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In Death Series ============ Nora Roberts ============ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chaos in Death =================== Chapter 1 He found life in death.

And delight in the whirlwind of fear and fright. To hunt to steal the light the life the blood the soul. !ell he"d been born for it. It #ade hi# laugh to dan$e around the #adness of his $reating $ape swirling%and wasn"t that a wonderful tou$h%legs &i$&ing in a 'o(ful 'ig. )*en the sound of his own laughter deep and ri$h and free thrilled hi# #ade hi# laugh all the harder. He was ali*e. +And (ou"re not,+ He hopped s&ipped leaped o*er the three bodies he"d arranged on the floor. Tilting his head he grinned at his handiwor&. He"d laid the# out so the( sat%well slu#ped but that was dead for (ou%in a line against the wall. -itiful spe$i#ens reall( this trio of 'un&ies who"d barel( had the wit or the will to put up a fight. .ut /od &new a #an had to start so#ewhere. Still their fear was his now and their tears their $ries and pleas% all his. It tasted so deli$ious. He needed #ore of $ourse so #an( #ore. .ut he"d #ade a #ost e0$ellent start. No #ore pla(ing b( the rules no sir, No #ore 1r. /ood /u(. .oring gu(. He patted his own $hest. +I feel li&e a whole new #an.+ Chu$&ling he stowed the blood( s$alpel the *ials all the lo*el( spe$i#ens in his &it. And inspiration stru$&. Cli$h2d3 he as&ed hi#self his head tipping fro# side to side his glea#ing red e(es bulging with glee and #adness as he s$anned the roo# the bodies the walls. 1a(be #a(be but irresistible,

After dipping a glo*ed finger into a pool of $ongealing blood he $o#posed his #essage on the ding( wall. He had to dip ba$& into the well% ha-ha-ha%se*eral ti#es but the ti#e was well worth it. To who# it #a( $on$ern4 -lease ta&e out the trash. Don"t forget to re$($le properl(, 5h his bell( hurt fro# laughing. He pressed a hand to it nearl( snagging one of the long pointed nails that stabbed through the glo*e. Then found hi#self hesitating before signing his na#e. He &new his na#e. 5f $ourse of $ourse he did. 6or a #o#ent his glee teetered toward fur( his laughter toward guttural grunts. Then all righted again. He did another 7ui$& 'ig dipped his finger again. Than& (ou for (our attention to this #atter. Dr. Chaos. -erfe$t. Absentl( he su$&ed the blood and gri#e fro# his finger and read the #essage o*er twi$e. Ti#e to go he de$ided. Things to do. And he was absolutel( fa#ished. He pi$&ed up his &it lifted an ar# in salute. +Adieu #es a#is,+ 5n a last $a$&le of laughter he turned swirling the $ape%he 'ust lo*ed doing that%as he s&ipped to the ba$& roo# and $li#bed out the window. He $ouldn"t re#e#ber e*er ha*ing #ore fun. And $ouldn"t wait to do it all again.


9ieutenant )*e Dallas studied the s$ene. Cops saw it all but there was alwa(s so#ething new so#e fresh brutalit( e*en in the d(ing su##er of :;<; to stret$h the boundaries of all. The roo# stan& of blood%so #u$h blood%and death of fresh pu&e and piss. .lood soa&ed into one of the board-thin #attresses sho*ed into a $orner. 5ne of the three *i$ti#s had died there she thought. The #iddle one she $on$luded the bla$& #ale age as (et undeter#ined with #ultiple stab wounds and a #issing left ear. .eside )*e her partner breathed slowl( in and out through her teeth. +If (ou"re going to hurl -eabod( do it outside.+ +I"# not going to hurl.+ .ut it $a#e out as a plea rather than a state#ent.

)*e shifted her ga=e studied -eabod(. The short 'aunt( flipp( tail she"d pulled her dar& hair into loo&ed distin$tl( out of pla$e now that her s&in held a faint green $ast. -eabod("s dar& e(es slightl( unfo$used held their line of sight a few in$hes abo*e the bodies. +I 'ust need a #inute for e*er(thing to settle.+ +!hat was this pla$e3+ )*e as&ed. +It used to be retail spa$e.+ -eabod( still held her --C and her hand was stead( enough. +Apart#ents abo*e three le*els. Slated for rehab.+ -eabod( shut her e(es for a #o#ent. +6ind out who owns it how long it"s been shut down. Ta&e it outside. !e need the data + )*e said before -eabod( $ould ob'e$t. +/et the data.+ !ith a nod -eabod( slipped out the door to where the unifor#s responding to the nine-one-one had $ordoned off the sidewal&. !ith her hands and feet alread( sealed her re$order engaged )*e stepped around and o*er the debris of shattered bottles s$attered $lothes trash a bro&en $hair to the bodies. Her golden brown e(es weren"t unfo$used but $op flat. +Three *i$ti#s two #ale one fe#ale $arefull( arranged to sit ba$&s against the front wall. .la$& #ale $enter #ultiple stab wounds torso shoulders ar#s legs ne$& and fa$e. 9eft ear re#o*ed. Cau$asian fe#ale on the left appears to ha*e been strangled. 1i0ed-ra$e #ale right of $enter bludgeoned. 9eft e(e re#o*ed.+ Hell of a part( she thought and let out a breath that fluttered the bangs on her short $ap of brown hair. +Three #attresses so#e bedding $lothes #ini friggie batter( la#p two $hairs two tables. It appears all three *i$s flopped here. 1one( s$attered around what shows loo&s to be about a grand. So robber("s out. 6irst on s$ene as$ertained for$ed window rear of building street le*el. -robable point of entr(.+ She too& the fe#ale first hun&ered down on her long legs opened her field &it. +6e#ale also suffered blows to the fa$e &nees. Hard blow to the &nees + she #ur#ured. +-ipe bat board%ta&e her down%a $ouple pun$hes. 1anual strangulation.+ She ran the *i$ti#"s prints. +6e#ale is identified as >ennifer Darnell age twent(-four. Current address listed on !est Si0teenth. /ot a sheet in$luding 'u*ie. -ri#aril( illegals busts.+ -eabod( $a#e ba$& in. +The !hitwood /roup bought the propert( about se*en #onths ago + she said. +6ro# what I $an tell the building was $onde#ned a little o*er a (ear ago. -er#its for rehab pending.+ +5&a(. So the &iller or &illers too& his ear his e(e. Isn"t there a sa(ing% what is it3 Hear no e*il see no e*il . . .+ Carefull( )*e opened >ennifer Darnell"s #outh. +?eah spea& no e*il. He $ut out her tongue.+ +>esus.+

+!or& see-no gu( -eabod(. I need ID T5D.+ )*e fit on #i$rogoggles engaged their light to peer into the *i$ti#"s #outh. +Clean $ut neat and tid(. She was either alread( dead or un$ons$ious when he too& her tongue and he had a good stead( hand.+ Struggling to find her own good stead( hand -eabod( opened her &it. +Ta&ing the bod( parts those parti$ular bod( parts do (ou thin& ritual3+ +-ossibl(.+ She loo&ed up at the #essage on the wall. +1ostl( I thin& he li&es to 'o&e. Real funn( gu(. He did what he wanted too& what he wanted now he"s telling us to $lean up the #ess. Dr. Chaos.+ )*e loo&ed around the roo#. +That"s what this is. The #iddle gu(3 The &iller too& hi# out where he la(. @ses a &nife or a s$alpel. .ut he doesn"t use it on the others e0$ept for the re#o*al. He swit$hes to bludgeoning for the other #ale.+ +Cob( Ai0 age twent(-si0 + -eabod( told her. +There had to be two &illers #a(be three. 5ne for ea$h *i$3+ +1a(be. It"s a lot of wor& for one #an. .ut onl( one ta&es $redit3+ As )*e had -eabod( studied the blood( #essage. +Dr. Chaos. It $ould be the na#e of a group.+ )*e $onsidered it while she used the gauges. +?eah it $ould. T5D on Darnell two hundred thirt(-eight.+ +If there was onl( one wh( didn"t she run li&e hell when he"s stabbing the be'esus out of that gu( or beating the $rap out of Ai03+ +Too& her out blows to the &nees. Shattered &nee$aps. .ut (eah it $ould be #ore than one. Three distin$t #ethods of &illing.+ +Ai0 T5D two hundred twent(.+ +So he too& so#e ti#e with Darnell. )nough for rape.+ )*e lifted the he# of the short nightshirt. +No bruising bleeding tearing I $an see but the 1) will deter#ine se0ual assault.+ )*e lifted the $heap thin $hain around Darnell"s bruised ne$&. +She"s wearing a ninet(-da( $hip fro# /et Straight.+ +Ai0 has si0t(.+ -eabod( held up the $hip. !ith a nod )*e rose and #o*ed to the #iddle *i$ti#. +Hear-no has thirt(. !ilson .i$&ford + she said when she"d run his prints. +Age twent(- two. That sa#e pre$ision surgi$al re#o*al on the ear. Dr. Chaos #a( 'ust be a do$tor or at least ha*e #edi$al training. H## T5D two hundred thirt(. Didn"t die first.+ She sat ba$& on her heels tried to see it. +He"s the biggest of the three. The &iller went at hi# first + she $ontinued. +I bet (our ass he did.+ +He( bet (our own ass.+

+Defensi*e wounds hands ar#s. .i$&ford put up a fight. Ta&e it a $ouple wa(s. Sa( three &illers one for ea$h *i$. Tea#wor&. 5ne stabs one beats one strangles. .ut this doesn"t loo& li&e tea#wor& + )*e said s$anning the roo# again. +It loo&s li&e . . .+ She gestured to the #essage on the wall. +Chaos.+ +?eah. Could be the tea# 'ust went to town on the pla$e. .ut I"# onl( seeing one t(pe of blood( footprint and it"s too #u$h to swallow the( all wore the sa#e si=e and t(pe of shoe.+ +1issed that + -eabod( #uttered. +1a(be there"s #ore and I"*e #issed the#. 5r #a(be the others were #ore $areful.+ +.ut (ou don"t thin& so.+ +I thin& that"s an interesting gap of ti#e between T5Ds. I thin& the sa#e hand did the re#o*als an e0perien$ed hand stead(. !e"*e got serious o*er&ill on the two #ales and #anual strangulation%whi$h is personal and inti#ate%on the fe#ale. The destru$tion of the s$ene is o*er the top and that reads rage. .ut the #essage is 'o&e( whi$h reads $ontrol and intelle$t. It $ould be #ore than one. 5ne with a $ool head one 'ust batshit $ra=(. +9et"s get the# bagged tagged and transported. I want to tal& to the nine-one-one $aller.+


Batrina Chu hun$hed in the ba$& of the bla$&-and-white her fa$e white as death her e(es puff( fro# weeping. 5ne of the unifor#s had gotten her so#e water. Her throat $li$&ed on e*er( swallow. .ut to )*e"s relief it loo&ed li&e Batrina had $ried herself out. Her puff( pale green e(es sta(ed dr( and fo$used on )*e. +I need (ou to tell #e what happened + )*e began. +>en didn"t show up for wor&. She *olunteers on the brea&fast shift at /et Straight. The one off Canal. And she and Cob( and !il the( go to the #eeting after.+ +?ou wor&ed with her3+ +I"# her sponsor. I wor& at the free $lini$ on Canal.+ +9ouise Di#atto"s $lini$3+ +?es. Do (ou &now Dr. Di#atto3+

+?eah.+ The $onne$tion see#ed to stead( her. +I"# an aide there. I"# stud(ing to be a nurse. >en $a#e into /et Straight a $ouple #onths ago and I offered to be her sponsor. !e hit it off. She was reall( wor&ing it (ou &now3 Reall( tr(ing hard. She got Cob( to $o#e in. The( wanted to turn their li*es around.+ +I ha*e her li*ing on !est Si0teenth.+ +The( $ouldn"t pa( the rent. The( started s7uatting here a $ouple wee&s ago. 1a(be three I guess. Nobod( was using the pla$e and she said Dr. Rosenthall said it would be o&a( for a few wee&s.+ +Dr. Rosenthall3+ +He and Dr. Di#atto donate ti#e to /et Straight. He and Arianna basi$all( fund the organi=ation.+ +Arianna.+ +!hitwood. The("re engaged. Arianna and Dr. Rosenthall. She"s a therapist. She donates her ti#e too. >en she wanted to get $lean sta( $lean. She ne*er #issed the #orning #eeting. And she started wor&ing at Sli$e%a pi==a 'oint%about two #onths ago. She"d help ser*e brea&fast ta&e in the #eeting then stud( for an hour or two%Arianna hoo&ed her up with an online business $ourse%then go to Sli$e if she had the lun$h shift go into the Center%the !hitwood Center%if she had the dinner shift. .ut she didn"t show up not to ser*e brea&fast not for the #eeting. She didn"t answer her "lin&. Neither did Cob( or !il. I got worried.+ A tear lea&ed through after all. +I thought #a(be the("d ta&en a slide. It happens. I didn"t want to thin& it. I reall( trusted she"d tag #e if she got in a situation. .ut I did thin& it so I $a#e b( on #( wa( to wor& to $he$& on her. I &no$&ed. I $ouldn"t see in the window. It"s boarded and grilled but >en ga*e #e a &e( so I opened it and . . . I saw.+ +Do (ou &now an(bod( who"d want to hurt her or Cob( or !il3+ +No.+ -ressing her lips together she shoo& her head. +I &now so#e people thin& on$e a 'un&ie but the( were tr(ing. The( were $lean and tr(ing to sta( that wa(.+ +!hat about people the( asso$iated with when the( were using3+ +I don"t &now. >en ne*er told #e about an( trouble not this &ind. She was happ(. I went b( Sli$e last night for ta&eout and we tal&ed awhile. She was happ(. Cob( got a 'ob there deli*ering and !il was wor&ing as a sto$& bo( at the twent(-fourCse*en a $ouple blo$&s awa(. The( were going to pool their #one( and rent a pla$e. 9ast night she told #e the( had nearl( two thousand in the rent &itt( so the( were going to start to loo& for one. +She was happ(.+

----------------------------------------Chapter : +Run Rosenthall and !hitwood + )*e told -eabod(. +And get what (ou $an on the Canal Street /et Straight.+ +Alread( on it. And the sweepers are on their wa(.+ +/ood.+ )*e wal&ed ba$& into the building. +It"s going to ta&e the# a while to sort through this #ess.+ She po&ed through a bit. +Credits $ash e*en loose $hange. I"# not finding an( Dlin&s.+ +The( probabl( had the#%who doesn"t3%so the &iller probabl( too& the#.+ +Ta&es the "lin&s but lea*es the s$rat$h. He or the( didn"t $are about the #one(. >ust the &ill. And if he too& the "lin&s he either had $onta$t with the# or thought the( tal&ed about hi# to ea$h other or so#eone else *ia "lin&.+ +It"s sad + -eabod( #ur#ured. +The( were (oung and tr(ing to reboot their li*es. The( had a good $han$e of #a&ing it too. The floor"s $lean.+ +Suddenl( I 7uestion (our $leanliness standards.+ +I #ean if (ou o*erloo& the blood and the #ess. It"s not dust( or dirt(. The( &ept the floor $lean. And see so#ebod( repaired and painted this $hair. The( weren"t *er( good at it + -eabod( added as she pi$&ed up one of the bro&en legs. +.ut the( tried. And when I $he$&ed out the bathroo# I guess it"s an e#plo(ee"s restroo# deal. An(wa( it was $lean. The &illers #ust not ha*e used it. .ut the *i$s the( &ept it $lean.+ +9ieutenant3+ 5ne of the unifor#s stepped in. +!e found this in the re$($ler out ba$&.+ He held up the $lear prote$ti*e $oat $o*ered with blood li&e the ones she"d seen $ountless do$tors wearing. +>ust one3+ +So far sir.+ +Beep $he$&ing. An(thing pop fro# the $an*ass3+ +Not (et.+ +Beep on that too. .ag that for the sweepers. The("re on their wa(. Rosenthall -eabod(.+ +Dr. >ustin Rosenthall thirt(-eight. He spe$iali=es in $he#i$al addi$tions%and was gi*en a grant b( the !hitwood /roup for sa#e%$ause rehabilitation. He wor&s pri#aril( out of the !hitwood Center a fa$ilit( for the stud( of addi$tion with a health $enter and *isitor"s lodging atta$hed. No $ri#inal.+ +9et"s go see if the do$tor"s in.+

+He"s *er( studl( + -eabod( added and $ontinued to wor& her handheld as the( wal&ed to the $ar. +Has nu#erous awards for ser*i$e and inno*ations in his field. Donates ti#e to the Canal Street Clini$ /et Straight and others.+ -eabod( slid into the $ar as )*e too& the wheel. +I got lots of pops on gossip and so$iet( pages. He and Arianna are 7uite the ite#. She"s a loo&er. And reall( reall( ri$h. Not Roar&e ri$h + -eabod( said referring to )*e"s husband +but she"s up there. 5r the !hitwood /roup%headed b( her parents%is. She"s thirt(-four a therapist again spe$iali=ing in addi$tions. 6ro# the fluff pie$es I"# s&i##ing it loo&s li&e the( #et four (ears ago and were engaged last fall. The wedding"s set for ne0t #onth billed as the wedding of the (ear. And . . . oh she had a brother. Chase died at the age of nineteen. 5D"d. She was si0teen. The !hitwood Center opened three (ears later. +5h listen to this. Rosenthall had a sister. She #ade it to twent(-two before she 5D"d. He was on tra$& to be$o#ing a topflight $ardia$ surgeon. Swit$hed his fo$us after his sister"s death.+ +A surgeon. /a*e that up + )*e $o##ented +to wor& with 'un&ies. 9i&e his sister li&e his fian$2e"s brother. Da( in and da( out seeing the# listening to the# treating the# hearing bullshit out of the#. So#ething $ould snap.+ +C(ni$ alert. Honest Dallas fro# what I"# reading here the gu( sounds li&e a saint. A studl( saint. Saint Studl( of Rosenthall.+ +Do (ou &now wh( the saints are all dead3+ +!h(3+ +.e$ause dead"s the onl( wa( (ou $an pull it off. 9i*ing"s #ess( and e*er(one li*ing has so#e dirt( little se$ret. That"s wh( we ha*e 'obs.+ +A dirt( little se$ret that has a renowned and studl( do$tor slaughtering three re$o*ering addi$ts3+ +So#ebod( did it. He"s got the $onne$tion he"s got the s&ill and a$$ording to our sour$e he"s the one who ga*e the# the green light to s7uat there. If he"s so saintl( wh( didn"t he float the# a $ouple #onths" rent3+ +That"s a good 7uestion.+ +It"s one I"# going to as& hi#.+


5ld ti#e-faded bri$& housed the !hitwood Center. No flash )*e noted no gloss%at least not on the e0terior%so the building sat $o#fortabl( in the old 1eatpa$&ing Distri$t.

!ith -eabod( she wal&ed in the front entran$e. The lobb( area was large and 7uietl( furnished. Co#fortable $hairs si#ple art so#e plants ga*e off the at#osphere of a li*ing area rather than a waiting one despite the re$eption $ounter #anned b( two people. The #an earl( thirties $ontinued to wor& on his $o#p while the wo#an a few (ears (ounger with a prett( fa$e and earnestl( wel$o#ing e(es s#iled in their dire$tion. +/ood #orning. How $an we help (ou toda(3+ )*e approa$hed the $ounter laid her badge on it. +!e need to spea& with Dr. Rosenthall.+ +I see.+ The wo#an didn"t so #u$h as blin& at the badge. +Is the do$tor e0pe$ting (ou3+ +I $ouldn"t sa(.+ +His offi$es are on the se$ond floor east. 5ne of his interns or his assistant should be able to help (ou.+ +5&a(.+ +Stairs to the left ele*ators to the right.+ As )*e angled left the wo#an $ontinued. +?ou"ll want to ta&e the right $orridor go o*er the garden bree=ewa( then ta&e the first turn to the left.+ +Than&s.+ +It"s ni$e wor& + -eabod( said as the( started up. +The wor& the("*e done on the old building. Bept its $hara$ter. It"s $o#fortable and it doesn"t shout "!e"re reall( ri$h philanthropists."+ 5n the se$ond floor the( wal&ed b( se*eral doors all dis$reetl( shut with their purposes or a do$tor"s na#e on a pla7ue. The( passed people in lab $oats in street wear in sharp suits and in tattered pants. )*e noted the se$urit( $a#eras and the $ard slots and pal# plates on so#e of the doors. The( passed a nurse"s station and the waiting area a$ross fro# it. Then the( $a#e to the garden bree=ewa(. .elow through treated glass a $entral fountain gurgled in a fantas( of flowering plants shrubs trees in riotous bloo#. !hite stone ben$hes offered seating bri$&ed paths wound in an in*itation to stroll. +That sa(s "!e"re reall( ri$h philanthropists " + )*e $o##ented. +.ut in a reall( prett( wa(.+

The( #ade the left into a s#all blue and $rea# re$eption area. The wo#an behind the $ounter tapped her earpie$e turned awa( fro# the s#art s$reen where it loo&ed to )*e she"d been wor&ing on updating a $o#ple0 s$hedule. +Can I help (ou3+ +9ieutenant Dallas and Dete$ti*e -eabod(.+ )*e held up her badge. +!e need to spea& with Dr. Rosenthall.+ +Is there a proble#3+ +There al#ost alwa(s is.+ The wo#an didn"t loo& pleased b( the answer and re#inded )*e of Dr. 1ira"s ad#in. The dragon at the gates of the N?-SD"s shrin& and top profiler. +Dr. Rosenthall"s in his lab this #orning.+ +!here"s his lab3+ +I reall( #ust insist (ou tell #e (our business before I disturb the do$tor.+ +I reall( #ust insist (ou ta&e us to his lab.+ )*e tapped her badge. +And this has a lot #ore insisten$e than (ou be$ause it $an arrest (ou for interfering with a poli$e in*estigation.+ +I"ll $he$& with the do$tor.+ The words sounded as sour as the wo#an"s fa$e loo&ed. She tapped her earpie$e again. +?es -a$h would (ou tell Dr. Rosenthall two poli$e offi$ers are here and insist on spea&ing with hi#. ?es. No the( won"t sa(. Than& (ou.+ She waited a #o#ent staring holes through )*e. Then s$owled. +Aer( well.+ After another tap she spo&e to )*e. +The do$tor"s lab assistant will $o#e out and ta&e (ou ba$&. The do$tor will see (ou.+ She ai#ed her nose in the air before turning ba$& to her s$reen. 1o#ents later a side door opened. The #an who $a#e out had deep brown s&in and large hea*(-lidded e(es nearl( as bla$& as his $rown of $url( hair. He wore a standard white lab $oat o*er 'eans and a red Tshirt that as&ed +1( petri dish or (ours3+ +5ffi$ers3+ +9ieutenant Dallas and Dete$ti*e -eabod(.+

