلونزا الخنازير‬

‫مصل أنفلوانزا الخنازير طلع مضروب و عبارة عن سلح بيولوجى ‪Tainted nightmare -‬‬

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