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1. Study the vocabulary.

abnormal ache acute allergy allergic ambulance amnesia amputation amputate anaemia anaemic antibiotics anti-depressant appointment arthritis asthma (attack) bacteria bedsore benign biopsy blood count blood donor blood pressure brace breech broken bruise bruised Caesarean section, cancer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) cast chemotherapy chickenpo critical condition crutches cyst dea! de!iciency dehydrated dementia diabetes diagnosis discom!ort disease dislocated emergency "R (emergency room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

e ternal !amily history !atal !ever !everish !lu (in!luenAa) !racture germ genetic groBth heart attack CDE hives illness ill immune system immuniAation immuniAe incision inconclusive in!ant in!ection in!ected in!lamed inFury intensive care unit (DCG) internal itchy lab results lab (laboratory) li!e support li!e-threatening light-headed malignant medical school (med. school) neBborn numb pain noun pain killer, pain reliever paralyAed patient pharmacist pharmacy, drugstore physician poison poisonous prenatal prescription prescribe

7.$@)$ ?#'0($# #$#'$)4# ?#-#()$ -&),+# -&),+#7 /&05 (0$?(6)$8# ) ?&#+-6&# 4#&%90@, *#80(, *#+-)&01 /)$)-02)$ &#,-)< ,.&9)2$# $)9%,-#-.2$%,CDE;HIJ +%5&07$# -&),+# 4#*%(17#$) *%()$ 0'6$$#-# ,0,-)'# 0'6$04#801 0'6$040&#' &#4&)4, &#$# $)6*)90-)()$ *)*) 0$?)+801 4#&#4)$ 7.45#()$ $#&#$17#$) 0$-)$407$% %-9)()$0) ( DCG ) 7.-&)@)$ ,.&*)< (#*%&#-%&$0 &)46(-#-0 (#*%&#-%&01 (7 (#*%&#-%&$0 6,(%701 ) 5%99.&<#$) $# <07%-# <07%-%4#,-&#@#7#:# ()+%'0,()$ 4(%+#2),-7)$ ')9080$,+% 620(0:) ( med. 620(0:)) 7.4&%9)$ 78)5)$)$ *%(+# ,.:),-70-)($% *%(+# 6*0)8 , %*()+2#7#$) $# *%(+#-# 5#&#(040&#$ 5#80)$?#&'#8)7#5-)+#, 9&%/)&01 ()+#& %-&%7# %-&%7)$ 5&)$#-#()$ &)8)5-# 5&)950@)

privacy private radiation residency resident routine check-up second opinion shock side e!!ects sore spasm specialist sprain stable condition sting stress sBelling sBollen symptoms temperature tender test results therapy transplant ultrasound umbilical cord unconscious urine sample vein virus visiting hours vomit Bard Bheelchair Bound Bounded -ray

6)90$)$0) 2#,-)$ &#90#801 <0-)(,-7% &)409)$&6-0$$# 5&%7)&+# 7-%&% '$)$0) @%+ ,-&#$02$0 )?)+-0 7.45#()$ 5&0,-.5 ,5)80#(0,$#71>7#$) ,-#*0($% ,.,-%1$0) 6<0(7#$) ,-&), 5%967#$) 5%96,0'5-%'0 -)'5)&#-6&# -.&/ &)46(-#-0-) %- 04,()97#$) -)&#501 -&#$,5(#$-#801 6(-&#476+ 5.5$# 7&.7 7 *)4,.4$#$0) 5&%*# %- 6&0$# <0(+# 70&6, 2#,%7) 4# 5%,):)$01;&#*%-$% 7&)') 5%7&.:#' *%($02$% %-9)()$0) 0$7#(09$# +%(02+# &#$# &#$)$ &)$-/)$%,+%501

K. Cere is a list o! some o! the most common supplies !ound in doctorLs o!!ices, operating rooms, and medical kits.Study the vocabulary. antiseptic bandage scissors blood pressure monitor #$-0,)5-0+ 5&)7&.4+# $%<080 #5#&#- 4# +&.7$% $#(1/#$)

elastic tape !orceps gauAe hypodermic needle DE bag medicine cup otoscope o ygen mask scales stethoscope syringe test tube thermometer vial antiseptic bandage scissors blood pressure monitor elastic tape

)(#,-02$# ()$-# ?%&8)5, '#&(1 5%9+%<$# 0/(# DE 2#$-# ')9080$# 2#@# %-%,+%5 +0,(%&%9$# '#,+# 7)4$0 ,-)-%,+%5 ,5&0$8%7+# )5&67)-+# -)&'%')-.& @0@)$8) #$-0,)5-0+ 5&)7&.4+# $%<080 #5#&#- 4# +&.7$% $#(1/#$) )(#,-02$# ()$-#