+5h. @# . . .+ He flashed a *er( white s#ile. +If (ou"ll $o#e this wa(3+ Through the door was a #a=e a rabbit warren of roo#s off angled $orridors. The lab assistant negotiated the# on flapping gel sandals. He paused at double steel doors swiped his $ard spo&e his na#e. +-a$hai /upta.+ The se$urit( blin&ed green in a$$eptan$e and the doors slid open into a large lab. )*e felt a weird 'u0taposition as her friend 1a*is"s *oi$e wailed out about lo*e on the wild side o*er the pristine red and white roo#. Strange e7uations and s(#bols held fro=en on one of the wall s$reens while so#ething bubbled blue in a heated bea&er. A wo#an with short slee& red hair hun$hed o*er a #i$ros$ope while her foot tapped to 1a*is"s grinding beat. Another lab $oat diligentl( wor&ed two $o#ps at a long white $ounter. He sported a short stub of a pon(tail and ragged s&ids. In the $enter of it a#id the $oils of tubing the spar&ling ele$troni$s the bus( s$reens and the forest of test tubes bea&ers and spe$i#en dishes stood >ustin Rosenthall. He wore a lab $oat li&e other #en wore a tu0 perfe$tl( fitted and so#ehow elegant. His gilded #ane of hair glea#ed under the bright lights. Aid-star handso#e poeti$all( pale he re#o*ed a bea&er fro# its heater with tongs and set it in a bath of water. Stea# hissed and $urled. Through the thin $urtain of it )*e saw his e(es tawn( as a lion"s fi0 intentl( on so#e sort of gauge. +!hat"s he wor&ing on3+ she as&ed their guide. +An antidote.+ +To what3+ +To e*il.+ At her raised e(ebrows -a$hai flushed shrugged. )*e heard a low beep. >ustin lifted the bea&er again slid it into a $ontainer sealed it set another gauge. 5nl( then did he step ba$& loo& o*er. +Sorr(.+ There was an absent $har# in his s#ile in his #o*e#ents as he $rossed to the#. +The ti#ing"s $ru$ial. ?ou"re the poli$e3+ +9ieutenant Dallas Dete$ti*e -eabod( N?-SD.+ +Dallas. 5f $ourse (ou"re Roar&e"s wife.+ His s#ile war#ed as he e0tended a hand. +It"s ni$e to finall( #eet (ou. How is Roar&e3 I ha*en"t seen hi# in . . . it"s probabl( been a (ear. 1ore.+ +He"s good. This isn"t a so$ial $all Dr. Rosenthall.+ +>ustin. No of $ourse not. Sorr(. How $an I help (ou3+

+?ou &now >ennifer Darnell Cob( Ai0 !ilson .i$&ford.+ +?es.+ His s#ile faded. +Are the( in trouble3 I $an assure (ou the("*e been wor&ing *er( hard against their addi$tions. It"s a hard road and there will be stu#bles but%+ +The( were #urdered earl( this #orning.+ .ehind her -a$hai let out a strangled gasp as >ustin 'ust stared at her. +!hat3 Sorr( what3+ +The( were #urdered between two and two-fort( this #orning in the building where the( were s7uatting.+ +Dead3 1urdered3 All3+ +How3+ -a$hai too& )*e"s ar# then 7ui$&l( released it. His e(es were li7uid on(0 swi##ing under in&( lashes. The( onl( shi##ered #ore intensel( when >ustin laid a hand on his shoulder. +-a$h let"s sit down.+ +No. No. I"# sorr( but how $an the( be #urdered3 I saw the# onl( (esterda(.+ +!hen3+ +-a$h + >ustin repeated gentl(. +1usi$ off + he ordered. The redhead $alled out a protest when 1a*is stopped wailing. +Not now 1arti.+ >ustin rubbed his te#ple. +There"s no #ista&e3+ +No. !hen did (ou see the# last3+ she as&ed -a$hai. His lips tre#bled and tears $ontinued to swar# those hea*(-lidded e(es. +.efore >en and Cob( went to wor& after !il got off. !e had $offee. !e ha*e $offee al#ost e*er( da(.+ +?ou were friends3+ +?es. !e%I%I don"t understand.+ +No neither do I + >ustin said. +!hat happened3+ The lab rat with the stubb( pon(tail had turned and li&e the redhead wat$hed. +)arl( this #orning !ilson .i$&ford was stabbed to death Cob( Ai0 was bludgeoned to death and >ennifer Darnell was strangled.+

-a$hai began to weep and the harsh sobs bore hi# down to the floor where he $o*ered his fa$e with his hands. >ustin turned ashen. At her station the redhead sat *er( still staring at )*e as if she"d spo&en in an an$ient foreign language. The other #an slu#ped ba$& in his $hair shuddered then $losed his e(es lowered his head. No one spo&e. ------------------------------------------------Chapter E In the silen$e )*e ga*e -eabod( a signal and responding -eabod( #o*ed to -a$hai. +I"# sorr( for (our loss + she began in the $o#fort *oi$e she used so well. +9et #e help (ou. 9et #e help (ou up. !h( don"t we go o*er here sit down3+ +How $ould%was it%I"# sorr( + >ustin said. +I 'ust $an"t thin&. The( were atta$&ed3 In the building on !est Twelfth3+ +?es.+ +.ut wh( for /od"s sa&e3 None of the# belonged to a gang none of the# had an( *aluables to spea& of. !as this 'ust so#e rando# &illings3+ +Do (ou &now an(one who"d wish the#%an( one of the#%har#3+ +No. No I don"t. The( were turning their li*es around and the three of the# had for#ed a strong bond. Their own s#all support group.+ +The( were addi$ts.+ +In re$o*er( + >ustin said 7ui$&l(. +!as there an(one who the(%again an( one of the#%used to asso$iate with prior to their re$o*er( who #ight ha*e resented the fa$t that the( were getting $lean sta(ing $lean3+ +I don"t &now but if so the( didn"t #ention it to #e. If there was so#eone so#ething one of the# #ight ha*e told Arianna. Arianna !hitwood. She was the therapist of re$ord for all three of the#.+ +?our fian$2e.+ +?es.+ He loo&ed awa( pressed his fingers to his e(es. +1( /od the( were so (oung so hopeful.+ +?ou ga*e the# per#ission to s7uat in that propert(.+

+?es. The( $ouldn"t #a&e the rent on >en"s apart#ent. She"d fallen behind before she"d #ade the $o##it#ent to re$o*er(. -a$hai told #e the( were sleeping on the street. I thought . . . it would be a roof o*er their heads until the( found a pla$e.+ +?ou for#ed an atta$h#ent to the#3+ +To >en then through her to Cob( and !il. She was so deter#ined and (ou $ould see the light $o#ing ba$& into her. ?ou $ould see her finding her 7uiet. It was gratif(ing. )*en inspiring.+ +I guess I"# $urious wh( (ou didn"t float the# the rent.+ +I wish I had.+ 1outh tight he glan$ed o*er to where -eabod( #ur#ured to -a$hai. +!e ha*e a poli$( not to lend #one( to an(one in the progra# but to tr( to find another wa( to help to guide the# to help the#sel*es. I ne*er i#agined . . . The three of the# together should ha*e been safe. /od &nows ea$h one of the# had e0perien$e on the street handling the#sel*es.+ +I ha*e to as& where (ou were between one and four this #orning.+ +?es. I . . . !ell here. I was here.+ +That"s a lot of #idnight oil to burn.+ +!hat I"# wor&ing on it"s%I belie*e%at its tipping point. I wor&ed until after two then bun&ed on the sofa in #( offi$e.+ +Did (ou see or spea& with an(one during that ti#e3+ +No. I sent Ben and -a$hai ho#e about ele*en I thin& it was. ?ou $an as& the# or $he$& the log-outs. 1arti left earlier. I spo&e with Arianna . . . I"# not sure I"d ha*e to $he$& the"lin& log. 1a(be ten or ten thirt( before I sent the bo(s ho#e.+ +!hat are (ou wor&ing on3+ +A seru# to $ountera$t deep and $hroni$ addi$tion and substan$e abuse. It will treat the $ra*ing on both a ph(si$al and ps($hologi$al le*el 7uiet the *iolen$e of that need during withdrawal and after.+ +There are #edi$ations for that alread(.+ +1edi$ations that basi$all( substitute one $he#i$al for another. I"# atte#pting to wor& with natural ingredients that will trigger the $he#istr( in the brain and the bod( to return to the le*els prior to the addi$tion. A rebalan$ing we"ll sa(.+ He rubbed at his te#ple again the sa#e two fingers on the sa#e spot in the sa#e $ir$ular #otion. +Is there an(thing I%we%$an do for the# now3 Conta$ting fa#il(3 I $an"t re#e#ber the details of that but Arianna will ha*e it. !ith the burial #e#orial3 An(thing3+

+!e"ll be notif(ing ne0t of &in. I"ll need to tal& to 1s. !hitwood and as soon as possible. 6irst I"d li&e to spea& with (our other assistants.+ +Interns + he $orre$ted auto#ati$all(. +1arti 6ran& and Ben Di$&erson are here on intern s$holarships. Sorr( it hardl( #atters. I want to tell Ari in person fa$e-to-fa$e not o*er the"lin&. !e lose patients 9ieutenant. To their addi$tion to the *iolen$e it often generates or the ph(si$al abuse it $auses. .ut this3 This $o#es *er( *er( hard.+ +Is she in the Center now3+ +?es she should be in session now. I"ll go up tell her.+ +If (ou"d tell her I want to spea& with her before we lea*e I"d appre$iate it.+ +?es. I"# sorr( to #eet (ou this wa(. I"# 'ust . . . sorr(.+ )*e let hi# go and de$ided to ta&e the redhead first. +?ou got the pi$ture + )*e began. +?eah. It"s a reall( ugl( pi$ture.+ +!ere (ou $lose to the *i$ti#s3+ +I hate that word. Ai$ti#.+ She folded her hands together on her lap as if she wanted to &eep the# still. +It"s o*erused.+ +It is in #( line of wor&.+ +?eah I guess. Not espe$iall( $lose. I li&ed the#. >en in parti$ular. She was 'ust so da#n li&able.+ +?ou wor& in the lab. Do (ou get friendl( with a lot of people in the progra#3+ +There"s intera$tion. It"s part of it. There"s a $o##unal eater( on-site so a lot of ti#es staff"s eating with patients and re$o*erings. !hen wor& allows we"re en$ouraged to attend sessions or le$tures. It"s #ore than lab wor& espe$iall( for >ustin. It"s our whole life and understanding who and what we"re wor&ing for. ?ou"re going to find out + she added. +I &now how it wor&s. 1( brother was a 'un&ie fa*ored >a== la$ed with Feus. He fa*ored it a lot right up until he 5D"d. He #ade #( life #( #other"s #( father"s hell. I hate the 'un& and it too& a long ti#e before I stopped hating the 'un&ie.+ She glan$ed o*er her shoulder. +!ith Ben it was his father. Ca#e into it late (ou $ould sa(. Started with pres$riptions after a $ar a$$ident es$alated until he"d destro(ed his #arriage did ti#e for s#a$&ing his wife and Ben around ended up on the street where he stabbed so#ebod( to death for twel*e dollars and a wrist unit. He died in prison when so#ebod( returned the fa*or.+ )*e $onne$ted the dots. +And -a$hai3+

+Childhood friend. The( were tight li&e brothers. The friend pla(ed around with re$reationals li&ed the# too #u$h until he was fl(ing on @ps and .oun$e $rashing on Chill. Then he was 'ust one #ore 5D when -a$hai found hi# dead%two da(s dead. >ustin wants people in*ested who wor& for hi# people who &now all the sides all the la(ers and ha*e a reason to be here.+ +He wants it personal.+ +?eah and it is.+ She loo&ed o*er at -a$hai then down at her folded hands. +This happening to >en and the others people who had a real shot at rede#ption who reall( put it all into &i$&ing it3 That"s personal too. 6or all of us.+ +@nderstood. If (ou &now how it wor&s (ou &now I ha*e to as&. !here were (ou between one and four this #orning3+ +In bed.+ Her ga=e tra$&ed up #et )*e"s. +Alone and asleep. I had a date but it didn"t go an(where. I got ho#e 'ust after #idnight. I"*e got a roo##ate but she had a date and it did go so#ewhere. She didn"t get ho#e until si0 this #orning.+ She ga*e )*e a narrow loo&. +An(wa( fro# what (ou said how the( were &illed3 The three of us would"*e had to go batshit together brea& in to that pla$e and &ill the# li&e a pa$&.+ +That"s a thought isn"t it3 I appre$iate the ti#e. If (ou thin& of an(thing $onta$t #e or #( partner.+ )*e #o*ed on to the last. +Ben Di$&erson + he said. +Did the( #a(be get atta$&ed on the street3+ He wat$hed )*e with horror and hope. His fa$e pale and thin showed signs of fatigue. +1a(be the( ran + he $ontinued in a *oi$e that hit$hed in a battle against tears. +And the people who atta$&ed the# went at the# when the( got to the building.+ +No.+ +It 'ust doesn"t see# real + he #ur#ured rubbing at his da#p tired e(es. +I feel li&e I"# going to wa&e up and none of this happened.+ +How well did (ou &now the *i$ti#s3+ +I . . . /od. I don"t &now. To tal& to. Not li&e -a$h but we hung out a $ouple ti#es. 1( un$le #anages a Sli$e and I helped >en then Cob( get 'obs there. I #ean I as&ed #( un$le if he $ould gi*e the# a tr(. He"s good about gi*ing people a $han$e.+ +Did (ou e*er go to the pla$e the( were sta(ing3+ +5n$e. The restaurant"s $lose to where I li*e so I go in a lot. I wal&ed ba$& with >en and Cob( one night. 1( un$le ga*e the# so#e food. And we hung out.+ He s#iled a little. +It was ni$e.+

+Did the( own "lin&s3+ He blin&ed in pu==le#ent. +Sure. )*er(bod( has at least one "lin&.+ +Do (ou &now an(one who"d want to hurt the#3+ +I don"t see wh( an(one would. The( were har#less. The( didn"t ha*e an(thing didn"t hurt an(bod(. >en was stud(ing so she $ould do se$retarial wor&. She wanted to wor& in an offi$e. That"s not #u$h to as&.+ No )*e thought. It wasn"t #u$h to as&. !hen >ustin $a#e ba$& in he loo&ed drained. +If (ou $ould gi*e Arianna a few #inutes she"ll #eet (ou in the 1editation /arden.+ +All right.+ +Is there an(thing #ore we $an do3+ +Not at this ti#e.+ +!ill (ou &eep #e%us%infor#ed3+ +I $an do that. If an(thing o$$urs to (ou an(thing at all let #e &now.+ She signaled -eabod( who put her hand on -a$hai"s shoulder before rising. +Arianna !hitwood down in the gardens + )*e told her. +Did (ou get an(thing3+ +He was in lo*e with Darnell + -eabod( said as the( headed down again. +He didn"t hesitate to tell #e or that he thought #a(be she felt so#ething ba$&. No alibi but he gi*es off this gentle &ind of sweet *ibe. I $an"t see hi# slaughtering three people.+ +5n the other hand he and e*er(one in that lab &new all three *i$s and where the( were s7uatting. At least two of the#%and I"d add Rosenthall as a third%had been there &new the setup. That weighs. There are going to be others who &new the# and the setup fro# /et Straight and Sli$e. This wasn"t rando#.+ +No. Rando# doesn"t fit.+ +.e$ause3+ +5h bo( a 7ui=. Deliberate brea&-in through the ba$& and the other &illers%be$ause I $an"t see it being one gu(%got into the front atta$&ed the# in a fren=ied but s(ste#ati$ #anner. !re$&ed the pla$e but as far as we &now too& nothing but their "lin&s%and at least one of the# had the prote$ti*e gear so no blood on his%or their%$lothes. It"s #ost probable the( brought the weapons%a &nife s$alpel and so#e sort of bludgeoning tool%with the#. -repared pre#editated and target spe$ifi$. Did I pass3+

+Not bad.+ The( passed through an atriu# on the #ain le*el and into the burgeoning gardens. +Not bad at all + )*e said with a loo& around. +Totall( #ag. -ea$eful. Bind of Fen. 9oo& butterflies.+ A s#ile bro&e o*er -eabod("s fa$e. +.utterflies 'ust #a&e (ou happ(.+ +The("*e got that bugg( bod( and those $reep( little antennas. -eople don"t thin& about that be$ause the( get distra$ted b( the wings. I alwa(s wonder if the( ha*e teeth. The( #ust ha*e tin( sharp little teeth.+ +?ou"re not spoiling #( happ(.+ )*e too& the path #ar&ed 1editation /arden angled through blosso#s and butterflies. She saw Arianna on one of the stone ben$hes the dia#ond on her left hand on fire in the strea#s of light. She wore a leaf- green suit with a foa# of la$e and high ra=or-thin heels of the sa#e $olor that show$ased long legs. Her hair a ri$h nutt( brown was wound up in so#e $o#pli$ated twist that left her e0$eptional fa$e unfra#ed. )*er(thing about her said $lassi$ and $lass and re#inded )*e of 1ira. At their approa$h Arianna turned her head. Her e(es a $olor $aught so#ewhere between green and brown spar&ed with anger. She rose. +9ieutenant Dallas. I"d hoped to #eet (ou but not li&e this. Dete$ti*e -eabod(. Can we sit3+ She did so folded her hands again. +I wanted to tal& to (ou here. I"d hoped to find so#e 7uiet here. .ut not (et.+ +?ou were the therapist for all three *i$ti#s + )*e began. +?es. The( would ha*e #ade it. I belie*e that. 5n a professional and personal le*el I belie*e Cob( and !il would ha*e #ade it. I &now >en would ha*e. She"d $o#e so far in su$h a short ti#e. She"d found the 7uiet.+ +Dr. Rosenthall used that ter#. The 7uiet.+ +?es I guess I pi$&ed it up fro# hi#.+ Arianna laid a hand on her heart. +Addi$tion is ne*er 7uiet. It"s *iolent or sl( or sedu$ti*e. 5ften all three. .ut >en found her 7uiet and her strength and was helping Cob( and !il find theirs.+ +5ther addi$ts not #a&ing su$h progress #ight resent the# for theirs.+ +That"s true. The( would ha*e told #e if an(one was pressuring the# threatening the#. >en was addi$ted to heroin preferred it in the #i0 the( $all Chill on the street. She often bartered her bod( for hits. Her #other was the sa#e her father was her #other"s dealer%she thin&s.+ +She did so#e ti#e in the s(ste# + )*e put in. +>u*ie group ho#es foster ho#es.+

+?es. She had a troubled diffi$ult $hildhood. >en ran off when she was si0teen and $ontinued that troubled diffi$ult life up until nearl( four #onths ago when she wo&e up after a binge. She"d lost three da(s and $a#e ba$& to herself $o*ered in $uts bruises filth her own *o#it in so#e base#ent flop with no re$olle$tion of how she"d gotten there. She got out began to wal&. She thought of the ne0t s$ore thought of 'ust ending her life and she $a#e to /et Straight. Instead of wal&ing on tr(ing for the ne0t s$ore or ending her life she went in.+ +This wasn"t her first tr( at rehab.+ +No.+ Arianna turned her head to #eet )*e"s e(es. +She"d had three $ourt-assigned rehabilitations and none of the# too&. This ti#e she $hose. She wal&ed in on her own. She was read( to be helped and the( helped her. >ustin and I were there that da(. She often said that was the beginning for her. !hen we #et.+ Arianna loo&ed awa( again as her *oi$e roughened. +!ithdrawal is hard and painful but she ne*er ga*e up. She brought Cob( in. !e en$ourage re$o*erings to se*er ties with people who are part of their addi$tion but she wouldn"t listen. She sa*ed Cob( si#pl( be$ause she wouldn"t gi*e up on hi# either and then !il. The( lo*ed her and their lo*e for her and ea$h other pro*ed stronger than the addi$tion. That"s a &ind of #ira$le. And now . . .+ +Did the( tell (ou about an(one who $on$erned the# who ga*e the# an( grief put an( pressure on the# to use again3+ +No. None of the# had an( fa#il( no one the( were $lose to or had $onta$t with not for a long ti#e. The( for#ed friendships asso$iations at the Center and at /et Straight. The( were still in the hone(#oon stage so happ( to be where the( were so happ( to ha*e ea$h other.+ +!ere the( inti#ate3+ +No not se0uall(. >en and Cob( had been if (ou $an $all it inti#a$( when the( were both using. !hat the("d for#ed now was a fa#il( so the( li*ed that wa(. 6or >en se0 had been that bartering tool or so#ething to do with another addi$t. She"d be$o#e desensiti=ed about se0. I thin& she was beginning to feel nor#al and natural urges. She was attra$ted to -a$h% -a$hai /upta%and he to her. .ut neither of the# #o*ed on it.+ +How $an (ou be sure3+ +She would ha*e told #e. Honest( had be$o#e a *ital tool for her in re$o*er( and she trusted #e. The("d #ade a *ow%>en Cob( and !ill%to abstain for si0 #onths to fo$us on the#sel*es as indi*iduals. Cob( 'o&ed about it. He was funn( sharp. He"d used that $har# and wit to sur*i*e on the streets. Now he used it to &eep hi#self and his friends stead(. !il went the #ore spiritual route. He"d li*ed with his great-grand#other until she died and she"d ta&en hi# to $hur$h. He"d started to go ba$&. >en and Cob( went with hi# a few ti#es but #ore for friendship than interest.+

+!hat $hur$h3+ +Ah . . . Chelsea .aptist.+ +!here else did the( go routinel( do routinel(3+ +The( li&ed to hang out at the Twelfth Street Diner drin& $offee and tal&. The( all put in ti#e at /et Straight attending #eetings ta&ing on $hores %$leaning organi=ing donations%that"s part of the progra#. The( attended group there too as well as here. The("d see a *id now and then but pri#aril( the( wor&ed%sa*ed their #one( toward finding a pla$e to li*e% $on$entrated on the progra# studied. 5r >en did. She was ta&ing a business $lass.+ +?ou ga*e the# per#ission to li*e in the building3+ +?es. >ustin as&ed #e and we thought it would gi*e the# a breather allow the# to li*e on their own sa*e sta( $lose to the Center. The stipulation was the( had to &eep the pla$e and the#sel*es $lean. The( did.+ +?ou *isited the# there3+ +)ither >ustin or I would drop b( on$e a wee&. Spot-$he$& + she said with the first hint of a s#ile. +!e trusted the#. .ut (ou $an"t trust the addi$tion.+ +Arianna,+ The sharp $all sli$ed through the 7uiet garden. A #an tall his dar& hair $ropped $lose to a tanned fa$e hurried toward the#. His e(es a green as sharp as his *oi$e were all for Arianna. Ignoring )*e and -eabod( he grabbed her hands got to his &nees. +I heard what happened. !hat $an I do for (ou3+ +)ton.+ Tears shi##ered in her e(es. )*e saw her bear down against the#. +I was going to tell (ou #(self but I needed to spea& with the poli$e. 9ieutenant Dallas Dete$ti*e -eabod( #( asso$iate )ton .illingsl(.+ +The poli$e.+ He shot )*e a disgusted loo&. +At a ti#e li&e this3+ +1urder usuall( brings the $ops.+ +It"s hardl( ne$essar( to interrogate Arianna at all and parti$ularl( before she"s had ti#e to pro$ess.+ +5&a(. 9et"s interrogate (ou. !here were (ou between one and four a.#. this #orning3+ He blustered. )*e $ouldn"t thin& of another word for the sounds he #ade or the loo& on his fa$e as he sprang to his feet. +I"# not answering an( of (our insulting 7uestions and neither is Arianna.+

+5h (eah (ou are + )*e $orre$ted +here or at Cop Central. ?our $hoi$e.+ +)ton.+ Arianna rose. +Stop now. ?ou"re upset. The poli$e are tr(ing to find out who hurt >en and the bo(s and wh(.+ +The("ll hardl( find out here with (ou.+ He too& her hands again. +>ustin should ne*er ha*e allowed it.+ +>ustin doesn"t allow an(thing.+ /entl( but deliberatel( Arianna drew her hands awa(. +?ou"re right of $ourse. .ut it"s natural to want to shield (ou fro# this &ind of ordeal. I &now how #u$h (ou"d in*ested in these re$o*erings.+ +I ha*en"t heard an answer (et 1r. .illingsl(.+ +Dr. .illingsl( + he snapped at )*e. +And at that ti#e of the #orning I was ho#e in bed.+ +Alone3+ +?es.+ +!hat was (our relationship with the *i$ti#s3+ -erhaps due to the fa$t that his fa$e went red Arianna answered for hi#. +)ton is one of our ps($hologists. He spe$iali=es in h(pnotherap(. The pro$ess $an help the# through withdrawal gi*e the# fo$us and $an often help the# bring the root of their addi$tion to the surfa$e.+ +So did (ou do the "(ou"re getting sleep(" with the *i$ti#s3+ )*e as&ed hi#. +?es.+ +And3+ +As Arianna $an tell (ou the( were #a&ing e0$ellent e*en e0$eptional progress.+ +!hen"s the last ti#e (ou had $onta$t with the#%ea$h of the#3+ +I"d ha*e to $he$& #( boo&. I $an hardl( re#e#ber off the top of #( head.+ +Do that. Did (ou e*er *isit the building where the( were li*ing3+ His lips thinned. +No. !h( would I3 Instead of wasting ti#e here (ou should be out on the street loo&ing for the #ania$s who did this. It"s ob*iousl( the result of *iolent addi$ts people the( asso$iated with before the( began the progra#.+ +Nothing"s ob*ious at this point. ?ou"*e been *er( helpful + she said to Arianna.

