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Republic of the Philippines National Capital Judicial Region REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Ma ati Cit!

" #$anch %&'

EUNICE CRU()*ANTIAGO" Petitioner, ) +e$sus ) MIC/AEL *ANTIAGO" Respondent.

Ci+il Case No,- 12-168168 .o$- Declaration of Nullity of Marriage under Art. 36 of the Family Code of the Phili ine!

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O. T/E


"he Petitioner# re re!ented $y the under!igned coun!el! a! her attorney!-in-la%# re! ectfully !u$mit! to thi! &onora$le Court thi! Pre-"rial 'rief# to %it(




"he Petitioner i! not %illing to con!ider any amica$le !ettlement or undergo alternati)e mode! of di! ute re!olution %ith re! ect to the rayer of thi! etition. &o%e)er# the Petitioner i! o en to the rimary

o!!i$ility of

amica$le !ettlement in relation to the

artition and accounting of the

con*ugal ro ertie! and a!!et! of her union %ith the +e! ondent.




"he Petitioner ro o!e! the follo%ing !ti ulation of fact!( 1. Petitioner met +e! ondent !ometime in May 2,,, at Po%er Plant Mall# Ma-ati# %here !he %or-ed art-time a! a .ale! Per!onnel

at Fully 'oo-ed. +e! ondent %a! one of the cu!tomer! of !aid $oo-!tore %hom !he !er)ed and %ho too- an immediate attraction to her. 2. +e! ondent relentle!!ly %ooed Petitioner for !i/ 061 month! $y !ho%ering her %ith flo%er! and gift!# )i!iting her fre2uently at the $oo-!tore and in her !chool# A!!um tion Ma-ati# and $ringing her home. 3. During the court!hi # Petitioner often a!-ed +e! ondent %here he %or-ed and %hat hi! *o$ %a!# $ut +e! ondent al%ay! re lied that he %a! !till loo-ing for a !uita$le *o$ that hi! mother %ould a ro)e of.

3. Petitioner al!o a!-ed +e! ondent %here he get! hi! money %hene)er they %ent out on date! !ince the latter %a!

unem loyed %hile he %a! courting Petitioner. +e! ondent re lied that hi! arent! al%ay! ga)e him an allo%ance for 4gimmic-!#5

date!# and out-of-to%n tri !.

6. During their date!# Petitioner o$!er)ed that +e! ondent7! mother %ould call him e)ery t%o hour! and a!- him %here he %a!. Petitioner al!o o$!er)ed that e)ery time !he %ent out on a date %ith the +e! ondent# he al%ay! $ought hi! mother a $ou2uet of flo%er! $efore heading home. 6. Petitioner e)entually committed to a relation!hi %ith %hen

+e! ondent after a$out !i/ 061 month! of court!hi

+e! ondent told her that he %ould !to courting her if !he %ould not commit to a relation!hi %ith him. 8. A$out a month into the relation!hi # Petitioner attem ted to $rea- u %ith +e! ondent $ecau!e !he found out that the

+e! ondent lied to her a$out loo-ing for a *o$. Petitioner di!co)ered that +e! ondent# !ince graduating from college# ne)er !ought em loyment. 8. +e! ondent later found em loyment in 9illa .ocorro Farm# a com any o%ned $y hi! family %here hi! mother %a! the Chief :/ecuti)e ;fficer# a! an .ale! A!!i!tant. <. =ater# +e! ondent leaded %ith the Petitioner to ro)e her lo)e

to him $y a!-ing her to ha)e

re-marital !e/ %ith him and %hen

!he refu!ed# +e! ondent attem ted to commit !uicide.

1,. Fearing that +e! ondent %ould again attem t !uicide# Petitioner engaged in re-marital !e/ %ith him# re!ulting in her feeling! of

guilt and remor!e. 11. .oon after thi!# +e! ondent ro o!ed marriage to Petitioner

$ecau!e he !en!ed the feeling! of con!tant guilt and remor!e e/hi$ited $y Petitioner. 12. Petitioner and +e! ondent %ere married to each other at the Manila Cathedral on 1, >anuary 2,,2 $efore a certain +e). dela Cru?# a! e)idenced $y their Certificate of Marriage dated 1, >anuary 2,,2. "he %edding ceremony and rece tion at the Manila &otel %a! attended $y $oth artie!@ friend! and family. 13. After the marriage ceremony# the ! ou!e! returned to their re! ecti)e arent!@ home! and li)ed !e arately !ince they had

not yet e!ta$li!hed a con*ugal home. 13. +e! ondent )i!ited Petitioner in her hou!e in North For$e! Pardaily. &o%e)er# +e! ondent7! mother %ould al%ay! call him u and a!- him to go home. +e! ondent7! mother %ould a!- their family dri)er to dri)e her to North For$e! Par- to ic- u her !on in the %ee hour! of the morning. 16. An 2,,2# a! a re!ult of +e! ondent@! re2ue!t# Petitioner mo)ed in to the hou!e of +e! ondent!@ arent! $elie)ing it %ould only $e

tem orary until the cou le ha! enough money of their o%n to rent or urcha!e their o%n re!idence. 16. An the !ame year# the cou le e!ta$li!hed an Anternet cafB $u!ine!! along Ma-ati A)enue# Ma-ati %hich %a! mo!tly funded $y +e! ondent7! arent! %ith the e/ce tion of the fund!

