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Argumentative essay

Subject: Nuclear dead zone

In March 11 2011, Japan had a 9.0 magnitude earthquake that had caused a tsunami which killed 13,232 people, it caused a nuclear disaster and leak of radioactive water that had spread as far as the North American shores. It was by far the worst disaster Japan ever had. The question is,what is the most significant challenge in Japan earthquake and tsunami ? For me, the most significant challenge for Japan is the nuclear disaster. First of all, the clean up was one the most urgent priorities in Japan after the disaster. With all the radioactive water spilled into the Pacific Ocean, it is almost impossible to clean up the radiation, because it spread all over the Pacific ocean and in the air. Unlike the mud and the objects that can be physically removed, the radiation is invisible and you cant pick it up. You cant see, smell,touch or taste. Therefore, radiation, being intangible, the radiation in the water and in the air critically needs to be cleaned up. The clean up time line is estimated from 40 to 50 years. The workers use special pumps to clean up the radioactive water that is leaking from the power plant. Also to contain the leak, they use special sandbags to keep and prevent the radioactive water for going to the Pacific ocean and poisoning the oceans life. However,they still have to clean the radioactive debris in the Pacific ocean which has spread from Japan to the North and the South American coasts.

Secondly the effects on life and health after the nuclear explosion were also challenging to the citizens and the wildlife, because they cannot live in the nuclear zone,or else they will be exposed to radiation because it will cause cancer that will take its effect in 5 to 6 years. An answer for this problem is to evacuate all the citizens from the nuclear dead zone. Unfortunately,for them, they have to leave not want to leave .The evacuated citizens will have to stay in refugee homes and permanently relocate for at least 40 to 50 years or more depending on the progress of the clean up if the radioactivity in the air is gone. Of course humans arent the only ones that can get damaged by radioactivity for example: Fish in the ocean are contaminated with radiation and can cause cancer to consumers.

Thirdly, the global impact on the earth appears to be a difficult because the radiation in the Pacific from the air and water .Ever since the radiation entered the Pacific the fish are exposed to nuclear radiation and will have a possibility of mutation. Not only that, but also the radioactive water has reached the North and South american shores In the Pacific Ocean. In fact the radiation debris in the Pacific is as big as California: roughly 423,970km. Another report from BBC news states that the radioactive debris reached Hawaii in a couple of days after the disaster.To add to that, the animals along the coast of Alaska are losing their fur and are suffering from open wounds that the radiation in air has caused. Finally, the emotional impact after the nuclear explosion happened, the population living near the power plant had to be evacuated to refugee homes and leave all their belongings and loved ones behind till the radiation in the air is gone and is safe to return to their homes. Unfortunately, the citizens of Fukushima have to expect that the radiation has a long term consequences on their health such as cancer. In fact high thyroid cancer rates were detected in Fukushima children which was an announced on ABC News on November 5,2013. Therefore, The West, middle and South of Japan have cancer and are living in refugee homes for minimum 40 to 50 year In conclusion, the nuclear radiation in the air and in the Pacific ocean will affect the whole planet for approximately 19 years from now. These disasters can be prevented by taking care of the planet by minimizing the global warming from reducing pollution to littering and keep our planet green by not cutting any trees or plants. Not only, that but, also can be better prepared for an earthquake and a tsunami by installing sophisticated tsunami and earthquake detectors and a nuclear disaster route to the hills in case a tsunami a nuclear explosion hits.

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