+Can (ou let us &now when . . . >ustin and I would li&e to arrange a #e#orial. !e"d li&e to arrange for their re#ains.+ +Arianna + .illingsl( began. +)ton please. It"s little enough.+ +I"# re7uired to infor# the ne0t of &in + )*e told her. +I"ll be in tou$h on$e I ha*e. ?ou ha*e trans$ripts of (our sessions with the#. The( $ould help #e. Do$tor-patient pri*ilege doesn"t appl( when the patients are dead.+ +I"ll ha*e the# sent to (ou this afternoon. I"ll show (ou the wa( out.+ +!e"*e got it than&s.+ As the( wal&ed awa( )*e glan$ed ba$&. )ton had her hands again his head bent toward hers as he tal&ed rapidl(. +Asshole + was -eabod("s opinion. +.ig fla#ing asshole with a big fla#ing te#per. 9oo&s li&e he &eeps in good shape. .et he puts in plent( of g(# ti#e. And he wants Arianna !hitwood for his own.+ +5h (eah and she doesn"t want hi# for hers.+ +That"s a pisser for hi#. I bet she ga*e the *i$s a lot #ore of her ti#e attention and affe$tion than she gi*es .illingsl( whi$h is another pisser for hi#.+ +Billing the hell out of the# doesn"t $hange that. !ould be a prett( #ur&( #oti*e.+ +1a(be but I reall( hate hi# alread(. -lus h(pnotherap(. !ho &nows what he"s up to with that3+ +!h( didn"t (ou as& for his trans$ripts3+ +.e$ause he wouldn"t gi*e the# up not without a warrant whi$h (ou"re going to put in the wor&s while we head o*er to /et Straight.+ +5ooh that"s going to be another pisser for .illingsl(.+ +I $an onl( hope it"s not the last.+ ------------------------------------------Chapter G The( got little #ore fro# /et Straight but $onfir#ation of e*er(thing the("d heard before and #ore grief. )*en as the( stepped out into the air holding the first faint hint of fall )*e"s $o# signaled. She re$ogni=ed the first on s$ene on her s$reen.

+5ffi$er Slo*i$.+ +Sir we dug up a wit $lai#s she saw so#eone near the rear of the $ri#e s$ene and obser*ed hi# stuffing so#ething in the re$($ler where we found the blood( prote$ti*e gear.+ +That"s a brea&. How good a loo&3+ +She $lai#s a good solid one. There"s a streetlight and she states she saw hi# $learl( and he was dan$ing.+ +Sorr(3+ +That"s her state#ent 9ieutenant.+ )*e heard the shrug in his *oi$e. +Her des$ription"s prett( strange but she"s sti$&ing to it and doesn"t stri&e #e as a wha$& 'ob. Her apart#ent"s got a good *iew of the area and she was up wal&ing her &id%&id"s teething. She"s a shortorder $oo& on parental lea*e. !e got her on the $an*ass.+ +!hat did she see3+ He $leared his throat. +A #onster. -ossibl( a de#on.+ +5ffi$er Slo*i$ are (ou a$tuall( wasting #( ti#e on this3+ +Sir I wouldn"t but she ga*e details she had the ti#e down and she ad#its it sounds $ra=(.+ +/i*e #e the details.+ +1ale #ediu# build%she thin&s%dar& hair wild and string(.+ He #ade the throat-$learing sound again. +/reenish s&in red bulging e(es $ontorted features and pro#inent teeth wearing a bla$& $ape and $arr(ing a bla$& sat$hel.+ +And this green red-e(ed #onster was dan$ing in the streetlight.+ +And laughing sir in what the wit des$ribes as a wild guttural laugh. I belie*e her 9ieutenant I #ean about what she saw. It $ould be the sub'e$t was wearing a #as& or a disguise.+ +?eah.+ )*e hea*ed out a sigh. +!ill she wor& with an artist3+ +She"s an0ious to.+ +Conta$t Dete$ti*e ?an$( at Central and get her to hi#.+ +?es sir.+

She sho*ed the $o# into her po$&et. +A green red-e(ed $ape-wearing #onster.+ +5r possibl( de#on + -eabod( put in and earned a sneer. +I"# not sa(ing I belie*e in #onsters and de#ons but so#ebod( h(ped up on Feus sa( $on*in$ed he is one gets in the gear to top it off. Sin$e the wit onl( saw one #an and the e*iden$e leans toward one #an%he"d ha*e to be h(ped on so#ething. Feus not onl( #a&es (ou $ra=( but it deadens (ou to pain pu#ps the adrenaline.+ +1a(be. !e"ll see it through.+ She $he$&ed the ti#e. +I want (ou to go b( Sli$e tal& to the boss the $owor&ers and do the sa#e at the twent(- fourCse*en. ?ou $an round it off with the diner the( used as a hang spot. 1a(be the( had so#e trouble last night or so#ebod( followed the# ho#e. I"# going to swing b( the #orgue see what 1orris $an gi*e us. !e"ll hoo& up ba$& at Central.+ +I"d sure as hell rather go to a pi==a 'oint than the #orgue. !ant #e to bring (ou a sli$e3+ +No . . . #a(be. ?eah.+ )*e slid behind the wheel and headed for the #orgue. Feus was a good fit she thought but not a perfe$t one. It fit the *iolen$e the fren=( of it. .ut not the $al$ulation. Still a blend . . . and so#e enterprising soul was alwa(s $o#ing up with a new and i#pro*ed in the illegals ga#e. 6l(ing on Feus a #an $ould ha$& beat $ho&e%and laugh his ass off while doing it. .ut he $ouldn"t plan %$ostu#e sat$hel with weapons and prote$ti*e gear glo*ed or sealed hands. She didn"t e0pe$t the sweepers to gift wrap the &iller"s prints for her. He"d bro&en in through the ba$& window )*e thought bringing the s$ene ba$& into her head. Need a tool for that in the sat$hel. Cli#b in ni$e and 7uiet%so#ething else that didn"t fit the Feus not pure Feus. .athroo# ba$& roo# all neat and tid( so the &iller had #o*ed straight into the front of the shop and the *i$s. Target spe$ifi$ pre#editated planned. She was sure of it. 1oti*e was a #ur&( area. She $onsidered re'e$ted fiddled with *arious theories through downtown traffi$ then let the# si##er as she wal&ed into the white tunnel of the #orgue. 1orris wore a gra( suit and a strong red tie. The $hoi$e $heered her a little. His wardrobe rarel( *aried fro# bla$& sin$e the #urder of his lo*er. The band twined through his braid of dar& hair #at$hed the tie. His long $le*er e(es #et hers o*er the open bod( of >ennifer Darnell. Through the spea&ers a sa0 wailed out a 'a==( riff. +I see (ou got #e a triple-header.+ +The #onster did it.+

+Not diffi$ult to belie*e gi*en the $ondition of these (oung people. There"s internal abuse self-infli$ted fro# (ears of illegals ingestion poor diet. The( li*ed hard for their short ti#e. I found signs of re$o*er( and re*ersal. If the("d li*ed and &ept $lean the( should ha*e done well enough.+ +!ere the( &eeping $lean3+ +Bnowing (ou"d as& I ran and rushed the to0 s$reen first and the( were. Their last #eal whi$h I assu#e the( shared about #idnight was pi==a a diet $ola for the girl straight $ola for the bo(s.+ +Se0ual a$ti*it( $onsensual or for$ed3+ +No. Ai$ti# one%in order of T5D%suffered #ultiple bro&en bones and ribs so#e of the# post#orte#. C5D would be a fra$tured s&ull. He"d literall( had his brains bashed in. .( a bat or pipe so#e three in$hes in dia#eter and e0tre#e for$e. I found so#e paint fla&es in the wounds. I"*e sent the# to the lab.+ +Head blow first3+ )*e spe$ulated. +6ro# #( re$onstru$tion whi$h is still preli#inar( (es. A blow here.+ 1orris tapped the side of his hand diagonall( o*er his right te#ple. +It would ha*e &no$&ed hi# out $old. It"s unli&el( he felt the rest.+ +S#all fa*or.+ +Ai$ti# two #ultiple stab wounds infli$ted with a 'agged-edged blade so#e four in$hes in length. Not a hunting or $ar*ing &nife. 1ore li&el( an ine0pensi*e #eat &nife. The tip bro&e on bone and that"s at the lab as well. He was stabbed first $enter of the $hest two stri&es and on$e in the abdo#en. Again fro# #( preli# the rest of the wounds $a#e se*eral #inutes later.+ +In$apa$itate both #ales.+ +And her. As in (our notes she was stru$& with the sa#e bat as &illed her friend a$ross the &nees shattering her &nee$aps. The ear e(e and tongue were re#o*ed post#orte# and with a s#ooth sharp blade%a s$alpel would be #( opinion. And it was done with pre$ision. Do (ou &now how #an( are responsible for this3+ +5ne.+ 1orris"s e(ebrows shot up. +5ne3 ?ou ne*er fail to intrigue.+ He loo&ed o*er the bodies again. +The da#age here the strength the sheer energ( it too& to beat the first *i$ was $onsiderable. 5n the se$ond the stab wounds are *er( deep *er( for$eful and there are eight(-fi*e holes in that unfortunate bo(. That also ta&es strength and energ(. Considerable enduran$e.+ +And when he"d finished there he still had enough to #anuall( strangle %$orre$t3+

+?es + 1orris $onfir#ed +he used his own hands.+ +To #anuall( strangle the third whi$h also ta&es strength. And still after that he had it in hi# to brea& $hairs tables basi$all( wrea& ha*o$. He ended it a$$ording to the wit we"re wor&ing with b( dan$ing down the sidewal&.+ +Then he has a powerful $onstitution probabl( $he#i$all( enhan$ed. He en'o(ed this.+ 1orris laid a gentle hand on >ennifer Darnell"s head. +I"# not 1ira so that"s si#pl( a dead do$tor"s ta&e. .ut (ou and I see e*er( da( what one hu#an being is $apable of doing to another. This one en'o(ed hi#self.+ +?eah and when the( ha*e that #u$h fun the( want to do it again.+


She headed to Central. She needed to re*iew her notes write an initial report%harass the sweepers and the lab for theirs%start her #urder board and boo&. And she wanted a loo& at the wit or at least ?an$("s s&et$h. So#ewhere in there she wanted to $ar*e out so#e ti#e to do a good solid run on )ton Asshole .illingsl(. She s#elled $oo&ies the #inute she stepped into the bullpen $aught the s$atter of $ru#bs on >en&inson"s shirt wat$hed .a0ter stuff the re#ains of one in his #outh before he offered her a big s#ile. +Nadine"s in (our offi$e 9T.+ +-atheti$. -atheti$ that a bun$h of $ops fat-assing at their des&s instead of out ta&ing down bad gu(s $an be bribed with $oo&ies.+ >en&inson shot up a hand. +!e got one Dallas. Reine&e"s wal&ing hi# down to lo$&up. I"# doing the fi*es.+ +!ith $oo&ie $ru#bs on (our shirt.+ He brushed at the# hastil( as she turned awa( to stride to her offi$e. !here Nadine 6urst reporter e0traordinaire lounged in her *isitor"s $hair nibbling on a $oo&ie and wor&ing on her --C. Sa(ing nothing )*e lifted the lid of the ba&er( bo0 on her des& too& out a fat $ho$olate $hip. +!hat do (ou want3+

+A #an of a#a=ing se0ual prowess great sensiti*it( stupendous abs and the fa$e of an angel. Toss in a wi$&ed sense of hu#or and stupendous wealth who adores the *er( ground I wal& on. 5h wait (ou alread( ha*e hi#.+ )*e bit into the $oo&ie. +Se$ond $hoi$e3+ Nadine fluffed ba$& her strea&( blond hair s#iled her feline s#ile with her $at"s e(es glinting. +I heard (ou $aught a #ess( one.+ +That"s right. I don"t ha*e an(thing to gi*e (ou. I ha*en"t put it together (et.+ +Three *i$ti#s beaten stabbed and strangled re$o*ering addi$ts with a $onne$tion to the !hitwood /roup%&illed in fa$t on propert( owned b( sa#e. The !hitwoods are alwa(s a strong stor(.+ +The *i$ti#s are the stor(.+ +I &now.+ Nadine"s s#ile faded. +The( were (oung tr(ing to turn things around. Are (ou loo&ing at gang andCor illegals related #urders3+ +I"# loo&ing at e*er(thing e*er(one.+ +In$luding the !hitwoods and the *er( drea#( >ustin Rosenthall.+ +In$luding.+ Nadine )*e $al$ulated was alwa(s a good sour$e. +!hat do (ou &now about )ton .illingsl(3+ +He"s a di$&.+ +I got that #u$h.+ +Is he a suspe$t3+ +Nadine it"s too earl(.+ +!ell I hope he is be$ause he"s as I said a di$&. Co#es fro# #one(. Not 7uite on the !hitwood le*el but he"s got a fat portfolio. He also seriousl( $ourted the lo*el( Arianna who fell head o*er s&irt for Rosenthall %who is not a di$&. I don"t &now #u$h about hi# but I $an find out.+ +I"# wor&ing on it.+ )*e too& another bite of $oo&ie. Da#n fine $oo&ie. +!hat else do (ou want3+ +?ou"re 'ust ba$& fro# $losing a big one in Dallas. Isaa$ 1$Hueen% the se$ond ti#e (ou too& hi# down. It"s a hot stor( Dallas. Hi# $o#ing after (ou abdu$ting one of his for#er *i$ti#s. I want (ou to $o#e on Now and tal& about it.+

)*e set the $oo&ie aside. Da#n fine or not her appetite dried up. +I"# not going to do that.+ .efore she $ould sa( an(thing else Nadine held up a hand. +And I"# not going to press (ou. I had to as&.+ +It"s not li&e (ou to gi*e up so eas(.+ Nadine re$rossed her legs. +A $ouple of (ears ago when (ou and I hoo&ed up o*er the De.lass $ase I did a little resear$h. I li&e to &now who I"# wor&ing with.+ )*e said nothing. +It"s not eas( getting #u$h ba$&ground on (ou but I &now (ou were found in Dallas when (ou were a $hild and (ou"d been . . . hurt. The reporter wants an inter*iew Dallas but the friend won"t push. 6riendship"s stronger than a stor(.+ +5&a(.+ And it was. +!hen (ou get so#ething on this new $ase #a(be (ou $an gi*e #e a heads-up.+ +1a(be I $ould. ?ou should $onta$t .ree and 1elinda >ones + )*e said as Nadine rose. +?ou should go to Dallas where it happened tal& to the# there.+ +I intended to $onta$t the#.+ Nadine angled her head. +An on-lo$ation spe$ial3 That"s not bad. So#e of it in the apart#ent where he &ept 1elinda >ones and the girl so#e in the hotel suite where he $a#e after (ou. No that"s not half-bad. I"*e got to go.+ At the door Nadine paused glan$ed ba$&. +Dallas an(ti#e (ou want to tal& to the friend about an( of it the reporter will step ba$&.+ +I appre$iate it.+ Alone )*e turned to her "lin& and $onta$ted another friend. She was shuffled dire$tl( to Dr. 9ouise Di#atto"s *-#ail left a #essage as&ing for a #eeting. Rising she progra##ed $offee then began to set up her board. She"d wor& better with the *isuals. !hen she finished she started her report. +That"s parti$ularl( grueso#e + Roar&e said fro# her doorwa(. Nadine had been right )*e thought in her su##ar( of hi#. 5h she"d left a few things out but all in all. He did ha*e the fa$e of an angel a fallen one with the wings well-singed but that onl( #ade hi# #ore $o#pelling. That and those wildl( blue e(es the sil&( bla$& hair. He wore one of his sharp business suits but there was no asshole *ibe here as with .illingsl(.

This was power su$$ess se0 and danger all rolled into one strea#lined pa$&age with Ireland gilding his *oi$e. Still. +!hat are (ou doing here3+ she de#anded. +I had business nearb( and too& a $han$e I"d see #( wife. And here she is. This is new + he said loo&ing at her board again. +Caught it this #orning. 5h >ustin Rosenthall and Arianna !hitwood sa( hi.+ +Is that so3+ He shifted his ga=e ba$& to her. +!hat would the( ha*e to do with this3+ +That"s a 7uestion. How well do (ou &now the#3+ +Not that well.+ He ran a hand absentl( o*er )*e"s shoulder as he #o*ed $loser to the board. +Surfa$e so$iall( $haritable foundation e*ents sort of &nowing. He"s intense without being prea$h( and she"s dedi$ated without being tireso#e. And the( both put their ti#e and effort into their parti$ular $ause.+ +)ton .illingsl(.+ +/it + Roar&e said using his $hildhood slang in insult. +1a(be (ou $an elaborate on that later but right now I ha*e to%+ She bro&e off answered her "lin&. +Dallas.+ +I"*e got the s&et$h 9ieutenant + ?an$( told her. +I thin& (ou"re going to want to see it.+ +5n #( wa(.+ She $li$&ed off rose. +!h( not ha*e it sent to (our $o#p3+ +.e$ause he"s going to want to e0plain it to #e.+ She thought of the des$ription. +?ou $an tag along.+ +!h( not sin$e it"s unli&el( I $an tal& (ou into a late lun$h or earl( dinner.+ He flipped open the ba&er( bo0 helped hi#self to a $oo&ie. +This will ha*e to do. I ha*en"t had ti#e to #onitor the poli$e reports + he added as the( wal&ed. +Tell #e about the $ase.+ She did as the( used the glides to get to ?an$("s le*el. +A strong !hitwood-Rosenthall $onne$tion + he $o##ented. +As I said I don"t &now the# well but I $an"t see the# in*ol*ed in that. @nfortunatel( I $an"t see .illingsl( in*ol*ed either. Certainl( he wouldn"t

stoop to getting his hands dirt(.+ +-eople who wor& with addi$ts da( in da( out so#eti#es end up using the#sel*es. 1a(be one or #ore than one of the# gets in too deep. Newl( re$o*erings $an be li&e $on*erts. 6er*ent. 5ne of the# finds out threatens to spill it. Reputation"s ruined the Center bla$&ened blah blah. +!hoe*er did it had so#e #edi$al training + she added. +1orris $onfir#s the a#putations weren"t the wor& of an a#ateur.+ +An( nu#ber of people at the Center and /et Straight would ha*e #edi$al training.+ +?eah and I"# going to loo& at all of the#.+ She #o*ed through ?an$("s di*ision straight to the glass $ube where she saw hi# and a wo#an in her earl( thirties with a bab( on her lap. ?an$( ga*e )*e a nod. +C(nthia this is 9ieutenant Dallas. 9T C(nthia Bopel%and 9ilian.+ +Than&s for $o#ing in 1s. Bopel.+ +I"# happ( to. I onl( wish I"d $onta$ted the poli$e last night when I saw hi#. .ut I 'ust thought it was so#e $ra=(. I didn"t &now about those people until 5ffi$er Slo*i$ &no$&ed on the door toda(.+ As she spo&e the bab( su$&ed heroi$all( on one of the plugs parents used to &eep babies fro# s$rea#ing%as far as )*e &new. +!e appre$iate (our $ooperation and infor#ation. Can I see the s&et$h3+ ?an$( e0$hanged a loo& with the witness and C(nthia sighed. +It"s what I saw. I &now how it loo&s but it"s what I saw.+ )*e held out a hand for the printout. And when ?an$( ga*e it to her loo&ed at the fa$e of a #onster. --------------------------------------------Chapter I The $roo&ed 'aw a$$ented a twisted #outh with teeth long sharp and pro#inent. A thin nose hoo&ed o*er it. The e(es bulged and glea#ed red against s&in of pale si$&l( green. Hair fell in oil( twists o*er a wide forehead o*er ears with a defined point nearl( to the shoulders of a swirled bla$& $ape. +I &now how it loo&s + C(nthia repeated boun$ing the bab( on her &nee either out of ner*es or habit. +I &now I sound li&e a nut$ase but I"# not. I got a good loo& be$ause he was dan$ing around in the streetlight li&e it was a spotlight on a stage. >ust weird. !ell I thought%after it s$ared the hell out of #e for a se$ond%'ust so#e weird gu(. .ut then when the poli$e $a#e and said those three people had been #urdered right a$ross the street . . .+

