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IGP insists there is no LTTE but Gota persists there is while 'creating' it - Minister Nimal Siripala's life at stake

Lanka-e-News!!"#pril"$%!&' (")%#M* The beleaguere+ Me+amulana ,a-apakse regime which is facing imminent threat of a Gene.a international in.estigation into war crimes' an+ is in a most +isorgani/e+ an+ +isintegrate+ state within the countr0 itself is hea+ing fast towar+s gra.e

+espair an+ +isaster"1rom the onl0 2a0 out in the circumstances is to take into the pit +eposit in IT has 1allen Its latest Plo0 - creating another 'LTTE'" 1or the onl0 Escape 1rom the moribun+ ,egime these calamities an+ catastrophes Its face is staring in the '3reation' of another 'LTTE' in or+er to +e.astate its enemies an+ stifle the people" This was well Illustrate+ at Last 2eek's' Intelligence #nal0sis 3ommittee 'Meeting' 2hen there is no longer that IT was clearl0 4iograph0 at an LTTE in the countr0" 6esperate Gotaba0a ha+ shoute+ 'no' no there is the LTTE' #ccor+ing to reports reaching Lanka e News +i.ision Insi+e information +i.ision' #s follows are the +etails7 State Intelligence chiefs' the 3omman+ers of the Three forces' Intelligence +i.ision chiefs of the Three forces' the IGP' 3omman+ant ST1' ST1 Intelligence +i.ision chiefs an+ the 'Top Securit0 Intelligence 5igh risk' which is a newl0 forme+ +i.ision Intelligence' Intelligence #nal0sis an+ Its chiefs participate+ in the Last 2eek 3ommittee Meeting hel+ at the 6efense Ministr0" 'The top securit0 high risk intelligence' is launche+ b0 the intelligence +i.isions of securit0 units -ointl0 which inclu+es the Presi+ent' Prime Minister' speaker an+ +efense secretar0" 4efore the intelligence hea+'s meeting began' that is before Gotaba0a arri.e+' letters bearing a re+ seal 'top securit0 information' at the top of the letterhea+ were +istribute+ among all present" ,easons cite+ in the letter there were se.eral' an+ those in the Main were7 !" Most Secretl0 in the Norwoo+ Estates' 4a+ulla 6istrict' in+i.i+uals are being newl0 enrolle+ in an 8rgani/e+ 2a0 #s LTTE Members" $" In the Spring .alle0 estates' 4a+ulla' three LTTE ca+res ha.e been i+entifie+" 9ouths in the Estates are being can.asse+ to -oin the LTTE" )# Most 6angerous Situation is +e.eloping in the 4a+ulla 6istrict an+ portentous" #t the en+ of this letter in English IT was mentione+ that these were top Secret information Supplie+ b0 a Special Team of the arm0 Intelligence +i.ision"' not a single name of a ,esponsible officer suppl0ing this information to the countr0's top Secret Most ,esponsible an+ Supreme Intelligence +i.ision chiefs' was mentione+" 5ence' this was the 1irst Time 6istribution of scurrilous Literature kele patthara* Place at a Supreme 3ouncil Meeting took 2ithout a name" Gotaba0a who arri.e+ at the Meeting after the 6istribution of these letters' spoke at length 8n the contents of the letter' an+ sai+' #ll the 6irectors of the Intelligence units must present them think Tank 3ouncils an+ Their Serious #ttention to Their Ms:ploa+ to be IT" #t this Stage' the IGP relate+ a +ifferent Stor0 which countere+ gota's claptrap" 5e sai+' his

