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Wars Consequences

Appearance and Reality

Often deceptively simple, short sentences, pared down style. Allows us directly in to thoughts and feelings of narrator. Allows clear depiction of war scenes. Look for how this style is achieved with the use of techniques:

Imagery- Simile, metaphor personification. Also symbolism- look at weather and sympathetic background Descriptive detail- look at use of adjectives Repetition for effect Some use of direct speech to admit us directly into action Structure

Love and Hate


Language and Style Onomatopoeia, alliterationsound effects bring us closer to the action

Themes Nicole Renard

A young man returns from the war with terrible facial injuries. He is also damaged mentally, but from events before as well as during the war. An awful secret eats away at him and he seeks revenge against a man from his past whom everyone considers a hero.

Not all in chronological order. Use of flashbacks adds to tension. Switches between present and past tense. At War In Frenchtown, before and after the war

Larry LaSalle

Francis Cassavant


Setting Narrative Framework

Major characters
Joey LeBlanc Minor characters Arthur Rivier

Enrico and the other soldiers

Mrie LaCroix

Mrs Belander

Dr Abrams

First Person Narrative- makes the action very immediate and allows us to empathise with Francis


The Wreck Centre

Short, simple sentences


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