+1a(be he dressed up for it + )*e $onsidered. +Theatri$s.+ +I &now he was $reep(. And that laugh.+ C(nthia shuddered. +It was this #ania$al laugh but low and deep%and &ind of raw. 9i&e he had so#ething stu$& in his throat. After he stuffed so#ething in the re$($ler he bent o*er his hands on his &nees laughing and laughing. I started to go wa&e up Reed% 9ilian"s dadd(%but then he%this gu(%left. He went up the street %spinning around so the $ape he was wearing twirled.+ She let out a sigh. +?ou see all &inds of strange stuff and people in the $it( and half the ti#e (ou barel( noti$e or get a &i$& out of it (ou &now3 .ut this was . . . !ell it #ade the hairs on the ba$& of #( ne$& stand up.+ +!hen (ou see so#ething li&e this in the #iddle of the night outside (our window it would spoo& (ou + )*e $o##ented. The tension in C(nthia"s fa$e eased. +I didn"t thin& an(one would belie*e #e. I felt stupid but then those three people I had to report it on$e I &new. Howe*er he loo&ed how $ould he be laughing and dan$ing around after &illing the#3 He is a #onster.+ She drew the bab( $loser. +5n the inside he"s e0a$tl( how he loo&ed. )*il.+ +I &now how it loo&s too + ?an$( said after he"d wal&ed C(nthia out. +.ut she was solid Dallas.+ +?eah I got that. I don"t thin& we"ll be issuing a .595 on this fa$e at this ti#e but she saw what she saw. The attitude fits%the laughing dan$ing around the theatri$s. There was definite glee in the &illings. So he dresses up for it adds so#e pun$h.+ She frowned o*er the s&et$h. +He strangled Darnell fa$e-tofa$e. Is this what he wanted her to see3 Adds #ore fear but it"s not as personal if she"s seeing this #as& this disguise and not hi#.+ +Are (ou $ertain she &new hi#3+ Roar&e as&ed. +5h (eah. The( &new ea$h other. He &new all of the#. )ar e(es tongue. !hat did the( hear see3 !hat was he afraid the("d sa(3 So . . . send #e the file $op( + she said to ?an$(. +!e"ll start $he$&ing $ostu#e shops theaters.+ +If it"s #a&eup + ?an$( told her +he"s a pro and an e0pert. If it"s a #as& of so#e &ind it"s da#n good so it"d $ost large.+ +?eah. And that should help. Ni$e 'ob ?an$(.+ +Here to ser*e. Strangest s&et$h I"*e e*er done and I"*e done so#e strange.+ +Ha*e (ou $onsidered a $o#bination3+ Roar&e as&ed as the( wal&ed ba$&. +That he has so#e sort of defor#it( and pla(ed it up. The 'aw%if (our witness has it right%it loo&s se*erel( dislo$ated.+

+I"# going to be wor&ing that angle but nobod( I"*e inter*iewed so far has an( &ind of fa$ial defor#it(. ?ou $an"t hide so#ething li&e that. If it"s a #edi$al $ondition . . . I"# waiting for 9ouise to tag #e ba$&. 1a(be she"d ha*e so#e ideas on that. 5r 1ira. I need to wal& this through with 1ira.+ !hen the( stepped ba$& into the bullpen -eabod( hailed her. +Not #u$h to add fro# Sli$e or the twent(-fourCse*en or the diner. I"# writing it up. He( Roar&e. 9u$&( I brought ba$& a personal pie. 1a(be Dallas will share with (ou.+ )*e pi$&ed up the ta&eout passed it to Roar&e. +1a(be she will. Did (ou see an(bod( li&e this3+ She offered -eabod( the s&et$h. +!hoa. Seriousl(3+ +?an$( thin&s the wit"s solid and as I tal&ed to her #(self I agree.+ +-art de#on part #onster part hu#an. He"s li&e a #utant.+ +He"s li&e so#ebod( in $ostu#e + )*e $orre$ted. +Start running down this loo&. Theaters $ostu#e outlets. See if (ou $an find an(thing that fits.+ She started to dig out #one( for the pi==a. +?ou got the last one + -eabod( told her. +I probabl( did. And let"s see if we $an find an(one $onne$ted to the $enter or /et Straight who"s in*ol*ed in theater or theatri$al #a&eup. Costu#e parties + she added. +-la$es li&e the Center ha*e fundraisers li&e that right3 !here the( #a&e people dress up li&e idiots then s7uee=e the# for donations.+ +I doubt the( thin& of it in 7uite those ter#s + Roar&e $onsidered. +.ut (es.+ +!e"ll loo& at that. If (ou get an(thing $lose to a hit + she told -eabod( +let #e &now.+ She went ba$& in her offi$e with Roar&e. +/o ahead + she said gesturing at the ta&e-out bo0. +I want to tr( to get a #eet with 1ira.+ She sat and began $hipping awa( at the s$ales of the dragon at 1ira"s gates. +Ten #inutes + )*e insisted. +I"*e got three D.s.+ +And Dr. 1ira has a full s$hedule toda(.+ +Ten #inutes + )*e said again. +6or this.+ She angled so her "lin& $aptured the #urder board. +In thirt( #inutes + the ad#in told her. +Don"t be late.+ +I won"t.+

Sa#pling the pi==a Roar&e wandered o*er to her board. +?ou &now (ou $ould $onta$t 1ira dire$tl(.+ +?eah but it"s not right. Channels are $hannels for a reason e*en when the("re anno(ing.+ +I suppose. ?ou"*e dis$ounted this being done b( so#eone fro# their past3 An addi$t a dealer.+ +Not dis$ounted.+ She tried the pi==a herself. +.ut the probabilit("s low an( of the# &new so#eone ba$& then who had the s&ill to surgi$all( re#o*e bod( parts. I thin& he was on so#ething when he did%the fren=( the strength and enduran$e then laughing and dan$ing. So e*en fl(ing he had s&ill a stead( hand. Add to it Darnell"s been out of that for nearl( four #onths and wouldn"t be tough to tra$& down. If she"d &nown so#ething that threatened so#eone with this s&ill wouldn"t he ha*e dealt with her before3 6or four #onths she"s been i##ersed in the Center and the progra#. It"s so#ebod( atta$hed to that.+ +I $an"t fault (our logi$. I rarel( $an.+ Her "lin& signaled. +Dallas.+ +Dallas I was in surger(.+ 9ouise still in s$rubs #as& dangling $a#e on s$reen. +I 'ust heard. I $an"t 7uite belie*e it.+ +?ou &new the#.+ +?es. I"# a$tuall( >en Darnell"s ph(si$ian of re$ord. I do her #onthl( e0a#s. Did + she $orre$ted. +I"d see her often when I did a rotation at either the Center or /et Straight. And Cob( too in the last few #onths. I #et !il re$entl(. He hasn"t been in the progra# as long.+ +How well do (ou &now Rosenthall and Arianna !hitwood3+ +Aer( well. The( were in Haiti helping to set up a new $lini$ when Charles and I got #arried or the("d ha*e been at the wedding.+ +)ton .illingsl(.+ 9ouise"s prett( fa$e pruned. +He"s an e0$ellent therapist and a $o#plete 'er&.+ +I need to tal& to (ou about this.+ +I"*e got another surger( s$heduled. It"s #inor but the("re alread( prepping the patient.+ +Ha*e her and Charles #eet us for drin&s + Roar&e suggested and got a blan& loo& fro# )*e. +Here.+ He si#pl( nudged her aside. +Hello 9ouise.+ +Roar&e. I didn"t reali=e (ou were there.+ +!h( don"t (ou and Charles #eet us for drin&s after wor&3 ?ou and )*e $an dis$uss what needs to be dis$ussed.+

+?es I thin& that would wor&.+ !hile Roar&e set it up )*e turned ba$& to her board. She li&ed 9ouise and Charles but wasn"t sure how she felt about her inter*iew with a sour$e turning into a so$ial hour. !hat the hell. +6ind so#ewhere to #eet up near the $ri#e s$ene + )*e said and ga*e Roar&e the address. +I want to go ba$& o*er it.+ +There.+ Roar&e turned awa( fro# the "lin& when he"d finished. +Now (ou $an tal& to 9ouise re*isit (our $ri#e s$ene and ha*e a little ti#e with friends. Interlude on !est )le*enth between Si0th and Se*enth. At fi*e or as $lose as (ou $an #a&e it.+ He s&i##ed a fingertip down the dent in her $hin. +It"s effi$ient.+ +I guess it is.+ +I"*e got a #eeting shortl( so I"ll see (ou there.+ 9eaning down he brushed his lips o*er hers. +Ta&e $are of #( $op + he told her then left. It should ha*e weirded her out )*e #used sharing pi==a and good-b(e &isses #a&ing dates for drin&s in her offi$e. It did she ad#itted but not as #u$h as e0pe$ted. Her ga=e landed on the ba&er( bo0 narrowed. She said +H### + and pi$&ing it up wal&ed out. She ignored the noses that $a#e up sniffing as she passed through the bullpen and $aught a glide to 1ira"s offi$e. The ad#in bus( on her $o#p glan$ed up with a stern frown. +?ou"re earl(.+ +Then I"# not late.+ )*e set the bo0 on the des&. +Than&s for $learing ti#e for #e.+ Stern turned suspi$ious as the wo#an lifted the lid of the bo0 a fra$tion then #ore as she peered in. +Coo&ies3 ?ou brought #e $oo&ies3+ +The("re good. I had one. Is she free now3+ Still e(eing )*e she tapped her earpie$e. +9ieutenant Dallas is here. 5f $ourse. ?ou $an go right in.+ +Than&s.+ +Are these a than&-(ou or a bribe3+ the ad#in as&ed as )*e #o*ed to the door. +The("re $ho$olate $hip.+ -leased with herself )*e stepped into the $al# of 1ira"s offi$e. 1ira s#iled fro# behind her des&. 1a(be it was a shrin& thing )*e $onsidered thin&ing of Arianna. The war# loo&s the prett( fe#inine suits perfe$t blend of $olor and 'ewelr(.

+I &now (ou don"t ha*e #u$h ti#e.+ +)nough I hope. Ha*e a seat.+ As )*e too& one of 1ira"s blue s$oop $hairs 1ira $a#e around the des& too& the one fa$ing. +I loo&ed o*er the data the $ri#e-s$ene photos. 1( first 7uestion is how sure are (ou there"s onl( one &iller3+ +Aer(. !e ha*e a wit who saw hi# at the rear of the building where he bro&e in. She wor&ed with Dete$ti*e ?an$(.+ )*e too& out the s&et$h offered it. +!ell.+ In her pla$id wa( 1ira studied the s&et$h. +Now I ha*e to as& how good is (our witness3+ +Again I ha*e to sa( *er(. I figure he geared hi#self up for it added the dra#a. The wit sa(s he dan$ed in the streetlight laughed his ugl( ass off. 1( sense of the s$ene is fren=ied glee. He had to be on so#ething be$ause &illing three people that dead ta&es enduran$e.+ +I agree.+ 1ira tu$&ed a lo$& of sable-$olored hair behind her ear as she $ontinued to stud( the s&et$h. +Theatri$al $onfident organi=ed. He &new where to brea& in $a#e prepared and was able to &ill with e0tre#e *iolen$e three people alone and in a relati*el( short a#ount of ti#e. )nduran$e (es and rage.+ She shifted #et )*e"s e(es with her own 7uiet blue ones. +I agree with (our assess#ent that he has so#e sort of #edi$al training. The a#putations were s&illfull( done. I belie*e he"ll &eep these trophies these s(#bols. His *i$ti#s are no longer able to see hear or spea& of hi#.+ +.ut the( had prior to their deaths.+ +Al#ost $ertainl(. The( &new ea$h other. Dan$ing laughing so (es he en'o(ed hi#self. He $an $elebrate %and in the light perhaps hoping he"d be seen. Spotlighting after his su$$ess.J +He en*ied their friendship + 1ira $ontinued. +Their bond and their happiness. He won"t #a&e friends easil( won"t feel that bond. He #ost li&el( li*es alone feels underappre$iated at his wor&. He"s s&illed. The elaborate disguise tells #e he wants to be noti$ed and doesn"t feel he is not enough. Nothing is enough. He wants what others ha*e%friends fa#il( $o##unit( %and at the sa#e ti#e feels superior to the#. He"s better than the( are. "Ta&e out the trash " he wrote in their blood. That"s what he #ade the#. And it a#used hi#. He"s a series of $ontradi$tions )*e. Two people%perhaps #ore%in one. ?ou ha*e a *iolent so$iopath under the influen$e of a strong illegal. He"s both $ontrolled and out of $ontrol $ann( and re$&less. He has a god $o#ple0 battling with low self-estee# a bitter en*( and has found satisfa$tion and personal delight in &illing.+ +He"ll do it again.+ +As soon as he $an.+ +This fa$e. @nder the #a&eup or the #as& whate*er it is $ould he ha*e a defor#it(3 The 'aw"s e0tre#e.+

+?es I see that but a defor#it( su$h as this3 He"d be in $onstant pain. It would be all but i#possible for hi# to eat. His spee$h would be garbled. As so#eone with #edi$al training and $onne$tions he would $ertainl( ha*e had this repaired.+ +A re$ent in'ur( a$$ident3+ +-ossibl( + 1ira $onsidered. +.ut again I $an"t thin& of an( reason it wouldn"t be treated. If for so#e reason he refused to ha*e it treated and is dosing hi#self with pain&illers and other drugs it #ight e0plain the fren=( the dualit( in his profile. .ut wh( would an(one endure the pain of this the so$ial stig#a3 And it $ontradi$ts again his $onfiden$e his need to be seen as superior.+ +It #ust be fa&ed. -eabod("s running down $ostu#e shops theaters.+ )*e paused a #o#ent $hanged angles. +Do (ou &now >ustin Rosenthall and Arianna !hitwood3+ +?es. Arianna"s an e0$ellent therapist. A bright $o#passionate wo#an. She and her parents ha*e done a great deal not onl( in resear$h and appli$ation on addi$tions and rehabilitation but the( built their Center with the purpose of treating the whole person. -h(si$all( e#otionall( #entall( spirituall(. The( turned a personal traged( into a great gift.+ +And Rosenthall3+ +Aer( s&illed re#ar&abl( gifted. 1ore intense than Arianna I"d sa(. It see#s to #e%though I don"t see or so$iali=e with the# often%she"s softened that intensit(. .efore Arianna he was #u$h #ore of a loner and rarel( stepped awa( fro# his wor&. Not unli&e so#eone else + 1ira said with a s#ile. +!ith her he re#ains s&illed gifted dedi$ated to his wor& but he"s happier. And not $apable of #urdering three people li&e this.+ +)*er(one"s $apable + )*e stated. +?es (ou"re right. All of us are $apable under $ertain $ir$u#stan$es of e0tre#e and *iolent beha*ior. !e $ontrol it $hannel it%in so#e $ases #edi$ate it. >ustin"s a do$tor dedi$ated to healing a s$ientist and #an of reason. The person who did this re'e$ts reason and hu#anit(. He"s gi*en hi#self a #onster"s fa$e. Hu#anit( #eans little to hi#.+ +5&a(. How about )ton .illingsl(3+ +A s&illed therapist and an enor#ous pain in the ass.+ )*e had to grin. +I don"t thin& I"*e e*er heard (ou $all an(bod( a pain in the ass.+ +I don"t li&e hi# so it"s hard to be ob'e$ti*e. He"s a po#pous snob who sees hi#self as perfe$t. He"s rude anno(ing and full of hi#self.+ +A god $o#ple03+

1ira"s e(ebrows rose. +?es I"d sa(. ?ou wonder if he"s $apable. I don"t &now hi# well enough. He"s s&illed%he has an 1D and would ha*e done so#e ti#e with a s$alpel before he fo$used on his spe$ialt(.+ +H(pno-*oodoo.+ 1ira let out a 7ui$& e0asperated laugh. +I &now (ou"re suspi$ious of the te$hni7ue but it"s *alid and $an be *er( effe$ti*e. .illingsl( $ertainl( wants to be noti$ed and rewarded and praised. .ut . . .+ She studied the s&et$h again. +It"s *er( diffi$ult for #e to en*ision a #an li&e hi# deliberatel( #a&ing hi#self hideous. He"s also *ain.+ +So#ething to thin& about though. I appre$iate the ti#e.+ +I"# happ( to gi*e it. Tell #e how (ou are.+ +I"# fine.+ +?ou ha*en"t been ba$& long. How"s (our ar#3+ )*e started to dis#iss it then settled on the truth. +A little sore in the #orning and b( the end of the da(. 1ostl( good though.+ +That"s to be e0pe$ted with that &ind of in'ur(. Night#ares3+ +No. 1a(be 'ust being ba$& in New ?or&"s enough. At least right now. Isaa$ 1$Hueen"s ba$& in a $age where he belongs. That doesn"t su$&. I"# not thin&ing about #( #other what happened there + she said before 1ira $ould as&. +Not (et. It"s done and right now I"# o&a( with it.+ +!hen and if it"s not (ou"ll tal& to #e3+ +I &now I $an. That"s a prett( big start right3+ +?es it is.+ )*e got up started for the door. +Is she li&e (ou3+ she as&ed. +Arianna !hitwood3+ +9i&e #e3+ +That"s the sense I got fro# her. She #ade #e thin& of (ou. Not 'ust be$ause she"s an attra$ti*e fe#ale shrin&. It was . . . I don"t &now a sense. If she is li&e (ou then she"s got no part in this. And thin&ing that I hope to hell >ustin Rosenthall doesn"t be$ause (ou belie*e she lo*es hi#. I hope he"s $lear.+ +So do I.+ +I"ll let (ou &now + )*e said and left.

----------------------------------------Chapter < )*e glan$ed o*er at -eabod( as she wal&ed ba$& into the bullpen got a sha&e of the head. So no lu$& (et on #as&s or #a&eup. She went into her offi$e got $offee then sat at her des& put her boots up and studied the board. )*er(bod( li&ed RosenthallK nobod( li&ed .illingsl(. Instin$t di$tated a push on .illingsl(%and she intended to listen. .ut she"d gi*e a little push on the good do$tor as well. Arianna !hitwood. .eautiful ri$h s#art dedi$ated $aring. The good daughter and again the good do$tor. Didn"t that #a&e an interesting triangle3 .illingsl( wanted her%and didn"t bother to Lha-haM disguise it. Rosenthall had her. And what did that ha*e to do with the three *i$s3 The( were Arianna"s. Her patients her in*est#ent her su$$ess%at least so far. Rosenthall"s too. 1a(be Arianna had gi*en the# too #u$h ti#e attention #ade too big an in*est#ent. A #an $ould resent that. She so#eti#es wondered wh( Roar&e didn"t resent all the ti#e the attention the in*est#ent she put into the 'ob. .ut there weren"t a lot of Roar&es in the world. 1a(be the three *i$s%or an( one of the#%o*erheard Arianna and the good do$tor going at it o*er her wor& that ti#e and attention again. He( bit$h what about #e3 Shouldn"t I be the $enter of (our world3 1a(be he"d lost his te#per. Couldn"t ha*e the gossip #ills grinding that one. And no 'ust not enough for that &ind of slaughter. 1a(be the *i$s or one of the# o*erheard the two do$tors in-lo*e arguing be$ause Rosenthall was sa#pling produ$t. )0peri#enting. That"s what (ou did in a lab. ?ou e0peri#ented. 1a(be he"d de*eloped a proble# of his own during those e0peri#ents. Now that $o#bined with being found out $ould lead to blood( *i$ious #urder. Could be Arianna didn"t &now. Can"t ha*e her find out he"s be$o#e what he"s supposed to $ure. That $ould pla(. 5r onto .illingsl(. He pushed hi#self on his beautiful asso$iate and again one or all of the# saw the in$ident. -ossible. 5r the anno(ing do$tor fooled around with a patient #a(be%h##% #a(be tried a #o*e on Darnell. Re'e$ted hu#iliated worried she"d tell Arianna. He"d lose an( $han$e with the wo#an he wanted and his li$ense to pra$ti$e.

That $ould pla( too. .ut none of it pla(ed *er( well. 1a(be she 'ust needed to fine-tune a little. 6or now she read o*er -eabod("s notes on her inter*iews at Sli$e and the twent(-fourCse*en the diner hangout. Nothing bu==ing there )*e thought but $ontinued as -eabod( had started or $o#pleted a nu#ber of deeper runs on the pla(ers in those arenas. Rising )*e got another $up of $offee then started deeper runs of her own on Rosenthall .illingsl( Arianna 1arti 6ran& Ben Di$&erson and -a$hai /upta. /upta $a#e fro# so#e wealth and an upper-$lass so$ial strata and she $onsidered the fa$t that his parents also do$tors had wor&ed with Rosenthall (ears before. Now /upta had the plu# position of the renowned do$tor"s lab assistant on a #a'or pro'e$t. Couldn"t so#ething li&e that #a&e a $areer3 How would /upta"s upper-$lass parents feel about hi# pining for a re$o*ering addi$t3 -ossibl( he wanted to &eep that on the down low and possibl( Darnell wanted to go publi$. -ossibl(. .oth 1arti 6ran& and Ben Di$&erson $a#e fro# the ordinar( and in Di$&erson"s $ase the rough with his dead addi$t of an abusi*e father. .oth had e0$elled in s$hool she noted. 6ran& top of her $lass in $ollege %on a full s$holarship. Di$&erson third%a$$elerated path. He"d graduated high s$hool at si0teen $ollege %again on s$holarships%at nineteen and straight into #edi$al s$hool. And the( were both still on s$holarships she noted in the intern progra# at the Center. She brought the lab setup ba$& into her head. !or&ing together on the pro'e$t she #used but the("d see#ed *er( separate hadn"t the(3 !ith Rosenthall $enter. Neither Di$&erson nor 6ran& had gone to /upta when he"d bro&en down. So not friends%not espe$iall(. Co#petitors3 Didn"t (ou ha*e to ha*e a $o#petiti*e strea& to $o#e in first in (our $lass or in the top tier with a$$eleration3 And was it interesting she wondered or frustrating to learn that all si0 of the# had suffi$ient #edi$al training to ha*e perfor#ed the a#putations3 She"d eli#inate the fe#ales e0$ept one of the# #ight ha*e a$ted in $ollusion. Dead low on the list she de$ided but it felt too soon to eli#inate.