in)e!ted $y the Petitioner. 18. "he Anternet cafB $u!ine!! clo!ed do%n a$out after a year due to the fact that it %a! not earning enough romi!ing the +e! ondent!@ them for the ca ital rofit %ith Petitioner

arent! that they %ould reim$ur!e ga)e to !tart the $u!ine!!.


+e! ondent!@ mother on the other hand told her reim$ur!ement %a! not nece!!ary $ecau!e !he ne)er e/ ected the !ame. 18. .ometime in 2,,2# in!ufficient to !ince the cou le7! !a)ing! %ere !till

urcha!e a hou!e and lot# Petitioner a

lied for

and %a! em loyed a! a Management "rainee at &ong Cong .hanghai 'an- 0&.'C1. 1<. Dhile %or-ing at &.'C# there %ere time! that Petitioner %ould come home late from %or- only to di!co)er that +e! ondent %a! out of the hou!e or %ith hi! friend!. 2,. Al!o# there %ere a fe% occa!ion! %hen +e! ondent %a! una$le to fetch Petitioner from &.'C a! a re!ult of the rohi$ition of the former7! mother. An addition to thi!# there %ere !e)eral time!

%here +e! ondent %ould fetch Petitioner from the office %ith hi! mother. 21. An Fe$ruary 2,,3# Petitioner and +e! ondent %ere finally a$le to mo)e out of +e! ondent!@ arent! home. "hey mo)ed to a hou!e urcha!ed $y +e! ondent!@ mother on No. 32 Maya .t.# %hich %a! a $loc- a%ay from +e! ondent!@ arent! home. 22. +e! ondent7! mother )i!ited them e)ery day# $rought them food for $rea-fa!t# lunch# and dinner. +e! ondent7! mother al!o )olunteered to ay for the hou!e utilitie!. 23. .ometime in March 2,,3# +e! ondent %a! relie)ed of hi! o!ition at .antiago Cor oration %hen it %a! di!!ol)ed.

+e! ondent did not !ee- em loyment el!e%here. 23. +e! ondent7! mother $egan gi)ing her !on allo%ance! to defray hi! er!onal and familial e/ en!e!. +e! ondent7! mother a!-ed

Petitioner %hat e/ en!e! %ere not $eing co)ered $y her !alary and e)en )olunteered to !u$!idi?e their other hou!ehold

e/ en!e!. 26. During thi! eriod of unem loyment# +e! ondent con!i!tently

tried to con)ince Petitioner to mo)e $ac- into the home of +e! ondent7! arent!# $ecau!e he !tayed there any%ay almo!t

the entire day !ince he had no %or-.

26. "he cou le mo)ed $ac- to +e! ondent@!

arent!@ hou!e after

Petitioner lo!t her o!ition at &.'C %hen the $an- e/ erienced a $an- run. 28. Dhen the cou le returned to the home of +e! ondent7! arent!#

+e! ondent con!tantly reminded the Petitioner that they can li)e off hi! arent! %ho can afford to !u ort them any%ay and that

Petitioner !hould *u!t a$andon the idea of mo)ing into their o%n family home. 28. An a la!t ditch effort to !a)e her marriage# the Petitioner con)inced the +e! ondent to undergo marriage coun!eling !ometime during the month of No)em$er 2,,3. 2<. Petitioner $rought him to Dr. >immy "an# a !ychologi!t# %ho

not only coun!eled the cou le until >uly of 2,,3 $ut al!o made a !ychological e)aluation and a!!e!!ment of the +e! ondent at the re2ue!t of the Petitioner and %ith the -no%ledge and con!ent of the former that hi! %ife %ould recei)e a co y of the doctor7! finding!. 3,. "he !ychological e)aluation and a!!e!!ment i!!ued $y Dr. "an

on 21 >une 2,,3# re)ealed that the +e! ondent i! !uffering from a de endent e/i!ting er!onality di!order %hich i! !eriou!# incura$le and

rior to the union $et%een the t%o# rendering him erforming the e!!ential marital o$ligation!# the

inca a$le of

feature! of %hich are 011 difficulty ma-ing e)eryday deci!ion! %ithout an e/ce!!i)e amount of ad)ice and rea!!urance from other!# e! ecially +e! ondent7! mother# 021 need! other! to a!!ume re! on!i$ility for the ma*or area! of hi! life 031 ha! difficulty initiating %or- or doing thing! on hi! or her o%n# 031 feel! uncomforta$le or hel le!! %hen alone $ecau!e of

e/aggerated fear! of $eing una$le to care for him!elf or her!elf# 061 i! unreali!tically reoccu ied %ith fear! of $eing left to ta-e

care of him!elf or her!elf# and 061 an o)er%helming lac- of intere!t to ta-e re! on!i$ility for hi! action! and hi! life. 31. A! Petitioner could no longer $ear the emotional and

