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ME4093 Labs

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ME 4093/6093: Introduction to Finite Elements

Lab 4: Axisymmetric Analysis of a Stress Concentration Factor
The goal of this analysis is to determine the stress concentration factor of a round rod with a fillet. The following table found in Shigley and Mishke's Mechanical Engineering Design book provides the motivation for this exercise.

The objectives of this lab are as follows: Perform an axisymmetric analysis Manually control the mesh Converge stresses by refining the mesh Understand the concept of a stress singularity Demonstration Goal: Perform a stress analysis on a round shaft in tension with a specified radius. Note: This is a linear elastic analysis, therefore the stress results scale according to the load and geometry. Therefore, we'll choose unit loads and geometry to demonstrate the technique. Analysis Procedure 1. Open Abaqus and Create a filleted shaft in the Axisymmetric Modeling Space. Use an approximate size for the sketch to be around 5.

2. Sketch the following geometry. The y-axis is the axis of rotation for an axisymmetric analysis.

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3. Create a Material with properties similar to steel.

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4. Create and Assign a Section to the geometry. Pick the material made in the previous step.

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5. Enter the Assembly Module and Instance the Part. Use an Independent Mesh.

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6. Create a step in which to run the analysis. Use a Static, General step 7. In the Load Module, create a displacement boundary condition along the bottom edge and a pressure load pulling the geometry with a magnitude of 1. You can use the Assemby Display Options under the View menu to make the symbols larger.

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8. Enter the Mesh Controls dialog and change to a structured mesh.

9. Partition the geometry to give an edge to refining the mesh. 10. Seed each section of the curve with 8. Seed the edges leading with to the curve with a bias ratio of 10. There are 16 seeds on the vertical and diagonal edges.

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There are 8 on the horizontal edge.

11. Choose an Axisymmetric Quadratic Element.

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12. Mesh the Part.

13. Rename the Model to avoid permission errors.

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14. Create a new Job. Give it a unique name. Use the defaults when setting up the job then submit the job.

15. Plot the results in a contour plot. You can change the font on the screen to make the legend more readable.

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16. Plot the results in a contour plot. You can change the font on the screen to make the legend more readable.

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17. Change the Contour Options to show the value and location of the maximum Mises Stress.

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18. Create a table that contains your results. 19. Set up a macro recording to help automate the convergence process.

20. Edit the geometry.

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21. Change the size of the fillet and the outer diameter.

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22. Change the size of the fillet and the outer diameter.

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23. Create another job with a different name and submit the job. 24. Stop recording the macro and open the in an editor like Notepad++. The file may look something like this: 25. The Macro file can be manipulated using Python to produce a script tha automate the mesh and geometry generation.

Determine the stress concentration factors for the D/d = 1.50 row in the Stress Concentration factor table for the Mises stress. Create a new table of stress concentration factors for the axial loading of a tube (i.e. include an inside diameter). Use D/d = 1.5 and r/d = 0.1. Use the following design points: Id/d={0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95}. Use a 1% convergence criteria. Turn in your tables and a screen shot of the finest mesh.

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