All of the# &new the *i$s" lo$ation. None of the# had alibis for the ti#e in 7uestion. All of the# &new andCor intera$ted with the *i$s. All of the# had a$$ess to drugs and $ould easil( put their hands on the prote$ti*e gear. She pi$&ed her wa( through the data on ea$h suspe$t added to her notes her board. !hen the sweepers" initial report $a#e through she poun$ed. 1ore paint fla&es so#e bla$& fibers fro# the window $asing so#e hairs%no roots. All sent to the lab. None of the *i$ti#s" "lin&s had been found on s$ene. So he"d ta&en the#. Ta&en the "lin&s she #used but not the #one(. 6ibers on the windowsill footprints in blood. So he"d onl( sealed his hands or worn glo*es. And wal&ing through the blood that was 'ust stupid. A#ateur hour. If the( found the shoes the( had hi#. 6irst &ill she thought. She"d #a&e boo& this had been his debut. Ti#e to $ir$le ba$&. She wal&ed out to -eabod(. +I"# going ba$& to the s$ene.+ +5&a(. I"# not getting an(where an(wa(.+ +No (ou &eep at it. I"# going to tal& to 9ouise after then wor& fro# ho#e.+ +I"# serious about getting nowhere.+ -eabod( huffed out a breath sho*ed at her hair. +I"*e tal&ed to the top $ostu#e shops%and so#e $ostu#e and theatri$al #a&eup designers in the $it(. !hat I get is sure the s&in $olor"s no proble#K hair no bigK nose teeth (ou bet. .ut the e(es3 )*er( one of the# tells #e if the( used apparatus li&e that%to #a&e the# bulge out or appear to and turn that red%it would ha#per *ision. Sa#e with the 'aw.+ +It was dar& e*en with the streetlight. 1iddle of the night. 1a(be the wit e0aggerated so#e.+ +1a(be. A $ouple of the people I tal&ed to were all 'ui$ed up about it tr(ing to figure out how to #a&e it wor&. I"*e got the# pro#ising to e0peri#ent see what the( $an do. .ut nobod("s got an(thing li&e this. Not in an( sort of #as& or doable with #a&eup and prostheti$s. Nothing that would allow the person wearing it to see $learl( spea& or laugh the wa( the wit des$ribed.+ +Beep at it an(wa( be$ause it is doable as it was done.+ +!hat if he"s so#e &ind of frea&3+ +-eabod(.+ +I didn"t sa( de#on or #onster. 9i&e a $ir$us frea& (ou &now3 A $ontortionist or a frea& show t(pe. He loo&s li&e this%or so#ething li&e this and he 'ust pu#ped it up.+ +Cir$us. That"s an angle. I"ll wor& that at ho#e. Not bad -eabod(.+

+?ou"d &i$& #( ass if I said #onster.+ +Beep that in #ind if (ou be$o#e te#pted + )*e warned then headed out. She thought of #a&eup frea&s altered appearan$es as she dro*e%and had a brainstor#. +Conta$t 1a*is 6reestone po$&et "lin&.+ Conta$t initiated. +He( Dallas,+ 1a*is"s prett( happ( fa$e filled the dash s$reen. +Sa( hi to Dallas .ellora#a.+ Instantl( the bab("s $hubb( grinning fa$e repla$ed her #other"s. +Das,+ she $ried with absolute 'o( and pressed her wet lips to the s$reen of the po$&et "lin&. +?eah hi &id. Biss &iss.+ +Sloo$h,+ +Right. S#oo$h.+ +1a&e the sound Dallas + 1a*is said offs$reen. )*e rolled her e(es but $o#plied with a &issing sound. .ella s7uealed with (et #ore delight. +-la(ti#e.+ There was so#e shifting giggling then 1a*is $a#e ba$& on behind the fil# of .ella"s slobber. +!h( didn"t (ou tell #e (ou were going to Dallas3+ 1a*is de#anded. +I didn"t ha*e ti#e. It was%+ +!e"re going to $hit so#e serious $hat about this.+ +5&a(.+ !ith 1a*is it would be o&a(. +.ut later. I need (ou to%$an (ou wipe (our s$reen off3 ?ou loo& li&e (ou"*e been li$&ed b( a Saint .ernard.+ +5h sorr(. So what"s the up3+ 1a*is as&ed as she whipped out a $loth and polished the s$reen. +I"# going to send (ou a s&et$h and I need (ou to get in tou$h with Trina show it to her.+ +!h( don"t (ou 'ust send it to her3+ +.e$ause I"# bus(.+ 1a*is angled her head. Her hair a $urling #ass of gold-strea&ed red toda( boun$ed. +Coward.+

+I"# a bus( $oward. I don"t want her gi*ing #e grief be$ause I didn"t rub so#e shit on #( fa$e or in #( hair. 5r listen to her tell #e I need #( hair $ut or whate*er. I"*e got so#ething hot and she #ight be able to help.+ +/i*e #e the goods. So I finished #( gig on the *id + she said as )*e ordered the s&et$h a$$essed and sent. +!hat *id3+ +Nadine"s *id%(our *id. The I$o*e Agenda. It"s #ag to the nth the( wanted #e to pla( #(self. And the $hi$& pla(ing (ou3 1an the( #ade her a ringer. I got wigged when I%Hol( shit on a fla#ing sti$&,+ +Shit + .ella e$hoed happil( in the ba$&ground. +5h hell%hello + 1a*is #uttered. +I swore in front of the bab(. .ut hol( (ou &now what this is too totall( s$ar(. I"# s$heduling #( night#are right now.+ +Sorr(. I need to &now what it ta&es to #a&e so#ebod( loo& li&e this.+ +A pa$t with Satan3+ +!ith #a&eup and prostheti$s and that stuff. Trina &nows that $rap.+ +I"ll be passing it on%and getting it off #( "lin& 'ust in $ase it has the power to #ateriali=e.+ +Co#e on. 5ther angle. ?ou did so#e $arn( wor&.+ +.a$& in the da( sure. Alwa(s plent( of #ar&s at a $arn(.+ +)*er see an(thing li&e this3 6rea& show-wise.+ +I saw plent( of #ega weird but nothing li&e this. ?ou wouldn"t as& unless it%he%whate*er%&illed so#ebod(. He loo&s li&e he"s born to &ill. >es%'eepers + she $orre$ted. +I got bu#ps of the goose all o*er. I"ll tag Trina now so I don"t ha*e to wig alone.+ +Than&s. 9et #e &now.+ )*e pulled o*er at the $urb in front of the $ri#e s$ene. She unsealed the door used her #aster. And stood inside left the lights off. Not as dar& as it would"*e been she thought. .ut there was a streetlight enough for so#e ba$&wash. Still he"d had to &now whi$h #attress ea$h *i$ slept on. He"d #o*ed with purpose with a plan despite the fero$it(. She #o*ed straight through to the ba$& opened the window $li#bed out.

And (eah the building a$ross the street had a good *iew of the window the sidewal& the re$($ler. )*e i#agined the &iller dan$ing and spinning in the spot of the streetlight laughing. Spinning and dan$ing up the street C(nthia had said. So he didn"t $are about being seen. A *ehi$le nearb(3 5r a hole to $rawl into. His own pla$e3 If he"d ta&en a $ab the subwa( a bus3 )*en in New ?or& so#ebod( would"*e reported it. All of the lab rats li*ed within blo$&s. .oth of the do$tors and Arianna had *ehi$les. )*e turned ba$& to the window. He 'i##ies it she thought%7uiet now. No dan$ing and laughing not (et. Cli#bs in. She followed the steps easing in sliding down to her feet%left fibers behind. 5pens the sat$hel for the prote$ti*e $oat. So#e bo0es in here she noted and tid( piles of old #aterials%but he doesn"t bu#p into the#. He"s been here before. And he wal&s right into the front. As she did the door started to open. She had her weapon out trained. Then hissed when Roar&e stepped in. +Da#n it.+ +I"# the one with a stunner ai#ed at #e. I get to sa( "Da#n it." + She sho*ed it ba$& in the holster. +?ou"re not supposed to pi$& the lo$& on a $ri#e s$ene.+ +How else would I get in3 ?our *ehi$le"s outside and the seal"s bro&en. I &no$&ed li&e a good $i*ilian but (ou didn"t answer.+ +I was out the ba$& window.+ +Naturall(.+ He stood where he was loo&ing around. +!hat an unhol( #ess. The $ri#e-s$ene re$ords ne*er ha*e 7uite the sa#e i#pa$t.+ Sin$e he was here she"d use hi#. +He 'i##ied the window rear 7uietl( stepped around the stuff ba$& there%in the dar& or near dar&. Not #u$h would $o#e through the window %it"s grilled%fro# the streetlight. .ut he doesn"t wa&e the#.+ +He"d been in here and ba$& there before.+ +?eah. Bnew 'ust how to na*igate and &new where ea$h one slept. 9eads with the bat.+ She swung. +Cra$&s Ai0 a$ross the side of the head where he la(. He"s the lu$&( one. I doubt he e*er wo&e up.

Changes to the &nife.+ She #i#ed swit$hing hands. +-uts it into .i$&ford"s $hest%two blows and another in the gut. 6ast. .i$&ford #ight"*e #ade so#e sound tried to $all out but his lung"s pun$tured. Now it"s ti#e for Darnell.+ +She"d ha*e wo&en don"t (ou thin&3+ +.ash sli$e #o*e#ent. I thin& she wo&e up before he"d finished with .i$&ford. /ot up either tried to run or tried to fight. He uses the bat brea&s her &nee$aps. 1a(be she s$rea#ed%nobod( heard%or #a(be she 'ust passed out or went into sho$&. .ut he went ba$& to Ai0 beat hi# into 'ell(. .lood"s fl(ing e*er(where bones snapping shattering. He put the prote$ti*e gear on in the ba$& roo# but blood"s on his fa$e. It feels war# tastes hot. He lo*es it. He wants #ore so he goes ba$& to .i$&ford with the &nife and stabs and ha$&s. 5*er eight( ti#es.+ )*e shifted. +She tried to drag herself awa(. See the blood"s s#eared on the floor there fro# her &nees fro# her tr(ing to pull herself awa(. .ut she"s in terrible pain in sho$& in h(steri$s. He"s laughing now be$ause this is so #u$h fun. >ust better than he"d e*er i#agined. And now it"s her turn.+ She $ould see it all but s#ell the blood. +He sa(s her na#e. I bet he said her na#e and his. He wanted her to &now hi#. It"s fa$e-to-fa$e it"s his hands on her throat so he $an feel her pulse going wild then slowing slowing slowing while her e(es bulge and her bod( beats itself against the floor. !hile that pulse stops and her e(es fi0 and her bod( goes li#p.+ +Christ >esus )*e.+ +That"s how it happened.+ Inside she was as $old as the i#ages fi0ed in her head. +That"s $lose an(wa(. He"s not done. It"s too funn( and thrilling. He doesn"t use the &nife. He ta&es a s$alpel out of his sat$hel be$ause he ta&es pride in the wor&. Now he #a&es a point. An ear an e(e her tongue. The("re a trio aren"t the( li&e the #on&e(s. Hear no see no spea& no.+ +)*il + Roar&e finished. +.e$ause he is. !hat (ou"*e 'ust des$ribed is e*il.+ +1a(be #a(be e*en to hi#. .ut he li&es it. 9i&es the taste of e*il the s#ell of it. He 'ust $an"t get enough so he brea&s the pla$e up what little the( had. Destro(s it. He stages the# against the wall. Then he uses their blood to lea*e us a #essage.+ Roar&e studied the wall. +It too& ti#e to do that. His letters so $arefull( for#ed. Not dashed off but $learl( printed. He ga*e it so#e thought.+ +He"s so $le*er a real 'o&er. Dr. Chaos. I bet he slapped his &nees o*er it.+ She paused a #inute. +Arianna said so#ething. How the("d found their 7uiet. )spe$iall( Darnell. That addi$tion steals the 7uiet. That"s what he brought ba$&. The un7uiet. The $haos. So that"s the na#e he pi$&ed.+

She wal&ed awa( into the ba$&. +He ta&es off the prote$ti*e gear. Turns it inside out to &eep the blood off his $lothes and he $li#bs ba$& out shuts the window. He laughs and he dan$es 'ust so full of the fun of it he $an"t $ontain it. He stuffs the gear in the re$($ler properl( disposing of it li&e he tells us to do with the bodies. A little $lue so we"ll be sure to find it. And that has hi# doubled o*er with laughter. Then he dan$es awa( high on the un7uiet. Dr. Chaos had the ti#e of his life.+ +Did (ou learn an( #ore fro# this re-$reation3+ +1a(be. ?eah.+ +Then (ou $an tell #e about it o*er the drin& I find I want *er( #u$h right now.+ ----------------------------------------Chapter N )*e loo&ed around the bar as the( went in. Huiet and $o=( with a neighborhood feel she obser*ed. A $ouple of gu(s sat at the bar deep in their brews and $on*ersation. She bet the( were regulars bet the seats of the stools all but $arried the i#print of their asses. The bartender bright (oung fe#ale 'oined in with the# idl( swiping the bar with a rag as she laughed at so#ething the( said. A $ouple sat at a table%had a first-date drin&-afterwor&-to-see-how-it-goes loo& about the#. Another four had a booth s$arfing down bar $hips while the( held one of those 7ui$& $oded $on*ersations of inti#ate friends. Roar&e too& a booth s#iled at her o*er the table. +Satisfied3+ +About what3+ +That (ou won"t ha*e to arrest an(one in here.+ She s#iled ba$&. +?ou ne*er &now.+ She opted for a beer when the waitress $a#e o*er and Roar&e held up two fingers. +Now as we"re a bit earl( tell #e what (ou learned ba$& there.+ +It was the girl. It was >en. She was the pri#ar( #oti*e. He wanted her to see what he did how he &illed the others too& awa( what #attered #ost to her in the $ruelest wa(. She was the easiest &ill of the three but he sa*ed her for last be$ause she was the #ost i#portant. Then he &illed her with his hands so she $ould see his fa$e and he $ould see hers. The others didn"t #atter as #u$h e0$ept for their $onne$tion to her. He wanted her and she said no%or worse didn"t see hi# as a #an.+ +He didn"t rape her. I loo&ed at (our board.+ +It had gone past se0 or rape as power and $ontrol and he got off on the &illing. .ut ta&ing the bod( parts%the("d seen or heard so#ething he $ouldn"t afford the# to tal& about. !hate*er it was it was re$ent.+

She waited until the waitress ser*ed the beers. +See that group o*er there.+ She lifted her $hin toward the booth of four. +Two gu(s two girls. .ut the("re not $ouples.+ +Aren"t the(3+ Roar&e said en'o(ing her. +9oo& at the bod( language. The("re tight but it"s not se0ual. -als. And the( ne*er run out of $on*ersation. .lah blah blah. The( tal& all the ti#e hang all the ti#e. !hen the("re not together the( tag ea$h other. He too& their "lin&s be$ause he got that he &new the( $onne$ted that wa( when the( weren"t together and had to $on$lude the("d tal&ed about whate*er the("d seen or heard *ia "lin&.+ +All right.+ +He wor&ed alone. He doesn"t $onne$t he doesn"t ha*e that $loseness with an(one. So that bu#ps the two fe#ale suspe$ts down the list for #e. It wasn"t Arianna !hitwood or 1arti 6ran&. The( #a( &now so#ething #a( not &now the( &now it but this one had to ha*e all the fun for hi#self. He"s s#ug and a show-off whi$h is wh( I li&e .illingsl( 'ust on prin$iple.+ +Arianna said no to hi# + Roar&e pointed out. +.ut he still belie*es he $an get her. She"s also on his le*el. How hu#iliating would it be for a #an li&e that to want an addi$t a s7uatter a nothing and be re'e$ted b( her3+ +That"s a great deal for a se$ond loo& at the $ri#e s$ene.+ +.ut not enough. Here"s 9ouise and Charles.+ Roar&e stood greeting 9ouise with a &iss Charles with a handsha&e. As Charles for#er li$ensed $o#panion turned se0 therapist slid in beside his wife he grinned at )*e. +How"s it going 9ieutenant Sugar3+ +I"*e got three bodies and a short list of suspe$ts. It $ould be worse. Sorr( + she said to 9ouise. +Insensiti*e.+ +No. !e both deal with death all too often but at least I $o#e into it when there"s still a $han$e.+ +?ou loo& tired + Roar&e $o##ented. +9ong da(. /ood da( + she added +as I didn"t deal with death.+ .oth she and Charles ordered a glass of the house white. +!hat $an I tell (ou about (our short list of suspe$ts3+ )*e drew out the s&et$h laid it on the table. -u==led 9ouise leaned $loser. +!e"*e still got a #onth till Halloween.+ +This is who the witness saw outside the $ri#e s$ene.+

+It"s a hell of a disguise + Charles $o##ented. +!h( would an(one want to dress up be that noti$eable when doing #urder3+ +1a(be it added to the thrill. !e"re not ha*ing an( lu$& on repli$ating the disguise and 1ira sa(s it"s unli&el( he $ould tolerate the 'aw%bro&en or dislo$ated that wa(.+ +Now (ou ha*e two do$tors telling (ou that. This is e0tre#e.+ 9ouise tapped a finger tipped in pearl( pale pin& on the s&et$h. +There would be airwa( blo$&age diffi$ult( breathing spea&ing eating. There should be $onsiderable swelling but I don"t see an( in this s&et$h. The pain would be enor#ous. And the e(es $ertainl( aren"t natural. Not 'ust the $olor. H(perth(roidis# $an $ause the e(es to bulge but I"*e ne*er seen an(thing that se*ere. And the s&in3 I"d diagnose #ultiple organ failure at worst ane#ia at best. He had to fa&e all this.+ +He( I saw that gu(.+ The waitress paused as she ser*ed the wine. +!hen3+ )*e de#anded. +!here3+ +9ast night. !ell this #orning. ?ou don"t forget a fa$e li&e that + she added with a laugh. +)0a$tl( what ti#e3 )0a$tl( where3+ )*e drew out her badge laid it ne0t to the s&et$h. +5h. I guess he wasn"t 'ust a weirdo. I had the late shift last night so I didn"t lea*e until after two. I li*e on >ane right off /reenwi$h Street. I did so#e (oga when I got ho#e. It rela0es #e. I don"t &now e0a$tl( but it was probabl( about three fifteen three thirt( or thereabouts when I finished. I heard this weird laughing and went to the window. I had it open and I saw this dude here sort of s&ipping down the sidewal& a$ross the street. ?ou see all &inds (ou &now so I didn"t thin& an(thing of it. I saw hi# 'u#p up swing on the pole of the streetlight wa*ing this bla$& bag. I 'ust thought weirdo shut the window and went to bed.+ +!hi$h wa( was he going3+ +)ast toward )ighth it loo&ed li&e. !hat"d he do3+ +)nough so if (ou see hi# again $onta$t the poli$e.+ She hit$hed up a hip dug out a $ard. +Conta$t #e.+ +Sure. !ow a lieutenant. Ho#i$ide. !ow. He &illed so#ebod(3+ +?eah. I"d li&e (our na#e and address.+ +Sure. Sure.+ 5n$e she"d gi*en it the waitress hurried awa(. +?ou s$ared the hell out of her + Charles said. +She"d be s#art not to wal& ho#e alone and to &eep her windows $losed.+ She put the s&et$h awa( sipped at her beer. +Do (ou &now an( of Rosenthall"s lab people3+ she as&ed 9ouise. +No.+

+5&a( we"ll set the# aside for now. Did Rosenthall e*er #o*e on (ou3+ +No, He was with Arianna when we #et then I was with Charles not long after. He"s in lo*e with Ari and added to that his wor& doesn"t gi*e hi# a lot of ti#e for #o*ing on other wo#en.+ +It doesn"t ta&e that #u$h ti#e. She"s the one ba$&ing his resear$h and wor&%or the /roup is. If she $ut hi# loose it"d be a big loss.+ +She"s in lo*e with hi# and the("re bonded o*er the wor& + 9ouise began. +If so#ething went wrong between the# it would be a blow for both of the# personall( and professionall(.+ +.ut s$ientists are easier to find than ba$&ers li&e the !hitwood /roup. If his wor&"s i#portant to hi#.+ +)ssential I"d sa(.+ +Then he"d do a lot to prote$t it.+ +Not this Dallas. Ne*er this. Not >ustin.+ +I"# going on the theor( the three *i$ti#s &new so#ething about the &iller. So#ething he &illed to prote$t. Has >ustin e*er sa#pled produ$t3+ +Absolutel( not.+ 5&a( )*e thought as long as 9ouise spo&e in absolutes the( wouldn"t get an(where on Rosenthall. +How about .illingsl(3+ +I $an"t sa(. I"d $ertainl( doubt it but I don"t &now hi# well.+ 9ouise s#iled a little o*er her wine. +That"s a deliberate $hoi$e.+ +He put #o*es on (ou.+ +He puts the# on e*er( fe#ale he finds attra$ti*e or belie*es $an enhan$e his $areer. .ut Ari"s the gold ring.+ +How"d he rea$t when (ou brushed hi# off3+ +9i&e it was #( loss. He has a te#per but I"*e ne*er seen an(thing to indi$ate he"s $apable of #urder or real *iolen$e. He"s rude and de#anding but fro# what I"*e heard *er( good in therap(.+ +And if Arianna $ut hi# off%fro# the Center3+ +He has #one( of his own and should ha*e a lot of $onta$ts. .ut it would be hu#iliating and he wouldn"t ta&e it well. That"s 'ust opinion Dallas. I ha*e as little to do with hi# as possible.+

+5&a( than&s.+ +Not #u$h help.+ +?ou $onfir#ed and elaborated on 1ira"s opinion on the &iller"s fa$e. ?ou ga*e #e a few #ore details on two of #( suspe$ts and #eeting (ou here ga*e #e another wit who tells #e the &iller went up to >ane before heading toward )ighth. That"s prett( good o*er one drin&.+ !hen the( left Roar&e too& her hand as she wal&ed. +?ou did *er( well #anaging nearl( a half an hour on non-wor&-related topi$s after (our inter*iew with 9ouise.+ +I $an tal& about other stuff.+ +?ou $an (es but I &now it"s not eas( when (ou"re steeped in a $ase.+ +The bar waitress was a stro&e of lu$&. Heading toward )ighth. If it"s either of the do$tors he"s probabl( got a *ehi$le near there. If it"s Di$&erson he goes one $rosstown blo$& to ho#e. /upta north on )ighth for a blo$& and a half to ho#e. Nobod( at Sli$e or /et Straight li*es in that dire$tion% and the( don"t fit an(wa( but it"s another negati*e on that group. !here"s (our $ar3+ she as&ed when the( rea$hed the $ri#e s$ene. +I had it pi$&ed up so I $ould dri*e ho#e with #( adoring wife.+ +/ood. ?ou dri*e.+ She too& out her noteboo& added the new infor#ation new thoughts on the wa( ho#e. Roar&e left her to it until she began to #utter. +Is an(bod( reall( that good the wa( e*er(bod( des$ribes Rosenthall3+ +So#e people ha*e fewer shadows than others fewer dar& pla$es. 5thers ha*e #ore.+ +And illegals spea& to those dar& pla$es #a&e #ore noise so the( spread. )*er(one on this list $onne$ts to illegals. 9ost so#eone to the# wor&s with the# li*es with the#. The &iller"s a user%has to be. I don"t ha*e enough on an( of the# to re7uire a drug test. ?et. .ut if I as&ed ea$h of the# and the("re $lean wh( wouldn"t the( $ooperate3+ +/eneral prin$iples + he said as he dro*e through the gates of ho#e. +.ut $ertainl( worth a shot.+ +I"ll gi*e it one to#orrow. -lus a s$ientist should be able to $reate an elaborate disguise.+ She $hewed on it as the( wal&ed inside where Su##erset and the $at waited in the fo(er.