!ychological !tre!! $rought a$out $y +e! ondent7! mentality and $eha)ior# !he left the home of her her o%n !ometime in .e tem$er 2,,3. 32. A! found e)en $y the National A ellate Matrimonial "ri$unal of arent!-in-la% to li)e on

the Catholic Church in a deci!ion they relea!ed concerning the !o-called union $et%een the Petitioner and the +e! ondent on < March 2,,6 enned $y a Fr. +odolfo Dacanay# ..>.# the

+e! ondent manife!ted a !im le $ut dee -!eated a)er!ion to erforming hi! marital o$ligation! a! he failed to Petitioner !u %ith the com anion!hi # re! ect# ro)ide the hel #


ort# and care re2uired $y la% a! he decided to

ro)ide the

!ame to hi! mother. "he !aid deci!ion goe! on to !tate that the ina$ility of the +e! ondent to di!charge the e!!ential o$ligation! of marriage i! gra)e and incura$le# a! the act! con!tituting the !ame are ha$itual# nature. er!i!tent# unchanging and of enduring

"he Petitioner




ro o!e! the follo%ing i!!ue! to $e tried and re!ol)ed

$y thi! &onora$le Court(

1. Dhether or not the +e! ondent ha! failed to com ly %ith the e!!ential marital o$ligation! !tated in Article 68 of the Family CodeE 2. Af the +e! ondent ha! failed to com ly %ith the e!!ential marital o$ligation! !tated in Article 68 of the Family Code# %hether or not !uch failure %a! due to !ychological inca acity %hich i!

gra)e# !eriou! and incura$le and e/i!ting at the time of the marriage# though only manife!ting it!elf during the marriage.



"he Petitioner %ill re!ent the follo%ing document! 1. Ma$$iage Ce$tificate $et%een :unice Cru?-.antiago and Michael .antiago made on 1, >anuary 2,,2. 2. Ce$tificate of E4plo!4ent of Michael *antiago from .antiago Cor oration i!!ued on 3 .e tem$er 2,,1. 3. Ce$tificate of E4plo!4ent of Eunice)C$u5 *antiago from &.'C i!!ued in 2,,2. 3. 3eed of *ale o)er No. 32 Maya .t.# Corinthian Farden!# Gue?on City urcha!ed $y Michael .antiago@! mother on 8 >anuary 2,,3. 6. Ps!chological E+aluation and Assess4ent of Michael .antiago made $y Dr. >immy "an on 21 >une 2,,3. 6. 3ecision of National Appellate Mat$i4onial T$ibunal enned $y Fr. +odolfo Dacanay# ..>. on < March 2,,6. 8. ;ther document! a! may $e determined to $e rele)ant to the ca!e during the cour!e of trial.

2, 6ITNE**E*


"he Petitioner %ill re!ent the follo%ing %itne!!e!(

1. Eunice C$u5)*antiago %ill te!tify a! to truthfulne!! of her allegation! in the etition# articularly the $rea-do%n of her union %ith Michael .antiago $ecau!e of the latter@! !ychological inca acity. 2. 3$, Ji44! Tan %ill te!tify a! to the truthfulne!! of hi! P!ychological :)aluation and A!!e!!ment of Michael .antiago made on 21 >une 2,,3. &e %ill al!o te!tify a! to ho% !eriou! Michael .antiago@! !ychological condition i!# %hat he $elie)e! i! the root cau!e of !uch condition and ho% it ha! manife!ted it!elf in the union $et%een Michael .antiago and :unice Cru?.antiago. 3. Co$a5on A!ala)*antiago# mother of +e! ondent# %ill te!tify a! to the method!# !cheme!# and %ay! in %hich !he hel ed her !on $efore and during the marriage. .he %ill al!o te!tify a! to the nature of her relation!hi %ith her !on and ho% the latter %a!

$rought u

in order to !ho% the root cau!e of +e! ondent7!

!ychological condition. 3. ;ther %itne!!e! a! may $e determined to $e rele)ant to the ca!e during the cour!e of trial.




