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About Ieder(in)

Ieder(in) {Everyone in} is an umbrella organisation for people with a physical disability, mental disability or chronic illness. Two hundred and fifty organisations are affiliated to us. This makes Ieder(in) the largest network for people with disabilities in the Netherlands. We represent the interests of more than two million people. Our goal Ieder(in) is committed to a society in which everyone can participate and where no one is excluded. This means that today's society needs to adjust more to meet the needs of those with a disability or chronic illness who should be able to rely on tailored care and support. And just like everyone else, they should be able to choose how they want to live, learn, work, travel and spend their leisure time. Our name As a constant reminder of this ideal - the inclusive society -, we have chosen Ieder(in) {everyone in} as our name. Our history Ieder(in) came into being on 1 January 2014 as the result of a merger between Platform VG and the CG-Raad.

Ieder(in) stands for a humane society. A society in which people with a disability or chronic illness can participate to the maximum of their ability in all areas of life. Efforts A humane society calls on all of us to make an effort. Those with a disability should participate as much as they can. Their surroundings should offer the support that is needed. And the government should create the conditions in which everyone can participate freely. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities serves as our benchmark which we use to clarify, underpin and promote our views. Vision We stand for a society in which people with disabilities can contribute as full citizens within the given possibilities. We want to achieve three goals: 1. Equal treatment and complete legal equality and status for those with disabilities 2. A society that is arranged so that everyone can participate. This requires a coherent policy in all areas of life: housing, education, employment, income, mobility, care and leisure. 3. Good quality and appropriate treatment, counselling and support for those with a disability.

What we do
Ieder(in) has three key functions:

representing collective interests (Advocacy) equipment and support provision of services

Representing collective interests Ieder(in) represents the collective interests of the affiliated member organisations. We endeavour to ensure that people with disabilities are able to participate in society to the full. We do this in as many areas as possible, including government, politics, social organisations and the media. When representing the interests of others we invoke the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The treaty boldly states: participation and self-determination are human rights! So we demand that the government and other bodies uphold the Convention. Our advocacy covers all areas of life. It focuses on many themes. Namely: care and support, housing, education, employment, accessibility, transportation, income, legal status and inclusion. Equipment and support Ieder(in) provides support to the affiliated member organisations. We report on current developments that are important to the member organisations. We do this through newsletters and the separate members section on the website. In addition, we regularly organise information and discussion meetings on burning issues. Moreover Ieder(in) is becoming increasingly concerned in strengthening local interests. This is necessary since local authorities are becoming responsible for providing support and guidance for people with disabilities in an ever increasing number of areas. When strengthening local interests, we make use of, whenever possible, the knowledge and experience of the VCP Programme, which has been stopped as a result of cutbacks. Provision of services We offer a number of services and products that are specially tailored to suit our supporters. One example is the website, where people can get information regarding compensation schemes and tax relief. Additionally, we also have a Contact Point. This is where people with disabilities can report on the problems and issues they encounter in daily life. We also provide legal support.

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