+A #onu#ental da( + Su##erset announ$ed. +Ho#e together in a ti#el( fashion and unbloodied. Applause.+ +If he a$tuall( applauded the bones in his s&eletal hands would brea& and $ru#ble to dust.+ Roar&e 'ust shoo& his head as )*e started upstairs. +The two of (ou reall( ha*e to stop this lo*e affair. I"# a 'ealous #an. !e"ll get dinner in the lieutenant"s offi$e + Roar&e added to Su##erset. +I"# sho$&ed be(ond spee$h.+ +If onl( + )*e #uttered. +.ut before.+ Roar&e too& her hand again turned her toward the bedroo#. +9et"s deal with that ar#.+ +It"s o&a(.+ +?ou"re starting to fa*or it.+ +It"s 'ust a little sore.+ +!hi$h #eans it"s ti#e for so#e of the ph(si$al therap( and treat#ent. Don"t be su$h a bab(.+ She 'abbed hi# with a finger. +?ou 'ust want to get #( shirt off.+ +Alwa(s a bonus. -eel it off 9ieutenant.+ To #a&e her s#ile he leered. +And ta&e (our ti#e.+ So o&a( it twinged a little when she too& off her 'a$&et her weapon harness. /et it o*er with she thought and began the stret$hing e0er$ises wor&ing her range of #otion as Roar&e dit$hed his 'a$&et and tie. Her shoulder ga*e a $ouple of $li$&s as she stret$hed pun$hed out. +It"s $o#ing along.+ +So I see. Tr( to a*oid a$tuall( pun$hing so#eone for a few #ore da(s + he suggested as he got the topi$al $rea# fro# a drawer. He rolled up his slee*es as he $rossed to her then started to unhoo& her trousers. +I &new it. All (ou thin& about is getting in #( pants.+ +!ith e*er( breath I ta&e. .ut for now I 'ust want a loo& at that hip. It was the worst of the $uts. Nearl( healed + he #ur#ured tra$ing a fingertip along the edges where 1$Hueen"s &nife had sli$ed. +1ira does good wor&.+ +!e"*e both had worse.+

His e(es lifted to hers held and said a great deal. So she leaned into hi# a little tou$hed her lips to his. +I"# o&a(.+ +Nearl(. 9ose the tan& and sit down. I"ll finish (ou up.+ She did as he as&ed thin&ing he needed the tending as #u$h as #a(be #ore than she. Then his hands %he had #agi$ hands%s#oothed the $rea# o*er the a$he and she $losed her e(es. +6eels good. Reall( good.+ +1ira $redits (our $onstitution and (our hard head for the healing pro$ess. A $ouple #ore da(s (ou"ll li&el( be good as new. Tell #e if I hurt (ou.+ +?ou"re not.+ The( hadn"t #ade lo*e sin$e she"d been hurt%and she reali=ed she should ha*e figured wh( he"d been so $areful with her hadn"t tou$hed her that wa( had a*oided being tou$hed b( her. +?ou"re not + she said again and opening her e(es turned to hi#. +?ou won"t.+ And too& his hand laid it on her breast. +6eels good + she repeated. +Reall( good.+ +I onl( want to gi*e (ou ti#e to heal. In e*er( wa(.+ +I ha*e it on good authorit( I ha*e an e0$ellent $onstitution. 9et"s test it out.+ /oing with the instin$t that told her the( didn"t 'ust need the ph(si$al inti#a$( but the fun that $ould go along with it she tossed her leg o*er his lap straddled hi#. +/et it up pal.+ S#oothing those #agi$ hands down her sides he s#iled. +?ou"re *er( de#anding.+ +?ou ain"t seen nothing (et.+ She too& his #outh ga*e it a ni$e little bite as she ground against hi#. +There (ou are + she #ur#ured. +!ell (ou"*e left #e no $hoi$e.+ +A $o$&"s alwa(s read( to $row.+ He laughed wrapped his ar#s around her. +Crowing"s not what #ine"s read( for.+ +Show #e.+ She went to wor& on his trousers. A#used aroused he wat$hed her. +In a bit of a hurr( are we3+ +I"*e got to use (ou and get ba$& to wor& so no dawdling.+ Then she laid her hands on either side of his fa$e. +5&a( #a(be a little dawdling + she said and brought her lips to his again.

+I"# o&a(.+ She unbuttoned his shirt so she $ould press against hi#. S&in to s&in heart to heart. +I want (ou to tou$h #e. I want (ou to be with #e. I want (ou.+ He $ould drown in her he thought e*er( #inute of e*er( da( he $ould lose hi#self in what she was what she ga*e hi# what she too&. Now with her war# and eager against hi# he $ould drown hi#self lose hi#self and set his worr( for her aside. She didn"t want hi# to be $areful but he would ta&e $are of her in'uries at least. He ga*e her the $ontrols too& his pleasure fro# the rise of her passion fro# the sprint of her heartbeat under his lips. !hen she too& hi# in she laid her hands on his fa$e again. Her e(es loo&ed deep into his. +?ou"re holding ba$&. Don"t. Don"t hold ba$&.J So he gripped her hips $areful to a*oid the healing wound. And dro*e her as she dro*e hi#. 5*er the edge of that drowning pool. !ith her brow resting on his she fought to get her breath ba$&. If an(thing twinged or a$hed she didn"t feel it. All she felt was pea$e. +Did (ou reall( ha*e business downtown toda(3+ +?ou"re #( business.+ She lifted her head loo&ed at hi# again. +?ou ha*e to stop worr(ing.+ +That"s ne*er going to happen. .ut I will stop ho*ering whi$h I"*e been doing a bit of. I lo*e (ou be(ond the telling of it )*e and what (ou went through%+ +!e. !e went through it.+ +All right that"s true enough. !hat we went through doesn"t heal as 7ui$&l( as a $ut or a bruise.+ +!or&ing on it though. 5&a(3+ +?es.+ He pressed his lips to her healing shoulder. +?es.+ +5&a(. !ell now that I"# done with (ou I"# going ba$& to wor&.+ He sat where he was a #o#ent as she got up pulled the tan& ba$& on. +I feel so used. I find I li&e it.+ She rolled her in'ured shoulder nodded in satisfa$tion. +Alwa(s #ore where that $a#e fro# a$e.+

---------------------------------------------Chapter O In her offi$e she set up a se$ond #urder board while the $at sat on her sleep $hair and wat$hed her. Through the ad'oining door she heard Roar&e tal&ing on the "lin&. -robabl( dealing with business he"d postponed during the ho*ering #ode. .etter now she de$ided. .oth of the# were better now. Not 'ust the se0 but the understanding that $a#e with it%or out of it. And the nor#al$( that went hand in hand. +Nothing nor#al about that + she said as she studied the s&et$h. +Not a da#n thing nor#al there.+ She $ir$led around to her des& noti$ed that her #essage light was a$ti*ated. She $alled up the #essage and a$tuall( 'olted when Trina"s *oi$e spi&ed into the roo#. +/ot the ugl( bastard and the 7uestion. Could do the s&in hair ears nose teeth no prob. Could do the red e(es but not so the( loo& li&e red balloons $o#ing out of the so$&ets. Couldn"t do the 'aw not that $roo&ed. The answer is I $ouldn"t #a&e an(bod( loo& li&e that and I"# the best. ?ou"*e got (ourself a frea&a=oid Dallas. +?ou need a treat#ent%hair fa$e bod(. The wor&s. 1a*is sa(s she and 9eonardo and .ella $an $o#e to (our pla$e for a *isit on Saturda( afternoon. I"ll be with the# and bring #( gear.+ +!h( + Roar&e wondered +do (ou loo& #ore horrified b( that than b( the fa$e on (our board3+ +She"s $o#ing. !e ha*e to stop her.+ +Don"t loo& at #e. ?ou $ould use a treat#ent.+ +He(.+ Though she was an(thing but *ain the $areless $o##ent ga*e her another 'olt. +Insulting #( hair fa$e and bod( won"t get (ou banged again an(ti#e soon.+ +?ou &now *er( well I adore (our hair fa$e and bod(. ?ou $ould use a #assage a rela0ation treat#ent and so#e downti#e with good friends. In fa$t so $ould I. I belie*e I"ll $onta$t Trina and ha*e her bring another operati*e. I"ll ha*e a #assage along with (ou.+ +Traitor.+ She sto#ped to the &it$hen for $offee sto#ped ba$&. +I"# not thin&ing about it. It"s not Saturda( (et. An(thing $ould happen.+ She wiped a hand through the air. +So. )*er(bod( sa(s it $an"t be done. Not $ostu#ing not ph(si$all(. .ut it has to be one or the other. If it"s ph(si$al #a(be it"s long-ter#. So#ething he"s learned to li*e with. -eabod("s $ir$us frea& angle. And if that"s it I eli#inate e*er(bod( on #( list.+ She s$owled at her board. +-isser.+ +1a(be one of (our suspe$ts hired the &illings.+

+I"# going to run probabilities on that but it rips up the theor(%and it"s #ore than a theor(%that the &iller &new the *i$s. That it was personal.+ +1a(be he 'ust ta&es pleasure in his wor&.+ +Crap. Crap. Crap. So#ebod("s wrong. )ither the #edi$al e0perts or the $os#eti$C$ostu#e e0perts. I li&e it better if the $os#eti$s are wrong but I"*e got to wor& it both wa(s. I"*e got to go ba$& to the beginning.+ +?ou $an go ba$& with #e o*er a #eal.+ It usuall( helped to do 'ust that tal& it through with hi# boun$e theories and angles off hi#. .ut this ti#e she felt she onl( $ir$led without getting an( $loser to the $enter. +I don"t belie*e an(one loo&s li&e that + she said. +And if I de$ided to belie*e so#ebod( did I $an"t belie*e he"d sta( off the grid. I ran that s&et$h through e*er( progra# we"*e got and didn"t get a single hit.+ +1a(be it"s #ore re$ent.+ +The h(po-whate*er the #ultiple organ failure%and wh( isn"t he dead if so%and whate*er trau#a would $ause the lower part of his 'aw to be so dislo$ated it"s nearl( under his right ear3 I don"t thin& so. If he was a hire how did an(bod( &now about hi#%be$ause he"d ha*e popped if he was a pro e*en se#ipro. If he &illed the# for hi#self wh( doesn"t an(one else &now about hi#3 @nless . . . #a(be he"s a patient at the Center. 1a(be he"s a &ind of e0peri#ent the("re &eeping on the down low.+ +As in bot$hed3+ Roar&e twirled so#e seafood linguine on his for&. +As in #ad s$ien$e3+ +1ad bad. 1a(be. It"s so#ething to po&e at. 1a(be the *i$s &new hi# fro# before and found out he was there $onfronted the #ad-bad s$ientist or threatened to tell people on the outside.+ +?ou don"t li&e that *er( #u$h.+ +Not as #u$h as one of the# slapping gun& on their fa$e pu#ping the#sel*es full of a Feus $o$&tail and whaling awa( but it"s another route to ta&e.+ She too& it wor&ing angles running probabilities refor#ulating 'uggling through the pie$es. !hen Roar&e finall( tugged her out of her $hair hours later she was #ore than read( to gi*e it up for the night. Clear her head she de$ided. 9et it si##er for a few hours. 888

Shortl( after #idnight )ton .illingsl( $oded hi#self into >ustin Rosenthall"s lab using a $loned &e( $ard and a re$ording he"d #ade of >ustin"s *oi$e. He thought hi#self *er( $le*er. It was ti#e%past it%to pro*e to Arianna she was wasting her ti#e and resour$es on >ustin. The #an was obsessed with this seru# and far too se$reti*e about it in the last wee&s. .e$ause he was getting nowhere .illingsl( $on$luded. The finan$ial resour$es >ustin wasted had be$o#e intolerable parti$ularl( sin$e the( $ould and should be redire$ted to his own depart#ent. 5n$e Arianna saw the truth she"d rethin& the relationship and this wedding business. He went dire$tl( to the #ain $o#p station noted >ustin had lo$&ed it down for the night. .ut no proble# or *er( little of one. He"d wor&ed with >ustin long enough to &now the #an &ept su$h things si#ple so his assistant and interns $ould a$$ess data when needed. >ustin $alled it tea#wor&. .illingsl( $alled it nai*ete. 5ne da( one of those underlings would steal data and ta&e $redit for whate*er ad*an$e >ustin #anaged to stu#ble onto. .ut in this $ase it si#pl( #ade the 'ob easier. He tried *arious na#es as passwords wor&ing patientl(. At one point he thought he heard a sound fro=e turned to loo& around. Then shoo& his head at his own foolishness. He $ontinued until inspired he tried Ari1;::<;. The date the("d $hosen to be #arried. Senti#ental fool .illingsl( thought as a$$ess was granted. Hui$&l( now he s$anned through file na#es. @NH@I)T. >ustin"s ter# for the $ore of addi$tion. .efore he $ould $all it up so#ething $rashed behind hi#. +!hat the de*il%3+ He whirled then fro=e. +So#e #ight $all #e that + the *oi$e ground out li&e ro$&s beneath a boot heel. +.ut I prefer Chaos. Dr. Chaos.+ The $reature issued a deep $ape-swishing bow. +At (our ser*i$e.+ +!hat &ind of si$& 'o&e is this3+ +1( &ind. Sti$&ing (our nose where it doesn"t belong aren"t (ou .illingsl(3 !ell we"ll 'ust ha*e to ta&e $are of that.+ +I ha*e e*er( right to . . .+ .ut he ba$&ed up as he spo&e with his heart ha##ering in his dr( throat. +I"# $onta$ting Se$urit(.+

+!anna bet3+ As .illingsl( began to run the $reature let out a delighted laugh. Strength speed e0$ite#ent poured through hi# as he leaped. .illingsl( went down under hi# s$rea#ing. Chaos used the &nife. .ut before the &nife he used his teeth. And $ontinued long after the s$rea#ing stopped.


The signal of her $o##uni$ator pulled )*e out of a drea# where she $hased her &iller while he dan$ed down an e#pt( street 'uggling an ear an e(e and a tongue. +/ross + she #u#bled then $alled for the lights at ten per$ent before she answered. +Dallas.+ Dispat$h Dallas 9ieutenant )*e. Report to the !hitwood Center. See building se$urit( and offi$er on the door for a$$ess to 9aborator( Si0. +>ustin Rosenthall"s area.+ Affir#ati*e. -ossible ho#i$ide. +A$&nowledged. Infor# -eabod( Dete$ti*e Delia. Re7uest that she #eet #e on s$ene as soon as possible. Has the *i$ti# been ID"d3+ Ai$ti# identifi$ation is not $onfir#ed. +I"# on #( wa(. Dallas out.+ She sho*ed at her hair saw Roar&e was alread( up getting dressed. +Shit. Shit. ?ou don"t ha*e to $o#e. That"s ho*ering isn"t it3+ +In this $ase it"s sheer $uriosit(. The li&elihood is it"s (our #an and sin$e I"# awa&e now in an( $ase I"d li&e to see for #(self.+ It was 7ui$&er not to argue. .esides he had an e(e as good as #ost $ops she &new. And dro*e faster and better. +Inside 'ob what did I tell (ou3+ She wat$hed buildings whi= b( on the wa( downtown. +It"s one thing to brea& into the pla$e on Twelfth but it ta&es a lot #ore to get through the se$urit( the( ha*e at the Center.+

At his non$o##ittal sound she ga*e Roar&e a narrowed stare. +6or #ost people. Rosenthall"s lab. He wor&s late a lot. Shit shit shit.+ She was out of the $ar the instant Roar&e par&ed flashing her badge at the N?-SD unifor# and the building se$urit( offi$er. +9ieutenant. Se$urit( 5ffi$er Tweed will ta&e (ou to the s$ene. 1( $urrent orders are to re#ain on the door.+ +Has Dete$ti*e -eabod( arri*ed3+ +No sir.+ +Send her in when she gets here. She &nows the wa(. Tweed3+ +This wa(.+ +I &now the wa( too. !ho found the bod(3+ +I did. I was doing a standard $a# sweep and I saw . . . a figure.+ +/reen defor#ed fa$e red e(es wearing a $ape3+ +I wouldn"t ha*e belie*ed it if I hadn"t seen it #(self.+ +And (ou"*e got hi# on dis$.+ +?eah. He was heading down fro# the se$ond le*el east #o*ing fast in a &ind of%boogie. -art of #e was spoo&ed I ad#it. The other part figured so#ebod( was pla(ing a 'o&e. .ut we ha*e to $he$& out an( unauthori=ed a$ti*it(. .( the ti#e I got to that se$tor%along with the other guard I"d alerted%he was gone. I went up saw the lights were on in Dr. Rosenthall"s lab so I &e(ed in and I saw . . . The pla$e is wre$&ed 9ieutenant and there"s a bod(. It"s #ale but I $ouldn"t tell who it was. The fa$e it"s well wre$&ed too. And there"s blood e*er(where.+ +5&a(.+ She nodded to the unifor# outside the lab doors. +Be( #e in Tweed then I"# going to want those dis$s. The originals.+ +I"ll ta&e $are of it.+ +And stand b( + she told hi#. !re$&ed was a #ild word for it )*e thought as she s$anned the area.

S#ashed $o#ps la( on the floor on a sea of bro&en bea&ers dishes spe$i#en bowls. The bod( la( fa$eup%what was left of the fa$e. .lood stained the ha$&ed and ripped $lothes spread o*er the floor left its obs$ene abstra$t art on the sides of a $ounter. And on the top in blood his #essage. 1e#o to4 9t. Dallas. Nobod( li&ed hi# an(wa(. ?ou"re wel$o#e, Sin$erel( Dr. Chaos. +It"s .illingsl(.+ +How $an (ou be sure3+ +That"s the suit he had on this #orning.+ She too& a $an of Seal-It out of her &it used it tossed it to Roar&e. +This ta&es hi# off the suspe$t list.+ +I doubt he"d feel grateful.+ +!hat was he doing in here3 He doesn"t stri&e #e as the t(pe who"d $o#e b( for a late-night *isit with Rosenthall and this isn"t his area. He"s another floor up in the other wing.+ +He #ight ha*e been lured here.+ +?eah #a(be. .ut it"s late wa( after hours. !h( is he in the building and where"s Rosenthall3 I need to &now who &e(ed in before Se$urit(.+ +!ould (ou li&e #e to see to that area3+ +?eah that would sa*e ti#e.+ +His nose is gone.+ +It sure is. !hat does that #ean3 S#ell no e*il3 No that"s 'ust stupid. To #e it sa(s nos(. ?ou"re nos( .illingsl(K now (ou"re dead.+ She turned as -eabod( $a#e in. +!ow. Another da( another slaughter.+ -eabod( eased out a breath. +1$Nab"s with #e. I had hi# start on Se$urit(. I thought #a(be Roar&e would be here so we"d ha*e two e-#en on it.+ +Then I"ll go hoo& up with Ian.+

+!hat do (ou see3+ )*e as&ed -eabod( when the( were alone. +I see .illingsl("s off the suspe$t list.+ Despite the $ir$u#stan$es )*e s#iled a little. +And3+ +He"s been stabbed a whole bun$h. It #ight e*en be #ore than .i$&ford but it"s hard to tell. He"s #issing his nose.+ +!hat does that sa( to (ou3+ +It"s another 7ui=. This ti#e I want a grade. It sa(s to #e .illingsl( won"t be sniffing around an(#ore. 1a(be around Arianna #a(be around so#ething else%so#ething lab related. The note"s addressed dire$tl( to (ou this ti#e so he &nows it"s our $ase%and that .illingsl( wasn"t a popular gu( around here.+ +I"d sa( A #inus.+ +A #inus3+ .oth insult and sul& piped through -eabod("s *oi$e. +I want A plus.+ +6or an A plus (ou"d need to obser*e identif( and relate the teeth #ar&s in the *i$"s fa$e and throat.+ +Teeth . . . oh 'ee=.+ 5bser*ing and identif(ing the# now -eabod( swallowed hard. +He ate hi#.+ +>ust here and there. He"s a$$elerating + )*e $on$luded. +This ti#e blood wasn"t enough. He wanted a taste of flesh.+ She s$anned again noted the open door on an e#pt( $abinet. +Did the &iller wal& in on the *i$ or the other wa( around3+ +If this is e0tra $redit I want a re*iew of #( earlier grade. 9et #e thin&.+ To help herself do that -eabod( loo&ed awa( fro# the bod(. +I $an"t thin& wh( .illingsl( would be here. He and Rosenthall aren"t pals and this isn"t his area%not onl( se$tor-wise but professionall(. 1a(be if Rosenthall as&ed hi# to $o#e in%but I don"t bu( it. He"s not going to do his $o#petitor an( fa*ors. He"d $o#e if Arianna as&ed hi# but that puts her in this and it 'ust doesn"t fit well for #e.+ -ausing she #ade herself loo& at the bod( again. +If he $a#e here% whi$h o&a( ob*iousl( he did%it was to get so#ething on >ustin or s$rew with so#ething or po&e around loo&ing . . . -o&e his nose in,+ )*e too& the $loned &e( $ard and re$order out of .illingsl("s po$&et. Hit -la(. +>ustin Rosenthall.+ +.illingsl( tried a little .P) + -eabod( $o##ented. +That"s an A plus.+ +?a(,+

