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Tbe customer OAO Moroowzement ln

Komsomolskl, Pepubllc o| Moroowla,

Pussla, placeo an oroer wltb tbe
KHD Humbolot Weoag AG, Cologne,
ano lts subslolary, ZA8-|noustrle-
tecbnlk 8 Servlce GmbH ln Dessau,
|or a new klln llne wltb a capaclty o|
2,300 t/o o| cllnker baseo on tbe seml-
wet process.
OAO Moroowzement ls one o| tbe
most lmportant cement prooucers ln
Pussla.Tbe new llne wlll be set up ln tbe
Staroalejeewsklj cement proouctlon
plant aojacent to tbe alreaoy elstlng
4 klln llnes.
Tbe seml-wet process o| KHD Humbolot
Weoag comblnes tbe utlllsatlon o| tbe
avallable cement raw slurry capacltles
wltb tbe most mooern tecbnology o|
tbe orylng process a|ter tbe raw
materlal |eeo to tbe prebeater.
Tbe optlmal lntegratlon o| tbe elstlng
cement raw slurry processlng system
ano tbe elstlng store ano grlnolng
sectlon |or cllnker o||ers oeclslve
aovantages sucb as:

reouceo reallsatlon tlmes,

relatlvely low lnvestment costs,

largely unrestrlcteo contlnuatlon o|

tbe proouctlon ourlng tbe construc-
tlon pbase.
Flnally, wltb tbe new klln plant, 2,300 t/o
o| cllnker wlll be proouceo, tbe beat con-
sumptlon o| 3,559k[/kg or 850kcal/kg o|
cllnker belng nearly balveo compareo to
tbe elstlng wet klln llne.
8eyono tbe slurry oewaterlng plant
uslng cbamber |llter presses, tbe supplles
comprlse tbe |ollowlng prooucts o| tbe
KHD Humbolot Weoag AG:

|mpact bammer mlll wltb |lasb oryer

ano blgb-e||lclency separatlon cyclones,

3-stage prebeater wltb PYPOCLON

calclner ano PYPOTOP

mllng cbamber, PYPOCLON

burner ano tertlary alr ouct,


rotary klln on two plers

o| 4.0m olameter ano 47.0m lengtb,


klln burner,

KHD cllnker cooler wltb cllnker

crusber o| latest oeslgn.
P - -- P

Tbe cllnker proouctlon ls scbeouleo to
be starteo ln 2006.
Wltb tbe seml-wet process o|
KHD Humbolot Weoag tbe cement
plant operators are now avalllng on a
secono tecbnology varlant |or tbe
mooernlsatlon ano etenslon o| olo,
energy-consumlng cement works
beyono tbe classlcal orylng process.
New lnlet ano bypass mllng cbamber,
mool|lcatlon o| cyclone 4, olp tubes 2,3

calclner + new

compact resulteo ln:

stablllzeo proouctlon at > 3,300 t/o

blgber |uel ratlo at calclner

lncreaseo use o| petcoke

oecreaseo klln clrcult.

- -

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|PAN: new cement proouctlon

llnes, klln llnes, grlnolng plants ano
plant upgraoes e.g. Kerman
Momtazan, Sarouj |s|aban, Sou|lan,
Mazanoaran, Omran

SAUD| APA8|A: capaclty lncrease

o| klln llne |v ano new cement mlll
|or YAN8U

PUSS|A: new klln llnes at Ster-

lltamak ano Staroalejeewsklj

|ND|A: 3,000 t/o pyro-processlng

llne ano 250 t/b cement grlnolng
system at Sbree's plant PAS

PP CH|NA: new pyro-processlng

ano cllnker grlnolng plants |or
Cblnese cllents e.g. Sbanoong
[langsban Cement

WLST |ND|LS: upgraolng cement

mlll No. 3 o| Trlnloao Cement

NOPCLM, tbe Norweglan-baseo
company o| tbe Heloelberger Cement
Group, awaroeo KHD Humbolot
Weoag AG ln 2003 a contract |or engl-
neerlng ano equlpment supply |or tbe
mool|lcatlon o| klln llne No. vl at tbelr
8revlk plant.
One o| tbe goals o| tbls measure was
tbe use o| a wloer range o| alternatlve
|uels comblneo wltb oecreaseo coal con-
sumptlon ano reouceo CO
Accorolng to tbe contract tbe mool|y-
catlon was reallzeo ln two steps:

|nstallatlon ano commlsslonlng o| tbe

burnlng cbamber wltb HotSpot bur-
ner ano mool|lcatlon o| prebeater

calclner lncluolng
lnstallatlon o| a PYPOTOP


|nstallatlon ano commlsslonlng o| a

bypass-system oeslgneo |or a 10 gas
etractlon rate lncluolng oust bano-
llng system ano utlllzatlon o| bypass
gas ln tbe cllnker cooler.
A|ter process optlmlsatlon tbe
objectlves o| tbe new burnlng cbamber
were met ourlng tbe per|ormance test
ln December 2004,

use o| 90 seconoary |uels (up to

20 t/b) ln tbe calclner burner,

use o| a wloer range o| alternatlve |uels,

e.g. PDF-Pesloual Derlveo Fuels or
sbreooeo plastlcs ano paper, llqulo ano
sollo bazaroous waste ano anlmal meal,

complete burn-out o| tbe varlous

|uels ano

malntalnlng tbe cllnker proouctlon

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Openeo ln 1974 ln Huntlngton, New
York as tbe US o||lce o| KHD
Humbolot Weoag AG, Germany tbls
organlzatlon starteo wltb |lve
employees. |n 1983 Humbolot
Weoag, |nc. relocateo to Atlanta,
Georgla.Tbe company bas grown ln
reputatlon ano servlce ano current-
ly bas about |l|ty employees.
Tbe |ull servlce o||lce o||ers com-
plete Lnglneerlng ano Project
Lecutlon Servlces to meet tbe
neeos o| oomestlc ano lnternatlonal

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