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Honorable mr/mrs................................................................. Excellency mr/mrs.................................................................

Ladies and gentlemen dear brothers and sisters There is no the most beautiful word to say in this bright morning except to thanks and pray to Allah S T! because of this mercies and blessing e"erything can be performed without any troubles and obstacles. And we ne"er forget to con"ey sholawat and salam to our greatest prophet #uhammad SA ! who has changed the bad culture to be better in order to be able to en$oy god%s paradise. & say thank you "ery much to the master and mistress of ceremony ha"ing gi"en me time to speech in front of audience. ell! in this good chance & would like to gi"e my speech under the title is THE &'(L)E'*E +( EST *)LT),E T+ THE -+)'. .E'E,AT&+'.

Ladies and gentlemen! nowadays indonesia is suprised by new sensation of youth%s habits. &t can be known from their custom! tradition! language! appearance and their daily lifestyle. The daily lifestyle that they often call it /modern trend0 we dont know exactly their habits from their own mind or not! but se"eral of them bacause of the influence of west culture which is coming to indonesia. The influence of west culture has almost spread all of &ndonesia region. 'ot only to the young people who are inclined to the glamour life in the big city but also to the young people who are far from crowded in the "illage. +f course we cant blame their habits change! because commonly the young people $ust want to express their style by cheating their idol! e"en they ha"e to spend much money to do it. Ladies and gentlemen! talking about the influence of west culture we can de"ide to be two sides 1 The first side is positi"e effect. &t%s related with language. e ha"e known well that

se"eral of indonesia language. Such as 1 arabic! english! dutch! $apan and so on. 2ut recently!

they like more using english to be second language in their daily life. &t%s good! because we ha"e known well that english is an international language which is used by many people in this world. So! it will make easy for them to communicate with other people in the broad. The second side is negati"e effect. #aybe e"eryday we see it on the tele"ision! kissing between man and woman when they meet each others! the women wear the custom showing their genitals that make the man desire! free sex! pornography! porno action and so on. Ladies and gentlemen! we are as young generation we must able to filter which one the best one and which one worst one from west culture! so that our original culture isn%t lost from our belo"ed country. 3on%t cheat whate"er coming from west culture. Let%s keep our good morality where"er and whene"er we are. Ladies and gentlemen! that%s all for this time being for me. & hope you understand my speech! thank you "ery much for you nice attention! the last & say ...................................

assalamualaikum wr.wb.

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