+.illingsl( &e(s in using the du##( $ard and the re$order. He"s po&ing around. The &iller is alread( here %loo&ing for so#ething doing so#ething waiting for so#ething. .illingsl( sees hi# and that"s the end of .illingsl(. The &iller $hews on hi# stabs hi# a#putates his nose wre$&s the lab ta&es ti#e to lea*e the #essage then boogies out. The("*e got hi# on dis$ so we"ll be able to tra$& his #o*e#ents.+ +That"s a brea&.+ +6or us not for .illingsl(.+ )*e opened her field &it again $rou$hed b( the bod(. +9et"s *erif( ID get T5D.+ +If there are bite #ar&s the( should get so#e sali*a and the i#pressions too + -eabod( began. +!e got better.+ )*e lifted .illingsl("s lifeless hand. +!e got s&in under the nails. .illingsl( got so#e flesh too.+ ---------------------------------------Chapter Q )*e put on #i$rogoggles for a better loo& before she bagged the hand. +Tinted green flesh so that"s our gu(. !e"ll get DNA.+ +And see if one of our #ain suspe$ts shows so#e re$ent s$rat$hes.+ )*e loo&ed up as Roar&e $a#e ba$& in. +1$Nab"s wor&ing with Se$urit( + he told her. +)*er(one in the lab logged out Rosenthall being the last at ele*en twent(-si0. The log shows Rosenthall swiping in again at twel*e oh-se*en but the dis$s show .illingsl( swiping in at that ti#e $learl( entering alone.+ )*e held up an e*iden$e bag. +.illingsl( had a $lone swipe and a re$ording of Rosenthall"s *oi$e.+ +Nos( be$o#es *er( apt. No one else entered the lab after the last log- out at ele*en twent(-si0 e0$ept .illingsl(. No one e0ited until (our Dr. Chaos at one fifteen.+ +!ell he didn"t 'ust #ateriali=e.+ +T5D + -eabod( announ$ed before Roar&e $ould $o##ent +twel*e fift(.+ +That"s a lot of ti#e between when .illingsl( entered and T5D. It didn"t ta&e that long to &ill hi#. Conta$t the sweepers and the 1) + )*e ordered then a*oiding blood and debris did another long stud( of the roo# wal&ed o*er to the brea& roo# area. +-eabod(, /et us a warrant for these lo$&ers. Si0 digital lo$&s.+ 9oo&ing up she studied the open $eiling *ent. +There"s his a$$ess. It"s big enough for a #an to get through.+ +9ow te$h + Roar&e $o##ented. +.ut $lassi$.+ +I need the *entilation la(out. .ut for now . . . boost #e up.+

5bliging Roar&e hoo&ed his fingers together. !ith her foot in the ha##o$& of his hands )*e boun$ed up gripped the edge of the open *ent. +?eah the grille"s in here. 1a(be he initiall( planned to go ba$& out this wa(.+ She too& a penlight out of her po$&et shined it in the s&inn( *entilation tunnel. +Tight s7uee=e. I see so#e s$uff #ar&s. So he logs out $o#es ba$& in so#ewhere else. Through the health $enter area #a(be the *isitor"s lodging prett( #u$h an(where. S$oots and $rawls along. -ops out then %+ +Are (ou going to sol*e the $ase while I"# holding (ou off the floor3+ Roar&e wondered. +H##3 Sorr(.+ She 'u#ped down. +-ops out + she $ontinued. +1a(be gets into his gear here. 9o$&ers bathroo#. Sweepers $ould find tra$es of the #a&eup. !ould he be stupid enough to lea*e so#ething in a lo$&er3+ +Shall I open the#3+ +!hen we get a warrant.+ +Sti$&ler + he said and #ade her s#ile. +I $ould $lai# the("re part of the $ri#e s$ene whi$h the( are so the -A $ould probabl( hold that line. .ut a defense attorne( would #a&e noises so a warrant &eeps it $lean.+ She set her hands on her hips turned a slow $ir$le. +!as he #eeting .illingsl( here3 In it together there"s a disagree#ent death ensues. I don"t li&e it. This gu( wor&s alone. .illingsl( got nos( then got dead. The &iller wasn"t e0pe$ting $o#pan(. He $a#e in for the seru# and he got it. .illingsl("s a bonus round.+ +!h( didn"t he go out the wa( he $a#e in3+ +Too h(ped up fro# the &ill to $are + she $on$luded. +.( then lea*ing where he"d be $aught on dis$%if he thought of it%'ust added so#e fun. 9oo& at #e,+ -eabod( $a#e to the doorwa(. +I tagged Cher Reo + she said spea&ing of the A-A. +She was about to $all #e a *er( bad na#e but I showed her the bod(.+ +/ood thin&ing + )*e told her. +She"s all o*er the warrant.+ +5&a(. !hen the #orgue gets here I want the s&in sent to the lab asap. I want that DNA the sa#e wa(. I need so#ething for a bribe. So#ething reall( good + she told Roar&e. +6or Di$&head.+ Chief 9ab Te$h Di$& .erens&i wouldn"t drag hi#self to wor& in the #iddle of the night for less than a first$lass bribe.

+Two ti$&ets s&(bo0 first ga#e of the !orld Series with lo$&er-roo# passes.+ +)0$ellent but we"re still in pla(-offs.+ +!here*er it is%transpo in$luded.+ +Ni$e. I"ll start with one let hi# s7uee=e #e for the se$ond ti$&et% whi$h he will. I"ll tag hi# on the wa( to Se$urit(. I want to see those dis$s. -eabod( wait for the #orgue and the sweepers. I want that s&in hand-$arried to the lab. And I want to &now as soon as the warrant $o#es through.+


In Se$urit( )*e studied the s$reen the #o*e#ent the fa$e. She ordered #agnifi$ation ordered free=e repla(. +/otta be a new strain of Feus or so#ething li&e it. Along with so#e serious prostheti$s. Nothing"s 7uite right about hi#. It"s al#ost as if his whole bod("s dis'ointed.+ She #agnified again to stud( the hands. /lo*ed she noted with long sharp nails sli$ing through the tips. Then went ba$& to the fa$e. +He $ouldn"t ha*e ta&en those bites out of the *i$ wearing that gear. So he didn"t put it on until after the &ill. 5r he $an #anipulate it be$ause the bites had pun$ture #ar&s li&e those pointed in$isors he"s got. !hat is his deal3+ +Totall( frea& show + was 1$Nab"s opinion. )*e glan$ed at the e-#an and -eabod("s $ohab. He wore his long blond hair in a tail se$ured with sil*er rings that #at$hed the half do=en hanging fro# his earlobe. His s&inn( fra#e *ibrated with $olor fro# the #an( po$&eted baggies in Da(-/lo orange that pi$&ed up the =igs in his shirt. The =ags were nu$lear blue. +?ou"re wearing that getup and tal&ing frea& show.+ He grinned. +)as( to find these pants in the dar&.+ +It"d be eas( to spot the# on 1ars in the night s&( with the na&ed e(e.+ +The( blind the bad gu(s + he $lai#ed still grinning. +An(wa( Dallas it loo&s real. This gu( I #ean. He loo&s real.+ +Nothing about this gu( loo&s real + she $orre$ted. +I want (ou to ta&e this in to )DD for a full anal.+ She loo&ed down at her $o# when it signaled. +!arrant"s in. 9et"s open those lo$&ers.+


+?ou"re not going to li&e this + Roar&e said as the( wal&ed ba$&. +.ut I agree with 1$Nab.+ +?eah I figure those pants $ould blind so#ebod( if the( stared at the# too long.+ +So#ething I tr( to a*oid. I also ha*e to agree with hi# that (our &iller doesn"t loo& as if he"s wearing a disguise.+ +.e$ause it"s a $o#bination. Disguise and so#e &ind of powerful drug.+ +How does he blin&3+ That put a hit$h in her stride. +!hat3+ +If his e(es aren"t real if he"s using de*i$es for the si=e the shape how does he blin&3 He loo&ed dire$tl( at the se$urit( $a#era at se*eral points and his e(elids $losed and opened. He s#iled if (ou $an $all it that. His 'aw shifted his #outh turned up. And we both saw hi# $ontort his bod( in i#possible wa(s and #o*e at $onsiderable speed.+ He did ha*e a da#n good e(e she thought. +If he"s a s$ientist%and he da#n well is%he"s figured out how to de*ise so#ething and he"s ta&ing so#ething that boosts his adrenaline. 1onsters e0ist + she added. +.ut the("re flesh and blood. The("re hu#an 'ust li&e the rest of us. It"s what"s inside the# that"s twisted. This gu( isn"t so#e 6ran&enstein #onster.+ +A$tuall( I was thin&ing of another $lassi$. 1r. H(de.+ +?ou"*e got to la( off those old *ids + she $o##ented and led the wa( to the lab. +If (ou $an belie*e a s$ientist $an $reate de*i$es and substan$es to disguise hi#self this wa( wh( isn"t it possible for that s$ientist to $reate so#ething that $auses hi# to be this wa(3+ +.e$ause + she said as the( approa$hed the door +appearing and being are different things.+ She paused outside the door. +1a(be%#a(be%there"s been so#ething going on in this lab that"s wha$&ed. So#ething bot$hed. And we"re going to sal*age Rosenthall"s re$ords and find out. .ut for now we"*e got a &iller on a spree and none of #( suspe$ts pop out as a fu$&ed-up s$ien$e e0peri#ent.+ +1a(be the #ore hu#an fa$e is the real disguise.+ !ith that thought planted in her head she wal&ed into the lab. -oli$e business #o*ed forward with sweepers and the dead $rew alread( at wor&. !ith Roar&e she headed straight ba$& to the lo$&ers.

She thought of the destru$tion of the lab and the open unbro&en door of the seru# lo$&up. +No point in busting the# open sin$e (ou"re here.+ +None at all + Roar&e agreed. It didn"t ta&e hi# long. As he #o*ed down the line of lo$&ers un$oding the lo$&s she $alled -eabod( in for the sear$h. And hit pa( dirt in -a$hai /upta"s. )*e too& out the sil*er pipe. +!eighted it for e0tra pun$h. And he didn"t e*en $lean it thoroughl( + )*e noted. +There"s still so#e blood so#e #atter. It shows so#e ni$&s and dents where it hit bone.+ +He lo*ed her%Darnell.+ -eabod( shoo& her head. +It was all o*er hi# Dallas. 9o*e and grief all o*er hi#.+ +He wouldn"t be the first to destro( what he lo*ed. .ut this is so da#n stupid so $areless. Steal the seru# b( unlo$&ing the $abinet rather than busting it up. Then 'ust lea*e one of the #urder weapons in (our wor& lo$&er3+ +A fra#e-up3 It #a&es #ore sense to #e + -eabod( said. +I &now I did the inter*iew and I hate thin&ing I #issed an(thing but a fra#e-up #a&es #ore sense.+ +He"s got this in the lo$&er but doesn"t use it. Bills .illingsl( and unless he"s reall( stupid &nows we"ll sear$h the lo$&ers &nows we"ll 7uestion the fa$t the seru# $abinet was opened with its lo$& $ode. He"s unstable and the drug #a&es hi# #ore so but he"s organi=ed. Ta&es $are not to be seen $o#ing in%but does #urder then shows hi#self.+ +.e$ause he wanted us here + -eabod( $on$luded. +6ollowing the bread $ru#bs to /upta. No not $ru#bs. .ig $hun&( hun&s of bread.+ +Reads that wa(. Seal it up get the weapon ta&en to the lab for pro$essing. And let"s ha*e all our pla(ers pi$&ed up brought in.+ She wal&ed out with Roar&e. +A fra#e-up if that"s what it is that"s hu#an. So"s s$rewing up and lea*ing e*iden$e where it $an be found if that"s what it is. )ither wa( with the weapon the DNA we"ll lo$& it down.+ +I ha*e e*er( faith. I"# going into the offi$e.+ +Now3 It"s . . .+ She $he$&ed the ti#e as the( stepped outside. +It"s sh( of fi*e a.#.+ +Should I point out (ou"*e been wor&ing sin$e shortl( after two3 I"ll get #( own 'u#p on the da( and as I"# $urious enough I #a( $o#e down to Central later wat$h (ou lo$& it down.+ +If (ou need the $ar I $ould%/uess (ou don"t + she added when a dar& li#o glided s#oothl( to the $urb.

+I"# going to hit the lab first gi*e Di$&head a push. A DNA #at$h will sa*e the inno$ent b(standers fro# a round in the bo0. Than&s for the bribe.+ +Ne*er a proble#.+ He tou$hed her $hee&. +Ta&e $are will (ou3 This one gi*es #e a *er( uneas( feeling.+ +Too #an( old horror *ids and an Irish nature. I thin& I $an handle so#e #urderous s$ientist.+ +Tr( not to pun$h hi#. ?ou"ll set the healing on that ar# ba$&.+ She wat$hed hi# dri*e awa( then went ba$& in to tal& to the head sweeper and get -eabod( for the trip to the lab. 888 Di$& .erens&i"s in& bla$& hair was sli$&ed ba$& o*er his eggshaped head. Rather than his usual lab $oat he wore a #ulti$olored floral shirt that would ha*e #ade e*en 1$Nab win$e. +!hat the hell are (ou wearing3+ +Clothes. It"s fi*e-fu$&ing-a.#. I"# not offi$iall( on (et. And I want a bottle of single #alt s$ot$h for the ga#e.+ +!e alread( agreed to ter#s.+ +That was before.+ He shot her a sour loo& and sin$e the last ti#e she"d seen hi# he"d been s$aril( sweet%and in lo*e%she assu#ed there was trouble in paradise. +.efore what3+ +.efore I got here and found Harpo pulling an all-nighter.+ +!h( is that #( proble#3+ +She"s on (our hair%first #urder%and (ou"re not going to li&e it.+ He pla(ed his spider fingers o*er his $o#p. +She"ll $o#e out here.+ +!hat about #( s&in3+ +She goes first. And I want that s$ot$h.+ +6ine fine if (ou gi*e #e so#ething I $an use.+ +5h I"ll gi*e (ou so#ething.+

Harpo all spi&( red hair and tired e(es wal&ed out fro# her se$tion into .erens&i"s. +?o + she said to )*e and -eabod( then dropped onto a stool. +?ou tell her3+ she as&ed .erens&i. +I said (ou"d do it.+ +?eah (eah o&a(. So + she said swi*eling to )*e. +5n one hand this is totall( i$ed. 5n the other it"s #a'orl( fu$&ed.+ +!hat is3+ +The hair. I"# the goddess of hair and fiber and if I $an"t ID it nobod( $an. And I $an"t.+ +!hat do (ou #ean3+ +Sorr( I"*e been at this all night. I"# a little wired on .oost.+ She gestured with the 'u#bo tube in her hand before she too& a gulp. +Ha*e (ou tried the new bla$& $herr( fla*or3+ -eabod( as&ed her. +?eah but it"s got an aftertaste. I"# prett( well hoo&ed on the 9e#on Fest. It"s got a ni$e =ing.+ +I li&e .lue 9agoon. There"s so#ething about drin&ing blue that feels energi=ing.+ +)0$use #e + )*e said brutall( polite. +This tal& of fla*ors and fa*orites is fas$inating but #a(be we $ould ta&e a #o#ent to dis$uss%oh I don"t &now%e*iden$e3+ +Sure + Harpo said as -eabod( $leared her throat. +I got hair fro# (our $ri#e s$ene. ID"d so#e fro# ea$h of (our *i$s no prob. /ot so#e not theirs but no roots. So no DNA for (ou on that but I started a standard anal. ?ou want to eli#inate ani#al%li&e a rat or a stra( $at whate*er. And I $ould%I figured an(wa(%gi*e (ou so#e basi$s. S(ntheti$ hu#an if it was treated $olor and li&e that. .ut I $an"t "$ause it"s not.+ +Not what Harpo3+ +It"s not s(ntheti$. That"s solid. .ut it"s not e0a$tl( hu#an and not e0a$tl( ani#al. It"s sort of both.+ +It $an"t be both.+ +That"s right.+ Harpo pointed a finger tipped with a #etalli$ purple nail. +.ut it is.+ She glan$ed at .erens&i for per#ission then used one of the $o#ps to $all up her file. +!hat (ou ha*e here + she said tapping that bright nail to the i#age +is hu#an hair and this+%she split the s$reen with a se$ond i#age %+is ape.+ +If (ou sa( so.+

+S$ien$e sa(s. See on the hu#an hair the $uti$le s$ales o*erlap s#oothl(. 5n the ape hair the("re rough %the( li&e protrude. /et it3+ +5&a( (eah. So3+ +So this%+ Harpo added another i#age. +5&a( this is fro# (our $ri#e s$ene. It $learl( shows $hara$teristi$s of both%rough and s#ooth%on one strand. !hat (ou got here Dallas is #utant hair. It"s li&e so#ebod( #ated a hu#an with an ape and here"s the hair of the result.+ +/i*e #e a brea& Harpo.+ +S$ien$e doesn"t lie. It s$rews up so#eti#es but it doesn"t lie. I ran this through e*er(thing I"*e got and did the sa#e with the other strands the sweepers sent #e. Sa#e result. About two this #orning I ga*e up and tagged #( old #an%+ +?our%+ +1( father"s head of forensi$s at Huanti$o. 9oo& Dallas it"s not li&e I go running to Dadd( whene*er I hit a snag. In fa$t this is the first ti#e e*er be$ause it"s wa( out of orbit and he"s the best there is% an(where.+ +5&a( Harpo o&a(. !hat was his ta&e3+ +He"s stu#ped 'ust li&e #e. This sort of #utation shouldn"t be possible. .ut I"*e got hair%fi*e sa#ples% that sa(s it is.+ +So (ou"re telling #e I"# loo&ing for an ape-#an3 Seriousl(3+ +I don"t &now what the hell (ou"re loo&ing for is what I"# telling (ou. Co#e on Di$&ie gi*e her (ours so she stops loo&ing at #e li&e the( let #e out of the ward too earl(.+ .erens&i folded his ar#s. +Harpo got what she got and I got what I got. ?ou got green s&in.+ +I &now that godda#n it.+ +I #ean green. Not #a&eup not tinted. It"s green down through the sub$utaneous tissue. ?our *i$ got so#e blood along with the flesh and that"s not right either.+ +/reen blood3+ )*e as&ed read( to be anno(ed all o*er again. +It"s red enough but it"s not hu#an. Not all the wa(. I get what Harpo got on the hair. A $o#bination of hu#an and ape. DNA"s li&e nothing I"*e seen before and I"*e seen it all. It is what it is + he snapped out before )*e $ould protest. +?ou"*e got so#e #utant frea& running around &illing people. I want so#e fu$&ing $offee.+ He sho*ed up sto#ped awa(.

+His girlfriend du#ped hi# a $ouple da(s ago + Harpo said. +He hasn"t said it but we figure. He"s been hell to be around sin$e. .ut he"s right. It is what it is. 1( old #an he"d li&e to $onsult on this if (ou gi*e hi# the nod.+ )*e s7uee=ed the bridge of her nose. +I"# going to get DNA fro# the suspe$ts. !hen I do $an (ou #at$h it to this3+ +Di$&ie"s got DNA fro# the s&in and blood the *i$ s$raped off. He $an #at$h it if (ou get hi# the &iller"s. ?ou get hair I $an #at$h it. .ut it shouldn"t be a proble# to find so#e half-ape gu( with green s&in. Right3+ +>esus + was all )*e $ould thin& of. !isel( -eabod( &ept her thoughts to herself. She #anaged to be wise until the("d gotten ba$& in the $ar. +?ou &now Harpo"s solid. And Di$&head"s a di$&head but he"s one of the best there is. If the( both $o#e up with the sa#e results and reall( when (ou loo& at the &iller he"s 'ust not . . .+ +Hu#an3 .ullshit. .ullshit. And one #ore bullshit. The("re doing so#e sort of weird e0peri#ents in Rosenthall"s lab. So#ething unauthori=ed and twisted.+ +That"s what I"# sa(ing. The( $reated a #onster%a &iller ape-#an #onster. And now it"s bro&en out and wrea&ing ha*o$ on the $it(. And%+ +Don"t #a&e #e slap (ou. It"s so da#n girlie.+ +Not when (ou"re on the re$ei*ing end.+ +)0peri#ents + )*e $ontinued. +The seru#. It s$rews up the DNA $auses se*ere ane#ia. 9ouise said that $ould $ause a green $ast to the s&in.+ +All the wa( down3+ +5b*iousl(.+ +.ut the fa$e Dallas.+ She wanted to belie*e it was prostheti$s a de*i$e so#e sort of elaborate #as&. .ut . . . +I don"t &now but we"re going to grill Rosenthall li&e a trout until he $lears this up. 1r. H(de + she #uttered. +1a(be that"s not so far off.+ +1r. H(de3+ -eabod( s$ooted up and o*er in her seat. +5h oh Rosenthall $reated the e*il Dr. >e&(ll. No wait Dr. >e&(ll"s the good part. H(de"s the e*il one. .ut the("re the sa#e person. Rosenthall"s 1r. H(de,+

+D #inus and onl( be$ause (ou got the na#es right. !h( would Rosenthall &ill >ennifer Darnell%in that #anner3 That personal inti#ate #anner3 The &iller wanted her and $ouldn"t ha*e her.+ +.a$& to -a$hai.+ +Thin& about it. ?ou said he lo*ed her%and wit state#ents indi$ate she was interested. Now #a(be he #o*ed she de$ided she wasn"t interested after all. .ut who"s the odd #an out in this3 !ho got Darnell and her friend the 'obs at Sli$e3 /ets her and her friend wor& but she"s #ore interested in /upta. And goll( where do we find one of the #urder weapons3 In /upta"s lo$&er%with blood and brain #atter still on it.+ +Ben Di$&erson. It is a fra#e-up.+ +/upta"s Rosenthall"s assistant. Di$&erson"s still an intern. /upta"s $aught the e(e of Darnell e*en though Di$&erson went to his un$le and got her wor&%then did her another fa*or and got wor& for Ai0. /upta $o#es fro# a fa#il( of do$tors s$ientists and had a leg up sin$e his father &nows Rosenthall. Di$&erson had to wor& his wa( through push for s$holarships. And /upta"s still ahead of hi#.+ +!h( not &ill -a$hai3+ +5ne of the first three *i$s got wind of so#ething Di$&erson was up to so the( had to go. !hat better wa( to destro( /upta than b( &illing the girl he lo*ed and pinning it on hi#3 !hate*er he"s on #a&es hi# feel superior but that was alread( in there. It #a&es hi# feel powerful free. It #a&es hi# happ( and #ore he"s found out &illing #a&es hi# e*en happier. He destro(ed the lab too& the seru#. He doesn"t want an(one else to ha*e what he"s got. It"s all his.+ +It pla(s but it doesn"t e0plain the #utations.+ +So Rosenthall better + she said as she pulled into the garage at Central. +!e"ll ta&e hi# first.+ -------------------------------------Chapter 1; As )*e headed down to Ho#i$ide Arianna sprang up fro# a ben$h in the $orridor and rushed toward her. +9ieutenant Dallas please $an (ou tell #e what"s happening3 The poli$e $a#e to #( ho#e this #orning. The( said )ton"s been #urdered.+ +That"s $orre$t.+ +/od. .ut when3 How3+ +Shortl( before one this #orning in Dr. Rosenthall"s lab.+ +In >ustin"s lab3 .ut I don"t . . .+

She $losed her e(es a #o#ent. +How $an this be happening3 The( said we needed to $o#e here%>ustin and I. The( too& hi# so#ewhere else wouldn"t let #e sta( with hi#. The( 'ust said I had to wait. It"s been #ore than an hour.+ +I"# sorr( it"s ta&en so long. I"# going to be tal&ing to Dr. Rosenthall shortl(.+ +.ut what happened3 1( /od this is a night#are. )ton #urdered and in >ustin"s lab.+ +Do (ou &now wh( Dr. .illingsl( would ha*e been in Dr. Rosenthall"s lab at that ti#e of night3+ +No. No. He shouldn"t ha*e been. He"s not in*ol*ed in >ustin"s wor&. The &iller #ust ha*e been after >ustin. After >ustin.+ Arianna rubbed a hand between her breasts ba$& and forth. +He was going to wor& late sta( in his offi$e again last night but I as&ed hi# not to. I as&ed hi# to $o#e ho#e with #e sta( with #e. I wanted hi# with #e and I was upset enough that he ga*e in.+ +?ou left the Center together3+ +?es about ele*en thirt( I thin&. I had a fund-raiser and $alled >ustin fro# the $ar when I left.+ +Did an(one sta( in the lab3+ +I don"t &now. >ustin #et #e out front. !e were together all night. I swear it. ?ou $an"t belie*e >ustin had an(thing to do with this. I &now people tal& about )ton being 'ealous of hi#.+ +!as he3+ +?es but >ustin isn"t bothered b( it. !e%/od it see#s $ruel now% we"d 'o&e about it so#eti#es. Can I see hi# now3 Do we need a law(er3+ +He"s not under arrest but I need to as& hi# a few 7uestions. If he wants a law(er present he $an ha*e one. -eabod( wh( don"t (ou ta&e 1s. !hitwood to the lounge3 She $an wait there while we tal& to Dr. Rosenthall. It shouldn"t be long.+ As long as it ta&es )*e thought as she headed toward the first inter*iew roo#. >ustin straightened in his $hair when )*e entered. +So it"s true + he said +about .illingsl(. He"s dead.+ +?es. Re$ord on Dallas 9ieutenant )*e in Inter*iew with Dr. >ustin Rosenthall on the #atters of Darnell Ai0 and .i$&ford $ase nu#ber H- GIOQE and )ton .illingsl( $ase nu#ber H-GEOQO. I ha*e to re$ord this. -ro$edure.+ +I understand.+ +I"# also going to read (ou (our rights.+ As she did >ustin said nothing.