3. Match the comments Bith the supplies that are needed. 1 I can't catch my breath. a table and head-rest paper 2 3 4 " Prepare the examining table for the next patient. We'll have to get a blood sample. I need to sterilize the o!nd. We'll have to feed him ith li#!ids. b thermometer c oxygen mask d hypodermic needle e bandage scissors

$ & ' ) 1 *

%et's find o!t yo!r eight. I need to examine the patient in private. %et's chec( yo!r vision. %et's see if yo! are r!nning a fever. +an yo! c!t this ga!ze for me,

! scales g eye chart h antiseptic i IV bag F privacy screen

N. Ouestions and Responses !rom Purses Qhat is your relation to RRRRS TouLll have to come back during visiting hours. RRRRR is too tired !or visitors. Room U is doBn the hall to your right. DLll give you tBo some privacy noB. Voes your daughter need anythingS DLm a!raid sheLs not having a very good day today. Qe do the best Be can around here. WhereLs a Xuiet room !or !amilies doBn the hall. Whe doctor Bould like to have a Bord Bith you. (The doctor wants to speak to you.) SheLs doing much better this morning. CeLs in isolation because o! the transplant. Qe had to trans!er your mother-in-laB to the DCG. DtLs in your brotherLs best interest. Y. Sample Conversation -!rse. DLm a!raid visiting hours are over, sir /isitor. My Bi!eLs in room Z[. -!rse. -!rse. -!rse. Sorry, youLll have to come back in the morning. DLm a!raid thatLs the policy, sir. VonLt Borry, BeLll look a!ter her. Qhat she really needs is her rest. Eisiting hours are !rom ] to 11 in the morning and N to U in the evening, but DLm a!raid Bhile your Bi!e is on bedrest the doctor has reXuested that only immediate !amily members come in to see her. ^loBers are not permitted in this Bard. Qe Fust canLt risk any germs that might come in Bith them. /isitor. \nd leave her all alone overnightS /isitor. Surely you can make an e ceptionS Qhat i! she needs me in the nightS /isitor. Some o! her !riends Bant to see her too. Qhen can they comeS -!rse.

/isitor. CanLt her !riends even stop by to bring her !loBersS -!rse.

/isitor. Qell, D guess itLs all in her best interest.


Whanks !or understanding. PoB, DLm going to bring your Bi!e her dinner. Qhy donLt you head home and get something to eat yoursel!S SheLs in good hands here. DLll tell her you Bere here and that youLll see her in the morning.

/isitor. _kay. D really hate to leave her, but thatLs probably a good idea. -!rse.

Patient D need to make an appointment. D need to see the doctor. Qhen is the doctor !reeS D need to reneB my prescription. Vo you think the doctor could sXueeAe us in todayS D need to make an appointment !or my husband. My child needs to come in !or a check-up. Whe doctor Bants to see me again in tBo BeekLs time. Receptionist Qhat is your chart numberS Qhat is the appointment regardingS Qhich day;Bhat time is good !or youS Ds `anuary the Zrd okay Bith youS CoB does !our oLclock soundS QeLll see you then. DLm sorry the doctor is not taking neB patients. QeLll call you i! there are any cancellations. QeLre running an hour behind schedule. Vr `ones is aBay. TouLll be seeing Vr aindsay. Sample Conversation 0eceptionist. VoctorLs o!!ice. `ane speaking. CoB can D help youS +aller. +aller. +aller. +aller. D need to make an appointment Bith Vr. Carris. Po, sorry. DtLs at home and DLm at Bork right noB. beorge Mason. Sure. Qell, DLve been !ighting a cold !or more than a Beek, and D think D might have a chest in!ection or something. My cough is getting Borse each day. Cmm. Voctor Carris is o!! tomorroB. Vo you think it can Bait until QednesdayS _h, D Bas really hoping to get in today or tomorroB in case D need some 0eceptionist. Vo you knoB your chart numberS 0eceptionist. Po problem. QhatLs your name, pleaseS 0eceptionist. _kay Mr Mason. Cold one moment Bhile D grab your chart, please. 0eceptionist. Whanks !or Baiting. PoB, Bhat do you need to see the doctor aboutS +aller. 0eceptionist. +aller.

antibiotics. Maybe DLll have to go to the Balk-in-clinic instead. 0eceptionist. +aller. 0eceptionist. +aller. \ctually, Be had a cancellation !or Kcddpm today i! you can get aBay !rom the o!!ice. bee, itLs almost 1cddpm already. D think D can make it i! D leave right noB. QeLre running a bit behind schedule, so you can probably count on seeing the doctor around KcZd. WhatLs great. Whanks !or !itting me in.

0eceptionist. Po problem, Mr. Mason. QeLll see you in an hour or so.

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