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Passive Folds Introduction

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Commonly associated with cleaved (or foliated) rocks Ramsay class 1c, 2 and
"ostly 2 #y$ically characteri%ed &y thickenin' at the hin'e and thinnin' on the lim&

Can &e associated with any ty$e of cleava'e Fold a(is is the intersection of the a(ial $lane cleava'e and the &eddin' Passive fold in metasedimentary rocks in the )alt River Canyon, *ri%ona
Passive fold in a $olished sla& of $yritic ore from the Cari&ou strata+&ound sulfide de$osit in the ,athurst minin' district of -ew ,runswick, Canada
Recum&ent $assive folds in mar&le derived from Pennsylvanian+Permian limestone in .a$$y /alley, southeastern *ri%ona

0utcro$+scale $assive fold in horn&lende $la'ioclase 'neiss, "edicine ,ow "ountains


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Relatively hi'h mean ductility Relatively low ductility contrast #y$es of material
1nconsolidated, water+rich sediments /ery weak rocks like salt or 'y$sum 0ther rocks under hi'h tem$eratures or $ressures


2asy to think of slidin' of a deck of cards

#oo sim$listic and unrealistic

3avis and Reynolds ar'ue

! )ome fle(in' or &ucklin' ! Pressure solution to $ermit shortenin' not $ossi&le &y the rotation of fold lim&s ! Flattenin' due to $ressure solution

2ffects of Pressure )olution

)tee$enin' of 4im&s &y Pressure )olution


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* diver'ent view
3avis and Reynolds always resort to $ressure+solution It clearly is im$ortant Passive folds can &e $roduced &oth sim$le shear and $ure shear

,eddin' and Foliation

In metamor$hic rocks, com$ositional layerin' is sometimes

referred to as &eddin'
! ,ecause &eddin' has tem$oral si'nificance, the term &eddin' should &e reserved for sedimentary layerin' or its relicts ! "etamor$hic foliation should always &e distin'uished from &eddin'

,eddin' and Foliation

,eddin' can a$$ear to &e $arallel to foliation

#i'ht, isoclinal folds
,eddin' will &e nearly $arallel to foliation on the lim&s .in'e areas will show the distinction


3urin' intense deformation, &eddin' can &ecome trans$osed until it a$$ears $arallel to foliation


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Creates a $seudostrati'ra$hy
3isru$ted and rotated se'ments of once+continuous &eds -o internal consistency of facin' Intrafolial folds

"akin' Pseudostrati'ra$hy

Isoclinal folds in trans$osed strata Isoclinal fold Isoclinal folds in mar&le )u$er$osed Folds
"ulti$le deformation
! Fold $eriods may &e widely s$aced in time or continuations of the same ma5or event ! Reco'ni%ed &y the $resence of 6refolded folds7

1$ri'ht foldin' of a recum&ent fold 3omes and ,asins Interference Patterns

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