8fficers are 8n +ut0 in these #reas 6a0 an+ night' night patrols ha.e been 6etaile+ an+ in e.er0 Police station there are at 4a+ulla Police Intelligence 8fficers who are secon+e+ for +ut0' 9et so far there ha+ been no such reports" #t this' Gota who is alrea+0 well note+ for his eccentricit0 ha+ flown into a rage an+ screame+ 'I nee+ not ha.e to listen to 0our reasons" 6o a repeat flow of what I ha.e now gi.en" 'The arm0 officers +o not gather information b0 sta0ing in their offices like 0our police men who are garnering information from their seats" 8fficers are the arm0 in the 1iel+s' gota ha+ 0elle+ out" '6o not 0ou know that e.en if the flame is e;tinguishe+ Its sparks can not be era+icate+'' Gotaba0a e;plaine+ to the IGP an+ re+uce+ the latter to a <E,8 Position' b0 basing his 8n a paper originate+ b0 a so 3alle+ 1aith 2ithout a name or #++ress Intelligence +i.ision" '=er0 shortl0' LTTE 1rom E,S :>' #merica' 3ana+a an+ 1rance will be coming to SL' not to Look into our happiness an+ sorrows" The0 are coming to o;0genate the LTTE ca+res here" So' 0ou must IGP #s in 9our 1uture 3onferences like these are reports gi.en b0 the arm0 2hen 9our Intelligence 8fficers a+.ise to pro.i+e the flow' 'gota obser.e+" The IGP who has a +egree 1rom the :ni.ersit0 Silent restless' perhaps 4ecause he was e+ucate+ More than Gota +espite being flabbergaste+ an+ frustrate+ at the instructions gi.en b0 -ust a G3E 8 ? L @ualifie+ +efense secretar0' the Goraka0a Gota" The iron0 of IT was' the latter was instructing the IGP to take Instructions 1rom the arm0 Intelligence 6i.isions while there is a +ul0 #ppointe+ Intelligence unit in the Police which has been in e;istence for centuries gota who was Most angere+ b0 the IGP's reactions blurte+ out' '2ithin the Ne;t fortnight 0ou will be able to know the Situation with 4a+ulla e.i+ence'" #t the conclusion of the Meeting a 6irector of a 3lose 1rien+ 1rom #ske+ who ha+ an Intelligence unit is a 6irector of another unit' who is this bloke Preparing Intelligence reports e.en 2ithout our >nowle+geA Let us for a while put asi+e gota's Intelligence #nal0sis 3ommittee Meeting' an+ Turn our #ttention to the information passe+ to our Insi+e information +i.ision 1rom the Temple Trees pertaining to a Most important burning inci+ent fraught with gra.e portents to the countr0 4a+ulla +istrict SL1P lea+er Minster Nimal Siripala 6e Sil.a at a meeting on the +a0 after the elections results were announce+ sai+ in his speech' the results of the elections are a re+ warning signal to the go.ernment" E;posure of the factual Situation threw this Me+amulana Mahin+a Perc0 into his t0pical 1it insanit0" Perc0 Mahin+a who is summone+ Nimal Siripala an+ furiousl0 upbrai+e+ him ha+ alrea+0 o.erwrought" Perc0 Mahin+a ha+ then calle+ 6ilan Perera too Nimal Siripala 's competitor at 4a+ulla +istrict* an+ state+' that woman is rearing her hea+ again" Nimal Siripala ma0 go towar+s that +irection" '40 these comments he ha+ arouse+ 6ilan Perera" 'That 2oman' Mahin+a 3han+rika was referre+ to*"

thereafter' he ha+ summone+ the .ermin Mer.0n Sil.a' Partner in the crimes of Perc0 Mahin+a' an+ tol+ him too 'that 2oman is raising her hea+ too much" Gi.e her the +ue treatment '" ,ohitha #be0gunawar+ena' Nirmal >otalawala too were summone+ an+ the0 were incite+ to #ttack 3han+rika an+ Nimal Siripala" 4ase+ 8n the foregoing reports' hereun+er are some Buestions Lanka e News is compelle+ to raise' an+ the Monumental +angers to the people that are being pose+7 2hat is this su++en urgenc0 to create an LTTE in the estates where LTTE see+s coul+ not be sown e.en +uring the )% 0ear long war of PrabhakaranA 2hat is the purpose an+ gain in this su++en urgenc0A 5ow 3#N Groups which are insignificantl0 small that the Estates left an+ went to the western countries' a so 3alle+ 3ome back an+ o;0genate LTTEA E.en 2hen the IGP who is the proper authorit0 8n the sub-ect .ehementl0 state+ there is no LTTE' of #ll Places 4a+ulla 2h0 +i+ the ,a-apakses chose to create the new 'LTTE'A gota 2h0 +i+ the criminal 6efense Secretar0 who lawfull0 3#N #3T think or sa0 '2ait for Two weeks with e.i+ence to pro.e this" '4ecause IT ha+ alrea+0 been hatche+ Is a 3onspirac0A ,ight Now the 4iggest fear ps0chosis grips the ,a-apakses is that the animosit0 an+ hostilit0 that has built up its ranks against the ,a-apakses 2ithin the speciall0 #mong the seniors of the Part0 itself" 2h0 +i+ the LTTE Select 4oralesgamuwa to attack Maithripala Sirisena a senior from Polonnaruwa a +istrict close to the LTTE ca+res* .ia a suici+e bomberA 3an that be accepte+ for the ,E#S8N cite+A 5ow 3ome so 3alle+ SP Lakshman 3oora0 who transporte+ the suici+e 4omber In.ol.e+ in the killing of senior Minister Ce0ara- 1ernan+opulle Scott still free 2ithout an0 charges file+ against himA """" Life of Minister Nimal Siripala 6e an+ Now Sil.a' a senior from 4a+ulla is at stake"

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