+Do (ou understand (our rights and obligations3+ +?es. ?ou thin& I &illed the#3+ She let the 7uestion hang a #o#ent. He loo&ed worn-out she noted as Arianna had. +All the *i$ti#s were $onne$ted to (ou and the Center. .illingsl( was #urdered in (our lab.+ +In #( lab3+ +?es. There are 7uestions that ha*e to be as&ed but first I"d li&e a sa#ple of (our DNA.+ +1(%all right but it"s on file.+ +>ust $onsider it a spot $he$&.+ She too& out a swab. !hen it was done she went to the door passed it off to the waiting unifor#. She sat at the table a$ross fro# >ustin. +!hat was .illingsl( doing in (our lab3+ +I ha*e no idea. He shouldn"t ha*e been there. He shouldn"t ha*e been able to get in without #( authori=ation. How did he3+ +He $loned (our swipe $ard and had a re$ording of (our *oi$e.+ >ustin si#pl( stared at her. +He went that far3 He disli&ed #e%that"s not news%but I $an"t belie*e he"d go as far as brea&ing into the lab. And for what3+ +!ould he ha*e business with (our assistant or interns3+ +No none I $an thin& of. And he &new none of us were there. I saw hi# before I left and he $o##ented on the fa$t that I was a$tuall( going ho#e.+ +?ou didn"t get along.+ +Not well.+ >ustin bra$ed his elbows on the table pushed his hands o*er his fa$e ba$& into his hair. +That"s no se$ret as he #ade it *er( $lear he didn"t thin& I was good enough for Ari%and he was.+ +That #ust ha*e pissed (ou off.+ +So#e + he ad#itted. +.ut fran&l( I didn"t gi*e .illingsl( #u$h thought. Arianna lo*es #eK we"re about to be #arried. And #( wor& o$$upies the rest of #( thoughts at this stage.+ +!hat is this stage3+

+!e"re about to begin the ne0t round of testing.+ +1eaning3+ )*e said as -eabod( entered. +-eabod( Dete$ti*e Delia entering Inter*iew. /o on Do$tor.+ +!e"*e in'e$ted a test group of lab rats with spe$ifi$ addi$ti*e substan$es o*er a $ourse of ti#e.+ +?ou"*e #ade addi$ts out of rats3+ +?es. !e obser*e and #onitor $hart re$ord. Now we"ll in'e$t the# with the seru# run the# through tests. 5n$e we%+ +?ou don"t test on hu#an sub'e$ts.+ +No. That"s #onths off #a(be (ears. This isn"t a 7ui$& pro$ess. !e $an"t ris& testing an unpro*en substan$e on a hu#an being.+ +It #ust be te#pting to push it so#e to &i$& up the pa$e.+ +?ou don"t go into resear$h to rush.+ +Do (our assistants e*er get ants(3+ +I"# sorr(3+ +1a(be (our assistants want to ta&e it up a not$h show off so#e i#press (ou.+ +The("re (oung. Sure there"s so#e frustration i#patien$e% $o#petition fro# ti#e to ti#e. .ut we ha*e a *er( stri$t proto$ol a ti#etable pro$edures that #ust be followed not onl( for su$$ess but for safet(.+ +!ho has a$$ess to the seru#3+ +It"s lo$&ed in the lab in an en*iron#entall( $ontrolled $ase. No one but #(self and -a$hai ha*e a$$ess. ?ou don"t thin& .illingsl( tried to%+ +The $ase was open + )*e told hi#. +And e#pt(.+ +)#pt(3+ 9oo&ing stri$&en Rosenthall rubbed at his te#ple. +The seru#"s gone3 /od. /od, !e"re so $lose. A $o#peting lab3 )spionage3 !ould .illingsl( ha*e done that3+ +?our two interns $an"t a$$ess the seru#3+ +No. !ell that"s not $o#pletel( a$$urate. Ben"s wor&ed late with #e se*eral nights and I ga*e hi# the $ode. I $hange it e*er( three da(s. I"d ha*e $hanged it this #orning in fa$t. !e $an re-$reate the seru#. .ut the ti#e lost . . .+ He shoo& his head. +.ut I don"t understand what this has to do with the #urders with >en and the bo(s. I $an"t belie*e the("d be in*ol*ed in so#e plot to steal or sell the wor&.+

+That"s o&a(. I understand. Inter*iew end. If (ou"d 'ust wait here a #inute. -eabod(3+ +?ou"re $utting hi# loose3+ -eabod( as&ed when the( stepped out. +I want (ou to ta&e hi# to the lounge as& hi# and Arianna to wait. I #ight need hi# to tal& to Di$&erson interpret so#e of the s$ien$e stuff when we get to it. Then do a round with /upta. He #a( ha*e so#ething to add here and he &nows (ou now.+ +5&a(. ?ou"re ta&ing Di$&erson alone3+ +I"ll start on hi#. !hen (ou thin& (ou"*e got all (ou $an get fro# /upta ta&e hi# to the lounge then $o#e in to Inter*iew.+ +Che$&.+ +And bring Di$&erson a drin&.+ -eabod( sighed. +.e$ause I"# good $op.+ +So far.+ )*e wal&ed down to the ne0t inter*iew roo# entered. +Dallas 9ieutenant )*e + she began and $o#pleted the do$u#entation. +He( Ben (ou loo& a little wrung out.+ +I"*e been waiting a long ti#e. 9i&e two hours.+ A little sweat( )*e obser*ed. Hollow-e(ed and *er( pale. +These things ta&e ti#e.+ She read hi# his rights wat$hed those hollow e(es widen. +I"# a suspe$t3 !h( are (ou sa(ing all that3+ +6or (our prote$tion Ben. >ust pro$edure. ?ou &now about pro$edure. Do (ou understand (our rights (our obligations3+ +?es but I don"t understand wh(%+ +6our people are dead Ben and (ou &new all of the#.+ +I"# not the onl( one who%+ +!e"re tal&ing to the others. So what did (ou thin& of .illingsl(3+ she $ontinued $on*ersationall(. +An asshole right3+ +I don"t reall( ha*e an opinion. I didn"t &now hi# reall(.+ +Ta&e #( word. Asshole. An(bod( who tries to horn in on another #an"s wo#an espe$iall( when she"s not interested is an asshole.+

She s#iled when she said it wat$hed his e(es s&itter awa(. +I nearl( forgot.+ She too& out a swab. +I need so#e spit. DNA $he$&.+ +I%I don"t ha*e to do that.+ +Seriousl(3 It"s 'ust so#e spit Ben.+ +I don"t ha*e to do that unless (ou ha*e a warrant. That"s #( right.+ +Suit (ourself.+ She shrugged. +Now about assholes.+ +Should I get a law(er3+ +Do (ou want one3 6ine with #e. It"ll ta&e #ore ti#e. -robabl( a $ouple #ore hours.+ She started to rise. +It"s o&a( for now. I 'ust want to get out of here.+ +Can"t bla#e (ou. 9i&e I said (ou loo& wrung out. @p late3+ +I didn"t sleep well. It"s hard with what happened.+ +I bet. ?ou li&ed >en.+ +)*er(bod( li&ed >en.+ +.ut (ou reall( li&ed her. ?ou got her a 'ob.+ +It was no big deal.+ +Co#e on ta&e so#e $redit. An addi$t with barel( a #onth"s re$o*er( under her belt before (ou as&ed (our un$le to gi*e her a brea&. Then (ou do her another solid and help her addi$t friend get a 'ob. She owed (ou.+ +I was 'ust tr(ing to help.+ +Did she pa( (ou ba$&3+ +I don"t &now what (ou #ean.+ +I don"t thin& she did not when she had her e(e on -a$hai%and he had his on her. That #ust"*e stung.+ He s$rat$hed at his ar#s as if so#ething $rawled along his s&in. +She was 'ust a friend.+ +.e$ause that"s the wa( she wanted it. And -a$hai what did he do for her3 He didn"t get her and her addi$t friend 'obs. His un$le didn"t gi*e her food to ta&e ho#e. He $o#es fro# #one( though. Isn"t that

alwa(s the wa(3 /ets to be Rosenthall"s head gu(%o*er (ou. ?ou wor&ed harder I bet. -ut in #ore hours. ?ou"re s#arter%I $an tell. ?ou"*e got ideas don"t (ou Ben3 Ideas about the seru#.+ She leaned forward. No *isible s$rat$hes she thought. .ut he"d left his hair down o*er the ba$& of his ne$&. +I bet (ou put in lots of (our own ti#e on that pro'e$t. 5ff the boo&s so to spea&. .usting (our ass. Rosenthall"s so $onser*ati*e su$h a sti$&ler for proto$ol pro$edure. .ut (ou"*e got balls. ?ou"re willing to ta&e so#e ris&s. Did >en find out (ou were ta&ing one3+ He &ept s$rat$hing swallowing loo&ing an(where but at )*e. +I don"t &now what (ou"re tal&ing about.+ +She $a#e in the lab a lot didn"t she3 1a&ing e0$uses to drop in so she $ould see -a$hai. 6lirted with hi# right in front of (ou. Did she $o#e b( when (ou were wor&ing alone one night3 5ff the boo&s. Did (ou let her in3+ +!e"re not allowed to wor& in the lab off hours unless Dr. Rosenthall"s there.+ +Rules.+ )*e wa*ed the# awa(. +Real inno*ation sa(s s$rew the rules. Real progress is ris&( ta&es ga#bles. And Rosenthall"s po&ing along with his (es-#an /upta getting all the attention%and the girl. It"s not right. .ut (ou $an show the# (ou"re better s#arter. Did she $at$h (ou at it or did (ou tell her3 Had to brag about it. .ut she still didn"t want (ou. In fa$t she threatened to tell on (ou if (ou didn"t stop. To tell Rosenthall (ou were e0peri#enting with his wor& testing it and not on rats.+ He began to shi*er now as if $old e*en while the sweat dribbled down his te#ples. +?ou"re #a&ing all this up.+ +A# I3 S$ientists &eep re$ords. !e"re going to get a sear$h warrant for (our apart#ent and we"re going to find (ours. !e"re going to find the pipe (ou used to beat Cob( Ai0 to death with. Then%+ +?ou $an"t find the pipe at #( pla$e be$ause . . .+ +!h( is that Ben3+ +I"# not tal&ing an(#ore.+ +Suit (ourself.+ )*e sat ba$& wat$hed hi# sweat a few #o#ents until -eabod( $a#e in with a tube of ginger ale. +-eabod( Dete$ti*e Delia entering Inter*iew. He $ould use that. Ha*e a drin& Ben ta&e a little ti#e to thin&. The wa( I loo& at it things 'ust got out of hand out of (our $ontrol. ?ou had a reall( bad rea$tion to the seru#.+ +I"# not sa(ing an(thing else.+ .ut he too& the tube $ra$&ed it gu==led. And when she $a#e ba$& in )*e thought she"d ta&e the tube%and ha*e his DNA.

+Thin& about it + )*e suggested. +Inter*iew pause. Dallas 9ieutenant )*e and -eabod( Dete$ti*e Delia e0iting the roo#.+ +He loo&s sweat( sha&( + -eabod( began outside the door. +He loo&s li&e%+ +An addi$t 'onesing for a fi0. He"s s$ared too. He"s either going to $ra$& or law(er up%that $ould go either wa(. 9et"s get a sear$h warrant for his apart#ent. !e"*e got enough for that. He"s got logs and re$ords. That stupid $ape the glo*es the shoes #a(be the &nife and s$alpel.+ +1a(be we should ha*e Rosenthall obser*e the ne0t round. 9i&e (ou said if he gets into the s$ien$e Rosenthall $ould tell us what it #eans.+ +/ood idea. /o get hi# ta&e hi# to an obser*ation roo#. I"# going to gi*e Di$&erson another $ouple #inutes.+ She $ould use a drin& herself )*e thought and ga*e Aending a hard e(e. The #a$hines didn"t alwa(s $ooperate with her. +9et #e do that.+ Roar&e plugged in $redits ordered her a tube of -epsi. +Than&s. Co#e to wat$h the show3+ +It"s usuall( worth the pri$e of ad#ission.+ +I"*e got Di$&erson sweating in the bo0. 9iterall(. I thin& he"s been ta&ing the seru#%or a *ersion of it. And I thin& he dosed hi#self real good two nights in a row. It"s got hi# strung out. I"# about to go in for the se$ond round. -eabod("s bringing Rosenthall into 5bser*ation in $ase we need an interpreter for the s$ien$e.+ +I"ll go find the#.+ He ga*e her a tap on the $hin then strolled off%as at ho#e in the $op shop as she was she thought. She $ra$&ed the tube too& a long drin& then wal&ed ba$& to the inter*iew roo#. !hen she stepped in Di$&erson was standing in the far $orner fa$ing the wall. His shoulders shoo&. +Dallas 9ieutenant )*e reentering Inter*iew. >esus Ben #an up.+ +That"s Dr. Chaos to (ou.+ She ar$hed her e(ebrows at the rough sound of his *oi$e. +Now we"re getting so#ewhere. Ha*e a seat Do$ and we"ll%+ He turned. She"d thought little $ould genuinel( surprise her at this stage of her life and $areer but she fro=e in sho$&.

His fa$e rippled in front of her e(es. Si$&l( green it twisted itself until the 'aw lo$&ed at a grotes7ue angle. His teeth sharpenedK his e(es protruded and bulged in their so$&ets and began to glea# red. +And I"# not a #an.+ She heard the snap and $ra$& of #igrating bones as his spine see#ed to warp. +I"# a god.+ She pulled her weapon. +!hat (ou are is under arrest.+ He leaped at her. She got a strea# off was sure she stru$& #idbod( but he was so fast. She had a fra$tion of a se$ond to prepare and used the for$e of his bod( ra##ing hers to go down &i$& up and send hi# fl(ing o*er her and into the wall. He $areened off bloodied and ni#ble as a spider. This ti#e when she fired he 'er&ed. Then he s#iled. +5ooh it ti$&les, I"# so #u$h stronger now.+ +So I see. .ut not prett(. ?ou"re s#art.+ He would atta$& again she thought. There was too #u$h ani#al in hi# not to. +?ou"re in the #iddle of Cop Central. )*en if (ou get through #e (ou won"t get out. ?ou"ll die here.+ +I $an"t die. .ut (ou $an. ?ou"re an inse$t to #e. All of (ou. !ea& and brea&able.+ +He"s still in (ou. The wea& and brea&able Di$&erson.+ +Not for #u$h longer. He $ried o*er the girl but he en'o(ed &illing .illingsl(. He"ll en'o( &illing (ou. !e"re going to $ar*e out (our heart and eat it.+ She fired again &ept firing. It slowed hi# $aused hi# to stu#ble but he $a#e on. The door burst open. Roar&e rushed in steps ahead of -eabod( and a swar# of $ops. Chaos whirled snarled%'ittered fro# the stun strea#s. +/o down (ou fu$&,+ )*e shouted. +Allow #e.+ 6a$e $old and fier$e Roar&e ra##ed his fists into the twisted fa$e. Right left right again. .lood strea#ing bod( spas#ing Chaos went down. +>esus Christ >esus Christ >esus Christ.+ )*e #uttered the oaths% pra(ers%as she snapped on restraints. +I want leg irons + she $alled out. +Now. -eabod( &eep (our weapon on hi#.+ +.elie*e #e + her partner responded. +I want hi# sha$&led in a $age before he $o#es to. Isolation. 9et"s #o*e,+

+Are (ou hurt3+ Roar&e gripped her hand as she rose. +No. I"*e got to get hi# $ontained. I"ll be ba$&. And he( than&s for the assist + she added as she #o*ed aside to let so#e of the #en lift Chaos. Roar&e wat$hed her go then glan$ed down at his raw &nu$&les. +Ah well.+ ----------------------------------------)pilogue )*e found hi# waiting in her offi$e settled in her ratt( *isitor"s $hair with his --C. He set it aside when she $a#e in and with one loo& at her fa$e went to the AutoChef progra##ed $offee for both of the#. +He"s d(ing.+ )*e dropped down at her des&. +1ultiple organ failure% 9ouise had that one. And he"s got a brain tu#or for good #easure. The("re not going to be able to sa*e hi#.+ +I"# tr(ing to be sorr( as (ou see# to be.+ +He was an idiot%Di$&erson. >ealous a#bitious re$&less. .ut he wasn"t a #urderer. 5r not until he started ta&ing the seru#. His *ersion of it. He"d i#pro*ed it so he thought. He was going to i#press the girl his boss the whole fu$&ing world. Now he"s d(ing be$ause he unleashed so#ething in hi#self that per*erted what he was what he wanted. So#ething he $ouldn"t $ontrol.+ Roar&e sat on the $orner of her des& fa$ing her. +He would ha*e &illed (ou.+ +?eah. !hat he be$a#e was as addi$ted to &illing as Di$&erson was to the seru#. As the people Rosenthall"s tr(ing to help are to the illegals. Rosenthall"s with hi# now%prett( #u$h $rushed. Di$&erson"s barel( able to tal& but we got all we need to $lose the $ases.+ +It"s ne*er 'ust about $losed $ases for (ou.+ +6our people slaughtered. And now we"ll ha*e fi*e bodies. Di$&erson was dead the first ti#e he too& the seru#. He 'ust didn"t &now it. He as&ed Darnell to $o#e into the lab. He was so proud had to show off. Had to hope she"d see how spe$ial he was and want hi# the wa( he wanted her. Instead she disappro*ed told hi# he had to go to Rosenthall had to stop.+ +She would ha*e re$ogni=ed the addi$tion + Roar&e $on$luded. +?eah I"d sa(. She was bla$&-and-white on it. If he didn"t tell his boss she would be$ause he was #a&ing hi#self si$& she said.+ +And that onl( #ade hi# ta&e #ore.+ +He pro#ised he"d do what she said then in$reased the dose. To pro*e to her he was better than -a$hai better e*en than Rosenthall.+

+And Chaos was born.+ +I guess that"s true enough. He sa(s he thought the #urders were a drea# a hallu$ination.+ +?ou don"t belie*e that.+ +No + she $onfir#ed. +I don"t. He &new what he"d done. He 'ust $ouldn"t fa$e it on one side $ouldn"t gi*e it up on the other. Di$&erson told us .illingsl( was tr(ing to ha$& into Rosenthall"s $o#puter when he got to the lab.+ +>ealous( again.+ +The green-s&inned #onster.+ Roar&e started to $orre$t her then shrugged. +!ell in this $ase.+ +And this $ase is $losed.+ She finished off her $offee set it and the sadness aside. +I need to write it up and I pro#ised Nadine I"d gi*e her a head start. I don"t &now wh(.+ +6riendship and be$ause (ou &now she"ll be fair and a$$urate. I"ll lea*e (ou to it then find #(self a spot to finish a bit of business. Tag #e when (ou"re done. !e #issed brea&fast altogether. I"ll ta&e (ou to lun$h% whene*er.+ +I $an grab so#ething. ?ou don"t ha*e to wait around.+ +)*e.+ He tou$hed the shagg( tips of her hair. +I"d 'ust stepped into 5bser*ation when he turned around. I saw what he was or what he was be$o#ing. !e ne*er 7uite see e*er(thing there is do we3 !hat I did see was the delight%the #urderous delight on his fa$e. I didn"t &now if I"d get there get to (ou in ti#e.+ +I"d stunned the shit out of hi# + she began. +And (eah he #ight"*e gotten a pie$e of #e an(wa(. ?ou finished hi# off real ni$e.+ +!ell then (ou"d loosened the lid. I"ll wait for (ou.+ He leaned forward tou$hed his lips to hers. +Alwa(s.+ +Sap.+ +/uilt(. And when we get ho#e tonight we"ll ta&e $are of that ar#.+ +I &now what that #eans.+ He laughed &issed her again. +?ou"*e had it $radled sin$e (ou sat down.+ She glan$ed down saw he was right. +I guess it too& a &no$& in there.+

She released it too& his hand to e0a#ine his &nu$&les. +?ou too.+ +Then we"ll ta&e $are of ea$h other.+ +Sounds good.+ And it did she thought when he"d left her to find his 7uiet spot. .efore the wor& she rose wal&ed to her s&inn( window. She loo&ed out at New ?or&%safe for the #o#ent fro# one of the #onsters who hunted. And stood awhile holding *igil for the d(ing.

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