"he Petitioner re! ectfully re2ue!t! that the trial date! $e agreed u on in o en court at !uch date! and time con)enient to the calendar of thi! &onora$le Court. artie! and the


remi!e! con!idered# it i! re! ectfully

rayed unto thi!

&onora$le Court that the foregoing Pre-"rial 'rief $e duly noted.

Ma-ati City# 12 No)em$er 2,12. 7*G3,8 ALI*ON 9A6 Coun!el for Petitioner Addre!!( H11 Malaya .t.# Peo le@! 9illage# Ma-ati City Contact No!.( 0,631 888-1386E ,<18-33<-3286 +oll No. <8881 P"+ No. ,23632E 1I1,I,<E Ma-ati City A'P No. ,,83,8E 12I2,I,<E Ma-ati Cha ter 7*G3,8 MATT/E6 ONG Coun!el for Petitioner Addre!!( H23 Malaya .t.# Peo le@! 9illage# Ma-ati City Contact No!.( 0,631 888-1233E ,<18-368-6386 +oll No. <8<63 P"+ No. ,268332E 3I11I,8E Ma-ati City

A'P No. 388621E 2I2I,<E Ma-ati Cha ter

7*G3,8 *ERGIO PINLAC Coun!el for Petitioner Addre!!( H8 Malaya .t.# Peo le@! 9illage# Ma-ati City Contact No!.( 0,631 8<8-3266E ,<18-138-6<86 +oll No. 86213 P"+ No. ,286232E 6I3I,8E Ma-ati City A'P No. 388621E 6I2I,<E Ma-ati Cha ter 7*G3,8 MARTIN U1 Coun!el for Petitioner Addre!!( H36 Malaya .t.# Peo le@! 9illage# Ma-ati City Contact No!.( 0,631 888-6<88E ,<18-386-6363 +oll No. <8313 P"+ No. ,268812E 8I11I,8E Ma-ati City A'P No. 1<8621E 6I8I,<E Ma-ati Cha ter 7*G3,8 3IANNA 6IL6A1CO Coun!el for Petitioner Addre!!( H16 Malaya .t.# Peo le@! 9illage# Ma-ati City Contact No!.( 0,631 8<8-1886E ,<16-36<-8623 +oll No. 32183 P"+ No. ,<61232E 1,I8I,8E Ma-ati City A'P No. 388621E 11I8I,<E Ma-ati Cha ter Co y furni!hed( .AM.;N MANFC; F:+NAND; C+JK FA+CAA L A..;CAA":. Coun!el for +e! ondent Addre!!( 1,IF Commerce Centre# 9alero .t.# .alcedo 9illage# Ma-ati Contact No!.( 0,811 883-1388 to <, :MP=ANA"A;N .er)ice of thi! etition i! $y regi!tered mail in!tead of er!onal !er)ice $ecau!e of lac- of me!!engerial aide to ma-e er!onal !er)ice. 7*G3,8 ALI*ON 9A6 7*G3,8 MATT/E6 ONG

7*G3,8 *ERGIO PINLAC 7*G3,8 MARTIN U1 7*G3,8 3IANNA 6IL6A1CO Coun!el! for Petitioner AFFADA9A" ;F .:+9AC: 'N +:FA.":+:D MAA= A# +odel Ardale!# of legal age and ha)ing $een duly !%orn de o!e and !ay( "hat A am the me!!enger of Atty!. Ca%# ;ng# Pinlac# Jy and Dil%ayco# coun!el! for etitioner in the ca!e entitled 4Cru?-.antiago ). .antiago5# Ci)il Ca!e No. 168168# and a! !uch me!!enger A !er)ed u on the coun!el! of the ad)er!e arty# the etition filed in !aid ca!e( 'y de o!iting the co y in the o!t office in !ealed en)elo e# lainly addre!!ed to the coun!el! at their office# %ith o!tage fully re aid# and %ith in!truction to the o!tma!ter to return the mail to the !ender after ten day! if undeli)ered# thi! 12th day of No)em$er 2,12# a! !ho%n $y +egi!try No. 12336 dated 12 No)em$er 2,12 of the o!t office of Ma-ati City. AN DA"N:.. D&:+:;F# A ha)e !igned thi! affida)it thi! 12th day of No)em$er 2,12 at Ma-ati City. 7*G3,8 RO3EL AR3ALE* Affiant .J'.C+A':D AND .D;+N to $efore me on thi! 12th day of No)em$er 2,12 at Ma-ati City# affiant e/hi$iting to me her Dri)er@! =icen!e No. 12336862616 %hich %ill e/ ire on A ril 26# 2,13. 7*G3,8 MIC/AEL 3ELA CRU( Notary Pu$lic Ma-ati City Doc. No. OOOOOOOE Page No. OOOOOOOE 'oo- No. OOOOOOOE .erie! of 2,12.

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